RIP webOS! We'll miss you!

With today's emailed announcement from HP about the impending end of support for webOS, it has become a sad day for many of us!
I (as well as many other Experts and Support Agents) still own functioning webOS phones and TouchPad tablets, and they have been great devices!  The Pre3 I used to use always brought "what's That?" reactions from acquaintences, and the two TouchPads I still have are working well (both dual-booting tablets that run webOS or Android).
We knew support couldn't last forever, and today's announcement was both expected and dreaded at the same time.
The Verge has an article about today's announcement here:  HP is killing all webOS devices January 15, 2015.
They were fun devices, and I had a great time supporting them and working with Palm/HP in development.
It will be interesting to see what LG ends up doing with webOS.  There are rumors they might even use it on a "smart watch"!
Write down your webOS passwords folks!  Soon recovery with not be available if you forget it/them!
I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
You too can become an HP Expert! Details HERE!
If my post has helped you, click the Kudos Thumbs up!
If it solved your issue, Click the "Accept as Solution" button so others can benefit from the question you asked!

Yup, there is no joy in Mudville.
I still use my TouchPads as well, though I laid my Pre3 to rest some months ago when it became increasingly unstable.  I would still have preferred to keep using it over the Android phone I use now...the Pre3 was more graceful.
Let's keep our eyes on webOS Internals and Preware.  Hopefully a viable and seamless backup solution will be developed.  There is a Backup Preware app, but the way I read it all it backs up is app data...not to restore apps in case of a Full Erase.  Could be wrong about that.
I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

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  • Why is music ripped from CD's missing from my library?

    I have seen this in other forum posts and I hear this from many of my friends: tracks ripped from CD's eventually go missing. Entire albums and entire artists. This is not unusual to me nor is it unique.
    Granted, I hear tons of complaints about how bad iTunes is at managing a library to begin with (Why can't I sort by missing tracks?, and what on earth is "Display Duplicates" for other than to prove my point?).
    How do I get iTunes to stop deleting imported music from CD's? Afterall, I OWN the music. Does Apple think I don't?
    Very disappointed in this product overall.

    Is your post simply a series of trick questions?
    devedsmith wrote:
    ...Why can't I sort by missing tracks?, ...
    Er... because they're missing.
    devedsmith wrote:
    what on earth is "Display Duplicates" for other than to prove my point?).
    To help you find any song that you have duplicated in your Library because it is on on two different albums.
    devedsmith wrote:
    Granted, I hear tons of complaints about how bad iTunes is at managing a library to begin with
    I don't suppose it might be that some people simply don't know how to use a computer and or they try to use iTunes in exactly the same way as other music players instead of learning how to use a programme that's new to them?
    It's rhetorical question - I already know the answer. If you tried to use two different photo editing programmes, music editing programmes or even two word processor programmes, you would find differences between the two, every time. One needs to learn how to use a new programme, not simply try to do it the way it was done in the other programme.
    Now, down to your problem.
    Why would iTunes delete your music, do you think Apple simply want to annoy you?  There are reasons why music goes missing from iTunes. It might help to list them. That way, we might be able to identify the cause of your issue.
    Another programme has renamed, moved or deleted the song's file after you imported it into your iTunes Library.
    You have renamed, moved or deleted the file in question, outside of iTunes, since you imported it.
    I don't think there is a number 3. I stand corrected, by tt2. (That's fine by me!)
    The first thing to do is check to see if the file is still on your computer. Pick one missing song, preferably on a single-artist album, not a compilation.
    For example, Ride Across The River by Dire Straits, from the album Brothers In Arms.
    If you have a look in your music folder (the filepath may be slightly different to mine, depending on your current and previous versions of Windows), you should find a folder for "Dire Straits". In that folder will be a folder for the album "Brothers In Arms". In that folder are the songs, by title, possibly with a track number preceding the title. Since that song is in my Library, here's screenshot of the entry in iTunes, from the Summary tab:
    and you can see the artist name\album name\song number  song title.
    So can you find your missing song, the album or even the folder, either for the one I suggested you pick, or for any of your other missing songs?
    Compilation albums are listed under "..\iTunes Music\Compilations\Album title\song title.
    Use the Windows Search facility to look for the songs. Think about whether you have moved part or all of your Library to an external drive, a popular pastime for some reason. Do you use Windows Media Player or any other music player/mangement programme that may have altered the songs?
    You should have noticed that my tough guy approach at the start of my post has actually tried to help you.
    Back to the tough guy now though.
    Try helping yourself instead of assuming Apple is to blame for every single problem in your world! It isn't.
    Message was edited by: the fiend

  • WebOS Facebook Chat Missing?

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    Facebook chat support was expected in webOS 2.x...obviously this is still missing...
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    Has this app been dropped, or will it continue to be supported for WebOS 2.x???
    Post relates to: HP Pre 3 (Unlocked EU)

    Facebook chat is something a lot of people would like to see, but unfortunately it's just not there yet. The webOS Facebook app hasn't been updated in a while so that's probably why you're seeing the "Anonymous user" posts (I see them too on my Pre 3).
    Note, the following content is simply my opinion and should not be taken as fact or as a forward looking statement. Only read it if you understand that is simply an opinion.
    As to when it'll be updated, who knows. HP is still actively developing webOS but with them switching to an open source model, it might put a hamper/stop to the webOS Facebook app. The reason being that the Facebook API is subject to a user agreement and I don't believe that agreement includes distrobution of source. That would mean that HP would either have to do a closed source app or none at all. And to be honest, I think they are focusing more on the OS then the apps right now. Anyway, that's just my 2 cents.
    As to when it'll be updated, who knows. HP is still actively developing webOS but with them switching to an open source model, it might put a hamper/stop to the webOS Facebook app. The reason being that the Facebook API is subject to a user agreement and I don't believe that agreement includes distrobution of source. That would mean that HP would either have to do a closed source app or none at all. And to be honest, I think they are focusing more on the OS then the apps right now. Anyway, that's just my 2 cents.

  • All CD's Ripped!!! Do you still keep them

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    Once they're all ripped I'm thinking of selling them as I haven't got the space to store them where I currently li've (one bedroom flat). Plus I'm moving more towards buying digital and moving away from cd's, also saves time ripping and tagging.
    What do ppl here do with their cd's?

    That's a definite YES! I have thought the same thing, I backed up all my CD-rips on DVD-ROM and sold most of them and then for some reason over time some DVDs could not be read anymore or only partly because of degradation, scratches etc.. and I basically lost all those CDs. Also, I have backed up rips on external hard dri'ves, and a virus wiped out most of it at one time. Even if you think you are immune to all this, don't fool yourself, it can and usually does happen, no one is exempt! Keep your CDs, they are the only source safe from these disasters! If you need to free up space, throw away the jewel cases and keep the discs only. You won't get much money for them anyway. 2nd hand record stores pay no more than 2-3 bucks per CD at the most. That's a depreciation similar to a car!! I also noticed that most CDs I wouldn't even be able to sell neither at stores nor on ebay. So kepp them!

  • ImageReady CS2, I miss you...

    Am I the only one out there who misses ImageReady? (Actually,
    I already know I'm not.) Fireworks CS3 is a big heap of bloat and
    Macromedia-era "usability" (or lack thereof). I love the rest of
    CS3 and happily use InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom...
    but for those like me who prefer to handcode our sites and develop
    outside the Dreamweaver world, Fireworks is just miserable.
    Please, Adobe... bring it back! Just give us file
    compatibility with the newer versions of Illustrator, etc... and
    perhaps multiple pages and/or multiple sets of slices within a
    single file. Otherwise, ImageReady is fine as is, and until
    something significantly better and more usable comes along, I'll
    stick with ImageReady CS2.

    goatmud wrote:
    > i too miss imageready. i just got cs3 and since
    imagready is discontinued i
    > decided to suck it up and learn fireworks. fireworks is
    okay and has many more
    > features but it is frustrating. I don't like the way
    frames are used sharing
    > between rollovers and animations. In IR i could design
    my whole page with
    > individual rollovers and animations. I can;t figure out
    how to incorporate
    > rollovers and animations since it seems to only read
    frames one way or the
    > other. and why do you have to create a slice to create a
    rollover in FW? In IR
    > i could have multiple rollovers and animations in one
    slice just using
    > hotspots, but its seems hotspots only work with a
    linking slice? is there any
    > way to do this?
    Rollovers can also be created using button symbols, which
    means they
    don't share the frames you are using for animation.
    You create a slice for a rollover because at some point, you
    must export
    those rollover graphics at matching sizes. Hot spots are for
    image maps. They do not get sliced into individual images.
    Frankly, I'd
    leave them out of the FW equation (unless you're creating a
    through mock up), as image maps can be created in DW or your
    html editor. Perhaps IR could convert those hotshots to
    slices after the
    fact, but I can't say as it's not an app I really used.
    ImageReady users, these links might help:
    Jim Babbage - .:Community MX:. & .:Adobe Community
    CommunityMX - Free Resources:
    .:Adobe Community Expert for Fireworks:.
    Adobe Community Expert
    See my work on Flickr

  • Sorry I missed you email

    I am not sure what you mean about if I had an investigation filed so
    the returned equipment could  be researched.  All I know is that I
    sent it back within a couple of days (and it wasn't what had been
    ordered for me by the Verizon store).  It wasn't replacement
    equipment, I was sent the wrong thing three times and returned
    everything.  Then, finally, I received the right thing, a Hot Spot
    device which I kept.  When I called repeatedly (at least 5 times),
    after being notified that I was going to be charged a fee,  I was told
    I had nothing to worry about but that what I had returned had been
    mis-numbered or something and now was taken care of.  Once they said
    my account had been mixed with a woman in North Carolina.  Each time I
    was told not to worry...the equipment had been received by you on Nov.
    12th.  But then, after all those assurances, the money was removed
    from our account on Jan. 14th.  As of right now, we have been told we
    will be credited with the amount.  It will be, if it is right, taken
    off this month's bill and next.
    Mr. Rowe sent a letter to Consumer Affairs in which he basically
    blamed me for the mess.  He said that I had 10 days to return the
    "replacement equipment" and hadn't done so.  He gave his personal
    number to call...and I tried but he did not answer.  I am a reasonable
    person and I don't shout, swear or anything.  I have been told
    repeatedly by different Verizon personnel that they can not believe
    how nice I have been through all of this.  I don't think it is
    Christian to make a scene over money but that doesn't mean this
    doesn't hurt when we have been a loyal customer (who has never missed
    a payment) for 10 years or so.
      We did not make the mistake.  I do not appreciate anyone saying we
    did. Every person I contacted at Verizon would eventually, after I was
    put on hold for all different long lengths of time, end up explaining
    to me what the error was that Verizon made.  Then they would
    apologize.   That was nice but it didn't give us our money back.
    You asked if it was part of a non-refund shouldn't be
    when it wasn't owed to begin with!  I am trying very hard to get over
    this but when I get lied to (someone named Thomas in Alabama PROMISED
    that he would call me back last Friday when he had filed a report and
    to let me know what  happened to it).  I told him that I hoped he was
    being truthful and he said, "This isn't even my money and I am so
    frustrated over this, I'm about to go crazy!"  He added that he was
    putting a note on his computer so that Friday it would positively
    remind him to call.  He didn't call.  According to him, he was writing
    up a long report about everything that had happened.  I was very
    disappointed when he did not call but then felt I should have expected
    that with all I've been through.
    Thank you for your concern.  I hope this is over soon.  Like I said in
    a message I left to Mr. Rowe, my husband and I are both completely
    disabled.  I was bedridden with my back for 7 years.  I am able to get
    around some now, thanks to an implanted pain pump.  My husband had a
    heart attack last May and a quadruple by-pass and is unable to work
    anymore after working for TVA for over 25 years.  So, we don't have
    extra money.
    Judy <Personal information removed for privacy per the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service.>
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

    Also it might best if you replied without any personal information to your existing discussion 'cannot get MY money' instead of creating a new discussion on the community.

  • Missing you tube app from ios6

    I updated my iPhone 4 software to ios6. But YouTube app is missing from ios6. Any chance to install back?? it for free from the App Store

  • RIP Aperture -- you had a great life!

    Sure, it's not perfect. Maybe because Apple hasn't done much to it in the past few years, but as I look for replacements -- I'm struck with just how good Aperture really is. I'm going to miss it and it's going to be really hard to replace (sorry, not crazy about LightRoom).
    I'll be using Aperture until an OS X update breaks it -- but man, the ease of doing things, the artistry behind the tools and UI, it spoiled me!
    It's been my photo editing/organizer for many years and I for one, will really, really miss it!
    Apple gets a lot of flack, rarely do people support or compliment a piece of software but RIP Aperture -- you were a great old program and us videographers and photographers will really miss you.

    At least we still have Aperture and it did not go away like iPhoto did.
    Both Aperture and iPhoto have equally "gone away".  Neither are available in the App Store anymore. You can still continue to use iPhoto, (and many are) if you wish.
    Like many others, I plan to continue with Aperture until Apple breaks it.   I have been "playing around" with alternatives.  So far, I like "Lyn" the best.  It does not have the editing power of Aperture, but you are able to display Keywords under thumbnails which is an absolute requirement that Photos does not have.

  • I plugged my iPhone into my MacBook and my audiobooks are gone. When I go to iTunes it looks as though I never purchased them. Please help me figure out how I might recover my missing audiobooks, thank you.

    I have run into this problem once before last week and I called to solve the problem. But when I plugged my iPhone knot my MacBook again my audiobooks were gone again. If you could help me recover my audiobooks that would be great!! Thank you!

    Hi Mcipperley,
    If it appears that your audio book purchases are missing, you may find the following article helpful:
    iTunes: Finding lost media and downloads
    - Brenden

  • What bitrate you rip your music at?! (please po

    Come on, everybody post your rip settings:
    - Player: [your player model/models (inculde size)]
    - Format: [what format you rip to]
    - Bitrate: [what bitrate you rip at]
    ... this came up the other they. Was wondering what quality wich is supose to be close to CD, and before I start ripping my whole cd collection, I whould like to hear whats the usuall settings.
    Anyways, I'll start by post what I used so far:
    - Player: Zen Micro (5gb)
    - Format: mp3
    - Bitrate: 28kbs
    ... now, your turn!

    Player: Zen Xtra 40 GB
    Format: MP3
    Bitrate: 28 for pop/rock, 92 for classical, 320 for stuff I'm still going to edit and then save at a lower bitrate, always encode everything with LAME at quality 0 (highest)
    Rap seems to have the highest tolerance for bad sound quality -- it even sounds good over lousy headphones. I'd encode rap at around 96 kbps, though I generally don't listen to it anyway. Classical is the most sensiti've to sound quality. Classical simply doesn't sound right unless it's reproduced with very high fidelity.
    I generally consider 320 kbps to be excessi've. LAME can do very good with almost any recording at 92 and quality at 0. I only ever use 320 when I'm recording something I'm going to do more editing on but won't edit for some time, say an LP I want to remove skips from. I'd normally use WAV, but the files are too dang big to reasonably store many of them.
    WMA can supposedly achieve better quality at lower bitrates than MP3. However, it performs best at low bitrates, making it a perfect codec for streaming audio but not so good for storage of high quality music. Also, they suck up a lot more battery life than MP3s.

  • This is just to report a problem with Apple updates. I updated recently and the computer brought up my 2012 desktop with all my 2014 files and data including stickies missing! Now I hesitate to do another Apple update. What would you do?

    Apple Updates: This is just to report a problem. I updated recently and on restart the computer restored up my 2012 desktop with all my 2014 files and data including stickies missing!!! Now I hesitate to do another Apple update. What would you do?

    If all your files are missing
    You may have logged in as a different user, such as Guest. Open the Users & Groups pane in System Preferences. Your name should be at the top of the user list, under Current User. See also this support article.   
    If files are missing from one folder
    Change the Finder view mode; for example, from icon view to list view, or vice versa.
    If files are present, but seem outdated
    You may have started up from a different volume (disk.) Open the Startup Disk preference pane and check the selection.

  • Links Pallet Missing. Adobe Help Line baffled.

    A day killed on the Adobe Help Line and no hope in sight. The Links Pallet is AWOL and Adobe tech support can't find it.
    Originally the problem was an error when trying to export a 275 page book to idml format as something was going wrong with the minor panic of losing months worth of work. It kept crashing InDesign CS5 on Win-7 64 Pro.
    In three very long calls over the period of the day, creating new ID's, wiping out all sorts of stuff, including a reinstall of just ID, the Adobe help line finally had us permanently deregister the Suite, remove the whole suite, clean everything with a piece of code they recommended, and reinstall.  It was a clean install. Adobe Creative Suite 5 Master Collection on two DVDs, selected to install every option that had a check box - take a lunch break while it does its thing. Then updated to the latest code for InDesign (7.0.4) and Photoshop (all three check boxes) since those are the only two we generally use.  We went through all the drills such as trashing to preferences, and so on. All the ID extensions are checked as well. When all was said and done, the file still crashed the system, suggesting the problem was a corrupt file. Time to go to plan B...
    We managed to find an older version idml copy that could be updated using draft printouts, and patched our way back to sanity only to discover that none of the images were linked, and when we went to fix this using the link pallet, it was not there. No link panel, not on the /window drop down, not anywhere. We finally relinked the images by using the Package "Repair All". However, one image was RGB, and when we right clicked to edit in orginal (Photoshop), there was no such option anymore. The tech support guy at Adobe was baffled (politely).
    Somehow an awful lot of features related to images have vanished in this futile attempt to fix another problem. We are now worse off than we were this morning.
    We figure there is some sort of switch somewhere, that Adobe tech should know, but their help line seems to be staffed by people whose solution is to delete everything and start over. When that failed to work, they said they will call back, but by the time we rang them back they were closed.
    Has anyone either had this happen, or know what might be causing it? Links is an important feature, and without it, we might as well go back to CS-4...
    Hmmm, good thought, let's try it.  Just tried it before hitting Post Message, saving the file as IDML, but before it would open, the old ID-CS4 crashed with an error "Failed to open plugin resources: PARAGRAPH COMPOSER.RPLN" argh! (Don't let this one distract the question... all we want to know is how to find the Links Pallet on ID-CS5 v 7.0.4)

    lewenz wrote:
    We are writing this saga in hopes someone in management at Adobe may actually read it and make some changes to their company. While they may think they save money farming their support out to a call centre in India, they have chosen the wrong centre, or their quality control is bad. While their hourly costs may be lower than running support out of their home office, we suggest Adobe is paying more because the call centre takes so much time, and creates so many new problems. In fact, we do wonder if the reason the call centre people are so polite and constantly repeating and apologising is not cultural, but so they can keep the meter running longer. Memo to Adobe: You are being ripped off. Even if you don't care about your customers, your too-smart cost-cutters are losing you money. Better to provide high-quality tech support that knows what is wrong and finds the solution in minutes than wasting hours and days as happens now.
    It turns out that the support rep at Adobe gave us bad information and was about to propose more bad answers had we not become stroppy and demanded to speak to someone more competent. The support technician's next step was for us to:
    Load ID CS5 on another windows PC
    If the software worked on that PC either call Microsoft (yeah right) or
    Delete and reinstall Windows 7 Pro
    They did not volunteer any more than step 1, but having lost patience with their erroneous advice in the prior round, we pressed for what they would recommend next, since in fact the CS5 products had been working fine on the main desktop until they started telling us to start deleting and reinstalling things. On a complex multi-application computer, deleting and reinstalling Windows is not a simple matter, it usually results in downtime of three days and invariably important programs are reset, losing customisation that has been done over time. Our team concluded that rather than do this, if there was no other solution, we would trash CS5 and either go back to CS4 or purchase an Apple desktop solely to handle InDesign. Therefore, instead of continuing down this line of blind nonsense, we demanded to speak to someone who spoke better English, had a better phone connection and knew more than to tell us to keep damaging our systems.
    Finally, we got a call back from a more informed 1st tier support rep who goes by the nickname Sonny. For some reason the connection was far better, and we could understand every word of his much better English. It turns out that the Adobe support rep had walked us through the delete and recovery procedure and omitted a key step. This was only learned by pressing Sonny hard, until he realised the missing step. The prior rep walked us through the following support process and only told us to call back after we had begun step 5.
    Deactivate the CS5 Master Collection,
    Download and Unzip Creative Suite Cleaner Tool
    Create a new User ID with Administrator Level authority and sign on to it
    Close all programs and run the Cleaner Tool
    Reinstall CS5
    Download the updates (which is a problem when one is on a 10gb cap broadband plan)
    Of course, this did not fix the problem we had called about (manuscript kept crashing ID), but additionally the Links Pallet was completely missing as was the Edit Original right click function which made managing images in a manuscript impossible.
    When we reviewed this with Sonny, he finally identified the missing step. Before Step 4, running the Cleaner Tool, run the Microsoft Control Panel Uninstall Program to remove all the programs. Then run the cleaner tool to find files that Microsoft missed. Finally, after Step 4, add an additional step of manually looking at the files using File Manager to make sure all files were cleaned out and gone. When all this is done, go to Step 5 reboot and reinstall.
    Well the reboot took about 15 minutes as all sorts of orphan files came up, but when all was reinstalled, the InDesign functioned as it was supposed to function. The links pallet and edit orginal image was back where they belonged.
    The only thing we discovered is that when we went to email, eleven years worth of emails had vanished. We are now in correspondence with the email support team (thankfully, we use a commercial product, not a free one) to see if these can be recovered. It appears the Cleaner cleaned out more than Adobe. Oops, sorry about that. Argh!
    So what have we learned?
    The original problem appears to have been a corrupted file. Since this was a 275 page manuscript, it was not something that could easily be given up. We called Adobe hoping to figure out why the application program was crashing. This was never answered. It would crash when we ran spell check and it would crash when we tried to export it to an IDML file. This is a deficiency in the Adobe product that it allows this. Adobe never addressed this, or identified this.
    It was only when we started doing our own trouble shooting while waiting for Adobe to call back after they trashed the delete and restore application, that we realised we were being supported by ignorant technicians who appear to have little understanding of their products, very poor communications technology (it's hard to understand them due to a low quality line and in some cases a strong Indian accent), and whose "solutions" were to remove and reinstall their products. In this solution approach, the support technicians don't always get the steps right, with the outcome that the "solution" does not work.
    At this point, we realised we were in worse shape than when we made the original call. So we searched our files to find the most recent IDML backup that did work, imported it and then took pdf printouts to re-enter all the changes to the manuscript since that backup was made. We hope we located all the differences between the two drafts. This of course is a manual process and what we sought to avoid by calling Adobe in the first place, but we realised that the Adobe support was going to take more time than clerical re-work. Thus we ended up with a repaired manuscript - no thanks to Adobe, and a newly defective application program where their next "solution: was to trash the operating system.
    At no time did the technician ask the key questions to review what they might have done or not done that could have caused the problem. In other words, Adobe does not run a technical support line, but a trash and rebuild line. They waste hours of their own call centre time, not to mention the client time, creating further problems, call centre hours that we presume Adobe must pay for.
    That we must listen very carefully to what the technician says back, since over 50% of the time, they do not understand. When the record is read back, it is wrong (they wrote down that ID crashed on opening... never true).
    That it is not impolite to ask them to stop wasting time with very long apologies as the opening of every sentence.
    That it is essential that you have the customer identity information in the right order, so they do not spend 10 minutes verifying who you are.
    That it is not impolite to tell them to stop filling the air with nonsense and either answer the questions or get someone who can.
    That it is not inappropriate to threaten to document the call and file a formal complaint with Adobe.
    So for anyone who uses Adobe Help:
    Demand someone who can speak clear English on a clear phone connection. Write down their name and location so they can be tracked.
    Write down every step they propose and ask what is the next step if it fails to achieve the desired outcome.
    Demand that each step be written down in their documentation as well.
    Demand to know every custom file such as preferences and language dictionaries and their location. Make copies outside of Adobe so the cleaner file does not delete them. A folder on the desktop is the safest.
    When it becomes clear the technician does not have a clue what they are doing, demand to speak to their boss.
    Document every step here on this forum, so when they ask how they did, refer them to the public record.
    Thanks to Peter Spier and Jongware for their attempts at solutions. Turned out it was a corrupt file that would have been a disaster had we not made backups and a defective Adobe technical support system that threated to trash our whole operation.
    Bravo for persisting, insisting, asserting, relying on your own intelligence as you realized you were being not only ill-served, but wrongly-served and unforgivably-destructively-served. Sorry to hear how your own civility kept you from acting protectively sooner.
    I agree about escalating cases to the highest-level support manager ASAP as you discover incompetent support. I've written about this in a few posts that you can find with this Google search link: InDesign knowhow pro escalate support. I usually offer "I don't mean to be rude, but if you're not expert with this issue..." or I substitute "...aren't able to read the case notes and have expertise," and similar phrases, THEN I PRESS FOR ESCALATION, EVEN IF I NEED TO BE RUDE TO GET IT.
    However, with the increasing complexity of the stuff we use, and, as in your example, it takes a few days to rebuild a system, don't be lulled by the concurrent increased confidence you get from smarter hardware and software. I suggest cloning working systems for backups in disasters like you're reporting. Don't overwrite stored clone backups with unproven current systems that may have unbeknownst to you just gone bad. Consider virtual software like VMware Fusion or Parallels, even if you're committed to Windows; you can install one or more virtual Windows systems on a real Windows system, make snapshots and revert to them if needed. I think these are more robust than Windows Restore Points, because snapshots track everything done on the virtual drive, whereas restore points only undo the Registry, IIRC, so corrupted user files remain corrupt, lost files remain lost.
    IOW, practice safe computing.
    I heard of a business professional who sued his doctor for time lost when he was kept waiting for an extremely long period with no explanation, offer to reschedule, etc. (IOW, he got "airline treatment.") Whether he collected isn't the point so much as the recognition of the concept, and the corresponding smart pro-customer-service steps taken across many industries and companies. Whether defensive or pro-active, better customer service is better for everyone in chain of relationships.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

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