Render multiple sequences at once?

Greetings folks,
In FCP 7 it was possible to select multiple edits in the bin and hit I think Opt+R to render them sequentially. I've got a project with about 20 sequences in it that all need completely rendering (for some reason the HDSLR material renders upside down with blue with the vision jumping in time when I try and dynamic link it). Currently I'm rendering them one at a time but surely there's a way to emulate the FCP method and automate the process. Anyone know of the magic method? I should reiterate that the AME path isn't an option in this case due to the corrupted renders it produces.

Do you mean Timeline Preview render, or export?
For export, queue the Sequences in Media Encoder.
For Timeline Preview render, it's one at a time.
You can file a feature request here:
(for some reason the HDSLR material renders upside down with blue with the vision jumping in time when I try and dynamic link it).
Not sure what this is about.

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    Open Media Encoder and add your Sequences:
    File > Add Premiere Pro Sequence
    Navigate to your Premiere Project and select it in the list.
    You can then select multiple Sequences from the Project (Ctrl+Click)
    and load them all at once into Media Encoder and apply
    the same encoding preset to all Sequences at the same time.

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    Thanks in adnvace.
    Here is a video:

    Stock answer no. 1: You have installed a CoDec (or Quicktime Component) that is not safe for MP rendering and messing up things. Could be an audio device driver, something liek a screen recording software or speech-to-text tool, could be Skype or similar even. check that and remove the relevant QT extensions/ diable them.

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    Batch processing
    *Step one. Make sure everything in every sequence is rendered.*
    *Step two. Make a folder somewhere and name it something relevant.*
    *Step three. In FCP select all you sequences that you want to compress and right click (option), choose Batch Export from the contextual menu.*
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    *Step four. Click export in the batch window.*
    Once that is done you can close FCP.
    Now in Compressor
    *Step five. Make a setting that will give you the output that you want (mpeg2, AC3, h.264, whatever). Make a destination for where you want to save the output.*
    *Step six. Make a droplet from the settings you made in step five.*
    You can quit Compressor now.
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    o| TOnyTOny |o

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    Check the file size. The .mov extension doesn't have a lot to do with it. If it's big, you did a self-contained movie. Or pen it it in QT Player Pro and check the files used - Command-J, Resources tab. Should be just one entry there.
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    hi, thanks for your reply.
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    Secondly, when using multiframe rendering an entire sequence can ram preview, but then disappear as soon as it finishes.  Often after this issue the first issue will pop-up. 
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    Late 2013 Mac Pro 8-Core
    64 GB Ram
    2x AMD FirePro D700
    OS X 10.9.4
    AE CC 2014 Updated to the latest patch
    52 GB RAM available for AE
    Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously - ON
    Only for Render Que - OFF
    RAM per CPU - 4 GB (problem persists when set to 6 GB)
    Until this feature actually works reliably I'll have to go back single frame rendering, which is a bit like owning a Ferrari and having a transmission stuck in first gear. 

    warning “RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames” after scrubbing audio in After Effects CC 2014 (13.0)

  • Render Multiple Frames Headache

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    Output To: C:\Sonic RenderTest\Top\TOP_[####].tga
       There is an error in background rendering so switching to foreground rendering after 41 frames completed out of total 900 frames. (26  ::  142)
    After Effects warning: A frame failed to render while using Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously. Allocating more memory to the background processes in Memory & Multiprocessing Preferences may fix this problem. (26  ::  142)
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    Thanks for the reply Dave. From the projects cited above, one had a QuickTime with Animation codec and the other had H.264. I think we are getting close to honing-in on the issues we are having as it seems that anything with a .MOV as a source file seems to throw AE MP rending for a loop. Currently using AE 5.5. Conversely, MP plays very nicely with projects that do not include a QuickTime file as a source; I have been doing extensive testing using the following settings; 16GB/CPU - 4 CPUs used, 12GB/CPU - 6 CPUs used, 10GB/CPU - 8 CPUs used, 8GB/CPU - 10 CPUs used and 6GB/CPU - 12 CPUs used.
    I guess I still have a few questions remaining in trying to troubleshoot the issue at hand:
    - By any chance are there any MP improvements in CS 6 that may alleviate the issue we are experiencing?
    - I am wondering if I am hitting a bottleneck getting the info (.MOVs) into RAM - to be more specific regarding my setup, in addition to my previous post - My machine currently has two 250GB SAS drives @ 10K RPM that are RAID 0. Disk cache is set to the default settings. We are considering additional drives - thinking one for OS & Applications, 1 for source files and one for output of the image sequences. Any insight to drives, where to set the cache, types of drives (SSD drives fall out of budget for the machine I have - already priced and axed. I think we are considering two more 10K SAS drives as an option)?
    - This one is a longshot, but I thought I saw a crazy post somewhere in my research of this issue saying to get rid of QuickTime. I was always under the assumption that QuickTime was a vital prerequisite for AE. Any truth/validity in getting rid of QuickTIme?

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    Message was edited by:

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    For PC users, of which I am one, the Preview Render codec in the Sequence is usually MPEG so best to avoid it. If you can actually use ProRes, then it's understandable that you'd want to "Match Sequence" if possible.
    Check this link -
    Jeff Pulera
    Safe Harbor Computers

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    You can select multiple items using shift to select a range and control to add or remove items from it.
    Regarding duplciates, Apple's official advice is here... HT2905 - How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library. It is a manual process and the article fails to explain some of the potential pitfalls.
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    Use my DeDuper script if you're not sure, don't want to do it by hand, or want to preserve ratings, play counts and playlist membership. See this thread for background. Please take note of the warning to backup your library before deduping, whether you do so by hand or using my script, in case something goes wrong.
    (If you don't see the menu bar press ALT to show it temporarily or CTRL+B to keep it displayed)

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    Thank you.

    No not box with arrow, that is share button.  Edit is where it shows in the pic I posted

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    Your issue has nothing to do with Apple networking. You may get better results in getting a solution if your post your issue to the iTunes area of the Apple Support Communities.

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    It's very easy to make an action.
    Go to window > actions
    In the actions panel, simply click the 'create a new action' button, it starts recording as soon as you've created it (when you've given it a name).
    Now you can apply the changes you want to make to the images on the file you have opened.
    After you've done all you need to do. You click the 'stop' button. The action is now ready to use. And you can apply the changes you made on all the other files.
    Then you can continue how gener7 explained.
    I usually include a save and close command, so that the whole batch doesn't end up opened after running the script.
    But if you do that you have to create a new file, and save it to your computer before you start recording the action, otherwise the save command will be replaced by each file. And you'll end up with one edited file in the end. At least for as far as I know!

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