RFC showing in Tcode SM04

Hi All,
I am running report in Bex.
but it is showing me excel (Not Responding).
When i checked in SM04 Tcode, showing me 2 more session with TYPE - RFC.
Why BEx. is not working.???????????
and after closing BEx , in SM04 that RFC session is still showing .
give me your input.

when you start a query, the restrictions and selections will be passed to BW to the generated program for the query and execute the program (reading the data...). In that time you are not able to work with excel and in the task list of windows it will show as 'not responding'.

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    Hello everybody,
    Here is our scenario. XI picks up an xml file using File adapter and executes some mapping in XI and sends to BW to make an RFC call and data is being inserted to a table.
    This was working perfectly fine until I tested the scenario with a different XML file, all records showed up blank (there are 2 rows but all the values are blank). Nothing wrong with the XML file, I just changed one of the date fields. From then on, even if I test with the old XML file, it is showing up blank in BW.
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    Any ideas to solve this problem would be deeply appreciated.

    Test  the mapping with live data from SXMB_MONI. and check the target structure is populated correctly or not.
    Also check the is RFC is throwing some exceptions , Any data format exception may occure here. For this check the data type of RFC and try to compare with input values.
    Also do the Cache Refresh in From XI home page ->Administration->Cache Overview.
    Also refresh the Reciever Determination and Reciever Agreement .
    Hope this helps,

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    Gud morning...
    Is there any transaction code to view all the tcodes used by us?

    Hi Chandra,
    Welcome to SDN.
    You can go to transaction code <b>SE93</b> and type transaction code = <b>Z</b> (Custom transaction) or <b></b> (All transaction)
    Or go to <b>SM04</b> to see transaction code used by user.
    The full list of transaction codes is maintained in the tables <b>TSTC and TSTCT</b>. So, you can have a look via <b>SE16</b>.
    Hope this will help.
    Ferry Lianto

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    My scenario is When the user create a PM Notification through IW21 ,i should trigger my custom RFC with the notification details , which will send data to XI .
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    Hi Atish,
    thanks for reply, i found below exits for iw21 tcode,
    IWO10026            User check on setting status 'Do not perform'             
    IWO10027            User exit: Generate user-defined settlement rule          
    IWOC0001            Create PM/SM notification: Determine reference object     
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    - Satish

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    then got this useful link

  • RFC connection error for PS_ACCESS_1 and PS_ACCESS_2

    dear all,
    i have created the RFC destination PS_ACCESS_1 and PS_ACCESS_2 with TCP/IP. i also installed WDPS* files in *sapgui\ps\access folder. now i m checking for 'TEST CONNECTION' in sm59 for PS_ACCESS_1 and PS_ACCESS_2 but it is giving  'Error when opening an RFC connection' this error. pls suggest the solution for this problem.
    am i missing any other settings? i m using SAP ECC 6.0. is it comfortable with this? is it required any configuration from basis side?

    please check the RFC Trace File at SM59 -> RFC -> Show trace file.
    For better tracing delete the Trace File first and recheck the RFC Dest.

  • RFC connection error when registering PROGRAM ID.

    I created a RFC connection of type T.
    I gave the following parameters ->
    gateway host: hostname and then ip-address
    gateway service: sapgwxx
    Registered program id: xxx
    It is giving me the following error:
    Error Details     Error when opening an RFC connection
    Error Details     ERROR: program sapgwxx not registered
    Error Details     LOCATION: SAP-Gateway on host <hostname> / sapgwxx
    Error Details     DETAIL: TP sapgwxx not registered
    Error Details     COMPONENT: SAP-Gateway
    Error Details     COUNTER: 2696
    Error Details     MODULE: gwr3cpic.c
    Error Details     LINE: 1777
    Error Details     RETURN CODE: 679
    Error Details     SUBRC: 0
    Error Details     RELEASE: 700
    Can anyone help me in troubleshooting the issue.
    Also I am not able to register this program id in Visual Admin -> Services -> JCo RFC Provider. Here it is giving me an error. Can anyone guide me in this?
    Points to be rewarded for any kind of small help.

    Thanks Ramesh.
    I followed the blog. Here are the steps that I did.
    RFC destination:
    1. To create the RFC go to TCODE: SM59  <b>-> Done</b>2. Create new destination of type T (TCP/IP) <b>-> Done</b>
    3. Make sure you select Registered Server Program option before writing your program ID <b>-> Done</b>
    4. Write you program ID (remember it's case-sensitive) <b>-> gave the SID name</b>
    5. In the gateway host and gateway service write the values of your "Application system" - business system (not the XI server) <b>-> Typed the gateway hostname and gateway service "sapgw<instance no>", that I got from SMGW.</b>
    But still I face the same problem. It get the following error:
    Logon     Connection Error
    Error Details     Error when opening an RFC connection
    Error Details     ERROR: program <SID name> not registered
    Error Details     LOCATION: SAP-Gateway on host xxxxx / sapgwxx
    Error Details     DETAIL: TP <SID Name> not registered
    Error Details     COMPONENT: SAP-Gateway
    Error Details     COUNTER: 2719
    Error Details     MODULE: gwr3cpic.c
    Error Details     LINE: 1777
    Error Details     RETURN CODE: 679
    Error Details     SUBRC: 0
    Error Details     RELEASE: 700
    Error Details     TIME: Thu Nov  1 10:39:43 2007
    Error Details     VERSION: 2
    Kindly help me out.

  • Data source based on BI Cube (TCode CRMD_MKTDS)

    We have a requirement to segment customers based on BI queries. This is done in transaction CRMD_MKTDS using Origin type Business Intelligence Cube. The problem is that the RFC-destination of the BI system does not show up in the list of possible entries. The only possible entry that is shown is the RFC destination for our interactive reporting client. The RFC-destination for the BI system does exist in CRM and it's working fine. If we choose InfoSet as the origin type all the RFCs show up (including the one to BI), but when the origin type Business Intelligence Cube is used the RFC is missing. Any ideas?

    Function Module : CRM_MKTTG_DS_RFC_F4
    For Datasource = Infoset/ External list the RFC destinations are read directly from the table.
    select RFCs
        SELECT * FROM rfcdes
              BYPASSING BUFFER
          WHERE RFCTYPE = '3'.
    For BW datasource it is read as follows , the Function module 'RSA_RSBASIDOC_READ'gets data from statement
        IF lv_sds_type = sourcetypes-bw_cube OR lv_sds_type = sourcetypes-el
    only RFC-Dest from BW: check if destination is aconnected BW
              basidoc = lt_basidoc.
          LOOP AT lt_f4_com_rfc INTO ls_f4_com_rfc.
            READ TABLE lt_basidoc WITH KEY rlogsys = ls_f4_com_rfc-rfcdest
              INTO ls_basidoc.
    ====== Hope this information provided ansers your query.

  • Help with RFC sender, Program And RFC Destination

    my scenary is asynchronous
         RFC Sender -> SAP-XI -> Oracle reciever
    I have a problem with abap, especially rfc, program and rfc destination. The connection with SAP-XI exist and SAP-XI  receive the message but the message is empty.
    1. In my program on the line
              catch an error system_failure = 2 and it dont execute the rfc ZBAPI_SD_PED_ORD_SERVIC
    2. I rewrite my program, that line to
              catch an error communication_failure = 1 but the rfc ZBAPI_SD_PED_ORD_SERVIC is executed but no send to SAP-XI
    3. I rewrite my program, that line to
              No error but it dont execute the rfc ZBAPI_SD_PED_ORD_SERVIC and the message in SAP-XI is empty, display the tables but not the row. i check the table PED_ORDEN and RETURN but the controls fields dont are afected.
    What is my Error?
    Where am i making a mistake?
    FUNCTION zbapi_sd_ped_ord_servic.
    *"Interfase local
    *"  TABLES
      TABLES: zsd_ped_orden, zsd_rfc_r01.
      DATA: tb_ped_orden LIKE zsd_ped_orden  OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
                     tb_rfc_orden_error LIKE zsd_rfc_r01 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    *Get Pedido by Ordenes
              FROM zsd_ped_orden
              WHERE estatus  EQ  space.
      LOOP AT tb_ped_orden.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING tb_ped_orden TO ped_orden.
        APPEND ped_orden.
        tb_ped_orden-estatus = 'X'.
        tb_ped_orden-fecha_actualiz = sy-datum.
        tb_ped_orden-hora_actualiz = sy-uzeit.
        MODIFY tb_ped_orden.
      MODIFY  zsd_ped_orden FROM TABLE tb_ped_orden.
    *Errors in Ordenes
              FROM zsd_rfc_r01
              WHERE estatus  EQ  space.
      LOOP AT tb_rfc_orden_error.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING tb_rfc_orden_error TO return.
        APPEND  return.
        tb_rfc_orden_error-estatus = 'X'.
        tb_rfc_orden_error-fecha_actualiz = sy-datum.
        tb_rfc_orden_error-hora_actualiz = sy-uzeit.
        MODIFY tb_rfc_orden_error.
      MODIFY  zsd_rfc_r01 FROM TABLE tb_rfc_orden_error.
              ped_orden             = ped_orden
              return                = return
        communication_failure = 1
        system_failure        = 2
        OTHERS                = 3.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE 'error' type 'I'.
    Connection TYpe: TCP/IP Connection
    Register Server Program: ZBAPI_SD_PED_ORD_SERVIC
    Gateway host: host00
    Gateway service: sapgw00

    For rfc sender adapter we hv to do some settings .Please chk whether this settings are well configured or not.
    a) RFC destination
    b) RFC channel in the XI directory
    This weblog is a response to a few question about the basic configuration of the RFC sender adapter
    that were posted on the XI forum (and also on my e-mail)
    So here we go, basically we have to configure 2 things:
    a) RFC destination
    b) RFC channel in the XI directory
    RFC destination:
    1. To create the RFC go to TCODE: SM59
    2. Create new destination of type T (TCP/IP)
    3. Make sure you select Registered Server Program option before writing your program ID
    4. Write you program ID (remember it's case-sensitive)
    5. In the gateway host and gateway service write the values of your "Application system" - business system (not the XI server)
    7. No configuration in the J2EE administrator nessecary
    Now we can proceed to RFC channel configuration:
    1. Enter your Application Server
    2. Your Application Server Service
    3. Enter your Program ID from the RFC destination
    And we're done:)
    Now you can test the RFC destination in SM59 to see if it works.
    Please chk this following link.
    1. RFC Processing with the RFC Adapter
    2. Configuring the Sender RFC Adapter -
    3.  /people/swaroopa.vishwanath/blog/2006/12/28/send-rfc-to-sap-xi-150-asynchronous

  • Is it possible to call RFC in R/3 system on destination PI system.

    Proxy is used to trigger PI message from R/3 system. Is it possible to use RFC destination?
    If possible, in Repository design of PI system, how must be the mapping. (For example RFC <> .wsdl)

    >> what must be the connection type of below?
    Ans:  Connection Type "T"  as TCP/IP.
    1. To create the RFC destination using TCODE: SM59 in R/3 sender system not in PI.
    2. Create new destination of type T (TCP/IP)
    3. Make sure you select Registered Server Program option before writing your program ID
    4. Write you program ID (remember it's case-sensitive)
    5. In the gateway host and gateway service write the values of your "Application system" 
        In this case R/3 system.. (not the XI server)
    Abid Mazhar

  • Output XML file problem (in FILE to RFC scenario)

       my problem is that in the export parameter i have 3 variables but my output xml file shows only 2 parameters . I have checked my mapping all 3 parameters are mapped properly in output mapping .
    Initially when i started the scenario there were only 2 parameters in my export list .
    i completed this suuccesfully and then as per new requirement one more parameter was needed to be added i added a new parameter and reimported my rfc .
    the response tab of the reimported RFC shows me the newly added parameter but my final xml file only shows me the previous 2 it doesnt show me the newly added one is there any seeting which i need to change like in idoc where we have to readd the idoc in IDX2
    With regards
    Bhawarlal Choudhary

    2 Introduction
    Configuring IDoc adapter in Exchange Infrastructure 3.0 requires some configuration on the SAP
    systems, for both XI and the backend system where the IDoc message is to be sent. These steps, although
    simple, are many times missed or mis-configured, causing the delivery of messages to fail.
    Since IDoc adapter uses the ABAP stack, instead of J2EE, the configuration requirements are mainly in
    Setting up IDoc adapters requires the XI integration server to be able to communicate with the backend
    SAP system, and also to make sure that the Logical System Name used when posting IDoc exists on the
    backend SAP system.
    3 The Step By Step Solution
    The basic steps for the IDoc configuration are outline below:
    1. Configure SM59 on XI to communicate to SAP backend system.
    2. Configure port on XI for IDoc communication.
    3. Create or verify the Logical System Name on the SAP backend system.
    4. Create or verify business system in XI’s System Landscape Directory.
    5. Verify the Logical System Name of the business system.
    6. Verify or add the Logical System Name for the sender business system.
    7. Create/configure the Communication Channel for the IDoc receiver adapter
    3.1 Configure SM59 on XI to communicate to SAP backend system.
    1. Using transaction SM59, create an RFC destination with Connection Type = “3”.
    In this example, the RFC destination name is “NDVCLNT510”.
    2. Enter the logon information:
    3. Test the connection by clicking on “Testing connection” and “Remote logon”.
    Both must be successful.
    3.2 Configure port on XI for IDoc communication.
    4. Go to transaction IDX1 on XI, and create a port. In this example, the Port name is “SAPNDV”.
    •     &#61472;The Port name must be in the form of “SAPxxx”, where xxx is the system ID of the backend SAP
    •     The Client must be the client number of the backend SAP system.
    •     Select the RFC Destination which was created in the previous step.
    3.3 Create or verify the Logical System Name on the SAP backend system.
    5. Enter transaction SALE on the SAP backend system.
    6. Create or verify the Logical System Name. In our example, NDVCLNT510 is verified.
    3.4 Create or verify business system in XI’s System Landscape Directory.
    The business system name for the SAP backend system must contain a valid Logical System Name. This Logical System Name is the one verified or created in the previous step.
    7. In the System Landscape Directory,  select the SAP backend business system. If one does not exist, then create the business system. Verify the Logical  System Name.
    3.5 Verify the Logical System Name of the business system.
    8. In the Integration Directory, doubleclick on the business system (in our example, it is NDVCLNT510).
    Navigate the menu:
    Service • Adapter Specific Identifiers.
    If information is empty or incorrect, then it will have to be synchronized with the content of the System Landscape Directory. Follow the steps below for synchronization.
    9. (Optional) Synchronization of the business system in Integration Directory to the business system in System
    Landscape Directory.
    •     &#61472;Double-click on the business system in the Integration Directory.
    •     &#61472;Switch to Edit mode.
    •     &#61472;Select menu: Service • Adapter-Specific Identifiers 
    10. (Optional) Within the dialog box, click on the button as indicated below to resynchronize.
    11. (Optional) If the expected data from the System Landscape Directory is not updated, then the SLD cache may need to be cleared first.
    3.7 Create/configure the Communication Channel for the IDoc receiver adapter.
    15. In the Integration Directory, create an IDoc receiver communication channel.
    •     &#61472;The RFC Destination is from step 3.1.
    •     &#61472;The Port is from step 3.2.
    There is no need to create an IDoc sender Communication Channel for XI. Instead, the backend SAP system must be configure to send the IDoc to XI.
    4 Appendix
    Transaction: IDX2
    There are a couple of situation where IDX2 can be useful on the XI system.
    1. When we want to test connection between the XI and SAP backend system.
    2. When an IDoc has changed, and the meta data stored in XI needs to be update. When an IDoc is sent from the SAP backend system to XI, XI will first check to see if the meta data for the IDoc is already in its persistent cache. If not, then XI will use the configuration in IDX1 to retrieve the IDoc meta data from the backend system. If the
    meta is already in cache, then it will NOT do so. Therefore, when an IDoc has changed, it is necessary to manually update the new meta data on XI, or delete it from the cache, so that the latest version can be retrieved. IDX2 is used for this purpose.
    Go to transaction IDX2 and click on “Create”.
    Enter the IDoc Type and the Source Port as defined in step #2. Click “Continue”.If successful, the following will show up. If error occurs, then the IDX1 configurations will need to be re-checked.
    If find helpful plz award points

  • Error from RFC adapter

    I encountered an error while sending RFC from ECC5.0 to XI using RFC sender communication channel and TRFC.  The error in the TRFC monitor is
    : lookup of alternative
    Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this?
    James Chang

    Is it solved?
    If not just check with RFC Destinations(SM59- Tcode). Also check with Cache Refresh.
    RFC Sender Error
    Hope it helps,

  • RFC with VBA Help Needed.

    I'm preety new to RFCand but I have to challenge following topic:
    I need to call SAP transaction  MF42N from RFC. I want to pass the parametres from Excel spreadsheet or externat .csv or .txt file.  Can you please provide some example code. I know how to retrive data from SAP tables with RFC but call tcode is new for me. I know I need to use RFC_CALL_TRANSACTION. But I need more code. 
    Thanks in advance.

    you r doin r3 to xi
    follow these steps
    SAP R/3
    1) RFC Destination (SM59)
    a) Choose create.
    b) Specify the name of the RFC destination
    c) Select connection type as 3 and save
    d) In the technical settings tab enter the details SAP SID/URL and system number#.
    e) Enter the Gateway host as same details above SID/URL.
    f) Gateway service is 3300+system number#.
    g) In the Logon /Security tab, enter the client user & Password details of Destination system.
    h) Test the connection and remote logon.
    2) Create Port (We21)
    a) First Select Transactional RFC and then click create button
    b) Enter the destination port name as SAP+SID (The starting char should be SAP)
    c) Enter the destination client.
    d) Enter the RFC Destination created in SAP R/3 towards other system.
    e) Save
    3) Create Partner Profile (WE20)
    a) Create New
    b) Create the Partner no. name as same the logical system name of the destination system.
    c) Select Partner type LS
    d) Enter details for Type: US/USER, Agent, and Lang.
    e) Click on the + button to select the message type.
    f) Select Partner no. and LS which ever create above.
    g) Select Message type
    h) Select Process code related to the Message type.
    I) save.
    In SLD – System Landscape Directory
    TS for R/3 (Logical system):-Assign the client name created in R/3 as Logical system Name.
    Ts for Third Party (Logical system):-
    BS for SAP R/3 (Logical system):- Assign the client name created in R/3 as Logical system Name.
    BS for Third Party (Logical system):-Enter the XI logical system name.
    <b>reward points if useful</b>

  • Problem Executing RFC to File Scenario

    I am currently working on RFC to File Scenario which is Asynchronous in Nature i.e. The RFC will send some data to XI and then it'll be dumped in an XML File on the shared drive.
    Following are the steps which were performed by me :
    1. i created an RFC Destination in R/3 using SM59 and entered the Required values as mentioned in the blog
    The specified item was not found.
    2. Then i entered the same values in the communication channel of the sender RFC adapter.
    I tested it from R/3 and the connection was successful.
    3. i created an RFC in SE37 in the R/3 and just added an existing table under the "tables" tab. No further code was written in it. I saved it and activated it.
    4. All the IR and ID objects were made and activated and then the scenario was run by sending a single data row by pressing F8. The RFC showed a message of "System Failure" and while looking into the XI Server (SXMB_MONI) the message gave absurd values with a error symbol(it a Red Light symbol and there was no Red Flag).
    Initially, the XML file was getting posted in the shared drive but after further execution it stopped.
    I am unable to figure out the problem. Kindly let me know where i am going wrong and what needs to be done to correct it ?

    For Sending RFC asynchronously check for these points:
    For RFC creation and importing please follow this discussion. Very useful:
    Re: RFC to FILE
    Specially reply by Udo Martens.
    Also for sender RFC, check two things.
    1) First step is Register your ProgramId using activiating the communication channel(XI). You should be able to see it in smgw(R/3)
    smgw->Goto->Looged on Clients(Check it here)
    2) Then use this registered programid in your RFC Destination,in R/3 (it is Case-Sensitive).
    These are just common errors i have encountered sometimes.

  • SOAP service /sap/bc/soap/rfc/sap does not exist

    I implement ABAP-Proxy to SOAP scenario.
    For the receiver communication channel (SOAP Adapter) I need to put target-URL
    Unfortunately the URL cannot be displayed in brwoser.
    I also could not detect the appropriate SICF service sap/bc/soap/rfc/sap under tcode SICF.
    Can some one help me to solve this problem?
    Thank you very much!

    What is the difference between the both URL's?
    Thank you!

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