Replying to emails: Apple Mail

Whenever I click 'Reply' ro reply to an email, my email address always shows in the 'To' box and the person who I whish to reply to appears in the 'cc' box. I have looked in my seeting but can't see anything about this. Can I change it as I spend half my days dragging my address into the cc box and my via versa?

No such option available -at the present time anyway.
A single photo available with the iPhone's camera roll or a photo available on your iPhone that was transferred from your computer to your iPhone can be attached to a new message only.

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    So Mail doesn’t really crash (i.e. quit unexpectedly). Rather, it freezes (i.e. becomes unresponsive), right?
    What type of mail account is this (POP, IMAP, .Mac)?
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    If you're talking about the sender name (the name that appears on the From line when you send email), to change it on your Mac Mail, go to, sign into your account, open Mail, click the gear shaped icon on the bottom left and choose Preferences, go to the Accounts tab and enter the name you want to use in the Full Name field and click Done.  Then quit Mail on your Mac (Command-Q) and re-open it.  Your new From name should now appear in the drop-down list when you compose a new email.

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    Hi persephonee,
    If you are having issues loading images in Mail, you may find the following article helpful:
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    - Brenden

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    At time I am not going to try to answer for two reasons.  The latest version of Mountain Lion is 10.8.2 and that will update your Apple Mail to Version 6.1 (1498). I hope this is very helpful for you?

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    Greetings and sorry for inconvenient english...

    How about next time you send to the group, cc yourself, or include yourself in the group. Then receive the email on the iphone, you can "reply all" in order to send to the group. If you use an imap account, you can make a new folder, call it something like "groups", and save different group emails there for the next time you need to "reply all".

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    Izzy: Welcome to the discussion groups.
    I understand that you have multiple From: addresses set up, all your email goes to your gmail account, and then to your Mac. When you reply to hotmail-received messages, you select (or rather it, Mail, selects-- I think that is the behavior I see) you hotmail address for the sender address, and when it goes through the gmail smtp server, it adds a comment indicating this to the header.
    Even though some other email gateways might not do this, the information us almost always stored somewhere in the Received: headers? Gmail just calls it out.
    There is no way around this except to add your hotmail account as another mail account and send hotmail via the hotmail smtp server... or find another smtp server that doesn't do this. (But, again, the information will usually be in the header fields.)

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    I have tried various methods to remove this, even if I manually input a different reply-to address, or remove the window all together, all my recipients get a reply-to my personal e-mail address. I did not realize this was happening for a very long time, as only my recipients saw the reply-to address. I am assuming I inadvertently did something with a script, automater, etc.
    If anybody knows why this is happening, or how I can stop it - I would be very grateful.

    When in Mail you select New Message you get a drop down menu, just above the message pane, where you select what account the email is to be sent from.

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