Retarded reaction after key press

Hello everybody,
after I updated from LR 1.0 to 1.1 I encounter strange retardations after pressing a key/menu bar.
For example:
In library mode clicking "3" LR takes 15 seconds to react and set the rating of the picture to "3". Clicking "x" to reject a picture also takes 15 seconds.
Clicking on the menu bar takes 15 seconds for the system to open a menu.
It is hardly possible to use LR with this flaw.
Clicking on the navigation buttons (left, right, up, down) the system reacts instantaneously.
Before I updated to LR 1.1 using LR 1.0 everything was fine (in this respect).
Has anybody observed this effect too. Does anybody have a solution for this problem?
Thanks in advance,
Of course I already uninstalled and reinstalled LR, without improvement.
My system is:
Windows XP SP2
Athlon x2 3800
2 GB Ram

Hi Everyone,
I read Thorsten's post with interest and Michael's reply because I am having a terrible time with LR 1.1.
I am on a Mac G5 Dual with 2 gigs of RAM and 2-500 gigs of Hard Drive. My LR 1.1 has slowed to an absolute cold molasses crawl. Nothing works anymore without sitting and waiting forever. The files take forever to load and when they do load "working" they are pixelated so bad they can't be read. The metadata never seems to load.. I could go on and on but I would have to list everything that happens in the workflow.
I have deleted and reloaded my catalogs, I have divided my catalogs so they only hold a small amout of files. One only has about 1700 pictures and most of those are jpegs. I have another catalog that has about 4000 files and about 2/3's of those are RAW.
I have been on the phone with Adobe Tech Support 3 times (they have been good to work with and have tried to solve the problem). We have changed things, made smaller previews, put the view preference on low, divided catalogs even smaller yet.. etc., etc.
I have dumped all my 1:1 previews and then reloaded them all over again. I have worked with Adobe on everything that can be changed, but there isn't really much to change. I am very disappointed because I ran version 1.0 on the same machine without a problem.. it ran fast and great.
I didn't notice this slowdown from the very start of installing 1.1 but it might have started and I just didn't notice. But now it is so slow that working with a folder of just 150 files is almost useless. I have taken screen shots to show that even the navagator picture pixelates to the point of being unreadable. The menus are super slow. The scrolling even takes forever and the power scroll arrows at the end of the filmstrip won't even work with LR sometimes. And then after quitting lightroom it seems my whole computer is sluggish for a while.
My Photoshop CS3 and Bridge work great at normal speed even when loading a file from LR.
Now I just noticed Thorsten's post and Michael's reply about unchecking the auto XMP write because of a bug when the Tech at Adobe Lightroom told me just today to leave it checked as on. If there was a problem with that wouldn't they know ??? How utterly frustrating.. I told the tech today that I only have one catalog with 1700 files and another with 4000 and that I was sure there were people with 10's of thousands and if this was how LR bogged down then something was very wrong. Heck my iPhoto has 3 times as many as LR and works great !!
I just went into preferrences and unchecked the XMP auto write and restarted LR and things seem to work fine and back to normal (fingers crossed).
I asked the tech today why I always have the 3 dots in my filmstrip that never seem to go away and he didn't know. He just told me to choose the "read or save" metadata from/to file in the Metadata pull down menu to load it.. when I did this it took all day for a 100 picture file to load.
COULD THIS be my problem finally. Does anyone know any more on this subject.
Thanks for viewing my question and problem. I hope that is this is the problem then it will help someone else too, this wasa terrible.

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    Well, I think you've got what I was saying backwards, or I'm not understanding what you are asking correctly.
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        if (isMoving) {return;}
        int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
        if (!isPaused && !gameOver) {
            isMoving = true;
          if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_UP) {
          else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) {
          else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
          else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
            isMoving = false;
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     Hi Ames
    As Kileen has said Khalid has already given you a good solution to detect the ALT key.
    I have another approach that might let you stick to your event-driven approach. I suggest that you have another loop in your app that polls the keyboard using the Input Device utility vi's. When this poll loop sees an ALT + KEY combo it raises a dynamic user event and will be processed in your event structure. This means you can keep your key down filter event to process the CTRL + KEY and SHIFT + KEY events.
    Example attached in 7.1
    Catching Alt Key Press Poll with Events(151551).vi ‏89 KB

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    There is this, but it might do more than you want:

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    The key-related, pointer-related, and paint() methods will only be called while the Canvas is actually visible on the output device. These methods will therefore only be called on this Canvas object only after a call to showNotify() and before a call to hideNotify(). After hideNotify() has been called, none of the key, pointer, and paint methods will be called until after a subsequent call to showNotify() has returned. A call to a run() method resulting from callSerially() may occur irrespective of calls to showNotify() and hideNotify().
    The showNotify() method is called prior to the Canvas actually being made visible on the display, and the hideNotify() method is called after the Canvas has been removed from the display. The visibility state of a Canvas (or any other Displayable object) may be queried through the use of the Displayable.isShown() method. The change in visibility state of a Canvas may be caused by the application management software moving MIDlets between foreground and background states, or by the system obscuring the Canvas with system screens. Thus, the calls to showNotify() and hideNotify() are not under the control of the MIDlet and may occur fairly frequently. Application developers are encouraged to perform expensive setup and teardown tasks outside the showNotify() and hideNotify() methods in order to make them as lightweight as possible.
    The above answer you might have found in the JAVADOC, if you would have gone through the description of the Canvas class.
    Don't forget your DUKES as I had to search the JAVADOC for giving you the exact answer, which you should have done that yourself only!!!

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    But if i press 3 buttons simultaneously, (ex: A, S and D), the last keypress (D) will go undetected
    Only after i release one of the keys (either A or S) will the last keypress be detected
    From what i read here ==> key_down-woes/
    It is said that the problem might had been caused by a hardware issue
    From what i read at wikipedia
    Some low-quality keyboards suffer problems with rollover (that is, when multiple keys are pressed in  quick succession); some types of keyboard circuitry will register a  maximum number of keys at one time. This is undesirable for games (designed for multiple keypresses, e.g. casting a spell while holding  down keys to run) and undesirable for extremely fast typing (hitting new  keys before the fingers can release previous keys). A common side  effect of this shortcoming is called "phantom key blocking": on some  keyboards, pressing three keys simultaneously sometimes resulted in a  4th keypress being registered.
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    - What causes this problem is it a hardware issue or a language/flash player problem?
    Because i might be wrong, but i think i've played several non-flash games before that possess the ability to address multiple keypress at the same time
    - Can this problem be fixed?
            import flash.display.Sprite;
            public class Keyboard extends Sprite
                     public function Keyboard()
                            this.stage.addEventListener("keyDown", showKey);
                    public function showKey(event:KeyboardEvent)
    Any help regarding the matter is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance~

    do you think an update of the bios will do the trick?
    No, no, no, it won't, so please don't try it!
    Also, if you read the comments in the link you posted, your answer is there:
    By Tony Fendall on May 12, 2008 | Reply
    The problem comes from the way in which the signal for the pressed keys moves from your keyboard to your computer. The signal is only 8-bit, and there are limits to how the signal can be changed to represent more than one key being pressed in combination.
    Long story short, the guys who designed the origional keyboards made a descision to support all two key combinations, and then selected as many three key combinations as they could support with the hardware. This meant that some combinations had to be left out, and they had to make a descision about which ones were more important.
    It just happens to be that they chose not to support three key combinations which involve the up arrow key. I do not think there is any solution to this problem…
    If you're playing games, why not just remap the keys in the game's settings?

  • ActiveX is stealing my key presses?

    Hi all,
    I have a fairly simple front panel with a handful of LabVIEW controls and an ActiveX container. In the ActiveX container is the Adobe Reader plugin.
    My vi works, but exhibits an odd behaviour that I presume is focus related. Once the ActiveX control is programmatically told to open and display a pdf file, it seems to steal the focus - permanently. If I select my LV string control, I can select any text in it, but key presses are all still sent to the Adobe Reader ActiveX control. If I click a few check boxes, then the string control again, it still doesn't accept my keyboard presses. The only way I've found to stop all this is to press tab, as this causes LabVIEW to move the focus away to the next control in the tab sequence. After that, all is ok until the next pdf file is read into the ActiveX control, and then I'm back at square one.
    Now I don't want to be telling my customers, "that's alright mate, just make sure you press the tab key after every pdf you generate and you'll be just fine."
    I've tried programmatically moving the focus away from the ActiveX control, and setting "SkipTabbing" to true, but this doesn't work.
    Anyone know how I can prevent this darned ActiveX control from permanently stealing my focus?
    Thoric (CLA, CLED, CTD and LabVIEW Champion)
    Go to Solution.

    nathand wrote:
    Unfortunately I don't have a good solution, but I can sympathize - I've had the same problem.
    Hi nathand, thanks for the sympathy 
    I've tried a few things, including navigating away from and straight back to the tab panel which houses the control to attempt to change the control focus. I've even tried simulating the keyboard TAB key press, which actually works - but only once for some annoyingly unfathomable reason! A second call to the ActiveX AdobeReader control makes it the focus again, but this time permanently. I've even tried putting the ActiveX control into a subvi that's hosted within a subpanel - no difference.
    Ultimately, like yourself, I've had to settle for a separate window, which I've called a Preview Window. Of course, putting my large ActiveX container in a separate subvi has left a dirty big empty space on my main vi front panel 
    I'm tempted to try to hide all borders around the preview window, and programmatically control its location such that it sits perfectly over the empty space within my main front panel. Of course, this means monitoring main panel window resizes and movements to maintain the correct relative locations, but it's do-able...
    I've got a new problem now - I thought about using Invoke to Get the Front Panel Image, then place this into a picture control. However, it seems the AdobeReaderActiveX control evades the LabVIEW Front Panel Image method, revealing nothing but the blank front panel colour behind the container. I can't seem to find a way around this either!
    Dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam!!!
    Thoric (CLA, CLED, CTD and LabVIEW Champion)

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    For some particular application requirement, we need to execute a routine
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    You can do this on the Web Deployed one using a PJC - See the KeyFiler example in the Forms Demos (it's in the 9i demos and available for 6i as well)
    For client server you'd have to look at an OCX for this.

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