Retrieve Qualified value

We would like to retrieve 1 Function Code (based on simple rule) from the qualified table to display it on the main table field  named - Function Code.
For 1 record in the main table we can have several Function codes in the qualified table.
Main table : Function code (Calculated field)
Qualified Table --> Field:Function Type (Non Qualifier)
           --> Field:Function Code (Qualifier)
Rules :  If Function Type A, B and C Take the code value of A=123
      If Function Type A and B Take the code value of A=123
      If Function Type B and C Take the code value of B=456
      And If Function Type A and C Take the code value of A=123
Record 0001 can have  Function Type A, Function Code 123
            Function Type B, Function Code 456
            Function Type C, Function Code 789
Record 0001 can have Function Type A, Function Code 123
           Function Type B, Function Code 456
Record 0001 can have Function Type A, Function Code 123
           Function Type C, Function Code 789
Record 0001 can have Function Type A, Function Code 123
It looks simple but not easy to realize.
Best Regards,

Hi Nugge,
I understood your problem.
if you want to use Qualifier table then your source should be such as:
Source Table:
Then only if you import using qualifier table structure ,u will get following in MDM data manager:
If you see in record detail pane u can find function codes also when u place the cursor in function_Type.
For importing Qualified table you can refer to this link:
Neethu Joy

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    Let me try to explain you this time. I have a text field in a TiledViewBean.
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    html tag is created with the name="PageDetail.rDetail[0].tbFieldName" say
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    The html tags look like this.
    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[0].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[0].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[0].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
    When the form is submitted, I want to get the text field values using the
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    returns an array object[]. This is in case where my TiledViewBean is not
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    Now in case when my TiledView is bound to a model, it creates the html tags
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    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[0].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[1].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[2].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
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    values are null.
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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Todd Fast <toddwork@c...>
    Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 3:52 AM
    Subject: Re: [iPlanet-JATO] Re: Retrieving all Values from a Tiled View
    I wanted to know how the getValues() method works the reason being,
    when the tiled view is NOT bound to a model, it populates all the
    fields with the same name as some thing likeI'm afraid I don't understand your point--can you please clarify? Do you
    mean "value" instead of "name"?
    What are you trying to do? What behavior are you expecting but notseeing?
    Without further clarification, I can say that the setValues() methodsNEVER
    populates data on multiple rows of a (dataset) model, nor does it affect
    multiple fields on the same row. Perhaps what you are seeing is theeffect
    of default values. Model that derive from DefaulModel have the ability to
    carry forward the values set on the first row to other rows in lieu ofdata
    in those other rows. This behavior is for pure convenience and can be
    turned off, and it is turned off for the SQL-based models.
    [email protected]

    I wanted to know how the getValues() method works the reason being,
    when the tiled view is NOT bound to a model, it populates all the
    fields with the same name as some thing like
    in which case, the getValues() method works fine.
    But in case where the tiled view is bound to a model, it populates
    with different field names such as,
    in this case, the getValues() doesn't work. Any soultion to this?
    We are using Moko 1.1.1.
    thanks in advance,
    --- In iPlanet-JATO@y..., "Todd Fast" <toddwork@c...> wrote:
    Does anyone know of is there a single method to get all values of a
    field in a tiled view without having to iterate through all the
    values ie
    resetTileIndex() / nextTile() approach.
    ie Something that returns an Object[] or Vector just like ND returned a
    CspVector. I tried using the getValues() methods but that allways returns
    single element array containing the first element.
    (I think now, that method is used for multi selecteable ListBoxes)Actually, no. We can add this in the next patch, but for now, I'd recommend
    creating a simple utility method to do the iteration on an arbitrary model
    and build the list for you.

  • Retrieving ALL values from a single restricted user property

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    a .jpf file?
    I want to display a dropdown list within a form in a JSP which should contain
    all the locations listed in the property 'locations'. I ever get just the default
    value when I access the property via
    ProfileWrapper pw = userprofile.getProfileForUser(user);
    Object prop = pw.getProperty("ClockSetup", "Locations");

    Well, the code you've got will retrieve the single value of the property
    for the current user. You're getting the default value because the
    current user doesn't have Locations property set, so the ProfileWrapper
    returns the default value from the property set.
    I assume you want to get the list of available values that you entered
    into the .usr file in Workshop. If so, I've attached a
    SetColorController.jpf, index.jsp, and GeneralInfo.usr (put in
    META-INF/data/userprofiles) I wrote for an example that does just this.
    It uses the PropertySetManagerControl to retrieve the restricted values
    for a property, and the jsp uses data-binding to create a list from that
    pageflow method.
    For a just-jsps solution, you can also use the
    <ps:getRestrictedPropertyValues/> tag. I've attached a setcolor-tags.jsp
    that does the same thing.
    Dirk wrote:
    How can I retrieve ALL values of a single restricted user property from within
    a .jpf file?
    I want to display a dropdown list within a form in a JSP which should contain
    all the locations listed in the property 'locations'. I ever get just the default
    value when I access the property via
    ProfileWrapper pw = userprofile.getProfileForUser(user);
    Object prop = pw.getProperty("ClockSetup", "Locations");
    package users.setcolor;
    import com.bea.p13n.controls.exceptions.P13nControlException;
    import com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.profile.ProfileWrapper;
    import com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.FormData;
    import com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.Forward;
    import com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowController;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    * @jpf:controller
    * @jpf:view-properties view-properties::
    * <!-- This data is auto-generated. Hand-editing this section is not recommended. -->
    * <view-properties>
    * <pageflow-object id="pageflow:/users/setcolor/SetColorController.jpf"/>
    * <pageflow-object id="">
    * <property value="80" name="x"/>
    * <property value="100" name="y"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="">
    * <property value="240" name="x"/>
    * <property value="220" name="y"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="">
    * <property value="240,240,240,240" name="elbowsX"/>
    * <property value="144,160,160,176" name="elbowsY"/>
    * <property value="South_1" name="fromPort"/>
    * <property value="North_1" name="toPort"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="page:index.jsp">
    * <property value="240" name="x"/>
    * <property value="100" name="y"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="">
    * <property value="116,160,160,204" name="elbowsX"/>
    * <property value="92,92,92,92" name="elbowsY"/>
    * <property value="East_1" name="fromPort"/>
    * <property value="West_1" name="toPort"/>
    * <property value="success" name="label"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="">
    * <property value="204,160,160,116" name="elbowsX"/>
    * <property value="201,201,103,103" name="elbowsY"/>
    * <property value="West_0" name="fromPort"/>
    * <property value="East_2" name="toPort"/>
    * <property value="success" name="label"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="">
    * <property value="31" name="x"/>
    * <property value="34" name="y"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="control:com.bea.p13n.controls.profile.UserProfileControl#profileControl">
    * <property value="37" name="x"/>
    * <property value="34" name="y"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="formbeanprop:users.setcolor.SetColorController.ColorFormBean#color#java.lang.String"/>
    * <pageflow-object id="formbean:users.setcolor.SetColorController.ColorFormBean"/>
    * </view-properties>
    public class SetColorController extends PageFlowController
    * @common:control
    private propSetMgr;
    * @common:control
    private com.bea.p13n.controls.profile.UserProfileControl profileControl;
    /** Cached possible colors from the User Profile Property Set definition.
    private String[] possibleColors = null;
    /** Get the possible colors, based upon the User Profile Property Set.
    public String[] getPossibleColors()
    if (possibleColors != null)
    return possibleColors;
    PropertySet ps = propSetMgr.getPropertySet("USER", "GeneralInfo");
    PropertyDefinition pd = ps.getPropertyDefinition("FavoriteColor");
    Collection l = pd.getRestrictedValues();
    String[] s = new String[l.size()];
    Iterator it = l.iterator();
    for (int i = 0; it.hasNext(); i++)
    s[i] =;
    possibleColors = s;
    catch (P13nControlException ex)
    possibleColors = new String[0];
    return possibleColors;
    /** Get the user's favorite color from their profile.
    public String getUsersColor()
    ProfileWrapper profile = profileControl.getProfileFromRequest(getRequest());
    return profileControl.getProperty(profile, "GeneralInfo", "FavoriteColor").toString();
    catch (P13nControlException ex)
    return null;
    // Uncomment this declaration to access
    // protected global.Global globalApp;
    // For an example of page flow exception handling see the example "catch" and "exception-handler"
    // annotations in {project}/WEB-INF/src/global/
    * This method represents the point of entry into the pageflow
    * @jpf:action
    * @jpf:forward name="success" path="index.jsp"
    protected Forward begin()
    return new Forward("success");
    * @jpf:action
    * @jpf:forward name="success" path=""
    protected Forward setColor(ColorFormBean form)
    // set the color in the user's profile
    ProfileWrapper profile = profileControl.getProfileFromRequest(getRequest());
    profileControl.setProperty(profile, "GeneralInfo", "FavoriteColor", form.getColor());
    catch (P13nControlException ex)
    return new Forward("success");
    * FormData get and set methods may be overwritten by the Form Bean editor.
    public static class ColorFormBean extends FormData
    private String color;
    public void setColor(String color)
    this.color = color;
    public String getColor()
    return this.color;

  • How to retrieve 2 values from a table in a LOV

    I'm pretty new to APEX. I try to retrieve two values from a table using a LOV. I have a table named DEBIT with then columns SITE, NAME and KEY
    I want to display NAME to the user in a list. When the user select an item from the list, I want to retrieve the data of the SITE and KEY column of this item in order to launch an SQL command based on this two values.
    How to retrieve thes two values whant the user chooses an item from the list ?
    I apologize for my english, being french.

    From what I understood about your requirement, you want a 'select list with submit' which displays "NAME" and based on the value selected, you want to get the corresponding values for "SITE" and "KEY" from the table.
    <b>Step 1: Create a select list with submit, say P1_MYSELECT </b><br><br>
    Use something like this in the dynamic list of values for the select list: <br>
    SELECT NAME display_value, NAME return_value
    FROM DEBIT<br><br>
    <b>Step 2: Create a page process of type PL/SQL block. Also create 2 hidden items P1_KEY and P1_SITE. </b><br><br>
    In the PL/sQL, write something like:
      v_key DEBIT.KEY%TYPE;
      v_site DEBIT.SITE%TYPE;
      CURSOR v_cur_myvals IS
              SELECT KEY, SITE
              FROM DEBIT
              WHERE NAME = :P1_MYSELECT;
      OPEN v_cur_myvals;
              FETCH v_cur_myvals
              INTO  v_key,v_site;
              EXIT WHEN v_cur_myvals%NOTFOUND;
    :P1_KEY := v_key;   
    :P1_SITE := v_site; 
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE v_cur_myvals;
    END; <br><br>
    Then you can use these values for whatever purpose you need to.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to retrieve the values from a LinkedList

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    I have created a LinkedList to store the results of a query to a database.
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    Here is an extract of my code in a jsp page.
    LinkedList Average = new LinkedList();
    String Media = rst.getString(10);
    int Size = Average.size();
    double Sum = 0.0;
    for (int i=0; i<=Size; i++)
                    double Result = Average.get(i)     
                  Sum = Sum + Result;
    }If I try to retrieve the value of only one node from the list , I can just putting <%=Average.get(i)%> can I retrieve all the values (they are decimal numbers) to be able to add them?

    If you want to sum all the values, is there any reason you just don't retrieve the sum from the database rather than the list of values?
    List average = new LinkedList();
    while ({
      // retrieve the number:
      String mediaString = rst.getString(10);
      Double media = Double.valueOf(mediaString);
      // or maybe like this if it is a number in the database
      Double media = new Double(rst.getDouble(10));
    doubleSum = 0.0;
    for (Iterator it = average.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ){
      Double result= (Double);
      doubleSum += result.doubleValue();

  • Get Qualifier value from Qualified table

    I am trying to get all the qualifier value for a qualified table. What is the best way to do it. Can I use QualifierSearchDimension to search for all the qualifier value.
    Re: Lookup [Qualified Flat] type field how to use as a query condition? link gives us a way to do this , but it talk about getting the non - qualifiers only , so How can we get the qualifier values.
    The link Search Qualifier Fields : MDM Java APIs gives us a way to this , but it is using old Java API , does anyone know how to do it using MDM API SP06.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Subhasis,
    The Search API's will only search for a particular value in the qualified tables. In order to read all the qualifier and non qualifier for a record, please follow the below mentioned steps.
    Assuming 'rec' is the variable that holds the reference for the current record.
    MdmValue lookUpVal = rec.getFieldValuel(<Field Id of the field>); val = ( lookUpVal;
    // Get the total number of qualified records present for that field
    int size = val.getValuesCount();
    // Iterate through each qualified record to fetch the details
    for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
        MdmValue nqVal = val.getValue(i);
       if(nqVal != null){
             MdmValue incVal = val.getQualifierFieldValue(i,<Field Id of the qualifier field value>);
    Ponraj M
    Edited by: Ponraj M on Jul 10, 2009 10:12 AM

  • Retrieving checkbox values from JSP

    In my program I have an 'ADD' form.
    In that form I ask the question "Do you have a car?"
    with a single checkbox for reply.
    The code I use is below.
    Can anyone tell me how to set the checkbox to 'ticked' or 'unticked' in my
    main jsp by sending paramters from the ADD form's checkbox??
    ADD FORM...
    <form action='post' method='servlet/controller?task=addEmployee'>
    <input type'text' name='emplpoyee'>
    <input type='checkbox' name='car' value='true'>
    <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Add'>
    Through a class I retrieve the values posted
    public Page doTask() {
    Employees employee = new Employees();
    String submit = request.getParameter("submit");
    Page nextPage = new Page("/servlet/Controller?task=GetAllEmployeesTask");
    return nextPage;
    This class sends the parameters to my main JSP where
    this information is inserted. ('employees.jsp')
    my name is retrieved so...
    <= employees.getName()>
    how would I retrieve/set a checkbox value

    the thing is that the browser will not send unchecked checkbox values. so you can only know it was checked by the presense or absense of the value.

  • Retrieving all values from hashmap in order you put them in

    Hi guys,
    I want to retrieve all values from a HashMap in the order I put them in.
    So I can't use the values() method that gives back a collection and iterate over that.
    Do you guys know a good way to do that ?

    You can just do something like this:
    class OrderedMap
        private final Map  m_rep = new HashMap();
        private final List m_keys = new ArrayList();
        public Object get( final Object key )
            return m_rep.get( key );
        public Object put( final Object key, final Object value )
            final Object result = m_rep.put( key, value );
            if ( result != null )
                m_keys.add( key );
            return result;
        public Object remove( final Object key )
            final Object result = m_rep.remove( key );
            if ( result != null )
                m_keys.add( key );
            return result;
        public Iterator keyIterator()
            return m_rep.iterator();
    }Then use it like this:
       for ( Iterator it = map.keyIterator(); it.hasNext(); )
           final Object value = map.get( );
       }This will be in the order you put them in. However, if you want to do this correctly, you should implement the Map interface and add all the methods. Another thing you can do is download the JDK 1.4 source, learn how they did and do it the same way for 1.2.

  • How to retrieve the values from a table if they differ in Unit of Measure

    How to retrieve the values from a table if they differ in Unit of Measure?

    If no data is read
    - Insure that you use internal code in SELECT statement, check via SE16 desactivating conversion exit on table T006A. ([ref|])
    If no quanity in result internal table
    - There is no adqntp field in the internal table, so no quantity is copied in itab ([ref| /abapdocu_70/en/ABAPINTO_CLAUSE.htm#&ABAP_ALTERNATIVE_1@1@]).
    - - Remove the CORRESPONDING, so quantity will fill the first field adqntp1.  ([ref|])
    - - Then loop at the internal table and move the quantity when necessary to the 2 other fields.
    * Fill the internal table
    SELECT msehi adqntp
      INTO TABLE internal table
      FROM lipso2
      WHERE vbeln = wrk_doc1
        AND msehi IN ('KL','K15','MT').
    * If required move the read quantity in the appropriate column.
    LOOP AT internal_table ASSIGNING <fs>.
      CASE <fs>-msehi.
        WHEN 'K15'.
          <fs>-adqnt2 = <fs>-adqnt1.
          CLEAR <fs>-adqnt1.
        WHEN 'MT'.
          <fs>-adqnt3 = <fs>-adqnt1.
          CLEAR <fs>-adqnt1.
    - You could also create another table with only fields msehi and adqntp and then collect ([ref|]) the data to another table.

  • How to retrieve the values from PL/SQL table types.

    Hi Every one,
    I have the following procedure:
    t t1;
    SELECT *
    FROM emp;
    This procedure works perfectly fine to store the rows of employee in a table type. I am not able to retrieve the values from Pl/SQL table and display it using dbms_output.put_line command.
    Can anybody help me please!!!!!

    You mean, you can't add this
    for i in t.first..t.last loop
    dbms_output.put_line(t(i).empno||' '||t(i).ename||' '||t(i).job);
    end loop;or you can't add this
    set serveroutput onor maybe, you are working in third party application where dbms_output is not applicable at all?
    You see, not able like very similar it is not working - both are too vague...
    Best regards

  • How to retrieve constants value from compiled code in jar file?

    Hi everyone,
    I've been looking for a way to solve this for a week now, without any much success... and I've finally decided to ask the Java gurus for a solution! :-)
    Here's what I am basically trying to do:
    I have several jar files in which there are only compiled code (.class).
    In every class, there are 2 constants (declared as static final String) that I would like to retrieve (one is the version and the other the date of the last modification).
    My goal is to print a list of all the classes in the jar files with the values of these 2 constants for each class.
    The solution that I have right now to do this does not work properly: for now, I read all the elements of the classpath, check if these are jar files, and if so, I look into each one and load all the classes one by one and print the results.
    The problem with this is that it uses the method Class.forName(className) and as some classes are unfortunately present in many jar files (2 or 3 copies), once the classes have been loaded, then it won't be "reloaded".
    Without the possibility to "reload" these classes, I cannot see inconsistencies in the versions of the classes present in the jar files.
    I have read many articles, and I thought that I could then use a custom classloader and create a new instance of this classloader for each jar file.
    2 problems with this:
    - according to many posts in the different forums I have read, the jar files should not appear in the CLASSPATH (but this would be easier for me if I could use it...)
    - some classes will not be loaded if some classes (present in other jar files) are not loaded... and this makes things really really complicated to implement...
    So, I thought that I was maybe doing this the wrong way, and that there might be an easy way out of this...
    In fact, I do not need to load the classes... all I need to do, is take a sneak peek at the constants and print their values... and that's it!
    Somehow, I think that this is possible to retrieve the values of compile time constants (declared as static final String) as I can see that with Eclipse (when opening a jar file).
    So, my question is: how can I do that within my java application?
    Or maybe there is another easier solution to do what I need?
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Hi everyone,
    I've been looking for a way to solve this for a week now, without any much success... and I've finally decided to ask the Java gurus for a solution! :-)
    Here's what I am basically trying to do:
    I have several jar files in which there are only compiled code (.class).
    In every class, there are 2 constants (declared as static final String) that I would like to retrieve (one is the version and the other the date of the last modification).
    My goal is to print a list of all the classes in the jar files with the values of these 2 constants for each class.
    The solution that I have right now to do this does not work properly: for now, I read all the elements of the classpath, check if these are jar files, and if so, I look into each one and load all the classes one by one and print the results.
    The problem with this is that it uses the method Class.forName(className) and as some classes are unfortunately present in many jar files (2 or 3 copies), once the classes have been loaded, then it won't be "reloaded".
    Without the possibility to "reload" these classes, I cannot see inconsistencies in the versions of the classes present in the jar files.
    I have read many articles, and I thought that I could then use a custom classloader and create a new instance of this classloader for each jar file.
    2 problems with this:
    - according to many posts in the different forums I have read, the jar files should not appear in the CLASSPATH (but this would be easier for me if I could use it...)
    - some classes will not be loaded if some classes (present in other jar files) are not loaded... and this makes things really really complicated to implement...
    So, I thought that I was maybe doing this the wrong way, and that there might be an easy way out of this...
    In fact, I do not need to load the classes... all I need to do, is take a sneak peek at the constants and print their values... and that's it!
    Somehow, I think that this is possible to retrieve the values of compile time constants (declared as static final String) as I can see that with Eclipse (when opening a jar file).
    So, my question is: how can I do that within my java application?
    Or maybe there is another easier solution to do what I need?
    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Retrieve alert values for use as parameter in corrective action sql script

    I am trying to write a corrective action sql script to kill a session that is blocking other sessions. I have the "blocking session count" metric set and the alert is firing correctly.
    Is there any way to retrieve the sid and serial number from the alert generated and use it in a corrective action sql script?
    Here is the alert generated:
    Target Type=Database Instance
    Metric=Blocking Session Count
    Blocking Session ID=SID: 522 Serial#: 5228
    Timestamp=Mar 4, 2008 5:57:12 PM EST
    Message=Session 522 is blocking 1 other sessions
    Notification Rule Name=Testing Corrective actions
    Notification Rule Owner=sysman
    Clearly the sid, and serial # is contained within the alert Message field
    what I want to write for the sql script is :
    alter system kill session '%sid%,%serial_no%' immediate;
    and have GC pass in the sid and serial_no to the script.
    The "Target Properties" listed on the right of the Edit Corrective Action screen lists minimal details pertaining to the alert and certainly not the session sid, serial no.
    Generically, is there any way to retrieve the values from an alert and use them in a corrective action script or job?
    I've looked into getting the values from the mgmt$alert_history table, but I'm hoping that GC can pass the values to the sql script.
    thanks in advance for your help.

    You can implementing a procedure like this.
    1. When a block session count alarms occurs, there is a column in the v$lock that you can examine.
    #first export your variables
    export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/product/
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus "/ as sysdba" << EOF
    execute immediate killed_blocks;
    # end
    The killed_blocks is a procedure:
    create procedure
    v_sid varchar2(15);
    v_serial varchar2(15);
    -- now a sql query that retrieve the sid and serial
    -- you can obtain these values from v$session and v$lock
    select vs.sid,vs.serial into v_sid,v_serial
    from v$session vs,v$lock vl
    where vs.sid=vl.sid
    and vl.block >0
    -- After this, you execute a dbms_put line with these
    -- values
    But you understant that this response action is very dangerous, because its possible that you kill sessions that the blocking are transitient.
    You must examine your enviroment and your application and establish the metric like UDM and not for only session blocking count.
    You must to see:
    - The type of block
    - The ctime time in the v$lock for to understatn the amount of time to determine that the block is need killed.
    - In my opinion you need a special UDM and deactivate the blocking sesion count
    If you want help to create this UDM send me a mail to [email protected]

  • Using a SelectOneChoice to retrieve a value in to a variable...

    AAAAaaah. I've spent far too much time on what should be a very simple operation - can somebody help me....
    (JDeveloper Oracle ADF on Oracle ADF BC.)
    I have a backing bean called HspShopBacking with a simple Date variable "selectedTime":
    public class HspShopBacking
      private oracle.jbo.domain.Date selectedTime;
      setSelectedTime(oracle.jbo.domain.Date selectedTime){...}
    }I would like to use a SelectOneChoice to display a list of times from my ViewObject: DELIVERY_TIMES and retrieve the value in to my selectedTime attribute.
    Unlike most of the examples I can find I DON'T want my SelectOneChoice to have an existing Iterator as it's base datasource and then to retrieve the selected value from that iterator (because I've got various commits happening that might commit the updated value).
    In Forms this was SO easy.....can somebody PLEASE point me in the direction of the relevant documentation or tell me what I need to do!!

    I have a habit of answering my own questions ... these are the steps I took for retrieving a value from a SelectOneChoice component in to an individual variable, accessible from a backing bean (see the bottom of this post for links to the other posts that assisted me):
    As an example, assume that I have Emp and Dept view objects in my model. I want a SelectOneChoice of departments that will take the selected Department Name in to a separate variable for access in the backing bean (and therefore will not use the Emp view at all).
    1) To easily create a SelectOneChoice object (rather than try to create it manually), open the Emp view's data control up in the Data Control pallette and drag the Deptno column on to your JSPX (somewhere within the af:form tags). This is just so we can create the control using the wizard, we will be removing all references to Emp later.
    2) From the context menu choose Single Selections->ADF Select One Choice
    3) Select the Dept view iterator as the List Data Source
    4) For now (to complete the wizard) select Deptno from the Base Data Source Attribute list, and choose Deptno from the List Data Source Attribute list (we will be changing these values in the XML once the wizard is complete).
    5) Set the display attribute to Dname
    6) Click OK
    7) Open the source of the JSPX page where you created your SelectOneChoice right click and "Go to Page Definition"
    8) In the structure pane, Right-click on executables->Insert inside executables->variableIterator
    9) Right click on the created variables node in the Structure Pane->Insert inside variables->Variable
    10) Give your variable a name (such as selectedDepartmentName)
    11) I gave it a type of java.lang.Object (for maximum flexibility - I will be type checking inside the Backing Bean)
    12) Select the bindings node, and from the right-click menu choose Insert inside bindings->attributeValues
    13) From the wizard choose the "variables" data collection, and the attribute you named earlier (e.g. selectedDepartmentName), click OK
    14) From the source xml of the attributeValues object you just created, change the id to something meaningful (e.g. selectedDepartmentValues)
    15) In the structure pain, open the bindings node and Right click the list iterator binding that was created when you added the SelectOneChoice object (will be called something like EmpDeptNo) and choose "Go To Source"
    15) From the source xml change the IterBinding="EmpIterator" to IterBinding="variables"
    16) Change <Item Value="Deptno"/> to <Item Value="selectedDepartmentName">
    So in summary the JSPX page will have:
                      <af:selectOneChoice value="#{bindings.EmpDeptNo.inputValue}"
                        <f:selectItems value="#{bindings.EmpDeptNo.items}"/>
                      </af:selectOneChoice>The page definition will have:
        <iterator id="DeptIterator" RangeSize="-1"
                  Binds="Dept" DataControl="AppModuleDataControl"/>
        <variableIterator id="variables">
          <variable Name="selectedDepartmentName" Type="java.lang.Object"/>
        <list id="EmpDeptNo" IterBinding="variables"
              StaticList="false" ListOperMode="0" ListIter="DeptIterator"
              NullValueFlag="1" NullValueId="EmpDeptNo_null">
            <Item Value="selectedDepartmentName"/>
            <Item Value="Dname"/>
            <Item Value="Dname"/>
        <attributeValues IterBinding="variables" id="selectedDepartmentValues">
            <Item Value="selectedDepartmentName"/>
    </bindings>And your backing bean can access the value using:
        FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        ValueBinding vb = fc.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{bindings.selectedDepartmentValues}");
        AttributeBinding ab = (AttributeBinding) vb.getValue(fc);
        String dName = (String) ab.getInputValue() ;References:
    Geting variable value in backing bean

  • Sales Order form error  "Not able to retrieve Display values for Service"

    Few of our orders flash the below error message when the order is queried
    "Not able to retrieve Display values for Service"
    Below are the points I observed
    1.The orders I am referring to are imported order via EDI interface.
    2.The service reference type code has value of ORDER, however no other service related fields (like service reference line id) have any values.
    3. The item is not a service item (service tab in Item setup is disabled)
    4. Same item when imported with value of "Customer Ordered" in "service reference type code" field, does not throw an error.
    5. If I update "service reference type code" with value null or change it to CUSTOMER_PRODUCT, the error disappears.
    Can someone explain the significance of this column value and what could have been causing this error message?
    May be there are some dependent fields/setups which must have a value when service reference type code =ORDER.
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: user10174990 on Oct 25, 2012 10:58 AM

    Maintain the dafault values using Tcode OISF with respective to Planning Plant you have to maintain the following values like Order Type, Main Work Center, Maint. Plant,Group,Group Counter,Business Area & Task List type.
    Apply these OSS note 150732 / 195993.
    Venkatesan Anandan

  • How to Retrieve VARIABLE VALUES in an Email Definition Form?

    I have created an email definition. I am getting email notifications on pwd expiry, but I am not able to get the values of the variables that I selected under target & variables part of the form.
    for eg. I have been getting emails in the following format:
    Hi <User Profile Information.First Name>
    The Password of User ID <User Profile Information.User Login> has expired.
    I want the values ofg those variables such as "User Profile Information.First Name" to be retrived an put in the email body.
    Can anybody help me as to how and wat settings need to be made to retrieve those values.

    Hi Juan,
    do you have an example for me?

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