Rewrite the predicate into an equivalent form to take advantage of indices

Hi all,
I'm working on a tuning project on Oracle for HPUX.
While taking an ADDM, I see the following:
The predicate RTRIM("IC_TIPOS_ASIENTOS"."TIP_ASIENTO")=RTRIM(:B1) used at line ID 2 of the execution plan contains an expression on indexed column "TIP_ASIENTO". This expression prevents the optimizer from selecting indices on table "SCHEMA"."IC_TIPOS_ASIENTOS".
Rewrite the predicate into an equivalent form to take advantage of indices. Alternatively, create a function-based index on the expression.
The query is:
select count(*) into :b0 from IC_TIPOS_ASIENTOS where (((((RTRIM(CUENTA_SGC)=rtrim(:b1) or NVL(RTRIM(CUENTA_SGC), ' ')=' ') and RTRIM(TIP_ASIENTO)=rtrim(:b2)) and (RTRIM(TIP_TARIFA)=rtrim(:b3) or RTRIM(TIP_TARIFA)='T')) and (RTRIM(EST_ORIGEN)=rtrim(:b4) or EST_ORIGEN='0999BGRTYP')) and (CO_GRUPO_CON=:b5 or CO_GRUPO_CON=0))
_Does it mean that in order to take advantange of the indexes I should create an funcion-based index of the expression RTRIM(TIP_ASIENTO)?_
I cannot change the code of the application, only indexes.
Thanks a lot.

I performed an autotrace, and the index is being used. I didn't create any new index so far.
Take a look:
Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 1322405988
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 27 | 4 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 27 | | |
|* 2 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN| IC_TIPOS_ASIENTOS_I01 | 1 | 27 | 4 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
Although RTRIM is used the index is taken into account to solve the query.
If I remove the RTRIM, execution plan is the same and there's no gain.
So, ADDM is wrong?
What does it say that it cannot take advantage of indexes when thay are actually used ?

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    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="" %>
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            <h3>SQL Query Tester</h3>
                    <th>SQL Query:</th>
                        <textarea name="sqlQuery" rows="10" cols="80"></textarea>
                        <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/>
                        <input type="reset"/>
            <c:if test="${not empty param.sqlQuery}">
                <sql:query var="queryResult" sql="${param.sqlQuery}"/>
                <hr />
                <h3>Query Results</h3>
                <c:forEach items="${queryResult.rowsByIndex}" var="row" varStatus="status">
                    <c:if test="${status.first}">
                       <table border="1" align="center" width="100%">
                           <tr bgcolor="#ffad00">
                               <c:forEach items="${queryResult.columnNames}" var="col">
                                   <th><c:out value="${col}"/></th>
                        <c:forEach items="${row}" var="value">
                            <td><c:out value="${value}"/></td>
                    <c:if test="${status.last}">
    </form>I'll leave the web.xml and error.jsp as an exercise for you.
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    I've been researching this problem (saving images in a MySQL database) in order to accomplish a task I was assigned to. Finally I was able to do it. I'd be glad if it will be of any use.
    First of all: the original question was related to an applet. So, the post from rkippen should be read. It says almost everything, leaving the code job for us. Since I managed to write some code, I'll put it here, but I'm not dealing with the byte transferring issue.
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    My problem was to save an image captured by a web camera. I had an Image object, which I converted into a byte array and saved into the database. Eventually I had to read the image and show it to the user.
    The table in the MySQL database could be:
    CREATE TABLE  test (
      id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
      img blob NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY  (id)
    )I had problems trying to use the �setBlob� and �getBlob� methods in the Statement object, so I used the �setBytes� and �getBytes� methods . In the end, I liked these methods most because they where more suitable to my application.
    The database operations are:
        public int insertImage(Image image) throws SQLException {
            int id = -1;
            String sql = "insert into test (img) values (?)\n";
            PreparedStatement ps = this.getStatement(sql);  // this method is trivial
            byte [] bytes = this.getBytes(imagem); // * see below
            ps.setBytes(1, bytes);
            id = ps.getGeneratedKeys().getInt(0); //Actually I couldn't make this line work yet.
            return id;
        public Image selectImage(int id) throws SQLException {
            Image img = null;
            String sql = "select img from test where id = ?\n";
            PreparedStatement ps = getStatement(sql);
            ps.setInt(1, id);
            ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
            if ( {
                byte [] bytes = rs.getBytes(1);
                img = this.getImage(bytes); // * see below
            return img;
        }* If the bytes are read directly from a file, I think it is not necessary to convert it into an Image. Just send the bytes to the database method would work. On the other hand, if the image read form the DB will be written directly into files, the bytes obtained from rs.getBytes(1) would be enough.
    The image operations are:
        public byte [] getBytes(Image image) {
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            try {
                ImageIO.write(this.getBufferedImage(image), "JPEG", baos);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
            return baos.toByteArray();
        public Image getImage(byte [] bytes)  {
            Image image = null;
            ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
            try {
                image =;
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
            return image;
        public BufferedImage getBufferedImage(Image image) {
            int width = image.getWidth(null);
            int height = image.getHeight(null);
            BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
            Graphics2D g2d = bi.createGraphics();
            g2d.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
            return bi;
        }That's it. I hope it is useful.

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    If you are having the same problem, i.e. a disk permission problem, open your favorite search engine and search on, "change disk permissions", and I think you'll find plenty of information on how to fix the problem. This is a Lightroom forum. Your problem is with your operating system. There is no sense in rewriting instructions that are already available if you do a simple search.

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    I can set the fields using logic in the backing bean as an action on a command button pressed.
    But how do I do it based on the URL parameter ? I can retrieve the URL parameter but I
    don't know where to put (or hook) the Java code to do this initialization prior to
    the page being rendered for the first time.
    The fields in the JSF is being configured dynamically using a database table.
    BTW I am using Jdeveloper

    Thanks. I decided to set a Session bean to store the value of the URL parameter (if it is set)
    and then to use the session bean to initialize the attributes of the fields on the JSF Page.
    There also seems to be some caching of the inputText fields (i.e. it reverts back to the first
    initialized value) even though I tried to change it using the URL parameter in the requestScope
    backing bean. So, setting the values into the Session bean and retrieving it back from there
    seems to be more reliable.

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