Restore Previous Project Version

I'm using Project Online and Project Professional w/ Office 365.
Is there a way to restore a project to a previously checked-in version?  Or maybe even a way to just open a previous version so that I could check that in as the latest version?
Thank you!

Hello, unfortunately not as there is no scheduled or manual archiving in Project Online. That is a Project Server (on premise) feature. Paul
Paul Mather | Twitter | | CPS |
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    Hi Kelvin,
    There is a manual way. But i am really not sure whether it is safe. What you can do is:
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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Open the Mac App Store, log in with your Apple ID, go to Purchases and download OS X Lion. When the download finishes, the OS X Lion installer will appear, so follow the steps.
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    Sadly, this feature does not exist with FCP X.
    It saves just one copy - every fifteen minutes, overwriting the previous saved file.
    The file is in a folder (called Backups) within the Project folder.
    The way to keep your own backups is to Duplicate the Project from within the Project Browser.

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    Hi Cathylyn,
    Apperently there is a support regarding to data lost.
    You can contact them in office hours depending from where you are.

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    " but why would the AppStore be set up to automatically urge an upgrade to a version that DOES NOT WORK on my iPhone?"
    It does not "urge" you at all.
    You have to go to the apps and select to see the updates, then you have to select to do the updates and for which apps and you have to confirm.  This is hardly pushed on you.

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    Edited by: abelash on 21.12.2010 8:00

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    Can you help me with this too?
    My Shadow copy stop working!
    When my clients right click on Folders, they saw only date in the past.. and the new date not comming!
    When i went to file server
    ==> Computer Management==> Right click on "Share Folder" after that, i got nothing! Only "Gray" at the "Title bar" of computer management.
    Please see attached:
    What should i do? Please help me.
    Best regards

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    You need to be updated to iTunes 11.2.2.
    You might want to consider running the combo updater over your install to refresh your files.
    Combo updater: Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update v.1.1 - 1.09 GB
    After running the combo updater, select Software Updater and update iTunes.
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    Quit iTunes.
    Download and install the latest version of iTunes. (Substitute iTunes 10.7)
    Use the Finder (Mac) or Windows Explorer (Windows) to go to the iTunes folder that contains the iTunes library files:
    Mac OS X
    Microsoft Windows Windows XP and Windows 2000
    \Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes\
    Microsoft Windows Windows Vista and Windows 7
    Drag the iTunes Library file from the above location to the Desktop.
    Open the Previous iTunes Libraries folder in the iTunes folder.
    Locate the file named iTunes Library YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY-MM-DD is the date you upgraded iTunes (Year-Month-Day).
    Drag this file to the iTunes folder (the enclosing folder).
    Rename this file to iTunes Library.
    Open iTunes.

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    I had customized the OOTB search results page. Now, I need to restore previous version of the results page.
    The url for results page appears as <site collection URL>/search/results.aspx
    Which library contains the results.aspx page and how to restore it to previous version?

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to restore previous version of search/results.aspx.
    Per my knowledge, the results.aspx isn’t stored in the library.
    You can open the SharePoint Designer to find the results.aspx under the “All Files” folder.
    There is no version information on the page.
    You need to modify the page to the result which is the same as the previous version.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    boffin007 wrote:
    A file on the cloud has been corrupted and I want to restore a previous version.  According to BT:
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    How do I get back to the earlier versions?
    List all files.
    If you double click on your specific file, then a new console appears, giving the option to open the file, using a command icon "open" on the lower right.
    Don't open it yet.
    On the bottom right (near the "open" command) there's an info icon.
    Click on that and you'll see a list which includes previous versions.
    You have the choice of opening a previous version.

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    and 2nd i have downloaded few free apps like face book twitter etc on my itunes but when iam installing them to my iphone its not installing i dont know why plz help me to install them thanks

    Errors related to downgrading iOS
    The required resource cannot be found: This alert message occurs when your device has a newer version of iOS than what is available in iTunes. When troubleshooting a device that presents this alert message, go to Settings > General > About and check the version of iOS on the device. If it is newer than the latest released iOS version, the device may have a prerelease developer version of iOS installed. Installing an older version of iOS over a newer version is not supported.
    Error 1015: This error is typically caused by attempts to downgrade the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch's software. This can occur when you attempt to restore using an older .ipsw file. Downgrading to a previous version is not supported. To resolve this issue, attempt to restore with the latest iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch software available from Apple. This error can also occur when an unauthorized modification of the iOS has occurred and you are now trying to restore to an authorized, default state.
    Maybe you phone has been jailbroken

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