Reproducción de música

Hola, la semana pasada actualicé mi iPhone a iOS 6, todo iba bien hasta que al quitar mis audífonos (pausar mi música), y luego volverla a reproducir (desde la pantalla bloqueada) un poco más tarde, me dí cuenta de que la música siempre empieza en la misma canción.
Quisiera saber si cambió alguna opción de configuración, o si es un error en mi iPhone.

Sync is only oneway, from PC to your device. Unless you have the same music on your PC, iTunes is going to wipe out what you have on your device if you are syncing to a new library.
You can only transfer Purchased music over to Itunes on your PC.
iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iOS device or iPod to a computer
As for you own music, you may have to use a third party software. A good Free one is called Sharepod which you can download from here:;2

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    Hey Josh,
    Sorry.. you cannot report on this. One of my clients actually includes it as a custom field on the Account record. Whilst someone has to obviously add this data it enables reporting against it and then the grouping of accounts.
    Oli @ Innoveer

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    Name = "CCM Recently Used Applications"
    ID = 3174
    Pragma = "SMS:UPDATE"
    Start Group
    Name = "Software Shortcut"
    ID = 2
    Pragma = "SMS:DELETE"
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    Can you please let me know the process to add custom feild mapping.
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    You can try to contact iTunes Store Support via
    Click the big blue button and follow the prompts.
    You can also try downloading the songs again.  Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store:

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    never copy/migrate/etc adobe products.  properly install them using the adobe installers.
    delete whatever adobe cc programs you copied and install your cc app, Download Adobe Creative Cloud apps | Free Adobe CC trial and then use it to install your adobe cc programs.

  • Any particular risks when archiving SIC tables ?

    I'm about to launch archiving sessions for SIC tables : S001, S003, S006 ans S033. These tables are growing fast indeed in our system and nobody in my company uses SIC transactions.
    Is there a risk to archive these tables, eg. if I archive them after just one month of residence ?
    Could the SD SAP BI extractors be impacted ?

    Hi Serge,
    ... as Sales orders are created in a legacy system and then copied to SAP using IDOCs in order to be invoiced and then posted into accounting (FI)
    Yeah, that's quite usual for the first step of a SAP implementation from a legacy system.
    Furthermore, we have implemented SAP BI to have some reporting on invoice documents (specific needs not covered by ECC6).
    Nice (and rich) solution!
    Maybe it is the reason why people don not need to use SIS transactions.
    Very good reason indeed.
    We have planned to change our system in 2 ou 3 years and SAP will become the source of Sales Orders. Maybe users will want to use S001, S003... and other tables at this time.
    Or maybe not, in the same way that Billing Document info is now replicated to SAP BI, then it would make sense to also replicate Sales Document and Deliveries to SAP BI in the future.
    In general, my Consulting customers do not use the standard infostructures because they do not meet their needs.
    New infostructures are created during or after project implementation.
    Of course SAP BI is a much better solution, but sometimes small is beautiful
    That's why I was wondering if archiving would be a cautious compromise for these tables : if we do have needs to access to the data later, we will be able to view them by SARI.
    Not sure if that will be helpful, but will not hurt anyway. If something goes wrong, you would still be able to reconstruct the data in the SIS table anyway.
    Concerning SAP BI extractors, my colleagues told me they were using 2LIS_13_VDITM datasource and my question was about an hypothetic link between the SIS tables and this datasource.
    My understanding is that this datasource takes data directly from the billing item (VBRP), so it does not care about the information available in the SIS tables.
    Best Regards,
    Franck Lumpe
    Freelance SAP Logistics Consultant

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