Removing Cinematic Effect

I hired someone to shoot footage of a play for me in HD. They used Sony HVRZ1U cameras. Unfortunately, one of the cameras was set to 24P. Is there any way to remove this setting from the footage so that it will match the other footage (using Final Cut Express HD or something else)? Thanks.

Just to clarify, the camera doesn't have true 24P. It uses a process called Cineframe to create a 24P look.

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    Sorry but NO.  This is not configurable.
    Please log an enhancement request and wait for a couple more versions.

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    Double-click the clip in the timeline and open the Filters tab in the Viewer.
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    Alternatively if you don't want to remove the filter but wish to cancel the effect, click the red X towards the top right of the filter's configuration panel.
    Message was edited by: Ian R. Brown

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    Justin Morgan

    Sorry this is not possible at this time but I've seen multiple users desiring this behavior. Please add your feature request here:
    Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form
    Peter Garaway
    Premiere Pro

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    This is one way:
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    The question that you present has been asked before Premiere Elements. And, the answer is the same for Premiere Elements 13 and earlier, you need to go to 3rd party software for the fisheye removal before import into the Premiere Elements project.
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    Removing the Fish-Eye from GoPro Hero Footage - Photography - Hub
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    If the Crystalize filter was applied to all of the objects with the same settings, the Appearance palette shouild still list the Effect, even though it shows "Mixed Appearances" because the objects have different fills/strokes. If so, you can just delete the Crystalize Effect from the Appearance palette without disturbing the other Appearances.
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