Rendering HTML to PDF Document?

Hey all, I really didn't know the correct place to post this but here goes:
I need to be able to issue an HTTP Request through Java, and what comes back is going to be HTML with JavaScript embedded. Okay, that's easy, done. Now I need to take that HTML content, render it like it would in a browser and create a PDF of the result. This is a J2EE Application, so I can't use Swing for the presentation (at least I don't think I can).
I'm not even sure if this is possible in Java (or practical). Any advice, libraries, open source packages, or anything I should look at? Is there a better forum here to try this question?

java_2006 wrote:
[everything is possible in java|] .
sadly iText is poorly documented, constantly changing things like package names, unstable, and uses a weird license.
Currently stuck trying to get it to work myself, after inheriting a bunch of sourcecode from a colleague who left the company before he could complete or document it.

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    Here's a tutorial on setting up HTMLDOC for ColdFusion:
    Also the command line reference gives a good understanding on
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    Try this:
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    First, as you guessed, most (all?) mail clients don't display "complex" documents (doc, xls, pdf, etc.) inside a mail, they are always provided as attachments. Only simple documents like images can be directly displayed.
    SAP's job is not to convert from a format to another, especially .DOC and .PDF formats, which are rather complex.
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    There is also SO_RTF_TO_HTM (and CONVERT_TEXT maybe) function module, but I wouldn't expect much of it.

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    I was dead wrong.
    The display of images from BLOB is a special case because APEX provides a Display Image item type.
    Moreover, HTP/HTF packages also do not provide for handling of BLOB content. So AJAX cannot be used.
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    yes, you just need to bundle your classes in a .jar
    file, and there is like an <embed> tag or something
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    The content within a PDF document page is entirely up to the author - if it's a print layout, style the ads for print. If they're interactive, embed them as Flash annotations. The AIB rules for HTML-embedded ads don't apply.
    If you're referring to the "Ads for Adobe PDF" program, that closed in Jan 2009 and rendering of Sponsored Content is no longer supported by the Acrobat Family.

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    #1 There are definite copyright issues with your
    software. Before you go live with anything like this,
    make sure you're not gonna get reamed.Ehh? I didn't see anything from the OP's question that implied this. Yes, if he uses it to mine commercial web sites and convert them to PDF's there's a problem, but aside from that, where's the danger?
    #2 The PDF part is the easy part. As the other poster
    said, lowagie iText can do PDF. The rendered HTML is
    a much bigger question. The smaller issue is that web
    pages are defined to fit your browser window, so
    you've got to choose a size. The much tougher problem
    is finding a decent HTML renderer in Java. In truth,
    I don't think there is one; JEditorPane is a piece of
    ****, and opera is really not a lot better. Not at all. The OP specifically mentioned web services, so we don't need to assume that Swing is involved. You can, using a 3rd party library (google for java pdf), have a servlet or jsp render its output as a PDF document.

  • Solutions for converting HTML to PDF programatically?

    to start off i should say that i am rather new to programming in java.
    here's what i am attempting to do.
    i need to write a java class that will get an HTML string as input... and needs to spit out a PDF file (or outputstream) as output. i have spent the last week or trying to accomplish this using XSL-FO and the FOP library. this solution does not work too well because XSL-FO and FOP do not handle complex table layouts very well (since they require the number of columns and column widths to be known in advance). it seems that FOP (and XSL-FO) is better suited to handling structured XML input... not something unstructured and complex as HTML.
    are there any other libraries/APIs that are out there that are specifically well suited to HTML -> PDF conversion?
    remember this needs to be done programatically, and will probably be invoked as a webservice.

    #1 There are definite copyright issues with your
    software. Before you go live with anything like this,
    make sure you're not gonna get reamed.Ehh? I didn't see anything from the OP's question that implied this. Yes, if he uses it to mine commercial web sites and convert them to PDF's there's a problem, but aside from that, where's the danger?
    #2 The PDF part is the easy part. As the other poster
    said, lowagie iText can do PDF. The rendered HTML is
    a much bigger question. The smaller issue is that web
    pages are defined to fit your browser window, so
    you've got to choose a size. The much tougher problem
    is finding a decent HTML renderer in Java. In truth,
    I don't think there is one; JEditorPane is a piece of
    ****, and opera is really not a lot better. Not at all. The OP specifically mentioned web services, so we don't need to assume that Swing is involved. You can, using a 3rd party library (google for java pdf), have a servlet or jsp render its output as a PDF document.

  • Converting HTML into PDF

    Hello ABAP Experts,
    I have a request to convert a HTML Response (FM: HTTP2_GET) into a PDF Document.
    Has any body an idea how to handle that.
    Thank you very much for you answers.
    Kind regards

    The easiest way to convert web pages/sites into PDF is with Acrobat! Important: this is Acrobat (costs a few dollars) and not Acrobat Reader!
    Acrobat has a web capture tool. With the older version I tested there was some minor problems.
    (1) It is not recognized as a browser we support. You will have to knock out the browser checking for this to work. Look at the cl_htmlb_content->runtime_validation. The last case statement. Modify your system to temporarily comment this out. (Do not forget to place it back!).
    (2) The older version I tested with had problems to convert complex pages into PDF. The new rendering we use is to browser specific. Your milage might vary.
    Alternative could be just to "print" the page from the browser into a PDFWriter (kind of printer driver that comes with Acrobat). This actually worked very well.
    Alternative is just to make screenshots into word document and convert this into PDF.
    > Please help me ..
    With this, I think we have now helped you. In return, you can help us with a nice append (or better a small weblog) about the "huge project that was a challange". These war stories shared by the fire side makes for interesting reading, and I am sure other people would also be interested in seeing what you achieved. Looking forward to it.

  • Automate converting HTML to PDF

    I'm using my iPad to write documents using Byword that I export using HTML (export to PDF doesn't take account of HTML headers and rendering MathJax).
    Lets say that the text file therefore is called MathJax.txt and is in the location such that it's file path is Dropbox/Byword/MathJax.txt
    This HTML file is saved straight onto my Dropbox in the current location. (i.e. Dropbox/Byword/MathJax.html )
    If anyone can help, I'm looking for a way to convert the HTML to PDF with the MathJax rendered, either with cli, applescript or automator - just some way I can activate it with Hazel.
    I've seen wkhtmltopdf which looks like it would do the bit I'm missing, but I'm not very knowledgeable and have no idea how to use it.
    Any advice would be much appreciated!

    There is an app version in Google code…
    I downloaded it & opened it & it appeared to do nothing! However I also did right click > (or ctrl+click) Show Package contents… and navigated to Contents/MacOS/wkhtmltopdf. That is a compiled binary that will run in Terminal.
    To use the binary drop it into Terminal, and then drop your PDF into there (to enter the path) and then enter a file destination & name (ensuring a space after the PDF path).
    My command looked like…
    /Volumes/wkhtmltopdf/ /Users/dru/Desktop/pdfroff\(1\)\ Mac\ OS\ X\ Manual\ Page.html /Users/dru/Desktop/test2.pdf
    The backslashes escape the spaces & other special characters, Terminal will deal with all that if you drag & drop to create the path. The hardest part is setting the destination - it's simplest to use an existing file & delete the end part & add a new name.
    Hit return & you get a PDF, I don't know if this covers MathJax formatting, I have never heard of that sorry.
    One good thing about this is that you can automate it with Automator, Hazel or a shell script etc.
    I expect you'll need further help so ask away.
    Frankly it is a little bit kludgy, you should really download the source & compile it, but that is rather involved.
    There are a few html to PDF apps, but they appear to be $20 up to several hundred & it isn't clear if they can automate the process.
    P.S. I tested this on my 10.6 system that has lots of tools installed, so I may have items that you don't, note any errors & I'll try to help, otherwise wait for a better idea.

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