
i have problem when i run report the error (rep-501) is appear and the report can not execute
where i have two server one for oracle database11g and the other for oracle application server form and report service
all of them are under windows2003 server
can any one help please
thanks in advance

i did not find file i think you mean the file rep_applioracle_frhome1.conf
because i am working under windows and this file contain the next
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'?>
<!DOCTYPE server PUBLIC "-//Oracle Corp.//DTD Reports Server Configuration //EN" "file:G:\oracle\FRHome_1/reports/dtd/rwserverconf.dtd">
<server version="">
<cache class="oracle.reports.cache.RWCache">
<property name="cacheSize" value="50"/>
<!--property name="cacheDir" value="your cache directory"/-->
<!--property name="maxCacheFileNumber" value="max number of cache files"/-->
<!--property name="ignoreParameters" value="parameter names to be ignored in constructing cache key, separated by comma ','"/-->
<!--Please do not change the id for reports engine.-->
<!--The class specifies below is subclass of _EngineClassImplBase and implements EngineInterface.-->
<engine id="rwEng" class="oracle.reports.engine.EngineImpl" initEngine="1" maxEngine="1" minEngine="0" engLife="50" maxIdle="30" callbackTimeOut="90000">
<!--property name="sourceDir" value="your reports source directory"/-->
<!--property name="tempDir" value="your reports temp directory"/-->
<!--property name="keepConnection" value="yes"/-->
<engine id="rwURLEng" class="oracle.reports.urlengine.URLEngineImpl" initEngine="1" maxEngine="1" minEngine="0" engLife="50" maxIdle="30" callbackTimeOut="60000"/>
<!--security id="rwSec" class="oracle.reports.server.RWSecurity">
<property name="securityUserid" value="%PORTAL_DB_USERNAME%/%PORTAL_DB_PASSWORD%@%PORTAL_DB_TNSNAME%" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/>
<property name="oidEntity" value="%REPORTS_OID_ENTITY%"/>
<!--destination destype="oraclePortal" class="oracle.reports.server.DesOraclePortal">
<property name="portalUserid" value="%PORTAL_DB_USERNAME%/%PORTAL_DB_PASSWORD%@%PORTAL_DB_TNSNAME%" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/>
<destination destype="ftp" class="oracle.reports.plugin.destination.ftp.DesFTP">
<!--property name="proxy" value="proxyinfo.xml"/-->
<destination destype="WebDav" class="oracle.reports.plugin.destination.webdav.DesWebDAV">
<!--property name="proxy" value="proxyinfo.xml"/-->
<!-- By default server will use rwnetwork.conf as network config file
Use this element to override the same -->
<!--networkConfig file="rwnetwork.conf"></networkConfig-->
<job jobType="report" engineId="rwEng"/>
<job jobType="rwurl" engineId="rwURLEng"/>
<notification id="mailNotify" class="oracle.reports.server.MailNotify">
<property name="succnotefile" value="succnote.txt"/>
<property name="failnotefile" value="failnote.txt"/>
<!--notification id="wfNotify" class="oracle.reports.server.WorkflowNotify">
<property name="connStr" value="%WF_DB_USERNAME%/%WF_DB_PASSWORD%@%WF_DB_TNSNAME%" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/>
<log option="noJob"/>
<!--jobStatusRepository class="oracle.reports.server.JobRepositoryDB">
<property name="repositoryConn" value="repo_db_username/repo_db_password@repo_db_tnsname" confidential="yes" encrypted="no"/>
<!--trace traceOpts="trace_all"/-->
<connection maxConnect="100" idleTimeOut="15">
<orbClient id="RWClient" publicKeyFile="clientpub.key"/>
<queue maxQueueSize="1000"/>
<!--jobRecovery auxDatFiles="yes"/-->
The value of the 'identifier' element is encrypted and is of the form SERVERACCESSKEY_USER/SERVERACCESSKEY_PASSWORD
file should match for Reports EM pages to display data correctly.
Corresponding entries of username and password in targets.xml:
<identifier confidential="yes" encrypted="yes">ZgZCDkywAUaHwMnb+A6YTg0TUX59oOFmL5e6NIZ0MHSpqqDtbMpBKsXnl5sUISrXhhMJK/VSUTwO/PPIoA0Sr/7EwAQhoXqx14ZOCmAsec2w71FGJJUiqnINB2gL9yWAE1IQ4wl+oDOqZpDVssEvV/+aFkEF//o9fI4Im+nIK/G/uEOlEFBYRHpgtDwF/0/acKnRVs4nMErCE0WSqSa+boyhURBRlWkyW37l7YbOTE6Nwb2DdtSzTmv1+G1NLZgfGjo0QHEDI8Gj7dZE7SHmp5KuFhdsfgVl9XTfxLR/+F/6CJD/gccW4N4ja95WbY6tCE8IN9NZd7SJxyQGG6Ul/lWHqDMRJHPKUmyPUgUM7ABQv1N9EAYAUtqUCJUlmEi+zT8Nm0BQpaHaPcsDqjmGaZ1oFQ+ZF3n0qwC+3vGdfE3nNSxjtvaf9onW5duclzntWGtmEw==</identifier>
<!--pluginParam name="mailServer">%MAILSERVER_NAME%</pluginParam-->
<!--pluginParam name="proxy" type="file">proxyinfo.xml</pluginParam-->
<pluginParam name="xmlpds" type="file">xmlpds.conf</pluginParam>
<pluginParam name="jdbcpds" type="file">jdbcpds.conf</pluginParam>
<pluginParam name="textpds" type="file">textpds.conf</pluginParam>
please where is the error is this file contain error?
please help me

Similar Messages

  • REP-501: Unable to connect to the specified database in Report Server

    I Get a 'REP-501: Unable to connect to the specified database' error, when trying to call a report from a button on a Forms 10g application, through a report object:
    A portion of the code button:
    report_id := find_report_object('REPORT');
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_destype, cache);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_desformat, 'PDF');
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_server, p_server);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_filename, 'report.rep');
    report_job_id := run_report_object(report_id, lista_p);
    rep_status := report_object_status(report_job_id);
    job_number := length(servidor_rep) + 2;
    rep_status := report_object_status(report_job_id);
    IF rep_status = 'FINISHED' THEN
    web.show_document('http://'||server_name||'/reports/rwservlet/getjobid' ||
    substr(report_job_id, job_number) || '?server=' || p_server,'_blank');
    END IF;
    The TSNMAMES configured in the OAS is as follows,
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = zurquivip.coope.local)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = poasvip.coope.local)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = irazuvip.coope.local)(PORT = 1521))
    DB01 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = zurquivip.coope.local)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = poasvip.coope.local)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = irazuvip.coope.local)(PORT = 1521))
    (LOAD_BALANCE = yes)
    (RETRIES = 180)
    (DELAY = 5)
    This application does not fail in other databases, only in which I have the problem.
    The connection to the database through the SQLPLUS and other applications works well. The error is presented only when calling reports from the application.
    Another point is that the problem is presented with some users and not with others even they have the same conditions as roles, profiles, grant objects, etc.
    If i run my report with the following url applying directly on address bar of web browser then it run fine on web browser
    OAS 10g and Database are on different machines.
    Please... any idea about this problem?

    I use a report object, imagine that sends connect information when creating the Job in the reports server.
    However the same problem happens if I call to report from the Internet Explorer with all parameters of connectivity, for example;
    The only difference in this database is that it is configured in a RAC and as I mentioned the problem occurs with some users and not with others, even if they are identical.
    Thank for your help!

  • The report terminated with error:  REP-501: The specified database cannot b

    Dear All,
    We are usning forms and reports 11g in weblogic . while running the reports from forms
    frequently getting the error The report terminated with error: REP-501: The specified database cannot be connected..
    Can anyboby help me to solve this problem

    REP-501 typically means that Oracle Reports are unable to locate any available Oracle Databases. By default, Oracle Reports (similar to Oracle Forms) will only look for available databases in tnsnames.ora. Not only that, but the Reports environment by default will always look for the tnsnames.ora file in %ORACLE_INSTANCE%\config ($ORACLE_INSTANCE/config in Unix). I have seen these scenarios happen before especially if the TNS_ADMIN variable for your Forms environment variables is a directory different from %ORACLE_INSTANCE%\config. This would be the first place I would look.
    If tnsnames.ora is located in %ORACLE_INSTANCE%\config, do all generated reports fail with this message or a select amount of them? If only a select amount of them, are there any similarities with these reports (e.g, size, parameters, etc.)?

  • After 11g upgrade "REP - 501: Unable to connect...."

    Hi All,
    There is a problem in one of our application which is deployed on 10g AS( The database it was connecting was upgraded to from 10gR2.
    A report is not getting executed from a form. But from web browser the report is working in standalone. Below i have checked so far.
    Error I am getting:
    REP - 501: Unable to connect to the specified database.
    1. Disabled case sensitive login in the 11g database.
    2.Used FORMS_USERNAME_CASESENSITIVE = 1 in ORACLE_HOME/forms/server/default.env.
    3.Checked for zrclient.jar and rwrun.jar in classpath env variable.
    4.Changed Service_name to sid in the tns connect string.
    5.Restarted the whole opmn stack.
    6.Run the form in debug mode and find the username,password and connect string it is throwing to report is OK. I can connect through sqlplus.
    No error in forms server log in opmn or in report server.
    Please help.
    Now where to look at?

    Fabian wrote:
    Try few things,
    1) try tnsping <sid name>, specified in tnsnames.ora file from Oracle Application Server
    2) try running the report through the below url
    3)Trace the form and try running the report (u can google how to trace a form in 10gAS),errors would be mentioned in the trace file.The trace file will be generated in $ORACLE_HOME/forms/trace
    FabianThanks for your reply.
    1. tnsping is ok.
    2. reports is working in this way. Problem was when calling from forms.
    3. did not tried the trace. Before that the root cause of the problem was found.
    Well you may say this is a mistake from my side. The URL that was being generated by the form was with wrong report server name. The application has the capability to fetch the report server name from the server and store in a db table. From that table the report server name is read and URL is made. Don't know why, some developer wrote the report server name in the form instead of fetching it from the db. So there was a mismatch of the report server name and it was not running. All I was having access was screenshot of the error and the logs. So I missed out the URL.

  • Terminated with error: br REP-501: Unable to connect to the specified

    My report server can function nicely, always I can retrieve my report but I am also constantly facing the error when running report after a few minutes having my report servers on function.
         Terminated with error: <br>REP-501: Unable to connect to the specified database.
    I have 2 oracle home in my server, 1 is 9i (used for ODBC to connect to my database) and 1 more is 10g where my application server is.
    My both my TNS files have all the entries of the database server. In fact, we gets reports perfectly OK without problem until a certain time when the error pops up.
    Pls help

    I did not check the timeout because all reports were generated within seconds.

  • REP-501: Unable to connect to the specified database

    Hi, the following error occurs when running a paper report from forms:[
    2006/8/10 9:38:19:493] State 56016 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Job 22 status is: Terminated with error:
    REP-501: Unable to connect to the specified database.
    [2006/8/10 9:38:19:494] Debug 50103 (JobManager:notifyWaitingJobs): Master job 22 notify its duplicated jobs.
    [2006/8/10 9:38:19:496] Debug 50103 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Finished updating job: 22
    [2006/8/10 9:38:19:500] State 56004 (EngineInfo:setState): Engine rwEng-0 state is: Ready
    [2006/8/10 9:38:19:530] Exception 501 (): Unable to connect to the specified database.
    exception oracle.reports.RWException {
    oracle.reports.RWError[] errorChain={struct oracle.reports.RWError {
    int errorCode=501,
    java.lang.String errorString="Unable to connect to the specified database.",
    java.lang.String moduleName="REP"
         at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobInEngine(
         at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.runJobLocal(
         at oracle.reports.server.JobManager.dispatch(
         at oracle.reports.server.ConnectionImpl.runJob(
         at oracle.reports.server.ConnectionPOATie.runJob(
         at oracle.reports.server.ConnectionPOA._invoke(
         at oracle.reports.server.ConnectionPOA._invoke(
         at com.inprise.vbroker.poa.POAImpl.invoke(
         at com.inprise.vbroker.poa.ActivationRecord.invoke(
         at com.inprise.vbroker.GIOP.GiopProtocolAdapter.doRequest(
         at com.inprise.vbroker.IIOP.ServerProtocolAdapter.doRequest(
         at com.inprise.vbroker.GIOP.GiopProtocolAdapter.dispatchMessage(
         at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.TPDispatcherImpl$
         at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.ThreadPool$
    I've included the connection in tnsnames.ora, connecting from forms and sqlplus works fine, only reports generate the error above. Any ideas ?

    In the engine tracefile i found this:
    [2006/8/10 10:48:54:64] Exception 50125 (org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT: vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No
         at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.DelegateImpl.verifyConnection(
         at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.DelegateImpl.is_local(
         at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._is_local(
         at oracle.reports.engine.RWEngine.init(
         at oracle.reports.engine.RWEngine.main(
    ): Interner Fehler org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT: vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No
    [2006/8/10 10:48:55:79] Exception 50125 (org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST: vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No
         at com.inprise.vbroker.ProtocolEngine.PortfolioImpl.getConnector(
         at com.inprise.vbroker.ProtocolEngine.ManagerImpl.getConnector(
         at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.DelegateImpl._bind(
         at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.DelegateImpl.verifyConnection(
         at com.inprise.vbroker.orb.DelegateImpl.is_local(
         at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._is_local(
         at oracle.reports.engine.RWEngine.init(
         at oracle.reports.engine.RWEngine.main(
    ): Interner Fehler org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST: vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No
    Any ideas ? Didn't find anything useful in the web

  • Terminated with error: br REP-501: Unable to connect to the specified data

    Dear All,
    Oracle DB 10g installed on Windows 2003 Server machine and client is Windows 7 Pro. Forms are running fine. If I run report by puting everything in URL it is also giving result. But only when i am trying to call report via form I get an error REP-501: Unable to connect to the specified data. The report log file contains below result. Is this something to to AUTHID=ANONYMOUS??? I need your assistance in this regard as I have been facing this problem since quite a long time now.
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Info 56013 (ConnectionManager:release): Connection 0 is released
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Info 50132 (JobObject:reset): jobid = 72 Get command line: REPORT=E:\AuditSys\twoconsecutive_estimate.jsp USERID=AUDITSYS@customerdb P_USERID="MAJAN" P_REPORTNAME="Bills which have been estimated for 3 months consecutively" P_REGIONCODE="" P_TARIFF="" P_PRIGOV="" P_AREAFROM="2" P_AREATO="91" P_BILLMONTH="9" P_BILLYEAR="2011" P_MONTHS="3" BATCH=YES DESTYPE=cache DESFORMAT=HTML AUTHID=ANONYMOUS
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (ConnectionImpl:runJob): Job queue for jobid = 72 is 0
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (ConnectionImpl:runJob): jobid = 72 is in current queue
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (ConnectionImpl:runJob): Calling findDuplicatedJob for jobid = 72
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (JobManager:findDuplicatedJob): Found no duplicated job for job 72
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (ConnectionImpl:runJob): No Duplicate jobs for jobid = 72
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (ConnectionImpl:runJob): Job 72 is Enqueued
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (JobManager:firstToRun): job 72 is first to run
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (JobManager.runJobLocal): Trying to get engine for Job 72
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (EngineManager:getIdleEngine): Target max engines = 1
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (EngineManager:getIdleEngine): rwEng-0 is used = true
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (EngineManager:getIdleEngine): rwEng-0 state is 1
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] State 56004 (EngineInfo:setState): Engine rwEng-0 state is: Reserved
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (JobManager.runJobLocal): Job 72 got Engine rwEng-0
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (JobManager:runJobInEngine): Job 72 calling setCommand on engine rwEng-0
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (EngineManager:updateEngineState): Engine rwEng-0 status is 3
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] State 56004 (EngineInfo:setState): Engine rwEng-0 state is: Running
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (EngineManager:updateEngineState): Engine rwEng-0 status is 5
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] State 56004 (EngineInfo:setState): Engine rwEng-0 state is: Idle
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (JobManager:runJobInEngine): Send job 72 to engine rwEng-0
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] Debug 50103 (EngineManager:updateEngineState): Engine rwEng-0 status is 3
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:34] State 56004 (EngineInfo:setState): Engine rwEng-0 state is: Running
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:96] State 56016 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Job 72 status is: Terminated with error:
    REP-501: Unable to connect to the specified database.
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:96] Debug 50103 (JobManager:notifyWaitingJobs): Master job 72 notify its duplicated jobs.
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:96] Debug 50103 (JobManager:updateJobStatus): Finished updating job: 72
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:96] Debug 50103 (EngineManager:updateEngineState): Engine rwEng-0 status is 1
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:96] State 56004 (EngineInfo:setState): Engine rwEng-0 state is: Ready
    [2011/10/22 3:55:55:96] Exception 501 (): Unable to connect to the specified database.

    Dear guys, it is quite an urgency here and I am not getting any clue from anywhere else .... please give me some tips to handle the issue if anybody has some...

  • REP-501: Unable to connect to the specified data

    i found this error when i try to run reports in 11g-->>
    REP-501: Unable to connect to the specified data
    kindly provide solution regarding the same.

    Dear guys, it is quite an urgency here and I am not getting any clue from anywhere else .... please give me some tips to handle the issue if anybody has some...

  • REP-501 and REP-2147418514

    When I try to run reports in PDF the below error appears
    "REP -2147418514 Unable to retrieve a string from the Report Builder message file"
    The same report runs successfully in HTML.
    When trying to run report from forms the below error appears:
    "41214 Unable to run report"
    and in Report server jobs the error is "REP-501 Unable to connect to specified database"

    I was just wondering if you'd found out any more about this problem..? It looks like we might be having similar issues. The REP-501s went away once we started the reports server, but we'd prefer not to have to do this after every time we bounce the datebase.

  • Run_report_objects getting rep-501

    Hi everyone,
    We recently moved to Oracle 11g app server and since the move we are unable to run a report which gets called from a form using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT.
    We get REP-501 Specified database cannot be connected.
    We have confirmed that case sensitive parameter is set to false on the database.
    We have checked all config and everything seems fine.
    Does anyone have any suggestions? I have browsed all threads and no sail.

    Do you mean database server? yes, we have 2 oracle homes on the database server and the correct one is specified in the tnsnames.ora on the app server.

  • REP 501 Error

    I'm receiving Oracle report error : "Unable to connect to the specified database", as I want to run a report via the J2EE. While I'm able to retrieve date records with other parts of the application.
    I think I'm missing a client file which associates this connection.
    Plz someone help?

    You are right. First I thought it could be a problem I set that up so that I don't have any problems with connecting to SQLPlus or Toad.
    But when I run any reports via the J2EE application I'm getting this error. Besides, I can view all of the data records via the J2EE application. It seems something (file) is missing for only the reports, since this is not my first time doing this. I have all this application in another machine and it's working fine.
    I also ran the OC4J container for reports. and also change the web.XML file in Jdeveloper to define the Report server. Can u give me more advice plz?

  • Rep-0501 Unable to Connect to Specified Database

    We are getting error Rep-501 when trying to run reports from a form. The program modules are as follows:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Productio
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Please note that everything else is working fine. The reports run fine through the reports developer.
    Any help appreciated.

    A Remark about {oracle_home_infra}\bin
    Reports is installed in the "Middle Tier" ORACLE_HOME, So you should use the tnsping provided in [oracle_home_middle_tier}\bin
    On windows , TNS_ADMIN can be set as an environment variable :
    ex : set TNS_ADMIN=c:\mytns
    or in the file opmn.xml
    <ias-component id="<RSName>" status="enabled" id-matching="false">
    <process-type id="ReportsServer" module-id="ReportsServices">
    <process-set id="<RSName>" restart-on-death="true" numprocs="1">
    <variable id="PATH" value="your_shell_path"/>
    <variable id="TNS_ADMIN" value="c:\mytns"/>

  • Forms 10gR2 on Windows 7 ultimate

    So i have installed Developer Suite 10gR2 ( OS is Windows 7 ultimate (32bit).
    I have configured Forms to run with JRE plugin (version is 1.6.0_34).. so not with Jinitiator (i have made changes in formsweb.cfg). Everything goes OK, until I run the form in the IE browser (version is IE9).
    After pressing Ctrl+R to run the form (which has only a simple canvas and a red ellipse), i get that invalid username/password (because I have not disabled the case sensitive passwords, but I will), I enter then again the password and click OK. It seems to work a little bit (2-3 seconds), and then all I can see is a gray rectangle (with the form's window/canvas dimension properties, in property palette). Nothing more. I can't see the form.
    I tried to watch the Java console, but no error or something suspect.
    Everything works ok, but the content of the form. I cannot see the canvas, nor the forms' menu.
    What could be the problem? Do I need to install the latest Forms patch, or the problem isn't related to some patch?

    But shouldn't have been receiving an error? That unable to open/find the file.. or something. There is no FRM error in the message line Yes, you would expect this but unfortunately you don't. As InoL indicated, you can look at the MOS Doc ID: 1292919.1, but if you don't have a My Oracle Support account, take a look at an article I wrote: Forms: How to Configure Forms Builder to run forms locally. If you don't want to modify your FORMS_PATH in the default.env, then you would need to create a configuration in the formsweb.cfg that explicitely identifies your form binary and the path to it (eg: form=\<your directory>\form_name.fmx). I found it a lot easier to simply create a directory where I place all of my Forms (.fmb). I then added this directory to the FORMS_PATH and never have to create a configuration specific to run a form. :)
    Do I need to install the latest Forms patchTechnically, yes if you want/need a supported (certified) environment. However, if you do not have a My Oracle Support (MOS) account, you can't get the patch. I have the Oracle Developer Suite (ODS) 10g R2 ( installed and running just fine on Windows 7 Professional (64-bit).
    And once I can run my form, and asks me to re-enter the password (because of that sensitive password), I think the installation it's ok. So, you're connecting to an Oracle 11g RDBMS? You can either turn off the Case Sensitive passwords on your database or you can add the FORMS_USERNAME_CASESENSITIVE = 1 parameter to your default.env. For more details on this, look at MOS Doc ID: 469013.1 [FRM-41214 and REP-501 when connecting ot Database 11g using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT].
    Hope this helps,

  • Reports going in queue.

    hi all,
    In my production server , reports are going in the queue.previously server had the problem (rep-501 unable to connect to specified database).i raised the oracle tar, they suggest me either decrease the EngLife value from 50 to 1 or apply the patch because it is fix bug. and i made the changes as they suggested (engLife=1) after this change the previous problem is gone.But now our production server is live and this problem occur(reports going in the queue) . for the same i increase the maxEng=10 , minEng=4 And initEng=4 and Englife=5 .but agian this problem occur. i saw one more thing in my report server if i set maxEng=10 then why it not works when all of 4 report engines are busy (minEng=4) .
    operating System:-AIX 5L
    RAM- 9216 MB
    thanks in advance........
    please tell me how can i solve this problem.

    ewt = get reporting stats (queue_name, expected wait time)set ewt = 2play prompt (p[ewt_is] + n[ewt] + p[minutes])
    Ok, in all seriousness though, you would get the reporting stats step for each of the metrics you think weighs into EWT, and then crunch your own number
    One example might be:
    logged_in = get reporting stats(queue_name, logged in resources)not_ready = get reporting stats(queue_name, not ready resources)set potentials = logged_in - not_readyavg_handle_time = get reporting stats(queue_name, average handle time)set ewt = potentials * avg_handle_time / 60if (ewt > 1)     play prompt (p[ewt_is] + n[ewt] + p[minutes])
    Of course, if you are going to make up your own, be sure to thoroughly test your calculations.  This was just an example, not a recommendation.

  • Unable to connect to database when running from JDeveloper

    Hi all,
    When I open a report in Reports Builder , and enter the database connection parameters, everything works fine. When I run my web application from JDeveloper (, and I tried to run a report, I get this error:
    Rep-501 : Unable to connect to the specified database.
    I have ran tnsping, and it works fine. My tnsnames.ora file looks like this :
    GPGWL =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1522))

    this question is best answered on the Reports forum

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