Resizing partition - boot problem?

Hello everyone. I've been using Arch for three days now and like it. Problem is I installed it on a small partition and now I have only less than 1GB disk space left.
So here is my situation: I have primary partition (Windows7) and Extended partition. Extended looks like this:
[sda5 -exUbuntu][sda8 -Arch][sda7 swap][sda6 ntfs data]
So i want to delete sda5 partition (which would give me 20 more gigabytes) and resize sda5 partition to it. But:
1) I remember GParted not being capable of resizing to free space to the left side, only right side. I would give it a shot, but here comes next problem
2) deleting partition sda5 changes sda8 to sda7 and sda7 to sda6. I guess boot would fail then since these partitions are mentioned in menu.lst and also fstab.
What's the best solution for this? Maybe I could try changing sdaX in those two files and then play with those partitions, but I'm afraid it wouldn't be enough.

1) Delete sda5
2) Move sda6 to the left
3) Merge the unallocated space with the Arch partition.
As for the booting, use UUIDs

Similar Messages

  • Bootcamp Windows 7 partition boot problems

    I created a 100gb partion on my Macbook Pro and installed Windows 7. Have been using it successfully for several months. When I went to shut down the other night, Windows wanted to install updates, so I left it and went to bed. Next time I tried to start up in Windows, using option key, startup sequence began with "Starting up Windows" and the icon. After about a minute, the screen went black. Nothing happening, even though I could hear the machine was still running.
    Restarted it in safe mode, was able to restore to previously working setup, tried to diagnose the problem with Windows install disk unsuccessfully (unable to operate in safe mode--32 bit). Thought maybe the problem was Windows updates wouldn't install if default startup disk was OSX, so changed startup disk to Bootcamp partition and restarted it. Same black screen after a minute.
    Starting in safe mode again, tried to restore previous working settings. Now even that wouldn't work. Still able to see contents of Mac HD, so not worried that it's disappeared. Tried to restart using option key to get OSX, with no luck. It appeared that the Boot Manager had defaulted to the Windows side and wouldn't work with the option key.
    Started up with the OSX install disk, using the C key, and was able to boot in OSX. Allowed software update to run, thinking maybe bootcamp driver was the issue. Tried to restart in Windows with option key again, but no luck.
    Obviously, I can reinstall Windows 7, but wondering if there's another solution. ??

    Just an additional note:  Apple Bootcamp Support states that, for 64-bit Windows 7, 20 GB of hard drive space is required.  I provided 60 GB. What happened to the other 35+ GB of space on that partition...?

  • Windows Won't Boot after resizing partition

    I am having problems with Windows not rebooting after I resized partition to reduce Mac side and increase Windows side. I do not see the BootCamp partition labelled as such while running disk utility. Upon startup, the Windows partition shows up when I boot up while pressing the ALT key. However, when I try to run Windows, it says " error loading operatig system".
    I also followed instruction and went through to run gdisk successfully. Results towards the end.
    What can be done? Windows still does not boot and It shows ? Suspicious MBR at sector 0.
    Below is information based on typical questions asked here.....
    diskutil list
    /dev/disk0   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE        IDENTIFIER
       0:              GUID_partition_scheme                        *120.0 GB     disk0
       1:                                           EFI                         209.7 MB     disk0s1
       2:                         Apple_HFS Macintosh HD            78.5 GB     disk0s2
       3:                       Apple_Boot Recovery HD             650.0 MB     disk0s3
       4:                   Microsoft Basic Data                         31.7 GB      disk0s4 
    sudo gpt -r -vv show disk0
    gpt show: disk0: mediasize=120034123776; sectorsize=512; blocks=234441648
    gpt show: disk0: Suspicious MBR at sector 0
    gpt show: disk0: Pri GPT at sector 1
    gpt show: disk0: Sec GPT at sector 234441647
          start       size            index       contents
              0          1                             MBR
              1          1                             Pri GPT header
              2         32                            Pri GPT table
             34          6       
             40     409600           1            GPT part - C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B
         409640  153240016      2            GPT part - 48465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
      153649656    1269544     3            GPT part - 426F6F74-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
      154919200   17628896       
      172548096   61892608    4            GPT part - EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7
      234440704        911       
      234441615         32                       Sec GPT table
      234441647          1                        Sec GPT header
    sudo fdisk /dev/disk0
    Disk: /dev/disk0 geometry: 14593/255/63 [234441648 sectors]Signature: 0xAA55
             Starting       Ending
    #: id  cyl  hd sec -  cyl  hd sec [     start -       size]
    1: EE    0   0   2 - 1023 254  63 [         1 -  172548095] <Unknown ID>
    *2: 07 1023 254  63 - 1023 254  63 [ 172548096 -   61892608] HPFS/QNX/AUX
    3: 00    0   0   0 -    0   0   0 [         0 -          0] unused    
    4: 00    0   0   0 -    0   0   0 [         0 -          0] unused 
    sudo gdisk /dev/disk0
    GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.7
    Warning: Devices opened with shared lock will not have their
    partition table automatically reloaded!
    Partition table scan:
      MBR: hybrid
      BSD: not present
      APM: not present
      GPT: present
    Found valid GPT with hybrid MBR; using GPT.
    Command (? for help): r
    Recovery/transformation command (? for help): h
    WARNING! Hybrid MBRs are flaky and dangerous! If you decide not to use one,
    just hit the Enter key at the below prompt and your MBR partition table will
    be untouched.
    Type from one to three GPT partition numbers, separated by spaces, to be
    added to the hybrid MBR, in sequence: 4
    Place EFI GPT (0xEE) partition first in MBR (good for GRUB)? (Y/N): y
    Creating entry for GPT partition #4 (MBR partition #2)
    Enter an MBR hex code (default 07):
    Set the bootable flag? (Y/N): y
    Unused partition space(s) found. Use one to protect more partitions? (Y/N): n
    Recovery/transformation command (? for help): o
    Disk size is 234441648 sectors (111.8 GiB)
    MBR disk identifier: "DELETED INFO"
    MBR partitions:
    Number  Boot  Start Sector   End Sector   Status      Code
       1                               1    172548095   primary     0xEE
       2           *     172548096    234440703   primary     0x07
    Recovery/transformation command (? for help): w
    Final checks complete. About to write GPT data. THIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING
    Do you want to proceed? (Y/N): y
    OK; writing new GUID partition table (GPT) to /dev/disk2.
    Warning: Devices opened with shared lock will not have their
    partition table automatically reloaded!
    Warning: The kernel may continue to use old or deleted partitions.
    You should reboot or remove the drive.
    The operation has completed successfully.

    So here's what I think happened. Upon resizing the OS X volume, a 5th partition was created. When that happens, diskutil removes the hybrid MBR that's needed to activate the EFI firmware CSM (BIOS emulator) which is still presently used for booting Windows on Apple hardware. Upon removing the hybrid MBR, Windows is no longer bootable. So what you probably did was used Disk Utility to reverse what you did by deleting the extra partition. When you do this, diskutil recreates the hybrid MBR but with the wrong partition type code. It sets it to 0x0C, and therefore thinks it's FAT32, whereas it should be 0x07 for NTFS. Disk Utility will then let you run a disk check on what it erroneously thinks is a FAT32 volume, but is in fact NTFS. If any writes are done, which it appears is the case, it corrupts the NTFS file system.
    So this is just yet another Bootcamp data loss story, without any warning in either documentation or Disk Utility whatsoever.
    What version of OS X is this?
    The easiest, but most tedious thing to do is to totally start over with everything: obliterate the entire drive with Disk Utility making 1 partition only, reinstalling OS X and files from backups, use Bootcamp Assistant to resize the OS X volume the way you really want it, reinstall Windows and restore from its backup. All of that can be done in the GUI.
    You might still use the Windows install disk to run Windows startup repair. It might fix the Bootcamp volume. The remaining problem in that case is what to do with the large pile of free space, but I'll make those suggestions later once you get to that point.
    If Windows startup repair can't fix the Bootcamp volume, and you don't have a backup, then you'll need to download and install testdisk, and read how to use it to try and find your data. It's an iterative process. Once that's done, while it probably won't fix it and make it bootable again, you'll have a basic backup of files. The remaining thing to do is use gdisk remove the broken Windows partition, make a new one that also includes free space you presumably wanted Windows to have, and make a new hybrid MBR adding partitions 2 3 4. Then reinstall Windows, your apps, and restore your data from backups.
    So that's the gist. Ask if you have more questions.

  • Resized partition, now can only boot using option key

    I made my boot camp partition larger and my os x partition smaller using a 3rd party program. I can still boot into windows, but only using the option key. When I look at my startup disks in OS X, only my OSX partition shows up. Is there any way to make snow leopard recognize this resized partition? Thanks!

    I am not familiar with that program but since it is a Windows program I doubt that it has installed anything in OSX.
    Most likely that program wasn't even "aware" that it was used on a Mac running WIndows.
    And it also might be that that is the reason for your problem.
    To run Windows with BootCamp on a Mac OSX has to establish/use a form of hybrid GPT/MBR partitioning.
    GPT for OSX and MBR for Windows.
    That also means that using any kind pof partitioning tool (resizing etc.) would have to be done best in OSX since only OSX "knows" that there is a Windows partition and can handle the hybrid partitioning accordingly.
    First thing I would propose (if not already there) is a backup / clone of your OSX onto an external HD.
    Secondly boot your Mac from the OSX DVD and use Disk Utility from it to verify/repair your OSX.

  • Yosemite, Boot Camp, Windows 8.1 - Resizing Partition Guide

    Hey everyone, I had some success with this so I thought I would share:
    What you Need:
    0)  familiarity with the command line, HD partitioning, linux, and lots of nerve.
    1)  Yosemite
    2)  A successful installation of Windows via Boot Camp (I was using 8.1 and I did the installation after I upgraded to Yosemite, i.e., I did not have a Boot Camp partition before upgrading to Yosemite) <-- Any other type of config may not work with this guide!!
    3)  A Linux live usb/cd with gparted (I assume you're familiar with linux and gparted and things like that, I'm not going to go into too many details on how to use that OS or its tools)
    4)  patience and luck
    Disclaimer:  This can really screw up your system if you fail to follow the directions or you have made the storage gods angry... use at your own risk!
    So initially I created a boot camp partition to install Windows 8.1 and after the installation realized I should have allocated more space for Windows.  On the OS X side, I opened the graphical diskutil and discovered I could not resize or change either of the partitions - the only thing I could do was delete the boot camp partition which was not a handy option considering the time I put into installing Windows and its subsequent updates.
    After some careful googling I found this:
    Which led me to the solution.  From a terminal run:  'diskutil corestorage list' (without the quotes) to get a list of the logical volumes, groups, and physical disks that OS X created after using boot camp.  The information you will need is the UUID of the logical volume (not the logical volume group or family).  You are then going to use the undocumented command 'diskutil corestorage resizeStack' with the UUID of the logical volume in order to change the size of the volumes and physical disk.  In my case, I wanted to shrink my remaining OS X partition by 40GB and give that to Windows.  Again from the terminal run:
    'diskutil corestorage resizeStack UUID XXXg'  where UUID is the 32 digit identifier of the logical volume and XXX is the desired new size of the disk (e.g., 350g for 350 GB).
    After a few moments, it will finish and in diskutil you should see an amount of unallocated space.  You still can't do anything with it here, but at least it's visible.  Reboot into OS X again just to feel confident that you haven't screwed anything up, yet.  It did seem to take slightly longer to reboot into OS X this one time, but everything turned out ok
    Now using a linux live usb drive, boot into your favorite brand of linux and run gparted.  You should see your unallocated space sandwiched between your OS X partition (which gparted may or may not formally 'see') and the NTFS Windows partition.  Simply move the Windows partition over to occupy the unallocated space and extend it to the end of drive and you're done.  My version of gparted warned me that Windows may not boot after I do this, but for me, it worked fine and booted into Windows properly the first time.  If Windows doesn't boot, you'll need a Windows install on a usb stick (you should have one from your boot camp installation right?) and then you'll need to repair the disk (there are many helpful guides that go through this very thing - just google it).
    It worked for me flawlessly, good luck!

    ashtastic wrote:
    Now using a linux live usb drive, boot into your favorite brand of linux and run gparted.  You should see your unallocated space sandwiched between your OS X partition (which gparted may or may not formally 'see') and the NTFS Windows partition.  Simply move the Windows partition over to occupy the unallocated space and extend it to the end of drive and you're done. 
    Everything has worked so far, I have freed up about 75GB that is in between OSX and my 8.1 Bootcamp Partition, however I can't for the life of me seem to make a working Linux USB. How can you make a BOOTABLE (from this retina macbook pro) Live CD with Gparted. What tools/ISO did you use?

  • Problem to resize partition in HP Pavilion G4-1220

    Dear HP
    i bought a new laptop HP Pavilion G4-1220ee with Win 7 Home Basic - 64Bit-and i need to resize Partition C: to split it for 2 partiton and i tried to make by using many tutorials from but there is an error message appears to me at the last step and i can't shrink this partition.
    please try to replay to me in near time because i need to solve this problem in near time and my mail is
    {Personal Information Removed}
    Country :- Egypt

    Unfortunately no option for you to increase VRAM. System will work this out and allocate AVAILABLE RAM for VRAM up to max number if required.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • Cannot resize partition...

    Before mods delete/close/move my post 'cause I'm sure there exist hundred of related problems to this let me explain.
    I study Engineering in Computational Systems, for my Digital Design class I need some software that only exist for Windows (I've been searching the web looking for alternatives for Mac without success)... So I decided I'd install BootCamp and Windows 7, but I got the **** "cannot resize partition" error...
    So here's the deal... I CAN'T make a backup, my external hard drive is damaged, I've been searching and I found that this problem is 'cause BootCamp can't move big files or stuff like that so to fix the problem I have to defrag the hard disk and here comes another problem, I can't afford iDefrag neither...
    Any help for defrag or resize my Mac OS X partition?

    Usually when I see "Cannot resize..." it is because the Windows partition was too small, or they need more room for OS X files. Not because they got the error message from Boot Camp Assistant (which tells you to reformat and restore after you have a backup).
    Step #1 is (always) backup before making changes.
    Real easy... buy an external, you will need backups for Mac OS and probably Windows. you will want to be able to run OS X off external too at some point.
    It isn't because there are big files, it is that they can't be moved.
    The free space has to be contiguous, not fragmented, also, in order to create a slice for Windows.
    I assume it won't work with a VM running under/inside OS X so you need to run Windows natively.
    Some people have bought iDefrag ($49?) and results are anywhere from good to mixed to didn't work.
    You are right, the question has been asked... about 999 times in the last two years.

  • MSI-7043 (PT880 NEO-FSR) Boot Problem

    I just installed this motherboard which I purchased on eBay from someone who swears it was working fine before.
    I installed it in the following configuration:
    MSI-7043 PT880 NEO-FSR Motherboard (Rev. 2.0) with BIOS version 2.0
    RaidMax Scorpio case with a 520-Watt RaidMax Power Supply (its older, but digital P/S tester says everything is OK)
    2x1Gig SuperTalent DDR400 RAM <- Was working fine in Compaq PC
    Intel P4 2.4Ghz Prescott CPU (FSB533) <- Was working fine in Compaq PC
    ThermalTake TR2-M12 CPU cooler <- New
    LG DVD-RW Lightscribe 22x IDE Drive <- New 2 weeks ago, was working fine in Compaq PC
    Seagate 320 Gig IDE Drive <- 2 Monthes old, was working fine in Compaq PC
    (Drive is partitioned 1-250Gig Bootable & 1-70Gig)
    Chaintech Nvidia FX5200 AGP Video Card <- Worked fine in Compaq PC
    High quality round 80-pin IDE cables
    No SATA drives installed at all
    The system POST's fine and recognizes all installed drives, but only occasionally will boot to CD-ROM, and will never boot to hard disk, just sits there with a flashing cursor. When it did boot into CD-ROM, I was able to boot Linux and browse hard drive fine. Booted once into MEMTEST and it ran for hours fine with no errors.
    I have tried defaulting BIOS several times, tried several configurations for boot sequence and using F11 Boot Menu. No matter what I do, booting from CD is hit and miss (1 out of 4 times will boot) and it will NEVER boot from the hard drive.
    Interesting thing is if I disconnect the hard disk, it will boot to the CD-ROM EVERY time (sort of), but I do have to wait until it says no boot record found on CD or floppy, then press ENTER to try again it boots
    After searching for through other posts, I have tried increasing the DDR RAM voltage to 2.6v with no change.
    Any ideas??? is there a BIOS limitation to the boot partition size of the hard drive, if so why would this affect booting to the CD?

    Ummm... never had that trouble before... It should at least start booting, or at least recognize the boot sector has a valid boot record.
    Those are all valid ideas, and I appreciate the input.
    BTW, I am not a newbie. I am a telecom, network, and computer technician with almost 20 years of experience. This is just the first time I have had a problem with MSI boards, I use them all the time and they generally work flawlessly. I understand operating system licensing, OEM versions, 32 vs 64 bit, and how to copy files from one drive to another using multiple different ways. I was just hoping that there was something simple going on that I was missing that someone would just say "Yeah, turn XXXXX feature off in the BIOS".
    I put an older 48x CD-ROM drive and a Western Digital 40 Gig in it and it worked beautifully, in the middle of installing Kubuntu Linux right now.
    I actually resized the boot partition down to 130 Gig with Linux Parted Magic and it booted OK.
    I think I actually had two problems with the previous setup:
    1) Boot partition was too large for the BIOS, the entire partition should not exceed the 134 Gig boundry (different sites say anything from 130-138 Gig) for the BIOS on the motherboard according to some articles I googled.
    2) The LG DVD-RAM drive was just too slow spinning up for the bios to recognize the boot partition on the CD or DVD.
    I resized the partition back up to 250 Gig and put the DVD-RAM, Hard Disk, Processor, RAM, and video card back into the Compaq, it is a fast (by standards of the day) and stable machine, I was just looking for a way to add some expansion capabilities for more PCI cards and possibly a SATA drive. Anyway put a 2.0 Ghz Celeron, 768 Meg of DDR266 RAM, a CD-RW drive, and a Matrox G450 Dual-Head 32 Meg AGP card I had laying around in place of of the old and will just delegate this to a Linux box.
    So far all seems fine, think I will just hold off putting too much into this machine since I was planning on building a new one this summer after USB 3.0 came out.

  • I have an early 2008 Mac Pro, which has re-booting problems. Also what does the spinning beach-ball indicate?

    Hi, I have an early 2008 Mac Pro which has re-booting problems.
    Processor speed is: 2.8
    Memory: 2GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM
    2 x 28GHz Quad Core Intel Xeon
    I am running OSX Yosemite Version 10.10
    My Mac Pro keeps re-booting. Last year I had to replace my graphics card. My original card was the ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 255MB, and that is what I have now. At this precise moment my Mac Pro is running perfectly, except that it is slow and the spinning beach-ball keeps appearing. I have managed to do some work with the disk utilities, verifying, cleaning and partitioning. Some errors were found and when it was cleaned this seemed to help my Mac Pro to function properly. Although I am able to use my Mac Pro now, from day to day I still experience re-boot problems. Also quite unexpectedly my mac dictionary has an error, it closed itself down and will not open at all, I had the message to say that a report will be sent to Apple.
    I have tried starting my computer with an external hard drive fitted via a USB cable, I use for back-ups. This worked and I was able to wipe my hard drive clear and replace all info from the back up I had done only a few days ago.
    This worked for a few days and then the same problem started again.
    I am beginning to wonder if I need to buy a new hard drive.
    If there is anyone who has some answers to help me solve my problem, I would be most grateful.

    When you have the beachball activity, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.  
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above.
    Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Booting Problems

    Booting  Problems
    Help !! my new K8N does not boot from Hard Disk (sorry for very bad english)
    My bios detect
    Ide Primary MAster : Maxtor 40 Gb -34098H4 5400 rpm Ultra-ATA/100
    Ide Primary Slave : ---
    Ide Secondary Master : Seagate 120 gb Barracuda - st3120026a 7200 rpm
    Ide Secondary Slave : CD-Rom Sony
    1st/2nd/3rd Boot Device :Floppy / CD-ROM / Hard Drive
    I Format my first partition in NTFS (maxtor) installing XP then  not Boot from my hard disk ...only boot from my bootable Xp CD  
    When i boot up it says
    "Verifying DMI Pool Data ..........
    Finally  work!! ...but only work if I turn off Secondary Master & Slave in Bios ==> (NONE)  
    I change my the IDE HDD cable  , jumpers , etc  
    The memory works good in my old PC (athlon 2.0 hs -MSI k4 ultra)
    any suggestion , idea or opinion ?  Thanks  
    CPU AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor 3200+ Newcastle
    BIOS Award Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
    BIOS Award W7030NMS V1.4 082604
    MSI K8N Neo Platinum (nVIDIA nForce3-S, AMD Hammer)
    Soundblaster Live 5.1
    Font Vitsuba Vtx-45-C (450 w)
    ATI Radeon 9600 XT 128 mb (RV360) (Asus A9600XT) Internal DAC(400MHz)
    Samsung SyncMaster 905DF(X)/955DF(X)/MagicSyncMaster CD195A
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional V5.1.2600 (WinXP Retail)
    Service Pack 1
    DIMM 1
    Module Name SMT-OF-AMERICA
    Module Size 256 MB (1 rows, 4 banks)
    Module Type Unbuffered
    Memory Type DDR SDRAM
    Memory Speed PC2700 (166 MHz)
    Module Width 64 bit
    Module Voltage SSTL 2.5
    Error Detection Method None
    Refresh Rate Reduced (7.8 us), Self-Refresh
    Memory Timings
    @ 166 MHz 2.5-3-3-7 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)
    @ 133 MHz 2.0-3-3-6 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)
    DIMM 2
    Memory Module Properties
    Module Name SpecTek
    Module Size 256 MB (1 rows, 4 banks)
    Module Type Unbuffered
    Memory Type DDR SDRAM
    Memory Speed PC2700 (166 MHz)
    Module Width 64 bit
    Module Voltage SSTL 2.5
    Error Detection Method None
    Refresh Rate Reduced (7.8 us)
    Memory Timings
    @ 166 MHz 2.5-3-3-7 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)
    @ 100 MHz 2.0-2-2-5 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)

    hi Dzal,
    1) Change
    1st/2nd/3rd Boot Device :Floppy / CD-ROM / Hard Drive  
    1st/2nd/3rd Boot Device :Floppy / Hard Drive / CD-ROM  
    2)  Bios
         Advanced bios:
         Hard Disk Boot Order
            1st  Maxtor 40 Gb -34098H4 5400 rpm Ultra-ATA/100  
            2nd Seagate 120 gb Barracuda - st3120026a 7200 rpm  
    if no [Pageup] [Pagedown] until Maxtor 40 Gb -34098H4 5400 rpm Ultra-ATA/100 top
    save & exit
    good luck

  • Cannot resize partitions on yosemite !!

    cannot resize partitions on yosemite !!

    Do they have data on them? Are these partitions you could resize before? Is this a new machine? Is it formatted GPT or something else? Are you using boot camp?
    It would be helpful, also, if you would phrase your question in the form of a question

  • Resizing partition w/o affecting one key recovery

    hi there! is there anyone know how to resize partition C: w/o affecting the software one key recover?i just wanted to resize it so that i have more space in D: drive for the backup i have to do...thanks

    I have the opposite problem. I have a low disk space error all the time.  I would like to get rid of the C partition and just have one if Vista allows that.  I have a Y510

  • IBook boot problems

    Hello, My iBook recently won't boot correctly. It goes to the login screen and then goes to a full screen terminal and asks for my password. The only password that works is the root password. Now this happened after I installed the xvid codec for quicktime but as far as I know that couldent have caused something like this. So in trying to fix this I rebooted the computer into single user mode and removed the applesetupdone (/var/db/.applesetupdone) file to hopefuly get the computer to just go through the intl. setup. Well that didnt work. Now it gets stuck in a loop saying it cant load up the intl. setup. I can still get into single user mode though so it should still be fixable. If not I think the mac has smbmount so I could just move my files over to my friends computer and reformat. I know this problem was not caused by my dual boot because its been running fine for about 2 years. Could anyone tell me how I could fix this boot problem or how to startup the network services in single user mode.
    Thanks, Spazo

    An update. . .
    Booted in TDM and wouldn't show up on my MBP, however could view it in disk utility. It wouldn't let me mount it though. I've tried repairing however after an hour still nothing. Here's the info notes. I'm getting the impression the hard drive is damaged beyond repair.
    Name : AAPL FireWire Target Media
    Type : Disk
    Disk Identifier : disk1
    Media Name : AAPL FireWire Target Media
    Media Type : Generic
    Connection Bus : FireWire
    Connection Type : External
    Connection ID : 2979676490117816
    Partition Type : Applepartitionscheme
    Device Tree : /PCI0@0/PCIB@1E/FRWR@3/node@a95fffebd32b8/sbp-2@4020/@0:0
    Writable : Yes
    Ejectable : Yes
    Mac OS 9 Drivers Installed : Yes
    Location : External
    Total Capacity : 27.9 GB (30,005,821,440 Bytes)
    S.M.A.R.T. Status : Not Supported
    Disk Number : 1
    Partition Number : 0

  • Resized partitions how to fix file system to new size.

    So I had to resize my /boot partition which required me to resize my root partition. How do I fix the file system to match the new size of the partition?

    I do not understand why this was moved? This is not a new install, I was tuning my hooks to use systemd replaceing udev, autodetect and base.
    mkinitcpio -p Linux
    resulted in an error that said there was not enough space. and that the image was probably not correctly made.
    I based my decision on the placement of the post by the following post which seemed to be in the same category.
    Is there a place that provides a more narrow definition of topics that are acceptable for fourm categories?

  • Resize partitions without erasing existing data

    I have one drive (internal), dual partition (OS X 10.5.2 and Vista) and I want to split the volume OS X 10.5.2 in two. I try this using Disk Utility, but one warning was showed: ..changing the partition map may make this disk unbootable using windows"
    Is it warning true? What do I expect to happen in case of resizing?
    If someone had have any related experience about that, I will appreciate Your advice.

    You can resize partitions without losing data but you won't be able to boot into Windows after that. That was a bad experience I had. My first bad experience was to repartition a dual-partition (Tiger+Windows) drive, ignoring the warning. Guess what? Lost everything and had to reinstall both OS.
    Mac OS X Extended (journalled) drives can be repartitioned without losing data using the "diskutil" command in the Terminal window. Type "diskutil" and you get a list of available commands.

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