Replacing 2 3750 Core switches

We have 2 3750 switches in a stack and need to replace both of them. Has anyone done this before? What would be the best way to get the config so that it matches both switches? Should I replace one at a time? I know one will be designated a master, anything to consider on that? Any help would be great.

Probably the best way is to pre-configure the new switches and then link them to the existing network. This can be done via 100Mb crossover if needed as it will be a temporary situation.
After this link is established you may start plugging the PC's and server over to the new switches. As a last step you can then remove the old switches. The operation might be a bit more difficult if there is insufficient rack space but that is always a matter of improvisation. Good luck!

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    I find that it's so abnormal CPU performance on 4507, the process "iosd" occupies lots of CPU resource, the details as below, anyone who can help me ?
    Core_WS-C4507#sh proc cpu sorted
    Core 0: CPU utilization for five seconds: 8%; one minute: 27%;  five minutes: 37%
    Core 1: CPU utilization for five seconds: 98%; one minute: 78%;  five minutes: 68%
    PID    Runtime(ms) Invoked  uSecs  5Sec     1Min     5Min     TTY   Process
    8518   3252698     27999562 487    53.32    52.91    52.84    0     iosd         
    show platform cpu jobs
    44    61597244   9018836       6829 69.69% 71.94% 57.99% K5L3Unicast Adj Tabl
    61    17048546  29691925        574 29.65% 30.24% 24.31% K5CpuMan Review 

    Hi Daniel,
        We just replaced our core switch 3750 with 4507, all the configurations are copied by the original settings, and each interface with the command "logging event link-status", no abnormal is found ~~ 
    Core_WS-C4507#sh platform health
                         %CPU   %CPU    RunTimeMax   Priority  Average %CPU  Total
    K5CpuMan Review       30.00  24.88     30    221  100  500   24  24   18  420:04
    K5FlowStatsFifoSearc  25.00   0.00      2      0  100  500    0   0    0  0:00
    %CPU Totals          368.50 122.15
                           Allocation ceiling        Current allocation
                           kbytes    % in use        kbytes    % in use
    Chassis 1 Linecard 1     5120.00       4%          227.95      100%
    Chassis 1 Linecard 2     5120.00      45%         2310.53      100%
    Chassis 1 Linecard 3     5120.00      10%          522.28      100%
    Chassis 1 Linecard 4     5120.00       0%            0.00        0%
    Chassis 1 Linecard 5     5120.00      45%         2310.53      100%
    Chassis 1 Linecard 6     5120.00       0%            0.00        0%
    Chassis 1 Linecard 7     5120.00       0%            0.00        0%
    TSM objects            ------------------        ------------------
    PacketInfoItem            781.25       0%            1.32        0%
    VbufNodes2400              80.50       0%            0.00        0%
    VbufNodes1600              55.50       0%            3.46        0%
    VbufNodes400              288.00       6%           18.00       96%
    VbufNodes64                60.00      24%           15.23       96%
    VbufNodes4200              68.37       6%            4.27      100%
    Packet                   2474.28       0%            0.21        0%
    RkiosSysPacketBuf         281.25       0%            1.23        2%
    IndexCache                800.78       0%            0.00        0%
    K5InternalVlanIdMap        96.00       3%            3.00      100%
    K5AclOpDescNode         10752.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5AclRetMapEntryNode       41.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5AclLabelListNode        768.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5AclIpv6PackedAddrH     1024.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5AdjGroups               960.00       3%           37.07       91%
    IrmFibUnicastRpfList     8192.00       0%           62.09       92%
    K5L3FwdEntrys           27040.00       0%          213.89       92%
    K5L3FwdEntryAvlTree2    12480.00       0%           49.50       92%
    K5L3FwdTreeEntrys       21840.00       0%          173.25       92%
    K5L3FwdTreeEntryAvlT    49920.00       0%           49.35       92%
    IrmMfibFastDropFlowM      576.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5QosTxQueSelTableBl       12.00       2%            0.32      100%
    K5QosPolicerBlockNod        2.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5QosPolicerBlockMem       69.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5QosPolicerMemAlloc      448.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5QosFeatureInfoList     2048.00       0%            0.31      100%
    K5QosLabelToFeatureE     1792.00       0%            0.05      100%
    K5QosPathFeatureInfo      384.00       0%            0.01      100%
    K5CpuPacketInfoItem       781.25       0%            0.00        0%
    MatEntrys               18432.00       0%           20.81      100%
    MatEntryTableIterato        1.00       0%            0.03        0%
    RkiosL2MacVlanEntrie       64.00       0%            0.00        0%
    RkiosL3Port              2732.90       0%           63.28       12%
    PimPhyports              1820.31      41%          759.07      100%
    PimPorts                 1237.50      40%          496.03      100%
    PimModules                296.00       1%            4.62      100%
    PimSlots                   18.00       2%            0.49      100%
    PimChassis                  8.25      50%            4.12      100%
    PimQuack                    1.64      13%            0.21      100%
    EbmVlans                 9152.00       1%           93.84      100%
    EbmVlanGroupEntrys       6400.00       0%            8.78       95%
    EbmPorts                  487.50      39%          193.78      100%
    EbmPortHostEntrys         448.00       0%            0.00        0%
    EbmIeNodes                540.00       0%            5.27      100%
    EbmPortVlanAclFeatur     3456.00       0%            0.00        0%
    EbmPortVlanMap Alloc       64.00       0%            0.00        0%
    EbmSortedHostTableIt        1.75       0%            0.05        0%
    EbmSortedGroupTableI        1.75       0%            0.05        0%
    EbmHostRedundancyMan     1082.81       0%            0.00        0%
    EbmHostAgeRedundancy     1082.81       0%            0.00        0%
    IrmVrfs                   628.00       1%            7.35      100%
    IrmFibLoadBalances       1280.00       0%            0.07      100%
    IrmFibAdjs               1920.00       3%           74.49       91%
    IrmPortMemMan            6783.43       0%          229.68       12%
    IrmPortEtherAddrEntr      500.00       0%            0.00        0%
    IrmFibEntries           12288.00       0%           98.76       92%
    IrmMfibEntryMemMan      14336.00       0%            0.00        0%
    IrmWccpMemMan              36.37       0%            0.00        0%
    IrmWccpServiceGroupL        0.06       0%            0.00        0%
    AclOp                    2176.00       0%            0.14      100%
    AclOpAceSet              3808.00       0%            0.16      100%
    AclClassifier            1280.00       0%            1.56      100%
    AclFeature               2755.59       0%            2.67      100%
    Acl                      1536.00       0%            3.18      100%
    Ace24                   10880.00       0%            7.26      100%
    Ace48                   17408.00       0%            4.75      100%
    AclFlowLabelListNode     7616.00       0%            0.00        0%
    AceActionDescStorage     1088.00       0%            0.00        0%
    AclListNode               512.00       0%            0.32      100%
    AceListNode             25600.00       0%            0.71       28%
    AclClassifierActionL     2560.00       0%            1.36      100%
    AclLayerFeatureListN      512.00       0%            0.05       28%
    AclClassifierListNod      512.00       0%            0.00        0%
    TableMapMan NameToTa       27.00       0%            0.00        0%
    TableMapAllocator         128.00       0%            0.00        0%
    FlatAcl                   512.00       0%            0.35        4%
    FlatAce24               11264.00       0%            3.60       19%
    FlatAce48               17408.00       0%            0.00        0%
    FlatAceActionListNod   307200.00       0%            4.12       29%
    FlatAclOpSetStorage      3072.00       0%            0.00        0%
    FlatAclCacheNode         4224.00       0%            0.12      100%
    FlatAclListNode           256.00       0%            0.17        0%
    QosFeatureClassifier      353.03       0%            0.00        0%
    QosFeatureClassifier      706.06       0%            0.00        0%
    QosClassifierActionL     9884.87       0%            0.00        0%
    QosNestedClassifierA    15533.37       0%            0.21      100%
    QosPortVlanAclFeatur     1224.00       0%            0.00        0%
    QoS Policers            37000.00       0%            0.00        0%
    Qos FlowFnf                 7.81       0%            0.00        0%
    KxAclPath                1024.00       0%            0.03      100%
    KxAclPathListNode        1280.00       0%            0.00        0%
    KxAclConstPathListNo     1280.00       0%            0.05       14%
    RkNovaFfmTokenMapEnt    88342.00       0%          226.21       93%
    RkNovaFfmInvalidToke    12288.00       0%            0.84       16%
    RkNova L3 PBR RouteM      512.00       0%            0.00        0%
    RkNova L3 PBR RouteM     1718.75       0%            0.00        0%
    RkNova L3 PBR RouteM      156.25       0%            0.00        0%
    RkNovaL3Vrf                10.00       2%            0.23      100%
    RkNovaQosLayer3Targe       24.00       0%            0.00        0%
    RkNovaQosPimPortIdTo       24.00       0%            0.00        0%
    RkNovaQoSPolicers        3000.00       0%            0.00        0%
    RkNovaQosQueues           104.25       0%            0.00        0%
    ffmToRkNovaQosTableM        6.00       0%            0.00        0%
    RkNovaQosTableMaps          2.00       0%            0.00        0%
    RkNovaClassifClassMa     4096.00       0%            0.00        0%
    RkNovaClassifClassMa      768.00       0%            0.00        0%
    ffmToRkNovaClassifPo       96.00       0%            0.00        0%
    RkNovaClassifPolicyM      575.71       0%            0.00        0%
    FfmTokenToGenAclIdMa      700.00       0%            3.37      100%
    RkNova Acl VlanMaps       512.00       0%            0.00        0%
    RkNova Acl VlanMapEn     1093.75       0%            0.00        0%
    RkNova ACL VlanMapEn      156.25       0%            0.00        0%
    metadataIdToDefaultA        1.75       0%            0.00        0%
    defaultAclToMetadata        1.75       0%            0.00        0%
    FlowMetadataFlowSet       450.00       0%            0.00        0%
    MacsecTransmitScMan        84.00       0%            0.00        0%
    MacsecTransmitSaMan       304.00       0%            0.00        0%
    MacsecReceiveScMan        168.00       0%            0.00        0%
    MacsecReceiveSaMan        448.00       0%            0.00        0%
    KxAclLabeledFlatAcl      3584.00       0%            0.10      100%
    KxAclLabeledFlatAclE     3072.00       0%            0.09      100%
    EbmVlanHostEntrys        3222.65       2%           84.49       91%
    Rkios Fnf Records          56.00       0%            0.00        0%
    Rkios Fnf Monitors        112.00       0%            0.00        0%
    FlowTable                   1.21       0%            0.00        0%
    VsiBuffers(4096)          400.00       0%            0.00        0%
    VsiBuffers(1024)         1500.00      21%          320.00       99%
    VsiBuffers(128)           762.50       1%           43.37       28%
    VsiBuffers(16)            146.87       0%           18.73        3%
    VsiTransactions(1)        123.04       1%            9.02       22%
    VsiTransactions(10)       266.60       6%           35.95       50%
    VsiTransactions(18)        77.10       0%           17.62        0%
    VsiTransactions(25)        88.59       0%            9.49        0%
    VsiTransactions(80)       178.82       0%           20.43        0%
    VsiTransactionRespon       31.71       3%            2.24       47%
    VsiReqPool(s2w)            65.62       0%            1.68       33%
    VsiReqPool(vli)           782.03       5%          134.92       29%
    VsiReqPool(mdio22)        328.12       0%          112.50        0%
    VsiReqPool(mdio45)        229.68       0%            0.37        0%
    GalGbicEntrys              19.35       0%            0.00        0%
    IrmMfibIntrfs            6144.00       0%            0.00        0%
    Event Nodes               160.00       0%            0.00        0%
    Event Nodes               160.00       0%            2.87        0%
    K5L3FlcEntryAvlTree2     3225.58       2%           98.71       92%
    K5FlowCachedFifoStat    19456.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5FlowQosFptPolicerE     2048.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5FlowQosFeatureInfo     1024.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5FlowQosLabelToFeat      896.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5FlowOperatorDescNo      612.00       0%            0.03        0%
    K5AclLabelSignatureM    10368.00       0%            0.31      100%
    K5AclLabelMapEntryPa     1408.00       0%            0.00        0%
    TableMapMan NameToTa       27.00       0%            0.00        0%
    TableMapAllocator         128.00       0%            0.00        0%
    InpTosMarkTbl BlockA       14.00       1%            0.21      100%
    InpCosMarkTbl BlockA       14.00       1%            0.21      100%
    InpExpMarkTbl BlockA       14.00       1%            0.21      100%
    OutTosMarkTbl BlockA       14.00       1%            0.21      100%
    OutCosMarkTbl BlockA       14.00       1%            0.21      100%
    OutExpMarkTbl BlockA       14.00       1%            0.21      100%
    K5TxPacketInfo            384.00       0%            0.82        0%
    K5TxPacket                320.00       0%            0.03        0%
    K5FlowPathKeyListNod      384.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5FlowAclLabelInfo       5376.00       0%            0.00        0%
    K5FlowPvLabelPathInf      896.00       0%            0.00        0%
    TableMapMan NameToTa       27.00       0%            0.00        0%
    TableMapAllocator         128.00       0%            0.00        0%
    FlowTosMarkTbl Block       14.00       1%            0.21      100%
    FlowCosMarkTbl Block       14.00       1%            0.21      100%
    FlowExpMarkTbl Block       14.00       1%            0.21      100%
    RkNova L3 WCCP Servi      186.87       0%            0.00        0%
    CommandTables              48.00      13%            6.65      100%
    TSM totals             904065.96       0%         3877.56       82%
    Core_WS-C4507#sh platform cpu jobs
    44    98058602  14436329       6792 60.37% 70.35% 59.17% K5L3Unicast Adj Tabl
    58    15055628   5369212       2804 14.88% 17.21% 14.51% K5 L2 Hardware Addre
    61    25251009  43433128        581 22.78% 24.98% 19.90% K5CpuMan Review   
    Core_WS-C4507#show platform cpu packet statistics
    Host Learning                233116896      2613      2777      2289       2159
    L2 Control                     7421246        28        17        16          5
    Input ACL log, unreach            4416         0         0         0          0
    L3 Glean                       1261709         9         7         5          2
    L3 Receive                      155637         0         0         0          0
    Ttl Expired                       2319         0         0         0          0
    Bfd                               4803         0         0         0          0
    Adj SameIf Fail               37012387       356       326       205        148
    L2 router to CPU, 7           20658263       231       212       163        154
    L3 Fwd                              13         0         0         0          0
    Could you give me some nice suggestions ? So appreciated in advance.   

  • Choosing a Core Switch

    What are the criterias when choosing a core switch? For example, in the Cisco product pages - the Catalyst 4500 and 6500 are already distribution/core switches while the Catalyst 3750 are access/edge switches.
    Can I make a stack of Catalyst 3750 my core switch? What makes a core switch a "core" switch - what features does it have, performance, etc.?
    Does Cisco have a guide - for example, you have X number of users - use Cisco Y model as your core switch?

    There's many criteria one can use choosing a core device, but since such a device, by being at the center of your network, may carry the most traffic, performance is often given additional weight for core device choice.
    With regard to making a choice on some X number of users, choice of core is often made more toward bandwidth usage of core ports. There's often a large difference between the nomimal bandwidth of a port and the substainable bandwidth to/from a port. (E.g. the difference between a 6500 with Sup32 and 6148 10/100/1000 Ethernet vs. 6500 with Sup720 with 6748 and DFC 10/100/1000 Ethernet. The former is suited as an edge device, the latter more suited for core device.)
    A stack of 3750 might be used as a core for a very small and/or light usage network. Consider that a single 48 port 3750, I believe, is not an every port wire rate device, and the performance limitation of the stack ring. However similar performance limitations are also true for certain 4500 or 6500 hardware configurations.
    Although performance is often a major factor, other considerations, such as other features, might be important too. For instance, a dual 48 port 3750G stack might be a viable choice vs. a 6704 with dual Sup32s and two 6148 line cards, but the 6500 likely will offer features not available with the 3750. For instance, believe 3750s only support 32 HSRP groups and don't support GLBP.

  • Design thoughts: Replacing a L2 aggregation switch

    I have purchased a 4507R switch to replace a 2924M-XL switch that acts as an aggregation switch in our network. Let me explain further what I plan to do.
    I have 20 remote sites connected point to point via 100 Mbps dark fibre to the 2924M-XL. Most of the sites have only a handful of users but 5 of them are bigger (ie. 20-70 users). Some of the larger remote sites (small campuses really) have 2-5 switches in a star topology with the "hub" switch connecting back to the 2924M-XL. Each site has 1 or 2 user VLANs and a management VLAN. The 2924M-XL trunks all VLANs back to a 6513 at the core of our network.
    I will be connecting the 4507R along 2 seperate dark fibre runs (for layer 1 redundancy) to 2 6513s in our core. This will give us fault-tolerence should our primary 6513 fail.
    My problem is I'm struggling with the decision to go layer 2 or layer 3 between the 4507R and the 6513s. Layer 2 would be alot easier to implement and support (I'm the sole administrator of this rather large network) but then I'd have RSTP to deal with among the 2 6513s and 4507. I'm comfortable with RSTP since I run it between 2950G switches dual connected to the 6513s but my gut feeling is that I should be putting in layer 3 between the 6513s and the 4507.
    We will be implementing VoIP is the next 2 years and I'm unsure how that affects my decision.
    One last comment. Would layer 2 trunking of VLANs from the 4507 to the 6513s WITHOUT trunking these VLANs between the 6513s be a viable optionand would HSRP between the 2 6513s still work OK for layer 3 redundany? The remotes sites are setup with unique user VLANs but there is a special use VLAN that spans 4 of the sites and my manegement VLAN spans all the sites (I'm planning to change this).
    Thanks everyone for your thought/opinions.

    Hi there Ian,
    I'm a big fan of routing over switching, which I read is becoming Cisco's recommended way of doing things.
    I would route between the 2 x 6513's and the 4507 as it will not only give you fault tolerance, but also load balancing, plus cutting down on broadcast domains and all those other nice things.
    As far as configuration goes, onec you've got it up and running, then it'll just keep running. It seems like you will only need straight forward routing here and nothing too complex. Setting it up would be a simple affair.
    VoIP, in my experience, is much better implemented over a routed network than a switched one. There are loads more things that you can do at layer 3 than you can at layer 2. Think about all the QoS that you'll be able to implement, with shaping and policing, etc. Much more security can be built in at layer 3 too. You'll get the likes of NBAR and all other features that you'll be able to (over time) tweak you network with.
    As for performance, you'll never spot a difference. The 4507 will be lots faster than the 2924 and using cef, the 4507 will keep a forwarding table for ip's the same way a 2900 keeps a mac table.
    You will not regret routing it.
    Hope this helps - if so, please give it a rating.

  • Span to virtual server on UCS from core switch.

    I need to forward traffic from our core switch a 3750 stack, to a vmware guest which sits on a UCS chassis. This is enable VOIP call recording. How can I configure our traffic to be sent to the vnic of our call recoding server on the UCS chassis?

    Hi Lee,
    I think you have to be a bit more specific about what you are trying to achieve. My feeling says this is more switch related than Cisco UCS. But let us know, maybe we are able to help you.

  • How to create a Access list on core switch to bloxk all Internet Traffic & allow some specific Internet Traffic

    Hellp Everyone,
    I am trying to create a Access-List on my Core Switch, in which I want to allow few internet website & block the rest of them.
    I want to allow the whole Intranet but few intranet websites also needs access to the internet.
    Can we create such Access-List with the above requirement.
    I tried to create the ACL on the switch but it blocks the whole internet access.
    i want to do it for a subnet not for a specific IP.
    Can someone help me in creating such access list.
    Thanks in Advance

    The exact syntax depends on your subnets and how they connect to the Internet. If you can share a simple diagram that would be much more informative.
    In general just remember that access-lists are parsed from the top down and as soon as a match is found, the processing stops. So you put the most specific rules at the top. also, once you add an access-list, there is an implicit "deny any any" at the end.
    The best approach is to create some network object-groups and then refer to them in your access list. From your description, that would be something like three object-groups - one for the Intranet (Intranet), one for the allowed servers that can use Internet (allowed_servers), and a third for the permitted Internet sites (allowed_sites).
    You would then use them as follows:
    ip access-list extended main_acl
    permit any object-group intranet any
    permit object-group allowed_servers object-group allowed_sites any
    interface vlan
    ip access-group main_acl in
    More details on the syntax and examples can be found here:

  • Steps to upgrade Cisco MDS core switch

    We wanted to upgrade our Cisco SAN core switch firmware. Currently we are running below firmware version. We wanted to go to latest version NX OS 5.2 (x) but as per the white paper i need to go to 5.0 (X) and after that i need to upgrade it to 5.2 (x). Can some help me with the steps to follow the upgrade. I have th cook book but just need the main steps to perform the upgrade.
    kickstart: version 4.1(1c)
      system:    version 4.1(1c)

    are you using IVR non-NAT, if you are you need to convert to IVR-NAT before you go to 5.2. Other than that you just follow the  normal procedure, look at the release notes for each firmware to make sure your hardware is supported and then do the usual
    install all system bootflash:m9x00-xxx.bin kickstart bootflash:m9x00-xxx-kickstart-xx.bin
    as a side note, i know you don't mark people replies to your questions as helpful/correct on EMC ECN least do it here to show your appreciation.

  • Difference between core switch types WS-C3750X-12S-S and N3K-C3524P-10G?

    Hello All,
    I am new to this domain and yet have to look after the setup of our datacenter for a new branch. Could any one of you provide difference between core switch types WS-C3750X-12S-S and N3K-C3524P-10G!
    Thanks in advance!!

    24 fixed 1/10-Gbps SFP+ ports; upgradeable to 48 with a valid license
    Line-rate Layer 2 and Layer 3 throughput of up to 480 Gbps
    Compact 1RU form factor
    Dual redundant color-coded power supplies
    Four redundant color-coded fans

  • Core switch and sub switch gateway

    I have a Layer 3 core switch(backbone), and the core switch needs to connect to multiple Layer 2 sub switches.
    The Layer 2  sub switches will connect to multiple workstations. The sub switches network will be, 172.20.40/24 and so on.
     I use core switch IP to connect to sub switch Which gateway IP  should I use for ? Should I use or ?
    Thank you for your help in advance.

    I am not sure what you mean by "sup switches", but usually you need a management IP/vlan segment, so you can use it to access the devices.  So if your management segment is you assign an SVI to every layer-2 switch and give it an IP in this range and the gateway for all the SVIs should be on the core (
    access switch-1
    access switch-2
    access switch-3
    and so on
    The default gateway for all your layer-2 switches should be the SVI on the core (

  • Connecting core switch to the internet ?

    We have 2 6506's connected through an ether-channel trunk.
    On these 6506's we have configured a vlan, vlan interface and 2 access ports for 2 ASA's.
    These ASA's run in failover mode but only one ASA is physically connected at the moment.
    We want to be more resilient so our provider has provided us with a redundant setup of routers for our internet connection.
    However, for this construction they would need a layer 2 connection on our side to have HSRP running.
    There are 2 options in my opinion :
    - Buy a set of switches to facilitate the layer-2 connection between te routers and to connect the outside of the ASA's.
    - Instead of buying 2 new switches, create a new unrouted vlan on our core 6506's and use access-ports for the routers and the ASA's.
    But how safe is it to connected the core switch with an unrouted vlan to the internet router ?
    In terms of vlan hopping or other possible attacks ?
    I think i have to disable DTP, Spanning-Tree, CDP and maybe a lot more ?

    I am as far as applying this to secure the port :
    switchport mode access
    switchport access vlan X
    switchport nonegotiate
    spanning-tree bpdufilter enable
    spanning-tree portfast edge
    switchport port-security
    switchport port-security maximum 3
    switchport port-security violation restrict
    no cdp enable
    Any additions to this ?

  • Core switches experience High CPU while generating syslog report from LMS

    Hi Everyone,
    Are there anyone who experience that the CPU utilization of some devices went up while generating a report from RME. Basing from other monitoring tool SNMP is taking up a huge cpu process. Any idea why this happened considering that the report is generated daily but only on one instance it caused the core switches to be paralyze due to high cpu. Changing the SNMP community string is the immediate action that resolve the issue to disconnect it from LMS.
    BTW, this is LMS 2.6.
    Thank you.

    The problem did not reoccurred any more. When I checked on the Syslogcollector.log it appeared that it is unable to subscribe. I assumed that the reason why snmp packets were flooded during the time that it they experience high cpu is because the client is generating syslog report for all devices while the syslog collector is not subscribe. Is this possible?

  • Hyper-v cluster with core switch downtime... what to do?

    Is there a way to essentially "pause" the hyper-v cluster and keep things running but do NOT attempt to failover anything for any reason?
    We have one Procurve 5412zl switch with two c7000 enclosures. In each c7000 enclosure there are two switches that connect all the blade servers within the enclosure. Those two switches are interconnected internally so they can communicate within the enclosure.
    So if the core switch goes down the hyper-v servers in the same c7000 enclosure can still communicate but they will be seperated from the others in the other enclosure.
    So we have 4 hyper-v servers in one enclosure and 3 in another. If i disconnect the core switch i'm wondering what will happen (if I reboot the switch which is what I need to do).
    How can I avoid having to shut down everything for this and just tell hyper-v cluster to not do anything when the network is lost?

    Hi Quadrantids,
    " to essentially "pause" the hyper-v cluster and keep things running but
    do NOT attempt to failover anything for any reason"
    Based on my understanding  you need to keep cluster running on the same C7000 enclosure , in another words before you cut the connection between the C7000 enclosures  you may migrate VMs to same enclosure to keep running (I assume that the
    storage will not be affected by the restart ).
    Best Regards
    Elton Ji
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  • LAN design - how to implement a core switch?

    Hi all,
    First post here so please be gentle :-)
    I'm looking for a bit of advice with a LAN setup I've been tasked with.
    The basic requirements are to have a demonstration suite of servers/storage devices networked with internet access with certain devices segmented in different VLANs. Also, a separate VLAN is required for training and meeting rooms which will receive DHCP addresses from a WIN2K3 server.
    The kit I've inherited consists of:
    1 ADSL Modem/Router
    1 2611XM router
    2 Catalyst 4006 switches with Supervisor II engines (CatOS :-( ), one with a layer 3 routing module
    Several Catalyst 2950/3500xl switches
    Netscreen 100 Firewall
    F5 Firepass for VPN
    After a lot of fun resetting devices I've currently setup the LAN with a router on a stick configuration which routes between different VLANs (on the 3500/2950s) and which has internet access via the 2611 and ADSL modem router in turn. That's about as far as my current knowledge goes I'm afraid!
    What I have to do is incorporate the 4006s but I don't really know how to go about it or what's the best way to use them. How would I use them as core switches?
    I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction on the best way to connect the switches up, i.e. network design, cabling (fibre uplinks between switches) and some basic configuration advice with the layer 3 routing module.
    Any advice will be most appreciated!! It's my first networking job and I'm a bit lost.

    I would do the same - with a twist...
    Have 1 4006 as a VTP server, also the spanningtree root for all vlans.
    Have a trunk between the two 4006's - and make it an etherchannel 2 or 3 ethernet links (redundancy).
    Make the second 4006 also a vtp server (redundancy) and have that 4006 the secondary 4006 for spanningtree (more redundancy!)
    That way if you decide to have a distribution layer - you have 2 uplinks into the core 1 into 4006-1 as the primary, and the second 4006-2 as the secondary.
    You could then have a trunk (etherchannel) between the distribution switches, then have a access layer into the distribution layer with duel links. This way you could have multiple switch and or link failures and still work!!!
    You use the layer 3 module to do the inter-vlan routing - correct. Then have your adsl modem/router as the gateway to the internet - you put a default route in the layer 3 module point to the adsl modem! then you have the routes for the various vlan subnets pointing from the modem back to the layer 3 module......done!

  • Magic number mismatch: bad mzip file in 3750 stack switch

    Hi All can anybody help me in this error msg
    "magic number mismatch: bad mzip file"
    I am trying to upgrade the switch  with"c3750e-ipbasek9-tar.122-55.SE5.tar" in 3750 stack switch it is  showing this error msg while booting
    thanks in advance

    The reason you are getting this error message on the switch is a corrupt or wrong IOS image "c3750e-ipbasek9-tar.122-55.SE5.tar".
    If the switch is in rommon mode, and you have any other image in the switch, boot it using that image. Once the switch is up, download and copy the correct IOS image once again on the switch and try to upgrade.
    If you need help in finding the correct IOS image, give me the exact switch model number, i will help you with that.
    But forsure the image is wrong or corrupt and that is why you are getting this error.
    "Please rate the post if found useful"

  • 6509 core switch

    I'm configuring a 6509 core switch that has 4 blades and each blade has 48 ports by default the ports are shutdown.  I know I can do a port range with a no shutdown command to brings all ports up for each blade. However is there only one command that can make all ports active on each blade or a module command that can bring all ports for each 48 port blade?

    From memory the int range command can be used to specify ports on different linecards so you could try one command that includes the range for all ports on all linecards. Cant say for sure it will work but i seem to remember doing something like this before.

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