Robot class slowing down

I am using the robot class to make a macro that moves and clicks the mouse for a few hours. At first, the macro works correctly, and completes about five runs per second. However, after a few minutes the macro starts slowing down, and after an hour it is running through once every 10 seconds. Every run is exactly the same, so why could it be slowing down?

Here's exactly what it's doing:
1. get the color of the next pixel in a BufferedImage.
2. make a robot and have it type the RGB values of the pixel into another window.
3. move the mouse and click it a few times.
I'm not using the hard drive. I'm not searching anything. I am not copying anything. Every run is exactly the same. Why is it getting slower as it runs? It finishes about a quarter of the image in 5 minutes, then hours later it has only done a few more rows.

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  • Timer Class not accurate and slows down my animation!?

    Does anyknow how why my timer object is not accurate and why it slows down my animation that is also present on my GUI at the same time?
    I have a timer in the form of 0.00 the left of the decimal point should represent a second but it doesnt, run my code and see for yourselves. below is my code if anyone can fix these 2 problems i will be very thankfull:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.Shape;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class RT extends JFrame implements MouseMotionListener
        //declares a number of swing componets to be used for the JFrame
        private JTextArea infoJTextArea;
        private JPanel showJPanel, startJPanel, helpJPanel, resultsJPanel;
        private JLabel de4JLabel, de3JLabel, mainTitleJLabel, nameJLabel, ageJLabel,
                       deJLabel, de1JLabel, de2JLabel, timeJLabel,nameResultJLabel,
                       ageResultJLabel, timeResultsJLabel, ratingJLabel, coJLabel, shJLabel;
        private JTextField nameJTextField, ageJTextField,nameResultJTextField,
                       ageResultsJTextField, timeResultsJTextField, ratingJTextField;
        private JButton exitJButton, showJButton, loginJButton, startTestJButton,
        private JScrollPane scroll;
    public JComboBox colourJComboBox, sizeJComboBox, shapeJComboBox, speedJComboBox;
    private static Connection dbcon;
    int temp=0;
    private String[] col = { "Red", "Blue", "Green","Yellow","Orange","Black"};
    private String[] shapeA = { "Normal Rectangle", "Normal Circle", "Normal Oval","BIG Rectangle", "BIG Circle","BIG Oval","small rectangle","small circle", "small oval"};
    private String[] speed = { "Fast", "Normal", "Slow"};
    public int checking;
    static int flag, flagshape, flagspeed;
        // creates and sets up a number of varibles to be used by the class
        public long timeLimit = 0;
        DecimalFormat timeDec = new DecimalFormat (":00");
        public int age;
        public String name, shapeChoice="Normal Rectangle(Never selected anything)", colourChoice="Black(Never selected anything)";
        private Timer TimeNow;
        private JTextField timerJTextField;
        ShapeMovingPanel testJPanel;
        Random seed;
        Shape shape;
        Shape[] shapes = {new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 75, 25),new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 50, 50),new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 75, 35),new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 175, 125),new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 125, 125),new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 175, 135),new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 55, 15),new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 20,20),new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 55, 15)};
    //50, 30, 75, 25 change starting point here****************************************
        public RT()            // constructor method
            seed = new Random();
            shape = shapes[0];
            //sets up the Timer
            TimeNow = new Timer((1), new TimerListener());//++++++++++++++++++++++++++timer -17
            createUserInterface();          // method that creates the user interface     
        private void createUserInterface()
            new Thread(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    String results = "";
                    int count = 0;
                    boolean journeyOn = true;
                    while(journeyOn && count < 3)
                        catch(InterruptedException ie)
                            System.err.println("show interrupt: " + ie.getMessage());
                            journeyOn = false;
                        results += count++ + ", ";
                    try {
                             dbcon = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:CMT3991", "", ""); // Access/ODBC
                          //connection ash used to connect to the user table in access
                           } catch(Exception eee)
                           eee.printStackTrace();  //exception if error occurs during the driver connection
                             System.out.println("* UserDA CONNECTED *");
            Container contentPane = getContentPane();
            contentPane.setLayout( null );
            // set up infoJTextField
            infoJTextArea = new JTextArea();
            infoJTextArea.setBounds( 20, 420, 550, 170  );
            infoJTextArea.setEditable( false);
            infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome to the reaction testing program, this " +
                            "program is designed to test your reactions in a  \n"+
                            "    number of different situations.\n"+"\n    Please " +
                            "enter your name and age, or select show previous results.");
            contentPane.add( infoJTextArea );
            scroll = new JScrollPane(infoJTextArea);
            scroll.setBounds(  20, 420, 550, 170 );
            contentPane.add( scroll );
                  startJPanel = new JPanel();
            startJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
                    new TitledBorder( "WELCOME - PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME AND AGE:" ) );
            startJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( startJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            mainTitleJLabel = new JLabel();
            mainTitleJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "title.png" ) );
            mainTitleJLabel.setBounds( 30, 10, 520, 170 );
            mainTitleJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
            startJPanel.add( mainTitleJLabel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameJLabel.setBounds( 52, 200, 70, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameJTextField.setBounds( 130, 200, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageJLabel.setBounds( 52, 245, 100, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageJTextField.setBounds( 130, 245, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            loginJButton = new JButton();
            loginJButton.setBounds( 440, 200, 90, 24 );
            loginJButton.setText( "Login" );
            loginJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( loginJButton );
    //        loginJButton.setVisible(true);
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        // not necessary to pass events to these methods...
                        Login();  // calls the Login method                       
            //creates a JButton
            showJButton = new JButton();
            showJButton.setBounds( 200, 320, 180, 24 );
            showJButton.setText( "Show previous results" );
            showJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( showJButton );
    //        showJButton.setVisible(true);
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        showData();   // calls the showData method                       
            //sets up a JPanel
            showJPanel = new JPanel();
            showJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            showJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder( "PREVIOUS RESULTS:" ) );
            showJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( showJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            helpJPanel = new JPanel();
            helpJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            new TitledBorder( "CHOOSE A NUMBER OF OPTIONS AND GET READY:" ) );
            helpJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( helpJPanel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            deJLabel= new JLabel();
            deJLabel.setBounds( 23, 390, 530, 35 );
            contentPane.add( deJLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            coJLabel= new JLabel();
            coJLabel.setBounds( 70, 40, 530, 35 );
            coJLabel.setText("Choose a colour:");
            helpJPanel.add( coJLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds( 25, 100, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("You are about to start the reaction test, when you " +
                              "press the start button it will begin.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds(160, 145, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("Simply catch the moving item and click.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            colourJComboBox = new JComboBox( col );
               colourJComboBox.setBounds( 70, 70, 135, 21 );
               colourJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
               helpJPanel.add( colourJComboBox );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                         int x = colourJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                        if( x  == 0)
                             flag = 1;
                        else if(x  == 1)
                             flag = 2;
                        else if(x  == 2)
                             flag = 3;
                         else if(x  == 3)
                             flag = 4;
                         else if(x  == 4)
                             flag = 5;
                           else if(x  == 5)
                             flag = 6;
            shJLabel= new JLabel();
            shJLabel.setBounds( 340, 40, 530, 35 );
            shJLabel.setText("Choose a shape and size:");
            helpJPanel.add( shJLabel);
            shapeJComboBox = new JComboBox( shapeA );
               shapeJComboBox.setBounds( 340, 70, 135, 21 );
               shapeJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
               helpJPanel.add( shapeJComboBox );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                          int xshape = shapeJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                        //shapeChoice="Normal Rectangle";
                        if( xshape  == 0)
                        {     flagshape = 1;
                             shapeChoice="Normal Rectangle";
                        else if(xshape  == 1)
                        {     flagshape = 2;
                             shapeChoice="Normal Circle";
                        else if(xshape  == 2)//**********here
                        {     flagshape = 3;
                             shapeChoice="Normal Oval";
                        else if(xshape  == 3)
                        {     flagshape = 4;
                             shapeChoice="BIG Rectangle";
                        else if(xshape  == 4)
                       {      flagshape = 5;
                             shapeChoice="BIG Circle";
                        else if(xshape  == 5)
                     {        flagshape = 6;
                             shapeChoice="BIG Oval";
                        else if(xshape  == 6)
                             flagshape = 7;
                             shapeChoice="small rectangle";
                        else if(xshape  == 7)
                     {        flagshape = 8;
                             shapeChoice="small circle";
                        else if(xshape  == 8)
                     {        flagshape = 9;
                             shapeChoice="small oval";
          /*  speedJComboBox = new JComboBox( speed );
               speedJComboBox.setBounds( 10, 150, 135, 21 );
               speedJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
               helpJPanel.add( speedJComboBox );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                          int xspeed = speedJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                        if( xspeed  == 0)
                             flagspeed = 1;
                             else if(xspeed  == 1)
                             flagspeed = 2;
                             flagspeed = 3;
            //creates a newJLabel
            de2JLabel= new JLabel();
            de2JLabel.setBounds( 20, 380, 70, 35 );
            helpJPanel.add( de2JLabel);
            //creates a JButton
            startTestJButton = new JButton();
            startTestJButton.setBounds( 185, 205, 180, 60 );
            startTestJButton.setText( "START" );
            startTestJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            helpJPanel.add( startTestJButton );
    //        startTestJButton.setVisible(true);
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
            //sets up an animation panel
            testJPanel = new ShapeMovingPanel(this);
            testJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            testJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Click the moving object:"));
            testJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( testJPanel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeJLabel.setBounds( 440, 330, 100, 35 );
            testJPanel.add( timeJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timerJTextField = new JTextField();
            timerJTextField.setBounds( 480, 335, 60, 24 );
            timerJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER );
            timerJTextField.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            testJPanel.add( timerJTextField );
            resultsJPanel = new JPanel();
            resultsJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            resultsJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("HERE ARE YOUR RESULTS:"));
            resultsJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( resultsJPanel );
            de3JLabel= new JLabel();
            de3JLabel.setBounds(20, 200, 530, 35 );
            de3JLabel.setText("Below is also the movements you made with your mouse, " +
                              "you may exit the program now.");
            resultsJPanel.add( de3JLabel);
            de4JLabel= new JLabel();
            de4JLabel.setBounds(135, 245, 530, 35 );
            de4JLabel.setText("Thank you for trying the Reaction Testing program");
            resultsJPanel.add( de4JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameResultJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 55, 50, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameResultJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameResultJTextField.setBounds( 140, 55, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageResultJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 90, 100, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 90, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeResultsJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeResultsJLabel.setBounds( 62, 125, 100, 35 );
            timeResultsJLabel.setText("Time taken:");
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timeResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            timeResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 125, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ratingJLabel = new JLabel();
            ratingJLabel.setBounds( 62, 160, 100, 35 );
            ratingJLabel.setText("Your Rating:");
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJLabel );
            ratingJTextField = new JTextField();
            ratingJTextField.setBounds( 140, 160, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            exitJButton = new JButton();
            exitJButton.setBounds( 235, 310, 90, 24 );
            exitJButton.setText( "Exit" );
            exitJButton.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
            resultsJPanel.add( exitJButton );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when exitJButton is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        System.exit(0); //closes the programme
            }); // end anonymous inner class
            addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
            // set properties of application's window
            setTitle( "Reaction Tester - CMT3991" ); // set JFrame's title bar string
            //setSize( 1280,995 );    // set width and height of JFrame
            setSize( 608, 650 );         // set width and height of JFrame
            setVisible( true );       // display JFrame on screen
        //** set up of method main */
        public static void main( String[] args )
            RT application = new RT();
            application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        } // end method main
         * action listener for TimeNow Timer
        private class TimerListener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                timeLimit ++;          
                if (timeLimit==100)
                timerJTextField.setText(String.valueOf(temp +""+timeDec.format(timeLimit)));
        private void Login()
                name = nameJTextField.getText();
                age = Integer.parseInt(ageJTextField.getText());
                infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome "+name+" you will soon know how " +
                                      "fast your reactions are.");
            catch (NumberFormatException exception)
                        "There is either a blank field or a number hasn't been entered",
                        "Input Type error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                //shows this is something has been entered wrong
        private void startTest()
          //  System.out.println(""+ seed.nextInt(shapes.length));
            //shape = shapes[seed.nextInt(shapes.length)];//****************************
            if (flagshape==1)
                 shape = shapes[0];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==2)
                 shape = shapes[1];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==3)
                 shape = shapes[2];// changed colour here***************************
           else if (flagshape==4)
                 shape = shapes[3];// changed colour here***************************
             else if (flagshape==5)
                 shape = shapes[4];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==6)
                 shape = shapes[5];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==7)
                 shape = shapes[6];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==8)
                 shape = shapes[7];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==9)
                 shape = shapes[8];// changed colour here***************************
           // shape = shapes[8];
         * called by animation panel after shape is clicked
        public void stop()
         * this will compete with your animation
         * ie, it will slow it down or make it appear jerky
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse moved", e);
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse dragged", e);
        void saySomething(String eventDescription, MouseEvent e)
                         + " (" + e.getX() + "," + e.getY() + ")");
        private void movingObject()
            ageResultsJTextField.setText(String.valueOf(age)+" years old");
    System.out.println("shape used: "+shapeChoice);
            String mouse = infoJTextArea.getText();
            String tick = timerJTextField.getText();
                // create a file called welch.txt
                final FileWriter outputFile = new FileWriter("Backup_of_"+name+"s_results.txt", true);
                final BufferedWriter outputBuffer = new BufferedWriter(outputFile);
                // converts data to a formatted string
                final PrintWriter printstream = new PrintWriter(outputBuffer);
                printstream.println("THIS IS A BACKUP");
                printstream.println("The person's name is: "+name);
                printstream.println("There age is: "+age);
                printstream.println("Time taken: "+tick+" seconds");
                printstream.println("The Shape and size was: "+shapeChoice);
                printstream.println("It's colour was: "+colourChoice);
                printstream.println("The mouse moved as follows: "+mouse);
                //states what needs to be printed to the new file
                printstream.close(); // closes teh printstream
            catch(IOException eio)
                //catchs the IO exception
                ratingJTextField.setText("Thierry Henry");     
            else if(timeLimit<=10)
            else if(timeLimit<=15)
                ratingJTextField.setText("You gotta be fat or something");     
            else if(timeLimit<=20)
                ratingJTextField.setText("See a doctor");
            else if(timeLimit>20)
                ratingJTextField.setText("DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DOING!?");
            String rate=ratingJTextField.getText();
                   Statement st = dbcon.createStatement();
                   String cmd = "INSERT INTO users (Name, Age, Time_Taken, Rating, Mouse_Movement,Shape_and_Size, Shape_Colour) VALUES ('" + name + "' , " + age + " , '" + tick + "' , '" + rate+"','"+ mouse+"','"+ shapeChoice+"','"+ colourChoice+"');";
                //creates a SQL statement and executes it
                   st.close();//close the statement
              } catch (Exception eDA)
        private void showData()
            // pretend this takes awhile -> 3 seconds (count)
            new Thread(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    String results = "";
                    int count = 0;
                    boolean journeyOn = true;
                    while(journeyOn && count < 3)
                        catch(InterruptedException ie)
                            System.err.println("show interrupt: " + ie.getMessage());
                            journeyOn = false;
                        results += count++ + ", ";
                    infoJTextArea.setText("Here are your results:\n"+results);
    class ShapeMovingPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
        RT host;
        Timer timer;
        Shape shape, xformed;
        int x, y, dx, dy;
        public ShapeMovingPanel(RT rt)
            timer = new Timer(-20, this);     
            host = rt;
        /*    if (rt.flagspeed==1)
            timer = new Timer(-20, this);
            else if (rt.flagspeed==2)
                timer = new Timer(20, this);
            else if (rt.flagspeed==3)
            timer = new Timer(100, this);
            //change speed here******************************
            x = 0;//0
            y = 0;//0
            dx =2;//2
            dy = 3;//3
            addMouseListener(new ShapeTender());
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            if(w <= 0 || h <= 0)
            x += dx;
            y += dy;
        private void checkBoundries(int w, int h)
            Rectangle r = xformed.getBounds();
            Insets insets = getInsets();
            if(r.x + dx < insets.left || r.x + r.width + dx > w - insets.right)
                dx *= -1;
            if(r.y + dy < || r.y + r.height + dy > h - insets.bottom)
                dy *= -1;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y);
            if (RT.flag==1)
            {g2.setPaint(;// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==2)
            {g2.setPaint(;// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==3)
            {g2.setPaint(;// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==4)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.yellow);// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==5)
            {g2.setPaint(;// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==6)
            {g2.setPaint(;// changed colour here***************************

    I'm (being lazy and) using the older RT app posted on your last thread. I removed the
    TimeNow timer from the RT class and used System.currentTimeMillis (as you requested) to
    determine the elapsed time during the animation (see "startTest", "stop" and
    "movingObject" methods). Also changed the DecimalFormat to NumberFormat and set the
    "maximumFractionDigits" to "2" so it will truncate the fraction to two digits (more simple
    than before). Made arrangements for the ShapeMovingPanel class to update the
    "timerJTextField" during the animation (RT.updateTime method).
    The MouseMotionListener is causing the animation to appear jerky and uneven. The
    "mouseMoved" method is very busy while the mouse is moving. You might consider recording
    the "mousePressed" events instead of the "mouseMoved" events, ie, the events where the user
    is attempting to click inside the moving shape. It would allow the app to be more
    responsive and might eliminate the uneven motion of the animating shape.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    public class RT extends JFrame implements MouseMotionListener
        //declares a number of swing componets to be used for the JFrame
        private JTextArea infoJTextArea;
        private JPanel showJPanel, startJPanel, helpJPanel, resultsJPanel;
        private JLabel de4JLabel, de3JLabel, mainTitleJLabel, nameJLabel, ageJLabel,
                       deJLabel, de1JLabel, de2JLabel, timeJLabel,nameResultJLabel,
                       ageResultJLabel, timeResultsJLabel, ratingJLabel;
        private JTextField nameJTextField, ageJTextField,nameResultJTextField,
                       ageResultsJTextField, timeResultsJTextField, ratingJTextField;
        private JButton exitJButton, showJButton, loginJButton, startTestJButton,
        private JScrollPane scroll;;
        // creates and sets up a number of varibles to be used by the class
        private long startTime;
        private long endTime;
        public int timeLimit = 0;
        public int age;
        public String name;
        private JTextField timerJTextField;
        ShapeMovingPanel testJPanel;
        NumberFormat timeDec;
        Random seed;
        Shape shape;
        Shape[] shapes = {
            new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 75, 25),
            new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 50, 50),
            new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 75, 35)
        public RT()
            timeDec = NumberFormat.getInstance();
            seed = new Random();
            shape = shapes[0];
        private void createUserInterface()
            Container contentPane = getContentPane();
            contentPane.setLayout( null );
            // set up infoJTextField
            infoJTextArea = new JTextArea();
            infoJTextArea.setBounds( 20, 420, 550, 170  );
            infoJTextArea.setEditable( false);
            infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome to the reaction testing program, this " +
                            "program is designed to test your reactions in a  \n"+
                            "    number of different situations.\n"+"\n    Please " +
                            "enter your name and age, or select show previous results.");
            contentPane.add( infoJTextArea );
            scroll = new JScrollPane(infoJTextArea);
            scroll.setBounds(  20, 420, 550, 170 );
            contentPane.add( scroll );
              startJPanel = new JPanel();
            startJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
                    new TitledBorder( "WELCOME -PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME AND AGE:" ) );
            startJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( startJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            mainTitleJLabel = new JLabel();
            mainTitleJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "title.png" ) );
            mainTitleJLabel.setBounds( 30, 10, 520, 170 );
            mainTitleJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
            startJPanel.add( mainTitleJLabel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameJLabel.setBounds( 52, 200, 70, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameJTextField.setBounds( 130, 200, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageJLabel.setBounds( 52, 245, 100, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageJTextField.setBounds( 130, 245, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            loginJButton = new JButton();
            loginJButton.setBounds( 440, 200, 90, 24 );
            loginJButton.setText( "Login" );
            loginJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( loginJButton );
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        // not necessary to pass events to these methods...
                        Login();  // calls the Login method                       
            //creates a JButton
            showJButton = new JButton();
            showJButton.setBounds( 200, 320, 180, 24 );
            showJButton.setText( "Show previous results" );
            showJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( showJButton );
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        showData();   // calls the showData method                       
            //sets up a JPanel
            showJPanel = new JPanel();
            showJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            showJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder( "PREVIOUS RESULTS:" ) );
            showJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( showJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            helpJPanel = new JPanel();
            helpJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            new TitledBorder( "HELP DETAILS:" ) );
            helpJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( helpJPanel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            deJLabel= new JLabel();
            deJLabel.setBounds( 23, 390, 530, 35 );
            contentPane.add( deJLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds( 25, 100, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("You are about to start the reaction test, when you " +
                              "press the start button it will begin.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds(160, 145, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("Simply catch the moving item and click.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de2JLabel= new JLabel();
            de2JLabel.setBounds( 20, 380, 70, 35 );
            helpJPanel.add( de2JLabel);
            //creates a JButton
            startTestJButton = new JButton();
            startTestJButton.setBounds( 185, 205, 180, 60 );
            startTestJButton.setText( "START" );
            startTestJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            helpJPanel.add( startTestJButton );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
            //sets up an animation panel
            testJPanel = new ShapeMovingPanel(this);
            testJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            testJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Click the moving object:"));
            testJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( testJPanel );
    // this is causing the animation to appear uneven
    // you can try the app with and without this to see
    //        testJPanel.addMouseMotionListener(this);
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeJLabel.setBounds( 440, 330, 100, 35 );
            testJPanel.add( timeJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timerJTextField = new JTextField();
            timerJTextField.setBounds( 480, 335, 60, 24 );
            timerJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER );
            timerJTextField.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            testJPanel.add( timerJTextField );
            resultsJPanel = new JPanel();
            resultsJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            resultsJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("HERE ARE YOUR RESULTS:"));
            resultsJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( resultsJPanel );
            de3JLabel= new JLabel();
            de3JLabel.setBounds(20, 200, 530, 35 );
            de3JLabel.setText("Below is also the movements you made with your mouse, " +
                              "you may exit the program now.");
            resultsJPanel.add( de3JLabel);
            de4JLabel= new JLabel();
            de4JLabel.setBounds(135, 245, 530, 35 );
            de4JLabel.setText("Thank you for trying the Reaction Testing program");
            resultsJPanel.add( de4JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameResultJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 55, 50, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameResultJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameResultJTextField.setBounds( 140, 55, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageResultJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 90, 100, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 90, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeResultsJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeResultsJLabel.setBounds( 62, 125, 100, 35 );
            timeResultsJLabel.setText("Time taken:");
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timeResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            timeResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 125, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ratingJLabel = new JLabel();
            ratingJLabel.setBounds( 62, 160, 100, 35 );
            ratingJLabel.setText("Your Rating:");
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJLabel );
            ratingJTextField = new JTextField();
            ratingJTextField.setBounds( 140, 160, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            exitJButton = new JButton();
            exitJButton.setBounds( 235, 310, 90, 24 );
            exitJButton.setText( "Exit" );
            exitJButton.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
            resultsJPanel.add( exitJButton );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when exitJButton is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        System.exit(0); //closes the programme
            }); // end anonymous inner class
            addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
            // set properties of application's window
            setTitle( "Reaction Tester - CMT3991" ); // set JFrame's title bar string
            //setSize( 1280,995 );    // set width and height of JFrame
            setSize( 608, 650 );         // set width and height of JFrame
            setVisible( true );       // display JFrame on screen
        //** set up of method main */
        public static void main( String[] args )
            RT application = new RT();
            application.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        } // end method main
        private void Login()
                name = nameJTextField.getText();
                age = Integer.parseInt(ageJTextField.getText());
                infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome "+name+" you will soon know how " +
                                      "fast your reactions are");
            catch (NumberFormatException exception)
                        "There is either a blank field or a number hasn't been entered",
                        "Input Type error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                //shows this is something has been entered wrong
        private void startTest()
            shape = shapes[seed.nextInt(shapes.length)];
            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         * called by animation panel after shape is clicked
        public void stop()
            endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         * called by timer actionPerformed in ShapeMovingPanel
        public void updateTime()
            long timeNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
            double elapsed = (timeNow - startTime)/1000.0;
         * this will compete with your animation
         * ie, it will slow it down or make it appear jerky
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse moved", e);
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse dragged", e);
        void saySomething(String eventDescription, MouseEvent e)
                         + " (" + e.getX() + "," + e.getY() + ")");
        private void movingObject()
            ageResultsJTextField.setText(String.valueOf(age)+" years old");
            double elapsedTime = (endTime - startTime)/1000.0;
            timeLimit = (int)elapsedTime;
            timeResultsJTextField.setText(timeDec.format(elapsedTime)+" seconds");
            String mouse = infoJTextArea.getText();
            String tick = timeDec.format(elapsedTime);
                // create a file called welch.txt
                final FileWriter outputFile = new FileWriter(name+".txt", true);
                final BufferedWriter outputBuffer = new BufferedWriter(outputFile);
                // converts data to a formatted string
                final PrintWriter printstream = new PrintWriter(outputBuffer);
                printstream.println("The person's name is: "+name);
                printstream.println("There age is: "+age);
                printstream.println("Time taken: "+tick+" seconds");
                printstream.println("The mouse moved as follows: "+mouse);
                //states what needs to be printed to the new file
                printstream.close(); // closes teh printstream
            catch(IOException eio)
                //catchs the IO exception
                ratingJTextField.setText("Thierry Henry");     
                ratingJTextField.setText("You gotta be fat or something");     
                ratingJTextField.setText("See a doctor");
            String rate=ratingJTextField.getText();
        private void showData()
    //        String results = "";
    //        infoJTextArea.setText("Here are your results:\n"+results);
    class ShapeMovingPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
        RT host;
        Timer timer;
        Shape shape, xformed;
        int x, y, dx, dy;
        public ShapeMovingPanel(RT rt)
            host = rt;
            timer = new Timer(25, this);
            x = 0;
            y = 0;
            dx = 2;
            dy = 3;
            addMouseListener(new ShapeTender());
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            if(w <= 0 || h <= 0)
            x += dx;
            y += dy;
            // update RT.timerJTextField
        private void checkBoundries(int w, int h)
            Rectangle r = xformed.getBounds();
            Insets insets = getInsets();
            if(r.x + dx < insets.left || r.x + r.width + dx > w - insets.right)
                dx *= -1;
            if(r.y + dy < || r.y + r.height + dy > h - insets.bottom)
                dy *= -1;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y);
            xformed = at.createTransformedShape(shape);
        public void start()
        public void setShape(Shape s)
            shape = s;
            Rectangle r = shape.getBounds();
            x = r.x;
            y = r.y;
        private class ShapeTender extends MouseAdapter
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)

  • How do I get rid of the Not Using SoftArtisan File UP notice that is slowing down my uploads to class where I teach?

    How do I get rid of the Not Using SoftArtisan File UP notice that is slowing down my uploads to class where I teach? A notice now appears every time I upload an image to class as an attachment that says, Not Using SoftArtisan File UP, and this appears to be slowing down my uploads tremendously. I want to get rid of this. I never used it before and don't need it and don't want it. I just want the uploads to work like they did before this idiotic notice started slowing things down.

    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * On Windows you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * On Mac you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''option''' key while starting Firefox.
    * On Linux you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by quitting Firefox and then going to your Terminal and running: firefox -safe-mode (you may need to specify the Firefox installation path e.g. /usr/lib/firefox)
    * Or open the Help menu and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    [[Image:Safe Mode Fx 15 - Win]]
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''
    Thank you.

  • Does loading too many classes into jvm slow down performance?

    hi all,
    does loading too many classes into jvm will slow down performance. Our application is CPU bound, if we use any framework we need to load all the classes related to that framework in JVM. Does this have any effect on the performance of the JVM.
    thanks and regards,

    does loading many classes into jvm slow down performance.It will increase the time it takes for the JVM to load your application.
    Our application is CPU boundThe time it takes the JVM to load your application is not likely to be an issue for you then.

  • Robot class not working

    I need to make a macro with the robot class that draws a picture in a paint program. For each color in the image (256 colors total) it should change the paint color and drawing each 2x2 pixel that's that color. I made the program and it works correctly for about an hour, but then it starts slowing down a LOT, entering the wrong color codes, and drawing single pixels instead of 2x2.
    Here is the code for changing the color:
    robot.mouseMove (535, 504);
    robot.mousePress (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    robot.mouseRelease (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    robot.mouseMove (568, 410);
    robot.mousePress (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    robot.mouseRelease (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    robot.mousePress (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    robot.mouseRelease (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        robot.keyPress (color.toUpperCase ().charAt (i));
    robot.keyPress (KeyEvent.VK_ENTER);
    robot.keyRelease (KeyEvent.VK_ENTER);Here is the code for drawing each pixel:
    robot.mouseMove (415 + (w * 2), 185 + (h * 2) - 1);
    robot.mousePress (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    robot.mouseMove (415 + (w * 2), 185 + (h * 2) + 1);
    robot.delay (100);
    robot.mouseRelease (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);Does anyone know why the robot stops working after about an hour?

    I'll guess that this might have something to do with it:
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        robot.keyPress (color.toUpperCase ().charAt (i));
        //need to release the key!
        robot.keyRelease (color.toUpperCase ().charAt (i));
    }Also, about your code to draw one pixel: it draws three pixels in a vertical line, at least in my paint program.

  • Flash html5 - How can i make an internal movie clip slow down and stop when it get to a certain frame?

    I am creating an automotive braking system using flash and have a wheel turning. I want the wheel to slow down and stop after the brake pedal is pushed at a certain frame. I know I could do this with frame by frame animation but was hoping there was a short cut - javascript?? If not the slowing down portion then is there code for just making the internal movie clip (wheel turning) to stop when it gets to a frame.? Thanks

    you can use the ticker class to create a loop that you use to control the wheel's rotation or frame, TweenJS v0.6.0 API Documentation : Ticker

  • High CPU usage and program slowing down

    Hi. I have helped write a program in AS3 that uses classes. We have 2 frames in our movieclip that consists of an ant moving. We have a class of ants and can create 15 instances of them and the program runs fine with the ants walking around looking for food and going back to a corner that is their nest and going back out again. The ants also respond to mouse movement if the mouse pointer is near an ant.
    If we create more than 15 ants, then the program starts to slow down. If we have 30 ants on the screen, then there is noticable stuttering of the ant movement. The CPU usage on a P4 2.5Ghz Pentium is around 50%.
    Is this normal? or is something wrong?
    I would have thought we would be able to scale up the number of ants easily.

    Hi kglad.
    Thanks for the reply.
    I assume enabling cacheAsBitmap is set in the ant class Constructor, as we have tried that and it has helped, see below. We can now create 30 ants with very slight stuttering.
    We have an  ant class as below.
    public class TAnt extends MovieClip { // lots of code here }
    ant Constructor as below.
    public function TAnt(newX: Number, newY: Number, sW: Number, sH: Number, rCyc: Number) {
                this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
               // more code here }
    // We have implemented a Finite State Machine for the ant behaviour.
    regarding the ants using a loop and using a controller class, I am not sure what you mean.
    We are creating instances of the ants in the Ants.fla file which is in the Action file and add each new ant to an array. See below.
    for (var a = 0; a < nAnts; a++) {
        var newAntX = Math.random() * screenWidth;        // randomly generate ant location
        var newAntY = Math.random() * screenHeight;
        var rCyc = Math.random() * 800;
        var ant = new TAnt(newAntX, newAntY, screenWidth, screenHeight, rCyc);            // create ant
        addChild(ant);                                                   // add ant so visible on screen
        ants.push(ant);                                                 // add ant to array
    So we use an array for looping through the ants in the Ants.fla Action file.
    Is this the way you mean?

  • Windows 7 Pro on iMac (mid 2011) and network slows down

    We have an office with about 8 mid 2011 21" iMacs running Windows 7 Pro courtesy of Bootcamp.  The machines boot quickly and all programs open quickly.  They each have from 2 - 4 mapped network drives to a 2012 Windows Server 2008 R2 HP GL380 server on-site and are wired with Gig Ethernet HP business class switches).  The users' Documents, Desktop, and a couple other directories are re-directed to the file server using an Active Directory Group Policy Object (GPO).
    A couple of the computers will regularly start to slow down after only 20 or 30 minutes of use.  The rest have occasionally experienced it but it's always independent of others experiencing the slowdown.  The computers with the more regular slowdowns I've also booted into OS 10.7.x and the transfer rates to the same file server are fast and consistent.  BTW, all computers are current on Windows updates and Apple updates.
    I've tried some of the suggestions I found here: ini-slows-down-over-time/
    Disable all property's that has something to do with "Offload" under advanced on the nic properties.
    Also disable "Recieve Side Scaling".
    And set "Speed and Duplex" to auto.
    Turn off windows feature "Remote Differential Compression" (Uninstall) under "programs and features".
    Run fallowing command in cmd:
    netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
    netsh int tcp set global chimney=disabled
    i ran disabled on every setting i could.
    so it looks like this now:
    C:\Users\tab>netsh int tcp show global
    Querying active state...
    TCP Global Parameters
    Receive-Side Scaling State : disabled
    Chimney Offload State : disabled
    NetDMA State : disabled
    Direct Cache Acess (DCA) : disabled
    Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level : disabled
    Add-On Congestion Control Provider : none
    ECN Capability : disabled
    RFC 1323 Timestamps : disabled
    Uncheck fallowing under your local area connection properties:
    Link Layer Mapper I/O Driver.
    Link Layer Responder.
    With all of that said, do any of you have any suggestions of what to check?

    We have an office with about 8 mid 2011 21" iMacs running Windows 7 Pro courtesy of Bootcamp.  The machines boot quickly and all programs open quickly.  They each have from 2 - 4 mapped network drives to a 2012 Windows Server 2008 R2 HP GL380 server on-site and are wired with Gig Ethernet HP business class switches).  The users' Documents, Desktop, and a couple other directories are re-directed to the file server using an Active Directory Group Policy Object (GPO).
    A couple of the computers will regularly start to slow down after only 20 or 30 minutes of use.  The rest have occasionally experienced it but it's always independent of others experiencing the slowdown.  The computers with the more regular slowdowns I've also booted into OS 10.7.x and the transfer rates to the same file server are fast and consistent.  BTW, all computers are current on Windows updates and Apple updates.
    I've tried some of the suggestions I found here: ini-slows-down-over-time/
    Disable all property's that has something to do with "Offload" under advanced on the nic properties.
    Also disable "Recieve Side Scaling".
    And set "Speed and Duplex" to auto.
    Turn off windows feature "Remote Differential Compression" (Uninstall) under "programs and features".
    Run fallowing command in cmd:
    netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
    netsh int tcp set global chimney=disabled
    i ran disabled on every setting i could.
    so it looks like this now:
    C:\Users\tab>netsh int tcp show global
    Querying active state...
    TCP Global Parameters
    Receive-Side Scaling State : disabled
    Chimney Offload State : disabled
    NetDMA State : disabled
    Direct Cache Acess (DCA) : disabled
    Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level : disabled
    Add-On Congestion Control Provider : none
    ECN Capability : disabled
    RFC 1323 Timestamps : disabled
    Uncheck fallowing under your local area connection properties:
    Link Layer Mapper I/O Driver.
    Link Layer Responder.
    With all of that said, do any of you have any suggestions of what to check?

  • Update picture slows down

    I am trying to make a little robot that can draw a 2D map of the suroundings. (It uses a rotating distance sensor, like af radar)
    I whant to use the picture-control, to draw in the information, so i can get a printable picture out. I have already created a "picture-radarbeam" that reprecents one meassurement in the picture, and it works just fine.
    So, the problem is then i try to put the picture in a while-loop and i want the program to sketch the measurements all the time (I mean updating the picture canstantly). Short after it starts, its slows down dramaticly (It seams like it reamember all the preavues sketches, and sketch them all every time the picture updates.). I tried to solve the problem by write the pictue to a image-file, and then load it again to a picture-string, but that is also a very slow solution.
    Any sugestions?
    Best reguard
    Steffen Rasmussen - Danish Univerity of Science
    LabVIEW 2009 and 2011 user, with LabVIEW toolkit for Lego Mindstorms NXT.

    Yes, the right way would be to NOT use a shift register and uncheck "erase first?"
    This should work well assuming that all parts of the image are being overdrawn with new data as a new data arrives. That's why I wanted to see the code.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Alternative to Robot class

    hi have anyone an idea how can i make screenshoot from my scene without the class robot?
    at moment i use the Robot class to make screenshoots from my sceene
    Rectangle screenRect = new Rectangle(20,10,800,600);
                  Robot robot = new Robot();
                  BufferedImage image = robot.createScreenCapture(screenRect);
                  ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File(fileName));               
             } catch (AWTException e1) {}
                          catch (IOException e) {}         thats the code to make screenshoots but i think its not good to use AWT

    That depends: when modularity kicks in (Java 9 with early availability in Java 8?) you may end up with some light JVMs tailored for JavaFX-only without any AWT / Swing support. And if you are not connected to the Net (which is more common than you may think) you may not be able or want* to download the extra module(s) that give AWT / Swing support.
    *slow speed with limited amount size, expensive data plan, device without enough storage.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • EventListeners, SwingTimer - Find whats slowing down this 20 lines of code!

    Hi, the code below is a very simple way to detect user input, and also have multiple keys pressed at the same time. However, what I implemented this, my program began to slow down quite a bit.
    I'm wondering if anyone sees any problems in this code which would slow my program down.
         // Detect user input
         class userinput implements ActionListener, KeyListener{
              public userinput(){
                   Timer whew = new Timer(50, this);
         public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
              int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
            if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN){
                 //y = y + speed;
                 goingbackwards = true;
            if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_UP){
                 //y = y - speed;
                 //goingforward = true;
                 gof = true;
            if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT){
                 //x = x - speed;
                 goingleft = true;
            if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT){
                 //x = x + speed;
                 goingright = true;
            if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE){
                 spacedown = true;
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
              int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
              if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN){
                  goingbackwards = false;
              if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_UP){
                   gof = false;
              if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT){
             goingleft = false;
              if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT){
             goingright = false;
              if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE){
                  spacedown = false;
         public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {     
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ac) {
            if (gof && y >= 15){
                 y = y - speed;
                 if (goingleft && x >= 15){
                 x = x - speed;
                 if (goingright && x <= 920){
                      x = x + speed;
                 if (goingbackwards && y <= 665){
                      y = y + speed;
                 if (spacedown && health >= 1){
                    sx = x + 36;            
                    sy = y - 19;
         Thanks for reading,

    MeMo_HI wrote:
    WOW jeje i just notice your code looks like a game
    since i'm not an expert in games dont take this as an advice this is only a question: why would you need to slow down the x=x-speed? cant you use a smaller value for speed?
    all the events run inside a single Thread called ThreadDispatcher so if you are calling events a lot then your calling fire() a lot and if the fire() method is
    a long task the other events have to wait until the fire method finished to get their time.
    Edited by: MeMo_HI on Feb 1, 2009 12:30 AM
    dispatch thread yes that is
    Edited by: MeMo_HI on Feb 1, 2009 12:30 AM
    sorry i confuse the words sometimesMuch to learn he has. Hmmmm.
    ~~ Yoda

  • TiledLayers : Slowing Down

    I have created a tiled layer ( for the purpose of making a World for my sprite to move around in. The game world i want is just a big box with a wall round the outside and grass inside that box. As I increase the size of the tiled layer the application runs slower & slower. Is this because :
    (B.T.W -- An instance of LayerManager controls drawing the level)
    The application draws the whole tiledlayer (onto the offscreen buffer) but only shows whats appropriate to the view window.
    The application calculates which bit of the tiledlayer needs to be drawn to the view window, but as the tiled layer gets larger, the calculations become alot more complex (therefore slowing the app down)
    I cant really think of any other way of drawing a large background without slowing down the application. If i use sprites I will end up with 400 of them (One for each tile), and that would slow the application down to miniscule rates( especially when I try to calculate collision detection for about 80 tiles)
    This is the code use for constructing a simple level:
    public class Level extends TiledLayer
    *Dimension Fields - Constant after intitialisation
    /*The width of the square tiles that make up this layer*/
    static int TILE_WIDTH = 34;
    /*The Height of the square tiles that make up this layer*/
    static int TILE_HEIGHT = 34;
    /*This gives the number of squares of "texture" to put along
    the screen -- Changing this to 10 means a smaller level but faster game*/
    static int INITIAL_COLUMNS = 23;
    /*This gives the number of squares of "texture" to put along
    the screen -- Changing this to 10 means a smaller level but faster game*/
    static int INITIAL_HEIGHT = 23;
    public Level() throws Exception
    super(INITIAL_COLUMNS, INITIAL_HEIGHT, Image.createImage("/icons/Level.png"), TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT);
    /*Quickly fill some cells*/          
    fillCells(1, 1, 20, 1, 1);
    fillCells(1, 1, 1, 20, 1);
    /*sets object position*/
    setPosition (0, 0);
    void reset()
    setPosition (0, 0);

    I didn't see it in your code but I am sure you are using a for(x;x;x) loop to draw the scene.
    Yes, your are correct, your slow down is that all of your map is being processed as if it were all going to be drawn to the screen. You have to write the code that avoids this. On your 10x10 you are running the loops 100 times, but when you increase the size to 23 by 23 you are running the loops 529 times every time you have to redraw the scene. The solution is to set up some tracking variables and put them in your loop so we only have to run the loops 81 times, no matter how big the map is.
    Something I have been trying lately is drawing all of my layers in one for loop.
    map_width = 32; // this is the size of the map
    map_height = 32; // not all of the map will fit in the screen
    width = 9; // this is the tile size of the screen
    height = 9; // 9 tiles wide, 9 tiles high
    character_x_possition = (possition x on the map divided by 34 which is your tile width);
    character_y_possition = (possition y on the map divided by 34 which is your tile width);
    corner_x = character_x_possition - 4; // or 5?, just try it, I can't remember
    corner_y = character_y_possition - 4; //or 5 again
    for(int x = corner_x; int < corner_x + width; x++)
    {  for(int y = corner_y; int < corner_y + height; y++)
    Draw layer 1 to backbuffer
    if(x == char_possition && y == char_possition)
    {   Draw Character to back buffer  }
    else { Draw layer2 to back buffer}
    Draw layer 3 to back buffer
    Draw back buffer to screen
    //////////// END OF SORT OF CODE :-) /////////////
    You can also use something similar to cut out time in colision checking, theres no since in checking the entire scene for colision when there are only 9 possible colisions at a given time, there are also some advanced meathods such as quad trees, but these at the moment are beyond me until I can find the time to sit down and study them. Hopefully some else will post on these, but they be beyond the needs of your game. I breifly read over them and went with the 9 tile checking for my game.
    One other note, if this is an rpg, there is rarely benefit for an offscreen NPC to be moving. :-)

  • Weblogic 8.1 SP4 slow down

    The server gets slow down once a week
    I log I found following
    Cause:HttpSession is invalid
    This error is getting called repeatedly when you tried getting attribute from session
    Thanks in advance.
    Your help will be appritiated
    Siddharth Mehta

    No WLS 8.1 sp4 does not support EJB 2.1
    - Ramkumar

  • "No pool in place - just leaking" Error slowing down MacPro

    Whenever I am running the creative cloud app. I am getting this error message in my console:
    Creative Cloud[4627]: objc[4627]: Object 0x792c53f0 of class __NSCFData autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
    It comes up every half a second, and is slowing down my computer...
    please help! I was on the phone with tech support for over an hour, and no  help at all.

    autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking
    Do you have an iPhone? ool-place.html
    I have the same messages in Console also. I don't think it's anything to be concerned about. It's just programming language.

  • Doing Shift-End using Robot class

    I am trying to use the Robot class to do a Shift-End in order to select the text in a window from the cursor to the end of the line. However, the following code only moves the cursor to the end of the line without selecting the text.
    Note that I have been able to make the following code work. So the problem with the code above does not seem to be with the Shift key per se or with the ordering of the statements.
    Any idea how to make the Shift-End work? I am using an XP PC.

    My ENTIRE code follows. Not surprisingly, the shiftEnd.actionPerformed gets a nullPointerException during execution. And being new to Java, I get the feeling I might be missing a whole bunch of stuff. For example, do I need to register for events? Do I need to generate a shift-End ActionEvent somehow? It is only the last 4 lines that are at issue here. Everything down to that point accomplishes what I want, i.e., position the mouse in a text window in the upper right-hand corner of my screen, move the cursor to the top of that window, then go down 5 lines. At that point, I want to do the shift-End to select all text in the line.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    public class KeyStrokeTest {
    /** Creates a new instance of KeyStrokeTest */
    public KeyStrokeTest() {
    * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args)
    throws AWTException{
    Robot robot = new Robot();
    // Position mouse over Test Director test
    // Press and release left mouse button to set focus in Test Director test
    // Go to top of Test Director test
    // Go down to first line of request
    for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
    // Do a shift End
    KeyStroke keyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_END,KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT);
    JTextField textComponent = new JTextField("String");
    ActionListener shiftEnd = textComponent.getActionForKeyStroke( keyStroke );
    shiftEnd.actionPerformed( null );

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