Replacing Window Title

Hi all
I am using oracle10g with Form6i. My question is I want to replace the window title with active record like if employe detailds are being dispalyed on form that particular employee name either first name or full name should be displayed together on window instead of window title. When the record is changed next employe should be displayed.
any suggestion will be highly appreciated. Please answer with example. thanks

You can search here in forum about your problem there's so many example.
BTW you can use the SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY built in
create trigger When-new-record-instance
wn_id1 Window;
wn_id1 := Find_Window("yourWindowName");
if (NOT Id_Null(wn_id1)) then
/* Set the title of the window*/
message('Window not found');
raise form_trigger_failure;
end if;
/*try this but not sure if it works because i dont have form to test it , my computer i just formated it*/
or you can use the form reference help of forms
search by find_window,set_window_property

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    ocpdev wrote:
    Hi All!
    I m using Forms 11gr2, and want to show title of Company Name on the top of the Main Window, i.e. above my menu bar.
    Previously I was using following built-in in Forms 6i successfully;
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    which ultimately decreases my main windows size.
    So, sir Please guide me how to disable these two Windows Titles and replace these with my Title as Company Name , above My Menu Bar Window.
    Thanks & Regards.In version 11, the easiest way will probably be to use java script. For example:
         rtn     varchar2(255);
         -- rtn will return the value passed in
         rtn := WEB.JAVASCRIPT_EVAL_FUNCTION ('document.title = "This is my title."');
         message('The title has been set to '|| rtn);
    End;Hope this helps..

  • Replacing Window Title with other value

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    Thanks in advance

    Here is the code I use from a simple form. You can see it handles three separate environments, Client/Server, Web separate frame, and Web inside browser window.
    I like to remove the "Oracle Forms Runtime" from the main window, only in Client/Server, you cannot remove the brackets. So you are left with - [ Your Title ]Here is the code. It can be put into either the Pre-Form or When-New-Form-Instance trigger. But note that once you do this, EVERY form must set its title, or the one you set last will show up on all your subsequent forms:
          WINDOW_ID        WINDOW := FIND_WINDOW('WINDOW0');
          WTitle           Varchar2(100) := 'My Test Form';
          If Get_Application_Property(User_Interface) = 'WEB' then
            --Web forms:  set MDI title, erase W0 title.
            Set_Window_Property(Window_Id,Title,' ');
            Set_Window_Property(Forms_MDI_Window,Title,' ' || WTitle);
            --- Check if running SeparateFrame=False (form within browser)
            If get_window_property(forms_mdi_window,title) is null then
              --SeparateFrame=False:  running inside browser window.
              --Cannot set browser title; need to set Window0 title
              Set_Window_Property(Window_Id,Title,' ' || WTitle);
            end if;
          Else -- client/server forms
            Set_Window_Property(Forms_MDI_Window,Title,' ');
            Set_Window_Property(Window_Id,Title,' '||WTitle||' ');
          End if;

  • Question about Setting Window Title/the use of AVWindowSetTitle()

    Hi everyone,
    I have a question about setting the title of the window in which the Acrobat viewer normally opens a PDF file.  The documentation states that AVWindowSetTitle() cannot be used in this case.  However, using it has worked with versions of Acrobat/Reader up until and including version 8.
    Everything breaks down starting with Acrobat 9.
    According to the documentation I am supposed to do the following: "To set the title of a window in which the Acrobat viewer opens a PDF file, you must replace AVDocOpenFromASFileWithParams() and pass the window title in tempTitle."
    Unfortunately, there are 2 problems I have with this approach:
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    Is there a sample customized implementation of AVDocOpenFromASFileWithParams() somewhere that I could take a look at?
    Is there a way to change a document Title inside Acrobat/Reader window after a Save operation?
    Thanks a million,

         I am sorry.  I don't know how you tested this and came to conclusion that this works correctly in Acrobat X.
         I just tested our Acrobat plug-in with a trial version of Acrobat X and this did not work.
         When we open a file in Acrobat (doing it ourselves in the plug-in by adding another specialized open) we set the window title to something different from the default file name.  Then if a file gets edited and saved (File->Save), the window title gets reset to the file name. In the PDDocDidSave callback we call AVWindowSetTitle() to set it back to a more descriptive window title we need.  This has worked up until and including Acrobat 8, but does not work in either version 9.0 or 10.0.
         Also, I just modified the plug-in code to always change the Window Title of every document (even if opened through native File->Open) on document Save.  It does not work.
         Please help,

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    <body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
    <embed width="100%" height="100%" type="plugin" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

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    You can do it with a HTML snippet with the following code:
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    parent.document.title = "name you want to appear at the top of the window";
    It takes about a second or two to replace the original text as can be seen in this test page.
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    user@host $ xprop (click on firefox window)
    window state: Normal
    icon window: 0x0
    Client accepts input or input focus: True
    Initial state is Normal State.
    bitmap id # to use for icon: 0x14000aa
    bitmap id # of mask for icon: 0x14000ab
    window id # of group leader: 0x1400001
    WM_WINDOW_ROLE(STRING) = "browser"
    XdndAware(ATOM) = BITMAP
    _MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO(_MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO) = 0x6c, 0x0, 0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
    _NET_WM_USER_TIME_WINDOW(WINDOW): window id # 0x14000a8
    WM_CLIENT_LEADER(WINDOW): window id # 0x1400001
    WM_CLIENT_MACHINE(STRING) = "allotria"
    program specified minimum size: 1 by 63
    program specified maximum size: 32767 by 32767
    window gravity: NorthWest
    WM_CLASS(STRING) = "Navigator", "Firefox"
    WM_ICON_NAME(STRING) = "How do I get the active window title into a script? (Page 1) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Mozilla Firefox (Private Browsing)"
    _NET_WM_ICON_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "How do I get the active window title into a script? (Page 1) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Mozilla Firefox (Private Browsing)"
    WM_NAME(STRING) = "How do I get the active window title into a script? (Page 1) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Mozilla Firefox (Private Browsing)"
    _NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "How do I get the active window title into a script? (Page 1) / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums - Mozilla Firefox (Private Browsing)"
    So that worked alright. However, if I feed the ID of the window (0x1400001) to xprop, I get the following:
    user@host $ xprop -id 0x1400001
    WM_CLASS(STRING) = "firefox", "Firefox"
    WM_COMMAND(STRING) = { "firefox" }
    _NET_WM_USER_TIME_WINDOW(WINDOW): window id # 0x1400002
    WM_CLIENT_LEADER(WINDOW): window id # 0x1400001
    WM_CLIENT_MACHINE(STRING) = "allotria"
    program specified size: 10 by 10
    WM_ICON_NAME(STRING) = "firefox"
    _NET_WM_ICON_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "firefox"
    WM_NAME(STRING) = "Firefox"
    _NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = "Firefox"
    There's no title in that output, even though I saw it by clicking - How come? And how do I grab the correct window title from a window id?
    Last edited by graph (2013-05-05 08:18:10)

    man xprop wrote:If the desired window is not the root window, it may be selected in two ways on the command line, either by id  number such as might be obtained from xwininfo, or by name if the window possesses a name.
    The id you obtained from xprop is the WM_CLIENT_LEADER, also listed in the WM_HINTS as the group leader. So that appears to be something like a root window for Firefox, not necessarily the one you see (with the title you want).

  • Dumb Q: problem with Find And Replace window in Flash 8

    Dear Flash Group,
    apologies if this is trivial, it's my first day using Flash.
    I downloaded a Flash project from
    flash calls into a web service at localhost:8080. I used the
    'Find and
    Replace' window within Flash Professional 8 to locate the
    'localhost:8080' and replaced it with plain 'localhost'.
    However, when I 'Debug the Movie' (Ctrl-Shift-Enter), it
    still tries to
    access port 8080! Obsiously, my replace command did not do
    what I thought it
    would do. I opened the FLA file in a binary editor, and saw 4
    references to 8080, One if them in 'Properties' of a
    but I cannot figure out how to find the other occurences.
    Checking on google, I see lots of people having similar
    problems, but no
    Any ideas?
    Regards, /george
    PS. What do you guys do for code completion - is there a tool
    that would
    bring Flash on par with an professional IDE?

    > when I 'Debug the Movie' (Ctrl-Shift-Enter), it still
    > tries to access port 8080! Obsiously, my replace
    > command did not do what I thought it would do.
    > I opened the FLA file in a binary editor, and saw 4
    > more references to 8080, One if them in 'Properties'
    > of a WebServicesConnector, but I cannot figure out
    > how to find the other occurences.
    Might they be the result of that WebServicesConnector
    > Checking on google, I see lots of people having
    > similar problems, but no solutions
    That's really odd, actually. I'm on these boards every day,
    and I've
    never heard of this issue. I don't *think* the Find/Replace
    dialog visits
    panel contents, such as the Component Inspector panel, but I
    wouldn't swear
    to that.
    > What do you guys do for code completion - is there
    > a tool that would bring Flash on par with an
    professional IDE?
    Well, Flash is a professional IDE, of course. By definition,
    if you pay
    for something, you have acquired a professional product or
    service. I know
    what you mean, though. Flash itself rocks, but the Actions
    panel can be
    glaringly weak. Personally, I use SE|PY to edit ActionScript.
    Sorry I can't speak to your other issue. :-/
    stiller (at) quip (dot) net
    Dev essays:
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • How to get User Id in every window title bar at runtime

    Hi people
    How can i get Userid in the window title bar at runtime
    prasanth a.s.

    If running on the web you can use webutil or SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY (title). You can use GET_APPLICATION_PROPERTY(usename) as well.
    More info in the Help.
    Grant Ronald
    Forms Product Management

  • Search Help Selection Screen Window Title

    Hi Experts,
    I have created a search help in se11 with import as well as export parameter.
    While I press F4 on the field to which it is assigned then Search Help seelction screen opens up with a Window Tilte 'Sede Tecnica(1)' i.e. some standard text.
    Can I change this F4 window title to user custom label?

    Hi Depesh
    While creating the search help exit following parameters are mandatory.
    SHLP           TYPE     SHLP_DESCR
    SHLP_TAB         TYPE     SHLP_DESCT

  • How to set the WebDynpro application title (IE windows title)?

    Hello all,
    I would like to set the WebDynpro application title according to the current transaction ID. This title is the IE windows title that is shown on the upper left-corner of the IE browser.
    Rule: [Object Instance Information] u2013 [Application Title] u2013 [Browser Title]
    For example: Trans. <No.> - <My App> - Windows Internet Explorer
    I would like to set <No.> dynamically on run-time according to my current transaction number.
    I have this piece of code that gets a reference to the application info:
    data: lr_app_info TYPE REF TO if_wdr_rr_application.
    lr_app_info ?= wdr_task=>application->application_info.
    And there is lr_app_info->get_description() method to have the description of the application, but there is no set method.
    The application description can be hardcoded in:
    tx. SE80, opening the WebDynpro component, then accessing its WebDynpro application. In the properties tab, there is a description field. I need to append transaction ID to it.
    Do you know any way to implement this? This issue is for WebDynpro ABAP.  
    Best regards and thanks in advance,

    Hello Satra,
    Thanks for your reply. I already had a look into that thread, but my question is not related to the windows title of the WebDynpro  component.
    My question is related to the title of the Internet Explorer that we all see on the top left-corner. For WebDynpro , this is the WebDynpro  application title. How can we change it?
    I hope my question is clear now, and I wish someone can help me soon.
    With kind regards,

  • Garbage Characters in CDE Window Title Bar

    I recently patched our Solaris 8 Sun workstations (a mixture of Blade 150, Ultra10, Blade 1500, and Blade 2000) with the recommended patch cluster from December 19th, 2005. At the same time, I updated the systems' Java to 1.4.2_10, and installed Update 5 to StarOffice7, which is still on the systems along with the newer StarOffice8.
    When initially installed before these recent patches, StarOffice8 behaved correctly. After updating the systems, when I open StarOffice8 in a CDE session, I get garbage characters in the title bar of the window. The letters and fonts in the application menus are normal. StarOffice8 windows under Gnome sessions are titled correctly.
    I've read some emails about issues with LC_CTYPE and setting it to en_US.ISO8859-15, using a wrapper script to start soffice. The current setting on my machines is en_US.ISO8859-1. That solution doesn't work consistently on different machines (or even on the same machine).
    In fact, even without attempting to solve the problem, there is inconsistent behavior. On one Ultra10 which I have as a testbed machine, StarOffice8 behaves correctly, whether I'm logged in as a normal user, or as root. On a Blade 1500, it behaves correctly when logged in as root, but not as a normal user. I've also patched StarOffice8 with Update1 which was released today, but it doesn't fix the problem.
    Anybody else having similar problems after recent patching? Or have any suggestions for a solution?
    Jeff Bailey

    More Info on Unsolved Problem:
    If I use Mozilla to open a document file, with soffice set as the helper application, the CDE window title displays properly. If I leave that instance of StarOffice open, and open new documents using the menus within StarOffice, subsequent CDE titles also display normally. Also with that original Mozilla-driven StarOffice application still open, if I use "soffice whatever.doc" on a command line, those CDE windows appear normal.
    Mozilla is set to use "en_US" as the language for webpages, with Western ISO-8859-1 as the default character coding. The Solaris 8 workstation's /etc/default/init file is configured as:
    While the Mozilla "wrapper" is a workaround for now, I don't see it as a final solution.
    Jeff Bailey

  • Need to Remove the tabs group Title from browser window title

    When I use a saved tab group, which means I named that tab group in FF 5,''' the name of the tab group appears at the top of the browser along with the title of the web page I am viewing'''. Not good, I need to remove that tab group title from the browser window title, so I am only seeing the title of the webpage, and nothing from the tab group. How do I do that?

    You can add the site to the Pop-up Blocker Exceptions list in Options > Content > Block Pop-up Windows > Exceptions
    *See --> [ Pop-up blocker-Pop-up blocker settings]
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''
    Not related to your question, but...
    You need to update some plug-ins:
    *Plug-in check:
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape: [ Installing/Updating Adobe Reader in Firefox]
    *Shockwave Flash (Adobe Flash or Flash): [ Updating Flash in Firefox]
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in for Mozilla browsers: [ Installing or Updating Java in Firefox]

  • Window title and borders for Render Window (3D Picture Control)

    Hi all,
    some more questions on the 3D picture control.
    I use the external render window, because in the demo, the 3d picture control appears to be very slow. The render window is much faster there. (I haven't tried it for my application though.)
    I'd like to display a full screen 3D animation. How the hell do I get rid of the window title bar (I can set it to empty, but the bar itself remains), and the borders of the render window?

    The update speed of the solarsystem example is 2 ms (in the timeout event). This would result in 500 updates per second, witch is totally redundant. Put it on 33 ms, and you'll still get smooth updates, and much better performance! No monitor will update 500 times a second, and your eye can only see 25-30 frames per second anyway.
    With this, you could probably use the normal 3d control (indicator actually). The window doesn't have any way to remove the title bar.
    (You can do some things with window API's, but removing the titlebar is only possible by creating a new class, a new window, and then it would be impossible to tell LabVIEW to use this window...)
    If you'd make the render window full screen, how would you close your application? There is no way (or I'm missing it) to get events back from the render window.


    Hai Everyone,
    I want my Window title to display customer ID and customer name ,how can i do it.........???????????.
    Kindly help.

    well the problem is here i think:
    why the item name as a string?!?
    also why copy the value of the item to a variable, and set the title to this variable?!?
    why not simply use the item?!?
    if you want to use this code in pll's or mmb's you can use name_in built-in:

Maybe you are looking for