RFC Integer field Returns Zero

We're having a strange issue with a SAP RFC which is called from BizTalk. The SAP function returns a list of customer orders. All fields are fine except the volume field which is an integer and always returns a zero.
I have tested the SAP BAPI which the RFC links to directly in SAP and it returns perfectly with proper values for the volumes.
Any idea why when BizTalk calls the RFC it returns 0 as the value for the integer volume fields?
Thanks in advance!

How is your sap schema? is it "xs:integer" or custom datatype? did you see if there any equivalent conversion type created for the volume field? You need to check in idoc schema.
I have seen some conversion/validation done at the wcf channel against idoc schema. When I talked to SAP guys they suggest to use character with fix length or string type most of the time.
Few things to check:
-> check if there are any spaces leading or trailing in the value field
-> Check the idoc schema if there is any custom type is created
-> Try changing the type to string (not very good idea though but just to check if type conversion is the issue)
-> Agree to exchange the field with other type as I suggested above
If this answers your question please mark it as Answer and if this post is helpful, please vote as helpful. Thanks !

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    whereas if i do the same thing in SQL navigator, it works
    Cn.ConnectionString = Constr
    If FGC Is Nothing Then
    Multiple = True
    'Search by desc
    'packaging.pkg_msds.processavfg(null, ActiveInActive, BrandCode, Desc, Itemtype)
    SQL = "BEGIN packaging.pkg_msds.processavfg(null,'" & _
    ActiveInActive & "','" & _
    BrandCode & "','" & _
    Desc & "','" & _
    Itemtype & "'); end;"
    'Here it will return multiple FGC
    'need to combine them
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    SQL = "BEGIN packaging.pkg_msds.processavfg('" & FGC & "','" & _
    ActiveInActive & "','" & _
    BrandCode & "',null,null); end;"
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    End If
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    Stepp = 1
    Cmd.Connection = Cn
    Cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text
    Cmd.CommandText = SQL
    Dim Trans As System.Data.OracleClient.OracleTransaction
    Trans = Cn.BeginTransaction()
    Cmd.Transaction = Trans
    Dim Cnt As Integer
    Cnt = Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
    'SQL = "SELECT rguo.pkg_msds.getPDSFGMass FROM dual"
    SQL = "select * from packaging.aveda_mass_XML"
    Cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text
    Cmd.CommandText = SQL
    Adp.SelectCommand = Cmd
    Stepp = 2
    If Ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then
    blError = True
    BlComposeXml = True
    Throw New Exception("No Record found for FGC(Finished Good Code=)" & FGC)
    End If
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    This forum is for Oracle's Data Provider and you're using Microsoft's, but I was curious so I went ahead and tried it. It works fine for me. Here's the complete code I used, could you point out what are you doing differently?
    create global temporary table abc_tab(col1 varchar2(10));
    create or replace procedure ins_abc_tab(v1 varchar2) as
    insert into abc_tab values(v1);
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.OracleClient;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection("data source=orcl;user id=scott;password=tiger");
            OracleTransaction txn = con.BeginTransaction();
            OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("begin ins_abc_tab('foo');end;", con);
            cmd.Transaction = txn;
            cmd.CommandText = "select * from abc_tab";
            OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            Console.WriteLine("rows found: {0}", ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count);
            // commit, cleanup, etc ommitted for clarity

  • Re: Suppression of 0 in an Integer field

    Use the template of the widget to suppress the zero when it is zero. The
    template of an numeric field can contain up to four combinations of
    templates, separated by semi-colons: positive;negative;zero;null Thus, a
    possible template might be: 0;<0>;; This would display a blank field for
    both zero an null values of the integer (or IntegerData / IntegerNullable)
    in question.
    At 06:07 PM 4/21/97 -0700, Chuck Davis wrote:
    I have an array object that has one of the columns defined as an integer.
    I map this array to a widget where the corresponding column is a data field.
    The widget shows a zero when I tab to it. I do not want this zero to show
    up so the user can just begin typing into the field. Making this field
    integernullable is not an option because I later insert it into a key
    field in a table that is not nullable. Any ideas on how to overcome this
    would be appreciated!
    Don Nelson
    Senior Consultant
    Forte Software, Inc.
    Denver, CO
    Corporate voice mail: 510-869-3400 x2209
    aka: [email protected]

    From: Don Nelson <[email protected]>
    Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 21:08:21 -0600
    Subject: Re: Suppression of 0 in an Integer field
    Use the template of the widget to suppress the zero when it is zero. The
    template of an numeric field can contain up to four combinations of
    templates, separated by semi-colons: positive;negative;zero;null Thus, a
    possible template might be: 0;<0>;; This would display a blank field for
    both zero an null values of the integer (or IntegerData / IntegerNullable)
    in question.When I tried it on my system, the template above displays as blank for zero
    but N/A for null. I can't get the null portion of the template to work unless
    I put a specific displayable character in there (e.g., "0;<0>;;*"). A space
    doesn't seem to work either. Am I doing something wrong?

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    WTSStopRemoteControlSession also lists no restrictions on OS support in MSDN.
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    <DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling:=True)> Public Shared Function GetSystemMetrics(ByVal nIndex as Integer) As Integer
    End Function
    Private Const SM_REMOTECONTROL as Integer = &H2001
    <DllImport("wtsapi32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> Public Shared Function WTSStopRemoteControlSession(ByVal iLoginId as Int32) as Int32
    End Function
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    retVal = GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTECONTROL)
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    Dim sessionIDCurrent as Int32
    ProcessIdToSessionId(Process.GetCurrentProcess, sessionIDCurrent)
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    Has anyone else run into this?  Is this a known issue?

    Known issue,similar to this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14725781/getsystemmetrics-returns-different-results-for-net-4-5-net-4-0
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help

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    e) sy-tabix


  • Bug Report: ResultSet.isLast() returns false when queries return zero rows

    When calling the method isLast() on a resultset that contains zero (0) rows, false is returned. If a resultset contains no rows, isLast() should return true because returning false would indicate that there are more rows to be retrieved.
    Try the following Java source:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    public class Test2 {
    public static void main (String [] args) throws Exception {
    Connection conn = null;
    String jdbcURL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" +
    "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(HOST=<host computer>)"+
    "(PROTOCOL=tcp)(PORT=<DB port number>))"+
    "(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=<Oracle DB instance>)))";
    String userId = "userid";
    String password = "password";
    // Load the Oracle JDBC Driver and register it.
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    // *** The following statement creates a database connection object
    // using the DriverManager.getConnection method. The first parameter is
    // the database URL which is constructed based on the connection parameters
    // specified in ConnectionParams.java.
    // The URL syntax is as follows:
    // "jdbc:oracle:<driver>:@<db connection string>"
    // <driver>, can be 'thin' or 'oci8'
    // <db connect string>, is a Net8 name-value, denoting the TNSNAMES entry
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL, userId, password);
    } catch(SQLException ex){ //Trap SQL errors
    // catch error
    //conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection(); // Connect to Oracle 8i (8.1.7), use Oracle thin client.
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("select 'a' from dual where ? = ?", ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); // Use any query that will return zero rows.
    ps.setInt(1, 1); // Set the params so that the query returns 0 rows.
    ps.setInt(2, 2);
    ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
    System.out.println("1. Last here? " + rs.isLast());
    while (rs.next()) {
    // do whatever
    System.out.println("2. Last here? " + rs.isLast());
    1. Last here? true
    2. Last here? true
    1. Last here? false
    2. Last here? false
    This happens to me on Oracle

    For your information, I discovered this problem from
    running a query that did access an actual DB table.
    Try it and let me know.I did say I was only guessing, and yes, I did try it (after I posted my reply, and before I read yours). And I did check the query plan for the queries I tried -- to verify that they were actually doing some database "gets".
    In any case, the usual way that I determine whether a "ResultSet" is empty is when the very first invocation of method "next()" returns 'false'. Is that not sufficient for you?
    Good Luck,

  • Query returns zero records in coldfusion context, but works fine in Navicat

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    Here's the query:
            <CFQUERY name="LOCAL.getEncounterServices" datasource="#REQUEST.dsn#"> 
                a.DateTime AS ServiceDate,
                c.DateTimeClosed AS EncounterClosedDate,
                EncounterProducts a
                    LEFT JOIN CartItemProduct aa ON (a.EncounterProductID = aa.EncounterProductID AND aa.Active = 1)
                    LEFT JOIN CartItem aaa ON (aa.CartItemID = aaa.CartItemID)
                    LEFT JOIN Cart aaaa ON (aaa.CartID = aaaa.CartID)
                    LEFT JOIN CartStatus aaaaa ON (aaaa.CartStatusID = aaaaa.CartStatusID),
                Product b,
                Encounters c,
                Contacts d,
                EncounterStatuses e
                1 = 1
                AND (aa.CartItemID IS NULL OR aaaaa.CartStatus = 'Deleted')
                AND a.Active = 1
                AND a.ProductID = b.ProductID
                AND a.EncounterID = c.EncounterID
                AND c.PatientID = d.ContactID
                AND c.EncounterStatusID = e.EncounterStatusID
                AND e.EncounterStatus = 'Closed'
              <CFIF IsDefined("ARGUMENTS.encounter") AND IsObject(ARGUMENTS.encounter)>
                     AND c.EncounterID = <CFQUERYPARAM cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#ARGUMENTS.encounter.getID()#">
                    AND c.DateTimeClosed >= <CFQUERYPARAM cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#ARGUMENTS.startDate#">
                    AND c.DateTimeClosed < <CFQUERYPARAM cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#DateFormat(DateAdd('d', 1, ARGUMENTS.endDate), 'yyyy-mm-dd')# 00:00:00">
                AND c.LocationID = <CFQUERYPARAM cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#ARGUMENTS.locationID#">
                AND c.CustomerID = <CFQUERYPARAM cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#ARGUMENTS.customerID#">
    All of this worked just fine before I added the lines:
             <CFIF IsDefined("ARGUMENTS.encounter") AND IsObject(ARGUMENTS.encounter)>
                     AND c.EncounterID = <CFQUERYPARAM cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#ARGUMENTS.encounter.getID()#">
                    AND c.DateTimeClosed >= <CFQUERYPARAM cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#ARGUMENTS.startDate#">
                    AND c.DateTimeClosed < <CFQUERYPARAM cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#DateFormat(DateAdd('d', 1, ARGUMENTS.endDate), 'yyyy-mm-dd')# 00:00:00">
    Previously, it had just been:
                    AND c.DateTimeClosed >= <CFQUERYPARAM cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#ARGUMENTS.startDate#">
                    AND c.DateTimeClosed < <CFQUERYPARAM cfsqltype="cf_sql_date" value="#DateFormat(DateAdd('d', 1, ARGUMENTS.endDate), 'yyyy-mm-dd')# 00:00:00">
    With no IF/ELSE statement.
    Anyone seen anything like this before?  Any ideas? 

    Right, I'll start disabusing myself of the DateFormat!
    I'm sorry, I should've posted the actual query too.  It's inserting the first part - "AND c.EncounterID = ....."
    Here's the full query:
    LOCAL.getEncounterServices (Datasource=xmddevdb, Time=9ms, Records=0) in /Applications/ColdFusion9/wwwroot/XMD_NEW/xmd_dev/cfc/ShoppingGateway.cfc @ 16:56:28.028
                a.DateTime AS ServiceDate,
                c.DateTimeClosed AS EncounterClosedDate,
                EncounterProducts a
                    LEFT JOIN CartItemProduct aa ON (a.EncounterProductID = aa.EncounterProductID AND aa.Active = 1)
                    LEFT JOIN CartItem aaa ON (aa.CartItemID = aaa.CartItemID)
                    LEFT JOIN Cart aaaa ON (aaa.CartID = aaaa.CartID)
                    LEFT JOIN CartStatus aaaaa ON (aaaa.CartStatusID = aaaaa.CartStatusID),
                Product b,
                Encounters c,
                Contacts d,
                EncounterStatuses e
                1 = 1
                AND (aa.CartItemID IS NULL OR aaaaa.CartStatus = 'Deleted')
                AND a.Active = 1
                AND a.ProductID = b.ProductID
                AND a.EncounterID = c.EncounterID
                AND c.PatientID = d.ContactID
                AND c.EncounterStatusID = e.EncounterStatusID
                AND e.EncounterStatus = 'Closed'
                     AND c.EncounterID = ?
                AND c.LocationID = ?
                AND c.CustomerID = ?
    Query Parameter Value(s) -
    Parameter #1(cf_sql_integer) = 28
    Parameter #2(cf_sql_integer) = 16
    Parameter #3(cf_sql_integer) = 6
    Thansk again for the help!

  • 0fi_ar_4 INIT returning zero records

    Hi gurus,
    0fi_ar_4 INIT is returning zero records while loading into ODS.I have checked in RSA3 it is returning zero records with INIT selection but is it is fetching records with Full update.Can ne one tell me what to do.how to solve this problem.
    ***Points Assured**

    Hi Suravi,
    Check at the Info Package selection-- Init with out data transfer.
    Make it with data transfer..
    Hope it helps..

  • Simple RFC call not returning results

    I have created a VERY simple Dynpro project to return the results of a simple RFC.  I've created the JCO connections and they test fine but the RFC doesn't return results to my application.
    1. create the project
    2. import the RFC Adaptive Model specifying the JCO connections
    3. Create an application
    4. Add the rfc model to the "Models Used"
    5. Bind the model to the component
    6. Context map two variables to the view (one input and one output)
    7. Create the method on the component
    8. Bound the UI elements to the model
    9. Set up the JCO connections from http://portal:50000/webdynpro/welcome
    For the JCO Connection creation, I used "Application" type through a load balanced connection for the Model Data connection (WD_MODELDATA_DEST) and the "Dictionary" type for the Metadata connection (WD_RFC_METADATA_DEST).
    1. In the wdDoInit() of the controller
    wdContext.nodeZ_Hr_Get_Perno_Input().bind(new Z_Hr_Get_Perno_Input());
    2. In the wdDoInit() of the view
    wdContext.currentContextElement():setLogin_id( "mylogon" );
    My gut tells me it's an issue with my JCO connections but I can't be sure.
    I'm using Developer Studio SP9 with Patch 1 connecting to EP6 SP9 Patch 6.  When I start the Dev Studio, however, it displays version 2.0.9, is this the same for everyone?
    I've tested the function module from SE37 and it definitely returns a value. Also, if I don't set the login_id in the wdDoInit() before executing, it gives me the error that the input variable has not been set. So, this tells me that it connected to R3 to know that the variable was not passed but it still doesn't return any value when the variable is passed.
    Any ideas??  HELP!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, I'm not going crazy.  The issue was with my "simple" rfc.  When I changed the input and output to char(), it returned as expected.  I just have to figure out why the Dictionary types from R3 caused an issue.

  • RFC Call not returning in normal exec;retunrs in debugger

    Hi all
    i m sorry for posting it twice,due to my ignorance
    i first posted it in wrong forum
    i had a requirement to invoke a RFC Async and recieve the results in my program with a condition that the name and parameters of RFC are determined runtime.
    To meet this requirement, i generated a the RFC call and return form code dynamically and called that code from my program via a subroutine.
    The problem i am facing is that, whenever i execute my program in debug mode the RFCs are called and the parameters are returned( perform on end of task edition is used)
    via subroutine, but when i execute the code via F8 the program goes in indefinite wait for return parameters.I am calling 2-3 RFcs at same time, and all of them are on local host.
    the Functions are working well and the RFC destination is also working well.
    But this amalgum of my program and dynamic calls is not going through.
    I read in documentation that if we change the program context or the roll area then the results are not recieved by main program. by the way i am using WAIT to receive the results.
    For the moment if i consider, my program context or roll area is getting changed because of dynamic code generation then also the dynamically generated code is the one containing the RFC call and its revieve subroutine, therefore there shall be no problem with that, the other thought i am getting is that in debugger implict commit work happens, is the program working because of that in debugger?? i dont know....
    Can any one help me with this, in the above long paragraph if anyone gets confused..i can again try to restate my problem.
    One more thing..i have checked the ST22 and SM50 for any abnormalities, couold not find one.
    thanks in advance

    WAIT statement also triggers a DB commit like debugger.
    Are you using WAIT UNTIL <condition>?

  • Control an Integer field Length without using Validation ??

    I have Couple of fields where I need to configure them as Integers.
    Now each one has a fixed length that i need to limit to.
    But when i create a field of type: integer, i cannot select teh length!!!
    To achive this the idea i have is to write a validation which checks length..
    But can i achive it without going for a validation on each field???
    PS: I am aware that TEXT field can limit the length But it also allows me to enter text values, my requirement clearly says that to allow users to only enter Numeric values..
    Did anyone face a similar Case?
    Kind Regards

    Hi Eva,
    I didn't try in the system, but I feel there are two solutions to achieve your requirement (*of course in both cases you will need to write a simple validation)
    Solution 1 : When field is defined as "Integer" in Console.
    lets take an example, you want to restrict an integer field with a limit of max 4 characters.
    Maximum value of a 4 character integer can be "9999". So, you can put a simple validation to compare the field value with 9999. if the value is less then this means fields values is less than 4 characters, else more than 5 characters.
    In this case Your validation expression in expression editor will be:
    FIELD NAME<= "9999"
    Solution 2 : When field is defined as "Text" in Console.
    In this case you can restrict the maximum field length through Console. But you will also need to write a validation to ensure that user is not entering any alphabets or special characters in this field.
    In this Case you can use below validation:
    This will ensure that field has all characters between 0 and 9 and doesn't hold any special character or alphabets.
    In Both cases you will need to set  "Automatic Execution" property as "Error". Also please do not manually type any function or value in expression editor. use drop down for fields, operators, functions etc.  and enter numeric values using the first blank box before dimension list.
    Kindly revert if you face any issues.

  • TotalVHDCapacity attribute is returning zero in "Get-SCVMTemplate | select Name, TotalVhdCapacity" powershell command though the Vhd capacity is 20 gb in size, vmm 2012 r2

    Hi All,
    TotalVHDCapacity attribute is returning zero in "Get-SCVMTemplate | select Name, TotalVhdCapacity" powershell command though the template has Vhd capacity is 20 gb in size, vmm 2012 r2. I can create VM using this template too.
    For other templates it is returning correct value though.
    Can anyone help us understanding the root cause and the solution too.
    Thanks in advance.

    I booted this drive from another computer (Asrock M3A770DE mobo) and works fine, speed with dd was ~100MB/s
    I also update bios on my first computer with Intel D945GSEJT (there is selected AHCI mode) still the same transfers with dd (~10Mb/s)
    I have no idea what to do with it now
    More tests with other hdd (Samsung HD502IJ), dd on mounted NTFS partition:
    Intel D945GSEJT booted from Archlinux iso:
    hdparm: ~75 MB/s
    dd: ~10 MB/s
    Intel D945GSEJT booted from Archlinux iso, HDD connected to PCI SATA controller (Promise 378):
    hdparm: ~60 MB/s
    dd: ~10 MB/s
    Asrock M3A770DE booted from Archlinux iso:
    hdparm: ~87 MB/s
    dd: ~76 MB/s
    Asrock M3A770DE booted from Archlinux iso, HDD connected to PCI SATA controller (Promise 378):
    hdparm: ~81MB/s
    dd: ~76 MB/s
    What is broken on D945GSEJT?
    Last edited by miskoala (2012-03-30 13:47:23)

  • Mapping: constant to integer field

    I've a integer field in target. I've need mapping to constant value. How can i do it?
    Now,  i've:
    constant   ->   integer field
    in SXMB_MONI i can see the message with status waiting and no change
    i suppose that this value (constant) is a string, but i am not sure, how can i do this?
    thanks very much

    silvia diego wrote:
    > Thanks to all,
    > the message is waiting in 'integration engine', exactly MI_MT_PEDIDO_TRAS_ASY_INB
    > i think the problem is this because when i delete this field in the data type the mapping is ok.
    If your message is waiting state and no change
    you can try  to register the Queues
    TCODE SXMB_ADM -> Manage Queues -> Register the Queues.
    Or run program: RSXMB_REGISTER_QUEUES .

  • RFC function to return number of records in a table

    I am looking for a RFC function to return just the number of records in a SAP table.
    I don't want to use RFC_READ_TABLE since it takes too long when I query a big table.
    Any advices?

    Check the following post: Link: [Re: RFC function module to count records in DB table;

  • Is Text/Integer Field required in Flat Lookup table?

    I have a flat look up table.
    In that i want to create 4 Flat lookup fields....... one of them will be a display field.
    But when i Verify Repository with this structure then it gives me Fatal Error:
    $$$ Fatal error(1323): Table 'Product Hierarchy'(A2i_24) does not have valid display field(s): 1:79;.
    $$$ Invalid display fields are 79.
    $$$ Table Product Hierarchy must have one or more display fields.
    When i repair the repository......... it adds 1 Text Display field in my table.
    Does is mandatory to have 1  text/integer field in lookup table?
    If NO what i m doing wrong & if YES then Why?

    Sorry.......... Posted in Wrong forum.

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