Routine MBA with Mavericks Maintenance

What should I do to keep my MBA (running Mavericks) in peak operating condition?  I'm not having any problems and want to keep it that way. 

There isn't a lot you need to do...Mac OS X does a good job of keeping file systems in order and accessible, there are no known viruses to worry about so anti-virus software is best avoided as it slows down the system, stay far, far away from any of those "cleaning" programs as they are almost all scams that harm the system.  Practice good computing by being aware before downloading stuff and know where it comes from.  Use Quit for applications instead of hitting the red dot so they are fully terminated.
Other than that, Mac OS X does a great job of taking care of housekeeping for you.
Oh, and get an external hard drive and keep a good backp as self protection.  A great source that I happen to like is OWC,

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    As far as I know the Toshiba notebooks are delivered with different WLan cards; for example with Intel or Atheros WLan card.
    Firstly you should check you WLan card vendor. If you use the Intel card possibly the Intel ProSet WLan utility is installed and tries to configure the WLan connection.
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    But if you want to use one of the 3rd party (Intel, Atheros) configuration Utilities then start simply such program and check the settings.

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    Can Apple has decided that scanning is not an essential service for an OS?
    Try using the OS X pre installed Image Capture app in your Applications folder.
    Connect the scanner to your Mac whether Wi-Fi or USB.
    Launch Image Capture.
    Click the very small black box bottom left side of the Image Capture window.
    You'll see this pop up menu:   Connecting this (device) opens:
    You can select a default app to scan (Image Capture) and select a folder from the Imort To pop up menu on the right to save scanned files to.

  • Performance problem with Mavericks.

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    If you are still experiencing slow down issues, it maybe because of a few other reasons.
    Our experience with OS X upgrades, and Mavericks is no exception, is that users have installed a combination of third party software and/or hardware that is incompatible and/or is outdated that causes many negative performance issues when upgrading to a new OS X version.
    Your Mac's hard drive maybe getting full.
    Do you run any antivirus software on your Mac? Commercial Antivirus software can slow down and negatively impact the normal operation of OS X.
    Do you have apps like MacKeeper or any other maintenance apps like CleanMyMac 1 or 2, TuneUpMyMac or anything like these apps, installed on your Mac? These types of apps, while they appear to be helpful, can do too good a job of data "cleanup" causing the potential to do serious data corruption or data deletion and render a perfectly running OS completely dead and useless leaving you with a frozen, non-functional Mac.
    Your Mac may have way too many applications launching at startup/login.
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    Your Mac could have incompatible or outdated web browser extensions, plugins or add-ons.
    Your Mac could have connected third party hardware that needs updated device drivers.
    It would help us to help you if we could have some more technical info about your iMac.
    If you so choose, please download, install and run Etrecheck.
    Etrecheck was developed as a simple Mac diagnostic report tool by a regular Apple Support forum user and technical support contributor named Etresoft. Etrecheck is a small, unobstrusive app that compiles a static snapshot of your entire Mac hardware system and installed software.
    This is a free app that has been honestly created to provided help in diagnosing issues with Macs running the new OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
    It is not malware and can be safely downloaded and installed onto your Mac.
    Copy/paste and post its report here in another reply thread so that we have a complete profile of your Mac's hardware and installed software so we can all help continue with your Mac performance issues.
    Thank you.

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    Justin, your new HD needs to be formatted for Time Machine in Mac OSX Extended Journaled.
       Seagate backup plus all the way.  It works on both Windows and Mavericks . Download Paragon NTFS driver
    .....Peter, incorrect, Time Machine cannot communicate THRU Paragon, it has to be Mac OSX Ext. Journaled formatted,
    1. There is no such entity as "backup plus", its just a mfg. name given to a HD, it doesnt designate anything.
    Terms such as:    "WD Passport, Expansion drive, Seagate Backup Plus, PC hard drive, Mac hard drive, Free agent, backup drive, Passport plus, Elements, Toshiba Canvio, Slim, ultraslim, pocket drive, Touro" etc. etc. ........all these terms,...they dont designate or mean anything.
    2. Any HD will work with PC or Mac
    3. Paragon is for use with a NTFS drive for use with a Mac to communicate with a PC NTFS formatted HD....., not however for Time Machine to do a backup.
    For using your new HD for Time machine format it ..... >
    Go to .... > Finder > Go >  Utilities > DISK UTILITY
    enter DISK UTILITY
    Format (erase) it in "mac osx Extended journaled"
    see from mine below, HD on left selected,   .......ERASE tab highlighted.... and middle right roughly, it says "MAC OSX EXTENDED JOURNALED"
    thats the format,  but yours may be different of course
    bottom right ERASE tab lets you erase/ FORMAT your external as you like (remember this erases all data ON THE HD)
    highlighted in RED   Erase.......format (middle) ...........erase ACTION to Erase/Format (bottom)
    To show your HD on your desktop
    go into FINDER at top then PREFERENCES  then GENERAL tab
    then check "hard disks" and "external disks"
    FAT32 (File Allocation Table)
    Read/Write FAT32 from both native Windows and native Mac OS X.
    Maximum file size: 4GB.
    Maximum volume size: 2TB
    You can use this format if you share the drive between Mac OS X and Windows computers and have no files larger than 4GB.
    NTFS (Windows NT File System)
    Read/Write NTFS from native Windows.
    Read only NTFS from native Mac OS X
    To Read/Write/Format NTFS from Mac OS X, here are some alternatives:
    For Mac OS X 10.4 or later (32 or 64-bit), install Paragon (approx $20) (Best Choice for Lion)
    Native NTFS support can be enabled in Snow Leopard and Lion, but is not advisable, due to instability.
    AirPort Extreme (802.11n) and Time Capsule do not support NTFS
    Maximum file size: 16 TB
    Maximum volume size: 256TB
    You can use this format if you routinely share a drive with multiple Windows systems.
    HFS+ ((((MAC FORMAT)))) (Hierarchical File System, a.k.a. Mac OS Extended (Journaled) Don't use case-sensitive)
    Read/Write HFS+ from native Mac OS X
    Required for Time Machine or Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper! backups of Mac internal hard drive.
    To Read HFS+ (but not Write) from Windows, Install HFSExplorer
    Maximum file size: 8EiB
    Maximum volume size: 8EiB
    You can use this format if you only use the drive with Mac OS X, or use it for backups of your Mac OS X internal drive, or if you only share it with one Windows PC (with MacDrive installed on the PC)
    EXFAT (FAT64)
    Supported in Mac OS X only in 10.6.5 or later.
    Not all Windows versions support exFAT. 
    exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table)
    AirPort Extreme (802.11n) and Time Capsule do not support exFAT
    Maximum file size: 16 EiB
    Maximum volume size: 64 ZiB
    You can use this format if it is supported by all computers with which you intend to share the drive.  See "disadvantages" for details.

  • Any trouble with Mavericks installation?

    Any trouble with Mavericks installation?

    I too have upgraded four of my Macs to Mavericks and had no problems at all with any of them. One of the flaws of discussion groups is that one gets a skewed idea of the number of problems that users have because it is human nature to complain about something, whilst the majority of users who don't have a problem seldom bother to remark on this fact!
    I, like most of the successful upgraders here, always follow a simple routine that involves firstly backing up, then (if upgrading multiple Macs) creating a bootable drive with the updater on, using Disk Utility or similar to repair permissions before upgrading the OS. I never use the Mac when upgrading and close all the programs and disconnect all external drives, save for the one with the updater on.
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    There are a few people getting such machines, they can do it for you at the Apple store if you need help, its free regardless.
    As for "new old stock" , we are talking about something thats only a few weeks old as "old stock without mavericks".

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    Thanks for any help or suggestions.

    The driver has to come from the manufacturer of the card, so your two options are to get another card or to use your full backup to go back to 10.7.5. That assumes it's a clone backup and not Time Machine.

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    There are unsupported mechanisms of doing what you want. You can search for iTunesFS.
    Garage Band should allow you to send Ring Tones to the 3GS via iTunes - GarageBand '11: Send an iPhone ringtone to iTunes  

  • I've updated my Macbook Pro and my iMac with Maverick, updating the various apps. On my Macbook, everything functions perfectly. On my iMac, I get the Your System has Run out of Application Memory, and it's based our Mail, the only app not updated. Ideas?

    Maverick and Your System message
    I've updated my Macbook Pro and my iMac with Maverick, updating the various apps (Pages, Aperture, iPhoto, Numbers & iMovie, too) in the process.
    On my Macbook, everything functions perfectly. On my iMac, I get the Your System has Run out of Application Memory message. But it's not Calendar, it's Mail that not only won't open, but when it does now, it takes the entire system out with it.
    I open Safari, and it works. I open Firefox, and it works and Safari still works. I open Calendar and it works, Safari and Firefox continue to work. I open Reminders, and everything still works.
    I open Aperture, and it opens Finder instead, showing the 3.5 update that was installed two days ago (and Aperture has functioned), but doesn't seem to update the app; after about 20 seconds the update disappears and I can now open Aperture and it shows I'm now opening the updated Aperture, which it didn't show before.
    I click on Mail, and the cursor spins for ten minutes. The mail window finally opens, but the cursor spins and does not connect to upload new mail, and I finally Force Quit Mail. Since the Maverick update, even though Mail was not updated (and maybe because Mail was not updated), I have been able to receive emails twice, and then the program crashed.
    Besides the Aperture app, Pages didn't fully update on the iMac, and I had to remove the old Pages icon from the dock after the new program loaded up from Applications.
    Any ideas?

    Maverick and Your System message
    I've updated my Macbook Pro and my iMac with Maverick, updating the various apps (Pages, Aperture, iPhoto, Numbers & iMovie, too) in the process.
    On my Macbook, everything functions perfectly. On my iMac, I get the Your System has Run out of Application Memory message. But it's not Calendar, it's Mail that not only won't open, but when it does now, it takes the entire system out with it.
    I open Safari, and it works. I open Firefox, and it works and Safari still works. I open Calendar and it works, Safari and Firefox continue to work. I open Reminders, and everything still works.
    I open Aperture, and it opens Finder instead, showing the 3.5 update that was installed two days ago (and Aperture has functioned), but doesn't seem to update the app; after about 20 seconds the update disappears and I can now open Aperture and it shows I'm now opening the updated Aperture, which it didn't show before.
    I click on Mail, and the cursor spins for ten minutes. The mail window finally opens, but the cursor spins and does not connect to upload new mail, and I finally Force Quit Mail. Since the Maverick update, even though Mail was not updated (and maybe because Mail was not updated), I have been able to receive emails twice, and then the program crashed.
    Besides the Aperture app, Pages didn't fully update on the iMac, and I had to remove the old Pages icon from the dock after the new program loaded up from Applications.
    Any ideas?

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    check this
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  • I think I have a problem with Mavericks: can anyone help,please?

    A couple of days ago I installed Mavericks on top of my existing Mountain Lion OS. Not before I backed up the ML version with Time Machine, though.... :-)
    Initially I thought everthing was fine, but then started to notice a few things that bothered me, which have not gone away. In fact, I think this install is now a potential problem. Unlike many other people, elsewhere on this forum, I have not noticed the calamitous slowing down and general unusability of Mavericks. I'm using a prety new i7 iMac ( the new flat one) with 32 GB of RAM.Everytihng worked great with Mountain Lion. However, The following anomalies have cropped up: Mail is taking over 30" to send a simple email. In ML it was almost instantaneous. I feel that Mail is not performing as it did in ML, and the same goes for Safari. It "feels" odd and slow and can take an age to load up pages. In fact one particular page would not load properly at all, but worked fine in Firefox. In the end got it to work in Sfari, but ithis type of behaviour doesn't instill confidence. Things got wierder...
    An update to iMovie got " stuck" in the dowload process,and was perpetually downloading in Launchpad. It kept oscillating from approx 61 MB to aprrox 84 MB of a 1.94 GB file. Then I did a disk utiltiy test of my system drive and it suddenly stated that the drive need repairing. I booted up in Recovery Mode and tested the drive, which came back all clear! I booted up normally again and now the disk utility won't even complete a full diagnosis of the drive!It will diagnos all my other drives fine though.... :-s  It keeps getting stuck on: Checking Volume Bitmap, and won't go any further. So, I did what some other person did on another thread, which seemed to clear up his problems; namely: simply reinstalled Mavericks  from Recovery mode. This did not improve anything for me. The same issues remain. In fact as I type this, I notice that I'm using nearly 23 GB of my 32 GB of RAM, and all I have open is Safari, Disk Utility and Mail ! To quote Hans Solo: " I've got a b-a-a-a-d feeling about this..."
    So, this is my long-winded way of asking: what shall I do? I would like to boot in Recovery Mode and reinstall my back up from an external drive. Does anyone have any advice about this,please? If I restore from my backup, will I actually get the ML OS back on the computer, or will  I be stuck with Mavericks trying to impose itself ,as some people reported? I do want to use Mavericks, but not in the condition it's in right now. Also,  really don't want to perfom a clean install and migrate everything over from the Time Machine back up....
    Thanks for any advice.

    I don't think that a software update from Apple will solve the issues that you are having. You have a rogue installation. After you posted I have just done the following:
    Disk Utility can verify  my partitioned Volume (including my boot disk) AND REPAIR the non-boot disks on the same Volume without a glitch. It repairs the non-boot disks containing data smoothly.
    I have used Mail to send some mails from some Yahoo and Hotmail accounts to my Thunderbird client containing GMail accounts - absolutely normal.
    I have iLife '09 but my iMovie '09 and iPhoto '09 open in a jiffy and I see no issues here. I have 6GB RAM (Maximum) on an early 2008 Macbook Pro with a 750GB hard drive partitioned with 120GB reserved for the Boot Drive.
    I am sorry that I cannot help further but I am sure there must be a way to reinstall the software without having to revert to restoring your ML backup. I have two clones and if you have such I would attempt to do that through that rather than through Time Machine - that is of course if you have a cloned drive.
    Good luck!

  • With Mavericks I have to hold command key down and double click to get a sub folder to open in a new window.  Can I go back to just double clicking ?

    With Mavericks I have to hold command key down and double click to get a sub folder to open in a new window.  Can I go back to just double clicking ?

    Of course. To do it, open a Finder window, go to Finder menu (on the menu bar) > Preferences > General, and untick "Open folders in tabs instead of new windows".

  • I cannot print a PDF from Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Reader with Mavericks!

    I cannot print a PDF from Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Reader.  I tried on both MacBook Pros we have here, both now with Mavericks.  Error message says "Opening printer connection failed.  Unable to open printer connection . . . "  This is after it says sending data, printing, shows the percentages etc., but then at the end I get the error message above.  I can print a PDF (same one) from Preview, but not from Acrobat!  What's going on?  Never had this issue before Mavericks . . . Please help.

    This is an open forum, not Adobe support... you need Adobe support to help
    Adobe contact information -
    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

  • I have a 2010 iMac 21.5, and have updated with Maverick. Now I can't open the pages or modify the keynote presentation I am working on.

    I recently updated my 2010 iMac 21.5 to MAVERICK. Now I have installed new versions of Pages and Keynote. I have been working on a KEYNOTE presentation that I am modifing for a new presentation at month end, and I can not insert new script. The template is blocked.
    Also, when opening an existing PAGES, I get the message that a new version must be installed and it directs me to the app store to buy it for $19.95. Even though these new editions were installed free with MAVERICK, do I now have to purchased these updates?

    Did you make the Keynotes presentation in the old or the new Keynotes, if you made it with the old version and try to modify it with the new there could be some incomaptibilites. Try opening the presentation with the original version of Keynotes which will probably be located in the Applications folder under iWork.
    Does the message state you may or must purchase an upgrade. For most tasks the old Pages will work on many occasions.
    I have the latest Pages to allow my devices to share over iCloud but I have not upgraded Numbers or Keynote as I do not require the functions the lastest versions provide.

Maybe you are looking for