Restore custom toolbar

I like customizing my toolbar with my most often used folders. Whenever I run Disk Warrior, MacPilot or similar programs, I lose this customization and have to create it all over again.
Can I just restore the preference using TimeMachine? If so, which preference (I couldn't find one with Toolbar in the name) and where is it located?
Thanks for any suggestions,
Cindy in Indy

The plist file that is changed when you add or delete a folder from a Finder Window Toolbar is this one:
Although I must admit I'm a bit mystified as to why you run a program that nukes that file frequently, nonetheless you should be able to recover the file from a backup.

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    this should have been posted in the thread pertaining to the question.  It was not necessary to create a new thank you post.

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    It may not be Firefox that is deleting that toolbar, but your security software may be doing that.
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    If your navigation toolbar is too crowded, right-click an empty area of the tab bar and check "Menu Bar" or "Bookmarks Toolbar", or both. Buttons can also be placed on the tab bar. You can also drag icons you use infrequently into the the ≡ Menu Button panel.
    * [[Customize Firefox controls, buttons and toolbars]]
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    Sorry it took so long to get back to you.
    You know, you're right. I should try everything, no matter how smart I think I am!
    It's been 3 days since I deleted the localstore.rdf file and so far so good.
    Thanxs for the help

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    RoboHelp HTML
    WebHelp output
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    You could try using the raw converter. Open one file and edit it (File>Open, pick the image and choose Camera Raw as the format before you click Open). Then open the next image and click the little four-lined square on the upper right side of the ACR window and choose Previous Conversion from the flyout menu.

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    Thanks in advance 

    Hi Khaldun,
    As per my reply in your previous post, here is a link explaining how to use the organizer:
    Basically, just copy the toolbar from the global source instance into a blank project file. Then do the same operation from the blank file containing your toolbar into the destination global model, still using the organizer. 
    Hope this helps. 
    Guillaume Rouyre - MBA, MCP, MCTS

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    Hi there
    If you were to upgrade to RoboHelp 9 it would simplify your issue. Version 9 offers a new feature called Dynamic User-Centric Content (DUCC) and provides a nifty little drop-down selector in the Navigation Mini-toolbar.
    As you are on version 8 the only way I can fathom you would manage this is by generating two different outputs. Each output would use its respective TOC. The Toolbar button in each project could be configured to open the other project.
    You might first decry having to manage two outputs and all the files. But if you pick apart DUCC and the way it is configured by Adobe, it works in much the same manner. It's just hidden from your initial view.
    Cheers... Rick
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    Use F1 Help in DW.  The PDF manual for CS6 will be out sometime later this month.
    Custom Workspace ~ tml
    Snippets Folder is for storing re-usable bits of code.  See screenshot.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    I had this problem too. I don't know what it is about me but no one ever responds to my questions, so no one answered when I posted one about this. But I *FINALLY* got in touch with a live chat volunteer the other day, and found out it was one of my toolbars made by Conduit. The Conduit Engine and the Zynga Toolbar are both made by Conduit and both contributed to this problem. Check if you have ANY add-ons made by Conduit, and disable them and see if that helps. If it doesn't, try disabling addons/resetting toolbars in safe mode AND deleting localstore.rdf. Then restart Firefox in normal mode, make a custom toolbar, and restart again. If the toolbar stays that time, then enable your add-ons ONE AT A TIME (i.e. restarting after each one), until the problem reappears. When it does…you know which add-on was the culprit. XD And if it doesn't reappear…then congratulations. XD

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    Best Regards,
    Malik Irfan

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    I assume you mean by your second point that I actually have to own Acrobat professional, which I do.
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    I really appreciate the fast replies!

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