ReportServer Manager Script Error

Hi All,
I have been using ssrs for quite some time now.And All of a sudden, I have started getting
scripts errors in reportingservices.js.
Error:"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'className' of null
Now I am not able to deploy new rdl files
Many Thanks

HI All, 
Actually I have found the answer for that,thought that some one might get useful with this.ReportingServices.js in the path"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER20122012\Reporting Services\ReportManager\js"
 was causing the problem.Kindly replace the script with the following one
var checkBoxCount;
var checkBoxId;
var checkBoxHead;
// Context menu
var _divContextMenu; // The container for the context menu
var _selectedIdHiddenField; // The id of the item that opened th context menu
var _timeOutLimit = 3000; // How long the context menu stays for after the cursor in no longer over it
var _timeOutTimer; // The timout for the context menu
var _itemSelected = false;
var _mouseOverContext = false; // If the mouse is over the context menu
var _contextMenusIds; // The array of the diffrent context menus
var _fadeTimeouts; // The array of timouts used for the fade effect
var _onLink = false; // If the user is over a name link
var _selectedItemId;
var _tabFocusedItem = '';
var _mouseOverItem = '';
var _unselectedItemStyle;
var _currentContextMenuId; // ID of currently displayed context menu
var _currentMenuItemId = null; // ID of currently selected context menu item
// Search bar
var _searchTextBoxID;
var _defaultSearchValue; // The value that the box defaults to.
// start chris edit
// new functions to find firstChild and lastChild but skipping whitespace elements
function firstChildNoWS(element) {
var child = element.firstChild;
while (child != null && child.isElementContentWhitespace) {
child = child.nextSibling;
return child;
function lastChildNoWS(element) {
var child = element.lastChild;
while (child != null && child.isElementContentWhitespace) {
child = child.previousSibling;
return child;
// end chris edit
function ToggleItem(itemId) {
var item = document.getElementById(itemId);
if ( == 'none') = 'inline';
else = 'none';
function ToggleButtonImage(image1ID, image2ID) {
var image1 = document.getElementById(image1ID);
var image2 = document.getElementById(image2ID);
if ( == 'none') { = 'inline-block'; = 'none';
else { = 'none'; = 'inline-block';
function SetFocus(id) {
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
if (obj != null && !obj.disabled)
// Validates that an extension has been selected
function ValidateDropDownSelection(source, args) {
var obj = document.getElementById(source.controltovalidate);
if (obj.options[0].selected && !obj.disabled)
args.IsValid = false;
args.IsValid = true;
/// selectAll
/// selects all the checkBoxes with the given id
function selectAll() {
var i;
var id;
var checked = checkBoxHead.checked;
for (i = 0; i < checkBoxCount; i++) {
id = checkBoxId + i;
document.getElementById(id).checked = checked;
/// onSglCheck
/// performs actions when a single checkBox is checked or unchecked
/// cb -> the checkBox generating the event
/// topId -> id of the "select all" checkBox
function onSglCheck() {
// uncheck the top checkBox
checkBoxHead.checked = false;
/// ToggleButton
/// Toggle a buttons enable state
function ToggleButton(id, disabled) {
if (document.getElementById(id) != null)
document.getElementById(id).disabled = disabled;
function ToggleValidator(id, enabled) {
document.getElementById(id).enabled = enabled;
function SetCbVars(cbid, count, cbh) {
checkBoxCount = count;
checkBoxId = cbid;
checkBoxHead = cbh;
/// Check to see if any check boxes should disable
/// a control
/// cbid -> id prefix of the checkBoxes
/// cbCount -> total checkBoxes to check
/// hidden -> input to look for
/// display -> control to disable
function CheckCheckBoxes(cbid, hidden, display) {
var i;
var id;
var disable;
disable = false;
for (i = 0; i < checkBoxCount; i++) {
id = cbid + i;
if (document.getElementById(id).checked) {
id = hidden + id;
if (document.getElementById(id) != null) {
disable = true;
ToggleButton(display, disable);
function HiddenCheckClickHandler(hiddenID, promptID, promptStringID) {
var hiddenChk = document.getElementById(hiddenID);
var promptChk = document.getElementById(promptID);
// prompt should be in opposite state of hidden
promptChk.checked = !hiddenChk.checked;
function validateSaveRole(source, args) {
var i;
var id;
var c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < checkBoxCount; i++) {
id = checkBoxId + i;
if (document.getElementById(id).checked) c++;
if (0 == c)
args.IsValid = false;
args.IsValid = true;
/// Pad an integer less then 10 with a leading zero
function PadIntWithZero(val) {
var s = val.toString();
if (val < 10 && val >= 0) {
if (s.length == 1)
s = "0" + s;
else if (s.length > 2)
s = s.substring(s.length - 2, s.length);
return s;
/// Pad the contents of an input with leading zeros if necesarry
function PadInputInteger(id) {
document.getElementById(id).value = PadIntWithZero(document.getElementById(id).value);
/// text of confirmation popup when a single item is selected for deletion
/// e.g. "Are you sure you want to delete this item"
var confirmSingle;
/// text of confirmation popup when multiple items are selected for deletion
/// e.g. "Are you sure you want to delete these items"
var confirmMultiple;
function SetDeleteTxt(single, multiple) {
confirmSingle = single;
confirmMultiple = multiple;
/// doCmDel: DoConfirmDelete
/// Given a number of checked items, confirm their deletion
/// return true if OK was clicked; false otherwise
function doCmDel(checkedCount) {
var confirmTxt = confirmSingle;
if (checkedCount == 0)
return false;
if (checkedCount > 1)
confirmTxt = confirmMultiple;
return confirm(confirmTxt);
/// on non-Netscape browsers, confirm deletion of 0 or more items
function confirmDelete() {
return doCmDel(getChkCount());
/// confirm deletion of policies
function confirmDeletePlcies(alertString) {
var count = getChkCount();
if (count >= checkBoxCount) {
return false;
return doCmDel(count);
/// counts whether 0, 1, or more than 1 checkboxes are checked
/// returns 0, 1, or 2
function getChkCount() {
var checkedCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < checkBoxCount && checkedCount < 2; i++) {
if (document.getElementById(checkBoxId + i).checked) {
return checkedCount;
function ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBox(checkBoxId, toggleId, reverse) {
var chkb = document.getElementById(checkBoxId);
if (chkb != null) {
if (chkb.checked == true)
ToggleButton(toggleId, reverse); // enable if reverse == false
ToggleButton(toggleId, !reverse); // disable if reverse == false
function ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBoxWithOverride(checkBoxId, toggleId, overrideToDisabled, reverse) {
if (overrideToDisabled == true)
ToggleButton(toggleId, true); // disable
ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBox(checkBoxId, toggleId, reverse);
function ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBoxes(checkBoxId, checkboxId2, toggleId) {
var chkb = document.getElementById(checkBoxId);
if (chkb != null) {
if (chkb.checked == true)
ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBox(checkboxId2, toggleId, false);
ToggleButton(toggleId, true); // disable
function ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBoxesWithOverride(checkBoxId, checkboxId2, toggleId, overrideToDisabled) {
if (overrideToDisabled == true)
ToggleButton(toggleId, true); // disable
ToggleButtonBasedOnCheckBoxes(checkBoxId, checkboxId2, toggleId);
function ToggleValidatorBasedOnCheckBoxWithOverride(checkBoxId, toggleId, overrideToDisabled, reverse) {
if (overrideToDisabled == true)
ToggleValidator(toggleId, false);
else {
var chkb = document.getElementById(checkBoxId);
if (chkb != null) {
ToggleValidator(toggleId, chkb.checked != reverse);
function ToggleValidatorBasedOnCheckBoxesWithOverride(checkBoxId, checkBoxId2, toggleId, overrideToDisabled, reverse) {
if (overrideToDisabled == true)
ToggleValidator(toggleId, false);
else {
var chkb = document.getElementById(checkBoxId);
if (chkb != null) {
if (chkb.checked == reverse)
ToggleValidator(toggleId, false);
ToggleValidatorBasedOnCheckBoxWithOverride(checkBoxId2, toggleId, overrideToDisabled, reverse);
function CheckButton(buttonID, shouldCheck) {
document.getElementById(buttonID).checked = shouldCheck;
function EnableMultiButtons(prefix) {
// If there are no multibuttons, there is no reason to iterate the
// list of checkboxes.
if (checkBoxCount == 0 || multiButtonList.length == 0)
var enableMultiButtons = false;
var multipleCheckboxesSelected = false;
// If the top level check box is checked, we know the state of all
// of the checkboxes
var headerCheckBox = document.getElementById(prefix + "ch");
if (headerCheckBox != null && headerCheckBox.checked) {
enableMultiButtons = true;
multipleCheckboxesSelected = checkBoxCount > 1;
else {
// Look at each checkbox. If any one of them is checked,
// enable the multi buttons.
var foundOneChecked = false;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < checkBoxCount; i++) {
var checkBox = document.getElementById(prefix + 'cb' + i);
if (checkBox.checked) {
if (foundOneChecked) {
multipleCheckboxesSelected = true;
else {
enableMultiButtons = true;
foundOneChecked = true;
// Enable/disable each of the multi buttons
var j;
for (j = 0; j < multiButtonList.length; j++) {
var button = document.getElementById(multiButtonList[j]);
if (button.allowMultiSelect)
button.disabled = !enableMultiButtons;
button.disabled = !enableMultiButtons || multipleCheckboxesSelected;
//function ShadowCopyPassword(suffix)
function MarkPasswordFieldChanged(suffix) {
if (event.propertyName == "value") {
var pwdField = document.getElementById("ui_txtStoredPwd" + suffix);
//var shadowField = document.getElementById("ui_shadowPassword" + suffix);
var shadowChanged = document.getElementById("ui_shadowPasswordChanged" + suffix);
// Don't shadow copy during initialization
if (pwdField.IsInit) {
//shadowField.value = pwdField.value;
//pwdField.UserEnteredPassword = "true";
shadowChanged.value = "true";
// Update validator state (there is no validator on the data driven subscription page)
var validator = document.getElementById("ui_validatorPassword" + suffix)
if (validator != null)
function InitDataSourcePassword(suffix) {
var pwdField = document.getElementById("ui_txtStoredPwd" + suffix);
var shadowChanged = document.getElementById("ui_shadowPasswordChanged" + suffix);
// var shadowField = document.getElementById("ui_shadowPassword" + suffix);
var storedRadioButton = document.getElementById("ui_rdoStored" + suffix);
var pwdValidator = document.getElementById("ui_validatorPassword" + suffix);
pwdField.IsInit = false;
// Initialize the field to the shadow value (for when the user clicks back/forward)
// Or to a junk initial value.
if (pwdValidator != null && storedRadioButton.checked) {
/* if (shadowField.value.length > 0)
pwdField.value = shadowField.value;
pwdField.value = "********";
shadowChanged.value = "true"; // shadowChanged will be ignored if the page is submitted without storedRadioButton.checked
// Now that the initial value is set, track changes to the password field
pwdField.IsInit = true;
// There is no validator on the data driven subscription page (no stored radio button either)
if (pwdValidator != null)
function SetNeedPassword(suffix) {
// Set a flag indicating that we need the password
var pwdField = document.getElementById("ui_txtStoredPwd" + suffix);
pwdField.NeedPassword = "true";
// Make the validator visible
ValidatorValidate(document.getElementById("ui_validatorPassword" + suffix));
function UpdateValidator(src, validatorID) {
if (src.checked) {
var validator = document.getElementById(validatorID);
function ReEnterPasswordValidation(source, arguments) // source = validator
var validatorIdPrefix = "ui_validatorPassword"
var suffix =, - validatorIdPrefix.length);
var storedRadioButton = document.getElementById("ui_rdoStored" + suffix);
var pwdField = document.getElementById("ui_txtStoredPwd" + suffix);
var shadowChanged = document.getElementById("ui_shadowPasswordChanged" + suffix);
var customDataSourceRadioButton = document.getElementById("ui_rdoCustomDataSource" + suffix);
var isCustomSelected = true;
if (customDataSourceRadioButton != null)
isCustomSelected = customDataSourceRadioButton.checked;
if (!isCustomSelected || // If the custom (vs shared) data source radio button exists and is not selected, we don't need the pwd.
storedRadioButton.checked == false || // If the data source is not using stored credentials, we don't need the password
pwdField.UserEnteredPassword == "true" || // If the password has changed, we don't need to get it from the user
pwdField.NeedPassword != "true" || // If no credentials have changed, we don't need the password
shadowChanged.value == "true") // If the user has typed a password
arguments.IsValid = true;
arguments.IsValid = false;
function ValidateDataSourceSelected(source, arguments) {
var validatorIdPrefix = "ui_sharedDSSelectedValidator"
var suffix =, - validatorIdPrefix.length);
var sharedRadioButton = document.getElementById("ui_rdoSharedDataSource" + suffix);
var hiddenField = document.getElementById("ui_hiddenSharedDS" + suffix);
arguments.IsValid = (sharedRadioButton != null && !sharedRadioButton.checked) || hiddenField.value != "NotSelected";
// MultiValueParamClass
function MultiValueParamClass(thisID, visibleTextBoxID, floatingEditorID, floatingIFrameID, paramObject,
hasValidValues, allowBlank, doPostbackOnHide, postbackScript) {
this.m_thisID = thisID;
this.m_visibleTextBoxID = visibleTextBoxID;
this.m_floatingEditorID = floatingEditorID;
this.m_floatingIFrameID = floatingIFrameID;
this.m_paramObject = paramObject;
this.m_hasValidValues = hasValidValues;
this.m_allowBlank = allowBlank;
this.m_doPostbackOnHide = doPostbackOnHide;
this.m_postbackScript = postbackScript;
function ToggleVisibility() {
var floatingEditor = GetControl(this.m_floatingEditorID);
if ( != "inline")
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.ToggleVisibility = ToggleVisibility;
function Show() {
var floatingEditor = GetControl(this.m_floatingEditorID);
if ( == "inline")
// Set the correct size of the floating editor - no more than
// 150 pixels high and no less than the width of the text box
var visibleTextBox = GetControl(this.m_visibleTextBoxID);
if (this.m_hasValidValues) {
if (floatingEditor.offsetHeight > 150) = 150; = visibleTextBox.offsetWidth;
var newEditorPosition = this.GetNewFloatingEditorPosition(); = newEditorPosition.Left; = newEditorPosition.Top; = "inline";
var floatingIFrame = GetControl(this.m_floatingIFrameID); =; =; = floatingEditor.offsetWidth; = floatingEditor.offsetHeight; = "inline";
// If another multi value is open, close it first
if (this.m_paramObject.ActiveMultValue != this && this.m_paramObject.ActiveMultiValue != null)
this.m_paramObject.ActiveMultiValue = this;
if (floatingEditor.childNodes[0].focus) floatingEditor.childNodes[0].focus();
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.Show = Show;
function Hide() {
var floatingEditor = GetControl(this.m_floatingEditorID);
var floatingIFrame = GetControl(this.m_floatingIFrameID);
// Hide the editor = "none"; = "none";
if (this.m_doPostbackOnHide)
// Check that the reference is still us in case event ordering
// caused another multivalue to click open
if (this.m_paramObject.ActiveMultiValue == this)
this.m_paramObject.ActiveMultiValue = null;
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.Hide = Hide;
function GetNewFloatingEditorPosition() {
// Make the editor visible
var visibleTextBox = GetControl(this.m_visibleTextBoxID);
var textBoxPosition = GetObjectPosition(visibleTextBox);
return { Left: textBoxPosition.Left, Top: textBoxPosition.Top + visibleTextBox.offsetHeight };
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.GetNewFloatingEditorPosition = GetNewFloatingEditorPosition;
function UpdateSummaryString() {
var summaryString;
if (this.m_hasValidValues)
summaryString = GetValueStringFromValidValueList(this.m_floatingEditorID);
summaryString = GetValueStringFromTextEditor(this.m_floatingEditorID, false, this.m_allowBlank);
var visibleTextBox = GetControl(this.m_visibleTextBoxID);
visibleTextBox.value = summaryString;
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.UpdateSummaryString = UpdateSummaryString;
function StartPolling() {
setTimeout(this.m_thisID + ".PollingCallback();", 100);
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.StartPolling = StartPolling;
function PollingCallback() {
// If the editor isn't visible, no more events.
var floatingEditor = GetControl(this.m_floatingEditorID);
if ( != "inline")
// If the text box moved, something on the page resized, so close the editor
var expectedEditorPos = this.GetNewFloatingEditorPosition();
if ( != expectedEditorPos.Left + "px" || != expectedEditorPos.Top + "px") {
else {
MultiValueParamClass.prototype.PollingCallback = PollingCallback;
function GetObjectPosition(obj) {
var totalTop = 0;
var totalLeft = 0;
while (obj != document.body) {
// Add up the position
totalTop += obj.offsetTop;
totalLeft += obj.offsetLeft;
// Prepare for next iteration
obj = obj.offsetParent;
totalTop += obj.offsetTop;
totalLeft += obj.offsetLeft;
return { Left: totalLeft, Top: totalTop };
function GetValueStringFromTextEditor(floatingEditorID, asRaw, allowBlank) {
var span = GetControl(floatingEditorID);
var editor = span.childNodes[0];
var valueString = editor.value;
// Remove the blanks
if (!allowBlank) {
// Break down the text box string to the individual lines
var valueArray = valueString.split("\r\n");
var delimiter;
if (asRaw)
delimiter = "\r\n";
delimiter = ", ";
var finalValue = "";
for (var i = 0; i < valueArray.length; i++) {
// If the string is non-blank, add it
if (valueArray[i].length > 0) {
if (finalValue.length > 0)
finalValue += delimiter;
finalValue += valueArray[i];
return finalValue;
else {
if (asRaw)
return valueString;
return valueString.replace(/\r\n/g, ", ");
function GetValueStringFromValidValueList(editorID) {
var valueString = "";
// Get the table
var div = GetControl(editorID);
var table = div.childNodes[0];
if (table.nodeName != "TABLE") // Skip whitespace if needed
table = div.childNodes[1];
// If there is only one element, it is a real value, not the select all option
var startIndex = 0;
if (table.rows.length > 1)
startIndex = 1;
for (var i = startIndex; i < table.rows.length; i++)
// Get the first cell of the row
var firstCell = table.rows[i].cells[0];
var span = firstCell.childNodes[0];
var checkBox = span.childNodes[0];
var label = span.childNodes[1];
if (checkBox.checked) {
if (valueString.length > 0)
valueString += ", ";
// chris edit - valueString += label.firstChild.nodeValue;
valueString += firstChildNoWS(label).nodeValue;
return valueString;
function MultiValidValuesSelectAll(src, editorID)
// Get the table
var div = GetControl(editorID);
var table = div.childNodes[0];
if (table.nodeName != "TABLE")
table = div.childNodes[1];
for (var i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++)
// Get the first cell of the row
var firstCell = table.rows[i].cells[0];
var span = firstCell.childNodes[0];
var checkBox = span.childNodes[0];
checkBox.checked = src.checked;
function ValidateMultiValidValue(editorID, errMsg)
var summaryString = GetValueStringFromValidValueList(editorID);
var isValid = summaryString.length > 0;
if (!isValid)
return isValid;
function ValidateMultiEditValue(editorID, errMsg) {
// Need to check for a value specified. This code only runs if not allow blank.
// GetValueStringFromTextEditor filters out blank strings. So if it was all blank,
// the final string will be length 0
var summaryString = GetValueStringFromTextEditor(editorID, true, false)
var isValid = false;
if (summaryString.length > 0)
isValid = true;
if (!isValid)
return isValid;
function GetControl(controlID) {
var control = document.getElementById(controlID);
if (control == null)
alert("Unable to locate control: " + controlID);
return control;
function ControlClicked(formID) {
var form = GetControl(formID);
if (form.ActiveMultiValue != null)
// --- Context Menu ---
// This function is called in the onload event of the body.
// It hooks the context menus up to the Javascript code.
// divContextMenuId, is the id of the div that contains the context menus
// selectedIdHiddenFieldId, is the id of the field used to post back the name of the item clicked
// contextMenusIds, is an array of the ids of the context menus
// searchTextBox ID, is the id of the search box
// defaultSearchValue. the value the search box has by default
function InitContextMenu(divContextMenuId, selectedIdHiddenFieldId, contextMenusIds, searchTextBoxID, defaultSearchValue ) {
ResetSearchBar( searchTextBoxID, defaultSearchValue );
_divContextMenu = document.getElementById(divContextMenuId);
_selectedIdHiddenField = document.getElementById(selectedIdHiddenFieldId);
_contextMenusIds = contextMenusIds;
_divContextMenu.onmouseover = function() { _mouseOverContext = true; };
_divContextMenu.onmouseout = function() {
if (_mouseOverContext == true) {
_mouseOverContext = false;
if (_timeOutTimer == null) {
_timeOutTimer = setTimeout(TimeOutAction, _timeOutLimit);
document.body.onmousedown = ContextMouseDown;
// This handler stops bubling when arrow keys Up or Down pressed to prevent scrolling window
function KeyDownHandler(e)
// Cancel window scrolling only when menu is opened
if(_currentContextMenuId == null)
return true;
e = window.event;
var key = e.keyCode;
if(key == 38 || key == 40)
return false;
return true;
function AddKeyDownListener()
document.addEventListener('keydown', KeyDownHandler, false);
document.onkeydown = KeyDownHandler;
// This function starts the context menu timeout process
function TimeOutAction() {
if (_mouseOverContext == false) {
_timeOutTimer = null;
// This function is called when a name tag is clicked, it displays the contextmenu for a given item.
function Clicked(event, contextMenuId) {
if (!_onLink) {
_itemSelected = true;
// **Cross browser compatibility code**
// Some browsers will not pass the event so we need to get it from the window instead.
if (event == null)
event = window.event;
var selectedElement = != null ? : event.srcElement;
var outerTableElement = GetOuterElementOfType(selectedElement, 'table');
var elementPosition = GetElementPosition(outerTableElement);
_selectedItemId =;
// chris edit - _selectedIdHiddenField.value = outerTableElement.value;
_selectedIdHiddenField.value = outerTableElement.attributes["value"].value;
outerTableElement.className = "msrs-SelectedItem";
var contextMenuHeight = _divContextMenu.offsetHeight;
var contextMenuWidth = _divContextMenu.offsetWidth;
var boxHeight = outerTableElement.offsetHeight;
var boxWidth = outerTableElement.offsetWidth;
var boxXcoordinate = elementPosition.left;
var boxYcooridnate =;
var pageWidth = 0, pageHeight = 0;
// **Cross browser compatibility code**
if (typeof (window.innerWidth) == 'number') {
pageWidth = window.innerWidth;
pageHeight = window.innerHeight;
} else if (document.documentElement && (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight)) {
//IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
pageWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
pageHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
} else if (document.body && (document.body.clientWidth || document.body.clientHeight)) {
//IE 4 compatible
pageWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
pageHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
// **Cross browser compatibility code**
var iebody = (document.compatMode && document.compatMode != "BackCompat") ? document.documentElement : document.body
var pageXOffSet = document.all ? iebody.scrollLeft : pageXOffset
var pageYOffSet = document.all ? iebody.scrollTop : pageYOffset = SetContextMenuHorizonatalPosition(pageWidth, pageXOffSet, boxXcoordinate, contextMenuWidth, boxWidth) + 'px'; = SetContextMenuVerticalPosition(pageHeight, pageYOffSet, boxYcooridnate, contextMenuHeight, boxHeight) + 'px';
// chris edit - document.getElementById(_currentContextMenuId).firstChild.focus();
// Context menu keyboard navigation
// Opens context menu via keyboard. Context menu
// is opened by selecting an item and pressing
// Alt + Down.
function OpenMenuKeyPress(e, contextMenuId)
// Alt key was pressed
if (e.altKey)
var keyCode;
if (window.event)
keyCode = e.keyCode;
keyCode = e.which;
// Down key was pressed
if (keyCode == 40)
// Open context menu.
Clicked(event, contextMenuId);
// Highlight the first selectable item
// in the context menu.
// Performs keyboard navigation within
// opened context menu.
function NavigateMenuKeyPress(e)
var keyCode;
if (window.event)
keyCode = e.keyCode;
keyCode = e.which;
// Down key moves down to the next context menu item
if (keyCode == 40)
// Up key moves up to the previous context menu item
else if (keyCode == 38)
// Escape key closes context menu
else if (keyCode == 27)
// Close context menu
// Make sure focus is given to the catalog item
// in the folder view.
// Highlights context menu item.
// Parameter: highlightNext
// - If true, highlights menu item below current menu item.
// If current menu item is the last item, wraps around and
// highlights first menu item.
// - If false, highlights menu item above current menu item.
// If current menu item is the first item, wraps around and
// highlights last menu item.
function HighlightContextMenuItem(highlightNext)
var contextMenu = document.getElementById(_currentContextMenuId);
// chris edit - var table = contextMenu.lastChild;
var table = lastChildNoWS(contextMenu);
var currentMenuItemIndex = -1;
if (_currentMenuItemId != null)
currentMenuItemIndex = document.getElementById(_currentMenuItemId).parentNode.rowIndex;
var index = currentMenuItemIndex;
while (true)
if (highlightNext)
// If the index is out of range,
// reset it to the beginning
if (index < 0 || index >= table.cells.length)
index = 0;
// If the index is out of range,
// reset it to the end
if (index < 0 || index >= table.cells.length)
index = table.cells.length - 1;
// Each context menu item has an associated
// group ID. Make sure the table cell has a valid
// group ID, otherwise it is not a menu item (e.g.
// an underline separator).
if (table.cells[index].group >= 0)
FocusContextMenuItem(table.cells[index].id, 'msrs-MenuUIItemTableHover', 'msrs-MenuUIItemTableCell');
// If we reach the orignal index, that means we looped
// through all table cells and did not find a valid context
// menu item. In that case, stop searching.
if (index == currentMenuItemIndex)
// *** End keyboard navigation ***
// This function resets the context menus shape and size.
function ResetContextMenu() { = 'auto'; = 'auto'; = 'visible'; = 'visible'; = 'visible'; = 'block';
// This function sets the horizontal position of the context menu.
// It also sets is the context menu has vertical scroll bars.
function SetContextMenuHorizonatalPosition(pageWidth, pageXOffSet, boxXcoordinate, contextMenuWidth, boxWidth) {
var menuXCoordinate = boxXcoordinate + boxWidth - contextMenuWidth;
var spaceRightBox = (pageWidth + pageXOffSet) - menuXCoordinate;
var spaceLeftBox = menuXCoordinate - pageXOffSet;
var returnValue;
if ((contextMenuWidth < spaceRightBox) && (pageXOffSet < menuXCoordinate)) {
returnValue = menuXCoordinate;
else if ((contextMenuWidth < spaceRightBox)) {
returnValue = pageXOffSet;
else if (contextMenuWidth < spaceLeftBox) {
returnValue = menuXCoordinate - (contextMenuWidth - (pageWidth + pageXOffSet - menuXCoordinate));
else { = "scroll";
if (spaceLeftBox < spaceRightBox) { = spaceRightBox;
returnValue = pageXOffSet;
else { = spaceLeftBox;
returnValue = menuXCoordinate - (spaceLeftBox - (pageWidth + pageXOffSet - menuXCoordinate));
return returnValue;
// This function sets the vertical position of the context menu.
// It also sets is the context menu has horizontal scroll bars.
function SetContextMenuVerticalPosition(pageHeight, pageYOffSet, boxYcooridnate, contextMenuHeight, boxHeight) {
var spaceBelowBox = (pageHeight + pageYOffSet) - (boxYcooridnate + boxHeight);
var spaceAboveBox = boxYcooridnate - pageYOffSet;
var returnValue;
if (contextMenuHeight < spaceBelowBox) {
returnValue = (boxYcooridnate + boxHeight);
else if (contextMenuHeight < spaceAboveBox) {
returnValue = (boxYcooridnate - contextMenuHeight);
else if (spaceBelowBox > spaceAboveBox) { = spaceBelowBox; = "scroll";
returnValue = (boxYcooridnate + boxHeight);
else { = spaceAboveBox; = "scroll";
returnValue = (boxYcooridnate - spaceAboveBox);
return returnValue;
// This function displays a context menu given its id and then hides the others
function SelectContextMenuFromColletion(contextMenuConfigString) {
var contextMenuId = SplitContextMenuConfigString(contextMenuConfigString);
for (i = 0; i < _contextMenusIds.length; i++) {
var cm = document.getElementById(_contextMenusIds[i]);
if ( == contextMenuId) { = 'visible'; = 'block';
_currentContextMenuId = contextMenuId;
else { = 'hidden'; = 'none';
function SplitContextMenuConfigString(contextMenuConfigString) {
var contextMenuEnd = contextMenuConfigString.indexOf(":");
var contextMenuId = contextMenuConfigString;
var contextMenuHiddenItems;
if (contextMenuEnd != -1)
contextMenuId = contextMenuConfigString.substr(0, contextMenuEnd);
var cm = document.getElementById(contextMenuId);
// chris edit - var table = cm.firstChild;
var table = firstChildNoWS(cm);
var groupItemCount = []; // The items in each group
var groupUnderlineId = []; // The Id's of the underlines.
// Enable all menu items counting the number of groups,
// number of items in the groups and underlines for the groups as we go.
// start chris edit
/* for (i = 0; i < table.cells.length; i++)
table.cells[i].style.visibility = 'visible';
table.cells[i].style.display = 'block'
if ((groupItemCount.length - 1) < table.cells[i].group) {
else {
AlterVisibilityOfAssociatedUnderline(table.cells[i], true)
if (table != null && table.rows != null)
for (r = 0; r < table.rows.length; r++) {
for (i = 0; i < table.rows[r].cells.length; i++)
table.rows[r].cells[i].style.visibility = 'visible';
table.rows[r].cells[i].style.display = 'block'
if ((groupItemCount.length - 1) < table.rows[r].cells[i].group) {
else {
AlterVisibilityOfAssociatedUnderline(table.rows[r].cells[i], true)
// end chris edit
// If hidden items are listed, remove them from the context menu
if (contextMenuEnd != -1)
contextMenuHiddenItems = contextMenuConfigString.substr((contextMenuEnd + 1), (contextMenuConfigString.length - 1)).split("-");
var groupsToHide = groupItemCount;
// Hide the hidden items
for (i = 0; i < contextMenuHiddenItems.length; i++)
var item = document.getElementById(contextMenuHiddenItems[i]); = 'hidden'; = 'none'
var allHidden = true;
// Work back through the groups hiding the underlines as required.
for (i = (groupsToHide.length - 1); i > -1; i--) {
if (groupsToHide[i] == 0) {
AlterVisibilityOfAssociatedUnderline(groupUnderlineId[i], false);
else if (allHidden && i == (groupsToHide.length - 1)) {
allHidden = false;
// If all the items have been hidden so far hide the last underline too.
else if (allHidden) {
allHidden = false;
AlterVisibilityOfAssociatedUnderline(groupUnderlineId[i], false);
return contextMenuId;
function AlterVisibilityOfAssociatedUnderline(underLineId, visibility) {
if (underLineId != null && underLineId != "") {
var underlineElement = document.getElementById(underLineId);
if (underlineElement != null) {
if (visibility) { = 'visible'; = 'block'
else { = 'hidden'; = 'none'
function ClearTimeouts() {
if (_fadeTimeouts != null) {
for (i = 0; i < _fadeTimeouts.length; i++) {
_fadeTimeouts = [];
// This function chnages an elements opacity given its id.
function FadeOutElement(id, opacStart, opacEnd, millisec) {
//speed for each frame
var speed = Math.round(millisec / 100);
var timer = 0;
for (i = opacStart; i >= opacEnd; i--) {
_fadeTimeouts.push(setTimeout("ChangeOpacityForElement(" + i + ",'" + id + "')", (timer * speed)));
// This function changes the opacity of an elemnent given it's id.
// Works across browsers for different browsers
function ChangeOpacityForElement(opacity, id) {
var object = document.getElementById(id).style;
if (opacity != 0) {
// **Cross browser compatibility code**
object.opacity = (opacity / 100);
object.MozOpacity = (opacity / 100);
object.KhtmlOpacity = (opacity / 100);
object.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity + ")";
else {
object.display = 'none';
// This function is the click for the body of the document
function ContextMouseDown() {
if (_mouseOverContext) {
else {
// This function fades out the context menu and then unselects the associated name control
function UnSelectedMenuItem() {
if (_itemSelected) {
FadeOutElement(, 100, 0, 300);
// Hides context menu without fading effect
function HideMenu()
if (_itemSelected)
function UnselectCurrentMenuItem()
_itemSelected = false;
_currentContextMenuId = null;
SwapStyle(_currentMenuItemId, 'msrs-MenuUIItemTableCell');
_currentMenuItemId = null;
ChangeReportItemStyle(_selectedItemId, "msrs-UnSelectedItem");
// This function walks back up the DOM tree until it finds the first occurrence
// of a given element. It then returns this element
function GetOuterElementOfType(element, type) {
while (element.tagName.toLowerCase() != type) {
element = element.parentNode;
return element;
// This function gets the corrdinates of the top left corner of a given element
function GetElementPosition(element) {
element = GetOuterElementOfType(element, 'table');
var left, top;
left = top = 0;
if (element.offsetParent) {
do {
left += element.offsetLeft;
top += element.offsetTop;
} while (element = element.offsetParent);
return { left: left, top: top };
function FocusContextMenuItem(menuItemId, focusStyle, blurStyle)
SwapStyle(_currentMenuItemId, blurStyle);
SwapStyle(menuItemId, focusStyle);
// chrid edit - document.getElementById(menuItemId).firstChild.focus();
_currentMenuItemId = menuItemId;
// This function swaps the style using the id of a given element
function SwapStyle(id, style) {
if (document.getElementById) {
var selectedElement = document.getElementById(id);
if (selectedElement != null)
selectedElement.className = style;
// This function changes the style using the id of a given element
// and should only be called for catalog items in the tile or details view
function ChangeReportItemStyle(id, style)
if (!_itemSelected)
if (document.getElementById)
var selectedElement = document.getElementById(id);
selectedElement.className = style;
// Change the style on the end cell by drilling into the table.
if (selectedElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == "table")
// chris edit - var tbody = selectedElement.lastChild;
var tbody = lastChildNoWS(selectedElement);
if (tbody != null)
// chris edit - var tr = tbody.lastChild;
var tr = lastChildNoWS(tbody);
if (tr != null)
// chris edit - tr.lastChild.className = style + 'End';
trLastChild = lastChildNoWS(tr);
if (trLastChild != null)
trLastChild.className = style + 'End';
function ChangeReportItemStyleOnFocus(id, currentStyle, unselectedStyle)
_unselectedItemStyle = unselectedStyle;
_tabFocusedItem = id;
// We should unselect selected by mouse over item if there is one
if(_mouseOverItem != '')
ChangeReportItemStyle(_mouseOverItem, _unselectedItemStyle);
_mouseOverItem = '';
ChangeReportItemStyle(id, currentStyle);
function ChangeReportItemStyleOnBlur(id, style)
ChangeReportItemStyle(id, style);
_tabFocusedItem = '';
function ChangeReportItemStyleOnMouseOver(id, currentStyle, unselectedStyle)
_unselectedItemStyle = unselectedStyle;
_mouseOverItem = id;
// We should unselect tabbed item if there is one
if(_tabFocusedItem != '')
ChangeReportItemStyle(_tabFocusedItem, _unselectedItemStyle);
_tabFocusedItem = '';
ChangeReportItemStyle(id, currentStyle);
function ChangeReportItemStyleOnMouseOut(id, style)
ChangeReportItemStyle(id, style);
_mouseOverItem = '';
// This function is used to set the style of the search bar on the onclick event.
function SearchBarClicked(id, defaultText, style) {
var selectedElement = document.getElementById(id);
if (selectedElement.value == defaultText) {
selectedElement.value = "";
selectedElement.className = style;
// This function is used to set the style of the search bar on the onblur event.
function SearchBarBlured(id, defaultText, style) {
var selectedElement = document.getElementById(id);
if (selectedElement.value == "") {
selectedElement.value = defaultText;
selectedElement.className = style;
function ResetSearchBar(searchTextBoxID,defaultSearchValue) {
var selectedElement = document.getElementById(searchTextBoxID);
if (selectedElement != null) {
if (selectedElement.value == defaultSearchValue) {
selectedElement.className = 'msrs-searchDefaultFont';
else {
selectedElement.className = 'msrs-searchBarNoBorder';
function OnLink()
_onLink = true;
function OffLink()
_onLink = false;
function ShouldDelete(confirmMessage) {
if (_selectedIdHiddenField.value != null || _selectedIdHiddenField.value != "") {
var message = confirmMessage.replace("{0}", _selectedIdHiddenField.value);
var result = confirm(message);
if (result == true) {
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
return false;
function UpdateValidationButtonState(promptCredsRdoBtnId, typesDropDownId, forbiddenTypesConfigString, validateButtonId)
var dropdown = document.getElementById(typesDropDownId);
if(dropdown == null)
var selectedValue = dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value;
var forbiddenTypes = forbiddenTypesConfigString.split(":");
var chosenForbiddenType = false;
for (i = 0; i < forbiddenTypes.length; i++)
if(forbiddenTypes[i] == selectedValue)
chosenForbiddenType = true;
var isDisabled = chosenForbiddenType || IsRadioButtonChecked(promptCredsRdoBtnId);
ChangeDisabledButtonState(validateButtonId, isDisabled);
function ChangeDisabledButtonState(buttonId, isDisabled)
var button = document.getElementById(buttonId);
if(button != null)
button.disabled = isDisabled;
function IsRadioButtonChecked(radioButtonId)
var rbtn = document.getElementById(radioButtonId);
if(rbtn != null && rbtn.checked)
return true;
return false;
For More info refer this

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    Line: 180
    Char: 167
    Error: Object doesnt support property or method 'addeventlistner
    code: 0
    URL: res://c\program files (x86)\ blackberry\product_common.dll/ext.all.js
    Do you want to continue running scrips on this page
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    Hey Mobz,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    I would suggest removing the current version of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software you have install and download and install the latest version of the BlackBerry® Desktop Software found here: .
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    Other option is to edit a file.
    * Open "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway\UI_HTMLs\TabsHandler\"
      * Search for the 3 lines which contain "paddingTop", and remark-out each of them by adding "//" in the begining.
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    Hi caesar
    Could you post the error please, and your version of windows.  If it's a vbscript error try this.

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    '''Error Message: makes heavy use of JavaScript.
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    When you have a problem with one particular site, a good "first thing to try" is clearing your Firefox cache and deleting your saved cookies for the site.
    1. Clear Firefox's Cache
    orange Firefox button ''or'' Tools menu > Options > Advanced
    On the Network mini-tab > Cached Web Content : "Clear Now"
    2. If needed, delete your cookies here
    While viewing a page on the site, right-click and choose View Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
    Then try reloading the page. Does that help? If you restart Firefox does it help? If not, please see the next section.
    If you have JavaScript enabled in Firefox's options ([ support article]) then there are a few different ways that JavaScript could be blocked for
    One common one is the add-on NoScript, which manages scripts on a site-by-site basis. However, you probably would be well aware if you were using NoScript.
    Another is external security software that filters pages on a site-by-site basis. Can you check whether your security software includes this feature?
    A third possibility is another add-on which for some reason is targeting Twitter. Check any ad blockers, Flash blockers or other "blockers" as well as any relating to privacy.
    Finally, there could be other settings, software, or even malware interfering with your Twitter connection.
    One standard diagnostic for interference by add-ons is to try Firefox's Safe Mode.
    First, I recommend backing up your Firefox settings in case something goes wrong. See [[Backing up your information]]. (You can copy your entire Firefox profile folder somewhere outside of the Mozilla folder.)
    Next, restart Firefox in Firefox's Safe Mode ([[Safe Mode]]) using
    Help > Restart with Add-ons Disabled
    In the Safe Mode dialog, do not check any boxes, just click "Continue in Safe Mode."
    If the site works correctly, this points to one of your add-ons or custom settings as the problem.
    Any change?

  • Script Error in SE80 WDA Workbench WDYN Comp Layout

    Hello folks,
    I'm not sure whether to post this in the Basis Forum or somewhere completely different, but I'll try here first:
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    I haven't found any threads/notes (neither manually nor via ANST) concerning this particular problem yet. Has anyone ever encountered something similar?
    We are using WinXP SP3 with IE7 (please suppress the urge to tell me to use an up-to-date OS/Browser, I can't helpt it).
    Backend System: NW AS 7.03 ABAP Stack 731 Level 11, ECC 606 (EHP 6) with SAP_HR 604 Level 73 and EA_HR 607 (HR-Renewal 1) Level 24
    Cheers, Lukas
    EDIT: P.S. I haven't implemented any notes recently that could cause this and nobody else I have asked so far did so either.
    Message was edited by: Lukas Weigelt

    Hi Kiran,
    unfortunately the note is long obsolete for my system (see my opening post). I checked every MIME-Object (both those mentioned in the note and those that are not) for duplicates nevertheless - there are none.
    That you pointed me to this note got me thinking though. We have recently applied several UR-Notes up to Patch 731 ST13/II in consultation with the SAP DEV support for unified rendering (because we opened some messages concerning accessibility problems). Could this script error be a side effect of doing that? Up until now, there have never been problems applying UR-Notes higher than the actual current Stack, this would be the first time.
    I also checked for UR patches again today and found there now is one more patch available we have not yet implemented, i.e. Patch 731 ST13/III.... maybe I should implement that one as well, clutching at straws.
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    Cheers, Lukas

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    As I've therefore spent a fair bit of time in task manager, I've noticed that I end up with many processes running for FlashPlayerPlugin_15_0_0_152.exe*32 (Description: Adobe Flash Player 15.0 r0.) They build up the more I use firefox, but go away when I restart my computer. I've gotten up to at least 50 at one point. Most use 128 or 124 K of memory, but about 1 in 7 uses between 1-5000 K. I don't know if this is linked to the above issues, but I've only noticed it since it started.
    I've tried resetting firefox and it changed none of the above.
    If it helps, I used Windows 7. Feel free to ask for any more details about my system and I will do my best to answer, though I'm not an expert in computers. Thank you very much in advance for your help.

    Thanks for the advice. What solved it was disabling all addons and then restarting the computer. I've since reenabled Adblock (2.6.4) and Flashblock (1.5.17) without causing the problem to reemerge, leaving Troubleshooter (1.1a) as my only previously enabled addon I've not reenabled. I am no longer experiencing the issue.
    Regarding updating to version 32, I tried this, but the official site told me I already had the most up to date version of firefox for some reason. Normally, it updates automatically. However, as my issue has been solved I don't consider this a problem.
    Thank you very much for your advice.

  • Workshop ANT Script Error in JAX-WS and XMLBeans Facet

    I am having a strange problem. I have a web service project created in Eclipse BEA Weblogic 9.2 Workshop IDE. The structure is:
    -EAR...which consitutues
    -JAX-WS WAR project
    -EJB Project
    The JAX-WS WAR has XMLBeans/XMLBuilder facets enabled to be used for compiling my XSD schemas being used in my web service.
    When I build the project and export the ear through the IDE it works fine. I wanted to generate ANT scripts for all these projects so I can build and export the EAR through the command prompt. I was able to that. Now I wanted to check-in the project code in a source control management tool. Naturally I shouldn't check-in the .xbean_bin and .xbean_src folders generated by the the JAXB API against my schemas. The problem happens that when I delete these folders and then run my ANT build script through command prompt I get the following error:
    assembly: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Projects\kc\kces2\kcesWs\build\assembly\.src
    [assemble] Input fileset contained no files, nothing to do. init.env: init.typedefs: init: generated.root.init:
    [jwsc] JWS: processing module weboutput
    [jwsc] Parsing source files
    [jwsc] Parsing source files
    [jwsc] 1 JWS files being processed for module weboutput [AntUtil.deleteDir] Deleting directory C:\DOCUME~1\Syunus\LOCALS~1\Temp\_5l950r10
    C:\Projects\KEYCOM~1\kces2\kcesEar\build.xml:184: The following error occurred while executing this line: jar:file:/C:/bea/WEBLOG%7e2/workshop/lib/wlw-antlib.jar!/com/bea/wlw/antlib/antlib.xml:91:
    The following error occurred while executing this line: C:\Projects\KEYCOM~1\kces2\kcesEar\build.xml:196:
    The following error occurred while executing this line: C:\Projects\kc\kces2\kcesWs\build.xml:401:
    The following error occurred while executing this line: C:\Projects\kc\kces2\kcesWs\build.xml:293:
    The following error occurred while executing this line: C:\Projects\kc\kces2\kcesWs\build.xml:490: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    Total time: 13 seconds
    The above mentioned XMLBean folders are created, my schemas are compiled but the build process terminates at that point when trying to compile the web service code file i.e. the jwsc task fails. Right after that, if I again initiate the build everything goes fine. Apparently the build script expects these 2 XMLBean folders to be present before hand?
    The ANT build chain goes like this:
    -ANT build script for the EAR project -> which calls child ANT build scripts for all referenced sub projects, which are the WAR (here it fails on the first run) and the EJB projects in my case.
    Any idea why it is happening? Thanks a lot.
    cross-posted at

    Hope you are doing good.
    I needed some information on how to write a ANT script to create a deployable WAR file of web service built using JAX WS.
    Could you help me with steps / ANT tasks / sample if any.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Script error message chrome://accountcolors/content/accountcolors-3panewindow.js:966

    About 1 month ago when I start Thunderbird it freezes and I get a message that Thunderbird is "Not Responding." After about 5 minutes I get
    Script Error chrome://accountcolors/content/accountcolors-3panewindow.js:966 Do you want to halt script. If I say yes about 1 minute later I can use Thunderbird. I get that I have a script error but how do I resolve it?

    First thing to do when there is an issue is to '''Clean House''' (clear cache & cookies, then run your maint software).
    Often I find that when I have an application that is not responding there is high CPU usage. So, you may have a program that is using most of your CPU capacity.
    Your Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) may be able to tell you what processes are running and the amount of resources each is using.
    There are other process managers and system explorers that give more detailed information

  • End script error message: Script:chrome//wrc/content/overlay.js:1149

    I get an unresponsive script error message asking me if I would like to end script now.
    Firefox freezes and I have to end the program in task manager. Please help!

    The name "wrc" mentioned in the chrome URL is usually a hint to which extension is causing such an issue.<br />
    You didn't list the extensions, so madperson wasn't able to give more precise instructions.
    If it does work in Firefox Safe-mode then disable all extensions (Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) and then try to find which is causing it by enabling one extension at a time until the problem reappears.
    Close and restart Firefox after each change via "File > Exit" (Mac: "Firefox > Quit"; Linux: "File > Quit")

  • OIA Script error

    I'm trying the import functionality provided in OIA 11g. while trying to click the link(rbacx console -> Adminstration -> import/Export)
    Import Users
    Import Resource Metadata
    Import Policies
    Import Roles
    Import Accounts.
    I encounter a script error saying
    Webpage error details
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; InfoPath.2; Tablet PC 2.0; MS-RTC LM 8)
    Timestamp: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 05:30:30 UTC
    Message: 's4' is undefined
    Line: 979
    Char: 3
    Code: 0
    URI: http://localhost:8080/rbacx/secure/dwr/engine.js
    I tried the import option from different browser like IE 8 and firefox 3.3.x version. Both the browser is showing the same script error message.
    Has anyone faced the same issue. Help me understand this issue.
    thanks in advance.

    Here is the script error logged
    *11:01:04,599 ERROR [DefaultConverterManager] No converter found for 'java.lang.Class'*
    *11:01:04,599 WARN [CollectionConverter] Conversion error for java.util.ArrayList.*
    org.directwebremoting.extend.MarshallException: Error marshalling com.vaau.rbacx.core.metadata.domain.Namespace: null. See the logs for more details.
    at org.directwebremoting.convert.BasicObjectConverter.convertOutbound(
    at org.directwebremoting.dwrp.DefaultConverterManager.convertOutbound(
    at org.directwebremoting.convert.CollectionConverter.convertOutbound(
    at org.directwebremoting.dwrp.DefaultConverterManager.convertOutbound(
    at org.directwebremoting.extend.ScriptBufferUtil.createOutput(
    at org.directwebremoting.dwrp.BaseCallMarshaller$CallScriptConduit.addScript(
    at org.directwebremoting.extend.EnginePrivate.remoteHandleCallback(
    at org.directwebremoting.dwrp.BaseCallMarshaller.marshallOutbound(
    at org.directwebremoting.servlet.PlainCallHandler.handle(
    at org.directwebremoting.servlet.UrlProcessor.handle(
    at org.directwebremoting.spring.DwrController.handleRequestInternal(
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.handleRequest(
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter.handle(
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(
    at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter.doFilterInternal(
    at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(
    at Source)
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at org.directwebremoting.convert.MapConverter.convertOutbound(
    at org.directwebremoting.dwrp.DefaultConverterManager.convertOutbound(
    at org.directwebremoting.convert.BasicObjectConverter.convertOutbound(
    *... 57 more*
    *11:01:04,599 ERROR [DefaultConverterManager] No converter found for 'java.lang.Class'*
    *11:01:04,599 ERROR [DefaultConverterManager] No converter found for 'java.lang.Class'*
    *11:01:04,599 ERROR [DefaultConverterManager] No converter found for 'java.lang.Class'*
    *11:01:04,609 ERROR [DefaultConverterManager] No converter found for 'java.lang.Class'*
    *11:01:04,609 ERROR [DefaultConverterManager] No converter found for 'java.lang.Class'*
    *11:01:04,609 ERROR [DefaultConverterManager] No converter found for 'java.lang.Class'*
    *11:01:04,609 DEBUG [DebuggingPrintWriter] out(27): var s2={};var s12=[];var s15={};var s30=[];var s31={};var s16={};var s32=[];var s33={};var s17={};var s34=[];var s35={};var s18={};var s36=[];var s37={};var s19={};var s38=[];var s39={};var s20={};var s40=[];var s41={};var s21={};var s42=[];var s43={};var s22={};var s44=[];var s45={};var s23={};var s46=[];var s47={};var s24={};var s48=[];var s49={};var s25={};var s50=[];var s51={};var s26={};var s52=[];var s53={};var s27={};var s54=[];var s55={};var s28={};var s56=[];var s57={};var s29={};var s58=[];var s59={};var s13={};var s14={};var s5={};var s60=[];var s3={};var s63=[];var s9={};var s65=[];var s66={};var s7={};var s67=[];var s68={};var s8={};var s69=[];var s70={};var s10={};var s71=[];var s72={};var s6={};var s73=[];var s74={};var s11={};var s75=[];var s76={};var s64={};var s61={};var s62={};s2.attributeCategories=s12;s2.extendedProperties=null;;s2.multivalueDelimiter=",";s2.namespaceAttributes=s13;s2.namespaceComments="";s2.namespaceName="MySQL1";s2.namespaceShortName="mysql";s2.originalState=s14;s2.srmCreateDate=null;s2.srmUpdateDate=null;s2.typeLDAP=false;*
    s3.attributeCategoryGroup=false;s3.attributeCategoryName="General Details";s3.attributeCategoryOrder=1;s3.attributes=s63;s3.extendedProperties=null;;s3['namespace']=s5;s3.originalState=s64;s3.srmCreateDate=null;s3.srmUpdateDate=null;
    In the below line "11:01:04,609 DEBUG [DebuggingPrintWriter] out(27): ........." i could clearly understand that s4 attribute is not defined, but am unsure while file to do this...

  • Cross site scripting errors in RoboHelp 8.0

    We are using Robohelp 8.02, generating webhelp for a web application. Development just started to use Fortify to identify security vulnerabilities. The Fortify software found 17 Robohelp htm files with cross-site scripting security holes. We are NOT using RoboHelp Server 8.
    Before creating this posting, I searched the forums and found one post from Feb 2010 (Beware -serious - cross site scripting errors in Robohelp 8.0).
    From reading that posting, it appears that an Adobe engineer was involved----I'm not clear on the final outcome for this issue.
    Any additional information on the final resolve for this issue would be helpful.
    Beware - serious breach - cross site scripting errors in RoboHelp 8.0

    The previous poster indicated that Tulika, who I can confirm is an Adobe engineer, stated "when she reviewed the code that was triggering the Fortify cross site scripting errors, she came to the conclusion that it was not actually harmful." The poster also indicated their opinion was the other errors were minor.
    That seems clear enough so I wonder what value is anything that anyone here can add? The forum responses are from other users and I would have thought any further assurance beyond the above is something your management would want to come from Adobe.
    I have not seen anything on these forums indicating that any attack has been triggered.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Logic Script Error - 42

    Hello Friends,
    I am facing the logic script error when validating the script. "the script is apparently invalid, as you cannot have member "". The logic is run for grouped cost center.
    Logic Script:
    //***********************START OF HEADER*****************
    //SUB QUERY:
    //PURPOSE:      Copy high Level forecast data from Actuals, Budget, commitments to base level cost centres defined for forecat
    //CALLED FROM:  Data Manager Package
    //WHO:          Matt Penston (itelligence)
    //VERSION:      1
    //DATE:         26-11-2012
    //***********************END OF HEADER********************
    //********************** Need to first of all clear down the BW data in the base member costcentres ***************
    //Select Current Month Time Member to copy from
    //Select CostCentres for high level Forecast entry
    // Use For Loop to run through the Cost Centres
    // Set the Ref Data to Transaction, is the default but defined anyway.
    *IS *
    The Error Came once validate above script:
    Can anyone please guide the same.

    Hello Vadim,
    As you guided above mail yes, I have put the Data Region: "COSTCENTRE=YPROG" and the below script is copied in Script File Location:
    //Select Current Month Time Member to copy from
    // Set the Ref Data to Transaction, is the default but defined anyway.
    *IS *
    and the Log is given : UJK_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION:Member "" not exist
    Please let me know were is the problem.
    My findings:
    After checking the Category Dimension come to know that the member dimension is maintained with 201213.TOTAL and in script logic we are using the 201314.TOTAL.
    Can you please let me know what is the issue in the script logic.
    Rajesh. K

  • Script error when installing creative suite 4

    I've been trying to work this one out for days.
    I uninstalled the creative suite to see if it would help download dreamweaver(I've since given up on dreamweaver for the time being). So when I tried to re-install creative suite an error message popped up right after the components page when I click next.
    Internet Explorer Script Error
    An error has occured in the script on this page
    Line: 1879
    Char: 2
    Error: 'id' is null or not an object
    Code: 0
    URL: file:///C:/program%20files/common%20files/adobe/installers/1e3ba55b33b1e8227645fbac82acca 3/resources/common/scripts/utils.js
    Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?
    It makes no difference whether I click yes or no. On the next page it freezes at 'preparing to install'. This has happened everytime.
    Urgent help needed!

    Hi dear Experts,
    I URGENTLY need your HELP!
    I got the same script error message and don't know how to solve it ....after 3 days of searching and trying.
    Due to a system crash I reinstalled the same Win7x64 Ultimate (=> clean image, incl. SP1 and all updates, drivers etc) on the completely same computer hardware. But still the same package CS4 Design Premium refuses to get reinstalled again.
    BUT, I can not install CS4 Design Premium (Western Version), even though I have the original CD’s. It shows after checking the system profile and let me enter the license code and choose the software component to be installed, suddenly a window pops up saying exactly the message of above. I also tried to install as test version....
             An error has occured in the script on this page
             Line: 1879
              Do I want to continue run this script? (yes/no)
    Either way, the system starts with the next screen, but stops working at all. Nothing happens.
    So I downloaded the files from
    and tried the same with the download. After unpacking to a temp file and starting “SETUP.EXE” the system does a system profile check for about 75% and then stops …simply does not do anything anymore.….for ages. Ok, another trial brought me further but only to the script error.
    Note: any other Software including Adobe software, like: Lightroom 3, PS Elements 9, Acrobat Reader …. etc do not have any problems with installation.
    What did I do to help myself:
    - I tried again recopy the clean Win7x64 boot image and tried again... same result
    - used the cleaner tools , but actually it does not offer the cleaning tool for CS4 but for CS6, but still I managed it successfully, no impact on the installation process of CS4
    - I deinstalled any other adobe products, including Flash player, shockwave player , air, Reader, ...what ever Adobe was the product I deinstalled .... no impact
    - I tried to install the package in Windows protected mode => does not even start the installation.
    - I tried a new user (administrator rights) and .... same ****
    Does anyone has an idea how to solve this problem?
    ... and no, to buy an upgrade is not an option for me.... then I take the hard way and change to CorelDraw Graphics Suite. I paid my full license and the CS4 is doing what I need. It is already very hard to swallow that CS4 is not support the very young CS4 (and I don't mean improvement, just to keep investment alive) ... So no option!
    ASUS mainboard, Intel Pentium D90, RAM 8GB, Sapphire HD6950 Radeo AMD Graphic Card, ...but nothing has change since previous working installation.
    I appreciate any help and thank you in advance for looking into this.
    Best regards

  • Script error when trying to edit Planning forms

    When I click Administration -> Manage -> Data Forms and Ad Hoc Grids, I'm getting an 'Object Required' script error., Windows, IE7.
    Any suggestions on where to start looking?

    Sorry I meant does it happen if you go directly to planning to see if it relates to workspace.
    Have you tried on a different machine, different IE version, does it happen if you try from the server.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Windows installation problem with Bootcamp

    Since a few days I have a new iMac 21,5 (end 2013) Maverick latest version installed as I had on my "old iMac" I tried to instal Windows 8 or Windows 7. Use the bootcamp and set the right size for my windows part, and download the drivers all goes we

  • Help me understand the concept of this timeline

    I am coming from Final Cut Express and having a hard time understanding IM 09. - I drag the clip into the Project - I drag over the entire clip so that it has the yellow border around it - I want to place a cut between the 2nd and third thumbnail so

  • Diff between Java,Window and HTML Clients

    Hi can any body clear me what is the difference between 1. JAVA Client 2. Windows Client 3. HTML Client. regards mmukesh

  • Messages are NOT deleted from tables XI_AF_MSG and XI_AF_MSG_AUDIT

    Hello, I set the retention period to 7 days (1 week) I also set the default ARCHIVE and DELETE jobs and ALL are working fine. However, messages with OLD dates are NOT deleted from the tables XI_AF_MSG and XI_AF_MSG_AUDIT. These tables 32GB in the DBD

  • No image on Pixlet .mov after Quicktime 7.5 update

    Hi, here we are with another QT 7.5 problem. I have recently updated to QuickTime 7.5 and all my movies exported from iMovie using the Apple Pixlet Video format are not playing correctly. I can listen to them, the audio is playing correctly, but the