Report on Linux

I've just installed Oracle Oracle Developer Suite 10g (9.0.4) over RedHat and i'm doing this,
1) i run the script,
2) i created a report through the report builder wizard, when i use "run paper layout" the report looks ok but when i try to use "run web layout" i get this error,
Tue Jul 19 18:58:04 EST 2005
     at oracle.reports.jsp.ReportTag.doStartTag(
     at MODULE202805126.jspService(
     at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
     at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.compileAndServe(
     at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
     at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
     at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
     at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
     at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
     at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
     at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
and the trace file has this,
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:265] Debug 50103 (InProcessServer:Init): Server Config and Trace objects available
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:266] Debug 50103 (WebServerDriver:start): Server Trace Object available
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:267] Info 56025 (RWServer:startServer): Reports Server is starting up
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:314] Debug 50103 (OC4JWebServer:start): webserver_srcroot=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports/docroot WEBSERVER_DOCROOT=/tmp/docroot
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:665] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): RW=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:665] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): SSH_AGENT_PID=4122
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:665] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:665] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): TERM=xterm
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:665] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): SHELL=/bin/bash
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:665] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): HISTSIZE=1000
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:665] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:665] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/error_oracle/
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:665] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/oracle/.gtkrc-1.2-gnome2
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:665] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): WINDOWID=35666755
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:666] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt-3.3
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:666] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): REPORTS_NO_DUMMY_PRINTER=TRUE
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:666] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): USER=oracle
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:666] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/jdk/jre/lib/i386/server:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/jdk/jre/lib/i386/native_threads:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/jdk/jre/lib/i386:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/lib:
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:666] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): LS_COLORS=no=00:fi=00:di=00;34:ln=00;36:pi=40;33:so=00;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=00;32:*.cmd=00;32:*.exe=00;32:*.com=00;32:*.btm=00;32:*.bat=00;32:*.sh=00;32:*.csh=00;32:*.tar=00;31:*.tgz=00;31:*.arj=00;31:*.taz=00;31:*.lzh=00;31:*.zip=00;31:*.z=00;31:*.Z=00;31:*.gz=00;31:*.bz2=00;31:*.bz=00;31:*.tz=00;31:*.rpm=00;31:*.cpio=00;31:*.jpg=00;35:*.gif=00;35:*.bmp=00;35:*.xbm=00;35:*.xpm=00;35:*.png=00;35:*.tif=00;35:
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:666] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): ORACLE_SID=orcl1
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:666] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-zTptff4121/agent.4121
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:666] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): ORACLE_BASE=/opt/app/oracle
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:666] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET=/tmp/keyring-Dzz7aj/socket
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:666] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): KDEDIR=/usr
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:666] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): SESSION_MANAGER=local/localhost.localdomain:/tmp/.ICE-unix/4094
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:666] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): REPORTS_PATH=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports/templates:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports/samples/demo:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports/integ:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports/printers
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:667] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): TK90_ICON=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports/plugins/resource
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:667] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): PATH=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/jdk/bin:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/oracle/bin
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:667] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): DESKTOP_SESSION=default
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:667] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): MAIL=/var/spool/mail/oracle
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:667] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): TNS_ADMIN=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/network/admin
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:667] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): REPORTS_CLASSPATH=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports/jlib/rwbuilder.jar:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports/jlib/rwrun.jar:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/jlib/zrclient.jar:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/j2ee/home/oc4j.jar:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/j2ee/home/lib/ojsp.jar
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:667] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): PWD=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/bin
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:667] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:667] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): LANG=en_US
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:667] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): GDMSESSION=default
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:667] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:667] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): SHLVL=2
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): HOME=/home/oracle
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=Default
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): LOGNAME=oracle
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-7YL1vQQ8ct
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): REPORTS_TAGLIB_URI=/WEB-INF/lib/reports_tld.jar
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): DISPLAY=:0.0
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): ORACLE_HOME=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): REPORTS_TMP=/tmp
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): XAUTHORITY=/home/oracle/.Xauthority
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:668] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): COLORTERM=gnome-terminal
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:669] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): PLSQL_COMPILER_FLAGS=INTERPRETED,DEBUG
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:669] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): NLSPATH=/usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/%L/
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:669] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): XFILESEARCHPATH=/usr/dt/app-defaults/%L/Dt
[2005/7/19 7:30:23:669] Debug 50103 (Environment:getEnvironmentStrings): NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
[2005/7/19 7:30:25:236] Debug 50103 (RWReport:getCurrentReport): Inprocess Server Trace Object available
[2005/7/19 7:30:25:246] Debug 50103 (Report:(Proxy, Trace):1): Got an engine
[2005/7/19 7:30:25:248] Debug 50103 (Report:(Proxy, Trace):2): Report created:147752400
[2005/7/19 7:30:25:254] Debug 50103 (XMLPDS): setHelpSetID: 1
[2005/7/19 7:30:25:255] Debug 50103 (XMLPDS): needSignOnParameter: True.
[2005/7/19 7:30:25:258] Debug 50103 (JDBCPDS): setHelpSetID: 2
[2005/7/19 7:30:25:258] Debug 50103 (JDBCPDS): needSignOnParameter: TRUE.
[2005/7/19 7:30:25:260] Debug 50103 (textpds): TextDataSourceFactory: setReportContext
[2005/7/19 7:30:25:260] Debug 50103 (textpds): setHelpSetID: null
[2005/7/19 7:30:25:260] Debug 50103 (textpds): needSignOnParameter: true
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:153] Info 56023 (ServerImpl:ServerImpl): Idle thread has been started
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:211] Info 56020 (EngineManager:spawnEngine): Launching engine rwEng-0
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:212] Debug 50103 (EngineManager:spawnEngine): Start engine command line = /opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/bin/ -server -cp /opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/j2ee/home/lib/ojsp.jar:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports/jlib/rwrun.jar:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/jlib/zrclient.jar -Xbootclasspath/p:/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/vbroker4/lib/vbjboot.jar -Xmx256M oracle.reports.engine.RWEngine name=rwEng-0 server=rep_localhost-rwbuilder ORACLE_HOME=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2 engineimplclass=oracle.reports.engine.EngineImpl traceopts=trace_all tracefile=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports/logs/rep_localhost-rwbuilder/rwEng-0.trc tracemode=trace_replace cacheDir=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports/cache
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:218] Info 56021 (EngineManager:spawnEngine): Engine rwEng-0 has been launched
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:218] State 56004 (EngineInfo:setState): Engine rwEng-0 state is: Initial
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:236] Debug 50103 (RWEngine:init): args[0]=ORACLE_HOME=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:237] Debug 50103 (RWEngine:init): args[1]=frombuilder=yes
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:237] Debug 50103 (RWEngine:init): args[2]=name=rwEng-0
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:237] Debug 50103 (RWEngine:init): args[3]=server=rep_localhost-rwbuilder
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:237] Debug 50103 (RWEngine:init): args[4]=cachedir=/opt/app/oracle/OraHome_2/reports/cache
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:237] Debug 50103 (RWEngine:init): args[5]=traceopts=trace_all
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:237] Debug 50103 (RWEngine:init): args[6]=tracefile=
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:237] Debug 50103 (RWEngine:init): args[7]=tracemode=trace_replace
[2005/7/19 7:30:26:356] Info 55007 (EngineImpl:loadLibrary): Load succeeded
[2005/7/19 7:31:26:240] Exception 50125 (java.lang.NullPointerException
     at oracle.reports.server.EngineManager.manage(
): Internal error java.lang.NullPointerException
[2005/7/19 7:31:26:243] Info 50002 (RWServer:shutdown): Server is shutting down
[2005/7/19 7:31:26:244] Info 50103 (RWServer:startServer): Notify thread to exit
[2005/7/19 7:31:26:244] Info 50103 (RWServer:startServer): RWServer thread exits
[2005/7/19 7:31:26:249] Exception 50125 (): Caught exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
exception oracle.reports.RWException {
oracle.reports.RWError[] errorChain={struct oracle.reports.RWError {
int errorCode=50125,
java.lang.String errorString="Caught exception: java.lang.NullPointerException",
java.lang.String moduleName="REP"
     at oracle.reports.utility.Utility.newRWException(
     at oracle.reports.utility.Utility.newRWException(
any idea guys ????

It seems there is problem with sun.awt.image.codec.JPEGImageEncoderImpl
on Linux environment. With same JVM and JDK version(1.4.2_04) barcode bean works on windows XP.But on Linux it is giving ClassCastException.
It seems it is related to the Bug-4502892 reported on sun's website.

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    I'm having trouble creating a jasper report on Linux. I'm getting the ff. error after i click the
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    Http status 500:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception
    root cause:
         org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.startElement(Unknown Source)
         org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractXMLDocumentParser.emptyElement(Unknown Source)
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    To solve this issue, start your java environment with the option -Djava.awt.headless=true.
    It solves the issue... if you google for "Linux"+"JasperReports"+"NoClassDefFoundError" you will find the background info on this issue.

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    i do not know u r form version but the following command is for Forms [32 Bit] Version (Production)
    try this.
    Echo compiling libraries 10g ....
    for %%f IN (*.pll) do frmcmp userid=User_name/pass@orcl module=%%f batch=yes module_type=library compile_all=yes window_state=minimize
    ECHO libraries compilation complete
    ECHO ----------------------------------
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    ECHO ----------------------------------
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    ECHO form compilation complete
    ECHO ----------------------------------
    ECHO Form Compilation completefor linux i think its just make changes here.

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    that same WAR file is deployed into linux (again oracle application server R2), this time an exception occurs,
    i only selected two jar files (jasperreports.jar and itext.jar) to be included into the war file.
    now can any one explain to me why it runs perfectly fine in windows AS and not linux AS???? aren't both of them use the same java virtual machine????
    any advice please???
    best regards

    sorry i forget to post the error in linux, the log contains the following:
    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error
    compiling report java source files :
    best regards

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    Thanks for the answer, Carlos.
    I run the command but this error message is displayed "FRM-91500: Unable to start/complete the build".
    Edited by: _blackjack on Dec 18, 2012 5:18 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Problems using Reports on Linux

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    Here is a strange problem I often see when I access Reports Builder on Linux machine.
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    I use Developer 9i
    Suse Linux 8.0
    Oracle 8i and Developer Suite 9i
    oracle@linux-eb:~/OraHome1/bin> ./
    SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
    si_signo [11]: SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation
    si_errno [0]: Success
    si_code [1]: SEGV_MAPERR [addr: 0x50]
    Full thread dump Classic VM (1.3.1_02-b02, native threads):
    "SeedGenerator Thread" (TID:0x42c56de0, sys_thread_t:0x9024868, state:CW, native ID:0x7417) prio=1
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(
    "SocketTimeout" (TID:0x42ce3bf0, sys_thread_t:0x49913de8, state:CW, native ID:0x7016) prio=10
    at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    "TaskManager" (TID:0x42c62348, sys_thread_t:0x8feaeb8, state:CW, native ID:0x6815) prio=5
    at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method)
    "HttpConnectionListener []" (TID:0x42c4bca8, sys_thread_t:0x8f27690, state:R, native ID:0x6414) prio=5
    at Method)
    "RMIServer [] count:1" (TID:0x42cab118, sys_thread_t:0x8ea6f80, state:R, native ID:0x6013) prio=5
    at Method)
    javax.swing.TimerQueue@42C13C98/43451498: <unowned>
    Waiting to be notified:
    "TimerQueue" (0x4a46e6a8)
    com.evermind.server.ApplicationServerThread@42C71C98/430BF340: owner "HttpConnectionListener []" (0x8b53fe0) 1 entry
    System class loader lock: <unowned>
    Code rewrite lock: <unowned>
    Heap lock: <unowned>
    Monitor cache lock: owner "main" (0x8178a20) 1 entry
    Thread queue lock: owner "main" (0x8178a20) 1 entry
    Monitor registry: owner "main" (0x8178a20) 1 entry
    Please help me avoid this frequent crash of Reports Developer.
    Regards Joche

    This is not a common issue in linux and hence I suspect mainly your environment having some strange issue.
    To narrow down the issue,
    - Try saving the report both in rdf , jsp and xml format
    - close the builder. open the builder and try opeining each of these and see the carsh is happeneing for all the formats or for specific one
    - Please ensure to use the hotspot jvm and not the classic jvm in the, you can mention this.
    Thr Oracle Reports team

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    TOMCAT :5.0.28
    JDK 1.4.2_08
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    root cause
         sun.misc.Unsafe.ensureClassInitialized(Native Method)
         java.lang.reflect.Field.getLong($400($ Method)<init>(
         sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

    jaumev wrote:
    I have exactly th e same problem.
    Have someone solved it?
    Thanks in advancePlease, don't resurrect old threads. Start a new thread if you have a specific question. I'm locking this one.

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    * browser and version
    * any mutant library configuration (other than those included
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  • Deploying Forms and Reports on Linux

    We are using Forms and Reports 6i in Client/Server mode in
    Windows with all of our clients for years now with
    complete success.
    Most of these clients are small to medium size organizations
    and don't have the resources or need to upgrate to 9iAS with all
    the costs and complexities involved.
    Now there is a demand to run these applications in Linux at
    the client side, i.e. they want to put Linux machines at
    the users desktops.
    We noticed that there is a Linux version of Forms and Reports
    in OTN and would like to try it, but we are concerned about
    if the product is really suported by Oracle : There seems to
    be no documentation, white papers or patches available.
    Can please someone comment on this? Can we develop our forms and
    reports in Windows and deploy then with the Linux runtime ?
    Deployment with 9iAS is not an option.
    Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestion

    Hi Goncalo,
    There is no reason why this should not work on Linux, and there are patches available for Linux. The latest patch for Linux (patch 11, which is the latest Forms 6i patch) was released Sept 6th, 2002.
    This can be found on Metalink (
    ID:2100221 Patchset:2536642
    Product:Oracle Developer
    Platform:LINUX Intel
    Language:American English
    Version:Developer 6i
    Last updated:06-SEP-2002
    Size:254M (266775095 bytes)
    Oracle MetaLink is Oracle Support Services' premier web support service. MetaLink is FREE for Oracle customers with current product support contracts.
    Best regards,
    Jonas Jacobi
    Forms Product Management

  • NullPointerException when opening report on Linux ( Windows works ok )

    Our project is designed for Windows and Linux platform thus we need to generate Reports on both of this systems. However we noticed that behaviour of these libraries differes, depending on system they are used on. The same code on the Windows platform opens given report and prints it on expected devices. On Linux platform we are getting following exception:
    Exception in thread "Crystal" java.lang.NullPointerException
          at Source)
          at Source)
          at Source)
          at Source)
          at Source)
          at com.ppl.outputservice.crystalplugin.JobTemplate.openReport(
          at com.ppl.outputservice.crystalplugin.JobManager.openJob(
          at com.ppl.outputservice.crystalplugin.JobManager.performJob(
          at CrystalPlugin.setParameter(
          at com.ppl.outputservice.plugin.CrystalJavaPlugin.sendCommand(
    The same happens with reports created with Crystal Reports 11 and Crystal Reports 2008.
    Unfortunatelly we have no possibility to check what makes the code to fail it's execution
    The second thing is that reports are not printed on the Linux OS ( Fedora6 ) . We are getting empty pages.
    The same happens with CupsPDF and real Laser Jet printer.

    In my, there's no such method as:
    that you have listed in your stack trace.
    Do you happen to have a rasapp.jar file in your build?  That's not part of Crystal Reports for Eclipse 2.0.
    I first recommend removing all jars, and copying in fresh.  You're having what I think is a bad mix of jar files.
    Ted Ueda

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    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
    cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryInstall libXp*.rpm packages you'll find on disk 3 of Linux distro.

  • Can not run reports on Linux OS

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    We have running Oracle Forms and Reports Services 10g (9.0.4) on Windows 2003 Server.
    The Application Works fine, and reports are generated successfully.
    But when we access the same application by using Linux OS (RHEL 4.4),
    The forms works fine but Linux OS could not run the report.
    This seems to be a configuration problem.
    Any Clues.
    Thanks and Looking Forward.

    Check rwserlvet.conf here you will see comment out <!-- ... --> IN the part for the reports engine two lines, one is the Path for Reports the other is for TMP for reports, try to uncomment path and use this, then restart the reports server and see if it works.
    Hope this helps.

  • Reports for Linux?

    I have a bunch of Oracle reports which have been developed on NT. I need to run these on a Linux box. Does anybody know if there is a Reports runtime for Linux?

    Forms, Reports..; for Linux : currently no. I don't know for the future, but if it works like the other Unix platorms, you develop under Windows (NT, 95, 98) and you run your programs under Unix. The runtime exists, but not the development tools.
    Query with the oracle keyword. You will find free tools. I've tried
    the vsbabu tool ( see the PHP section). It is a simple and good Oracle database viewer.
    Hope this helps.

  • Can't install Forms and Reports under linux 8.7.1

    I try to install Forms and Reports i get this message
    UT60 is not available or _TK60 is not available
    Please help me

    I solved my problem... more by a system of trial-n-error than anything else. Here's how you go about it:
    1. BACKUP ALL YOUR DATA. I would suggest using time machine thrice on three different locations. Better safe than sorry, and when it comes to backing up data, Overkill is Underrated.
    2. Boot into Disk Utility mode.
    4. Install OS X online.
    5. Select your preferred backup location and tranfer all your data to the freshly installed system. This should restore your computer to an "as was" state.
    6. Once the computer is done restoring our data, restart the system.
    7. While restarting press the following key combination:
         cmd+option+P+R (You have press the combo before the grey screen appears during the boot and let go as soon as you hear the boot up chime.
       This will reset your computer's PRAM.
    8. Boot into your system and re-install xquartz (latest version) from the source site.
    I am not saying this process is fool proof. It worked for me, and it usually tends to work when you are facing problems due to a missing system file.

  • How to set the working directory for reports in linux

    Hi All,
    Can you anyone help me to set the working directory for oracle application server 10g reports? I am using RHEL4 and AS10g. Actually i want to run my reports from my define
    working directory. How can I do this?
    Thanks in advance

    your rep_srv.conf should look like something like
    +<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-1'?>+
    +<!DOCTYPE server PUBLIC "-//Oracle Corp.//DTD Reports Server Configuration //EN" "file:D:\oracle\FRHome_1/reports/dtd/rwserverconf.dtd">+
    +<server version="">+
    +<!--Please do not change the id for reports engine.-->+
    +<!--The class specifies below is subclass of _EngineClassImplBase and implements EngineInterface.-->+
    +<cache class="oracle.reports.cache.RWCache">+
    +<property name="cacheSize" value="50"/>+
    +<!--property name="cacheDir" value="your cache directory"-->+
    +<!--property name="maxCacheFileNumber" value="max number of cache files"-->+
    +<!--property name="ignoreParameters" value="parameter names to be ignored in constructing cache key, separated by comma ','"-->+
    +<engine id="rwEng" class="oracle.reports.engine.EngineImpl" initEngine="1" maxEngine="3" minEngine="0" engLife="50" maxIdle="30" callbackTimeOut="90000" jvmOptions="-Xmx512M -Xss512K">+
    +<!--property name="sourceDir" value="your reports source directory"/-->+
    +<!--property name="tempDir" value="your reports temp directory"/-->+
    +<!--property name="keepConnection" value="yes"/-->+
    some more definitions
    +<!--pluginParam name="proxy" type="file">proxyinfo.xml</pluginParam-->+
    +<pluginParam name="xmlpds" type="file">xmlpds.conf</pluginParam>+
    +<pluginParam name="jdbcpds" type="file">jdbcpds.conf</pluginParam>+
    +<pluginParam name="textpds" type="file">textpds.conf</pluginParam>+
    *<environment id="APP1">*
    *+<envVariable name="REPORTS_PATH" value="/application1/reports"/>+*
    *+<environment id="APP2">+*
    *+<envVariable name="REPORTS_PATH" value="/application2/reports"/>+*
    The environment ids you can choose yourself and you have to put them in there yourself too (here I put two environments for two different applications "1" and "2").
    If you call a report from Forms, then you have to code something like
    Details depend on how you call your reports, my example is for using a parameter list and calling a report out of application1
    Hope that helps.

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