Request Real Name is in with friends requests bit daft

I only figured it out Sony has merged Real Name Requests with Friends Requests.Not all PS4 users will allow their real names to be shown on PS4 - PSN but to add it in with friends requests is forcing those who don't want to reveal their real names to a billion PS4 users.

Seriously? It's not even half 8 on a Saturday morning and already you're moaning yet again at something you're apparently 'forced' to do You seem to have a real persecution complex with big companies I'm pretty sure the real name thing is still optional as per the PS4's settings and the real name thing is just the option (which was seperate after a friend request had been accepted) now combined into the initial friend requestThe person receiving the request doesn't HAVE to give their real name Sony wouldn't force anyone to give their real name, Data Protection Act and all that Stop trying to find things you're 'forced' to do when actually that's not the case and do what I'm doing - Chilling out with toast and a cup of coffee By the way Mr Exaggeration, there isn't even a billion PS4 users on the planet

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  • Request Real Name is in with friends requests is a bit daft

    I only figured it out Sony has merged Real Name Requests with Friends Requests.Not all PS4 users will allow their real names to be shown on PS4 - PSN but to add it in with friends requests is forcing those who don't want to reveal their real names to a billion PS4 users.

    Seriously? It's not even half 8 on a Saturday morning and already you're moaning yet again at something you're apparently 'forced' to do You seem to have a real persecution complex with big companies I'm pretty sure the real name thing is still optional as per the PS4's settings and the real name thing is just the option (which was seperate after a friend request had been accepted) now combined into the initial friend requestThe person receiving the request doesn't HAVE to give their real name Sony wouldn't force anyone to give their real name, Data Protection Act and all that Stop trying to find things you're 'forced' to do when actually that's not the case and do what I'm doing - Chilling out with toast and a cup of coffee By the way Mr Exaggeration, there isn't even a billion PS4 users on the planet

  • Real Name showing up with Aliases. Please help.

    This is very odd, and so far I can't find any answers here, so I felt starting a new discussion might be the way to go.
    First off, the obvious, because I know that will be everyone's first suggestion. My real name is NOT in the "Full Name" fields under the aliases, in the iCloud Preferences, under "Account".
    The details. I signed up under dot.mac when it came out. This might have some bearing. Thus I have the "dual" ID's, and I also use Lion, and the latest iOS release.
    Under Mac Mail (my laptop), when I choose the "from" options, this is what I see. I have 5 aliases (a carry over from mobileme), but I will only use two as example (the problem is with all aliases.
    (Real Name) [email protected]
    (Real Name) [email protected]
    (Alias1) [email protected]
    (Alias1) [email protected]
    (Alias2) [email protected]
    (Alias2) [email protected]
    (Real Name) [email protected] (started as a .mac alias)
    (Real Name) [email protected] (started as a .me alias)
    I don't know why my real name is showing up next to an alias as an option. When I send a laptop email with (Alias) alias@mac(me).com, my name is never shown in a reply. If I send (Real Name) alias@mac(me).com, I of course see my name in the reply.
    Now, on my iPad and iPod, when in Mail, and I tap the from field to select an option, all of my aliases are there, with NO real names showing at all (that is, only one set, not two like my laptop). But this is where it gets strange.
    When I send an iPod or iPad email from an alias, the sent mail always has my real name preceding my alias. Obviously, my anonimity is lost if I choose to send an iPod or iPad email with an alias.
    I can't help but think there is some connection between my laptop Mac Mail showing 2 sets of aliases (with real name and without), and my iDevices sending
    mail only with real name, and possibly a connection between my iCloud account and my seemingly still active mobileme account, that all mm users were given an extension on (note, in my laptop mail accounts there is only the iCloud account, not an additional mobileme one.
    I have checked my Mac Mail accounts, and the iCloud Preferences>Accounts, as well as iCloud Preferences>Composing, and nothing seems out of order.
    Ideally, the goal is to have:1) on my laptop Mail the one aliases without name and my proper real name email, and 2) the ability to send an alias email with complete confidence that my real name will not be there with the alias.
    I am very grateful for everybody's input. As I mentioned, I could not find any similar thread. Thank you.

    OK, I found a work around.
    On your iDevice,
    1) GO TO: Settings
    2) GO TO: Mail, Contacts, Calendars
    3) GO TO: iCloud
    4) GO TO: Account
    5) GO TO: Advanced: Mail  - You'll have to scroll down, the option is at the bottom, below the bottom edge of the screen.
    6) GO TO: iCloud Account Information
    7) REMOVE Any information in the NAME field
    This will prevent your iDevice from sending the name in that field on ANY account (main or alias), all it will send is the email address you specified ([email protected], [email protected], etc)
    Now, what you can try is:
    8) GO TO: Contacts
    9) CREATE: A new contact for each alias (assuming your main iCloud email is already associated with your own Contact file
    10) ENTER the pseudonym of choice for your alias.
    11) ENTER the corresponding alias
    Try sending some test emails and see if the iDevice pulls the contact information. When I sent my test emails to my Gmail account, the web-based Gmail only had the email address. However, the iDevice Mail app associated the email with the contact card.
    One downside to this, is that, especially with Gmail, your iCloud emails will end up going in to spam, so you may want to set expectations with your recipients.
    You can also create multiple iCloud accounts, use your alias as your email BUT MAKE SURE YOU USE YOUR APPLEID for mail server authentication. You would then follow steps 1-6 above but enter the name you want associated with the alias email. The issue with this is you WILL get duplicate mail in your inbox and drain your battery needlessly.
    Again, it is by no means an elegant solution, but its a far better cry than having multiple emails or jury-rig configurations.

  • My real name is showing up on iTunes reviews.

    I have a nickname set, and it shows up on my review within iTunes, but on the app's Web page it shows my real name. This has caused a problem with my employer. Now that Ping is gone, how do I fix it so my real name never appears with a review?
    EDIT: I just checked iTunes using my work computer. The review on iTunes also is now showing my real name. When I checked iTunes from my iPad right after posting the review a couple days ago, it had my nickname on it.
    Message was edited by: roulo42

    Moreover, my old 'sign in name' is now linked to my personal name, even here!? As I see, in posting this post...
    I didn't give Apple or this board the permission to put my real name up there?
    What is going on1?!?!?!?!

  • Real name vs. Display name when registering for iOS Development program

    Hi all,
    I know that you need to register under your real name when signing up for the iOS dev program as an individual, and I'm fine with that. (I'm a sole developer, won't be setting up a company or LLC, so I'm going in as an Individual)
    My issue is, do we have any control of what users will see as my developer name when they go to my app's page on the App Store, or MUST we use the FULL real name?
    To clarify, I'm ok with using my real name, but my full name is really long (W. W. M. E. P. Gunetileke in initials), so would it be possible to use an abbrieviated version?
    e.g. Show M. Gunetileke or E. Perera as the developer name instead of showing the name in its entirety.
    IF its fine to put a display name like this, the next question is, what would be the legal ramifications when it comes to getting payments from Apple. I understand that money would be wired to whatever bank account I set up? Would there be an issue with this when not using your name in its entirety?

    Thanks for your reply Michael.
    As I said, using my real name is fine with me, but I was wondering whether we need to use the entire name as it is, or whether we may be able tu display a subset of it as the display name. Mine is ridiculously long, and it would be a joke to use the full name there
    For e.g. in your case, would it be possible for you to have "M. Superczynski" as the displayed developer name instead of your full name?

  • Requesting information on how to share purchased music with friends on internet.

    How to share purchased music with friends on the internet.

    Find the song you want in Spotify or Youtube.  It may, but does not have to, match a song in your iTunes library.
    Right-click the title and choose "Copy HTTP link" (Spotify) or just copy the URL (Youtube). 
    Email the link to your friends.  They simply click on it and listen to the song.

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    im having trouble buying coins for the game Scramble with friends please help... xx

    You'll want to go to Zynga's support site. They are more likely to be able to help you than we are.

  • I have a new ipod and when I sign in to Words with Friends it says that user name is already in use. How can I continue using the same user name with a different ipod?

    I have a new ipod and added all my apps to it. When I sign in to Words with Friends it says that "user name is already in use" because it is linked to my old ipod. How can I use the same user name with my new ipod?

    Was the iPod setup via iTunes on this computer?
    Setup via wifi?
    Was the iPod previous synced to another iTunes library/computer?
    Have you successfully synced from this iTunes library/computer before?
    Do the songs play in iTunes?           
    Do you have the right boxes checked to sync?
    iTunes: Syncing media content to iOS devices and iPod        
    Try syncing using the manual method                 

  • I have a macbook pro and a ipod and yesterday while I was on my laptop on Facebook playing words with friends with my daughter who was on the iPod playing under her user name it seems that they combined into one profile.  what happened

    I have a macbook pro and a ipod and yesterday while I was on my laptop on Facebook playing words with friends with my daughter who was on the iPod playing under her user name it seems that they combined into one profile.  what happened?  they used to be separate and we could play against each other but now it says its the same user for both even though I signed in on facebook with my log on and she was on her ipod with her profile.  can I fix this? 

    You might need to be asking the folks at Facebook.

  • "SOME" devices can resolve the ALIAS (CNAME record) for a device, but not the REAL name (A record) - Why? How do I fix this?

    I'm running the DNS server role on Windows Server 2012 R2 on a physical machine on my home network.
    My AD is configured with a non-registered name - let's say it's "" and the DNS server is configured to host that zone.  I also configured a 2nd zone in the DNS server called "".  They both run on a physical
    server with an IP of
    The DHCP server on my Cable Modem is configured to hand out as the only DNS server to every device on my network.  On my servers (with static IP addresses), is configured as the only DNS server available for them. 
    I took the DNS servers from my Cable Provider and configured a Forwarder on my server to send name resolution requests to them only if my DNS server can not answer the request - basically for any name resolution request that does not end with ""
    or ""
    The "" zone is populated with 'A' records for all of the physical and virtual servers and PC's on my network.
    The "" zone is populated with 'CNAME' records that point directly to the 'A' record in "" - for example, I have a serve named with an 'A' record providing an IP address of and
    I created a 'CNAME' (alias) record named '' which points to the 'A' record ''
    2 of my 6 machines can resolve the alias but not the real name of the server!
    .10 is the Domain Controller.  All of the other machines (except .98) are members of the domain.
    I attempted to ping '' AND '' on the following 6 computers.  I used the fully qualified name in all cases.
    4 of the below machines are able to resolve BOTH names.  The other 2 can resolve the Alias but not the real name!
    I don't understand how this is possible, but I would like to fix it...!!!  Please help?
    .10 - Server 2012 R2 (Physical) -  Hosts Active Directory and DNS.
    .20 - Server 2012 R2 (Virtual)   -  Runs SQL Server
    .21 - Server 2012 R2 (Virtual)   -  Runs Apache
    .22 - Server 2012 R2 (Virtual)  -   Runs Apache.  This is the device I am trying to ping (s000abc123ww)
    .98 - Windows 7 (Physical)
    .99 - Windows 7  (Virtual)
    .21 (which is configured nearly identically to .20 and .22) can resolve and ping the Alias, but not the real name.
    .98 can also resolve and ping the Alias, but not the real name.
    The rest of the machines can resolve and ping both the alias and the real name.
    All of the Virtual Machines are running under Hyper-V on the .10 physical server.
    All the devices are on the same subnet.
    Thank in advance to anyone who can help me understand and correct this problem!

    CNAME resource records are recommended for use in the following scenarios:
    • When a host that is specified in an A resource record in the
    same zone needs to be renamed
    • When a generic name for a well-known server, such as www, must resolve to a group of individual computers (each with individual A resource records) that provide the same
    service, for example, a group of redundant Web servers
    Therefore please try to create your CNNAM record in the same zone and try again.
    The related KB:
    Adding, Changing, and Deleting Resource Records
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • How does User get Identified by Screen Name and NOT by Real Name in submitting a Forum Post?

    I have noticed that when I post a question or discussion item to one of Adobe's Forum Communities, I am identified as the author of my post by my actual legal name, not by my Screen Name that I set up in my profile when I registered.  The same applies for the posts of others--they are identified by their legal names, not their screen names.  What is the purpose of the Screen Name we set up when we registered, if not to shield the identity of the individual from others reading the post, if that person does not want to have their true identity publicly disclosed in, or publicly associated with the post?  If I sign my post using my Screen Name, but then it is identified with my legal name when I post it, what good does it do to have a Screen Name?  Is there some way to have the software not use my legal name, but identify my posts by my Screen Name only, if I so choose that option?  (Of course, Administrators at Adobe can always (presumably) identify the (real name) author of the post, via the registration information associated with a Screen Name, should the need arise.)

    Thanks for the reply,  And thanks for the screenshot showing me that my name is displayed to you as "spaceadventurer," which is what I had intended / wanted.
    I understand now, from reading through most of the original and replies to the post,Real name instead of Screen name displayed, where I noticed you replied several times, that the Screen Name / real legal name works this way on Adobe’s forums:
    When you are logged in - YOU (and only you) see your real legal name everywhere on the forums / web site, and associated with all of your posts
    When you are not logged in (to Adobe / forums with your Adobe username / password), you always see your name associated with your posts as your Screen Name only
    Everyone else always sees your screen name, everywhere, on all posts, regardless of whether they (everyone else) are logged in or logged out.  (Unless, of course, you set up your profile to have your Screen Name be your real legal name.  Then everyone will always see your real legal name associated with your posts.)
    When logged in, in the “Edit Communities Profile” web page (from the menu that appears when you click your Avatar in the black Adobe menu bar at the top of the screen), in the “Privacy” tab on that page, there is a “widget” called ‘Preview your profile’ in the upper right-hand corner of that tab.  This widget is supposed to show you how you or others, depending on which selection you make from the dropdown in the widget, will see your Profile (and therefore, your name) from their computers.  In fact, no matter which selection you make from the dropdown, the display of your profile that is produced ALWAYS shows your real legal name, which is misleading, because that is not in fact, what others will see. Others, whether “Registered Users,” “Friends,” or “Everyone,” will ALWAYS see your Screen Name only.  (Except for the exception I mentioned in the immediate previous bullet.)
    There is a way to change your Screen Name, should you feel the need to do so.  The steps to do that are detailed in response no. 75 to the "Real name instead of Screen name displayed" forum post.
    Does it sound to you like I have captured the gist of the main learnings that can be gleaned from that post ("Real name instead of Screen name displayed”)?

  • Facebook "Words with Friends" Tiles won't move - MAC computer

    MAC computer - OS X Version 10.9.4 - Firefox browser version 31.0
    I've had this problem for several months.
    The letter tiles in Words with Friends in Facebook no longer move.
    They move in other browsers (Safari, Chrome) but no longer with Firefox. Other Facebook games work but I cannot move the tiles in Words with Friends.

    You can manage the certificates in the Preferences > Advanced > Certificates > View Certificates
    However looking in the lists of each, I cannot find a certificate for words with friends of Facebook, I may not be useful there.
    However this bug for the error seen in the console: [] says that OpenSSl became stricter, but this is an old bug.
    Today the error was different, but the page still loaded:
    <blockquote>Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at This can be fixed by moving the resource to the same domain or enabling CORS.</blockquote>
    You can also try to toggle this pref temporarily to false on the about:config page.
    *security.use_mozillapkix_verification = false

  • Question about "words with friends" rules-can more than 1 person play on the same Ipod device?

    I have a Ipod touch 5th Generation and I like to play the free game version of "Words with Friends"  Can other family members in my house sign up to play on my Ipod using a different user name?  I have tried to figure this part out and there's no clue available on the "Words with Friends" website.  Thanks for your help again!!!  I also have music on my computer that I would like to transfer to the new Ipod.  How do I do that?  I haven't been able to link it to "Itunes" yet, and then sync it to my Ipod. 

    Well, E3000 doesn't support any usb port replicator. So, in case if you want to use any hard drive you need to connect it directly to the router.

  • OT: Did you know you can change your profile to show your real name, rather than just your Adobe ID?

    I realize this is off-topic for this particular forum, but I hope it may help some readers. Since this forum is "where I live" in the Adobe forums, I wanted top share it here first. Perhaps after some feedback to refine things, I may post it elsewhere (another forum perhaps, and/or my blog).
    As I was answering a question from someone, finding myself again able only to refer to them by their brief Adobe ID (which often seems to have no connection at all to their name), I wondered:
    Do people realize that they can change their forum identity so that their real name (or whatever other identifying info) shows up rather than just their brief Adobe ID? It's just that some folks would much prefer "talking" with someone by refer to them by their real name (or at least something more than just their Adobe ID).:-)
    I suppose some may choose intentionally to remain “relatively anonymous” with just that ID to identify them, but I think many more simply don't know that they *can* change what's shown. You can. But it seems we can't do it inside the forums software itself.
    Instead, we just need to modify our "Adobe account" to associate a name with our ID (which of course could have benefit in other places where our names might be used).
    You can do by going to, then choose “My Information” (and login if prompted). Then, on the page shown, under the section “My Personal Profile” you can fill in the first and last name fields. (You can also your password here, and it seems even your username.)
    It may be possible that after making that change, you would need to sign out and back into the forums ( for the change to be picked up, but if it is, you should then see "Welcome [your name]" in the top right corner of the forums page, if it's worked.
    And now any forum messages you create should have that name at the top of the message when people read it, and it would also be in the FROM address if people receive it as email (note we're NOT talking about your email address. That is never shown. If people reply to forum messages received by email, the reply goes back to a generic forum email address.)
    Hope all that's helpful to someone.
    BTW, I had done the change myself a long time ago, so I'm retracing these steps now for others to do it. If you try it and can confirm that it works, please drop a note here. Thanks.

    It works, thanks!

  • Yahoo messenger for Mac stopped displaying Real names, showing only ID's

    Hello all,
    I'm using Yahoo messenger version 3.0.2. All of my listed contacts are shown their id's and can not see their real name or nick name. It's so frustrating to misfinding my friends from my list. Please help me out from it.
    According to yahoo messenger guide preference>appearance > tick nick name/first and last name. Unfortunately there is no Appearance option in left side.
    Thank you,

    I only see IDs as I have not allowed the app Access to my Contacts app.
    I don't know enough about Yahoo App to say if the server can "push" real names or display names at you the way AIM does.
    9:28 PM      Tuesday; June 18, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.4)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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