Resource bundle "rft_flexautomation" for locale "en_US

I have installed Flex Builder 3 and Rational Functional
Tester 8.0.0 for automation of flex application.
So i have executed following steps:-
1. Start Flex Builder.
2. Create a new Flex project.
3. Select the Flex project in the navigator.
4. Click Select Project > Properties > Flex Compiler.
5. Enter the code shown in Listing 1 in the "Additional
compiler arguments" field.
Listing 1. Code for additional compiler arguments
-Include-libraries "<flex builder install dir>\Flex SDK
\frameworks\libs\automation.swc" "<flex builder install
dir\Flex SDK 2
\frameworks\libs\automation_agent.swc" "<flex builder
install dir>\Flex SDK 2
\frameworks\libs\automation_charts.swc" "<functional
tester dir>
\Functional Tester\bin\rft.swc"
6. Click OK to save your changes.
7. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.
8. Compile your Flex sample application.
I am getting following error :-
Unable to resolve resource bundle "rft_flexautomation" for
locale "en_US"
Please help me out to resolve this error

I jut saw the posting today.
Place your local folder in application root
In project properties : Flex Compiler Argument : additional compiler argument : -source-path ../locale/{locale}
add this.

Similar Messages

  • Flex 4.1 to 4.5.1 "Could not find compiled resource bundle 'controls' for locale 'en_US'."

    I have a flex 4.1 project in which I want to use the latest spark datagrid changes in so am trying to update to 4.5
    Having downloaded and added the sdk, switching the properties of my project and updating my datagrid skin classes to suit the latest changes I'm now getting the following error when trying to run my app:
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'controls' for locale 'en_US'.
    at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks \projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
    at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundles()[E:\dev\4.5.1\framework s\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
    at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/installCompiledResourceBundles()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\proje cts\framework\src\mx\core\]
    at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameHandler()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\s rc\mx\core\]
    at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameListener()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\projects\framework\ src\mx\core\]
    I believe this is whilst trying to load a module as the first thing the app does is load a login module.
    Any suggestions as to what I need to do to sort this out?

    I'm taking this issue over as DannyT is away this week.
    I have checked we are compiling all SWC's with 4.5.1 and it appears to be the case although we are using third party compiled SWC's for RobotLegs, Signals and some flash skins which I'm assuming wouldn't be an issue?
    I've carried out comprehensive testing to narrow the problem down, I found that mx.controls.Image seemed to be causing some of the issues, when replaced with the spark Image the module was loading fine although I now then had an issue with the mx charting components so added a reference to the main app, as you say not the best work around and I'm still getting the same issue:
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'controls' for locale 'en_US'.
    We have other mx components in our modules and these seem to be fine although I haven't checked to see if they are being used throughout the app so they might be referenced in main. I've posted the link report xml below, any help or suggestions would be appreciated as we'd like to be able to use the latest version of the DataGrid.
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294231234000" size="1531" optimizedsize="836">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294229901000" size="1206" optimizedsize="316">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="" mod="1306854026000" size="623" optimizedsize="370">
          <def id="_class_embed_css_Assets_swf_1422583548_TreeDisclosureClosed_699467254" />
          <pre id="mx.core:SpriteAsset" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/loader/" mod="1308837418000" size="3337" optimizedsize="1844">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:Signal" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1292428848000" size="1187" optimizedsize="730">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/MYAppPro.mxml" mod="1309189518000" size="7534" optimizedsize="6376">
          <def id="MYAppPro" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="mx.binding:IBindingClient" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="_MYAppProWatcherSetupUtil" />
          <dep id="mx.styles:CSSSelector" />
          <dep id="mx.styles:CSSStyleDeclaration" />
          <dep id="mx.core:DeferredInstanceFromFunction" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer" />
          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
          <dep id="MYAppPro__embed__font_MyriadPro_bold_normal_1315605509" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:IWatcherSetupUtil2" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:BindingManager" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.styles:CSSCondition" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:Binding" />
          <dep id="_MYAppPro_FlexInit" />
          <dep id="_MYAppPro_Styles" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getDefinitionByName" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="MYAppPro__embed__font_MyriadPro_medium_normal_1029366919" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/framework.swc(" mod="1306872054062" size="1244" optimizedsize="729">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.modules:IModuleInfo" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1308837429000" size="2518" optimizedsize="1400">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.swiftsuspenders:Reflector)" mod="1272837850000" size="2141" optimizedsize="1490">
          <def id="org.swiftsuspenders:Reflector" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:getConstructor" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:describeType" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getDefinitionByName" />
          <dep id="XML" />
          <dep id="flash.system:ApplicationDomain" />
          <dep id="Error" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/framework.swc(mx.core:DPIClassification)" mod="1306872039593" size="480" optimizedsize="256">
          <def id="mx.core:DPIClassification" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/framework.swc(mx.resources:IResourceManager)" mod="1306872057390" size="3482" optimizedsize="1039">
          <def id="mx.resources:IResourceManager" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="flash.system:SecurityDomain" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.resources:IResourceBundle" />
          <dep id="flash.system:ApplicationDomain" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.swiftsuspenders:getConstructor)" mod="1272837850000" size="577" optimizedsize="339">
          <def id="org.swiftsuspenders:getConstructor" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="String" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="Number" />
          <dep id="Class" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getDefinitionByName" />
          <dep id="XML" />
          <dep id="XMLList" />
          <dep id="Object" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:Proxy" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/loader/" mod="1291226946000" size="903" optimizedsize="583">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/loader/" mod="1309186845000" size="3451" optimizedsize="1923">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:Signal" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/framework.swc(mx.core:EmbeddedFontRegistry)" mod="1306872041202" size="5403" optimizedsize="3296">
          <def id="mx.core:EmbeddedFontRegistry" />
          <pre id="mx.core:IEmbeddedFontRegistry" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="mx.core:EmbeddedFont" />
          <dep id="flash.text:FontStyle" />
          <dep id="trace" />
          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
          <dep id="mx.resources:ResourceManager" />
          <dep id="Error" />
          <dep id="mx.resources:IResourceManager" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="mx.managers:ISystemManager" />
          <dep id="flash.text.engine:FontDescription" />
          <dep id="flash.text:TextFormat" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="flash.text:TextField" />
          <dep id="flash.system:Capabilities" />
          <dep id="mx.core:Singleton" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:Dictionary" />
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          <dep id="AS3" />
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          <def id="en_US$SharedResources_properties" />
          <pre id="mx.resources:ResourceBundle" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/skins/PopupSkin.mxml" mod="1308837418000" size="4789" optimizedsize="3018">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="mx.core:IStateClient2" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="spark.components.supportClasses:Skin" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="spark.primitives:Rect" />
          <dep id="spark.layouts:VerticalLayout" />
          <dep id="mx.states:SetProperty" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.states:State" />
          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
          <dep id="spark.components:Group" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="spark.components:SkinnableContainer" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:BindingManager" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.robotlegs.base:ContextEvent)" mod="1269791984000" size="933" optimizedsize="480">
          <def id="org.robotlegs.base:ContextEvent" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294750696000" size="723" optimizedsize="315">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="Date" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
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          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.swiftsuspenders.injectionpoints:MethodInjectionPoint)" mod="1273448582000" size="2862" optimizedsize="1766">
          <def id="org.swiftsuspenders.injectionpoints:MethodInjectionPoint" />
          <pre id="org.swiftsuspenders.injectionpoints:InjectionPoint" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:InjectionConfig" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:InjectorError" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="XML" />
          <dep id="XMLList" />
          <dep id="Error" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:Injector" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/component/loader/" mod="1294835157000" size="2360" optimizedsize="1421">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="mx.core:UIComponent" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.core:FlexGlobals" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="Math" />
          <dep id="TimeLineLoader" />
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          <def id="_class_embed_css_Assets_swf_1422583548_mx_skins_cursor_DragCopy_1279468729" />
          <pre id="mx.core:SpriteAsset" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/locale/en_US/framework_rb.swc$locale/en_US/" mod="1306854100000" size="735" optimizedsize="704">
          <def id="en_US$logging_properties" />
          <pre id="mx.resources:ResourceBundle" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294328487000" size="955" optimizedsize="396">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.swiftsuspenders.injectionresults:InjectClassResult)" mod="1272837850000" size="871" optimizedsize="450">
          <def id="org.swiftsuspenders.injectionresults:InjectClassResult" />
          <pre id="org.swiftsuspenders.injectionresults:InjectionResult" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:Injector" />
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          <pre id="mx.resources:ResourceBundle" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
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          <def id="" />
          <pre id="mx.core:IStateClient2" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="mx.binding:IBindingClient" />
          <pre id="spark.skins:SparkSkin" />
          <dep id="spark.primitives:Rect" />
          <dep id="spark.components:TextInput" />
          <dep id="_com_my_app_skins_RoundedCornerTextInputSkinWatcherSetupUtil" />
          <dep id="Number" />
          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:IWatcherSetupUtil2" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:BindingManager" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="mx.states:SetProperty" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="spark.components:RichEditableText" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:Binding" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.states:State" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getDefinitionByName" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.robotlegs.mvcs:Context)" mod="1273448146000" size="3618" optimizedsize="1909">
          <def id="org.robotlegs.mvcs:Context" />
          <pre id="org.robotlegs.core:IContext" />
          <pre id="org.robotlegs.base:ContextBase" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.base:EventMap" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.core:IReflector" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.base:CommandMap" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.core:IInjector" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.core:ICommandMap" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.core:IMediatorMap" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.base:ViewMap" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.core:IEventMap" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.base:ContextEvent" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.base:MediatorMap" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.adapters:SwiftSuspendersInjector" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.core:IViewMap" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.adapters:SwiftSuspendersReflector" />
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          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:Signal" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.utils:StringUtil" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1292434523000" size="1141" optimizedsize="707">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294750696000" size="1543" optimizedsize="892">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
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          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:Injector" />
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          <pre id="flash.display:MovieClip" />
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          <pre id="Object" />
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          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="spark.components:Group" />
          <dep id="spark.components:TextInput" />
          <dep id="mx.core:DeferredInstanceFromFunction" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="spark.components:Button" />
          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:BindingManager" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="spark.components:SkinnableContainer" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="spark.components:Label" />
          <dep id="spark.layouts:VerticalLayout" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="spark.components:HGroup" />
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          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
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          <def id="mx.modules:IModuleInfo" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="flash.system:SecurityDomain" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:ByteArray" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="flash.system:ApplicationDomain" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/loader/" mod="1308837418000" size="4145" optimizedsize="2113">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:Signal" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1297160952000" size="529" optimizedsize="271">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="" mod="1306854026000" size="641" optimizedsize="376">
          <def id="_class_embed_css_Assets_swf_1422583548_mx_skins_cursor_DragReject_207783805" />
          <pre id="mx.core:SpriteAsset" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1295374588000" size="1105" optimizedsize="609">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="Date" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294221810000" size="1161" optimizedsize="734">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.robotlegs.base:MediatorBase)" mod="1269791984000" size="1944" optimizedsize="1038">
          <def id="org.robotlegs.base:MediatorBase" />
          <pre id="org.robotlegs.core:IMediator" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getDefinitionByName" />
          <dep id="Error" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1295255883000" size="1046" optimizedsize="531">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294410482000" size="498" optimizedsize="255">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/mediator/" mod="1309180556000" size="8603" optimizedsize="5066">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="org.robotlegs.mvcs:Mediator" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:Fault" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.core:FlexGlobals" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:Timer" />
          <dep id="flash.display:DisplayObject" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1292231868000" size="1092" optimizedsize="605">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.robotlegs.base:ViewMap)" mod="1269791984000" size="2749" optimizedsize="1552">
          <def id="org.robotlegs.base:ViewMap" />
          <pre id="org.robotlegs.core:IViewMap" />
          <pre id="org.robotlegs.base:ViewMapBase" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.core:IInjector" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer" />
          <dep id="flash.display:DisplayObject" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:Dictionary" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1295279651000" size="2655" optimizedsize="1547">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.managers:BrowserManager" />
          <dep id="mx.utils:URLUtil" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:Signal" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.managers:IBrowserManager" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/framework.swc(mx.core:mx_internal)" mod="1306872039530" size="184" optimizedsize="109">
          <def id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="" mod="1306854026000" size="620" optimizedsize="369">
          <def id="_class_embed_css_Assets_swf_1422583548_CloseButtonDisabled_452580263" />
          <pre id="mx.core:SpriteAsset" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/framework.swc(mx.core:EmbeddedFont)" mod="1306872041265" size="1212" optimizedsize="625">
          <def id="mx.core:EmbeddedFont" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="mx.core:EmbeddedFontRegistry" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.c

  • Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'

    We are porting a fairly large body of Flex3 code developed under FlexBuilder 3 to Flex4 under FlashBuilder 4.  Most of the conversion appears to be working fine, with one exception.  When I launch the Flex4 version, all my data interchanges with the server works.  Just as it is about to show the UI, the following error occurs:
         Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'
    I am actually using a locale of fr_FR, but I assume it couldn't find that, reverted to en_US, failed again and then barfed.  If I look in
         ~Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\4.0.0\frameworks\locale\fr_FR
    I see a lot of swc files, and of course no 'components.swc'.  I believe the problem is that our Flex3 code is using mx components, and the compatibility mode is not properly handling it for some reason.  I think this is mostly from our in-house UI library.  The properties for that library (and for my main app I am testing now) have:
         - Use default SDK (currently "Flex 4.0")
         - Use Flex 3 compability mode
         - Use minimum version (Flash Player) required by the Flex SDK
         - Enable strict type checking
         - Enable warnings
    I also tried putting the compatibility flag in the mxmlc compile line, with no change in behavior.  This project is built by the following script:
    ruby scripts/concat_properties.rb -o ^
         src/main/flex/locale/fr_common/ ^
         src/main/flex/locale/fr_common/scout/ ^
         src/main/flex/locale/fr_fr/ ^
    mxmlc -locale=fr_FR -source-path=. ^
         -compatibility-version=3.0.0. ^
         -static-rsls=true ^
         -include-resource-bundles=resources ^
         -output src/main/resources/bundles/mypals/fr_fr_resources.swf
    copy src\main\resources\bundles\mypals\fr_fr_resources.swf ^
    What have I missed???

    You have two posts. I will try to answer each completely.  Second one first. You say I should change my build to include the framework resources.  I am afraid I am not sure which and what to do there.  We combine all our properties file into one large one, then use the following build line:
    mxmlc -locale=fr_FR,en_US -source-path=. ^
         -compatibility-version=3.0.0. ^
         -static-rsls=true ^
         -include-resource-bundles=resources ^
         -output src/main/resources/bundles/mypals/fr_fr_resources.swf
    I am assuming you are telling me to change the "-include-resource-bundles" line, but what to add?  The "sdks\4.0.0\frameworks\locale\en_US" holds 13 swf files.  I tried adding that entire folder (along with the fr_FR folder) to the project library path (in the project properties dialog), but that made no change.  I also tried reverting the library path tab back to "MX Only" instead of "MX + Spark", but again no change.
    For your first message, I did a search for 'spark' in the entire project.  It only existed on 3 lines, each at the start of css files:
        @namespace s "library://";
    I had put those in based on reading needed changes to naming in CSS.  Since I was not actually using any spark ('s') components yet, I removed these lines.  The entire project now does not have the word 'spark' anywhere in it. No change in behavior (as I expected).
    I did a search for "s:" throughout the project.  That does exist in probably 100 places, but all are legitimate. Things like (xmlns:mx="") or variable names ("var matches:Object").  No reference to any s: object.  (While on the topic, why does FlashBuilder still not have a "whole word" box to limit searches??).
    Note that when I first reported this problem, the compiler was set to ONLY support fr_FR.  In fighting this, I changed it to "en_US,fr_FR" hoping that would tell the compiler to load whatever en_US items it was looking for.  We really do not want any English support in this version. (We do have another SWF created with only support for en_US, and another for en_UK, etc.  Each language is a separate node on our server, so there is no need to mix & match at runtime)
    The console shows a lot of swf loads that I do not understand...
    The console output shows (my comments after ==> indicator)
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\myname.swf - 2,229,992 bytes after decompression
                 ==> our locale is set here, after the above load and before the next line
    Look for name file at: ./data/fr_fr/names.csv
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\myname.swf - 21,200 bytes after decompression
    Loaded 2278 names.       ==> indicates successful load of data retrieved from server
    Loaded 154 bad words     ==> our second data set has been retrieved and loaded
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 58,777 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 322,606 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\bundles\mypals\fr_fr_resources.swf - 595,025 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 202,168 bytes after decompression
        ==> not sure what this next warning means.  I'm guessing I will later have to research it and return to 'secure' comm with server, but I'm ignoring for now
    Warning: Ignoring 'secure' attribute in policy file from  The 'secure' attribute is only permitted in HTTPS and socket policy files.  See for details.
    Resource bundle loaded for locale fr_fr  ==> at this point, we appear to have our French assets loaded successfully
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 202,168 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 1,303,976 bytes after decompression
    [Unload SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\myname.swf  ==> some runs see this, but others do not. I expect it is a timing issue of whether it is reached or not before the crash
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 794,898 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 194,635 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 261,589 bytes after decompression
    ==> everything looks fine up to here.  This is then when the third call to installCompiledResourceBundles occurs
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'.
        at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks \projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
        at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundles()[E:\dev\4.0.0\framework s\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/installCompiledResourceBundles()
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameHandler()
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameListener()

  • Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'sparkEffects' for locale 'en_US'

    I have a multi-module application that I am building in Flash Builder 4.5 Premium.
    When I launch the application It starts with a basic login page and looks ok. After logging in, modules and style sheets are loaded dynamically and  I get this exception stack trace.
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'sparkEffects' for locale 'en_US'.
              at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()
              at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundles()
              at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/installCompiledResourceBundles()
              at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameHandler()
              at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameListener()
    Windows 7
    Flashbuilder 4.5 Premium
    Compiled with SDK 4.5.1
    Flex 3 Compatibility Mode: No
    Framework Linkage: RSL
    SWC Project Linkage: RSL
    Can anyone help me fix this?

    I have determined at least that it is the very first style sheet that I am loading into the application that is causing the exception as I modified to not load anything else.
    Style sheets are loadingusing this method. FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.styleManager.loadStyleDeclarations

  • Proj cannot run on LCDS 2.6 ES due to "Unable to resolve resource bundle "datamanagement" for locale "en_US"

    hi, all,
    We have developped an application on Flex Build 3 (run
    successfully), but failed when we try to deploy it on Tomcat with
    LCDS 2.5 ES because some components cannot be resolved correctly on
    LCDS 2.5. We then downloaded a 2.6 ES Beta 2, but still cannot run
    the application, the error msg is "Unable to resolve resource
    bundle "datamanagement" for locale "en_US".
    anyone knows how to deploy the application on LCDS 2.6 ES?
    Many thanks.

    In your WEB-INF/flex/locale/en_US dir there should be a file
    called fds_rd.swc. Is that there?

  • I'm getting an error "Could not find compiled resource bundle 'layout' for locale 'en_US'."

    I thought I would update to the latest trunk version of the sdk.  When I run my code I keep getting this Error being thrown:
    "Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'layout' for locale 'en_US'."
    It worked fine with the beta sdk and nightly builds from a long time before that.  The error occured in builds 7573 and 7830, so what ever changed happened before then.  I put a break point in there, and other resource bundles are being loaded ok.
    My project uses RSLs and modules. I'm using Flash Builder beta.
    I'm not familiar with resource bundles and not sure what to look for.  Any ideas as to what to try or where to look?
    Is there something I need to update to run the latest code?
    Is the the appropriate place to post questions regarding the nightly builds?  Or should I be asking somewhere else?
    PS Here is the full stack trace if it gives anyone more ideas:
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'layout' for locale 'en_US'.
        at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()[E:\dev\trunk\frameworks \projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
        at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundles()[E:\dev\trunk\framework s\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/installCompiledResourceBundles()
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameHandler()
        at flash.display::MovieClip/nextFrame()
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/deferredNextFrame()
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/update()
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/moduleCompleteHandler()

    also add the following
    to my compiler auguments:
    -locale en_US    -source-path=locale/{locale}    -allow-source-path-overlap=true
    and to actionScriptProperties I have the following where path= is the location of your locale folder
    <compilerSourcePathEntry kind="1" linkType="1" path="/locale/{locale}"/>
    Not sure if this is the correct way to do it, but it stopped me getting any errors.

  • Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'SharedResources' for locale 'en_US'

    I'm trying to launch my flex app then i got this error:
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'SharedResources' for locale 'en_US'.
    Does anyone know what the problem could be?
    Ps: I'm using flex4 under FlashBuilder 4.5

    There isn't new doc, because the workflow didn't change.  It works pretty
    much the same as Flex3.  There is no s:Module or s:ModuleLoader so you
    continue to use the mx versions as you did before.
    The styles mechanism did change so that each module has its own styles and
    now is sensitive to a common mistake in setting up modules projects.  Folks
    accidentally reference the module class directly from within the main
    application instead of using a shared interface.  Doing so actually links in
    the module and its dependencies into the main app, defeating the main point
    of modules, but in Flex 4, that configuration also throws errors.
    Another change in Flex 4 is that the main app must load singletons shared by
    modules.  That is the result of optimizing startup a bit by not linking in
    every manager you might possibly need.   This means that if your app doesn't
    use popups and your modules do, you must link the PopUpManager into the mai
    app by doing:
    Import mx.managers.PopUpManager; PopUpManager;
    It is also possible that there is a bug.  Simplify your scenario and file a
    bug or post the test case if the simple case also fails.  Maybe you've got
    some other configuration we didn't anticipate.

  • Error: Unable to resolve resource bundle "fiber" for locale "en_US".

    Hi all,
    Im trying to create a resources.swf file for the purpose of dynamic localization of our application. However, I keep getting this error thrown when I try to run the ant script.
    Im running Flash Builder 4, the sdk is Flex 4.5.1 with AIR 3.0 and a Windows 7-64 bit machine (just mentioning as a few posts associated it with the OS).
    After searching some of the forum posts, (
    1> I checked the eclipse.ini file and found the following lines already in there.
    2> My compiler options already has -locale en_US specified.
    3> I tried including the swc files as suggested in the referenced thread, both as a referenced library and by manually copying the swcs to the project, but neither of them helped.
         "import 2 swc folders (Under Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path):
         /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/plugins/com.adobe.flexbuilder.dcrad_4.0.0.272416/dcradSwcs/4.0/libs
         /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/plugins/com.adobe.flexbuilder.dcrad_4.0.0.272416/dcradSwcs/4.0/loca le"
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    My build.xml file looks as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <project name="appName" basedir="." default="main">
              <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" classpath="${basedir}/lib/flexTasks.jar"/>
              <!-- CHANGE TO YOUR FLEX DIRECTORY //-->
              <property name="FLEX_HOME" value="C:/Users/abc/Documents/flex_sdk_4.5.1.21328_AIR3.0"/>
              <property name="APP_ROOT" value="appName"/>
              <target name="main">
                        <antcall target="en_US"></antcall>
    <!--                    <antcall target="de_DE"></antcall>-->
              <target name="en_US">
    Thanks & Regards,

    I did import the swcs first as a referenced library, by
    Project-> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> add swc folder.
    Secondly, I manually copied the swcs from the folders at
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexbuilder.dcrad_4.0.0.272416\dcradSwcs\4.0\libs
    files present: fds.swc, fiber.swc and serializers.swc
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4 Plug-in\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexbuilder.dcrad_4.0.0.272416\dcradSwcs\4.0\locale
    files present: fds_rb.swc, fiber_rb.swc and serializers_rb.swc
    into the libs folder of my project .

  • Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'logging' for locale 'fr_FR'

    I'm developping a mobile application based on Flex  4.6 + Adobe AIR 3.5
    There is no error when compiling, but when the application starts it crashes whith this error message:
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'logging' for locale 'fr_FR'.
      at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\p rojects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
      at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundles()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\ projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
      at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/processInfo()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\ src\mx\resources\]
      at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\resou rces\]
      at mx.resources::ResourceManager$/getInstance()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src \mx\resources\]
      at mx.styles::StyleManagerImpl()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\styles\Styl]
      at _ASMagnetoFute_iOS_FlexInit$/init()
      at mx.managers::SystemManager/[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
      at mx.managers::SystemManager/[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\]
      at mx.preloaders::Preloader/timerHandler()[E:\dev\4.y\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\p reloaders\]
      at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
      at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
    The application is in french, both for iOS and Android.
    It is split in several libs, an application for iOS and another one for android.
    I use the same SDK for another mobile application without any problem -but it does not use the mx.logging package.
    I tried many things, like the solution described in, but it did not solve the problem. After listing the bundles used I added
    -include-resource-bundles=MagnetoFute,collections,components,core,effects,fiber,layout,log ging,messaging,rpc,serializer,skins,sparkEffects,styles,textLayout,utils,validators
    to my compiler arguments.
    Help would be greatly appreciated.

    I don't know if Adobe has an fr_FR locale for the logging bundle.  You can try creating your own to see if that is the only one missing or if there is a whole resource swc missing.

  • How to use resource bundle entries for column names/title in .rpt file

    <p>Our application needs to be able to support reporting in multiple languages. Hence we do not want to put language specifiec column names in the rpt file but rather use text for a particular locale during runtime which in java world is easily achievable using Resource Bundle entries.</p><p>Does JRC allow for using resource bundle entries as column names or for that matter for titles etc. in the .rpt file?</p>

       You can follow this step-by-step tutorial to find out how to achieve this using our User Function Libraries (UFLs). The walkthrough can be found here:
    <a href=""></a>
    Regards,<br />Sean Johnson (CR4E Product Manager) <br /><br /> <a href="">Rate this plugin @ Eclipse Plugin Central</a>

  • Resource Bundle Changes for[variable] in Discoverer Viewer

    I have made some successful changes to the UIX pages in Discoverer Viewer, but I would really like to change the text being displayed in many pages.
    I could do this by changing the following:
    <styledText styleClass="OraInstructionText" text="${['text.userName']}" labeledNodeId="${}"/>
    <styledText styleClass="OraInstructionText" text="My New Text" labeledNodeId="${}"/>
    However I would rather change the message bundle directly.
    Has anyone done this? If you have I would be most grateful if you could let me know how!!
    Many thanks

    shd wrote:
    entry in /etc/hosts of 21.244 server isgmmlds244.insolutionsglobal.local localhost isgmmlds243.insolutionsglobal.local isgmmlds243
    Remove the localhost alias from this above enty.
    localhost should be - and probably also is - pointing to

  • Pure AS3 Project unable to resolve resource bundle

    I've been working on a pure AS3 project in Flash Builder and all has been going just fine. All of a sudden, I started getting errors such as:
    Unable to resolve resource bundle "core" for locale "en_US". Player Unknown Flex Problem
    What in the heck did I likely do?  Any hints welcome.

    I jut saw the posting today.
    Place your local folder in application root
    In project properties : Flex Compiler Argument : additional compiler argument : -source-path ../locale/{locale}
    add this.

  • Error resolving resource bundle "strings"

    I'm trying to use Flex 3 to compile the Flex 2 PhotoViewer
    sample project, and encountered this error: 'Unable to resolve
    resource bundle "strings" for locale "en_US".'
    I found the Flex 2 TechNote which suggested to add
    "-use-network=false -library-path+=locale/{locale}
    -source-path+=locale/{locale} -locale=en_US" as compiler options.
    So I tried adding the above options into the build.bat files
    I can find at:
    a) C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder
    b) C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder
    but still the error persists.
    Can anyone please advise where I should change the compiler
    options? Thanks!

    << Do not post the same question across a number of forums >>

  • Unable to resolve resource bundle "fiber"

    Hi all!
    I'm trying to use AMF with PHP in Flash Builder 4 (plug-in version) and I'm having the following error:
    Unable to resolve resource bundle "fiber" for locale "pt_PT". dss Unknown Flex Problem
    I've found a workaround here in which they recommend to add these lines too the beginning of the eclipse.ini file:
    Nonetheless, even adding those lines to the file, I keep having the same error.
    Anyone knows what might be going wrong?
    Best regards,

    If you're trying to...
    use Adobe's lifecycle/fiber/generated classes/RemoteObjectServiceWrapper
    import com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AvailablePropertyIterator
    etc. etc., here's what I did:
    Don't add those two lines to your ini file. (At least, I'm using Flash Builder 4 and this wasn't necessary for me)
    import 2 swc folders (Under Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path):
    /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/plugins/com.adobe.flexbuilder.dcrad_4.0.0.272416/dcradSwcs/4.0/libs
    /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/plugins/com.adobe.flexbuilder.dcrad_4.0.0.272416/dcradSwcs/4.0/locale
    (the latter has the swc with the locale and the locations of these files will vary, esp. if you're not on a mac)

  • Flex SDK 4.5 error in compiled resource bundle

    I have just started using Flex SDK 4.5 (I was using 4.1 before).
    I am compiling my resource bundles into SWF files and using them. I am including the required framework bundles also when compiling my resources into SWF.I have copied the generated SWF file to the deployment folder. When I start the application, I am getting the following error even though this bundle is included in my generated SWF file.
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'core' for locale 'en'.
        at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()[E:\ dev\hero_private_beta\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\R]
        at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundles()[E: \dev\hero_private_beta\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/installCompiledResourceBundles()[E:\dev\he ro_private_beta\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\FlexModuleFa]
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameHandler()[E:\dev\hero_private_beta \frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameListener()[E:\dev\hero_private_bet a\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
    following is the command that I use to compile resource bundles into SWF file:
    C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Adobe\"Adobe Flash Builder Burrito"\sdks\4.5.0\bin\mxmlc -locale=en -source-path=locale/{locale} -include-resource-bundles=core,effects,skins,styles,components,layout ,MyAppResources -output MyAppResources_en.swf

    Any ideas on this will be much appreciated. I have to step back from 4.5 to 4.1 if I do not get past this error. Thanks.

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