Retrieve data from database

Hi friends,
I need a logical solution.
I have 10 yrs employees data. I have upload only basic salary through bdc in database table.
I have a MODULE POOL screen, On screen month ,year  and emp. no. (3 text fields) is available.
I have several records of April(2001,2002........2009) ,May(2001,2002, 2003.......2009)..........Jan(2001,2002, 2003..........2009) . To neglect the overwrite of emp no. i have taken (empno, month, year) as aprimary key in database table.
My requirement is When i input month, year and employee no. on screen of particular employee the whole data of current financial year (april 2008 to jan 2009) should be selected from the database table. Not a previous year (2006, 2007, 2008).
One more thing we  need to consider if we r extracting data of same year means we want data till Dec.2008 the data should be extract  from april 2008 to dec 2008. If we wanna data Till Jan. 2009 the should be retrieve April 2008 to Jan 2009. Not  be previous finacial year.
Plz reply as soon as possible.

Hi Swapnika
To achieve this first you create an internal table  and pass month data to it based on current month like this :
TYPES : BEGIN OF tp_month,
        cmonth TYPE znel_perform-cmonth,
        END OF tp_month.
Get the current month in a variable .
l_month = sy-datum+4(2).
IF l_month EQ '01'.
    CLEAR : l_rows.
    l_rows = 09.
    t_month-cmonth = 'APRIL'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'MAY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JUNE'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JULY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'AUGUST'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'SEPTEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'OCTOBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'NOVEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'DECEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
  ELSEIF l_month EQ '02'.
    CLEAR : l_rows.
    l_rows = 10.
    t_month-cmonth = 'APRIL'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'MAY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JUNE'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JULY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'AUGUST'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'SEPTEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'OCTOBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'NOVEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'DECEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JANUARY'.
    APPEND t_month.
  ELSEIF l_month EQ '03'.
    CLEAR : l_rows.
    l_rows = 11.
    t_month-cmonth = 'APRIL'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'MAY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JUNE'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JULY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'AUGUST'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'SEPTEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'OCTOBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'NOVEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'DECEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JANUARY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'FEBRUARY'.
    APPEND t_month.
  ELSEIF l_month EQ '04'.
    CLEAR : l_rows.
    l_rows = 1.
    t_month-cmonth = 'APRIL'.
    APPEND t_month.
  ELSEIF l_month EQ '05'.
    CLEAR : l_rows.
    l_rows = 1.
    t_month-cmonth = 'APRIL'.
    APPEND t_month.
  ELSEIF l_month EQ '06'.
    CLEAR : l_rows.
    l_rows = 2.
    t_month-cmonth = 'APRIL'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'MAY'.
    APPEND t_month.
  ELSEIF l_month EQ '07'.
    CLEAR : l_rows.
    l_rows = 3.
    t_month-cmonth = 'APRIL'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'MAY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JUNE'.
    APPEND t_month.
  ELSEIF l_month EQ '08'.
    CLEAR : l_rows.
    l_rows = 4.
    t_month-cmonth = 'APRIL'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'MAY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JUNE'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JULY'.
    APPEND t_month.
  ELSEIF l_month EQ '09'.
    CLEAR : l_rows.
    l_rows = 5.
    t_month-cmonth = 'APRIL'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'MAY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JUNE'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JULY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'AUGUST'.
    APPEND t_month.
  ELSEIF l_month EQ '10'.
    CLEAR : l_rows.
    l_rows = 6.
    t_month-cmonth = 'APRIL'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'MAY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JUNE'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JULY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'AUGUST'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'SEPTEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
  ELSEIF l_month EQ '11'.
    CLEAR : l_rows.
    l_rows = 7.
    t_month-cmonth = 'APRIL'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'MAY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JUNE'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JULY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'AUGUST'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'SEPTEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'OCTOBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
  ELSEIF l_month EQ '12'.
    CLEAR : l_rows.
    l_rows = 8.
    t_month-cmonth = 'APRIL'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'MAY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JUNE'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'JULY'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'AUGUST'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'SEPTEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'OCTOBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
    t_month-cmonth = 'NOVEMBER'.
    APPEND t_month.
Now when you loop data  read this table and check if month belongs to any of the months in this table a
and then proceed .
You can even use ranges instead of a table to achieve this  and add it as a condition in select .
If any issues update 

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    Hi Nick,
    To retreive data for TOLERANZOB from QAMV,
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    Once you retreive the data using the select query, you can check if it is initial and if not move the data from TOLERANZOB to TOLERANZOB1.
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    Hello Friend try this code
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    And didn't you read the stack trace?
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    5: <% AccessDB accessDB=new AccessDB(); %>
    7: <%-- create an instance of List, then retrieve SubjectNames --%>
    8: <% List subjNames=accessDB.getSubjectName(); %>
    10: <%-- make list accessible to page --%>
    11: <% request.setAttribute("subjNames", subjNames); %>
    root cause
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    It's simpler to do so:
    insert that code in a post-query trigger at block level (block where is multi-item)
    You will see after execute-query, your item will be populated.
    I wrote post-query trigger no post-quert
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    from ticket1a, phonelin
    where ticket1a.patronid = phonelin.patronid
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    from ticket1a ticket1a inner join phonelin phonelin on ticket1a.patronid=phonelin.patronid
    I will not get the error and I will get results.
    Any reasons why the DataDirect driver is producing errors?

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    can somebody help me?

    This doesn't seem to have anything to do with Eclipse, but I'd guess that a server-side error message is being returned a HTML rather than the JSON you expect.

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    I'm not sure what articles you are refering to, because there is no other way to access a database from a java program. Generally, security related docs tend to be a little paranoid (and so they should be), but you have to balance high security against getting the job done.
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    Thanks and regards

      Refreshing a connection to Database means re establishing your connection each time.It will be load for the DB to load the data every time generally not advisable to do.
      Inorder to get the value from the DB you have load the driver and connect it using fireplug with the view for navigations.
      for the same refer this link.
    Hope it helps.

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    So I think it over to find a method.
    I do it like that:
    Use single Thread to get data from mysql to draw one single line.
    But when I executed my code.
    The error"Operation not allow after ResultSet closed".
    Have you come across such problems.
    I am sorry that my code is not at my hand.
    thanks very much.

    Sorry, it's not clear. Are you saying you're generating many threads, each with their own Resultset? Maybe several resultsets from the same Statement?
    I'm not sure a statement can support more than one Resultset at a time.
    In any case, whereas it probably makes sense to have a thread doing your database retrieval I would suspect multiple threads will actually make things worse, you're limited by the connection spead and how fast mySql can actually deliver the data.
    I think you may need to concentrate on the way that the database is set up and read and to judge that we'd need to see the SQL you're using to retrieve the data, and that for setting up the table you're reading from. You might find that, for example, adding appropriate indexes in the database might help. Or doing the SQL query a different way.

Maybe you are looking for