Response of a Web Service developped in C#

Hi all,
I am trying to call a Web Service from XI. For this I imported the WSDL file of this Web Service as an external definition. The problem I have is that the person who develops this web service returns a structure of type "Dataset" in C#. In the WSDL file, the response part looks like this :
<s:element name="GetDB2DataResponse">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetDB2DataResult">
  <s:element ref="s:schema" />
  <s:any />
So when I try to map the return of the Web Service, I only have one field in the Message : NewDataSet of type "xsd:schema", and I can't do any mapping with this.
I don't know C# so I don't know how the WS developper could change the return type.
Does any of you know what kind of structure the Web Service should return if I want to have the complete return structure at design time ?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,

Hi Julien,
No way to work with that generic "schema".
I think in the WSDL you should have the schema as well. Just like the way XI exports message interfaces into WSDL: you can try yourself, and you'll notice that, if you have a synch interface for instance, both input and output messages definitions are inside the wsdl as xsd's.
More, from what I can understand, "GetDB2DataResult" sounds like you'll be returned a set of tb rows, so in my opinion you should get back to the C# guy and tell him to complete the wsdl with missing infos.
If he can't provide this info, so just go calling the ws, see what's inside the returned message and create the matching data type yourself.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,

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    i'm using axis as a web service engine on my client side and getting a signed response from a web service.
    But while recieving the response im gettng the following error.
    Verification failed for URI "#id-13753285" The signature verification failed
         at org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy.visit(
         at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(
         at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(
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         at com.sterlingcommerce.www.mesa.GISBindingStub.executeLightweightJDBCAdapterQuery(
         at client.MyClient.makeRequest(
         at client.MyClient.main(
    failed becoz of remote exception: The signature verification failed
    Exception in thread "main" The signature verification failed
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    below are my hadler configurations and properties file
    <handler type="" >          
                        <parameter name="action" value="Signature"/>
                        <parameter name="user" value="signverf"/>
                        <parameter name="passwordCallbackClass" value="client.PWCallback"/>
                        <parameter name="passwordType" value="PasswordDigest"/>
                        <parameter name="signaturePropFile" value = ""/>
                        <parameter name="signatureKeyIdentifier" value="DirectReference"/>
                   </handler>properties file
    commands i used to generate keystore:
    keytool -import -alias signverf -file privCert4Sign.cer -keystore signverf_pubkeystore -storepass password
    keytool -list -alias signverf -keystore signverf_pubkeystore
    i tried goggling for this error,in one thread i got this is because of some issue in axis 1.4 which i'm using and if i try using axis 1.2, this will not come,
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    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse=""><ds:Signature Id="Signature-18290758" xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:SignedInfo xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
    <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
    <ds:Reference URI="#id-13753285" xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:Transforms xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:Transform Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
    <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
    <ds:DigestValue xmlns:ds="">jAaM4xp/2ZOch7iqyyLynojMpV0=</ds:DigestValue>
    <ds:SignatureValue xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:KeyInfo Id="KeyId-20631690" xmlns:ds="">
    <wsse:SecurityTokenReference wsu:Id="STRId-5317380" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu=""><wsse:KeyIdentifier EncodingType="" ValueType="">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</wsse:KeyIdentifier></wsse:SecurityTokenReference>
    <soapenv:Body wsu:Id="id-13753285" xmlns:wsu="">
    <mesa:processData xmlns:mesa="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <transport-session-id>Fri Aug 31 14:04:57 IST 2007:110</transport-session-id>
    <sql>SELECT * FROM MBX_MAILBOX</sql>
    <PrimaryDocument SCIObjectID="blrgislin13:"/>
    sorry for this long mail, but we are really stuck and need to move forward,
    looking for your help.

    The Service Control Manager will generate an event if a service does not respond within the defined timeout period (the default timeout period is 30000 milliseconds). You could modify the registry to increase the default time-out value for the service control
    For more detailed information, please see:
    Event ID 7011: Service Timeout
    The Event 12362 indicates that a destination LUN could not be located or could not be restarted. You could refer to the article below to troubleshoot the issue:
    Event ID 12362 — VSS Shadow Copy Provider Operations
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • How to disable href/id in the generated response of a web-service

    Hello All,
    Do I have any possibility to disbale href/id on the generated response of a web-service that use RPC-encoded format? My generated soap body looks like this:
    <env:Body env:encodingStyle="">
    <m:Response xmlns:m="">
    <result xmlns:n1="java:com.myTest" xsi:type="n1:Response">
    <ResultObject xsi:type="n1:ResultObject">
    <firstString href="#ID_6" />
    <integerObject href="#ID_13" />
    <secondString href="#ID_6" />
    <ResultObject xsi:type="n1:ResultObject">
    <firstString href="#ID_6" />
    <integerObject href="#ID_13" />
    <secondString href="#ID_6" />
    <ResultObject xsi:type="n1:ResultObject">
    <firstString href="#ID_6" />
    <integerObject href="#ID_13" />
    <secondString href="#ID_6" />
    <xsd:int xsi:type="xsd:int" id="ID_13">10</xsd:int>
    <xsd:string xsi:type="xsd:string" id="ID_6">EUR</xsd:string>
    Do I have any possibility to instruct the serialization process so that the result to conform with an XML schema and to keep the RPC-Encoded format? In other words to get rid of href/id:s? Href/id:s are used only for objects having the same reference.
    This issue is now even more problematic since JDK 5 when for integers boxing is not necessarily and thus, the compiler translates an Integer assignment using the method:
    public static Integer valueOf(int i)
    which returns cached Integer objects for any integer between -128 and 127.
    Please give some hints (others than using boxing for integers or changing the soap format to document-literal).

    Hello All,
    Do I have any possibility to disbale href/id on the generated response of a web-service that use RPC-encoded format? My generated soap body looks like this:
    <env:Body env:encodingStyle="">
    <m:Response xmlns:m="">
    <result xmlns:n1="java:com.myTest" xsi:type="n1:Response">
    <ResultObject xsi:type="n1:ResultObject">
    <firstString href="#ID_6" />
    <integerObject href="#ID_13" />
    <secondString href="#ID_6" />
    <ResultObject xsi:type="n1:ResultObject">
    <firstString href="#ID_6" />
    <integerObject href="#ID_13" />
    <secondString href="#ID_6" />
    <ResultObject xsi:type="n1:ResultObject">
    <firstString href="#ID_6" />
    <integerObject href="#ID_13" />
    <secondString href="#ID_6" />
    <xsd:int xsi:type="xsd:int" id="ID_13">10</xsd:int>
    <xsd:string xsi:type="xsd:string" id="ID_6">EUR</xsd:string>
    Do I have any possibility to instruct the serialization process so that the result to conform with an XML schema and to keep the RPC-Encoded format? In other words to get rid of href/id:s? Href/id:s are used only for objects having the same reference.
    This issue is now even more problematic since JDK 5 when for integers boxing is not necessarily and thus, the compiler translates an Integer assignment using the method:
    public static Integer valueOf(int i)
    which returns cached Integer objects for any integer between -128 and 127.
    Please give some hints (others than using boxing for integers or changing the soap format to document-literal).

  • Web services Development

    A general question for the group (sorry if this is off-topic, if there's a better
    forum for this type of Q let me know).
    I'm a web services and web app developer who is new to BEA. In the past I've used
    toolkits like Axis for web services and I've always preferred this approach. It
    seems to me that using BEA I can develop Web Services in one of two ways. The
    'low-level' way where I could use the command line tools (or ant) to create, deploy
    and manage the code, or I could use WLW and the nice attribute driven approach.
    It strikes me (on first blush) that these techniques are not compatible, so if
    I choose one I have to stick with that, and I shouldn't (can't) mix and match
    the two.
    As a relative newcomer to this community which one should I choose?
    Which are people out there using?
    Can the approaches me mixed?
    What implications does using one or the other have in terms of deployment and
    the type of WLS I have installed?
    Again sorry if this is off topic, or an RTFM. If either of these is the case pointers
    to the FM would be appreciated.
    Kevin Jones

    I think if you are looking for training in "BEA web services" then do
    it the WLW way.
    However, if you think your web service may be deployed to a non-BEA
    app server, then pick up the standards.
    This is true for regular web apps using struts vs. WLW's 'netui'
    and JSR 162 vs. WLW Portals as well.
    Kevin Jones wrote:
    Thanks Michael,
    anybody else have any comments?
    For example if you were looking for training in BEA web services would you expect
    it to be WLW or 'command line' based?
    "Michael Wooten" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Kevin,
    The two web services development approaches are for two different audiences,
    it's up to you to select which is more to your liking :-)
    Developers who are familiar with the Apache Axis Web Services Platform,
    will find
    lots of similarities in the Ant-scrpt based approach that the WLS 8.1
    Web Services
    Platform uses. This would also be the environment for those that really
    like to
    see that their code uses classes from a standard, like JAX-RPC or SAAJ.
    Workshop is really targeted at developers who are less interested in
    the mechanics
    of Web service construction, and more interested in what they want the
    web service
    to do. It offers developers with this mindset, almost complete isolation
    the technologies associated with web service development (i.e. SOAP,
    WSDL, XML,
    etc.), while still producing a deployable web service that can interoperate
    web services created by other Web Service stacks.
    Again, both of these approaches have healthy developer audiences, so
    I see no
    real reason to promote one over the other. Personally, I think it makes
    to become adept at both.
    All in all, I'd have to say that Workshop makes better use of the developer's
    time :-)
    Mike Wooten
    "Kevin Jones" <[email protected]> wrote:
    A general question for the group (sorry if this is off-topic, if there's
    a better
    forum for this type of Q let me know).
    I'm a web services and web app developer who is new to BEA. In the past
    I've used
    toolkits like Axis for web services and I've always preferred this approach.
    seems to me that using BEA I can develop Web Services in one of twoways.
    'low-level' way where I could use the command line tools (or ant) to
    create, deploy
    and manage the code, or I could use WLW and the nice attribute driven
    It strikes me (on first blush) that these techniques are not compatible,
    so if
    I choose one I have to stick with that, and I shouldn't (can't) mixand
    the two.
    As a relative newcomer to this community which one should I choose?
    Which are people out there using?
    Can the approaches me mixed?
    What implications does using one or the other have in terms of deployment
    the type of WLS I have installed?
    Again sorry if this is off topic, or an RTFM. If either of these isthe
    case pointers
    to the FM would be appreciated.
    Kevin Jones

  • Java Web Services Developer Pack, where is jwsdp.home defined?

    I am trying out the Web Services Developer Pack, and so far so good, a really nice package of tools, tutorials and examples.
    But there is one thing I do not understand regarding the Ant scripts for building the various examples.
    In most of the scripts, the ${jwsdp.home} is used, but where is it defined? I have looked everywhere, and the only place where I have seen it defined, is in the server.xml file that is used by Tomcat. And it seems somewhat strange that Ant should be dependant on Tomcat on this particular issue, so surely that cannot be it.
    It may seem like a unimportant question, but it is not, as I am purely beginning to use Ant, and need this information for when I'll begin writing my own scripts. Sure, I could just hardcode my app home path into the scripts, but that would be a ugly hack.
    Thanks in advance

    In the path c:\jwsdp-1.1\conf of my installation, the file server.xml includes this code:
        <!-- Absolute Pathname of the JWSDP Installation -->
           description="Absolute Pathname of the JWSDP Installation"
                 value="C:\jwsdp-1.1"/>.. is that what are you looking for, is'n it?

  • Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.5 and SOAP?

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to figure out what, if any, support does Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.5 have for parsing and dealing with SOAP messages. I couldn't find any documentation or info in the tutorial about it, but founds some packages through JavaDoc that seem to deal with SOAP. Does anyone know what the deal is? Do you use this toolkit for SOAP, maybe even WS-security?
    Thanks for any pointers!

    You can use JWSDP 1.3 but the minimum requirement form that toolkit is JDK 1.4. So you need to download the JDK 1.4 from http:/ and install it first and after that you can install that JWSDP 1.3. Good Luck.

  • Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.3

    Does anyone know how I can remove Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.3 manually from my system? I have tried using add/remove and the system does not allow to remove the application.

    The link: Developer Survey
    on that page, doesn't work. :)

  • Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.3 and JDK 1.3.1

    Does anyone know if I can use Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.3 with JDK 1.3.1? The installation instructions only mention JDK 1.4.

    You can use JWSDP 1.3 but the minimum requirement form that toolkit is JDK 1.4. So you need to download the JDK 1.4 from http:/ and install it first and after that you can install that JWSDP 1.3. Good Luck.

  • Java Web Services Developer Pack v1.2

    I recently installed J2SE v1.4.2 Beta on my computer and it works fine with the platform, which is Windows XP Home Edition.
    Now, I like to learn Java Servlet Technology and had searched through the downloads pages. I found Java Web Services Developer Pack v1.2. But I have doubt about this: Is there any problem to run Java Web Services Developer Pack on Windows XP HOME Edition? I learnt that Sun engineers had it tested on Windows XP Professional Edition.
    I will appreciate any comments and opinions. Thanks in advance!

    doesn't mean it won't work on home edition. just means that they probably think anyone who might want to use J2WSDP will prob have Pro...

  • Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.3 now available

    The Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.3 is now available for
    download from This release of JWSDP includes the fcs release of JAXRPC 1.1 and SAAJ 1.2 based on the WS-I basic profile 1.0 in addition to bug fixes /maintenance relases of the other components that have been in there in the previous releases. Feel free to download and send us comments at [email protected]
    - Rajiv

    I was pumped when I saw this post, then deflated when I read what was new...
    No new JSF. I'm sooo ready for an update :-)

  • Web Service Developer Pack for production use?

    Can anyone tell me what the licensing is for use of the web services developer pack reference implementations? Can they be used in a production environment, or are they for development purposes only?
    Any information is appreciated.

    The JWSDP can be used for production use. It is not just
    a reference implementation. The exception is the bundled
    UDDI registry which is just for testing development.

  • Experienced Web Services development Employee Opportunity in North Jersey

    A dynamic young firm that has developed a state-of-art solution in enterprise communication applications is expanding its organization. With a growing business they are now seeking an experienced Web services developer with the following skills.
    &bull; Work experience designing & developing Web-Services; Java/C++ programming a must
    &bull; Experience with Apache, Javascript/AJAX/HTML/Applets, XML/XSD, WSDL, PHP, Linux, MySQL required
    &bull; Computer Science degree and 5+ years work experience
    &bull; Work background with communication applications is a plus
    If you wish to be a part of this exciting team involved in cutting edge technology, please get in touch. Our long relationship with this client allows us to bring your expertise to the direct attention of their CTO.
    Please send a Word resume when you contact me! No work authorization (visa) support can be provided.
    Durga Kotikalapudi
    Recruiter, CMI
    [email protected]

    Hi Raj, Wrong Initiative.
    *=================> Please don't spoil the forum. <=================*
    I am sorry if you find this a bit rude or like that, but this a technical discussion forum not a job portal where you should find candidates for your organization.
    rajhyd wrote:
    Anyone interested can respond to this message and please send me your mobile number or e mail address and I will get in touch with you.I think instead of this you should make your email address visible in your current profile, so that people can reply you on that instead of expressing their interest here.
    *All the best for your new venture,
    typurohit* (Tejas Purohit)

  • Article written on EJB 3.0 , web services develop n deploy on JBOSS AS

    Dear Friends
    I would like to announce the article written on EJB 3.0 , web services development and deployment on JBOSS AS at the following location , I think this would help developers to increase interest on JBoss as well as EJBs
    [email protected]

    Dear Friends
    I would like to announce the article written on EJB 3.0 , web services development and deployment on JBOSS AS at the following location , I think this would help developers to increase interest on JBoss as well as EJBs
    [email protected]

  • Difference between Web Service Developer and Web Compononent Developer?

    What's the difference between Web services Developer and Web Component Developer? What's their job description. I'm aiming to be a web application developer. Which track should I follow?

    Here is another article on J2SE vs JEE:
    I believe the people who said JSE is only for desktop development are not correct, as well as their saying their are 2 kinds of developer (web service and component).
    As I understand it, web service developers provide a way to expose the data and functionality of a program written in a particular language (such as Java or C#) as XML documents to anyone subscribing to the service over the internet. The remote applications subscribing to the service therefore can be written in any other language. For example, imagine a Cobol program trying to get data from a program written in Java. Since both cobol and Java should have ways to parse XML documents, they don't have to know each other's syntax. There are many programs written in many many languages in the web and XML is a standard way for them to communicate. Web Services are an advanced topic and you shouldn't worry about it until you master web applications and/or desktop applications.
    As I understand it, a web component developer creates java widgets that produce some visual image with basic functionality associated with it. For example, an html button. These widgets are used by other developers for the presentation layer when creating a web application or desktop application. I'm not sure about this definition since I never messed with web component development. I suggest you keep way from this specialized area on concentrate on web applications and/or desktop applications.
    You can consider application development as devided into two general categories. Web development and Desktop development (there are others). Web development is further broken down into browser based applications and mobile device applications. I suspect their are more jobs in web development than desktop development. I therefore suggest you concentrate on browder based web development (just my opinion). However, each has their advantages and disadvantages over each other, depending on the task at hand(

  • Getting response from a Web Service

    Hello, everyone,
    I want MII to show the response from a Web Service it is calling through the Web Service action.
    But when this Web Service return an error (as a Soap Fault response), MII simply does not show the response. It show it truncated, such as
    "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ReceiveMessageFromMESResponse xmlns=""/>"
    It prevents me from showing the error message to the user.
    What can I do to have MII show me the complete response received from the called Web Servce?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi, SB!
    Yes, this would solve the problem, but it would require changes on already-implemented, working external Web Services, which should be avoided by all means.
    SOAP Fault responses are part of the SOAP protocol. I expected MII to understand it.
    Thanks a lot for your answer!

Maybe you are looking for