Repeat Region in Air with back / next paging issue

Oddly enough, many of the widgets and whatnot that are
Spry-related work fine in AIR out of the box, but I ran into one
problem that sounds like it can be fixed with Element Selector.
First off, I am using Spry Spry_1_6_1_022408, the latest AIR
release (1.5) and using Dreamweaver CS3.
On my page I have the following (and yes, all of the
necessary .js is on the page, I though it would be redundant to
post that).
<div spry:region="transcript09">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="740"
style="padding:0px; margin:3px; border:1px solid #ccc;">
<tr spry:repeatchildren="transcript09">
<td width="70%" bgcolor="#deecf2"><span
font-weight:bold;">{boldname}</span>  {name}</td>
<td width="30%" valign="top" bgcolor="#deecf2"
align="right"><input type="image" src="imx/back.gif"
onclick="UpdatePage(pageOffset - pageSize);" />
<input type="image" src="imx/next.gif"
onclick="UpdatePage(pageOffset + pageSize);" /></td>
<tr spry:repeatchildren="transcript09">
<td valign="top" colspan="2"><div
style="padding:15px 10px 15px 10px; text-align:center;"><img
src="assets/images/{photoURL}" style="border:1px solid #ccc;"
<tr spry:repeatchildren="transcript09">
<td valign="top" colspan="2"><div
style="padding:5px 10px 5px 10px; border-top:1px solid
and in another .js file I have:
var transcript09 = new
"transcripts/slideinfo/slides", { filterFunc: MyPagingFunc });
transcript09.setColumnType("photoURL", "image");
transcript09.setColumnType("copy", "html");
// new code for AIR
Spry.Data.Region.addObserver("transcript09", { onPostUpdate:
function(){ transcript09.setCurrentRowNumber(this.selectedIndex);
}, false);
// end new AIR code
var pageOffset = 0;
var pageSize = 1;
var pageStop = pageOffset + pageSize;
function MyPagingFunc(ds, row, rowNumber)
if (rowNumber < pageOffset || rowNumber >= pageStop)
return null;
return row;
function UpdatePage(offset)
var numRows = transcript09.getUnfilteredData().length;
if (offset > (numRows - pageSize))
offset = numRows - pageSize;
if (offset < 0)
offset = 0;
pageOffset = offset;
pageStop = offset + pageSize;
// Re-apply our non-destructive filter on dsStates1:
-->now...the code on it's own works. pulls from the XML
properly, populates the table and repeats. When I compile in
AIR...the back / next buttons do not function.
I found this
however the way that their back / next buttons were set up are
different from how I set mine up. So I started to cobble the code
together (as seen in the "// new AIR code" comment) and found that
things were not as simple as I thought.
So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Bit Crusher,
Your buttons stop working because AIR ignores any on*
(onclick, onmouseover, etc) attributes on elements that are
inserted *after* the onload event for the document has fired. You
might want to checkout these docs for more information:
To fix the problem you'll want to add ids to your buttons and
then use addEventListener() to attach the click handlers in your
region's onPostUpdate observer as you are already doing for
--== Kin ==--

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    01 02 03 04 05
    06 07 08 09 10
    11 12 13 14 15
    Each would represent a thumbnail with a title under it

    AngryCloud wrote:
    > How do I create a horizontal repeat region that drops to
    the next row when the
    > width of the data exceeds the table width?
    Try the horizontal looper from The Adobe
    Developer Toolbox (formerly Kollection) also has this
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

  • Images not loading in repeat regions

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              <div class="film">
                <img src="images/films/<?php echo $row_rsFilms['still']; ?>" width="178" height="100" />
                <h3 class="filmtitle" ><?php echo $row_rsFilms['filmTitle']; ?></h3>
              <?php } while ($row_rsFilms = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsFilms)); ?>
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    Thanks Justin....
    This is for author/publish and it should be not the issue either the CQ instance is author or publish.
    Let me give you some more input.
    In CQ 5.4 the background image loading properly and image location is at  \etc\design\..\us\en\images
    And the following css just works fine.
    background: url("../../images/company.png") no-repeat scroll right -27px transparent;
        color: #232323;
    But same piece of code not working in CQ 5.5.
    We found in CQ5.5 some unnecessary urls appending to images and that makes the URL invalid.
    As per my understanding CQ5.5 should support backword compatability i.e. CQ 5.4 components should work fine in CQ 5.5.
    Please help me with this.Thank you.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "manicbananic" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g7pimq$fvg$[email protected]..
    >I want to produce a template that will let users create
    pages that list
    > as a thumbnail image and a short text description, one
    after the other.
    > I can set this up as a repeating region, but I would
    also like to make
    > only
    > certain attributes of the image editable (src and alt
    for example).
    > However,
    > when I use editable tag attributes to do this, the image
    in each repeated
    > region ends up with the same attribute values - when I
    add a new repeat
    > region
    > and then change the src tag through the Template
    Properties dialog,
    > of the images take on the same src value. Looking at the
    code, it looks
    > like
    > the editable instances in each repeated region get the
    same name, and so I
    > can
    > see that DW will get confused.
    > Is this a limitation in DW? Is there a work around
    anyone can suggest?
    > TIA

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    ResultsID PK
    NamesID FK
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    Create a new recodset or modify one of the old ones with this
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    FROM tblResults INNER JOIN tblNames USING (NamesID)
    ORDER BY LastName
    This will produce a list of LastNames and associated info
    Dave Buchholz
    Skype ID: I-CRE8
    "Swn-Y-Mor" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f1ndo2$cp9$[email protected]..
    >I have 2 tables tblNames and tblResults
    > tblNames
    > --------
    > NamesID PK
    > FirstName
    > LastName
    > Address1
    > Addrees2
    > tblResults
    > ----------
    > ResultsID PK
    > NamesID FK
    > ResultsInfo
    > ResultsDate
    > Results table has a foreign key NamesID containing
    primary key of Names
    > table.
    > I am trying to show a repeat region of results, with a
    column showing
    > LastName
    > of tblNames depending on the ResultsID
    > I have 2 recordsets, rsNames and rsResults but I'm
    having trouble showing
    > relevant LastName.


    Im using dreamweaver to deevelop a page that displays questions in ann assessment to the user. First of all the page shows the assessment name to the user and then it gets some information about the questions in the assessment from the table called Item. It gets the Question_ID and then there is a repeat region which uses the Question_ID to display the questions in the assessment. There is a nested repeat region inside this which displays the possible answers the user can respond to the question with It gets this information from a table called outcome. The page should display each question and then all the possible answers but i am having problems and im not sure wether i am doing this in the correct way. What is wrong with my code? PLEASE HELP! can someone tell me what is going wrong and how i can fix this problem thamks.
    here is my code.
    Driver DriverassessmentRecordset = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_connAssessment_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnassessmentRecordset = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_connAssessment_STRING,MM_connAssessment_USERNAME,MM_connAssessment_PASSWORD);
    PreparedStatement StatementassessmentRecordset = ConnassessmentRecordset.prepareStatement("SELECT Assessment_ID, Assessment_Name, Time_Limit, Display_Random, Record_Answers FROM Assessment.assessment WHERE Assessment_ID = '" + session.getValue("AssessmentID") + "' ");
    ResultSet assessmentRecordset = StatementassessmentRecordset.executeQuery();
    boolean assessmentRecordset_isEmpty = !;
    boolean assessmentRecordset_hasData = !assessmentRecordset_isEmpty;
    Object assessmentRecordset_data;
    int assessmentRecordset_numRows = 0;
    Driver DriveritemRecordset = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_connAssessment_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnitemRecordset = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_connAssessment_STRING,MM_connAssessment_USERNAME,MM_connAssessment_PASSWORD);
    PreparedStatement StatementitemRecordset = ConnitemRecordset.prepareStatement("SELECT Question_ID, Assessment_ID FROM Assessment.item WHERE Assessment_ID = '" + session.getValue("AssessmentID") + "' ");
    ResultSet itemRecordset = StatementitemRecordset.executeQuery();
    boolean itemRecordset_isEmpty = !;
    boolean itemRecordset_hasData = !itemRecordset_isEmpty;
    Object itemRecordset_data;
    int itemRecordset_numRows = 0;
    Driver DriverquestionRecordset = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_connAnswer_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnquestionRecordset = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_connAnswer_STRING,MM_connAnswer_USERNAME,MM_connAnswer_PASSWORD);
    //PreparedStatement StatementquestionRecordset = ConnquestionRecordset.prepareStatement("SELECT Question_Type, Number_Outcomes, Question_Wording FROM Answer.question WHERE Question_ID = '" + (((itemRecordset_data = itemRecordset.getObject("Question_ID"))==null || itemRecordset.wasNull())?"":itemRecordset_data) +"' ");
    //ResultSet questionRecordset = StatementquestionRecordset.executeQuery();
    Driver DriveroutcomeRecordset = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_connAnswer_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnoutcomeRecordset = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_connAnswer_STRING,MM_connAnswer_USERNAME,MM_connAnswer_PASSWORD);
    PreparedStatement StatementoutcomeRecordset = ConnoutcomeRecordset.prepareStatement("SELECT Outcome_Number, Outcome_Text, Score, Feedback FROM Answer.outcome WHERE Question_ID = '" +itemRecordset.getObject("Question_ID")+ "' ");
                     ResultSet outcomeRecordset = StatementoutcomeRecordset.executeQuery();
                     boolean outcomeRecordset_isEmpty = !;
                    boolean outcomeRecordset_hasData = !outcomeRecordset_isEmpty;Object outcomeRecordset_data;
                  int outcomeRecordset_numRows = 0;
    int Repeat1__numRows = -1;
    int Repeat1__index = 0;
    itemRecordset_numRows += Repeat1__numRows;
    int Repeat2__numRows = -1;
    int Repeat2__index = 0;
    assessmentRecordset_numRows += Repeat2__numRows;
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/assessment.dwt.jsp" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    <link href="../css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <table width="1000" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <td height="190"><img src="../img/assessment_login.png" alt="" name="navigation" width="1000" height="190" border="0" id="navigation" /></td>
        <td height="19"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell--> </td>
        <td height="19"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="main" -->
            <td width="990">Assessment Name:<%=(((assessmentRecordset_data = assessmentRecordset.getObject("Assessment_Name"))==null || assessmentRecordset.wasNull())?"":assessmentRecordset_data)%> </td>
            <td><% int count = 1; %> </td>
            <td valign="top"><table>
                <% while ((itemRecordset_hasData)&&(Repeat1__numRows-- != 0)) { %>
                  <td width="21"> 
                  <td width="86">Question:<%= count %></td>
                     PreparedStatement StatementquestionRecordset = ConnquestionRecordset.prepareStatement("SELECT Question_Type, Number_Outcomes, Question_Wording FROM Answer.question WHERE Question_ID = '" +itemRecordset.getObject("Question_ID")+"' ");
                     ResultSet questionRecordset = StatementquestionRecordset.executeQuery();
                  boolean questionRecordset_isEmpty = !;
                  boolean questionRecordset_hasData = !questionRecordset_isEmpty;
                  Object questionRecordset_data;
                  int questionRecordset_numRows = 0;
                     %> <%= questionRecordset.getObject("Question_Wording") %></td>
                      <% while ((outcomeRecordset_hasData)&&(Repeat2__numRows-- != 0)) {%>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Outcome_Number"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Outcome_Text"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Score"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Feedback"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Question_ID"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
      outcomeRecordset_hasData =;
                      <tr> </tr>
                      <tr> </tr>
      itemRecordset_hasData =;
    Here is the exception i am gettingorg.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
    An error occurred at line: 115 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data
    location: class
    out.print((((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Outcome_Number"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data));
    An error occurred at line: 116 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data
    location: class
    out.print((((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Outcome_Text"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data));
    An error occurred at line: 117 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data
    location: class
    out.print((((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Score"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data));
    An error occurred at line: 118 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data
    location: class
    out.print((((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Feedback"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data));
    An error occurred at line: 119 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ cannot find symbol
    symbol : variable outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data
    location: class
    out.print((((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Question_ID"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data));
    An error occurred at line: 119 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    Note: C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
    An error occurred at line: 119 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    An error occurred at line: 119 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    Note: C:\Servers\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\assessment\org\apache\jsp\delivery\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
    An error occurred at line: 119 in the jsp file: /delivery/session.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
    5 errors
         org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.javacError(     org.apache.jasper.compiler.ErrorDispatcher.javacError(
         org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext.compile(     org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(

    Dont have much time to go through your code, but apparently i can see the error is becoz of the following reason.
    In the following code, you have used "outcomeRecordset_data ", but its not declared. You need to declare the variable first before you can use it.
    <% while ((outcomeRecordset_hasData)&&(Repeat2__numRows-- != 0)) {%>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Outcome_Number"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Outcome_Text"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Score"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Feedback"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
                        <td><%=(((outcomeRecordset_data = outcomeRecordset.getObject("Question_ID"))==null || outcomeRecordset.wasNull())?"":outcomeRecordsetRecordset_data)%></td>
      outcomeRecordset_hasData =;
    %>Try declaring the "outcomeRecordset_data " on top as an object
    Hope it helps

  • How do I use edge commons composition loader to load multiple compositions with a next and back button?

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    I am using  the edge commons JS library to load multiple compositions into a main composition.
    You can see how this works here: Edge Commons - Extension Library for Edge Animate and Edge Reflow |
    The way the edge commons tutorial is set up requires a button for each composition i want to load. I am interested in loading multiple compositions with a "next" and "back" button, and a "swipe left, "swipe right" gesture on the content symbol that each composition is loaded into. I also need the swipe features on the content symbol not to interfere with the interactive elements on the loaded composition.
    Please suggest a solution that will work without adding additional scripts beyond edge commons and jquery.

    Sort of. I'm using this code inside an action for a button symbol. But it doesn't work perfectly. Trying to debug it.
    Let me know if you have any luck.
    //Check to see if pageCounter already exists
    if (typeof EC.pageCounter === 'undefined') {
      // it doesn't exist so initialize it to first page
        EC.pageCounter = 2;
    //check if the page is only 1 digit -- patch for single digit
    if (EC.pageCounter < 9) {
       // it is, so we need to pad a 0 on the front.
      EC.pageCounterString = "0" + EC.pageCounter;
      //e.g.  01 ...09,11,12,13....115,222352,,....
    else {
      EC.pageCounterString = EC.pageCounter;
    EC.loadComposition(EC.pageCounterString + "/publish/web/" + EC.pageCounterString + ".html", sym.$("container"));
    EC.pageCounter = EC.pageCounter + 1;
    //TODO for back  -1

  • I recently purchase macbook air with OS 10.10.2. I want to use my Seagate external backup plus hard drive for time machine back up. How to partition my 1TB Seagate back up plus hard drive for use with mac and windows pc?

    Hi All,
    I recently purchased 13" Macbook Air with OS 10.10.2. I want to use my 1TB Seagate backup plus external hard drive as time machine and my windows 7 pc. Please suggest a method. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    I strongly recommend having an external drive dedicated solely for TimeMachine. You could partition the drive but if something goes wrong you risk losing the data on both partitions. Should you decide to go ahead with splitting the drive for two different uses you’ll need to partition the drive either using the Mac’s built in Disk Utility program or Windows utility. I believe the built in Windows disk utility program will destroy the current partition and erase the data that’s on it - I use a third party Windows disk utility program for partitioning and it allows for non-destructive partitioning but warns to back up data first just in case. Apple’s Disk Utility can do non-destructive partitions but I don’t recall every trying to do a non-destructive partition on a disk originally formatted for Windows using it. Again - back up that data just in case.
    Finally, your TimeMachine drive should be at least 1.5 times (I prefer 2 times) the size of the data you expect to be backing up a year or two from now.  In other words, if you currently are using 50GB of your computer’s drive but expect to begin purchasing Mac software to replace software on your Windows computer and if you expect to be putting photos, music, and other data on it you might expect that two years from now you’ll have 100GB of stuff on the drive. So a 200GB partition is the smallest size you’d want.  TM’s backup scheme keeps multiple copies of data as it changes so the extra room is important for this scheme.

  • Help with Spry Rating Widget within a Spry Repeating Region

    My link
    This is a long question, but it seems to me if answered somewhere it could help alot of people in the spry community creating comment boards as it uses three important spry widgets: rating, repeating, and tabbed panels. I am trying to use spry rating widget within a spry repeating region within a spry tabbed panel with xml. I was trying to go with the pulse light script ( but Gramps told me about the spry rating widget. But I have ran into a couple more problems. First, I couldnt find that much information on the forums or online about how to do the php page with the spry rating widget. None of these have any information on how to do it: .html html ml
    And it seems that the official examples are so poor (or I am just ignorant, which def could be a possiblity) it shows
    to set the initial rating value from the server, but uses a static value of 4
    <span id="initialValue_dynamic" class="ratingContainer">
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>      
             <input id="spryrating1_val" type="text" name="spryrating1" value="4" readonly="readonly" />
             <span class="ratingRatedMsg sample">Thanks for your rating!</span>
    var initialValue_dynamic = new Spry.Widget.Rating("initialValue_dynamic", {ratingValueElement:'spryrating1_val'});
    I finally found a site that has the php and mysql setup. l
    But its not perfect. It has the same problem that I ran into with Pulse light, that you had to use php echo within the spry repeating region to set the initial value from the server:
    <span id="spryrating1" class="ratingContainer">
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <input type="text" id="ratingValue" name="dynamic_rate" value="<?php echo $row['average']?>"/>
            <script type="text/javascript"
                var rating1 = new Spry.Widget.Rating("spryrating1", {ratingValueElement:'ratingValue', afterRating:'serverValue', saveUrl: 'save.php?id=spryrating1&val=@@ratingValue@@'});
    So instead, I tried with three of my panels ( to get the average rating from xml by using the following queries:
    Returns the blurts in most recent order along with average rating
    SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC
    Wet Eyed
    Returns the blurts in highest ratings order along with the average rating
    SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt, DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt AND ratings.rating_value > 0.1 Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY average_r Desc
    Dry Eyed
    Returns the blurts in lowest rating order along with the average rating
    SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt, DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt AND ratings.rating_value > 0.1 Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY average_r
    These all return the correct xml in the correct order.And they return the average rating of each blurt which I can send to my page with xml.
    My first question is that I dont know how to configure the query on my fourth panel Empathized & Advised the same way because it already has a Group By for the Comment Id.
    SELECT `Comment`.id_Blurt, COUNT(*) as frequency, Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt, DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date FROM Blurt, `Comment` WHERE Blurt.Id_blurt = `Comment`.id_Blurt GROUP BY `Comment`.id_Blurt ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC";
    Not sure if you guys need more information to understand that all, if so just ask.
    So after I get my average value through xml to the first three panels, I set my spry repeating region up like this:
    (Blurt panel)
    <div spry:region="pv1" spry:repeatchildren="pv1">           
               <div class="blurtbox">
                <!--  most recent blurt tab-->
                <h3> "{pv1::Blurt}"</h3>
                <p> Blurted from {pv1::Location} at {pv1::Date}</p>
                <p>Empathize or Advise about {pv1::Name}'s Blurt #<a href="detailblurt.php?blurtid={pv1::Id_blurt}"> {pv1::Id_blurt}</a></a></p>
               <span id="{pv1::Id_blurt}" class="ratingContainer">
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingRatedMsg">Thank You! Your tears have been tallied.</span>
                <input type="text" id="ratingValue" name="dynamic_rate" value="{pv1::average_r}"/>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                // overview of available options and their values:
                var rating1 = new Spry.Widget.Rating("{pv1::Id_blurt}", {ratingValueElement:'ratingValue', afterRating:'serverValue', saveUrl: 'save.php?id={pv1::Id_blurt}&val=@@ratingValue@@'});
    Ok, it registers the right vote in the database with the right blurt id each time. But I am having two problems so far:
    One, even though {pv1::average_r} returns the correct average through xml, it doesn't show the initial rating value for each of the repeating blurts. It seems to show the first one correct, and then just repeat that same value to the other ones that follow. I just dont understand since it can get the correct server value right after you vote (afterRating:'serverValue), that I can't manipulate spryrating.js in some way that I could just replace 'ratingValue' in ratingValueElement:'ratingValue' with something to give me the initial server value.
    Two: Is even more mysterious to me, if you play around with voting on the site, sometimes you are unable to vote on different blurts. Its weird. It seems like that the javascript is completely off just on those blurts. And sometimes its a whole row, sometimes none. But so far its never a problem on the first tabbed panel (Recent), only on the other three. As far as I know, the coding is exactly the same in each tab's repeating region except for the different xml input.
    And, now on the live server, sometimes the pics of tears used to voting dont show up until you click.
    Any help on those three questions (how to query the fourth panel, how to show the initial server value, and the glitches with voting) would be greatly appreciated!! I looked pretty hard on adobe forums and other sites, and didnt see much on how to really use the spry rating widget with php and xml.

    Ok, the first query on the Recent tab doesnt work for me because it wont show unless its already voted, and since these are supposed to be new blurts, that kind of breaks the whole site:
    "SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC";
    So I replaced it with what I originally had.
    "SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date FROM Blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC";
    But this doesn't provide me with the initial average rating:(

  • Hi, Unfortunately my Laptop has died (which had my iTunes on it). I want to ensure my music on my iPhone 5 and my iPad Air are backed up. Also, I want to sort my music in the way I used to with iTunes. How can I do this with just these two devices?

    Hi, Unfortunately my Laptop has died (which had my iTunes on it). I want to ensure my music on my iPhone 5 and my iPad Air are backed up. Also, I want to sort my music in the way I used to with iTunes. How can I do this with just these two devices, i.e. NO Computer? Can the iCloud help? Why can't I download iTunes (i.e. my library as I saw it on the computer) to these devices? Thanks to anyone who can help me here.

    You can change the email address of one's appleID...
    I'd recommend changing moms email to yours to get a good backup on the Mac
    Then switch mom's back to hers
    Then change your account to the same email you used.
    I've done something similar when I needed to update my Apple account (one ID changing email addresses and phone)

  • Contribute Acting strange - template parameters with repeating regions

    Basically what I'm trying to achieve is that there is a
    repeating region on a page, and each region is supposed to
    alternate colors. To achieve this, the regions with the colors are
    put into a div which has a background color applied to it. To do
    this, I have created two expressions, one to check to see if it's
    an even numbered region, and if so, to open the div, and another to
    close the div. That looks like this:
    <!-- TemplateBeginRepeat name="Article" -->
    @@((_index & 1) ? shade : noshade )@@
    @@((_index & 1) ? shadeend : noshade )@@
    <!-- TemplateEndRepeat -->
    At the top, I have three template parameters to go along with
    <!-- TemplateParam name="shade" type="text"
    value="<div>" -->
    <!-- TemplateParam name="shadeend" type="text"
    value="</div>" -->
    <!-- TemplateParam name="noshade" type="text" value=""
    Which look like this on the actual pages:
    <!-- InstanceParam name="shade" type="text"
    value="&lt;div&gt;" -->
    <!-- InstanceParam name="shadeend" type="text"
    value="&lt;/div&gt;" -->
    <!-- InstanceParam name="noshade" type="text" value=""
    The odd thing is that, when I add an editable region,
    something weird occurs with the template parameters and they end up
    looking like this:
    <!-- InstanceParam name="shade" type="text"
    value="&lt;div&gt;" --><!-- InstanceParam
    name="shadeend" type="text" value="&lt;/div&gt;"
    <!-- InstanceParam name="noshade" type="text" value=""
    And that, of course, results in having a nice "->" showing
    up at the top of my page. The repeating region appears to work. It
    changes background colors just like it should, but I have no idea
    why it's throwing in the "->" at the end.

    For grins, try changing this -
    <div id="content1" style="display:none">
    to this (IN THE TEMPLATE FILE) -
    <div id="content@@(_repeat._index)@@''
    (that should be a " character after the last @ sign - I had
    to use two '
    characters to keep the code from getting munged in my
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Murray *ACE*" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:g2m3cq$85h$[email protected]..
    >I need to see the template markup around the repeating
    region, please.
    > --
    > Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    > Adobe Community Expert
    > (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    > ==================
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    > - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    > ==================
    > "ITLogic" <[email protected]> wrote in
    > news:g2m25n$6se$[email protected]..
    >> Sure. I'm using DW CS3. Here is a copy of the
    repeating regions I'm
    >> trying to
    >> create. Notice each DIV has a sequential ID. I could
    go hand edit this,
    >> but I'm
    >> trying to automate it as much as possible. I am
    selling Contribute as a
    >> means
    >> for clients to edit their own content. Most don't
    know how to spell HTML
    >> much
    >> less know how to use it.
    >> <div id="content0" style="display:''">
    >> <!-- ADD TICKER's CONTENT #1
    >> <p>Hello</p>
    >> <!-- END CONTENT #1----------------->
    >> </div>
    >> <div id="content1" style="display:none">
    >> <!-- ADD TICKER's CONTENT #2
    >> <p>World</p>
    >> <!-- END CONTENT #2----------------->
    >> </div>

  • Nested templates - problems with inheriting editable/repeating regions

    I have made a template called 'basic', with 2 sections, 'maincontent' and 'sidecontent' then nested a template in it called 'home'. In 'home', I have made repeats of some regions (sidecontent) and edited them to make a section I want on all 'home' type pages. When I make  a new document from 'basic', it has all the same editable and repeating regions as 'basic'. But when I make a new document from 'home' there are no editable or repeating regions, either in 'sidecontent' which I edited or 'maincontent' which I didn't. I want to be able to edit 'maincontent' when I make a new document from 'home', to make repeating regions and edit them. Please can you advise me what to do?

    When I tried to attach the files it automatically zipped them again, so I have put the code above.

  • Help with repeatable region

    HI I'm currently designing a site and am using master/detail
    pages linked to a database.
    The master detail page set function in dw8 automatically
    creates a repeatable region on the master page. I'm trying to add
    an image to that specific repeat region so that each result shows
    up with that image behind it (the image i'm using is a blank
    rectangle with a specific borderframe so that it appears that each
    result has this specific border)
    If i try adding as background image the image repeats itself
    but is out of line with the results! Any ideas how i can go about
    achieving what i'm trying to do, that is assuming I haven't totally
    bewildered you all in trying to explain it!!!!

    can i do that for each specific result? or will it not just
    border all results in that style
    the border i want is to match with button images etc... which
    have a glow effect edge to them

  • I have recently reinstalled my mac air with the tiny usb device provided and some of the software/apps which came with the mac is now gone! how do i get it back. thanks.

    i have recently reinstalled my mac air with the tiny usb device provided and some of the software/apps which came with the mac is now gone! how do i get it back. thanks.

    thank you so much ill give it a shot

  • My start up disc is full i have a macbook air, i back everuthing up with time capsule and  have movies all my music libraries and photos onto that too so as i have free space, but my max still says my startup disc is full with "other"

    my start up disc is full i have a macbook air, i back everuthing up with time capsule and  have movies all my music libraries and photos onto that too so as i have free space, but my max still says my startup disc is full with "other"

    First, empty the Trash if you haven't already done so. Then reboot. That will temporarily free up some space.
    According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of available space on the startup volume (as shown in the Finder Info window) for normal operation. You also need enough space left over to allow for growth of your data. There is little or no performance advantage to having more available space than the minimum Apple recommends. Available storage space that you'll never use is wasted space.
    If you're using Time Machine to back up a portable Mac, some of the available space will be used to make local snapshots, which are backup copies of files you've recently deleted. The space occupied by local snapshots is reported as available by the Finder, and should be considered as such. In the Storage display of System Information, local snapshots are shown as "Backups." The snapshots are automatically deleted when they expire or when free space falls below a certain level. You ordinarily don't need to, and should not, delete local snapshots yourself.
    To locate large files, you can use Spotlight as described here. That method may not find large folders that contain a lot of small files.
    You can also use a tool such as OmniDiskSweeper (ODS) to explore your volume and find out what's taking up the space. You can delete files with it, but don't do that unless you're sure that you know what you're deleting and that all data is safely backed up. That means you have multiple backups, not just one.
    Proceed further only if the problem hasn't been solved.
    ODS can't see the whole filesystem when you run it just by double-clicking; it only sees files that you have permission to read. To see everything, you have to run it as root.
    Back up all data now.
    Install ODS in the Applications folder as usual.
    Triple-click the line of text below to select it, then copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C):sudo /Applications/
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window (command-V). You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning not to screw up. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator.
    I don't recommend that you make a habit of doing this. Don't delete anything while running ODS as root. If something needs to be deleted, make sure you know what it is and how it got there, and then delete it by other, safer, means.
    When you're done with ODS, quit it and also quit Terminal.

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