Rename a parameter

I have 2 parameters on a selection screen, p_dir and p_dir2.
from p_dir, we are retrieving the directory of a file.
p_dir2 will take the value of p_dir but with an extension.
like if p_dir = Y:\05. SAP \con\09 implementation\10 DEVELOPMENTS\Files\file.txt
p_dir2 is then Y:\05. SAP \con\09 implementation\10 DEVELOPMENTS\Files\file_new.txt
The problem is that I dont know how the name of the directory will be so that I can rename p_dir2, sometimes the directory doesnt even have the extension '.txt'
I dont know how to handle these cases
Is there any FM which can do this?

Hi Sia,
You can use SEARH to know whether it contains the extension, txt.
Like this:
search pdir for 'txt'.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
   write : sy-FDPOS.
" fdpos :  offset in character string
Hope helps.

Similar Messages

  • Parameter in title

    Hi Everyone,
    I have a parameter called: Parm_AcademicPeriod
    I typed in the title: &Parm_AcademicPeriod
    Parameter can accept multiple values such as: '200910', '200920' (for academic terms)
    Title is showing:      
    Parm_AcademicPeriod: 200910, 200920                          
    Is there away for the Parmeter name NOT to show in title, and use my own language instead, like this          
    For Academic Period(s): 200910, 200920      
    pls advise, tx, Sandra

    Unfortunately, you cannot use a different name for the parameter in the title. However, you can simply rename the parameter to "For Academic Period(s)" and it will work fine.
    Rod West

  • Passing page parameter to form object in Porlet

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    I have found that when you set a value for a bound variable in the customise screen you cannot clear it. For some reason it seems to be stored as a null value somewhere and it always over-rides any page parameter setting.
    Try renaming the parameter in your report. Make it public as before and then link it to the page parameter (you probably don't need to rename this, but it might be a good idea to make it more than just the letter p). Watch out - parameters in the url are case sensitive.
    Good luck.

  • Behaviour of AXIS with Spring and Java, in response to bad webservice call

    This is a stretch, but I wonder if you can help me - I'm new to this, and working in a project that has already been configured to work with Axis.
    We have a Java project built with the Spring framework, in order to provide webservices for access via SOAP. As I understand it (ie not very well!) Axis works to accept these SOAP messages from the client and transform them into calls on our Java methods, and do the reverse with the responses - cool! Which is excellent, and it works well with the config files we have already set up.
    But I have two problems/questions, which may well be related�
    2) In trying to test what exactly happens in which case, I sent some test messages to the service, and found that I could send incorrect parameter names, and sometimes the service still gets called! Axis seems to match the data it recieves to the parameters of the method in some clever way that I don�t understand. Sometimes this works, sometimes it shows a type error. But it seems to depend what parameter I rename as to what exactly happens, so the results are (superficially, at least) unpredictable! I'm sure this behaviour is configurable in some way, but I can't seem to find out how this is done. I'd like to make it so that missing parameters are passed into the method as nulls (as is happening now), but that badly named, duplicated or extraneous parameters are refused, with a specific errormessage stating what the issue is. Similarly, I'd like to reply with an explanatory message if a parameter is passed wth an incorrect type, rather than just a message "org.xml.sax.SAXException: Bad types" that does not detail which parameter is problematic.
    1) The client can receive a "500" response, with an "Internal Server Error" message, although I'm having trouble figuring out exactly when this happens. I'd like to be able to configure what message they receive, in order to give them more information about what they got wrong.
    I just don't know where to start with this - I'm sure there must be ways of configuring all this!
    As much info about an example of what I'm looking at as seems sensible follows. Please forgive me if I've used incorrect terminology somewhere! :)
    Thanks a heap,
    So, let's say I have a Java class called DiaryService, with a method called createDiary that takes the appropriate data and returns a confirmation/error message - it starts like this :
        public String createDiary(final String library,
                final BigDecimal companyCode, final Date diaryDate,  final Date actionedDate,
         final String diaryMessage) throws RemoteException And another called GetDiary that returns a Diary as a SOAP bean which looks like this :
        public DiarySoapBean getDiary(final String library,
                final BigDecimal companyCode, final Date diaryDate) throws RemoteExceptionAxis very helpfully lets me access the createDiary and getDiary, by sending XML messages like this example:
    <soapenv:Body xmlns:soapenv="">
    <ns1:createDiary soapenc:root="1" xmlns:ns1="http://localhost:8080/morph_zta/services/DiaryService" xmlns:soapenc="">
    <library xsi:type="xsd:string" xmlns:xsi="">ZRMORPHTA</library>
    <companyCode xsi:type="xsd:Decimal" xmlns:xsi="">1</companyCode>
    <diaryDate xsi:type="xsd:date" xmlns:xsi="">2007-01-01Z</diaryDate>
    <actionedDate xsi:type="xsd:date" xmlns:xsi="">2007-01-01Z</actionedDate>
    <diaryMessage xsi:type="xsd:string" xmlns:xsi=""/>Blah blah blah</diaryMessage>
    </soapenv:Body>If I rename a parameter, the service may get called, with some other data in that parameter or not, or may not get called at all and the user get a "SAXException: Bad types" error message. I would like it to return a message stating that the parameter is not expected.
    If I duplicate a parameter, the first occurrence appears to be used, and the next ignored. I would like it to return a message saying tnat the extra parameter is not expected.
    If I add gibberish parameters, I get a "No such operation" message. I would like to be able to tell which parameters are incorrect.
    We have entries like this in web.xml:
            <display-name>Apache-Axis Servlet</display-name>
        </servlet-mapping>     And these bits in our server-config.wsdd :
        <!-- Global config options -->
            <parameter name="adminPassword" value="admin"/>
            <parameter name="attachments.Directory" value="./attachments"/>
            <parameter name="attachments.implementation"
            <parameter name="sendXsiTypes" value="true"/>
            <parameter name="sendMultiRefs" value="true"/>
            <parameter name="sendXMLDeclaration" value="true"/>
            <parameter name="axis.sendMinimizedElements" value="true"/>
                <handler type="java:org.apache.axis.handlers.JWSHandler">
                    <parameter name="scope" value="session"/>
                <handler type="java:org.apache.axis.handlers.JWSHandler">
                    <parameter name="scope" value="request"/>
                    <parameter name="extension" value=".jwr"/>
        <handler name="acegiAuthenticationHandler" type="java:{our}.AcegiAuthenticationHandler"/>
              <handler name="OutgoingSOAPMessageViewer" type="java:{our}.OutgoingSOAPMessageViewer"/>
        <!-- Handlers -->
        <handler name="LocalResponder"
        <handler name="URLMapper"
        <handler name="Authenticate"
        <!-- Axis services -->
        <service name="AdminService" provider="java:MSG">
            <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="AdminService"/>
            <parameter name="enableRemoteAdmin" value="true"/>
            <parameter name="className" value="org.apache.axis.utils.Admin"/>
        <service name="Version" provider="java:RPC">
            <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="getVersion"/>
            <parameter name="className" value="org.apache.axis.Version"/>
        <!-- Global config options -->
        <transport name="http">
                <handler type="URLMapper"/>
                <handler type="java:org.apache.axis.handlers.http.HTTPAuthHandler"/>
        <transport name="local">
                <handler type="LocalResponder"/>
        <service name="DiaryServices" provider="Handler" style="rpc">
            <parameter name="handlerClass" value="com.workingmouse.webservice.axis.SpringBeanRPCProvider"/>
            <parameter name="springBean" value="diaryServices"/>
            <parameter name="springBeanClass" value=""/>
            <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="createDiary getDiary"/>
            <parameter name="scope" value="application"/>
            <beanMapping qname="ns:diary" xmlns:ns="urn:DiaryService" languageSpecificType=""/>
    Tracey Annison

    I have solved the problem, I forgot a parameter in the select, so java tells the an error. But now I have another problem. The procedure doesn't execute the order by. I pass the couple column_name order_type in a string as ("provider_description desc") dinamically but the procedure doesn't execute the ordering. Why?
    Thanks, bye bye.

  • ECC 6.0 Installation error at ABAP Import Stage-- Phase 15 of 24

    Dear all
    I am trying to Install ECC 6.0 for our R&D Server and i have 240 GB HDD and 4 GB RAM. I have only one drive (C:\) and i know its a bad practice to install ECC on one drive but i have to do it. I cannot format it either.
    The INstallation started and during ABAP Import stage ( it has 9 failed jobs), the installation gets stuck for almost 2 days. I try to install again but i get an error message which says:
    Unable to start a service execution.
    Please check the following information for the possibble reason and inform the installation development : showing dlg diProductChoice <dialog sid="diProductChoice"> <title>Welcome to SAP Installation Master</title>
    <dialog/> Login in progress Connection request to guiengine backend by host Protocol version is 3.1
    Send connect information client logged on Waiting for an answer from GUI CDialogHandler: ACTION_NEXT requested <dialog sid="diProductChoice"> <dialog/> Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\ERP\SYSTEM\MSS\CENTRAL\AS\x.
    Removing file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\ERP\SYSTEM\MSS\CENTRAL\AS\x. showing dlg diRestartOrCancel <dialog sid="diRestartOrCancel"> Dialog does not contain standard input handler, so the backend is not able to generate a log entry <dialog/>
    Waiting for an answer from GUI current working directory is C:\Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/MSS/CENTRAL/AS Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\x. Removing file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\x.
    Running with toplevel file C:\Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/MSS/CENTRAL/AS/toplevel.xml Syslib info about system call. OS message 32 (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. ) after execution of system call 'rename' with parameter (C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/MSS/CENTRAL/AS/sapinst_dev.log, C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/MSS/CENTRAL/AS/sapinst_dev.1.log), line (377) in file (syxxcnode.cpp).
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/MSS/CENTRAL/AS/sapinst_dev.log to C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/MSS/CENTRAL/AS/sapinst_dev.1.log Copied file 'C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/MSS/CENTRAL/AS/sapinst_dev.log' to 'C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/MSS/CENTRAL/AS/sapinst_dev.1.log'. Account ERP6/Administrator has ADS path 'WinNT://ERP6/Administrator' Administrator has SID S-1-5-21-1984538376-659086811-895846994-500 existence check for user Administrator returned true. inserted account (Administrator, S-1-5-21-1984538376-659086811-895846994-500, USER) into the accountcache.
    Security descriptor of C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/MSS/CENTRAL/AS/sapinst_dev.1.log set to O:BAG:S-1-5-21-1984538376-659086811-895846994-513D:AI(A;ID;0x1200a9;;;BU)(A;ID;0x1301bf;;;PU)(A;ID;FA;;;BA)(A;ID;FA;;;SY)(A;ID;0x1301bf;;;S-1-5-13) + PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION
    Removing file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\ERP\SYSTEM\MSS\CENTRAL\AS\sapinst_dev.log. Syslib info about system call. OS message 32 (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. ) after execution of system call 'DeleteFile' with parameter (C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\ERP\SYSTEM\MSS\CENTRAL\AS\sapinst_dev.log), line (202) in file (synxcfile.cpp).
    Moving file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\ERP\SYSTEM\MSS\CENTRAL\AS\sapinst_dev.log to: C:\sap28.tmp. System call failed. Error 32 (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. ) in execution of system call 'MoveFileEx' with parameter (C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\ERP\SYSTEM\MSS\CENTRAL\AS\sapinst_dev.log, C:\sap28.tmp, MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH), line (223) in file (synxcfile.cpp).
    Unable to delete node C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/MSS/CENTRAL/AS/sapinst_dev.log with type file: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
    Removing file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\ERP\SYSTEM\MSS\CENTRAL\AS\sapinst_dev.1.log. Unable to move or rename node C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/MSS/CENTRAL/AS/sapinst_dev.log with type file/directory to C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/MSS/CENTRAL/AS/sapinst_dev.1.log: The system cannot find the file specified. The execution will be terminated now.
    can anyone please help? Thanks

    I just checked SAPSSEXC.LOG file and this message was displayed
    IMP) INFO: InitFastLoad failed with <3: Can't fastload LOBs>
    (IMP) INFO: DBSL will be used
    (IMP) INFO: InitFastLoad failed with <3: Can't fastload LOBs>
    (IMP) INFO: DBSL will be used
    (IMP) INFO: InitFastLoad failed with <3: Can't fastload LOBs>
    (IMP) INFO: DBSL will be used
    (IMP) INFO: InitFastLoad failed with <3: Can't fastload LOBs>
    (IMP) INFO: DBSL will be used
    (RFF) ERROR: invalid checksum in data file "C:\SAP Dumps\51033500_1\EXP1\DATA\SAPSSEXC.001"
                 current table was "DYNPSOURCE"
    (IMP) INFO: import of ENHCOMPCHILDCOMP completed (16 rows) #20100318142338
    I downloaded the files from Service Market Place. Does it mean that my files are corrput?

  • Can I execute a function module in my  Webdynpro App ?

    Can I execute a function module in my Webdynpro App ?  I mean, it's not a BAPI.
    Is it possible ?   which is the procedure to follow ?  (comparing to a bapi procedure).
    Thanks for your help !
    Regards from Mexico.  =)

    Hi Diego,
    the warning icon indicates that you're using a function module that has not been externally released. If the corresponding function module has been defined by SAP, its interface might be changed in an incompatible way within one of the next releases, e.g. removing / renaming a parameter or structure field. Stability is only guaranteed for BAPIs or external released function modules.
    From the point of view of the model import it does not make any difference. If import does not work, there seems to be some other problem. Maybe the function module has not been activated in the R/3 system. Or check the log file or the import log page which will be the last page of the import wizard.
    You might want to import some other none external released function module in order to verify that model import of these kind of function module works.
    Kind regards,
    Lothar Bender

  • Crystal Reports 2008 Stored Procedure and Parameters from LOVs

    Quite simple report using stored procedure as data source. When editing some of the parameters we get this error when clicking OK to close "This stored procedure parameter can only accept multiple values. Please ensure that Allow Multiple Values is true."
    As we all know stored procedure parameters do not access multiple values at all, so this message is very hard to debug. The report does work if we set the 'Allow Multiple Values' to true, but only when using exactly one value for the parameter. We have tried verify database and other things, but cannot find any way around this issue.
    All ideas are appreciated as this is stopping us from utilizing the dynamic parameters.
    Thanks, Stig

    We managed to work around the issue by creating a new stored procedure. First we used the same parameter names and changed the data source to the new stored procedure. After renaming the parameter with the issue the problem then was resolved.
    Note that another parameter that was earlier affected by this issue in the way that it could not be edited and saved due to the same error message now also works fine. This even if this parameter has not changed names.
    Quite a complex situation to debug this. Maybe if the source of the error message is found in the code we could help testing.

  • Title in summary different

    I'm using X5 to create PDF documents.
    My help title is defined in the Single Source Layouts |
    Printed Documentation properties and in the Project properties.
    That topic is displayed in the title bar of the Adobe PDF,
    which is as you'd expect, however:
    The Document Properties of the PDF shows a different title.
    When I looked back at the generated MS Word file, those
    document properties are the same as the document properties in the
    I've run a text find operation for the wrong title in the
    help project directory and I don't find any matches.
    I'm using a cover page generated from a MSWord document, so I
    checked there to see whether it was getting information from there
    and set the document name in that document to the correct name,
    saved and regenerated, but I'm still seeing the wrong title.
    Any ideas where it could be getting this information

    That's right. The names of parameters and page items in your title or text area are not dynamic as they are in other parts of the tool. Therefore, whatever Discoverer sees after the ampersand character will first of all be looked for in parameters and page items. If there is a parameter or page item by that name then the current value for that item will be displayed in the title or page item. If there is nothing named that way then Discoverer treats the characters following the ampersand as a literal and will display them.
    Thus, as mentioned by Russ, if you had a parameter called parameter_name and used &parameter_name in your title the current contents of that parameter will be displayed at runtime. But if you or one of your team has renamed that parameter then Discoverer will simply display the literal value: &parameter_name.
    Best wishes

  • Reporting off oracle stored procedure with parameters error

    Erorr message: Error in File xxx.rpt: Failed to retrieve data from the database. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 907 ] 2.0 web application.
    CR XI R2 sp2 in BOE XI R2 sp2 on Solaris 10.
    Database: Oracle 10g on Solaris 10. Oracle stored procedure defined in package.
    Happens with reports reporting off stored procedure with parameters.
    The sp is used in the crystal report.
    The web application passes parameters to crystal report, which then passes the parameters to stored procedure.
    Encountered error if:
    r.PromptOnDemandViewing = false;
    r.UseOriginalDataSource = false;
    r.CustomServerType = CeReportServerType.ceServerTypeOracle;
    Report can retrieves data if:
    r.PromptOnDemandViewing = false;
    r.UseOriginalDataSource = true;
    r.CustomServerType = CeReportServerType.ceServerTypeOracle;
    In addition
    The steps are:
    1)     Create oracle package and stored proc.
    2)     In CR Designer, select the stored proc as datasource.
    3)     The parameters names were "generated" by the CR Designer.
    4)     Rename the parameter names.
    5)     Drag the fields onto report.
    We noticed the following with different setting of database logon info:
    When previewing from BOE, get error when "Use custom database logon information specified here"
    However, no error when "Use original database logon information from the report". 
    Am i missing something?

    Please re-post if this is still an issue to the Data Connectivity - Crystal Reports Forum or purchase a case and have a dedicated support engineer work with you directly

  • Using prompts with SQL query

    Post Author: wleonetti
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    I have acquired a report from our regional headquarters, and have been asked locally to add a prompt to one that already exists in the report.
    The report currently uses an SQL query, which in turn uses a single prompt to limit the data reported. However, the name of the parameter in the Field Explorer in Parameter Fields is "Facility", but, when I use the Database Expert and select edit for the query (under Selected Tables, right-click on "Command" under the database and click on "Edit Command"--is Command a default name?), under the Parameter List, the name of the parameter there is "Facility1" (?). The SQL references the parameter "Facility1" ( '{?Facility1}'), but I cannot find any link/interface between the Parameter List "Facility1" to the Parameter Field "Facility", and I cannot find any other references to "Facility1" anywhere else in the report (sorry, I'm very new at CR, and am not sure how to do a global search of a desired text string in the reports).
    I have asked the author for an explanation, but he would only offer, after indicating that he ... was not obligated to help me in any way .., the following bone: "I just simply rename the parameter in Command from Facility1 to Facility which bears the same name as the parameter interface and it just works fine." This only served to confuse me more, since the parameter name currently in Command is  "Facility1" (and the report works the way it is)--when I change the name of the parameter in Parameter List (and the parameter name in the SQL query) to "Facility" (to match the Parameter Field's "Facility"?) ... the parameter in the Parameter Fields ... disappears?
    Can someone please instruct me how to, in whatever steps are necessary, add a parameter to the Parameter Fields and edit the SQL code to use that parameter? or point me to some documentation that will help me with this?
    Thanks in advance for any help offered.

    Hi Eric,
    Try expressing the source as this:
       return functionname(to_date('30-sep-2010', 'dd-mon-yyyy'));
    end;That works fine for me, and if I take out the begin-end and the trailing semicolon from the return statement I get the same behavior as you.
    It does mention in the help for the source (only during the wizard though) that this source type has to be expressed that way, but I agree it would be helpful if the tool would validate for this format when 'Function Returning SQL Query' is used or give some sort of indication of the trouble. Anyway, this should get you going again.
    Hope this helps,
    If you find this information useful, please remember to mark the post "helpful" or "correct" so that others may benefit as well.

  • Define Date Parameters in SSRS

    I am trying to add a start and end date paramater.  However I keep getting the following error
    An attempt was made to set a data set parameter 'Start Date' that is not defined in this data set. (rsUnknownDataSetParameter)
    An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
    Any assistance would be appreiated

    hi ,
    The error message indicates that the query parameter is not correctly associated with the report parameter.
    generally a report parameter will be created automatically created query parameter. However, if you rename a report parameter that is bound to a query parameter, you need to manually link the query parameters to the renamed report
    parameter. So, I would suggest you first check if the query parameter is linked to the report parameter.
    Kindly test below;
    Let say your query is
    Select * from  table
    where date<=@startdate  
    1. parameter are in same case like
    2. Make sure they are bound properly in dateset.
    where you are getting error in BIDS or Report server ?
    Please share query that you are using for report .
    Please Mark This As Answer or vote for Helpful Post if this helps you to solve your question/problem.

  • Changing databases from MS SQL Express to MySQL in a  Report at runtime

    Hi all,
    I have an issue in changing databases from MS SQL Express to MYSQL or vice versa in a Report at runtime.
    Here is what I do:
    I create a very simple report with the Crystal Report Designer 2008 V
    This report uses a stored procedure to retrieve it's data. I connect to the Database with JDBC.
    I have two Databases with similar schema and procedures: MS SQL Express an MySQL.
    When I create the report with MSSQL all parameters have the '@' character, as they are named. ok.
    I deploy this report in a JSP application with the crystaldecisions SDK an show it in html viewer format.
    The connection to the MSSQL DB gets established by my JSP and the CRJavaHelper.
    I pass the parameters through my URL to the JSP and finally to the CRJavaHelper (addDiscreteParameterValue)
    and everything works fine.
    The challenge starts, when I try to change the Datasource of this report to MySQL at runtime (which is a requirement in my project).
    I successfully can establish the DBConnection, but my stored procedure just doesn't get called!
    The report just displays totally empty, no Exceptions etc. are thrown. In the DB logfile I see the effort to find my procedure
    and that's all. The Statements called by the SDK finds the correct Procedure, but there's no call to the procedure.
    Of course I know, that MS SQL names it's procedures slightly different (';1' at the end), but even when I rename the table Alias to the correct name in CRHelperJava, I get no call to the procedure in MySQL. I also renamed the parameter-fields in changeDataSource(..) by casting the table to IProcedure and working on its methods. Still no success.
    What am I missing to do or what do I do wrong?
    Any suggestions or even solutions?
    Best Regards,

    after all I have managed to set param Values, now I'm stuck because the parms seem to have dissappeared in the formula fields. E.g. I receive this Exception:
    <br><br> Ausnahme in Formel ""{@DurationMin}"" bei ""{dataProc.Duration}"":
    Dieser Feldname ist unbekannt.---- Error code:-2147467259 Error code name:failed
         at com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.JRCCommunicationAdapter.a(SourceFile:2285)
         at com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.JRCCommunicationAdapter.if(SourceFile:733)
         at com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.JRCCommunicationAdapter.a(SourceFile:167)
         at com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.JRCCommunicationAdapter$2.a(SourceFile:529)
         at com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.JRCCommunicationAdapter$
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.common.ThreadGuard.syncExecute(SourceFile:102)
         at com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.JRCCommunicationAdapter.for(SourceFile:525)
         at com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.JRCCommunicationAdapter.request(SourceFile:352)
         at com.businessobjects.sdk.erom.jrc.a.a(SourceFile:54)
         at com.businessobjects.sdk.erom.jrc.a.execute(SourceFile:67)
         at com.crystaldecisions.proxy.remoteagent.RemoteAgent$a.execute(SourceFile:716)
         at com.crystaldecisions.proxy.remoteagent.CommunicationChannel.a(SourceFile:125)
         at com.crystaldecisions.proxy.remoteagent.RemoteAgent.a(SourceFile:537)
         at org.apache.jsp.report_jsp._jspService(
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
         at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(
         at Source)
    Caused by: com.crystaldecisions.reports.dataengine.DataEngineException: Ausnahme in Formel ""{@DurationMin}"" bei ""{dataProc.Duration}"":
    Dieser Feldname ist unbekannt.
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.dataengine.DataSourceManagerCoordinator.a(SourceFile:505)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.dataengine.DataSourceManager.a(SourceFile:1060)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.dataengine.DataProcessor2.a(SourceFile:729)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.dataengine.DataProcessor2.a(SourceFile:699)
         at com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.requesthandler.DatabaseRequestHandler.i(SourceFile:1308)
         at com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.requesthandler.DatabaseRequestHandler.k(SourceFile:1297)
         at com.businessobjects.reports.sdk.JRCCommunicationAdapter.if(SourceFile:661)
         ... 32 more
    Caused by: com.crystaldecisions.reports.formulas.FormulaException: Ausnahme in Formel ""{@DurationMin}"" bei ""{dataProc.Duration}"":
    Dieser Feldname ist unbekannt.
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.formulas.o.a(SourceFile:1041)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.formulas.o.else(SourceFile:459)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.formulas.f.void(SourceFile:65)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.formulas.FormulaParser.a(SourceFile:345)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.formulas.r.a(SourceFile:89)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.formulas.FormulaInfo.a(SourceFile:570)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.formulas.FormulaService.compile(SourceFile:347)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.reportdefinition.FormulaCompiler.a(SourceFile:139)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.reportdefinition.FormulaFieldDefinitionBase.compile(SourceFile:928)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.reportdefinition.o.a(SourceFile:1360)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.reportdefinition.o.a(SourceFile:1348)
         at com.crystaldecisions.reports.reportdefinition.o.a(SourceFile:4225)
         ... 41 more
    where dataProc is my stored procedure and @DurationMin is a function field.
    do I have to call verifyDatabase() when I have changed DBs and set the param Values?
    Is there a defined sequence to execute these steps?
    Edited by: tomspengler on Dec 8, 2011 1:55 PM

  • Question about Table Function inside a Package

    Hi … I am new in PL/SQL, I am trying to use a table function to create depending on a value passed to it (I am using 10g). Everything works great but the moment I add a parameter everything explode, I am creating it on a package.
    SQL that work
    FUNCTION Fund_Amount
    RETURN financial_reports.Fund_Amount_Table
    pipelined parallel_enable IS
    cur_row financial_reports.Fund_Amount_Record;
    FOR cur_row IN
    to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 1, 1)) As SECTION_ID
    ,to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 2, 1)) As SUB_SECTION_ID
    ,to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 4, 2)) AS LINE_NUMBER
    ,to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 7, 2)) As FUND_ID
    ,sum(be.amt) AS AMOUNT
    linc.budgetdb_usr5@stjohnsfp bu5
    JOIN linc.budgetdb_event@stjohnsfp be ON
    bu5.keyvalue = be.acctno
    bu5.keyvalue like '__-__-__-____-____-_____'
    AND bu5.usrdata like '__-__-__'
    AND bu5.fieldnum = 1
    AND bu5.ispecname = 'GLMST'
    AND to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 7, 2)) = 1
    PIPE ROW(cur_row);
    END Fund_Amount;
    END financial_reports;
    SQL that do not work …
    FUNCTION Fund_Amount (Fund_Id IN NUMBER)
    RETURN financial_reports.Fund_Amount_Table
    pipelined parallel_enable IS
    cur_row financial_reports.Fund_Amount_Record;
    fund_id_int NUMBER;
    fund_id_int := Fund_Id;
    FOR cur_row IN
    to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 1, 1)) As SECTION_ID
    ,to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 2, 1)) As SUB_SECTION_ID
    ,to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 4, 2)) AS LINE_NUMBER
    ,to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 7, 2)) As FUND_ID
    ,sum(be.amt) AS AMOUNT
    linc.budgetdb_usr5@stjohnsfp bu5
    JOIN linc.budgetdb_event@stjohnsfp be ON
    bu5.keyvalue = be.acctno
    bu5.keyvalue like '__-__-__-____-____-_____'
    AND bu5.usrdata like '__-__-__'
    AND bu5.fieldnum = 1
    AND bu5.ispecname = 'GLMST'
    AND to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 7, 2)) = fund_id_int
    PIPE ROW(cur_row);
    END Fund_Amount;
    END financial_reports;
    Error … (This works without the parameter)
    Error starting at line 43 in command:
    select * from table(financial_reports.Fund_Amount(1) )
    Error at Command Line:1 Column:14
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-22905: cannot access rows from a non-nested table item
    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    try renaming your parameter so as not to confuse with what you are using in your column " to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 7, 2)) AS FUND_ID":
      FUNCTION Fund_Amount (pFund_Id IN NUMBER)
        RETURN financial_reports.Fund_Amount_Table
        pipelined parallel_enable IS
        cur_row financial_reports.Fund_Amount_Record;
        fund_id_int NUMBER;
        fund_id_int := pFund_Id;
        FOR cur_row IN ( SELECT to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 1, 1)) As SECTION_ID,
                                to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 2, 1)) As SUB_SECTION_ID,
                                to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 4, 2)) AS LINE_NUMBER,
                                to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 7, 2)) As FUND_ID,
                                sum(be.amt) AS AMOUNT
                           FROM linc.budgetdb_usr5@stjohnsfp bu5
                                  JOIN linc.budgetdb_event@stjohnsfp be ON bu5.keyvalue = be.acctno
                          WHERE bu5.keyvalue like '__-__-__-____-____-_____'
                            AND bu5.usrdata like '__-__-__'
                            AND bu5.fieldnum = 1
                            AND bu5.ispecname = 'GLMST'
                            AND to_number(substr(bu5.usrdata, 7, 2)) = fund_id_int
                         GROUP BY bu5.usrdata
                         ORDER BY bu5.usrdata ) LOOP
          PIPE ROW(cur_row);
        END LOOP;
      END Fund_Amount;
    END financial_reports;

  • Passing Parameters in Crystal XI (v1) to SQL or MS Access Stored Procedures

    Post Author: mib
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    In Crystal Reports 8.5 I had a report with a parameter called WeekCommencing which was
    a datetime parameter.  This worked against a stored procedure in a SQL
    database and a union query with a parameter within MS Access database
    - my application works on either platforms.
    Now in Crystal XI, Crystal is now looking for a parameter called
    @WeekCommencing which would be the full name in the stored procedure
    but if I rename the parameter the same report would no longer work
    against the MS Access database.
    Anyone have any suggestions?

    Post Author: mib
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    In Crystal Reports 8.5 I had a report with a parameter called WeekCommencing which was
    a datetime parameter.  This worked against a stored procedure in a SQL
    database and a union query with a parameter within MS Access database
    - my application works on either platforms.
    Now in Crystal XI, Crystal is now looking for a parameter called
    @WeekCommencing which would be the full name in the stored procedure
    but if I rename the parameter the same report would no longer work
    against the MS Access database.
    Anyone have any suggestions?

  • Title in the Discoverer Viewer is improperly displayed

    The Title in the Discoverer Viewer is improperly displayed. The parameters that are applied are also being displayed in the title. Previously it was working fine but now the titles are displayed as &parameter_name. Can someone give a solution to this problem?

    That's right. The names of parameters and page items in your title or text area are not dynamic as they are in other parts of the tool. Therefore, whatever Discoverer sees after the ampersand character will first of all be looked for in parameters and page items. If there is a parameter or page item by that name then the current value for that item will be displayed in the title or page item. If there is nothing named that way then Discoverer treats the characters following the ampersand as a literal and will display them.
    Thus, as mentioned by Russ, if you had a parameter called parameter_name and used &parameter_name in your title the current contents of that parameter will be displayed at runtime. But if you or one of your team has renamed that parameter then Discoverer will simply display the literal value: &parameter_name.
    Best wishes

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