Responses missing column headings

My responses, when viewed using the "view responses" tab, or when downloaded as a .csv have lost most of their field headings.
The form has 8 field headings.  The view responses / .csv has only two.
See below.
I understand there are no responses - this is not the issue. 
Even when I had some responses to download, the field heading were missing.  I deleted the responses to see if this would refresh things.

Might you have accidentally deleted those headings?  There is a "History" at the bottom right of the View Responses tab where you might see if you had previously deleted those column headers, you can expand the history by clicking on the clock icon.
You can re-enter or copy and paste the names back into those headings.  In order to match them up correctly you could fill out the form entering the field label into each field and submit that, then you could copy that data into the column headers and you'd be sure to put the right labels in each column header.

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    Any suggestions to resolve this problem?

    Hi again
    Egh? Who said anything about right clicking? I was referring
    to placing the mouse and just plain old clicking and dragging. See
    if the link below helps better explain it.
    Click here to
    Cheers... Rick

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    SELECT rake_yem, rake_serial_no
    FROM rt_rake_ore_wt_smy
    WHERE reading_datetime > SYSDATE - 2
    The JDBC Sender adapter returns the following XML structure:
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    Carl Engel.

    Hi Naveen,
    No luck I'm afraid. I changed the SQL statement to:
    SELECT rake_yem as RAKE_YEM, rake_serial_no as RAKE_SERIAL_NO FROM rt_rake_ore_wt_smy WHERE reading_datetime > SYSDATE - 2
    And the JDBC adapter returned with:
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    Good morning,
    We recently upgraded to UCCX 10.5. I have been experimenting with Unified Intelligence Center to generate reports from the call center environment. The reports seem to generate fine, except that the columns for the report data have no headers, so you don't know what the data represents. Is there a trick to getting those headers to show?

    Hi Jameson,
    I've been working with TAC on this issue and we actually just tested that. I have Firefox 31.3.0 as my primary browser and that is what I was using when the headers don't display. I did try running the reports in IE 10 and they displayed the headers correctly. However, on the report generation page the "Relative Date Range" drop-down did not work. I then put IE10 in compatibility mode and everything seemed to work correctly. I'm waiting to hear back from TAC if there are any currently known minimum/maximum browser versions for reporting.
    Thanks for your reply.

  • Column headings are missing in the output for ALV?

    Hi all,
    i have coded a small report in ALV mode. i am getting the data but the column headings are missing.
    iam not getting the column headings in the output. it is coming as blank. Could you all please help me out in this?
    below is the code of my program:
                     Includes                                            *
    *---Standard header and footer routines
    INCLUDE zsrepthd.
    *--- ALV Routines
    INCLUDE zvsdi_alv_routines_ver3.
    *--- Authorization Check
    INCLUDE z_selection_auth_check.
                     Types Declarations                                  *
    tables : ekpo.
                     Types Declarations                                  *
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_ekpo,
            EBELN(18) TYPE C,
            EBELP(20) TYPE C,
            MATNR(18) TYPE C,
            WERKS(11) TYPE C,
          END OF ty_ekpo.
    *-Output field name
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_output,
            EBELN(18) TYPE C,
            EBELP(20) TYPE C,
            MATNR(18) TYPE C,
            WERKS(11) TYPE C,
          END OF ty_output.
    *-Output field name
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_fields,
            fname(60) TYPE c,
           END OF ty_fields.
                     Internal Table Declarations                         *
    DATA:it_ekpo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_ekpo,
    *--- Alv parameters
        it_out_alvp TYPE typ_alv_form_params, "for alv parameters
    *-Field catalog  for ALV display
        it_fcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,
    *-Field names for Excel column headings
    it_ekpo_fields TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_fields WITH HEADER LINE.
    **--To store output for Principial Pegging data
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_output occurs 0,
            EBELN(18) TYPE C,
            EBELP(20) TYPE C,
            MATNR(18) TYPE C,
            WERKS(11) TYPE C,
          END OF it_output.
    **--To store output for 2nd
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_output1 occurs 0,
           END OF it_output1.
                     Data Declarations                                   *
    data: v_ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln,
          v_ebelp TYPE ekpo-ebelp,
          v_matnr TYPE ekpo-matnr,
          v_werks TYPE ekpo-werks.
                     Constants Declarations                              *
         c_0    TYPE i     VALUE  0,
         c_x    TYPE char1 VALUE  'X',
         c_i    TYPE char1 VALUE  'I',
         c_eq   TYPE char2 VALUE  'EQ',
         c_ekpo  TYPE char4 VALUE 'EKPO',
         c_hyfn  TYPE char1 VALUE '-'.
                     Work Area Declarations                              *
    DATA: x_output_ekpo type ty_output,
          x_ekpo type ty_ekpo.
                     Selection Screen                                    *
          s_ebeln FOR v_ebeln OBLIGATORY,
          s_ebelp FOR v_ebelp,
          s_matnr FOR v_matnr,
          s_werks FOR v_werks.
                     At Selection Screen                                 *
                     Start-of-Selection                                  *
    *--- Check Authorizations for Selection-screen
      PERFORM  z_selection_auth_check.
    *--- Fetch Purchasing Document Item data
      PERFORM  fetch_status_pp.
                     End-of-Selection                                    *
    **-- Download data to final internal table.
      PERFORM data_output.
      IF NOT it_output[] IS INITIAL.
    *--- Fill the structure for calling the ALV form
        PERFORM initialize_alv_params.
    **-- Display ALV Report
        PERFORM setup_and_display_alv_ver2
         it_out_alvp        "Parameter structure
         it_output[]        "Internal Data table(header table)
         it_output[].       "Dummy table for Hierarchical ALV!!(item table)
      IF it_output[] IS INITIAL.
        MESSAGE i999(zi) WITH 'No data found for selection'(i02).
    *&      Form  FETCH_STATUS_PP
    Get data from ekpo table
    *-Fetch PP Data from ekpo table
      REFRESH it_ekpo.
             FROM ekpo
             INTO TABLE it_ekpo
             WHERE ebeln IN s_ebeln
               AND ebelp IN s_ebelp.
      IF sy-subrc = c_0.
        SORT it_ekpo BY ebeln ebelp.
    ENDFORM.                    " FETCH_STATUS_PP
    *&      Form  f_top_of_page
    *This is to write the top of page
    FORM top_of_page.
      DATA:  lt_list TYPE slis_t_listheader,
             lx_list TYPE slis_listheader.
    *--- Title name
      CLEAR lx_list.
      lx_list-typ  = 'S'.
      lx_list-key  = 'Title name'(t13).
      lx_list-info = sy-title.
      APPEND lx_list TO lt_list.
      IF NOT lt_list IS INITIAL.
            it_list_commentary = lt_list.
    ENDFORM.                    "top_of_page
    *&      Form  init_page_head
    Description : This subroutine initializes the fields in table BHDGD  *
                  for printing the report heading.                       *
    FORM init_page_head.
      bhdgd-line1  = 'SLA Status Report'(h04).
      bhdgd-line2  = sy-title.
      bhdgd-lines  = sy-linsz.
      bhdgd-fcpyrt = sy-uline.
      bhdgd-inifl  = '0'.
    ENDFORM.                    "init_page_head
    *&      Form  initialize_alv_params
    Description : Form to initialize ALV Params
    FORM initialize_alv_params.
      CONSTANTS: lc_alv_grid  TYPE char1 VALUE 'G',  "Grid
                 lc_u         TYPE char1 VALUE 'U'.
      MOVE 'IT_OUTPUT' TO   it_out_alvp-tablname.   "final table
      MOVE sy-repid    TO   it_out_alvp-repid.
      MOVE lc_alv_grid TO   it_out_alvp-alvtype.
      MOVE c_x         TO   it_out_alvp-bringdefaultvar.
      MOVE lc_u        TO   it_out_alvp-variantsavetype.
    ENDFORM.                    " initialize_alv_params
          FORM it_out_init_events                                       *
    -->this is form is to modify the events
    FORM it_out_init_events
           alevnts TYPE slis_t_event.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS <alevnt> TYPE slis_alv_event.
      LOOP AT alevnts ASSIGNING <alevnt>.
        CASE <alevnt>-name.
          WHEN  slis_ev_top_of_page.
            MOVE 'TOP_OF_PAGE'  TO <alevnt>-form.
    ENDFORM.                    "it_out_init_events
    *&      Form  DATA_OUTPUT
    Download data to final internal table
      loop at it_ekpo into x_ekpo.
        x_output_ekpo-ebeln = x_ekpo-ebeln.
        x_output_ekpo-ebelp = x_ekpo-ebelp.
        x_output_ekpo-matnr = x_ekpo-matnr.
        x_output_ekpo-werks = x_ekpo-werks.
        append x_output_ekpo to it_output.
    ENDFORM.                    " DATA_OUTPUT
          FORM it_out_alv_fieldcat_before                               *
    -->  PT_FCAT                                                       *
    -->  ALVP                                                          *
    FORM it_out_alv_fieldcat_before  CHANGING
        pt_fcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv
        alvp TYPE typ_alv_form_params.
      DATA: lx_fcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
      CLEAR lx_fcat.
      lx_fcat-tabname        = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lx_fcat-fieldname      = 'EBELN'.
      lx_fcat-col_pos        = '1'.
      lx_fcat-ddictxt        = 'M'.
      lx_fcat-seltext_l      = 'Purchasing Doc No'(018).
      lx_fcat-seltext_m      = 'Purchasing Doc No'(018).
      lx_fcat-seltext_s      = 'Purchasing Doc No'(018).
      lx_fcat-reptext_ddic   = 'Purchasing Doc No'(018).
      APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fcat.
      CLEAR lx_fcat.
      lx_fcat-tabname        = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lx_fcat-fieldname      = 'EBELP'.
      lx_fcat-col_pos        = '1'.
      lx_fcat-ddictxt        = 'M'.
      lx_fcat-seltext_l      = 'Item No Purchasing Doc'(020).
      lx_fcat-seltext_m      = 'Item No Purchasing Doc'(020).
      lx_fcat-seltext_s      = 'Item No Purchasing Doc'(020).
      lx_fcat-reptext_ddic   = 'Item No Purchasing Doc'(020).
      APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fcat.
      CLEAR lx_fcat.
      lx_fcat-tabname        = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lx_fcat-fieldname      = 'MATNR'.
      lx_fcat-col_pos        = '1'.
      lx_fcat-ddictxt        = 'M'.
      lx_fcat-seltext_l      = 'Material'(010).
      lx_fcat-seltext_m      = 'Material'(010).
      lx_fcat-seltext_s      = 'Material'(010).
      lx_fcat-reptext_ddic   = 'Material'(010).
      APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fcat.
      CLEAR lx_fcat.
      lx_fcat-tabname        = 'IT_OUTPUT'.
      lx_fcat-fieldname      = 'WERKS'.
      lx_fcat-col_pos        = '1'.
      lx_fcat-ddictxt        = 'M'.
      lx_fcat-seltext_l      = 'Supply plant'(013).
      lx_fcat-seltext_m      = 'Supply plant'(013).
      lx_fcat-seltext_s      = 'Supply plant'(013).
      lx_fcat-reptext_ddic   = 'Supply plant'(013).
      APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " it_out_alv_fieldcat_before.
    Edited by: shalini reddy on Oct 7, 2008 5:08 PM

    The heading are in the table pt_fcat - you don't seem to be passing that in form....
    PERFORM setup_and_display_alv_ver2
    it_out_alvp "Parameter structure
    it_output[] "Internal Data table(header table)
    it_output[]. "Dummy table for Hierarchical ALV!!(item table)
    which I guessing in in one of the includes?
    Saying that the extract pof code does not show where you are calling form it_out_alv_fieldcat_before ...which populates the headings...

  • How do I restore column headings in Response table after accidently deleting them? Undo doesn't work.

    How do I restore column headings in Response table after accidently deleting them? Undo doesn't work (only seems to go back one level). I also have so many headings I won't be able to type them in manually!

    With the help of information from user, ptressel, in [ a post here about the existence of sessionstore.js when version 33 was released], I was able to easily recover my tabs and tab groups as follows:
    # close Firefox and, perhaps, allow a few seconds (30s?) for any final closing of files;
    # check to see if you have a sessionstore.js file in your profile folder, named like the one I documented in my original post above;
    # if it is not timestamped prior to the discovery of your problem, open the sessionstore-backups folder;
    # check if the recovery.js file is suitably timestamped and, if not, the recovery.bak.
    # At this point, you are likely to find that none of them are prior to your problem occuring. If so, open your backups of this folder and go through steps 2-4 to find a file prior to your problem occuring.
    # When you find a file, copy it to the root of your current profile folder and name it, "sessionstore.js"
    # Open Firefox. Mine opened up as desired.
    This is a Windows solution. Sorry I can't comment on other platforms, but I'd bet that as this is just a file copy and renaming, it is likely the same.
    For Windows users, you may find you need to sign out and login as an administrator in order to access the backups. You need not logoff your standard account, but do have Firefox closed as described above.
    Hope that helps.

  • The column headings in my Response and Summary views have disappeared

    The column headings in my Response and Summary vews have disappeared. I have seen others have had this problem and that the work arounds discussed do not work.
    Can Adobe please advise when this bug is going to be fixed?

    This is not likely to be a bug but users selecting all rows to clean up responses and deleting.  Doing a "Crtl+A" will select the Header row - there is a warning dialog before allowing you to delete the header row but it still happens all the time:
    See this FAQ for how to fix the Headers, if you already looked at the History you'll want to read the part about "touching" each fields label to "fix" the headers:

  • Column headings missing in the ouput

    Hi All,
    the report is displaying more than 255 line size for that i have given in the program as shown below
    Report XXXXX LINE-SIZE 323.
    Actually i had ran the report in the background there i have selected print settings as shown below
    format :Z_65_1023 Expanding the spool size for more than columns 255
    but iam not getting column headings after 255 line size.
    Please help me to resolve this issue.

    Hi shiva,
    Thanks for your reply...
    iam executed the report in background and selected as z_65_1023 format but in the ouput three columns are not getting which is after >255 characters .kindly help me how to get the column headings,data is coming >255 characters but column headings is not coming .

  • Using Excel 2008 for a Mac in my laptop and part of toolbar has disappeared (windows, help, view, etc) and Need to to freeze column headings

    Using Excel 2008 for a Mac on my laptop
    Part of toolbar has disappeared (windows, help, view, etc) --- want to restore
    Need to freeze column headings but freezing option was not working prior to disappearance of tool bar

    Hi Alveretta,
    Thanks for posting in MSDN forum.
    This forum is for developers discussing developing issues on Windows platform. I suggest to get more effective response from
    Office for mac forum.
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or
    learn from your interaction with us.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Best regards
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Including item names in report column headings

    I have a report where I want to use page items in the column headings. Trying to define these using (for example) &P1_ITEM. in the report definition / custom heading does not seem to work. I can define a simple PL/SQL function to return the heading, but I have many columns and it will mean that I'll have to define a function for each column name which does not seem v elegant. Am I missing something obvious?
    Thanks Simon

    Hi Simon
    Column Attributes
    Headings Type:  Column Names  Column Names (InitCap)  Custom  PL/SQL  None choose PL/SQL
    Function returning colon delimited headings:
    vHEADINGS := 'NAME:SURNAME:CODE:CELL_NR:&P1_CELL_1.:&P1_CELL_2.:&P1_CELL_3.:' || :XXX || ':' || :YYY || ':' || :ZZZZ || :A || ':' || :B || ':' || :C;

  • Adding column headings

    I am using RAS server to create dynamic columns in my report. But the column headings are not coming.
    Isnt there any way to set the heading for the newly added columns?   
    Any idea what i am missing?   
    Here is a code i am using
        Private Sub AddTableFromDataSet(ByVal ds As System.Data.DataSet, ByVal crTable As CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.ISCRTable)
            ' Add the dataset as a data source to the report
            m_boReportClientDocument.DatabaseController.AddTable(crTable, DBNull.Value)
            m_boReportClientDocument.DatabaseController.SetDataSource(DataSetConverter.Convert(ds), "TEST")
            Dim ifield As Integer
            ' Add a field to the report canvas
            Dim CrField As CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.ISCRField
            For Each dtfield In m_boReportClientDocument.Database.Tables(0).DataFields
                ifield = m_boReportClientDocument.Database.Tables(0).DataFields.Find(dtfield.Name.ToString, CrFieldDisplayNameTypeEnum.crFieldDisplayNameName, CeLocale.ceLocaleUserDefault)
                CrField = DirectCast(m_boReportClientDocument.Database.Tables(0).DataFields(ifield), Field)
                CrField.HeadingText = CrField.Name
                CrField.Description = "TEST"
                m_boReportClientDocument.DataDefController.ResultFieldController.Add(-1, CrField)
        End Sub
    Thanks in advance

    You either have to add the heading yourself, or you can use
    reportClientDoc.ReportDefController.ReportObjectController.AddByName("{Orders.OrderID}", "OrderID")
    This doesn't let you set anything about the objects, so it would probably be better to add them separately.

  • How can I print row and column headings?

    In AW6 I was able to select Appleworks in the print window and check if I wanted to print row and/or column headings. I have not been able to find how to do this in Numbers. Can anyone tell me how?

    Paco wrote:
    I have not been able to find how to do this in Numbers.
    Perfectly logical, the feature is unavailable.
    Use a row header and a column header to mimic the missing feature.
    In cell B1 I entered
    and applied fill to the right
    CAUTION, this formula is OK only from colum B thru column Z.
    In cell A2 I entered
    and applied Fill Down
    Then convert column A as header one
    convert row A as header one.
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE dimanche 22 février 2009 12:28:34)

  • Action Item web part has no column headings

    Any idea why my Action Item web part does not display the column headings?
    David L. Crooks

    Is it a list being inserted into a page? Cause there seems no such OOTB web part provided in SharePoint 2010:
    If it is a list view whose column headings are missing, a possible reason is that the headings are hidden by some CSS style, I suggest you insert this list in other
    pages or other sites to see if it is an issue of custom CSS style.
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • 3.1EA1: Column Headings don't display when using SQL*Plus formatting

    The Col[umn] command doesn't show the column headings or the total lines in sqldev. This SQL command:
    -- Size per datafile
    col tablespace_name format a10 head 'Tablespace'
    col file_name format a40 head DataFileName
    col cursize form 999.99 head "CurrSize|GB"
    col maxsize form 999.99 head "MaxSize|GB"
    col Autoextensible form a4 head "Auto"
    break on tablespace_name
    compute sum label Total of cursize maxsize on tablespace_name
    select tablespace_name,
    bytes/1024/1024/1024 cursize,
    maxbytes/1024/1024/1024 maxsize,
    from dba_data_files
    where tablespace_name = 'TS_DP'
    Looks like this in sqldev:
    TS_DP /ddawno/oradata/data01/dp_data22.dbf 1.76 1.76 YES
    TS_DP /ddawno/oradata/data01/dp_data01.dbf 1.76 1.76 YES
    22 rows selected
    But looks like this in SQLPlus:
    CurrSize MaxSize
    Tablespace DataFileName GB GB Auto
    TS_DP /ddawno/oradata/data01/dp_data22.dbf 1.76 1.76 YES
    /ddawno/oradata/data01/dp_data01.dbf 1.76 1.76 YES
    Total 36.20 31.64
    22 rows selected.
    Edited by: 893982 on Nov 1, 2011 11:09 AM Fix dashed line formatting.

    Hi, thanks for the response.
    No, I do not have "set heading off" somewhere. What I pasted into my original post is the entire script that I am running from the worksheet, and I am not using a startup script.
    Odd that the column formatting works for you, yet the list of unsupported commands that you pointed me to says that col[umn] is not supported. Help column from within sqldev contradicts that documentation, showing that col[umn] is supported, but only for the "NEW_V[ALUE] syntax."
    Wow, there's nothing like enabling the most obscure keyword just to be able to say that a function is supported. Oh, well, at least the scripts that I download from the web run now. In 3.0 they died with a hard error just because the col[umn] keyword was used.

  • SQL Developer 4.0 column headings

    I give!  Uncle, uncle, uncle!
    I migrated from SQL Developer to 4.0.  My queries no longer show column headings.  I have looked through "preferences" and have not found the answer.  I have tried SQL commands that work in SQL*Plus.
    What am I missing?  How do I get my column headings back in the output?

    Result of "show all" include pagesize -1 and linesize -1.
    Ah, sorry!   I forgot the rule is a bit more complicated than stated in my first post.  Pagesize 0 and heading off suppress the column headings.  In addition (from some discussion notes)...
    In SQLDeveloper we decided to have the LINESIZE and PAGESIZE set to -1 by default so the table gets printed without any restrictions on dimensions (LINESIZE & PAGESIZE).  Yes the labels columns won't print for PAGESIZE = -1 and LINESIZE > 0 and no indentation for data.
    In SQLPlus we can't set pagesize -1, but when we set the PAGESIZE = 0 and LINESIZE > 0 the labels won't print but the line indentation results will be same in
    So, for your case, make sure to leave heading on and both pagesize and linesize either at their default setting of -1, or both set greater than 0.  If you wish to set them automatically to non-default values, then in ...
    Tools > Preferences > Database (remember to expand Database, then click on it so it has the focus) > Filename for connection startup script
    provide a file specification to a script containing any such SET statements.  Similar in concept to SQL*Plus checking for the existence of a login.sql script.
    Best Wishes,

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