Removing Database Server from Farm

In my Servers in Farm I have
SHAREPOINT_DB   Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Database
SQLCL-SPOINT Microsoft Sharepoint Foundation Database
SHAREPOINT_DB - is the alias configured on all the wfe's to point to the actual database server which used to be 
SQLCL-SPOINT\SHAREPOINT.   We have recently migrated all the databases off of db server to a different VM SQL-SPDBP  and updated all the cliconfg to point to the new server.   I am not really sure WHY SLQCL-SPOINT is showing up as a database
server. All of the service applications with the exception of Usage app use the sharepoint_db alias.   The Usage app is the only one that has the sqlcl-spoint/sharepoint  hardcoded in the config.  I will be using powershell to update that pointer
shortly.  That being said .. could that cause SQLCL-SPOINT to show up in servers in farm?  Is there a way to verify nothing else is looking at that server before I remove server from Central Admin?
Thank you for any replies!

If you have any database configured to use a specific SQL Server/instance/alias, that will show up in Servers in Farm.
You can verify what is being used by running:
Get-SPDatabase | Select Name,Server
If the SQL Server doesn't show up there, it can be removed.
Trevor Seward
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This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    Hi Adil,
    To get the server out of loadbalancing equation, you can simply go to serverfarm and do "no inservice" for the server you intend to take out or you can make the probe to fail or you can simply take the server out of serverfarm by doing "no rserver .
    Also, regarding your testing, if you have two servers to which traffic will be loadbalanced, connection failover will not happen. Existing connections would be dropped or RST(depending upon what you configure) and new connections would be sent to server 2.  Once the server 1 comes back up, the connections would again start getting loadbalanced to both servers. You cannot have failover of connections from 1 server to another in same serverfarm.
    Let me know if you have any questions.

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    sqlplus "sys/oracletest as sysdba" @bpk.sql
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    Hi Belinda,
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    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup
    Name             Member Servers                                                         
    Operational Servers
    DAG01            {WSR-EX-01, WSR-EX-101, WSR21}
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    Hi C F
    Please ensure you have followed the procedure mentioned below:
    In Crystal Reports, there are two ways to set the location of the data source your report points to, depending on your connection type.
    For ODBC and Native Connections:
    1. On the 'Database' menu, click 'Set Datasource Location'.
    2. In the 'Current Data Source' section, click the data source to be changed. You must click each individual table in the data source one by one. If the data source is a stored procedure you will not see individual tables.
    NOTE     In Crystal Reports 10, XIR1, and XIR2, if you are mapping from a data source such as a stored procedure where the report designer can not determine which fields should be mapped automatically, you will see a 'Mapping' dialog box where you can manually map fields, as in the procedure cited above.
    3. In the 'Replace with' section, click the data source you want the report to use.
    4. Click 'Update'.
    5. Close the 'Set Datasource Location' window.
    The report now points to the new location.
    For Native Connections Only:
    1. On the 'Database' menu, click 'Set Datasource Location'.
    2. In the 'Current Data Source' section, click 'Properties' to expand it and right-click 'Database Name: <path to database>'.
    3. Click 'Edit' and then type the path to the
    new data source location.
    4. Close the 'Set Datasource Location' window.
    The report now points to the new location.

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    Plz use this code
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    Let’s begin with the following similar thread:
    And we can check the following possible reasons:
    1. HomeMDBBL attribute
    2.  msExchHomeServerName attribute (all pointing to Exchange 2010 server)
    3.  the "famous" postmaster issue:
    We can also try to manually remove the old Exchange Server by:
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

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    ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    While surfing in net it shows check tnsnames.ora and listener.ora….. I have set the environmental variables here in application server…..
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    Sql>username/password @ hostname: 1521/sid_name
    Is it possible to connect with the username and password
    I have set the host names in /etc/hosts….
    If we are giving the hostname, port number and Sid name this connects without using tnsnames.ora…..
    While pinging between two servers the connectivity is there between two servers…..
    Could u pls help me out?
    Thanks in advance

    as u said i have done that ..s.till the same problem persists...
    $ lsnrctl
    LSNRCTL for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production on 08-FEB-2007 03:56:23
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.
    LSNRCTL> services
    Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))
    Services Summary...
    Service "RBTT" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "RBTT", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0 state:ready
    Service "RBTTXDB" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "RBTT", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    "D000" established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:1022 state:ready
    DISPATCHER <machine: emea, pid: 197076>
    Service "RBTT_XPT" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "RBTT", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0 state:ready

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    Thank you

    Goto your local Oracle install directory and then goto folder NETWORK/ADMIN
    cd ${ORACLE_HOME}/network/admin
    do you see a tnsnames.ora file there? If you edit that file in your favorite editor, you would hopefully see some entries there already setup. See if one of those entries contain the hostname, sid, port that was given to you. if it does, that name is what you will use:
    $ sqlplus username/password@name_of_tns_entry_you_found_aboveif not, then just duplicate an existing entry and change the relevant settings for your database, give it a new name and use it to connect.
    alternatively you can also use the "Net Configuration Assistant" application.

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    Using the SCCM 2012 setup, I get
    the following errors and then it eventually fails……I’ve been uninstalled and
    installed SQL native client .....still unable to move SQL database,i get this error:<o:p></o:p>
    *** Failed to connect to the SQL Server, connection type: SMS ACCESS. Configuration Manager Setup 25/02/2015 21:01:03 8624 (0x21B0)
    INFO: SQL Connection failed. Connection: SMS ACCESS, Type: Secure Configuration Manager Setup 25/02/2015 21:01:03 8624 (0x21B0)
    *** [08001][-2146893019][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]SSL Provider: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted. Configuration Manager Setup 25/02/2015 21:01:07 8624 (0x21B0)
    *** [08001][-2146893019][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Client unable to establish connection Configuration Manager Setup 25/02/2015 21:01:07 8624 (0x21B0)
    I know that the problem is related to a certificat issue but i didn't arrived to resolve it.

    Have a look at this post (pay special attention to the comments):
    My Blog:
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

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