Responsive images look like triple exposures

I'm using Dreamweaver 6, fluid grid layout.
Whether I insert a single image or use picturefill/matchemedia I have the same problem. Sometimes one or another of my graphics show up looking like a triple exposure. It can happen in ff, ie or chrome, sometimes on startup, sometimes when I've been using them a while. Sometimes I can clear cache and history, reload, and get straightened out, sometimes not.
Is there a secret code beyond the media query so the images arrive right every time?

Aww. Back in the old days when cameras had film and manual frame forwarding, if you forgot to forward the frame your exposure would be on top of the one just taken.
This one I just caught in firefox is a mild example. The error is browser agnostic and it presents differently every time it happens.
the image here is a jpg inserted straight from the image file into the fluid layout grid.

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    'Transform' can skew rectangular shapes to have perspective. Here's a loosely related tutorial or two... ctions/

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    Ok I will take the last question first, since that is probably the easiest.end
    A merged file or a flattened file is the same thing as a composite.
    A merged file still has its transparency and data that is outside the canvas area.
    A flattened file is a merged file that is converted to a background layer that does not support transparency or data outside the canvas.
    A composite can be a merged copy of the existing layers if you use the multiple key strokes I mentioned above. Whereas a merged file is a composite of the original layers. So I personally use the term composite to mean a copy as merged and flatten already explain that process, no need to give them an additional term to mean the same thing.
    Generally blend modes work by selecting individual layers before changing the blend mode. However you can group the layers or convert them to a smart object and apply a blend to that group or object.
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    Yeah dude, that totally makes sense.
    "I notice blocking... that... really is a function of lighting..."
    Is that some sort of new-age yet-unheard-of phenomenon? If so, please elaborate by all means.
    The point is that the image looks like crap displayed in the 'Library' module of LR, but looks fine in any other program. Because no other program is content with sitting around and displaying to you a low quality JPEG preview of your, say, high quality 16-bit uncompressed TIFF image.
    That's why there's no blocking in the image loaded up in Photoshop. Yet it's there in LR because LR doesn't bother to render the image 'on-the-fly' until you step into the 'Develop' module.
    You don't believe me? Then be happy in your ignorance.
    On another note, though, instead of jacking it up to 400% when it's clearly evident at 100%, try calibrating your monitor with a hardware profiler so dark parts of images don't become a muddy mess of blacks. Be forewarned though that it's a double-edged sword: on the one hand, after calibration, you suddenly begin to see details in shadows that you may never before have seen; on the other hand, JPEG artifacts & noise in dark portions of images (inherent to JPEG compression) also become as apparent. Hence, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and figure you just can't see the blocking due to your monitor.
    Finally, on a LR-unrelated note, why don't you come back to these forums when you're ready to write posts free of cheap ignorant insults?

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    The image on the left in PS looks the same in Picasa Image
    Viewer (I selected it to be color managed based on the monitor profile), looks the same in Windows Image Viewer, and looks the same in the thumbnail.  The image on the right in LR is how the picture looks when I look at my image in Firefox but in Internet Explorer and in Chrome, the image looks like the image on the left in PS.  The image below shows how the thumbnail looks different from the actual picture when it's double clicked and viewed in Picasa.  The thumbnail (which shows the subjects having green skin) would be how I saw it online while the double clicked version is how I saw it in PS, even though it was sRGB (I checked the image properties to make sure of the color space).
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    I am begining a new SD project in which I imported a QT sequence that was generated with Mpegstreamclip.
    I chose easy settings mode in FCP.
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    What could be the problem ?
    It is the first time I see that
    Thanks in advance

    The image on the left in PS looks the same in Picasa Image
    Viewer (I selected it to be color managed based on the monitor profile), looks the same in Windows Image Viewer, and looks the same in the thumbnail.  The image on the right in LR is how the picture looks when I look at my image in Firefox but in Internet Explorer and in Chrome, the image looks like the image on the left in PS.  The image below shows how the thumbnail looks different from the actual picture when it's double clicked and viewed in Picasa.  The thumbnail (which shows the subjects having green skin) would be how I saw it online while the double clicked version is how I saw it in PS, even though it was sRGB (I checked the image properties to make sure of the color space).
    I have a ATI 5470 GPU on my ASUS 17.3 inch laptop.  Not sure about the drivers.

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    Can you attach a screenshot?
    Use a compressed image type like PNG or JPG to save the screenshot and make sure that you do not exceed the maximum file size (1 MB).
    You can try to search for a theme that looks better for you or maybe a solid persona with a suitable color.
    *Personas for Firefox | Gallery:

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    Same image, but it looks different. 5942911

    The image on the left in PS looks the same in Picasa Image
    Viewer (I selected it to be color managed based on the monitor profile), looks the same in Windows Image Viewer, and looks the same in the thumbnail.  The image on the right in LR is how the picture looks when I look at my image in Firefox but in Internet Explorer and in Chrome, the image looks like the image on the left in PS.  The image below shows how the thumbnail looks different from the actual picture when it's double clicked and viewed in Picasa.  The thumbnail (which shows the subjects having green skin) would be how I saw it online while the double clicked version is how I saw it in PS, even though it was sRGB (I checked the image properties to make sure of the color space).
    I have a ATI 5470 GPU on my ASUS 17.3 inch laptop.  Not sure about the drivers.

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    I recently noticed that any new designs I save are showing up "choppy" in coverflow mode. They look pixelated and they don't adjust like the other images I have in my folders. It's only happening to new files. i.e. I'll design something in Photoshop or Illustrator, save as jpeg and/or PSD/AI file, open up the folder and the image is ratty. It's so strange cause when I downloaded an image from the internet to do some more investigating, the image turns out great and it looks completely fine when I view in coverflow mode.
    I hope this all made sense. Help! I can't preview my images looking like this anymore!
    Thanks in advance!!

    this could happen if you are saving image files with custom icons. they may look bad in coverflow if they are too small. I don't use photoshop but I know it has an option to save with or without custom icons attached. choose the latter.

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    Make an levels adjustment layer and Alt (option) click on the Auto button in the levels dialog.
    Then in the Auto Color correction Options set the RGB values for
    Shadows RGB 0,0,0
    Midtones RGB 128,128,128
    Highlights RGB 255,255,255
    Then check Save as Defaults

  • HT201210 i updated my 4s yesterday, but my phone will not work at all now, and will not turn off. It has a itunes image on the screen with an arrow undernieth and what looks like the charger lead. i've had it on charge! is there anything else i can do?

    i updated my 4s yesterday, but my phone will not work at all now, and will not turn off. It has a itunes image on the screen with an arrow underneath and what looks like the charger lead. i've had it on charge! is there anything else i can do?

    Cconnect it to your computer with the latest version of iTunes installed.

Maybe you are looking for