Rewriting Senders Address

Our users that don't want their full names used when sending out from oracle web email. Is it possible to rewrite the addresses so that only the first name is used?
Is their another way to allow the web email user to specify how his sender address will appear to others?
User bob.smith, who uses an alias of bob, would like his email address ([email protected]) to appear as [email protected]
I have tried making changes in the Sender Rewrite Rules for SMTP_in and SMTP_out using this rewrite rule, then restarting the service.
$+.$[email protected],$[email protected],"Use First Name Only"
I have also tried this:
[email protected],[email protected],"Change for Bob Only"
When I test I receive Bobs email with the following sender address: [email protected]
Any ideas would be helpfull,

Currently, you can't rewrite the Sender's address. At the moment, the rewrite rules only rewrite the SMTP Envelope (not the message headers). You'll be able to do this in a future release.

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    Developing a phishing scam are we?
    I don't believe it is a good idea to have the address bar not correctly reflect the requested page.

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    Ensure that you are are entering the information in the correct boxes. I know on some versions of web browsers the formatting may be off, and it looks like the data should be going in the box below it. If i remember correctly the box that can usually be overlooked is screen name, if its left blank then when you confirm your email its not in the correct box so it looks like the emails do not match.
    If this doesnt help let me know.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” on the post that solves your issue to help others find the solution.
    Click the KUDOS STAR on the left to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Thanks and Regards
    Manik L Dhakate

    *--Method 1--*
              user_name              = wf_user
              user_address           = it_address
              user_address_not_found = 1
              OTHERS                 = 2.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            wf_addr_no = it_address-addrnumber.
            wf_pers_no = it_address-persnumber.
            SELECT SINGLE smtp_addr FROM adr6 INTO wf_addr
            WHERE persnumber EQ wf_pers_no AND
                  addrnumber EQ wf_addr_no.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              p_add = wf_addr.
    *----Another metheod -*
    PARAMETERS: p_add(50) TYPE c.
    Data: it_receivers LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    IF p_add IS NOT INITIAL.
          CLEAR it_receivers.
          IF p_user = c_x.
            it_receivers-rec_type = 'B'.  "SAP-Username
          ELSEIF p_dl = 'X'.
            it_receivers-rec_type = 'C'.  "Distribution list
          ELSEIF p_int = 'X'.
            it_receivers-rec_type = 'U'.  "Internet Address
          it_receivers-receiver = p_add.
          it_receivers-express = 'X'.
          APPEND it_receivers.

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    1) I can use sieve filters to filter on the above criteria, but the best i can for processing would be to forward them to some special mailbox, where I would need a program that would actualy read them and perform the mangling, and then resend them to the original recipient
    2)Maybe use a conversion channel, passign in the subject via environment variables. I would need to write a shell script that would copy the message, mangle it, and then pass it back to the MTA for delivery?
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    Has anyone had experience with re-writing the subject
    line of a message based on the FROM address? I am
    trying to accomplish the following:
    1) if the FROM address of a message is
    "[email protected]" and SUBJECT of message is
    "some special subject" then:
    2) rewrite from address to be "[email protected]" and
    rewrite subject to be "A new subject here".
    I've done alot of reading in the docs and on the
    forums and have come to the following conclusions:
    1) I can use sieve filters to filter on the above
    criteria, but the best i can for processing would be
    to forward them to some special mailbox, where I
    would need a program that would actualy read them and
    perform the mangling, and then resend them to the
    original recipientUntrue. Sieve can replace a header line, if you want.
    2)Maybe use a conversion channel, passign in the
    subject via environment variables. I would need to
    write a shell script that would copy the message,
    mangle it, and then pass it back to the MTA for
    delivery?Sounds like a much harder way to go. Also more costly in terms of performance.
    3) maybe install spam assasin - it seems like it adds
    extensions to the seive filters that allow mangling
    of the subject line, but the examples I have seen
    seem limited to adding a special "tag" to the
    subject, not replacing it in its entirety.While I personally use SpamAssassin, it adds no sieve functions at all. It just gives a "spam score" back to the MTA. Header rewriting is handled by Sieve.
    Can anyone advise me of the right approach to follow?
    Or let me know that I am smoking crack and there is
    some other better way to accomplish what I want? For
    example, is it possible to use procmail to do this?I've never touched procmail. I suspect sieve is the way to go.
    thanks in advance!
    -mike cirioli

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    When viewing a message in a tab or the message pane there is a star to the right of the senders address. If the star is filled with color the address is already in one of your address books. If the star is not filled, click the star to add them. Click the star a second time to open the edit dialog box to add more details to the contact.
    This is not the same star that is to the left of the message header when viewing the inbox.

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    "Helpful Reply
    To add them manually click on the star to the right of the senders address when viewing the message in the message pane or a tab. If the star is filled with color, the contact is already in your address book. If the star is blank, clicking it will add it. Clicking the star a second time will open the edit dialog box.
    This is NOT the same star that is to the left of the message header in the Inbox view.
    There are some add ons that will add all incoming addresses to their address book. I cannot imaging why anyone would want to do this, but it is available. You can search the add on list for these applications if that interests you"

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    How do I automatically or manually add incoming e-mail addresses to my address book?

    Automatically? Really?? All addresses of all senders just sucked into the address book, spammers, advertisers and all?
    Where an address appears in the panel above the message text, there is a star alongside it. Click this star to add the address to your Address Book. Once you have done that, you can click the star again to edit the address book entry.
    Note that if the star is empty/grey (silver?) the contact is unknown. If the star is filled/yellow (gold?), the Contact is already in your address book. (This is very like the way bookmarks are managed in Firefox.)
    If you really want all senders' addresses entered indiscriminately into your address book, this add-on may be of interest.

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    When viewing the email in the message pane, a tab or new window there will be a star to the right of the senders address. If the star is filled with color it is already in one of your address books. If the star is open you can click on it to add it to the book. Clicking a filled star will open the contact edit window so you can add details or move it to another address book.
    '''This is NOT the same star to the left of the message header in the Inbox window.'''

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    Reinstating the email account, we have downloaded all the folders from the ISP.
    There are now 2 "Sent" folders. One, created by MacMail with the paper aeroplane icon, contains the emails she has sent since the crash, the other, with an ordinary "folder" icon contains the 3000 recovered emails from the ISP server.
    We can add the sent email addresses from the MacMail "Sent" folder to the address book via "smart addresses" and "previous recipients", but this is only a few.
    I then tried selecting the ISP "Sent" folder and told MacMail to use this as its "Sent". Sure enough the two folders swapped icons, but "smart addresses" and "previous recipients" still only knew about the few emails in the original MacMail "Sent" folder, they don't pick up the 3000 or so.
    1) Can I make SA and PR recognise these emails?
    2) Failing that, could I copy or cut and paste the 3000 emails from one folder to the other and get it to work? I don't really want to do this but I will if it's the only way.
    3) Is there any way of similarly trawling through the received emails (of which there are over 1000 we've managed to recover) and extracting the senders' addresses into the address book?
    We could identify each unique email in both folders and, with smart addressing turned on, add them to the address book one at a time, but this would be a long and tedious process.

    I then tried selecting the ISP "Sent" folder and told MacMail to use this as its "Sent".
    Is this a POP or IMAP account? Who is the email provider?
    1) Can I make SA and PR recognise these emails?
    What exactly is 'SA' and 'PR'?
    2) Failing that, could I copy or cut and paste the 3000 emails from one folder to the other and get it to work?
    Maybe. You would only need to move them all at once from one folder to the other; copying them to the other folder would create an additional problem. But you may also need to rebuild your Mail index before they would be recognized.
    3) Is there any way of similarly trawling through the received emails (of which there are over 1000 we've managed to recover) and extracting the senders' addresses into the address book?
    Yes. Check out this Contextual Menu plugin Mail CM (free trial, but very low cost so there's no point in not paying for it).

  • Reply address for balance confirmation

    I am using t.code f.17 for balance confirmation report. But it is giving following error.
    Reply address does not exist for company code 1000
    Message no. FB366
    You want to print forms on which the reply address is issued as standard. You want to use reply addresses without an ID. No reply address without an ID was defined for company code 1000.
    System Response
    Termination of processing.
    Check whether a reply address has been created for the company code and create adresses if necessary.
    If this does not solve your problem, contact your system administrator.
    Further I tried to maintain senders address in correspondence node in financial accounting global settings. But it did't helped.
    Edited by: DHANANJAY S NAPHADE on Jun 29, 2010 1:10 PM

    The solution as follow:
    customize->financial accounting->account receivable and account payable->business transactions-> closing->count->balance confirmation correspondence->define reply address for balanced confirmation
    Log in and make an new entry. Example:  company code 1000   address ID: TT01
    After that, back to f.17, entry TT01 in the field 'Reply to'.
    Then, you execute it, balance confirmation is created successfully
    Edited by: yao chen on Jul 14, 2010 4:15 AM

  • Printing sender's address only on small envelope

    I'm trying to help my Mom send many Thank You cards out. I've succeeded in printing the message on the cards however I'm having problems printing address on the small envelope. The people whom she's trying to send the cards out are not people who we need to keep in our address book. So we are trying to speed up the process by printing her/senders address only on the envelope and hand writing the send-to addresses instead of entering some 200 entires into my address book.
    I didn't know about the Address app's print function so first I tried it with TextEdit. I've done some acrobatics moves to make it print my/sender's address somewhat close but I couldn't make it to print it any closer than 1" margin from the top left corner edges. Now I'm trying from the Mac's Address app but I ran into problem of not being able to print only the sender address; it seems I can only choose both addresses or none at all. I'm thinking probably there is a way but since I'm trying to do this for the first time I can't figure out. Anyone know how?

    Hi George,
    From your description, here is my understanding about your issue:
    You create a rule on user1's mailbox: If messages come from external, forward them to user2's mailbox. In user1's mailbox, message from external doesn't show the sender's email address. If I have misunderstood your concern, please let me know.
    Based on my knowledge, if a message from external, it should show the sender's email address. Also, I have a test in my environment using Exchange 2010 with Outlook 2013, it works. In your case, I recommend you check if OWA has the same issue. Also, please
    send a message from external without forward and check if this external sender's email address will be displayed.
    What's more, I would like to clarify the following thing:
    User1([email protected]) create a rule that forwards messages from userA(external user,
    [email protected]) to user2([email protected]). If userA sends a message to user1, in user1's Inbox, this message from "userA <[email protected]>"; in user2'a Inbox,
    this message from "user1" not "userA <[email protected]>".
    Besides, forward and redirect are two different things.
    Hope my clarification is helpful.
    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    FF 18.0.1
    My home page is set to
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    I have the live http headers add-on, and there is no actual http request sent.
    FF simply will not let me reach by typing in the address bar, it always 'rewrites' the address as
    I can reach in other browsers, via dns (nslookup), and other yahoo addresses (e.g. This sure sounds like malware and is a bit frightening

    First of all, "" is not malware-related but a domain from Akamai. It is/was used for load balancing services.
    Read more here:
    and here:
    The weird thing is that you only experience this issue in Firefox and not in other browsers installed on the same machine. I would suggest you to reset Firefox to make sure that no add-on or config is the culprit:
    Btw: "" doesn't load for me too.

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