Retrieving image

Hi, I have table with 5 columns . One is the primary key , and the rest 4 are used for storing the image. I put the rest 4 columns as BLOB . and when I retrieve, I cant retrieve the image. Is there anyway, I can store and retrieve 4 images per ID ( the primary key ).
Thanks in advance .

Sorry, I got busy working on something else. Anyway I recently worked with a form that had a blob column in the database. In the form the field that holds the blob column has a item type of 'Image' and is defined as a database item. When the form is queried the image is retrieved into that field.
To get the image into the database there was code to upload it:
Image_FileName varchar2(200);
--Retrieve image from the local directory structure
Image_FileName := Client_Get_File_Name;
--Read image into the blob
Read_Image_File(Image_FileName, 'GIF', 'IMAGE_FIELD');
If Not Form_Success Then
Error message;
Enable transaction menu items
End If;
I hope that helps.

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    You can get the path of the linked image file and then you can manipulate this image.
    I think ILinkUtils and ILink will certainly help.
    You can also check (for better understanding) CHM->PortingGuide->Links Archtecture.

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    import oracle.sql.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.awt.*;
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    import java.awt.*;
    import oracle.sql.BLOB;
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    int i = 0;
    while ((i = != -1) {
    targetFile.write(buff, 0, i);
    catch(Exception e)

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    Check if you have a Filter applied. Then un-apply it
    Richard Earney

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    You can save and retrieve images in MySQL as BLOB's. However, the default settings of MySQL will limit the size of your images to about 1 MB in size. This is a limitation of the communication settings, and not a table limitation. To change the setting, you need to edit the max_allowed_packet in the my.cnf configuration file.

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    thankx in advance ....

    The code below might answer few of your questions.
    There is a restrcition on size of image, it must be less than 4KB.
    //Code to insert image in database
    //mytable is the table name that contains two fields in databse:name,image of type varchar and blob
    Connection con =null ;
    Statement stmt =null ;
    con =DriverManager.getConnection  ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@<hostname>:1521:orclsid", "system","manager");
    PreparedStatement preparedStatement = con.prepareStatement("insert into mytable (name,image) values (?,?)");
    InputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("C:\\WINNT\\Temp\\netscape\\images\\menubg.jpg"));
    preparedStatement.setBinaryStream(2, inputStream, inputStream.available());
    inputStream.close(); To retrieve image,here is the snippet
    ResultSet resultSet = stmt.executeQuery("select image from mytable'");
    if (
    byte[] image1 = resultSet.getBytes("image");
    FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream("c://splash11.jpg"); //will retrieve bytes and create a file
    //by the name specified

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    Hi use getBinaryStream(java.lang.String) or getBinaryStream(int) of java.sql.ResultSet for retrieving images from database
    Hope it will be useful

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    i want to get image from my filesystem onto my form and insert the image into oracle 10g database from my form using forms 6i
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    if possible i want to generate a report to print the retrieved images from my form using forms 6i.
    please kindly help me with detail coding as i'm new to forms and i had given to perform the above task.
    thanks in advance

    create a table with 2 fields (label varchar2(25) ,image blob)
    create a data block with the above table
    place 2 buttons (get and save) on the form
    trigger for get_button (// when_button_pressed event)
    read_image_file(:block_name.text_item_name,'jpg',blockname.image_item_name); --this will retrieve image from the local system and place it on the image item
    (enter the full path of image with extension in text_item after complie)
    trigger for save_button (// when_button_pressed event)
    commit; --saves it in the database
    sorry but i couldn't retrieve it from database....

  • Upload Image file and retrieve image file

    How to upload image and How to retrieve image file from Database?
    Plz., give some example
    I am waiting for your valuable guidance.
    Plz., help me any one.

    This question has been asked and answred so meny times.
    I dont feel like writing the answer yet another time so please doa search.

  • I get error message each time I try to retrieve image (BLOB) from Oracle

    Can anyone help me?
    I am working with Servlet and JDBC with Oracle database. I can insert an image (GIF file) in a Oracle
    table in a BLOB field. But everytime I want to retrieve it
    I got an error "AbstractMethodError". My retrieve program (only the main part) is as below:
    String dbURL="jdbc:oracle:thin:@";
    String db_username="PROJ1"; String db_password="PROJ1";
    }catch(ClassNotFoundException e1){ }
    Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,db_username,db_password);
    // Retrieving image file from database
    RandomAccessFile raf=new RandomAccessFile("//Davison/jakarta/webapps/examples/images/a10.gif","rw");
    PreparedStatement pstmt2=c.prepareStatement("Select fname,photo From testtable1 where fname=?");
    ResultSet rs=pstmt2.executeQuery();
    Blob blobImage=rs.getBlob("photo");
    int length=(int)blobImage.length();
    byte[] blobArray=blobImage.getBytes1,length);
    Please help me soon, my email is: [email protected]
    Bye , Rea

    Probably a bit late, but I just got the same problem.
    Oracle seems to instantiate a class which is not fully defined-
    oracle.sql.BLOB. This class has abstract methods, and is therefore
    an abstract class.
    In short, Oracle are stupid fools. How they managed to instantiate
    an abstract class in the first place should be of concern to the
    Java gurus, however. Native code in the OCI driver perhaps?
    If you still need help, you could try uning the Thin driver- or
    a database with a JDBC driver which actually meets the spec. There
    are third party Oracle drivers which might fit the bill- they
    usually cost money, however.

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    there is something called "blob" - datatype in oracle where u can store images. for example, in char - datatype it will take only one byte, for float - datatype it will take 32 bytes, like wise u can store images using blob datatype for storing images in oracle database. and for retreiving those images u need a front end tool to display those retrieved image like JSP. for example if u r attaching any photo for ur passport. and after that if u want to see the status any one day u can ensure that status by seeing ur photo that u have sent before. this is because they have saved ur photo using the "blob" datatype....just check it

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    can anyone tell me how to do
    Thank you

    You can use the JDBC API for Java Database Connectivity. With this you can obtain data from the database using Java. There is an excellent tutorial here at You can get the MySQL JDBC driver at their own site: Get the most recent version which suits your environment. There is also good documentation available over there.
    For displaying in the UI, the approach differs per UI. As you didn't mention which UI you are using, I can't help you further in detail.

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