Return sysdate on clicking a button

I want to design a form in which i want the sysdate & time to get stored in system when user clicks on radio button / button / checkbox.
Please guide how this could be done

I want to design a form in which i want the sysdate & time to get stored in system when user clicks on radio button / button / checkbox.Please guide how this could be done>
<li>Apex version</li>
<li> DB Version + Edition</li>
<li>DATE Datatype or Timestamp?</li>
<li>Format mask?</li></ul>
What do you intend to do with this date that you capture ? Is it to be inly displayed and saved as part of Submit process?
The better you articulate your query the better are the chances of getting a solution.

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    I could be corrupted backup.
    You can check the notification settings for message.
    Settings>Notification Center>Messages>Alert Style
    It should be on Banners or Alerts.
    Settings>Messages> Turn on Imessage and send as SMS and below that "Blocked" to check if you have any numbers block might be blocking the message.
    You can also do a hard reset by holding power and home till it restarts and release after seeing the apple logo.
    Still doesn't work? Settings>General>Reset>Reset all settings

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    requrement is like this
    Could anyone give suggestions with some code .
    we have lovs using this one we are searching for the value(ex emloyee name) that value is returned to the base page filed like message text input . we have add button, when ever we click that button to display the value(ex employee name ,desigantion this is from another table )on that same page.

    I could not understand your requirement. Post more details of the requirement with specific details.
    Message was edited by:

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    My undertanding is that when you double-click the home button, the apps that are shown are those that are currently active.  The reason you are not seeing all of them is that not all of them are active.  Before you can access an app in the multitask bar, it has to be turned on first.  As a test, try accessing the Notes application.  Return to the home screen by clicking the Home button ONCE.  Once the home screen appears, double click the home button to bring up the multitasking bar.  The Notes app should be on the far left.

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    If you create a function to return wwctx_api.get_user you could
    call this inside an update trigger, you could put in an
    exception to return USER if there is an error, this would then
    work for users connected directly and users using Portal.
    Regards Michael
         vRet VARCHAR2(50) := wwctx_api.get_user;
              RETURN (USER);

  • Left Nav lost after clicking submit button in iView

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    Make sure your iView isolation mode is set to URL...

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    Michael L. Williams

    You could use the JavaScript client object model to query the library for the next document set.
    The CAML query would need to return items where the content type inherits from Document Set, and the ID is greater than the current item's ID, sorted in ascending order, with a row limit of 1 so that only the first matching
    item is returned.
    The code would look something like below (replace "Name of your library" with the actual title of your library).
    <input type="button" onclick="GoToNextId()" value="Next" />
    function GoToNextId(){
    var currId = GetUrlKeyValue("ID");
    var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext();
    var list = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle("Name of your library");
    var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
    camlQuery.set_viewXml("<View><Query><Where><And><BeginsWith><FieldRef Name='ContentTypeId'/><Value Type='ContentTypeId'>0x0120D520</Value></BeginsWith><Gt><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Counter'>"+currId+"</Value></Gt></And></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='ID' /></OrderBy></Query><RowLimit>1</RowLimit></View>");
    var items = list.getItems(camlQuery);
    var itemEnumerator = items.getEnumerator();
    var counter = 0;
    var item = itemEnumerator.get_current();
    counter = item.get_item("ID");
    if(counter != 0){
    window.location.href = window.location.pathname + "?ID="+counter
    } else{
    alert("There are no more document sets after the current set.")
    Note that 0x0120D520 is the content type ID for document sets. Any content type that inherits from Document Set will have a content type ID that begins with that value.
    You could add similar JavaScript to go to the "previous" document set. You would just need to change the CAML query so that it looks for items with an ID less than the current item instead of greater than, and change the sort order to be descending.
    <View><Query><Where><And><BeginsWith><FieldRef Name='ContentTypeId'/><Value Type='ContentTypeId'>0x0120D520</Value></BeginsWith><Lt><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Counter'>"+currId+"</Value></Lt></And></Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='ID' Ascending='False'/></OrderBy></Query><RowLimit>1</RowLimit></View>
    I hope that helps!

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    Please do the needful
    Thanks & Regards
    Kishan Rana

    You are using either the built-in Mozilla PDF Viewer or the built-in Chrome PDF VIewer and have a LiveCycle Designer XFA form being viewed.  You need to configure the web browser accordingly.
    XFA-based PDF forms on Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome
    There are are probably registry entries available for setting this up in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry hive for both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, but I don't know them and have not seen them posted on any vendor site.  Then again, I haven't looked either.   

  • Invalidate session when user clicks back button

    I want to invalidate the session when user clicks back button, so that user cannot refresh and reload a page.
    Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
    Message was edited by:

    * Created on October 27, 2006, 9:18 AM
    package web;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    * @author javious
    * @version
    public class SessionInvalidator extends HttpServlet {
        /** Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> methods.
         * @param request servlet request
         * @param response servlet response
        protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
            PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
            String reposted = request.getParameter("reposted");
                HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
                if(session == null)
                    // This is step 4 and beyond
                    out.println("<title>Servlet SessionInvalidator</title>");
                    out.println("<h1>Servlet SessionInvalidator at " + request.getContextPath () + "</h1>");
                    out.println("I said, your session is now invalid! Now where are those Duke Dollars at?");
                    Integer hitCount = (Integer)session.getAttribute("hitCount");
                    if(hitCount == null)
                        // This is step 2 (the "good" - "stay" page.)
                        out.println("<title>Servlet SessionInvalidator</title>");
                        out.println("<h1>Servlet SessionInvalidator at " + request.getContextPath () + "</h1>");
                        out.println("Your session is good.<br>");
                        out.println("If you click the browser's back button, you will invalidate your session.");
                        hitCount = 1;
                        session.setAttribute("hitCount", hitCount);
                        //We've used up our good visit
                        // This is step 3
                        out.println("<title>Servlet SessionInvalidator</title>");
                        out.println("<h1>Servlet SessionInvalidator at " + request.getContextPath () + "</h1>");
                        out.println("Your session is now invalid");
                // because the javascript in the following output will never allow a user
                // to continue clicking back any further than this, we can safely create the session.
                // (or perhaps the session can already be created here and this may not be necessary).
                // A problem lies where if the user chooses to "select" a page back in history they thereby
                // potentially skip back "over" this functionality, thus defeating the purpose of it.
                // This is step 1 (indirection)
                out.println("<title>Servlet SessionInvalidator</title>");
                out.println("<body onload=\"document.getElementById('invalidatorForm').submit()\">");
                out.println("<h1>Servlet SessionInvalidator at " + request.getContextPath () + "</h1>");
                out.println("<form id=\"invalidatorForm\" action=\"SessionInvalidator\" method=\"POST\">");
                out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"reposted\" value=\"true\">");
        // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="HttpServlet methods. Click on the + sign on the left to edit the code.">
        /** Handles the HTTP <code>GET</code> method.
         * @param request servlet request
         * @param response servlet response
        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
            processRequest(request, response);
        /** Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method.
         * @param request servlet request
         * @param response servlet response
        protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
            processRequest(request, response);
        /** Returns a short description of the servlet.
        public String getServletInfo() {
            return "Short description";
        // </editor-fold>
    }The problem with even attempting to do this is that with today's browser capabilities, users can optionally choose to jump to a particular page in the browser history and this may not necessarily be the most recent page. In this case, you would also want to invalidate the user's session after already having been there (whatever page that may be). Then you have situations when the user may wish to jump back in history to external pages they were visiting before they reached your own site's pages. Then what happens when they start clicking forward, forward, etc... from there? This is why I prefer writing Swing Clients as alternatives to browser applications. There are soo many possible ways break web applications made for standard web browsers both maliciously and simply by accident or irregular user patterns. Regardless, this servlet would work based on the assumption that all the user(s) would "ever" do aside from moving logically forward is clicking on the browser's "back" button.
    Message was edited by:

  • In advancedSearch , how to set retainAM=Y when click 'Go' button

    I created advancedSearch in page, when I click on go button, I will get the result in advancedTable ,
    in the page Address, it will be appended '....&retainAM=N&addBreadCrumb=N&oapc=3',
    Now my question is how to set 'retainAM=Y' when I click on 'Go' button

    Hi Gyan,
    In advanched search, click go button, then I will get the result in the advanchedTable,
    and the address of this page will be added the statement '...retainAM=N..'
    Then, for example, click 'about this page', it will go to 'About Page'. click 'Return to Page: ', it will go to the previous page and the address of the page
    still be '..retainAM=N..', but now the result table is blank.
    I want to retain the result we have searched when return to the previous search page.
    I think if we can change the retainAM's value to 'Y' after clicking on 'Go' button, then when we return to this page, retainAM will still be 'Y' so that the
    result will be retained .
    And I found one thing so strange, in advancedSearch criteria, there are four criteria displaying in search region by default, but when I add one new criteria, even I don't erter any value to this new crireria, and then go button, in address of this page, it will be '..retainAM=Y', then when we return this page , it will retain the result

  • Clicking Back button twice in IE7 to get previos page in our WL portal.

    we are developing weblogic portal application.
    And have noticed that on the all our pages(we have JPF and JSR portlets) we have to click Back button twice in Internet Explorer 7 to get previous page.
    We haven't got such issue when we use FireFox, Opera or Chrome, please advice, what we can do to fix this issue.
    Thank you very much!

    Thank you, deepshet
    Now I have discovered that weblogic generates url with fragment identifier at the second step.
    When I call page for example News_page from previous page Main_page, I use the following link
    after loading (about 1-2 seconds) to url addeds fragment identifier *#wlp_news_page*, so the resulting page will be
    At this moment when I click back button in IE I will get
    for the first time.
    And after my second click I will be returned to Main_page.
    Please advice how can I avoid such behaviour?Is it possible to turn off fragment identifiers on portal?

  • On clicking a button run external class which refrances main application

    I have a reader ReadXML and a Jframe Cpass, on clicking a button on Cpass, an new filechooser opens, this then fills the input jtextfiled12 . When clicking "load" button on cpass I need to send jtextfiled12.getText() to ReadXML (this runs, and updates mank text fields on cPass)... but I cant reference from a static context Cpass>>ReadXML>>Cpass.... so having a problem
    relevant cPass in
    public class Cpass extends javax.swing.JFrame {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    Cpass C = new Cpass();;
    public String getIn() {        return this.jTextField12.getText();         }
    relevant ReadXML in
    public class ReadXML {
    private void ReadInXML() throws IOException {
         String XmlInText = Cpass.getIn();
              BufferedReader allData8 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader
    (new FileInputStream(new File( XmlInText)),"UTF8")); }
    Edited by: Mr_Tuition on Dec 5, 2007 3:44 AM

    but since cpass is already running from cpass, i cant reinitialise it, I need to used the insatance that is already shown, since it contains the infomation needed to pass to readXML
    public static void main(String args[]) {
       Cpass C = new Cpass();;
       }When selectinfg a button on C (which selects the file location), that then opens readXML, I cant open a new version of Cpass (since this wont contain the infomation, eg the file the user has just chosen)
    I need to run Cpass
    Click a button that selects a file
    then file location is set in a text feild on Cpass
    on selecting "load" on Cpass, this runs
    *readXML some how gets the file location from Cpass (which is still;)
    the XML is read, and sent back to Cpass via:
              public String[] getStrAllData() {
                      return this.arrayXML;
             }One way arround thios is to copy the readXML function into Cpass but thats just messy
    Another would be to write out a "cookie" type file that saves the location, then readXML can use this .. less messy, but not what I wanted.
    Edited by: Mr_Tuition on Dec 5, 2007 4:42 AM

  • Have to click the button twice to invoke its action!!!!

    I am using netbeans 5.5 visual web pack and tomcat server for my JSF project.
    In one of my pages i have to click the submit button twice to invoke its action.
    I searched forum for the answer but could not find any that could solve my problem.
    Whenever i first click the button from the lifecycle listener class i used i found the application goes through following phases:
    BeforePhase: RESTORE_VIEW 1
    AfterPhase: RESTORE_VIEW 1
    com.sun.rave.web.ui.renderer.UploadRenderer::     Looking for id form1:citizenshipFileUPloadField_com.sun.rave.web.ui.upload
    com.sun.rave.web.ui.renderer.UploadRenderer::     Found id form1:citizenshipFileUPloadField_com.sun.rave.web.ui.upload
    BeforePhase: RENDER_RESPONSE 6
    AfterPhase: RENDER_RESPONSE 6There is no INVOKE_APPLICATION phase in first click. In second click, the status i got is:
    BeforePhase: RESTORE_VIEW 1
    AfterPhase: RESTORE_VIEW 1
    com.sun.rave.web.ui.renderer.UploadRenderer::     Looking for id form1:citizenshipFileUPloadField_com.sun.rave.web.ui.upload
    com.sun.rave.web.ui.renderer.UploadRenderer::     Found id form1:citizenshipFileUPloadField_com.sun.rave.web.ui.upload
    BeforePhase: UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES 4
    BeforePhase: RENDER_RESPONSE 6
    AfterPhase: RENDER_RESPONSE 6Now the INVOKE_APPLICATION phase is invoked.
    I have <h:messages /> tag but no errors could be seen.
    What can be the reasons behind this problem

    Well the code that is producing the problem is quite big. Anyway i will post it, hoope you can get something out of it.
    The jsp page is:
    <ui:body binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.body1}" id="body1" style="-rave-layout: grid">
                        <div align="center">
                            <ui:staticText binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.staticText1}" id="staticText1"
                                style="font-family: Georgia,'Times New Roman',times,serif; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold" text="Company Person Page"/>
                        <div align="left" style="color:red;font-weight:bold;layout:table;">
                            <h:messages id="errMsgs"/>
                        <ui:form binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.form1}" id="form1">
                                    <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.label1}" id="label1" style="" text="Citizenship Number:"/>
                                    <ui:textField binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.textField1}" id="textField1" required="true" style="" text="#{CompanyPersonBean.citizenshipNumber}"/>
                                    <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.label2}" id="label2" style="" text="Name:"/>
                                    <ui:textField binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.textField2}" id="textField2" required="true" style="" text="#{}"/>
                                    <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.label3}" id="label3" style="" text="Country:"/>
                                    <ui:textField binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.textField3}" id="textField3" required="true" style="" text="#{}"/>
                                    <fieldset style="width:250px;float:left;">
                                        <legend>Temporary Address</legend>
                                        <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.tempDistrictLabel}" id="tempDistrictLabel" text="District:"/>
                                        <ui:dropDown binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.tempDistrictDropDown}"
                                            converter="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.integerConverter1}" id="tempDistrictDropDown" immediate="true"
                                            onChange="common_timeoutSubmitForm(this.form, 'ul:li:fieldset:tempDistrictDropDown');" valueChangeListener="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.tempDistrictDropDown_processValueChange}"/>
                                        <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.tempAreaLabel}" id="tempAreaLabel" text="Area(VDC/Municipality):"/>
                                        <ui:dropDown binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.tempAreaDropDown}"
                                            converter="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.integerConverter3}" id="tempAreaDropDown" items="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.tempAreaDataProvider.options['AREA_ID,AREA_NEPALI_NAME']}"/>
                                        <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.tempWardNoLabel}" id="tempWardNoLabel" text="Ward No:"/>
                                        <ui:textField binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.tempWardNoTextField}" id="tempWardNoTextField" required="true"/>
                                        <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.tempHouseNoLabel}" id="tempHouseNoLabel" text="House No:"/>
                                        <ui:textField binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.tempHouseNoTextField}" id="tempHouseNoTextField"/>
                                    <fieldset style="width:250px;">
                                        Permanent Address</legend>
                                        <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.permDistrictLabel}" id="permDistrictLabel" text="District:"/>
                                        <ui:dropDown binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.permDistrictDropDown}"
                                            converter="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.integerConverter2}" id="permDistrictDropDown" immediate="true"
                                            onChange="common_timeoutSubmitForm(this.form, 'ul:li:fieldset:permDistrictDropDown');" valueChangeListener="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.permDistrictDropDown_processValueChange}"/>
                                        <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.permAreaLabel}" id="permAreaLabel" text="Area(VDC/Municipality):"/>
                                        <ui:dropDown binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.permAreaDropDown}"
                                            converter="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.integerConverter4}" id="permAreaDropDown" items="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.permAreaDataProvider.options['AREA_ID,AREA_NEPALI_NAME']}"/>
                                        <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.permWardNoLabel}" id="permWardNoLabel" text="Ward No:"/>
                                        <ui:textField binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.permWardNoTextField}" id="permWardNoTextField" required="true"/>
                                        <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.permHouseNoLabel}" id="permHouseNoLabel" text="House No:"/>
                                        <ui:textField binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.permHouseNoTextField}" id="permHouseNoTextField"/>
                                    <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.label4}" id="label4" style="" text="Phone Number:"/>
                                    <ui:textField binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.textField4}" id="textField4" style="" text="#{CompanyPersonBean.phoneNumber}"/>
                                    <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.label5}" id="label5" style="" text="Mobile:"/>
                                    <ui:textField binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.textField5}" id="textField5" style="" text="#{CompanyPersonBean.mobileNumber}"/>
                                    <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.label6}" id="label6" style="" text="Email:"/>
                                    <ui:textField binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.textField6}" id="textField6" style=""
                                        text="#{CompanyPersonBean.emailAddress}" validator="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.textField6_validate}"/>
                                    <b>Person Company Relation:</b>
                                    <ui:checkbox binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.checkbox1}" id="checkbox1" label="Is Promoter" style=""/>
                                    <ui:checkbox binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.checkbox2}" id="checkbox2" label="Is Board Oof Director" style=""/>
                                    <ui:checkbox binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.checkbox3}" id="checkbox3" label="Is Shareholder" style=""/>
                                    <ui:label binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.label7}" id="label7" style="" text="Citizenship Certificate File"/>
                                    <ui:upload binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.citizenshipFileUPloadField}"
                                        columns="#{CompanyPersonBean.citizenshipFilePath}" id="citizenshipFileUPloadField" required="true" style=""/>
                                    <ui:button action="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.button1_action}" binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.button1}"
                                        id="button1" style="height: 23px"
                                        binding="#{ReceptionPage$CompanyPersonPage.button2}" id="button2" onClick="window.close()" style="height: 24px" text="Close"/>
                        The corresponding bean is:
    public class CompanyPerson {
        private String citizenshipNumber;
        private String name;
        private String country;
        private String phoneNumber;
        private String mobileNumber;
        private String emailAddress;
        private String citizenshipFilePath;
        private String isShareHolder;
        private String isBoardOfDirector;
        private String isPromoter;
        public CompanyPerson() {
        public String getCitizenshipNumber() {
            return citizenshipNumber;
        public void setCitizenshipNumber(String citizenshipNumber) {
            this.citizenshipNumber = citizenshipNumber;
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public void setName(String name) {
   = name;
        public String getCountry() {
            return country;
        public void setCountry(String country) {
   = country;
        public String getPhoneNumber() {
            return phoneNumber;
        public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
            this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
        public String getMobileNumber() {
            return mobileNumber;
        public void setMobileNumber(String mobileNumber) {
            this.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;
        public String getEmailAddress() {
            return emailAddress;
        public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) {
            this.emailAddress = emailAddress;
        public int getTemporaryAddressId() {
            return temporaryAddressId;
        public void setTemporaryAddressId(int temporaryAddressId) {
            this.temporaryAddressId = temporaryAddressId;
        public int getPermanentAddressId() {
            return permanentAddressId;
        public void setPermanentAddressId(int permanentAddressId) {
            this.permanentAddressId = permanentAddressId;
        public String getCitizenshipFilePath() {
            return citizenshipFilePath;
        public void setCitizenshipFilePath(String citizenshipFilePath) {
            this.citizenshipFilePath = citizenshipFilePath;
        public String getIsShareHolder() {
            return isShareHolder;
        public void setIsShareHolder(String isShareHolder) {
            this.isShareHolder = isShareHolder;
        public String getIsBoardOfDirector() {
            return isBoardOfDirector;
        public void setIsBoardOfDirector(String isBoardOfDirector) {
            this.isBoardOfDirector = isBoardOfDirector;
        public String getIsPromoter() {
            return isPromoter;
        public void setIsPromoter(String isPromoter) {
            this.isPromoter = isPromoter;
    }No all the properties of the bean has been bind to components.
    I also have value change listener methods for two drop down lists whose immediate property is set to true to bypass the validation. If i change the dropdownlist selection then its value change listener method is successfully invoked, then after if i click the submit button, then it will works.

  • HT201209 Trying to redeem a free download for a song from KLove. When I get into my acct & try to redeem it, it just keeps bringing up the "sign-in" box. When I click the button on KLove's webpage to redeem it takes me to that page but does the same thing

    Trying to redeem a free download for a song from KLove. When I get into my acct & try to redeem it, it just keeps bringing up the "sign-in" box. When I click the button on KLove's webpage to redeem it takes me to that page but does the same thing

    Get the redeem code from the KLove page:
    ...and enter it into the Redeem Code box in the iTunes Store.
    You will have to sign in to your iTunes account.
    It worked fine here.  If that doesn't work for you, let us know what went wrong.

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