Removing artwork from my Zen V P

I hate it. It shows the same piece of artwork for every song I have. It clutters up the Now Playing screen. I own these CDs, I don't need to know what they look like when I'm playing them on my mp3 player.
So, is it possible to remove album artwork from my Zen V Plus, or will my songs have a Veggietales (hey, they have some good stuff) picture next to them forever?

The album cover is part of the ID3 tag, which is part of every MP3 file. So you need an ID3 tag editor to change/remove it. There are many ID3 tag editors out there, some of them favorites of others in the forum. I happen to like ID3-TagIt (freeware), but you can search the forum for "album art" for other recommendations.

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    If you are in Windows, you can try this...
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    Right-click the song, select Get Info > Artwork, select the artwork and hit Delete.

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    Hello NationwideGA,
    And welcome to Apple Discussions!
    There used to be an option from under your iPod's Summary tab in iTunes that allow you to choose whether or not you wanted to include artwork on your iPod. However, as of iTunes 9, this option is no more and the default is that artwork is included on your iPod.
    So now the only way to remove all the artwork from your iPod is to remove it from each of your tracks in iTunes and I'm not exactly sure that is something you want to do. Even if you did, it wouldn't free up a significant amount of space on your iPod overall. At best a very small fraction a percentage.
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    Easy peasy!
    1. Highlight all the songs you want to remove the artwork from.
    2. Pull down File > Get Info (Apple+I on the keyboard)
    3. Click the checkbox next to the "artwork" panel.
    4. Click OK and the artwork will be removes.
    For individual tracks:
    1. Hightlight the track.
    2. Get Info.
    3. Click the Artwork tab.
    4. Click the artwork, click Delete, click OK.

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    melro wrote:
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    Message was edited by: deadward

    *Why is artwork not showing on my iPod when it's there in iTunes?*
    iTunes will display a cover in many of it's views provided at least one track from the album has embedded artwork. The iPod appears to load only the artwork from track one to create the cover flow and album views which means that it can sometimes fail to display art for albums even when you can see the art in iTunes. Further, when tracks are played on the iPod, artwork is displayed if and only if it exists in the currently playing track, so track one may show art while track two does not.
    *How to find tracks without artwork*
    To find all the tracks without artwork so that you can update them you can try for Windows or for Macs. Use Google, Amazon, Discogs etc. to locate relevant jpeg images. Ideally these should be square, 320x320 pixels or above and borderless to give the best results in the various menus. If you have artwork for some tracks of an album, but not others, find the album in the main music folder, select a track with artwork, right-click (Option-Click for Macs) on the art & click copy, then select all the tracks of the album, use CTRL-I or Command-I to *Get Info* and then paste the image into the artwork box.
    I say 320x320 because I believe (from using TouchCopy) that it's the size used in the iPod cache so if you're going to crop or resize you might as well work to that size. Otherwise 200x200 is probably good enough.
    *Rebuild artwork cache*
    Sometimes the artwork cache becomes corrupt and fails to show correct artwork, even when this is properly set up in iTunes. To rebuild the artwork cache, connect your iPod to iTunes. Locate the iPod in the Sources pane on the left-hand side, then select the Music tab. Remove the tick from *Display album artwork on your iPod*, sync the iPod, reselect the option & sync again.

  • How to manually remove artwork in iTunes 12.0.1?

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    Does anyone know how to manually remove artwork in this version of iTunes?
    Thanks so much,

    The iTunes 12 Get Info dialog lacks right-click context menus (at least for now) but it still accepts most standard keyboard shortcuts and drag & drop actions.
    Delete Artwork
    On the artwork tab of Get Into, tap the image in question, use Backspace or Ctrl+X. Delete doesn't work.
    Or, tap the image at the top left of Get Info, this time use Backspace or Delete, it is Ctrl+X that doesn't work.
    Add Artwork
    Select artwork, press Ctrl+C to copy, tap the center of the Artwork tab, press Ctrl+V to paste.
    Or, select artwork, press Ctrl+C to copy, tap the small image area at the top left, press Ctrl+V to paste.
    Or, you can drag & drop to, or sometimes from, the same locations.
    You can also copy artwork from the Get Info dialog to Windows Explorer with the keyboard shortcuts.
    If the source image is on a web page right-click and use Copy Image rather than copy. (With Chrome I get a one pixel wraparound so tend to go for a temporary local copy anyway - not sure whose bug this is, but it isn't new.)
    If you have multiple images embedded drag the one you want to be the primary artwork to the leftmost position.
    Replace/Remove All Artwork
    The top left image box can be used to add or delete art from multiple tracks. In either case all existing artwork in all tracks is replaced/removed.
    Old Style Get Info Dialog
    Select some items, right-click, hold down shift, then click Get Info from the context menu. (Use alt/option on a Mac)

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    :How do I turn off image/picture/cover art from Creative Zen display?
    I wouldn't mind it, but it's almost ALWAYS wrong! Why is that? It seems to pick a random - and I mean random - album cover every time I upload songs. WHAT makes it decide this? I have dance collection cover pics turning up for rock songs!
    If someone an help me solve this problem, I don't mind having the images show up.

    The album art is usually associated with an album artwork and is supplied together with the music tracks. The player will not display it if there isn't one. You might want to make sure that the album art is linked correctly to the music track.
    Refer to this article for details:

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    Hello all,
    I have a complexe vector drawing with shapes that pass the artboard. I want to crop the items within the artboard without using a clipping mask. My problem is when I draw a rectangle equal to the artboard, place it on it's own in the top layer, unlock and show all shapes (there are no open paths) and select everything, the results don't give me a proper cropped vector graphic. For some reason, it removes elements from within the artboard and leaves white lines where my paths vapour trails! (there are no transparencies and everything is in RGB)
    Here is the before and after of the bottom of the artwork. Any ideas?

    For some reason, it removes elements from within the artboard
    The reason depends on specifically how your paths are drawn.
    You should be able to do this:
    1. Position a horizontal guide at the bottom of the Artboard.
    2. Knife Tool: Position cursor outboard of Artboard. Press Alt. Mousedown (snapping to the Guide). ShiftDrag rightward across the bottom of the artwork.
    However, that assumes reliable and accurate Snap behavior across the toolset, which Illustrator's isn't.
    To avoid figuring out all the caveats of Illustrators very poorly implemented boolean path combination features (so-called Pathfinders):
    1. Rectangle Tool. Draw a rectangle outboard of the Artboard, snapping the top of it to the bottom of the Artboard.
    2. Copy.
    3. ShiftClick one of the paths you want to cut.
    4. Click the "punch" (Subtract) Pathfinder (assuming CS5 or CS4; altClick the same Pathfinder in CS3 and prior.)
    5. PasteInFront. Repeat steps 3 & 4.

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    Mr Green wrote:Use Arch cd and chroot in to repair install
    I've chrooted into it and undid everything and yet it doesn't change anything. I've uninstalled splashy and v86d, reedited the conf files to their original form. Perhaps there is some modifications that I am not aware of that happened during the installation. Packages I installed were splashy-full, v86d, and 915resolution-static which I have all removed. Files I've modified include rc.conf, mkinitcpio.conf, /boot/grub/menu.lst, and uvesafb.conf. Aside from pacman I ran the command mkinitcpio -p kernel26

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    Start-My computer-removable disk (or creative zen; whichever one comes up)-right click on music folder-send to-desktop

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