Rendering Tree Structure from nested Iterators

I am attempting to create a master-detail tree structure using nested iterators using JDeveloper I have my data control set up and the master - child relation is set up using a view link.
The intent is to be able to have a form that results in the following basic design:
parent 1 details
-child 1 details and operations
-child 2 details and operations
parent 2 details
-child 3 details and operations
Thus far when I've tried nested iterators using the data control, I instead get the following:
parent 1 details
-child 1 details and operations
-child 2 details and operations
-child 3 details and operations
parent 2 details
-child 1 details and operations
-child 2 details and operations
-child 3 details and operations
I've attempted to get this to work by using two completely seperate binding iterators, each tied to a different af:iterator in the following structure:
<af:iterator id="i1" value="#{bindings.parent.collectionModel} var="row" rows="#{bindings.parentIterator.rangeSize}">
  <af:panelBox text="#{row.bindings.detail.inputValue}">
    <af:iterator id="i2" value="#{bindings.child.collectionModel}" var="row2" rows="#{bindings.childIterator.rangeSize}">
      <af:outputText value="#{row2.bindings.detail.inputValue}"/>
</af:iterator>However, this renders the above situation. I have not been ablue to figure out how to have the second iterator's values be dependant on the current row of the first iterator. I can get the organizational structure to work using an af:tree element and my data control. However, I cannot modify the look of the af:tree elements to match what is required by the customer, nor do I beleive that I could create the required functionality using it. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this to work?
Thank you
Edited by: user13468716 on May 15, 2012 6:23 AM

You can't use collectionModel for both the iterators. You will either need to create a treeBinding with a tree level rule and refer the first one as +#{bindings.<TreeBindingName>.treeModel}+ name it as row
and refer to the next iterator as #{row.<TreeLevelRuleName>}.
This will atleast create the stamping of the rows properly.Something like this -
<af:iterator id="i1" value="#{bindings.parent.treeModel} var="row" rows="#{bindings.parentIterator.rangeSize}">
  <af:panelBox text="#{row.bindings.detail.inputValue}">
    <af:iterator id="i2" value="#{row.child}" var="row2" rows="#{bindings.childIterator.rangeSize}">
      <af:outputText value="#{row2.bindings.detail.inputValue}"/>
</af:iterator>where +parent+ is a treeBinding having +child+ as a tree level rule
Edited by: Sudipto Desmukh on May 15, 2012 6:57 PM

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    Bapi output node:
    Value     | Text     | HLevel
    01     | A     | 1               
    0101     | AA       | 2
    010101     | AAA     | 3
    01010B     | AAB     | 3
    0102     | AB     | 2
    02     | B     | 1
    0201     | BA        | 2
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         IE_T_CatalogueNode catalogueNode = wdContext.nodeE_T_Catalogue();
         int size = catalogueNode.size();
         ICatalogoElement level1elem = null;
         for (int i = 0; i < size; i ++)
              IE_T_CatalogueElement catalogueElem = catalogueNode.getE_T_CatalogueElementAt(i);
              if (catalogueElem.getLevel().equals("1"))
                   // 1 Livello
                   level1elem = wdContext.createCatalogoElement();
                   for (int j = i + 1; j < size; j ++)
                        IE_T_CatalogueElement catalogueElem2level =
                                                 catalogueNode.getE_T_CatalogueElementAt( j );
                        String level2 = catalogueElem2level.getLevel();
                        if (level2.equals("2"))
                             ICatalogoElement level2elem = level1elem.nodeChild().createCatalogoElement();
                             for (int k = j + 1; k < size; k ++)
                                  IE_T_CatalogueElement catalogueElem3level =
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                                  String level3 = catalogueElem3level.getLevel();
                                  if (level3.equals("3"))
                                       ICatalogoElement level3elem = level2elem.nodeChild().createCatalogoElement();

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    You downloaded the wrong XML Parser!
    XSQL requires Java Parser. Well, there's a copy included with the XSQL package so you actually don't need to do another download.
    You really don't need XSQL if you just want a XML file from DB, you just needed a XML SQL Utility. Download that and run the samples.

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         /*public MyTreebean() {
              DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("XY");
              DefaultMutableTreeNode a = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("A");
              DefaultMutableTreeNode b = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("B");
              DefaultMutableTreeNode c = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("C");
              DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("a1");
              node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("a2 ");
              node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("b ");
              a = node;
              node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("x1");
              node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("x2");
              myTree = new DefaultTreeModel(root);
         public DefaultTreeModel getTreeModel() {
              DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("XY");
              DefaultMutableTreeNode a = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("A");
              DefaultMutableTreeNode b = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("B");
              DefaultMutableTreeNode c = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("C");
              DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("a1");
              node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("a2 ");
              node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("b ");
              a = node;
              node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("x1");
              node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("x2");
              return myTree = new DefaultTreeModel(root);
    }Also i've configured my tomahawk-taglib file in my web.xml .
    My backing bean is configured in my faces-config.xml
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    Any help would be appreciated.

    Dear akash,
    yes i'm seeing the jsf tags <t:tree>
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    <web-app xmlns=""
    error message:  cannot find the declaration of element web-apps
    error message: failed to read schema document     because 1) couldnot find the document 2) the document could not be read 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>In another configuration file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <beans xmlns=""
    Error: cannot find the declaration of element 'beans'I'm a novice to JSF technology and plz guide me properly.

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    See for example Tree taglib in Coldtags suite:

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    | |_sub11
    | | |__1.xml
    | |_2.xml
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    Create a Node class that has a name and Map<String, Node> as children.
    Iterate over the list, split each entry on "/", and place the parts that you get into the Node structure.

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    CLARK     KING
    PALO      NULL
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    Perhaps something like this?
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select '/KING/JONES/SCOTT' as path from dual union all
      2             select '/KING/JONES/SCOTT/ADAMS' from dual union all
      3             select '/KING/JONES/FORD' from dual union all
      4             select '/KING/JONES/FORD/SMITH' from dual union all
      5             select '/KING/BLAKE' from dual union all
      6             select '/KING/BLAKE/ALLEN' from dual union all
      7             select '/KING/BLAKE/WARD' from dual union all
      8             select '/KING/BLAKE/MARTIN' from dual union all
      9             select '/KING/BLAKE/TURNER' from dual union all
    10             select '/KING/BLAKE/JAMES' from dual union all
    11             select '/KING/CLARK' from dual union all
    12             select '/KING/CLARK/MILLER' from dual union all
    13             select '/PALO/TEMP' from dual
    14            )
    15  --
    16  -- END OF TEST DATA
    17  --
    18  select distinct substr(path,instr(path,'/',1,rn)+1,decode(instr(path,'/',1,rn+1),0,length(path)+1,instr(path,'/',1,rn+1))-instr(path,'/',1,rn)-1) as folder, substr(path,2,instr(path,'/',1,rn)-2) as parent
    19  from t
    20       cross join (select rownum rn from dual connect by rownum <= (select max(length(regexp_replace(path,'[^/]'))) from t)) x
    21* where instr(path,'/',1,rn) > 0
    SQL> /
    FOLDER                  PARENT
    BLAKE                   KING
    SCOTT                   KING/JONES
    JAMES                   KING/BLAKE
    MARTIN                  KING/BLAKE
    SMITH                   KING/JONES/FORD
    WARD                    KING/BLAKE
    ADAMS                   KING/JONES/SCOTT
    FORD                    KING/JONES
    TURNER                  KING/BLAKE
    MILLER                  KING/CLARK
    TEMP                    PALO
    JONES                   KING
    CLARK                   KING
    ALLEN                   KING/BLAKE
    16 rows selected.

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    Could you elaborate a litle more exacly what you need to do?
    I found the link that maybe assist you.
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    Evan Collier
    Attachments: ‏59 KB

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    can any one help me out by sending any example code?
    thanks in advance.

    Once you have the data in a list or something, can't you just use <c:forEach> and then output standard nested <ul> and <li> tags to give the tree structure.
                             <input type="checkbox">Check 1</input>
                                       <input type="checkbox">Check 1A</input>
                                       <input type="checkbox">Check 1B</input>
                             <input type="checkbox">Check 2</input>
                                       <input type="checkbox">Check 2A</input>
                             <input type="checkbox">Check 3</input>

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    first off i'm a college student. i'm not that good at java... we got this CA in class and try as i might i just can't get my head around it
    i was wondering if someone who know a bit more about java then i do would point me in the right direction, were i'm going wrong in my code
    i have to list out sub-files and sub-directorys of a folder (i.e. C:/test) to console using tree structure
    like this
    dir1 //subfolder of startingdir
    dir11 //subfolder of dir1
    dir111 //subfolder of dir11
    dir12 //subfolder of dir1
    file1A // document on dir1
    dir2 //subfolder of startingdir
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.ListIterator;
    import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
    import java.util.Deque;
    public class Tree<E> {
        // Each Tree object is an unordered tree whose
        // elements are arbitrary objects of type E.
        // This tree is represented by a reference to its root node (root), which
        // is null if the tree is empty. Each tree node contains a link to its
        // parent and a LinkedList of child nodes
        private Node root;
        //////////// Constructor ////////////
        public Tree () {
        // Construct a tree, initially empty.
            root = null;
        //////////// Accessors ////////////
        public boolean isEmpty () {
        // Return true is and only if this tree is empty.
             return (root == null);
        public Node root () {
        // Return the root node of this tree, or null if this tree is empty.
            return root;
        public Node parent (Node node) {
        // Return the parent of node in this tree, or null if node is the root node.
            return node.parent;
        public void makeRoot (E elem) {
        // Make this tree consist of just a root node containing element elem.
            root = new Node(elem);
        public Node addChild (Node node, E elem) {
        // Add a new node containing element elem as a child of node in this
        // tree. The new node has no children of its own. Return the node
        // just added.
            Node newChild = new Node(elem);
            newChild.parent = node;
            return newChild;
        public E element (Node node) {
             return node.getElement();
        //////////// Iterators ////////////
        public Iterator childrenIterator (Node node) {
            return node.children.iterator();
        public Iterator nodesPreOrder () {
        // Return an iterator that visits all nodes of this tree, with a pre-order
        // traversal.
            return new Tree.PreOrderIterator();
        //////////// Inner classes ////////////
        public class Node {
            // Each Tree.Node object is a  node of an
            // unordered tree, and contains a single element.
            // This tree node consists of an element (element),
            // a link to its parent
            // and a LinkedList of its children
            private E element;
            private Node parent;
            private LinkedList<Node> children;
            private Node (E elem) {
                // Construct a tree node, containing element elem, that has no
                // children and no parent.
                this.element = elem;
                this.parent = null;
                children = new LinkedList<Node>();
            public E getElement () {
            // Return the element contained in this node.
                return this.element;
            public String toString () {
            // Convert this tree node and all its children to a string.
                String children = "";
                // write code here to add all children
                return element.toString() + children;
            public void setElement (E elem) {
            // Change the element contained in this node to be elem.
                this.element = elem;
        public class PreOrderIterator implements Iterator {
            private Deque<Node> track; //Java recommends using Deque rather
            // than Stack. This is used to store sequence of nomempty subtrees still
            //to be visited
            private PreOrderIterator () {
                track = new LinkedList();
                if (root != null)
            public boolean hasNext () {
                return (! track.isEmpty());
            public E next () {
                Node place = track.removeFirst();
                //stack the children in reverse order
                if (!place.children.isEmpty()) {
                    int size = place.children.size(); //number of children
                    ListIterator<Node> lIter =
                            place.children.listIterator(size); //start iterator at last child
                    while (lIter.hasPrevious()) {
                        Node element = lIter.previous();
                return place.element;
            public void remove () {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    import java.util.Iterator;
    public class FileHierarchy {
        // Each FileHierarchy object describes a hierarchical collection of
        // documents and folders, in which a folder may contain any number of
        // documents and other folders. Within a given folder, all documents and
        // folders have different names.
        // This file hierarchy is represented by a tree, fileTree, whose elements
        // are Descriptor objects.
        private Tree fileTree;
        //////////// Constructor ////////////
        public FileHierarchy (String startingDir, int level) {
            // Construct a file hierarchy with level levels, starting at
            // startingDir
            // Can initially ignore level and construct as many levels as exist
            fileTree = new Tree();
            Descriptor descr = new Descriptor(startingDir, true);
            int currentLevel = 0;
            int maxLevel = level;
            addSubDirs(fileTree.root(), currentLevel, maxLevel);
        //////////// File hierarchy operations ////////////
        private void addSubDirs(Tree.Node currentNode, int currentLevel,
                int maxLevel) {
        // get name of directory in currentNode
        // then find its subdirectories (can add files later)
        // for each subdirectory:
        //    add it to children of currentNode - call addChild method of Tree
        //    call this method recursively on each child node representing a subdir
        // can initially ignore currentLevel and maxLevel   
            Descriptor descr = (Descriptor) currentNode.getElement();
            File f = new File(;
            File[] list = f.listFiles();
            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
                if (list.isDirectory()) {
    File[] listx = null;
    fileTree.addChild(currentNode, i);
    if (list[i].list().length != 0) {
    listx = list[1].listFiles();
    } else if (list[i].isFile()) {
    fileTree.addChild(currentNode, i);
    // The following code is sample code to illustrate how File class is
    // used to get a list of subdirectories from a starting directory
    // list now contains subdirs and files
    // contained in dir
    ////////// Inner class for document/folder descriptors. //////////
    private static class Descriptor {
    // Each Descriptor object describes a document or folder.
    private String name;
    private boolean isFolder;
    private Descriptor (String name, boolean isFolder) { = name;
    this.isFolder = isFolder;
    FileHierarchyTest.javapublic class FileHierarchyTest {
    private static Tree fileTree;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    FileHierarchy test = new FileHierarchy ("//test", 1);

    Do you have [red hair|]? ;-)
    My advise with the tree structure is pretty short and sweet... make each node remember
    1. it's parent
    2. it's children
    That's how the file system (inode) actually works.
    The exact reasoning for designating these as "i" nodes is unsure. When asked, Unix pioneer Dennis Ritchie replied:[citation needed]
    In truth, I don't know either. It was just a term that we started to use. "Index" is my best guess, because of the
    slightly unusual file system structure that stored the access information of files as a flat array on the disk, with all
    the hierarchical directory information living aside from this. Thus the i-number is an index in this array, the
    i-node is the selected element of the array. (The "i-" notation was used in the 1st edition manual; its hyphen
    became gradually dropped).</quote>

  • How to Implement Dynamic Tree structure in jsp

    Does any body help me to solve out my requirement??
    I want to display all my folder contents (parent & childs) in windows explorer format, the root folder path will come from database.
    Thanks in advance

    There are many ways to achieve this. The simplest would be to use some existing tag library that renders a tree structure and feed it with the required data.

  • Tree Structure generation in content management

    I am new to Oracle portals.I have a task of generating a default
    tree structure based on say somes values from database eg: DEALS1,DEALS2, DEALS3 displayed, when I create or click any of these it should open a dynamic folder structure depending on users security level.One of the examples oracle uses is when you create a content area, by default portal generates Folders
    folder , Category folder, Navigation bar folders , etc.
    2. Is it possible to achieve tree similar to the one Oracle Portal displays when we open a default content page and click Content Area Map on top left , i.e with folders expands and closes on each click to Icon.

    Is it feasible in your scenario to simply set the unwanted folders to "hidden" or is it completely ACL-based? With the regular end-user explorers (e.g. ConsumerExplorer), hidden folders won't be shown (this is a setting of the corresponding collection renderer). Administrative Explorers (e.g. Admin Explorer) do show hidden files, though. Note that you can only modify the hidden state with such an administrative explorer. This makes sure that you have at least one way to reset that state and to not hide it in an explorer that afterwards does not show the file and thus would not allow you to reverse that step (in principle this means that users with no administrative accesses whatsoever will never be able to hide resources).
    Regards, /-/ans-Juergen

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