Erro while recieving a signed response from a web service

i'm not sure whether this is the right forum to post this topic, but anyways i'm going fwd as i was not able to find a rite one, if any body knows, plz redirect me to that, anyways below is my issue.
i'm using axis as a web service engine on my client side and getting a signed response from a web service.
But while recieving the response im gettng the following error.
Verification failed for URI "#id-13753285" The signature verification failed
     at org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy.visit(
     at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(
     at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(
     at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke(
     at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine(
     at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
     at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
     at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
     at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
     at com.sterlingcommerce.www.mesa.GISBindingStub.executeLightweightJDBCAdapterQuery(
     at client.MyClient.makeRequest(
     at client.MyClient.main(
failed becoz of remote exception: The signature verification failed
Exception in thread "main" The signature verification failed
     at org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy.visit(
     at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(
     at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(
     at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke(
     at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine(
     at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
     at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
     at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
     at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
     at com.sterlingcommerce.www.mesa.GISBindingStub.executeLightweightJDBCAdapterQuery(
     at client.MyClient.makeRequest(
     at client.MyClient.main(
below are my hadler configurations and properties file
<handler type="" >          
                    <parameter name="action" value="Signature"/>
                    <parameter name="user" value="signverf"/>
                    <parameter name="passwordCallbackClass" value="client.PWCallback"/>
                    <parameter name="passwordType" value="PasswordDigest"/>
                    <parameter name="signaturePropFile" value = ""/>
                    <parameter name="signatureKeyIdentifier" value="DirectReference"/>
               </handler>properties file
commands i used to generate keystore:
keytool -import -alias signverf -file privCert4Sign.cer -keystore signverf_pubkeystore -storepass password
keytool -list -alias signverf -keystore signverf_pubkeystore
i tried goggling for this error,in one thread i got this is because of some issue in axis 1.4 which i'm using and if i try using axis 1.2, this will not come,
for the time i'm not able to download axis 1.2 from any of the apache mirrors :( ,
if some one can provide me the link,it will be really helpful.
also if anyone as faced similar issue or can see whats going wrong here, please reply.
also below is my soap response capture using tcpmon
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse=""><ds:Signature Id="Signature-18290758" xmlns:ds="">
<ds:SignedInfo xmlns:ds="">
<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
<ds:Reference URI="#id-13753285" xmlns:ds="">
<ds:Transforms xmlns:ds="">
<ds:Transform Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="" xmlns:ds=""/>
<ds:DigestValue xmlns:ds="">jAaM4xp/2ZOch7iqyyLynojMpV0=</ds:DigestValue>
<ds:SignatureValue xmlns:ds="">
<ds:KeyInfo Id="KeyId-20631690" xmlns:ds="">
<wsse:SecurityTokenReference wsu:Id="STRId-5317380" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu=""><wsse:KeyIdentifier EncodingType="" ValueType="">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</wsse:KeyIdentifier></wsse:SecurityTokenReference>
<soapenv:Body wsu:Id="id-13753285" xmlns:wsu="">
<mesa:processData xmlns:mesa="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<transport-session-id>Fri Aug 31 14:04:57 IST 2007:110</transport-session-id>
<PrimaryDocument SCIObjectID="blrgislin13:"/>
sorry for this long mail, but we are really stuck and need to move forward,
looking for your help.

The Service Control Manager will generate an event if a service does not respond within the defined timeout period (the default timeout period is 30000 milliseconds). You could modify the registry to increase the default time-out value for the service control
For more detailed information, please see:
Event ID 7011: Service Timeout
The Event 12362 indicates that a destination LUN could not be located or could not be restarted. You could refer to the article below to troubleshoot the issue:
Event ID 12362 — VSS Shadow Copy Provider Operations
Best Regards,
are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    Firstly, dfsc.sys indicates the DFS clients. It means that your systems use DFS service to access the file share.
    Please let us know if you configured the DFS service on your file server.
    Also, what is the format of file path you configured for UPD?
    \\\DFS NameSpace\File Share
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

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    for what it's worth, the same problem was reported by one of our developers, although the string size was considerably smaller (probably less then 1 MB). According to him, soap clients generated from apache tools could connect fine and process the XML records. JDev hung. We simply changed our use case to return smaller results sets, but perhaps you could also generate your clients with WSDL2Java rather then JDev (if it is a truly a bug in JDev SOAP)? Can you add record parameters to the payload, in order to limit the results and scroll between remaining rows?

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    Try the following:
    a) go to the midtier:port/um/admin/UMAdminLogin.uix and log in as UMADMIN with the password you specified during the installation
    b) create a mail user (one that already has an account in the OIDDAS)
    c) give that mail user the domain admin right
    d) logout
    e) login to the collab suite main page (midtier:port/pls/portal) with this user
    f) you should see the collaboration suite portlets
    g) go to messages
    h) click on the administration tab
    i) go to calendar admin
    j) create a calendar account for this user
    Hope this helps

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    What am I missing? Is there a timeout somewhere? Does it look like I missed something when I configured anything?
    Below are the configurables and answers to some of the obvious questions.
    Windows 2003 sp1
    App Server
    ssl -> no
    sso -> yes
    provider registration:
    http :// (actual does not have a space after "http")
    "cookie domain" not checked
    "user has the same identity ..."
    user/session --> "once per user session"
    from web cache log: - - [18/Jul/2007:18:17:33 -0700] "GET /discoverer/portletprovider/viewer?event=openWorksheetForPortal&vw_allowsaving=false&vw_sam
    ME_241292&vw_partitionid=241292&&vw_return_url=eNrLKC ... 4hUQ%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 302 1909 "6959909483946,0" - - [18/Jul/2007:18:17:37 -0700] "GET /osso_login_success?urlc=v1.4~534 ... 774851DD HTTP/1.1" 503 40
    2 "6959909483946,0"
    from middle tier http server log: - - [18/Jul/2007:18:17:33 -0700] "GET /discoverer/portletprovider/viewer?event=openWorksheetForPortal&vw_allowsaving=false&vw_sam
    ME_241292&vw_partitionid=241292&&vw_return_url=eNrLKCk ... a4hUQ%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 302 1921
    from infrastructure http server log: - - [18/Jul/2007:18:17:33 -0700] "GET /pls/orasso/orasso.wwsso_app_admin.ls_login?Site2pstoreToken=v1.4~BFE8 ... HTTP/1.1" 302 4998
    url being passed from provider:
    http :// ... 1z9AEA6Dsegw%3D%3D
    url that returns:
    http :// ... 3E94
    the rest should be obvious:
    Processes in Instance:
    ias-component | process-type | pid | status
    LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down
    dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 5352 | Alive
    OC4J | home | 2764 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_Portal | 2452 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_BI_Forms | 3644 | Alive
    WebCache | WebCache | 5372 | Alive
    WebCache | WebCacheAdmin | 2608 | Alive
    HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 5204 | Alive
    Discoverer | ServicesStatus | 5860 | Alive
    Discoverer | PreferenceServer | 5580 | Alive
    wireless | performance_server | 5216 | Alive
    wireless | messaging_server | 4872 | Alive
    wireless | OC4J_Wireless | 6116 | Alive
    DSA | DSA | N/A | Down
    Processes in Instance:
    ias-component | process-type | pid | status
    LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down
    dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 2768 | Alive
    OC4J | oca | 2312 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_SECURITY | 5348 | Alive
    HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 3036 | Alive
    DSA | DSA | N/A | Down
    OID | OID | 2492 | Alive
    Congratulations! You have successfully reached your Provider's Test Page.
    Recognizing Portlets...
    Recognizing initialization parameters...
    oracle.portal.log.LogLevel : 7
    Recognizing component versions...
    ptlshare.jar version:
    pdkjava.jar version:

    i also got the same error on my IE when i want to run VPE Workbench 5.6
    the error :
    No Response from Application Web Server
    There was no response from the application web server for the page you requested.
    Please notify the site's webmaster and try your request again later.
    The error came up after i update the windows server (restart server), before that everything is running fine and ok.
    I dont know where the problem is. Is it because the update? or Application Server?
    I try to login to WEB CACHE MANAGER with the user/password default, but i still cant login.

  • No Response from Application Web Server - j2ee when running a long report

    Using Oracle Application server, 10.1.2 and a j2ee application which uses Oracle Reports to create pdf report output.
    When a report takes 5 mins or more to be produced, the following error message occurs, ending the session. The report request however does continue to run, and the pdf is eventually
    produced on the server, but the user cannot retrieve it. So I know the report server is still going after getting this error:
    No Response from Application Web Server
    There was no response from the application web server for the page you requested.
    Please notify the site's webmaster and try your request again later.
    I'm assuming this is a timeout setting in a configuration file, but where?

    Hi Tim,
    Take Backup of httpd.conf from Oracle_home2(midtier)
    Now Edit httpd.conf, set timeout 1200 ie 20 mins (this depends on you how much time u need to set Note: Values are in seconds)
    Now restart entire Mid tier
    Then run the report again.

  • Root element is missing - Response from a WCF service - WCF-Custom adapter

    hi BizTalk experts,
    In the production environment, as soon as the response is getting subscribed by the orchestration, the orchestration instance is getting suspended and the error that shows up in console is 
    "Root element is missing".
    I have checked the actual response message in the console it is a well formed xml. This is happening only for a few responses from the WCF services. A majority of them are getting processed successfully. I have tried getting the parsing the response in a
    pipeline (using custom pipeline component, the production one uses xml receive) and pass it to the orchestration, but it fails giving the same error.
    Thanks in advance.

    Do you have any mapping done on the response message from the WCF service . ?
    If so Better to copy the suspended message coming from the WCF service and validate against the custom response Schema you have created.
    Note : You can try running fiddler tool to check the response from from the web service incase of failure.
    Also try logging the message in the event viewer or any debug tool.

  • No Response from Application Web Server

    I have problem to open my web conference page from Oracle Colaboration Page in Quicklinks. I will get "No Response from Application Web Server" whenever i click on Web Conferens link.

    i also got the same error on my IE when i want to run VPE Workbench 5.6
    the error :
    No Response from Application Web Server
    There was no response from the application web server for the page you requested.
    Please notify the site's webmaster and try your request again later.
    The error came up after i update the windows server (restart server), before that everything is running fine and ok.
    I dont know where the problem is. Is it because the update? or Application Server?
    I try to login to WEB CACHE MANAGER with the user/password default, but i still cant login.

  • Error "No Response from Application Web Server"

    Hi folks,
    When i'm trying to access the database through grid contorl... i'm getting the following error... Any ideas to resolve it?
    No Response from Application Web Server
    There was no response from the application web server for the page you requested.
    Please notify the site's webmaster and try your request again later.

    Is it possible that not all of your iAS services are started ?
    Try to run $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl status -l
    to see if for example the Http server process is down...
    If it is down, then restart it up with the command :
    opmnctl startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
    (same for any other mid-tier process).
    Hope this can help you.

  • App testing phase: Push notifications are not getting delivered to certain devices (iphone 4S/ios7.0.4 and ios7.0.3 - Push never worked for these two devices for this app). Received OK responses from Apple PUSH services, but notifications not delivered

    We are testing an app at work and Push notifications are not getting delivered to certain devices (iphone 4S/ios7.0.4 and ios7.0.3 - Push never worked for these two devices for this app). Received OK responses from Apple PUSH services, but notifications not delivered to these tow devices.
    PUSH notification were delivered to some of the other iOS devices: (iPhone5 / iOS 6.1.4 and iPhone5 / iOS 7.0.3)

    Sounds like you have a battry issue but don't want to believe it.
    If a car was running fine on one tank of gas, then you filled it up with another tank of gas and it began to run funny, one might suspect that tank of gas. But let's just say coincidence blew a valve-- would you think the new tank of gas was the culprit?
    BUT WAIT!! It just might have been! The gas could have been of higher octane and put more more strain on the valves; you know, like going from 87 octane (OS6) to 93 octane (OS7) and showing you the engine was on the edge of compromise.
    Sometimes you have to go with common sense. If everything else is ruled out, it must be the battery. And if it runs fine one moment in OS6 but immediately ***** in OS7, I'd believe my battery was suspect-- though comfy-- in OS6 but the OS7 showed its true power.
    Moreover, if you had the answer-- or didn't want to believe someone's more competent advice-- why did you even call?  You've already shown that you don't know much when you asked if you could go backwards after setting up the new OS as a new phone.
    Additonally, if you're such the know-it-all, but yourself the $29 battery and put it in yourself. It's a piece of cake.
    <Edited By Host>

  • Is it possible to return an array of objects from a web service?

    I have been trying to do this for a while now, and I have come to the conclusion that it may be impossible. To demonstate what I want to do I enclose a simple java file [1]. I have deployed this with Axis 2 and I enclose the responce [2], it is obciously not wat I want.
    Is it porrible to do this? If so, how?
    Thanks for any help,
    package org.impress;
    public class SampleObject {
         public SampleElement[] noParameters(){
              SampleElement[] retArray = new SampleElement[2];
              retArray[0] = new SampleElement();
              retArray[0].name = "one";
              retArray[0].value = "alpha";
              retArray[1] = new SampleElement();
              retArray[1].name = "two";
              retArray[1].value = "beta";
              return retArray;
         public class SampleElement {
              public String name;
              public String value;
         <ns:return type="org.impress.SampleObject$SampleElement"/>
         <ns:return type="org.impress.SampleObject$SampleElement"/>

    Can anybody help me with the code of how to return a resultset from a web service. i have put the resultset data's in an object array and tried to return it, but in the client side no data comes ,,, i mean it is printed as null.... and plz tell me where to specify the return type of a object in the wsdl file....

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    [echo] Deleting types jar C:\eclipsews\AAATest\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib\CaregiverEBillingMasterServiceServiceTypes_xmlbeans_apache.jar
    [mkdir] Created dir: C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474
    [echo] Generating types of family xmlbeans_apache from WSDL at file:/C:/eclipsews/AAATest/src/test/CaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService.wsdl, all services. Outputting to c:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474
    [typesGen] Generating complex Java types for schema types in WSDL file:/C:/eclipsews/AAATest/src/test/CaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService.wsdl. Outputting to C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474 ...
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name: t=ArrayOfTreatmentDetailItem@http://org/abc/claims/caregiver/ebilling/services
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name:
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name:
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name: t=ArrayOfDocumentSubmissionHierarchy@http://org/abc/claims/caregiver/ebilling/services
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name: t=ArrayOfMessageCode@http://org/abc/claims/caregiver/ebilling/services
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name: t=ArrayOfFeeCodeType@http://org/abc/claims/caregiver/ebilling/services
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name: t=ArrayOfBatchMessage@http://org/abc/claims/caregiver/ebilling/services
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name:
    [typesGen] [WARNING] Generating array which is non-compliant with JaxRPC 1.1 for XML name:
    [echo] Compiling source files from c:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474 to c:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474
    [javac] Compiling 298 source files to C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 1. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\com\abc\claims\caregiver\ebilling\ (at line 51)
    [javac]      public static parse(java.lang.String xmlAsString) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 2. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\com\abc\claims\caregiver\ebilling\ (at line 54)
    [javac]      public static parse(java.lang.String xmlAsString, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 3. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\com\abc\claims\caregiver\ebilling\ (at line 58)
    [javac]      public static parse( file) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 4. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\com\abc\claims\caregiver\ebilling\ (at line 61)
    [javac]      public static parse( file, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 5. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\com\abc\claims\caregiver\ebilling\ (at line 64)
    [javac]      public static parse( u) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 6. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\com\abc\claims\caregiver\ebilling\ (at line 67)
    [javac]      public static parse( u, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    === snipped here due to huge file size ===
    [javac] 2680. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\org\xfa\schema\xfaData\x10\ (at line 99)
    [javac]      public static org.xfa.schema.xfaData.x10.SignatureDocument parse( xis, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 2681. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\org\xfa\schema\xfaData\x10\ (at line 103)
    [javac]      public static newValidatingXMLInputStream( xis) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 2682. ERROR in C:\development\wlwBuild\XCaregiverEBillingMasterServiceService1297810259474\org\xfa\schema\xfaData\x10\ (at line 107)
    [javac]      public static newValidatingXMLInputStream( xis, org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions options) throws org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException, {
    [javac]      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] No exception of type XmlException can be thrown; an exception type must be a subclass of Throwable
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 2682 problems (2682 errors)
    C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml:73: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml:107: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml:181: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
    Total time: 17 seconds
         at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$
    Caused by: org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml:73: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml:107: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    C:\eclipsews\.metadata\com.bea.workshop.webservices.servicecontrol.ui\build-dir\build.xml:181: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
         at org.eclipse.ant.core.AntRunner.handleInvocationTargetException(
         ... 1 more
    I was previously able to generate a types jar just fine from the web service's WSDL. Recently, I made some changes to the web service. Apparently, these changes to the web service now cause the WSDL to be unparseable when trying to generate types jars.
    Any ideas?

    The WSDL is generated from my web service. I made heavy revisions to my web service which, in turn, affected the resultant WSDL. The changes I made to my web service were almost exclusively related to object substitution. For example, prior to the change I was referencing object A from my web service; after the change, I was referencing object B. The objects that I'm referring to are XMLBeans, if that matters. I can't really describe it more than that without actually showing you the WSDL.
    I would post the WSDL file here to allow you to try to create a types jar out of it, but the WSDL exceeds the 30000 character limit for this field. There is no way for me to attach the WSDL to this post.

  • Problems invoking a method from a web service

    Am using netbeans 6.1 and my problem is when i invoke a method from a web service that has a custom class as a return type.
    When I debug the client that consumes my web service, It get Stack in this line:
    com.webservice.WebServiceInfoBean result = port.getWebServiceInfo(nameSpace, serviceName, portName, wsdlURL);
    i don't get any error on the console.
        static public void function1() {
            try { // Call Web Service Operation
                com.webservice.WebServiceMonitorService service = new com.webservice.WebServiceMonitorService();
                com.webservice.WebServiceMonitor port = service.getWebServiceMonitorPort();
                // TODO initialize WS operation arguments here
                java.lang.String nameSpace = "NameSpaceHere";
                java.lang.String serviceName = "WebServicePrueba";
                java.lang.String portName = "Soap";
                java.lang.String wsdlURL = "http://localhost/Prueba/WebServicePrueba.asmx?wsdl";
                // TODO process result here
                com.webservice.WebServiceInfoBean result = port.getWebServiceInfo(nameSpace, serviceName, portName, wsdlURL); // <--- here it stack
                Iterator i = result.getMethods().iterator();
                while (i.hasNext()) {
                    MethodBean method = (MethodBean);
                    System.out.print("Nombre: " + method.getname());
                    System.out.print(" Returns: " + method.getreturnType());
                    Iterator j = method.getparameters().iterator();
                    while (j.hasNext()) {
                        ParameterBean parameter = (ParameterBean);
                        System.out.print(" ParameterName: " + parameter.getname());
                        System.out.print(" ParameterType: " + parameter.gettype());
            } catch (Exception ex) {
        }Web Service side
         * Web service operation
        @WebMethod(operationName = "getWebServiceInfo")
        public WebServiceInfoBean getWebServiceInfo(@WebParam(name = "nameSpace")
        String nameSpace, @WebParam(name = "portName")
        String portName, @WebParam(name = "serviceName")
        String serviceName, @WebParam(name = "wsdlURL")
        String wsdlURL) throws Throwable {
            //TODO write your implementation code here:
            webservicemonitor instance = new webservicemonitor();
            return instance.getWebServiceInfo(nameSpace, serviceName, portName, wsdlURL);
        }I have tested my internal code from the web service side and everything works fine. The problem occurs when i invoke it from a client side. probably I did not made the right serialization form my class WebServiceInfoBean? or am missing something. here it is:
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package com.beans;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    * @author Tequila_Burp
    public class WebServiceInfoBean implements {
         * Holds value of property wsdlURL.
        private String wsdlURL;
         * Getter for property wsdlURL.
         * @return Value of property wsdlURL.
        public String getwsdlURL() {
            return this.wsdlURL;
         * Setter for property wsdlURL.
         * @param wsdlURL New value of property wsdlURL.
        public void setwsdlURL(String wsdlURL) {
            this.wsdlURL = wsdlURL;
         * Holds value of property namespace.
        private String namespace;
         * Getter for property namespace.
         * @return Value of property namespace.
        public String getnamespace() {
            return this.namespace;
         * Setter for property namespace.
         * @param namespace New value of property namespace.
        public void setnamespace(String namespace) {
            this.namespace = namespace;
         * Holds value of property serviceName.
        private String serviceName;
         * Getter for property serviceName.
         * @return Value of property serviceName.
        public String getserviceName() {
            return this.serviceName;
         * Setter for property serviceName.
         * @param serviceName New value of property serviceName.
        public void setserviceName(String serviceName) {
            this.serviceName = serviceName;
         * Holds value of property wsdlURL.
        private String portName;
         * Getter for property wsdlURL.
         * @return Value of property wsdlURL.
        public String getportName() {
            return this.portName;
         * Setter for property wsdlURL.
         * @param wsdlURL New value of property wsdlURL.
        public void setportName(String portName) {
            this.portName = portName;
         * Holds value of property methods.
        private ArrayList methods = new ArrayList();
         * Getter for property methods.
         * @return Value of property methods.
        public ArrayList getmethods() {
            return this.methods;
         * Setter for property methods.
         * @param methods New value of property methods.
        public void setmethods(ArrayList methods) {
            this.methods = methods;
        public MethodBean getMethod(int i) {
            return (MethodBean)methods.get(i);
    }by the way, everything has been worked on the same PC.

    Hi Paul,
    This sound familiar, but I cannot at the moment locate a reference to
    the issue. I would encourage you to seek the help of our super support
    team [1].
    [email protected]
    Paul Merrigan wrote:
    I'm trying to invoke a secure 8.1 web service from a 6.1 client application and keep getting rejected with the following message:
    Security Violation: User: '<anonymous>' has insufficient permission to access EJB:
    In the 6.1 client, I've established a WebServiceProxy and set the userName and password to the proper values, but I can't seem to get past the security.
    If there something special I need to do on either the 8.1 securing side or on the 6.1 accessing side to make this work?
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

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