Reverse IDOC lookup

Is there a way to find the idoc from the invoice display transaction? I am displaying an Invoice in MIR4, and I wanted to know where can I find the idoc which posted this invoice in the MIR4 screen.
Thank you.

Try menue "System">"Services for Object"> button "Display relationships".
Best Regards, Dirk

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    New_DS_User wrote:
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    Best Regards

    Hello Adrian Lambardi,
    I go through your query and come to know that you are facing the problem of constantly dispatcher deactivation due to reverse name lookup.
    So, I found a beautiful solution of your query in the following tutorial mentioned on SAPTechies:
    Please visit this link and get the solution and tell me if it is helpful to you or not.
    Thank You,
    Sonia Barwar.

  • Page listed for reverse phone lookup no longer works

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    For me, this is changed automatically to:
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    View the site map.
    Go to the home page.
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    Please don't tell me there are lots of sites on the Internet that do this for free. This is no longer true. Please do not recommend that I Google the number; I have already done that, and more.
    Instead, please tell me the exact Verizon page that provides this for Verizon landlines, or tell me a specific Internet page that does this.
    Thank you!

    I agree. I was looking for an answer for the lookup link on
    which doesn't work, but your link now does.

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    WL 5.1 sp3
    Sol 2.6
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    In article <[email protected]>, [email protected]
    Is there a property that can be set to disable the reverse DNS
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    NewsGroup Rant
    Rant 1.
    The less info you provide about your problem means
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    problem from an external perspective and provide
    all the data necessary to put your problem in

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    17' SuperDrive Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    However, you can achieve do something that looks similar to overriding.
    class Parent {
      Parent(int i, String s) {
        // do stuff
    class Child extends Parent {
      Child(int i, String s) {
        super(i, s);
        // do Child stuff here
    new Parent(1, "abc");
    new Child(2, "xyz");Although that's not overriding, it sort of looks similar. Is this what you were talking about?

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  • 9i app the reverse DNS lookup have to be set up for a FQDN

    HEy guys:
    I'M ALWAYS GETTING STUCK IN THE SAME PLACE WHEN I AM TRYING TO INSTALL 9I APPSERVER REL 2. ITS ALWATYS HAPPENING AT THE oRACLE db CONFIG assistant i have set up my host file and when i ping -a servername i get the full reply back ex. but now when i ping -a i do not get the host name back this is b/c i do not have the PTR record set up. Do i have to have a reverse dnslookup working for what oracle is stating is "FQDN" and not just the dns lookup is oracle installer looking at this piece.
    that is the only i see that i don't have when i look at my computer name (by the way this is a winnt environment)in properties it has the FQDN. i also have set up the host file correctly resembling servername oracleinstall. What else am i missing here guys? thanks for the help in advance

    Actually, these issues were/are documented - see the addendum. Also, the install guide details which files need to be updated with the FQDN/IP.
    Though it does not have to be setup in your DNS server (say if you are just doing it on a single tier to test), those machines which are looking to connect to it would need to have the proper additions to the hosts file as well.
    As for why the 'non-default' http ports, this was a result of Unix security. Non-root users cannot start processes using ports below a specific range. As a result, oracle defaults them to a higher number allowing your oracle account whom lacks root access to start the http service.
    As for non-oracle responses, this isn't really an official forumn. I believe those oracle peeps who do respond here are doing so on their own. If you need official/immediate responses, then i would recommend using metalink for an itar or the metalink forums.
    Now on to Robert's second question. See metalink Note:209114.1: How to Change the Port used for Oracle 9iAS Portal 9.0.x. If you don't have access to metalink, let me know and I can forward the note or post it here.
    Have fun!

  • ASA 5520 Reverse DNS lookup Issue

    We are having Reverse DNS issues. = Exchange Server
    Windows 2003 = DNS server internal.
    Setup: 1 to 1 NAT smtp --> smtp
    Int gi0/2 =
    Incoming Access Rule:
    any --> smtp permit
    When we do a WhatismyIp on exchange server it says the IP is
    It should be
    This is causing our email to be rejected from external sites due to reverse dns not returning 218. External people say are email is coming from 217. Comcast says the reverse pointer is setup correctly.
    What are we doing wrong?
    Thanks for any help you can offer.

    When we do a WhatismyIp on exchange server it says the IP is
    It should be
    217 is the interface gi0/2 on the ASA.

  • Reverse DNS Lookup Failed!

    I started this thread weeks ago in the mail category, because it was related to sending e-mails to certain accounts. If you could please look at this thread I would greatly appreciate it so I don't have to re-explain the whole situation. I need to get this resolved as soon as possible and I don't know what else to do. I have had tons of help on the subject, yet no one can figure out why it's not working. You can do reverse resolution to my server just fine and my service provider shows it's pointing to my dns servers but somewhere in the mix it won't resolve any other way except directly to mine.
    I have read every article on here that has revserse DNS in it, yet still no luck. Thanks.

    Zone File:
    $TTL 86400 IN SOA marshall.funsunstudi (
    2006013000 ; serial
    3h ; refresh
    1h ; retry
    1w ; expiry
    1h ) ; minimum IN NS IN NS IN A
    ns1 IN A
    ns2 IN A
    mail IN A IN MX 0 mail
    www IN A
    * IN A
    oms IN A
    zone "" in {
    file "";
    type master;
    zone "" IN {
    file "db.12.146.245";
    type master;
    db.12.146.245 file:
    $TTL 86400 IN SOA mar$
    2006013000 ; serial
    3h ; refresh
    1h ; retry
    1w ; expiry
    1h ) ; minimum IN NS IN NS
    32/ IN PTR
    Yes I know I am resolving it for the whole C-Class, but should not affect my issue. Thanks for the help Camelot. BTW I am basing this all off the e-mail AT&T sent me about the setup, so if it's totally wrong please don't yell too bad.

  • "Reverse Parent Lookup"

    Not quite sure if I should post this here, or in the 3D section - but here goes (in here ^^)
    I'm currently in the process of scripting a 3D interface system which has a simple scenegraph associated with it.
    Now, all my objects have an ancestor class called "node", which ties into the scenegraph - these nodes have a property called pEnabled and if this is set to true, all of its children will receive updates on stepframe  - and it works pretty good so far.
    But - here is my "problem".. (my approach might not be the best for this - but hopefully one of you can help me out)
    I have a mouse class that repeatedly updates a list of models under the mouse location - the interface "manager" grabs this data on every update and does a check to see if the model is present in any of the ui element nodes.
    If the model is present in the list, I want to enable this node - but - I also want to enable its parent.. and the parents parent.. and the parents, parents parent etc. - until it reaches the rootnode (the ui "manager", which should always be enabled) :]
    The reason for doing this, is that I want to cut down on the amount of updates running per frame, as the renderer slows down quite a bit when I have more than ~100 enabled ui elements running - each with their own set of ancestor scripts.
    As mentioned - my approach might not be optimal - or even possible - but if any of you have any insight on how to accomplish something like this, I'd greatly appriciate the feedback.
    Thanks in advance :]

    Ooohkay... seems like I figured it out.
    I made two simple functions for enabling and disabling:
    on enable me 
      if voidP(me.pParent.getaprop(#pElements)) then
        --- If the parent script is a ui element, enable it
      end if 
      --- Enable this element
      me.pEnabled = true
    end me
    Basically just running the enable() / disable() function on all parents until it reaches the ui "manager".. works like a charm.. so far -.^
    Feel free to comment anyway if any of you have anything you'd like to add :]

  • Set up reverse DNS for virtual mail hosting

    I need a bit of server configuation advice.
    I have a static IP and two public domains on a Snow Leopard server connected using NAT behind a firewall - with the necessary port forwarding to ensure all works. 
    1. is my primary domain on the server -
    2. I have set up as a virtual domain and also as a virtual mail host
    This setup has worked well for a long time but I have found that emails to [email protected] are going missing.  If I check my mx records using one of the web based tools it show an error on the reverse dns for showing a reverse DNS of
    So the question - is it possible to have secondary 'virtual' DNS record on the server so reverse DNS works for the virtual mail host  If not how do I handle the reverse DNS problem which i think is causing some external mail server to reject mail due to the inconsistency on the reverse DNS lookup?
    Many thanks for any suggestions

    SMTP requires a DNS A record.
    A DNS A record is also known as a machine record.
    A DNS A record inherently means that forward DNS and reverse DNS will match.
    The forward translation translates the host name to the IP address.
    The reverse translation translates the IP address to host name.
    When the full translation produces the same host name, that's an A record.
    DNS CNAME records are aliases, and are used for virtual hosts.
    CNAME records inherently do not match the reverse DNS translations.
    To get your configuration to work, your server must have an A record.
    That means forward and reverse DNS will match.
    Any of the virtual hosts within your mail server then all use an MX pointing at the A record host.
    If you have your DNS hosted somewhere other than your ISP, then you'll need your ISP to set up a DNS PTR.
    The DNS PTR is the reverse translation; address to name.
    If you have your own DNS services within your network (as would be typical with a privately-addressed NAT'd network), set that up as a virtual host within SMTP.
    Here is some related reading on external (public) DNS, as related to SMTP servers and such.

  • Reverse call log issue

    i keep getting an error when i try to do a reverse call lookup. it says try setting phone list view to "call log" but i don't have that option. It says if this option is unavailable this is a known but and we are working with RIM to correct the issue. If you require assitance accessing the phone list view settings or would like to be notified when a fix is available please use the Send Us Feedback option and indicate Reverse Call Log issue in message. But where is this send us feedback? I'm so confused. Anyone have this problem or know where I can get some help for it? Thanks again

    How did you reload the firmware? Did you backup the data and perform a reset using *#7370# before reloading? Try and reply.
    Nokia C7

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