Alternative to Robot class

hi have anyone an idea how can i make screenshoot from my scene without the class robot?
at moment i use the Robot class to make screenshoots from my sceene
Rectangle screenRect = new Rectangle(20,10,800,600);
              Robot robot = new Robot();
              BufferedImage image = robot.createScreenCapture(screenRect);
              ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File(fileName));               
         } catch (AWTException e1) {}
                      catch (IOException e) {}         thats the code to make screenshoots but i think its not good to use AWT

That depends: when modularity kicks in (Java 9 with early availability in Java 8?) you may end up with some light JVMs tailored for JavaFX-only without any AWT / Swing support. And if you are not connected to the Net (which is more common than you may think) you may not be able or want* to download the extra module(s) that give AWT / Swing support.
*slow speed with limited amount size, expensive data plan, device without enough storage.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    Did anyone encounter them?

    I didn't get your response, but I will try to explain myself.
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  • Taking screenshot with java applet using java robot class not working

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    Robot objRobot = new Robot ();
    BufferedImage objBufferedImage = objRobot.createScreenCapture(objRectArea);
    The thing work good in windows system taking screenshot but in case of mac osx i get the blank image.When i check the event viewer in mac osx i get the following error.
    invalid context
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    CoreAnimation: rendering error 506
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    Version : 10.6.4
    Is that a system level issue , java plugin issue?I'am confused with this error.
    Thanks sagar.

    870613 wrote:
    invalid context
    invalid pixel formatHm, seems like the Mac implementation of the Robot class is doing some bad initializations there. I can't be a 100% sure of course, but this smells like a bug to me. Are you sure you have the latest version of Java installed?

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    ie, using grid coordinates on a map. Using the robot class I am able to position the cursor on the other panel but as soon as I move the mouse the cursor jumps back to the original position on the screen where the first panel with the editable field was. It is like only a picture of the cursor was drawn at the new coordinates and the real cursor is still at the old podition. It is important to this application that if the cursor is moved it stays where it has been moved to and actually is there and not just appearing to be there. I am using jdk 1.3 on Intel Solaris 2.8. Any help on this issue would be helpful and appreciated

    Maybe you can use the mouse move event to position the mouse to where you had moved the cursor to.
    for example
    1.the mouse is at point 100,100
    2. you move the cursor from your code to point 0,0
    3. the user starts to move the mouse
    4. you code gets that event and repositions the cursor to the last place where it was, that is at 0,0

  • Robot class and keystrokes

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    public static void main(String[] args) throws AWTException
    statement. I tried attaching this in my program but the code nested in a AcitionListener did not recognize it.
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    Robot robot = new Robot();
    catch (AWTException exception)
    This is just a format I made up to show what I am looking for it has no actual copyright.
    I do not want to throw the AWTExecption for my whole program just this localized area when I need to have the software hit enter for me.
    Anyway, this is my problem can you help me out

    I just figured the problem out myself, by just guessing believe it or not.
    As follows :
    Robot rob = new Robot():
    catch(AWTException exception)
    It worked perfectly.

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    Thanks in advance.
    Chris B.

    The Robot class will use an interface provided by the operating system to inject events. Those are very close to 'real' input events, but not quite there. There are, for instance, several games out there which have a protection mechanism against Robot's events to prevent scripting/botting. However, any application that is not paying special attention to the event's source will assume that the input events generated by Robot are actually coming from the user, so you can 'control' any application with the exception of the beforementioned games.

  • Robot class not working

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    robot.mouseMove (535, 504);
    robot.mousePress (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    robot.mouseRelease (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    robot.mouseMove (568, 410);
    robot.mousePress (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    robot.mouseRelease (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    robot.mousePress (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    robot.mouseRelease (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        robot.keyPress (color.toUpperCase ().charAt (i));
    robot.keyPress (KeyEvent.VK_ENTER);
    robot.keyRelease (KeyEvent.VK_ENTER);Here is the code for drawing each pixel:
    robot.mouseMove (415 + (w * 2), 185 + (h * 2) - 1);
    robot.mousePress (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);
    robot.mouseMove (415 + (w * 2), 185 + (h * 2) + 1);
    robot.delay (100);
    robot.mouseRelease (InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK);Does anyone know why the robot stops working after about an hour?

    I'll guess that this might have something to do with it:
    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        robot.keyPress (color.toUpperCase ().charAt (i));
        //need to release the key!
        robot.keyRelease (color.toUpperCase ().charAt (i));
    }Also, about your code to draw one pixel: it draws three pixels in a vertical line, at least in my paint program.

  • Drag events in Robot class

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    for(int i = 0; i < aListEvents.size(); i++)
    AWTEvent event = (AWTEvent)aListEvents.get(i);
    Component c = (Component)event.getSource();
    int id = event.getID();
    case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED:
    int x = ((MouseEvent)e).getX();
    int y = ((MouseEvent)e).getY();
    case KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED:
    case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED:
         // do component drag
    Is there a way to mimic the drag event during playback and drag the object that was dragged during record?
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
    Thanks :)

    This is an old posting, so the answer is probably too late for mamta and has also been answered elsewhere. But for whoever comes across this one, share my piece of experience:
    There's no one-to-one mapping between Java events and the system events (which is what Robot is refering to).
    After all, a MOUSE_DRAGGED is nothing but a MOUSE_MOVE after a MOUSE_PRESSED. So you can send a MOUSE_DRAGGED along to the robot as a mouseMove, because the Robot/system keeps in mind that the mouse button has been pressed before and therefor the event will appear in the Java event queue as a MOUSE_DRAGGED.
    Similar is MOUSE_CLICKED which needn't be replayed at all, because sending a MOUSE_PRESSED and a MOUSE_RELEASED to the Robot will automatically produce a MOUSE_CLICKED in the Java event queue as well.
    Same with the key strokes.

  • How to capture a screen by using robot class

    how to capture a screen by using robot class

    open the apidocs for the Robot class
    read the methods - you won't get far when one of the methods will stand out
    if you can't get it working, copy the method name and paste it into the 'search forums' box,
    where you'll find plenty of sample code

  • Doing Shift-End using Robot class

    I am trying to use the Robot class to do a Shift-End in order to select the text in a window from the cursor to the end of the line. However, the following code only moves the cursor to the end of the line without selecting the text.
    Note that I have been able to make the following code work. So the problem with the code above does not seem to be with the Shift key per se or with the ordering of the statements.
    Any idea how to make the Shift-End work? I am using an XP PC.

    My ENTIRE code follows. Not surprisingly, the shiftEnd.actionPerformed gets a nullPointerException during execution. And being new to Java, I get the feeling I might be missing a whole bunch of stuff. For example, do I need to register for events? Do I need to generate a shift-End ActionEvent somehow? It is only the last 4 lines that are at issue here. Everything down to that point accomplishes what I want, i.e., position the mouse in a text window in the upper right-hand corner of my screen, move the cursor to the top of that window, then go down 5 lines. At that point, I want to do the shift-End to select all text in the line.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    public class KeyStrokeTest {
    /** Creates a new instance of KeyStrokeTest */
    public KeyStrokeTest() {
    * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args)
    throws AWTException{
    Robot robot = new Robot();
    // Position mouse over Test Director test
    // Press and release left mouse button to set focus in Test Director test
    // Go to top of Test Director test
    // Go down to first line of request
    for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
    // Do a shift End
    KeyStroke keyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_END,KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT);
    JTextField textComponent = new JTextField("String");
    ActionListener shiftEnd = textComponent.getActionForKeyStroke( keyStroke );
    shiftEnd.actionPerformed( null );

  • Why robot class doesnt get cursor

    i am using robot class , when i use createScreenCapture
    method it gets the everything on the screen but not the cursor.
    why? can i create i image that also get the cursor?
    many thanks

    MouseEvent provides a method:
    public Point getPoint()
    that returns the x,y position of the event relative to the source component.
    I guess it must be the archiect's view that the cursor is not a the screen, rather a device that points to the screen.
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun Microsystems

  • Applet and Robot class???

    Alright, I want to write a java program uses the robot class (the class that allows for control of keybourd and mouse commands) would this work in an applet, or would it break the applet rules that ensure computer security on the web.

    i just want it to work on 1 computer, is there a way that i can override the things that dont work on the net?

  • Robot class slowing down

    I am using the robot class to make a macro that moves and clicks the mouse for a few hours. At first, the macro works correctly, and completes about five runs per second. However, after a few minutes the macro starts slowing down, and after an hour it is running through once every 10 seconds. Every run is exactly the same, so why could it be slowing down?

    Here's exactly what it's doing:
    1. get the color of the next pixel in a BufferedImage.
    2. make a robot and have it type the RGB values of the pixel into another window.
    3. move the mouse and click it a few times.
    I'm not using the hard drive. I'm not searching anything. I am not copying anything. Every run is exactly the same. Why is it getting slower as it runs? It finishes about a quarter of the image in 5 minutes, then hours later it has only done a few more rows.

  • Robot class.

    With the robot class. I know their is the standered clas and then the Robot(GraphicsDevice screen) . Yes i know that the graphic device is for specifying another screen. But do u belive their is any thinkable way to specify to a specific window active on the computer?

    I have no idea what you're talking about. But no, there is no way to specify the window.

  • Robot.class commands ignored by program

    I wrote a program that uses Robot.class to control some client application.
    It worked fine under windows XP.
    That was a while back and now I've tried it again and it doesn't work.
    Two things changes since then:
    I am using windows 7 now.
    I have a new version of the client application.
    My questions are:
    1. Is it possible to ignore commands coming from the robot class? How would the ignoring program know to do this? (normal mouse commands work of course)
    2. Is there some problem in windows 7 using the robot class? (i doubt it since in works on other windows but...)
    3. Is there any other way to send mouse/keyboard commands to other programs from java code?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    As Andrew says, the Robot works fine on Windows 7, as 'fine' as such a class can work. What I mean by that?
    Applications based on the Robot class are inherently fragile and subject to failures when: screen resolution changes, UI themes are invoved, aero, client application changes or 'adapts' itself to another environment. This is especially true when it comes to mouse handling: a click at x,y that was hitting a button in environment A may hit nothing in B.
    So yes, the Robot works in Windows 7, but you may have to rewrite the application.
    By the way, after trying hard some ltime ago to use java and the Robot for such things and having to struggle with JNI to get something reasonable, I completely gave up and re-wrote it in C#. Even in C# I absolutely stayed away from the mouse, but my client application had keyboard support for al I needed. And even in C# I had to call native API's, but it's easier.
    Edited by: baftos on Nov 14, 2010 11:59 AM

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