Reports Deleted need backup

Hi All,
By mistake Reports folder are deleted from the FR tool,
but when we run the report from Recently Opened area of Workspace we can run and see the report Open
can any one please suggest is there any way to get the deleted reports back???
Edited by: Kumar on May 23, 2011 1:02 PM

If as a lot has been edited or added since the last backup (sql and file) then you can try this:
1 Make a backup of current sql repository and current file system (RM folders) (check it!!)
2 Temporarily restore the bakcup of the (or a) situation wherE the deleted file existed.
3 Do a specific ALCM export to file.
4 Restore the (in bullet 1 created) backup to your system.
5 ALCM import the created export from bullet 3.
good luck!

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    You are correct in your appreciations.
    This report is about the need of backups, without considering archivelog backups.
    It does not mean that listed files are in an unrecoverable situation.

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    Today it gave me the error that there was not enough free space on the disk to complete the backup (the error message says something like there is 360 GB of data on the Time Machine drive already, 140 GB of free space and it would require more than that to complete my backup). I have a 500 GB Time Machine disk and my Mac has a 500 GB hard drive, so I should technically never run out of space.
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    You see only one backup in the Time Machine window because Time Machine has deleted the older backups to make space to do the current backup.
    Time machine needs some working space to do its backups, and so backing up a 500GB drive onto a 500GB time machine volume is not ideal.
    However, I do essentially the same thing, and what I do, when I have this problem, is exclude things from the backup.
    First off, figure out what you changed. If you moved things from one partition to another, then that will cause a backup of the size of the thing that was moved. This may be why you have a large backup.
    When I have this problem, I exclude large things that have changed recently from the backup. This makes the backup smaller, and means that there is less working space needed. I do this until I get a successful backup. Then I remove things, one by one, from the exclusion list, and back up after each one.
    So, for instance if you just put 4 new folders on your drive, each of which s 20GB of data and they are named A, B, C and D, add all four to the exclusion list, do a backup, then remove A from the exclusion list (leaving B, C & D on it) and do a backup, and continue like this, adding 20GB of backup data each time until none of the new data is on the exclusion list and you get a completed backup.
    Another possible issue, if you use multiple partitions, is that Time Machine may be keeping an obsolete backup of a partition that you previously reformatted. To see if this is the case, go into time machine (The universe interface) and go back to the most recent backup it shows. Click on your computer and see what partitions show up-- are any of them old ones that have been reformatted and renamed? You may be storing a duplicate backup because Time Machine does not realize that the disk that went away isn't coming back (because it has been reformatted as a different partition)
    You can right-click on these items and remove them from your backup by sleecting "Delete all backups of...." This will free up space as well.

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    RMAN retention policy will be applied to the command
    RMAN retention policy is set to recovery window of 7 days
    Report of files whose recovery needs more than 7 days of archived logs
    File Days Name
    100 146 /orahprdidx/hprd/psindex05.dbf
    RMAN> report unrecoverable;
    Report of files that need backup due to unrecoverable operations
    File Type of Backup Required Name
    RMAN> report need backup days = 7 database;
    Report of files whose recovery needs more than 7 days of archived logs
    File Days Name
    100 146 /orahprdidx/hprd/psindex05.dbf
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    The datafile was offline. I guess it was created my mistake and hanging in there. Once I do the cleanup it should go away.

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    You can do this with Adobe Acrobat.
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    YokoVP wrote:
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    Because TM needs workspace on the TM drive, and yours is much too small. TM adds 20% to the estimated size of the backup when requesting space.
    But to work well, TM usually needs 2-3 times the space of the data it's backing-up. See #1 in the Frequently Asked Questions *User Tip* at the top of this forum.
    Short term, you may be able to "finagle" getting backed-up by excluding a lot of things temporarily, running a backup, then removing some exclusions and running another. That way, the 20% won't get applied to the total amount of data all at once.
    That will work, for a short period of time, but not for long. You need a much bigger drive.

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    If you really accidentally deleted good backup, try not to do that anymore. There is no way to help you, sorry. You should be able to see all your backups to icloud when you go to settings, icloud, storage and manage storage.

  • Need some help deleting TM backups

    I have read through many posts but still cannot remove a TM backup of a hard drive I do not wish to backup.
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    Selected TM from the Menu bar while holding down the option key - it only shows one backup - Jim Mols Computer - that's my computer, but it does not show any option for selecting the main hard drive or the clone (backup) hard drive backup.
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    How do I do it? Any ideas? Everyone says don't use finder, which I can't since the clone backup does not show up in finder, only in OmniDiskSweeper.
    If all else fails, what will happen if I use OmniDiskSweeper to delete the backups?
    Thanks for your ideas

    James Mol wrote:
    Selected TM from the Menu bar while holding down the option key - it only shows one backup
    Why are you using +Browse Other Time Machine Disks+ via the Option key, not +Enter Time Machine?+ That may be the clue to what's happening.
    Once in TM I select the clone from the list on the left side, select a file, go to the gear drop down and select Delete all backups of "this file" and nothing seems to happen. I check the TM disk and it still has the same amount free even after trying to delete a 14GB iMovie.
    After selecting +Delete all Backups of <file>,+ Do you get a confirmation prompt, then one for your Administrator's password?
    If you select your computer name in the sidebar, the center should list all your drives, and you should be able to select the drive in question, then click the "gear" and select +Delete all backups of .."
    History: I have a clone (298GB) of my hard drive (279GB) that I sometimes use to trouble shoot issues on my main hard drive (started this before TM and still keep it up). Its name is slightly different. TM decided to backup the entire HD a few weeks back and said it did not have enough room. This problem should have been taken care of automatically by TM, but was not.
    How do you mean? What should TM have done, and why?
    How do I do it? Any ideas? Everyone says don't use finder, which I can't since the clone backup does not show up in finder, only in OmniDiskSweeper.
    Yes, they are right, do not try to delete via the Finder.
    If all else fails, what will happen if I use OmniDiskSweeper to delete the backups?
    I'm not familiar with it, but it will probably do the same as with the Finder -- choke your Mac completely.
    Give us answers to the questions above, then we can probably figure this out.
    The main thing is, what happens differently when you +Enter Time Machine+ vs. +Browse Other Time Machine Disks.+

  • Exposé hot keys disabled after Time Machine "Delete all backups of file"

    I have been having the same problem that was initially mentioned in this topic:
    Namely, sometimes after I restart all of my Exposé and Dashboard hot keys have been turned off (but not the Spaces hotkey, just F9-F12). My hot corners for turning off or on the screensaver work just fine, but I have to manually go in and turn back on my Exposé hot keys. Some people said it was associate with WoW, but I am not running World of Warcraft. This last time it happened (this morning), I had removed all backups of a few files in Time Machine (what's the point of having a backup of a rented movie after the 24 hour viewing period has expired?). I have been looking for a way to report this to Apple, but have been unable thus far.
    I just tested it to see if you have to restart, and you do not. About thirty minutes ago I turned all the Exposé hot keys on, and just a minute ago I deleted a backup of a file on my Desktop in Time Machine (by selecting, "Delete all backups of file ______") and the hot keys had been disabled again.
    Does anyone know if there is a way to fix this?

    Mechanist wrote:
    At some point I told Time Machine to get rid of backups of a particular file using the "Delete all backups of ..." option. Time Machine duly deleted the backups of the file and stopped making new ones.
    Not exactly.  It did delete the existing backups, but didn't make any new ones because the file hasn't changed since then.
    The easiest way to get it to back it up is to make a minor change to it (the name or something in the contents), then change it back.  Time Machine should back it up on the next backup.
    Alternatively, you need to force a "deep scan," where Time Machine compares everything on your system to the backups.  Usually, just starting up from your Recovery HD will do that, although sometimes you have to start from it and Repair your internal HD to trigger it. 
    If you're not sure how to do that, see Using the Recovery HD and/or #6 in Using Disk Utility.

  • Can i delete the backup on my internal drive as i have it backed up on a external drive...if so how??

    can i delete the backup on my internal drive as i have it backed up on a external drive...if so how??

    When Time Machine backs up a portable Mac, some of the free space will be used to make local snapshots, which are backup copies of recently deleted files. The space occupied by local snapshots is reported as available by the Finder, and should be considered as such. In the Storage display of System Information, local snapshots are shown as  Backups. The snapshots are automatically deleted when they expire or when free space falls below a certain level. You ordinarily don't need to, and should not, delete local snapshots yourself. If you followed bad advice to disable local snapshots by running a shell command, you may have ended up with a lot of data in the Other category. Ask for instructions in that case.

  • I am unable to delete a backup file from my Time Capsule.  What to do?

    Separately I asked for and got help here in relation to what to do with my Time Capsule when I changed computers.  I erased the contents of my Time Capsule that had been put there using my old Mac Mini and using Time Machine created a new backup of the same data that are now on my new Mac Mini. 
    In the process, however, I mistakenly created a backup of a large folder that I do not need.  I researched how to delete it using Time Machine and following the simple steps set forth tried a number of times, all without success, to delete the folder on my Time Capsule using Time Machine.  I go into Time Machine, I find the folder, I highlight it, I open the little widget and choose 'Delete all backups' of it, I choose 'OK' when asked if I am sure I want to do it . . . each time, though, nothing happens after that.  The folder remains there as it was, undeleted.
    Can anyone suggest what I might do?
    Thank you.

    Thank you for your further help, Bob.
    My Mac Mini is a desktop.  I am using Mountain Lion with it, updated to the latest version.
    I went back into Time Machine (and now understand what you mean about 'Star Wars' screen), and found the timeline on the extreme right edge of my computer screen, as you explained.
    Despite the passage of time, I have only three 'times' expressed on the scale.  Two are purple, and represent the two times yesterday that I did backups, the original full backup and one subsequent one (I do not have Time Machine set up, now, to do automatic backups, only manual ones as I direct).  One is white and is marked 'Now'.
    When I click on the white time, 'Now', for my external HD, I get a long list of items, all but one of which I do not want and tried to delete yesterday.  Interestingly, however, when I click on either of the two purple times, for yesterday, the only item that appears is the one that I want to backup.  None of the other items is there. 
    If the purple items are the only ones that represent actual backups, then it would seem that the deletions I did yesterday in fact worked.
    If that is the case, again, there remains a bit of a puzzle as to why the 'now' position shows other items too, but if in fact that is just a glitch and does not represent anything actually saved on my Time Capsule, then there is no reason for me to be fussed, only puzzled.
    Your thoughts on what I have found and tentatively concluded?

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