Rollover slidelets and getting the "main" slide to persist

I have a slide with a graphic of a user interface with several rollover slidelets on various UI elements. I have it set up that when the user clicks on an item, it jumps to another slide with some audio narration that explains the item, and displays some different video. How do I make that first slide (or any slide, actually) persist and just display indefinitely, without moving to the next slide?  I can work around this by making all the slides have a really long display time, but there has to be a better way to do it.

Thanks to you both. So, I started thinking about this some more, and tried your suggestion of using rollover captions and clickboxes. I had two problems--first, the clickboxes did not pause the slide progression, even though I had their properties set to do that. Second, after I finished adding all of my rollover captions and clickboxes, mysteriously they all stopped working completely. I can delete all of them from a slide and recreate one, and it works, so I'm wondering if I ran up against some upper limit or if maybe my project file has become corrupt.
Anyway, here's some more information about what I'm trying to do. In the pic below, number 1 indicates one of the items I'm adding a rollover caption and clickbox to. All of the items like this that appear in the left side are going to have clickboxes and rollover captions. When the user clicks one of these, the clickbox jumps to a different slide, which will show a different image in the right side, as well as a slightly different list of options in the left side (in some cases). Each slide has audio narration as well. All of this must be easily reproduceable in local language versions of this interface as well, for translation purposes, so I can't get too fancy in Captivate.
So what I've done is create all my rollover captions and clickboxes on the first slide, and then copy and paste them to each of the other slides (moving them as necessary on some slides when the sequence of the options changes). This way the user can always click or mouseover another hotspot from any slide and doesn't have to click a Return button. This seemed like it would work, but now none of the rollover captions or clickboxes are working.

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    What do you mean by this? Is this a new issue which is different from the above issue? If so, I will recommend you post a new thread for this issue and share us more information about this.
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    Screenshots of the problem
    Computer hardware, such as CPU; GPU; amount of RAM; etc.

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    Meg St._Clair wrote: Don't tap; pinch.
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    Could this be a virus?

    Hold down the Power button until the computer shuts down.
    The Safe Mac » Adware Removal Guide - Genieo
    The Safe Mac » Adware Removal Guide
    Helpful Links Regarding Malware Protection
    An excellent link to read is Tom Reed's Mac Malware Guide.
    Also, visit The XLab FAQs and read Detecting and avoiding malware and spyware.
    See these Apple articles:
              Mac OS X Snow Leopard and malware detection
              OS X Lion- Protect your Mac from malware
              OS X Mountain Lion- Protect your Mac from malware
              About file quarantine in OS X
    If you require anti-virus protection Thomas Reed recommends using Dr.Web Light from the App Store. It's free, and since it's from the App Store, it won't destabilize the system. If you prefer one of the better known commercial products, then Thomas recommends using Sophos.(Thank you to Thomas Reed for these recommendations.) If you already use Sophos, then be aware of this if you are using Mavericks: OS X Mavericks- Sophos Anti-Virus on-access scanner versions 8.0 - 9.1 may cause unexpected restarts
    From user Joe Bailey comes this equally useful advice:
    The facts are:
    1. There is no anti-malware software that can detect 100% of the malware out there.
    2. There is no anti-malware that can detect anything targeting the Mac because there
         is no Mac malware in the wild, and therefore, no "signatures" to detect.
    3. The very best way to prevent the most attacks is for you as the user to be aware that
         the most successful malware attacks rely on very sophisticated social engineering
         techniques preying on human avarice, ****, and fear.
    4. Internet popups saying the FBI, NSA, Microsoft, your ISP has detected malware on
        your computer is intended to entice you to install their malware thinking it is a
        protection against malware.
    5. Some of the anti-malware products on the market are worse than the malware
        from which they purport to protect you.
    6. Be cautious where you go on the internet.
    7. Only download anything from sites you know are safe.
    8. Avoid links you receive in email, always be suspicious even if you get something
        you think is from a friend, but you were not expecting.
    9. If there is any question in your mind, then assume it is malware.

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    Hi All,
    I would like  pass bind variable in SELECT statement and get the value of the column in Dynamic SQL
    Please seee below
    I want to get the below value
    Expected result:
    select  distinct empno ,pr.dept   from emp pr, dept ps where   ps.dept like '%IT'  and pr.empno =100
    100, HR
    select  distinct ename ,pr.dept   from emp pr, dept ps where   ps.dept like '%IT'  and pr.empno =100
    TEST, HR
    select  distinct loc ,pr.dept   from emp pr, dept ps where   ps.dept like '%IT'  and pr.empno =100
    NYC, HR
    Using the below block I am getting column names only not the value of the column. I need to pass that value(TEST,NYC..) into l_col_val variable
    Please suggest
    ----- TABLE LIST
    ENAME VARCHAR2(255),
    DEPT VARCHAR2(255),
    LOC    VARCHAR2(255)
    DEPT VARCHAR2(255),
      v_EMP_cursor    EMPCurTyp;
      l_col_val           EMP.ENAME%type;
      l_ENAME_val       EMP.ENAME%type;
    l_col_ddl varchar2(4000);
    l_col_name varchar2(60);
    l_tab_name varchar2(60);
    l_empno number ;
    b_l_col_name VARCHAR2(255);
    b_l_empno NUMBER;
    for rec00 in (
    select EMPNO aa from  EMP
    l_empno := rec00.aa;
    for rec in (select COLUMNAME as column_name  from  columnames
    l_col_name := rec.column_name;
      l_col_val :=null;
       l_col_ddl := 'select  distinct :b_l_col_name ,pr.dept ' ||'  from emp pr, dept ps where   ps.dept like ''%IT'' '||' and pr.empno =:b_l_empno';
       dbms_output.put_line('DDL ...'||l_col_ddl);
       OPEN v_EMP_cursor FOR l_col_ddl USING l_col_name, l_empno;
        l_col_val :=null;
        FETCH v_EMP_cursor INTO l_col_val,l_ename_val;
        EXIT WHEN v_EMP_cursor%NOTFOUND;
          dbms_output.put_line('l_col_name='||l_col_name ||'  empno ='||l_empno);
       END LOOP;
    CLOSE v_EMP_cursor;

    user1758353 wrote:
    Thanks Billy, Would you be able to suggest any other faster method to load the data into table. Thanks,
    As Mark responded - it all depends on the actual data to load, structure and source/origin. On my busiest database, I am loading on average 30,000 rows every second from data in external files.
    However, the data structures are just that - structured. Logical.
    Having a data structure with 100's of fields (columns in a SQL table), raise all kinds of questions about how sane that structure is, and what impact it will have on a physical data model implementation.
    There is a gross misunderstanding by many when it comes to performance and scalability. The prime factor that determines performance is not how well you code, what tools/language you use, the h/w your c ode runs on, or anything like that. The prime factor that determines perform is the design of the data model - as it determines the complexity/ease to use the data model, and the amount of I/O (the slowest of all db operations) needed to effectively use the data model.

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    I'm relatively new to Mac and want to try and get the most out of the new MacBook Air.
    My wife and I have been sharing the same Apple ID. We both have iPhones - she has a 5 and I've got a 4S.
    We only have one copy of iTunes and we have been sharing the account. (She doesn't really use the computer for anything beyond writing the odd weekend assignment.)
    Would I be better off setting her up with her own and making her as a separate user on the computer? Would this require much work?
    In recent times with updates, we have a few problems with the duplication of texts and that sort of thing. Both of our texts are stored on the computer and that sort of thing. Also, sometimes texts I send her are sent through to me  from her, if that makes any sense.
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    Any tips etc would be greatly appreciated
    Thanks in advance
    I have this question too (0) Reply

    Your question is almost too much a personal one, begging the question "do we (husband and wife) feel comfy sharing one account on the Mac"   maybe thats why nobody answered you.
    It doesnt complicate anything, but it adds steps for switching accounts on the Mac/ purchases etc. of course
    since your question is mostly personal, ..I wont answer THAT part of it, but creating a new account is easy.....messing with switching back and forth is also a personal preference 'issue' as well.   I prefer to keep things simple, and yours,  I dont know.......

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    You don't provide any details, but from the sound of it you are trying to open an online PDF in a browser that does not use the Adobe Reader plugin:

  • How do I get iTunes 11 to work as the old iTunes did in this respect: after playing a song in one playlist, I click on another playlist, highlight a song, press play, and get the result of that song playing & that playlist continuing?

       How do I get iTunes 11 to work as the old iTunes did in this respect: after playing a song in one playlist, I click on another playlist, highlight a song, press play, and get the result of that song playing & that playlist continuing?  As it goes now, one clicks on the song in the new playlist where the arrow is and then chooses 'Play Song Next.'  So, it plays next, but then the song after that is back in the old playlist.  I want to use iTunes smoothly without the extra clicks I've had to do in order to get the playlist to continue.  This is music for background while I play the violin at restaurants, and extra clicks and hassle is quite unappreciated, especailly since it worked fine in the previous iTunes.

    At the top of the playlist where it shows the playlist title and the number of songs, there are two icons. Click the "play" triangle to add the entire playlist to "Up Next", or the "shuffle" symbol to do the same thing but in random order. But the currently playing track will stop playing, and all the songs in "Up Next" will be removed (replaced by the ones from this playlist).
    If you hold down the "option" key while clicking those icons, the currently playing song will continue playing, and the new playlist will be added to "Up Next" (above the songs that were already there).

Maybe you are looking for