Return String array in server side

i wrote a bean which contains a function return String array (
String[] ). It shows no error on compile time, and also in
generate jar file. However, when i generate it to an ear file,
the syntax of the wsdl file is not correct so the client can't
call this function becuase the xml can't parse the wsdl.
When i change the return type to String, everything is ok. Does
anybody know what's happen? I really have no idea on it, thx.

This is why I wanted to see some code. I wanted to see how you are trying to move the array from one class to another.
This should work... provided that the array is initialised correctly in ClassA. If you are doing it like this, please post some code and I'll help you fix it.
class ClassA{
public String[] getMyArray(){
return myArray;
class ClassB{
public void myMethod(){
ClassA myA = new ClassA();
String[] newArray = myA.getMyArray();

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    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.*;
    public class JFile {
    public static oracle.sql.ARRAY dirlist (String dir)
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    Connection conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection( );
    ArrayDescriptor arraydesc =
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    File myDir = new File (dir);
    String[] filesList = myDir.list( );
    ARRAY dirArray = new ARRAY(arraydesc, conn, filesList);
    return dirArray;
    RETURN dirlist_t
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    I could compile this source file in localhost but not remotehost. There are jar files ( import oracle.sql.*; import oracle.jdbc.*; ) that should be added to remote classpath. ( others have already added java classpath ). But, which classpath i should add? Oracle has own JVM and Classpath, probably i should upload these jar files to oracle classpath. Am i wrong? How can i do? Can you explain in detail? How can i return string array from java external function in Oracle ?
    I am using Oracle on Solaris Sparc Machine.

    What do you mean "compile in remote host"
    Aren't you using the loadjava tool? - that should be enough, the RDBMS already "has" the jars needed.
    [A must read|]

  • Create image from byte[]array on server side

    Hello everyone..
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    Piece of midlet code:
                     stream = (StreamConnection);
                     OutputStream ggt = stream.openOutputStream();
                }catch(Exception e){
                     err1  = e.getMessage();
                }where str is my array byte containing the snapshot
    And on my server side:
    Thread th = new Thread(){
                   public void run(){
                                  byte[] b = new byte[];
                                  int x=0;
                                  r =,0,b.length);
                                  if (r!=0){
                                       img = Image.createImage(b, 0, r);
                                                            //other codes
                                       i get this error message:
    Exception in thread "Thread-0" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: javax.microedition.lcdui.ImmutableImage.decodeImage([BII)V
         at javax.microedition.lcdui.ImmutableImage.decodeImage(Native Method)
         at javax.microedition.lcdui.ImmutableImage.<init>(
         at javax.microedition.lcdui.Image.createImage(
         at picserv2$
    Please anyone can help me here? is this the way to create the image on the server side? thx a lot

    here is exactly how i did it :
                                  byte[] b = new byte[];
                                  r =, 0, b.length);
                                  if (r!=0){
                                       Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
                                       Image img = toolkit.createImage(b, 0, b.length);
                                       JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(img) );
                                       BufferedImage bImage = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(label),img.getHeight(label),BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
                                       bImage.createGraphics().drawImage(img, 0,0,null);
                                       File xd = new File("D:/file.jpg");
                                       ImageIO.write(bImage, "jpg", xd);
                                       System.out.println("image sent");
                             }Edited by: jin_a on Mar 22, 2008 9:58 AM

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    If It Is Impossible, Please Told Me.. "Impossible"
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    Please Help Me !!!
    Thanks in advance,

    // Try the following, I appologize that I have not compiled and run this ... but it is headed in the right direction
    import java.sql.*;
    class RunStoredProc
    public static void main(String args[])
    throws SQLException
    catch(Exception ex)
    java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
    props.put("user", "********"); // you need to replace stars with db userid
    props.put("password", "********"); // you need to replace stars with userid db password
              // below replace and DBNAME, and port address if different than 1521
    Connection conn =
    DriverManager.getConnection("", props);
    // replace "Your Stored Procedure" with your stored procedure
    CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("Your Stored Procedure");
    ResultSet rset = stmt.execute();

  • Returning String Array

    I'm trying to create a function (method?) for parsing some log files. The first index of the string array I want returned will contain a 'key' on what I'm doing with the log files (since they'll be formatted in several different ways depending on what's happening) and the rest will just return tokens from the logs. Here's what I have so far:
        public static String[] parseLog(String inString){
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(inString, "\"<>");
            int stNum = st.countTokens();
            String[] parsedOut = new String[stNum + 1];
            if (inString.contains("disconnected")) {
                parsedOut[0] = "read";
            for (int x = 1; st.hasMoreTokens() ; x++){
                parsedOut[x] = st.nextToken().trim();
            return parsedOut;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String line = "????log L 08/15/2008 - 20:28:37: \"underTHEinfluence johnRAMBO<16><STEAM_0:0:204495><>\" disconnected";
            System.out.println("Parsed: " + parseLog(line));
    It compiles with no errors, but I'm getting this: Parsed: [Ljava.lang.String;@e09713
    Edited by: mr0ldie on Aug 16, 2008 1:37 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

    prometheuzz wrote:
    A String representation of the array is given, while you want to display the individual items from the array.
    Try this:
    Need closures - want to do mapchar(yourarray, System.out.println);

  • Server side buffering settings for video

    I pump my video (both live streaming and VOD) through a popular CDN.  They control the server side (FMS) settings.  I can request that they change things and they do so and let me know when I can test.
    I'm wondering about server side buffering settings.  Is there supposed to be some sort of coordination between the buffering settings there and the client side buffering settings I implement in my video player?
    The reason I ask is I get wierd buffering behaviors in my client side player under certain conditions and there doesn't seem to be much to adjust there other than the NetStream.bufferTime property.
    For instance, if I set the bufferTime property in my client viewer to 10 seconds, the player just seems to ignore it and starts playing the stream right away or within a second or two.  Other times I see crazy values in the bufferTime property, like 400 seconds (I check the property's value about every second).
    I'm wondering if there are some FMS settings that are overriding or are not working well with my client side buffer settings.  Is this possible?

    Not sure how to get this code to you.  There is no option here to  attach a file.  Trying to post inline here.  Hope it comes out ok.
    This  is a simple player.  The simplest.  No frills.  Just insert your RTMP  url to your FMS and your stream name in the string variables "rtmpURL"  and "streamName" at the top, compile and run.
    Here is a deployment of this player connected to my CDN where the file is currently playing:
    Also,  attached is an image I took when I ran the program and hit the refresh  button in the browser.  Note the giant bufferLength numbers in the debug  panel.
    Again note, I do not get this problem linking  directly to a recorded file.  I see this problem when playing a file on a  server or with a live stream.
    Can you see anything  obviously wrong?
    <?xml  version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                 //Note:  the method "connect()" on  line #49 starts the area  with the important connection code
                 import mx.containers.Canvas;
                 private var vid:Video;
                 private var nc:NetConnection;
                 //Path to your FMS live streaming application
                 private var rtmpURL:String = "Insert your URL"; //Will be  used to connect to your FMS
                 private var buffer:Number = 5; //NetStream.bufferTime  property will be set with this.
                 private var streamName:String =  "Insert your server side  stream name here"; //This determines the channel you're watching  on the  server.           
                 private var ns:NetStream;
                 private var msg:Boolean;
                 private var canvas_video:Canvas;//Will display some live  playback  stats
                 private var intervalMonitorBufferLengthEverySecond:uint;
                  private function init():void
                     vid=new Video();   
                     vid.smoothing = true;               
                 public function onSecurityError(e:SecurityError):void
                     trace("Security error: ");
                 public function connect():void
                     nc = new NetConnection();
                     nc.client = this;
                     nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,  netStatusHandler);
                 public function netStatusHandler(e:NetStatusEvent):void
                       switch ( {
                         case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
                             netconnectionStatus.text =;
                             reconnectStatus.text = "N/A";
                             trace("Connected successfully");
                 public function createNS():void
                     trace("Creating NetStream");
                     ns=new NetStream(nc);
                     ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,  netStreamStatusHandler);
                     //Handle onMetaData and onCuePoint event callbacks:  solution at
                     //See another solution at
                     var infoClient:Object = new Object();
                     infoClient.onMetaData = function oMD():void {};
                     infoClient.onCuePoint = function oCP():void {}; 
                     ns.client = infoClient;   
                     ns.bufferTime = buffer;                   
                     ns.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR,  asyncErrorHandler);
                     function asyncErrorHandler(event:AsyncErrorEvent):void {
                     //Set up the interval that will be used to monitor the  bufferLength property.
                     //monPlayback() will be the funciton that will do the  work.   
                     intervalMonitorBufferLengthEverySecond =  setInterval(monPlayback, 1000);
                 public function  netStreamStatusHandler(e:NetStatusEvent):void
                      switch ( {
                         case "NetStream.Buffer.Empty":
                             netstreamStatus.text =;
                             textAreaDebugPanel.text += "Buffer empty:\n";
                             trace("Buffer empty: ");
                         case "NetStream.Buffer.Full":
                             netstreamStatus.text =;
                             textAreaDebugPanel.text += "Buffer full:\n";
                             trace("Buffer full:");
                          case "NetStream.Play.Start":
                              netstreamStatus.text =;
                              textAreaDebugPanel.text += "Buffer empty:\n";
                             trace("Play start:");
                 //Get the current ns.bufferLength value, format it, and  display it to the screen.
                 //"bufferLen" is the key var here.
                 public function monPlayback():void {               
                     var currentBuffer:Number =  Math.round((ns.bufferLength/ns.bufferTime)*100);
                     var bufferLen:String = String(ns.bufferLength);//Here is  the actual bufferLength reading.
                                                                    //Use it  to show the user what's going on.
                     pb.value = currentBuffer;//updates the little buffer  slider on the screen
                     bufferPct.text = String(currentBuffer) + "%";
                     bufferTime.text = String(ns.bufferTime);
                     bufferLength.text = String(ns.bufferLength);
                     //Dump the bufferLen value to the debug panel.
                     textAreaDebugPanel.text += bufferLen + "\n";                
                     trace("Buffer length: " + bufferLen);
             public function onBWDone():void
         <mx:Canvas id="monitor"
             y="10" right="50">
             <mx:Text x="0" y="25" text="Buffer:" color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="0" y="50" text="Buffer Time:"  color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="0" y="75" text="Buffer Length:"  color="#FFFFFF"/>   
             <mx:Text x="0" y="100" text="NetConnection netStatus:"  color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="0" y="125" text="NetStream netStatus:"  color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="0" y="150" text="Reconnect:" color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:HSlider x="145" y="25" id="pb" minimum="0" maximum="100"  snapInterval="1" enabled="true"/>
             <mx:Text x="100" y="25" height="20" id="bufferPct"  color="#FFFFFF"/>   
             <mx:Text x="145" y="50" height="20" id="bufferTime"  color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="145" y="75" height="20" id="bufferLength"  color="#FFFFFF"/>   
             <mx:Text x="145" y="100" height="20" id="netconnectionStatus"  color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="145" y="125" height="20" id="netstreamStatus"  color="#FFFFFF"/>
             <mx:Text x="145" y="150" height="20" id="reconnectStatus"  color="#FFFFFF" text="N/A"/>
         <mx:UIComponent id="uic"
              x="50" y="10"/>
          <mx:TextArea id="textAreaDebugPanel"
              width="300" height="300"
              right="50" top="300"
               valueCommit="textAreaDebugPanel.verticalScrollPosition=textAreaDebugPanel.maxVerticalScro llPosition"/>

  • WebService problem: only the first element of a string array is returned

    i did the J2EE QuickCarRental tutorial and extended it by some features: I created another entity bean and implemented four new methods in the QuickOrderProcessor. Then i deployed it as a WebService and accessed it using the Visual Composer.
    Everything works fine except the return value of one WebService method. I created a method with the return value String[]. But the Visual Composer reads it as String. Only the first element of the resulting string array is displayed. Although the test at the web-page http://<server>:<port>/QuickCarRentalService/Config1 displays the whole string array with all its elements. What did i wrong?
    Another problem is that after deploying the J2EE-Application with new WebService methods the changes are not visible inside the visual composer. Although the test at the web-page http://<server>:<port>/QuickCarRentalService/Config1 displays the changes. Do i have to restart the WebService system in the portal content? If yes how can i do that?

    Here are details about setting up and using web services and some examples:

  • Check string length server-side

    Hi guys,
    how do i check the string length server-side?
    I am using the date object to gather the current date.
    var d = new Date();
    var mm = d.getMonth()+1;
    var yy = d.getFullYear();
    var dd = d.getDate();
    month is returned as "2" which is correct
    but i need to be able to check for a single char so that i
    can add a leading zero before it is submitted to the database. This
    is also required for day.

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to evaluate an environment variable within an SHTML tag.

  • Problem when using object array as parameter of server-side event

    Hi Friends,
        I had defined an event in component interface of Component A, with object array as its parameter. but when I define event-handler for this event in Component B, the type of parameter in generated event-handler method is just the class itself instead of an array.
       It's a bug or array parameter is not support by server-side event in WD4J?
       Thanks in advanced.

    I think you are trying to do the editing of parameter from the java editor.
    Do it via the controller editer. Go the methods tab. Select the actionhandler.
    In the parameter section edit the paramter. Change the dimensions here.
    Ashwani Kr Sharma

  • Error returning large String arrays from web service

    I currently have an EJB that returns a String[] array that I have implemented as
    a Web Service. When I execute a Java client (JSP) from Weblogic, I don't have a problem
    as long as the returned array is relatively small, but when the array starts to get
    a little larger (say 20 elements, about 30 chars each), I consistently get:
    SAXException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:array element type mismatch.
    Strangely enough, when my web service client is a .asp page running under MS IIS
    (using the MS SOAP Toolkit), it works fine. I have returned as many as 15000 - 20000
    array elements in one call. And since I am calling the same Weblogic EJB with the
    MS client, I know it's a problem with the Java client, not the EJB.
    Anybody know of a bug or had this experience before? Or know what I might be doing
    wrong? FYI, I am using Weblogic 6.1 SP2.

    Hi Steve,
    Sure we're interested...I'll pass this along to the XML folks.
    Thanks for the feedback,
    Steve Alexander wrote:
    In case anyone is interested, I solved my problem. I was mis-diagnosing the problem
    - thinking it was a size issue when it actually was a data issue. On the calls where
    I was returning a large array, some of the array members were null. When I made them
    enpty strings "", it worked. Apparently the default SAX parser BEA uses doesn't like
    the nulls, whereas the MS parser doesn't care.
    "Steve Alexander" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thanks Bruce,
    FYI - I have reproduced the problem on WL7.0. I have turned it in to support
    as you
    Bruce Stephens <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Steve,
    This does not ring any bells, however I would suggest that you file a support
    case. If it
    is an option you might try a later release (7.0).
    Steve Alexander wrote:
    I currently have an EJB that returns a String[] array that I have implementedas
    a Web Service. When I execute a Java client (JSP) from Weblogic, I don'thave a problem
    as long as the returned array is relatively small, but when the arraystarts to get
    a little larger (say 20 elements, about 30 chars each), I consistentlyget:
    SAXException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:array element type mismatch.
    Strangely enough, when my web service client is a .asp page running underMS IIS
    (using the MS SOAP Toolkit), it works fine. I have returned as many as15000 - 20000
    array elements in one call. And since I am calling the same Weblogic
    with the
    MS client, I know it's a problem with the Java client, not the EJB.
    Anybody know of a bug or had this experience before? Or know what I mightbe doing
    wrong? FYI, I am using Weblogic 6.1 SP2.

  • NX-OS snmp-trap strdata does not return string sent from device to object server

    NX-OS snmp-trap strdata does not return string sent from device to object server
    Applet was created:
        event manage applet TEST_VPC
        description "%ETHPORT-5-IF_DOWN_ADMIN_DOWN"
        event syslog occurs 1 priority 4 pattern "%ETHPORT-5-IF_DOWN_ADMIN_DOWN"
        action 1.0 snmp-trap strdata "Loopback0 is admin down"
    after event is generated (link admin down), trap is sent to snmp server, but string does not appear in received messages:
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-P_M-105-000: 1 trap in queue
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-P_M-105-000: V2/V3 trap/inform received
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Information: I-P_M-104-000: Number of items in the trap queue is 0
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] ReqId: 1427018637
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] community: xxxx
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] IPaddress: x.x.x.x
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] PeerIPaddress: x.x.x.x
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] ReceivedPort: 162
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] ReceivedTime: 1395044966
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] Protocol: UDP
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] SNMP_Version: 2
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] UpTime: 1166940388
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] Uptime: 1:30:03.88
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] . (1166940388) 135 days, 1:30:03.88
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] notify: .
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] . .
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] OID1: .
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 1: (1166939868) 135 days, 1:29:58.68
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 1_raw: (1166939868) 135 days, 1:29:58.68
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 1_text: (1166939868) 135 days, 1:29:58.68
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 1_hex: (1166939868) 135 days, 1:29:58.68
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] . (1166939868) 135 days, 1:29:58.68
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] OID2: .
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 2: 4
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 2_raw: 4
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 2_text: 4
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 2_hex: 4
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] . 4
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] Node: xxx
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] PeerAddress: xxxx
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] EventCount: 360
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] Processing alert {0 remaining} 
    please help figure this out

    This is a CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB trap, not an EEM trap.  I don't think your EEM applet is being triggered since you have that priority argument in there.  Try removing that and leave the syslog pattern alone.  You will see the string as a varbind in the trap.

  • PHP Server-side typing of returned object

    My PHP service returns an object. Is server-side typing of it's properties possible?

    I know I'm late to the party, but in case it helps anyone else:
    Despite being a PHP developer, I use iweb occasionally when I need something that looks good, fast!
    however, not being able to use simple php scripts was a pain until I discovered that it's possible to make apache parse php within files with a .html extension.
    This means that you don't have to change all your filenames to .php and you don't have to mess around every time you change something in iweb and republish.
    You need to add a couple of lines as a directive to your apache config file. (You can also use a .htaccess file if you prefer, but I'd rather have a bunch of directives in the config file).
    <Directory "/var/www/html/youriwebdirectory/">
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .html
    php_value shortopentag 0
    The "addtype" directive tells php to parse html files for php code. You probably wouldn't want this for your whole server, so it's good to be able to do it only for the required directory where you have your iweb site.
    The line "php_value shortopentag 0" may or may not be needed for you. If you have php set up to use short opening tags ( <? instead of <?php ) then this will cause a problem when you tell php to parse all the .html files made by iweb, as they have an XML declaration as the first line, which begins <?xml...
    When you've done this, restart apache and you can then place php in your pages as an html snippet.
    Of course, this only applies to apache on Linux, I have no clue what you'd do on a Windows box, or using a different webserver, but it worked for me, so it may help someone else :o)

  • Power View with dynamic connection string, but server-side

    We'd like to evaluate using Power View to provide exploratory BI over data output from HDInsight, onto Azure Storage. We need to let users select which segments of data to load but through a web-ui (not Excel on the desktop). We expect to have a standard
    data model, it's just the segments of data that will be dynamically selected by the user. Basically the Power Query will need to be updated dynamically, but on the server-side. Is this scenario currently possible?

    Any suggestions for SFiorito?
    Ed Price, Power BI & SQL Server Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • PageMethod response returning whole page, unable to debug the server side method

    Hello Guys,
    I am unable to debug my method written on server side when a call is send to it through jquery using page method.
    In response , I get the whole page.
    ASPX page:
    PageMethods.MyMethod(p1, p2, function(response){
    //Updating database
    I did ScriptModule entry in web.config, enabled tracing,have ScriptManager and EnablePageMethods is set to true.
    Still the server side method is not getting called.
    please help.

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  • Client-Server side GUI programming

    I want to create a client-server side gui programming with java
    i read this web adress
    for information but there are some parts that i didnt understand and wait for your help
    i m trying to build an online-help(live chat) system so when people press the start chat button a java page will appear but i wonder how this will connect to the person who is on server side
    i mean is it possible to 2 users connect the same port and chat with each other
    I mean when user press the chat button the online help supporter will be informed somebody wants to speak with him and they will start a chat
    how can i do something like that
    any help would be usefull thanks

    Below is an example of a client/server program.
    It shows how the server listens for multiple clients.
    * Created on May 12, 2005
    package server;
    * @author johnz
    import java.util.Random;
    * This TriviaServer can handle multiple clientSockets simultaneously
    * This is accomplished by:
    * - listening for incoming clientSocket request in endless loop
    * - spawning a new TriviaServer for each incoming request
    * Client connects to server with:
    * telnet <ip_address> <port>
    *     <ip_address> = IP address of server
    *  <port> = port of server
    * In this case the port is 4413 , but server can listen on any port
    * If server runs on the same PC as client use IP_addess = localhost
    * The server reads file
    * Note: a production server needs to handle start, stop and status commands
    public class TriviaServerMulti implements Runnable {
        // Class variables
        private static final int WAIT_FOR_CLIENT = 0;
        private static final int WAIT_FOR_ANSWER = 1;
        private static final int WAIT_FOR_CONFIRM = 2;
        private static String[] questions;
        private static String[] answers;
        private static int numQuestions;
        // Instance variables
        private int num = 0;
        private int state = WAIT_FOR_CLIENT;
        private Random rand = new Random();
        private Socket clientSocket = null;
        public TriviaServerMulti(Socket clientSocket) {
            this.clientSocket = clientSocket;
        public void run() {
            // Ask trivia questions until client replies "N"
            while (true) {
                // Process questions and answers
                try {
                    InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream());
                    BufferedReader is = new BufferedReader(isr);
    //                PrintWriter os = new PrintWriter(new
    //                   BufferedOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream()), false);
                    PrintWriter os = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
                    String outLine;
                    // Output server request
                    outLine = processInput(null);
                    // Process and output user input
                    while (true) {
                        String inLine = is.readLine();
                        if (inLine.length() > 0)
                            outLine = processInput(inLine);
                            outLine = processInput("");
                        if (outLine.equals("Bye."))
                    // Clean up
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.err.println("Error: " + e);
        private String processInput(String inStr) {
            String outStr = null;
            switch (state) {
                case WAIT_FOR_CLIENT:
                    // Ask a question
                    outStr = questions[num];
                    state = WAIT_FOR_ANSWER;
                case WAIT_FOR_ANSWER:
                    // Check the answer
                    if (inStr.equalsIgnoreCase(answers[num]))
                        outStr="\015\012That's correct! Want another (y/n)?";
                        outStr="\015\012Wrong, the correct answer is "
                            + answers[num] +". Want another (y/n)?";
                    state = WAIT_FOR_CONFIRM;
                case WAIT_FOR_CONFIRM:
                    // See if they want another question
                    if (!inStr.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) {
                        num = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % questions.length;
                        outStr = questions[num];
                        state = WAIT_FOR_ANSWER;
                    } else {
                        outStr = "Bye.";
                        state = WAIT_FOR_CLIENT;
            return outStr;
        private static boolean loadData() {
            try {
                //File inFile = new File("qna.txt");
                File inFile = new File("data/qna.txt");
                FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(inFile);
                byte[] data = new byte[(int)inFile.length()];
                // Read questions and answers into a byte array
                if ( <= 0) {
                    System.err.println("Error: couldn't read q&a.");
                    return false;
                // See how many question/answer pairs there are
                for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
                    if (data[i] == (byte)'#')
                numQuestions /= 2;
                questions = new String[numQuestions];
                answers = new String[numQuestions];
                // Parse questions and answers into String arrays
                int start = 0, index = 0;
                   String LineDelimiter = System.getProperty("line.separator");
                   int len = 1 + LineDelimiter.length(); // # + line delimiter
                boolean isQuestion = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
                    if (data[i] == (byte)'#') {
                        if (isQuestion) {
                            questions[index] = new String(data, start, i - start);
                            isQuestion = false;
                        } else {
                            answers[index] = new String(data, start, i - start);
                            isQuestion = true;
                    start = i + len;
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                System.err.println("Exception: couldn't find the Q&A file.");
                return false;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Exception: couldn't read the Q&A file.");
                return false;
            return true;
        public static void main(String[] arguments) {
            // Initialize the question and answer data
            if (!loadData()) {
                System.err.println("Error: couldn't initialize Q&A data.");
            ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
            try {
                serverSocket = new ServerSocket(4413);
                System.out.println("TriviaServer up and running ...");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Error: couldn't create ServerSocket.");
            Socket clientSocket = null;
            // Endless loop: waiting for incoming client request
            while (true) {
                // Wait for a clientSocket
                try {
                    clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();   // ServerSocket returns a client socket when client connects
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.err.println("Error: couldn't connect to clientSocket.");
                // Create a thread for each incoming request
                TriviaServerMulti server = new TriviaServerMulti(clientSocket);
                Thread thread = new Thread(server);
                thread.start(); // Starts new thread. Thread invokes run() method of server.
    }This is the text file:
    Which one of the Smothers Brothers did Bill Cosby once punch out?
    (a) Dick
    (b) Tommy
    (c) both#
    What's the nickname of Dallas Cowboys fullback Daryl Johnston?
    (a) caribou
    (b) moose
    (c) elk#
    What is triskaidekaphobia?
    (a) fear of tricycles
    (b) fear of the number 13
    (c) fear of kaleidoscopes#
    What southern state is most likely to have an earthquake?
    (a) Florida
    (b) Arkansas
    (c) South Carolina#
    Which person at Sun Microsystems came up with the name Java in early 1995?
    (a) James Gosling
    (b) Kim Polese
    (c) Alan Baratz#
    Which figure skater is the sister of Growing Pains star Joanna Kerns?
    (a) Dorothy Hamill
    (b) Katarina Witt
    (c) Donna De Varona#
    When this Old Man plays four, what does he play knick-knack on?
    (a) His shoe
    (b) His door
    (c) His knee#
    What National Hockey League team once played as the Winnipeg Jets?
    (a) The Phoenix Coyotes
    (b) The Florida Panthers
    (c) The Colorado Avalanche#
    David Letterman uses the stage name "Earl Hofert" when he appears in movies. Who is Earl?
    (a) A crew member on his show
    (b) His grandfather
    (c) A character on Green Acres#
    Who created Superman?
    (a) Bob Kane
    (b) Jerome Siegel and Joe Shuster
    (c) Stan Lee and Jack Kirby#

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