Row is not deleted when check box is selected urgent please

my problem is, i am creating number of rows dynamicaly and storing the values in the database. I do have one delete check box. if the user checked that box that row should be deleted. I am using array to return the check box values. It is working fine when there is multiple rows.. suppose if i do have only one row and trying to delete that row i am getting an exception. Please help me to solve this issue, here ismy jsp
<%@page language="java" import="java.lang.*, java.sql.*,*,
<%@ page import="DatabaseConnection"%>
<%@ page import="AdjustmentsBean"%>
<%@ page import="AdjustmentTransactionInfo"%>
<%@ page import="CustomerLocationInfo"%>
<%@ page import="EmersonGlobalConstants"%>
<%@ page import="CallPLSQLFunc"%>
<%@include file="Security.jsp" %>
AdjustmentsBean adjustments = new AdjustmentsBean();
String userName=(String)session.getAttribute("user_name");
String divisionCode=(String)session.getAttribute("division_code");
String divisionName=(String)session.getAttribute("division_code_name");
GregorianCalendar calendar = (GregorianCalendar)Calendar.getInstance();
CallPLSQLFunc callPLSQLFunc = new CallPLSQLFunc();
Vector months = callPLSQLFunc.getMonths(divisionCode);
String cMonth = callPLSQLFunc.getCurrentMonth(divisionCode);
System.out.println("%%%%%%%%%" +months);
//int mm = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
//int yyyy = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
if(months ==null){
months=new Vector();
int mmst=0;
int yyst=0;
//mmst=Integer.parseInt(new String(((String)months.get(0)).charAt(0)));
StringTokenizer token1 = new StringTokenizer(cMonth,"-");
int ddst = Integer.parseInt(token1.nextToken());
String currentDate= (mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst;
System.out.println("The current date is" + currentDate);
String slectedMonth = request.getParameter("selectedMonth");
String selectedDate=currentDate;
if(slectedMonth != null && slectedMonth.trim().length()>0){
boolean modifyAllowed=false;
String admin=(String)session.getAttribute("admin");
if(admin.equalsIgnoreCase("true") ){
Vector transactions = adjustments.getTransactionsOfMonth(selectedDate,divisionCode);
Vector customers = adjustments.getAllCustomers();
System.out.println("customers : "+customers.size());
var modifyAllowed;
if(<%=modifyAllowed%> == true){
modifyAllowed = '';
modifyAllowed = 'disabled';
var EAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
var EAS_Cust_Num_Key = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
var EAS_Cust_Num = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
var EAS_Cust_Name = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
var customerWiseLocationNumKey = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
var customerWiseLocationName = new Array(<%=customers.size()%>);
for(int i=0;i<customers.size();i++){
CustomerLocationInfo cl = (CustomerLocationInfo)customers.get(i);
EAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key()%>";
EAS_Cust_Num_Key[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Num_Key()%>";
EAS_Cust_Num[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Num()%>";
EAS_Cust_Name[<%=i%>] = "<%=cl.getEAS_Cust_Name()%>";
var locationNumKey = new Array(<%=cl.getLocations().size()%>);
var locationName = new Array(<%=cl.getLocations().size()%>);
int j=0;
Enumeration enum = cl.getLocations().keys();
String s = (String)enum.nextElement();
String name = (String)cl.getLocations().get(s);
customerWiseLocationNumKey[<%=i%>] = locationNumKey;
customerWiseLocationName[<%=i%>] = locationName;
function changeMonth(){
function populateLocation(id){
var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
var rows = table.rows.length-2;
var theForm = document.forms[0];
var wRow = theForm["location"];
var wCustRow = theForm["customer"];
var len;
var locobj ;
var custobj ;
if(rows ==1){
locobj =wRow;
locobj =wRow[id];
if(rows ==1){
custobj =wCustRow;
custobj =wCustRow[id];
len = locobj.options.length;
locobj.options[z] = null;
locobj.options[0] = new Option("Select Any Location");
var cIndex = custobj.selectedIndex;
if(cIndex !=0){
locobj.options = new Option(customerWiseLocationName[cIndex-1][i-1],customerWiseLocationNumKey[cIndex-1][i-1]);
function addRow(id){
var table = document.getElementById(id);
var sHTML = new Array() ;
var cus = "<select name=customer onChange='javascript:populateLocation("+(table.rows.length-2)+")'"+modifyAllowed+"><OPTION VALUE=''>Select Any Customer</OPTION>";
var options;
options = options+"<OPTION VALUE='" + EAS_Cust_Num +"'>" + EAS_Cust_Name + "</OPTION>";
sHTML[0] = "<input type=checkbox name=chk "+modifyAllowed+" onClick=changedisable("+(table.rows.length-2)+")><input type=hidden name=adid value='' ><input type=hidden name=isdelete value='false'>";
sHTML[1] = cus;
sHTML[2] = "<select name='location'"+modifyAllowed+"><OPTION VALUE=''>Select Any Location</OPTION>";
sHTML[3] = "<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=sku"+modifyAllowed+"> <input type=button value=Search'SearchSKU.jsp?cnt="+(table.rows.length-2)+"','SearchSKU','width=350,height=350,top=150,left=150,scrollbars=yes')>";
sHTML[6] = "<input type=hidden name=shipnotbilled "+modifyAllowed+" onClick=changeisshipnotbilled("+(table.rows.length-2)+")><input type=hidden name=isshipnotbilled value='false'>";
sHTML[4] = "<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=units "+modifyAllowed+">";
sHTML[5] = "<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=amount "+modifyAllowed+">";
var newRow = table.insertRow(-1);
var sHTMLIndex = sHTML.length ;
for(i=0;i<sHTMLIndex;i++) {
var newCellSelect = newRow.insertCell(-1);
newCellSelect.innerHTML = sHTML;
function validate(){
var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
var theForm = document.forms[0];
var wRow = theForm["amount"];
var custRow = theForm["customer"];
var locRow = theForm["location"];
var quantityRow = theForm["units"];
var count = table.rows.length;
var rows = table.rows.length-2;
var obj;
if(rows==1){ //only one row..
alert("Amount field is mandatory. Please fill in amount");
return false;
alert("Customer is mandatory. Please select the customer");
return false;
alert("Location is mandatory. Please select the location");
return false;
if(! isAmount(wRow.value) ){
alert("Amount is numeric. Please enter numeric value for amount");
return false;
alert("Quantity is numeric. Please enter numeric value for quantity");
return false;
}else{ //this means more than one rows..
alert("Amount field is mandatory. Please fill in amount for transaction no "+(i+1));
return false;
if(wRow.value== 0){
alert("Please fill non zero value for Amount "+(i+1));
return false;
alert("Customer is mandatory. Please select the customer for transaction no "+(i+1));
return false;
alert("Location is mandatory. Please select the location for transaction no "+(i+1));
return false;
if(! isAmount(wRow.value) ){
alert("Amount is numeric. Please enter numeric value for amount of transaction no "+(i+1));
return false;
alert("Quantity is numeric. Please enter numeric value for quantity of transaction no "+(i+1));
return false;
if(quantityRow.value== 0){
alert("Please fill non zero value for Units "+(i+1));
return false;
return true;
function isQuantity(value){
for (k=0;k<value.length;k++){
if(!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9) ){
if(!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9)){
if(k == value.length){
return true;
return false;
function isAmount(value){
for (k=0;k<value.length;k++){
if(!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9) ){
if((!(value.charAt(k)>=0 && value.charAt(k)<=9)) ){
if(value.charAt(k) !='.'){
if(k == value.length){
return true;
return false;
function changedisable(index){
function changeisshipnotbilled(index){
function backtoHome(){
function setData(cnt,num){
var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
var rows = table.rows.length-2;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" />
<%= EmersonGlobalConstants.TITLE %>
<body class="trAppId1" alink="blue" vlink="blue" link="blue">
<form name="adjustmentForm" method="get" action="AdjustmentServlet"
Manual Sales Application
<br>User Name: <%=userName%>, Division Code: <%=divisionCode%>,
Division Name: <%=divisionName%>
<b>Date: </b>
<Select name="selectedMonth" onChange="javascript:return changeMonth();">
for(int i=0;i<months.size();i++){
String mon = (String)months.get(i);
System.out.println("mon *********** : "+mon);
//mmst=Integer.parseInt(new String(((String)months.get(i)).charAt(0)));
out.println("<option value='"+ (mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst+"' "+(selectedDate.equalsIgnoreCase((mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst)?"selected":"") +">"+getMonth(mmst) + ", " + yyst+"</option>");
for(int i=0;i<months.size();i++){
String mon = (String)months.get(i);
StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(mon,"/");
String mmm= token.nextToken();
String yyy= token.nextToken();
System.out.println("mon *********** : "+mon);
System.out.println("selectedDate**** "+selectedDate);
out.println("<option value='"+ (mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst+"' "+(selectedDate.equalsIgnoreCase((mmst<10?"0"+mmst:mmst+"") + "/" + yyst)?"selected":"") +">"+getMonth(mmst) + ", " + yyst+"</option>");
<table id="myTable" class="tableForm" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%" align="center">
<tr class="trFormHead"><td colspan="7"> Adjustment Transactions</td></tr>
<td width = 2%><b>Delete</b></td>
<td width = 25% align=center><b>Customer<font color=red> *</font></td>
<td width = 25% align=center><b>Location<font color=red> *</font></td>
<td width = 20% align=center><b>SKU<font color=red> *</font></td>
<!-- <td width = 5% align=center><b>SNB</td> -->
<td width = 9% align=center><b>Units<font color=red> *</font></td>
<td width = 9% align=center><b>Amount<font color=red> *</font></td>
int index=0;
AdjustmentTransactionInfo transacrionInfo;
transacrionInfo = (AdjustmentTransactionInfo)transactions.get(index);
<input type=hidden name=adid value='<%=transacrionInfo.getAdjustmentId()%>' >
<td><input type=checkbox name=chk <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onClick=changedisable(<%=index%>) >
<input type=hidden name=isdelete value='false'></td>
<td >
<select name=customer <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onChange='javascript:populateLocation(<%=index%>)' >
<OPTION VALUE="">Select Any Customer</OPTION>
for(int i=0;i<customers.size();i++){
CustomerLocationInfo cl =(CustomerLocationInfo)customers.get(i);
//this is done considering that EASCustLocNum of transaction is same as EAS_Cust_Loc_Num_Key of customer table.
String selected = cl.getLocations().containsKey(transacrionInfo.getEASCustLocNum())?"selected":"";
out.println ("<OPTION VALUE='" + cl.getEAS_Cust_Num() + "'"+selected+">" + cl.getEAS_Cust_Name() + "</OPTION>");
<select name="location" <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
<OPTION VALUE="">Select Any Location</OPTION>
for(int i=0;i<customers.size();i++){
CustomerLocationInfo cl = (CustomerLocationInfo)customers.get(i);
Hashtable locations = cl.getLocations();
Enumeration enum = locations.keys();
String key =(String)enum.nextElement();
out.println ("<OPTION VALUE='" + key +"'"+(key.equalsIgnoreCase(transacrionInfo.getEASCustLocNum())?"selected":"")+">"+ locations.get(key) + "</OPTION>");
function openURL(URL,windowName){
<input type=text size=10 maxlength=40 name=sku value="<%=transacrionInfo.getProductionSKUNum()%>"<%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
<input type=button value="Search"onclick="'SearchSKU.jsp?cnt=<%=index%>', 'SearchSKU', 'width=350,height=350,top=150,left=150,scrollbars=yes');">
<input type="checkbox" name="shipnotbilled" <%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"checked":""%><%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onClick=changeisshipnotbilled(<%=index%>)><input type=hidden name=isshipnotbilled value='<%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"true":"false"%>'>
<input type=hidden name="shipnotbilled" <%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"checked":""%> <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> onClick=changeisshipnotbilled(<%=index%>) ><input type=hidden name=isshipnotbilled value='<%=transacrionInfo.getShipNotBilled()?"true":"false"%>'>
<input type="text" size="10" name="units" value="<%=transacrionInfo.getAdjustmentQty()%>"<%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
<input type="text" size="10" name="amount" value="<%=transacrionInfo.getAdjustmentAmt()%>" <%=modifyAllowed?"":"disabled"%> >
/*if(transactions== null || transactions.size()==0){
out.println ("<tr><td></td><td colspan=6 align =
center><b> Transactions not available</b></td></tr>");
<br><b>Transactions marked will be deleted on submit</b>
<b>Fields marked with <font color=red>*</font> are mandatory.</b>
<input type=submit value="Submit Form!" onClick='javascript:return validate()'>
<input type=button value="Back to Home Page" onClick='javascript:backtoHome()'>
String getMonth(int month){
case 1:
return "JAN";
case 2:
return "FEB";
case 3:
return "MAR";
case 4:
return "APR";
case 5:
return "MAY";
case 6:
return "JUN";
case 7:
return "JUL";
case 8:
return "AUG";
case 9:
return "SEP";
case 10:
return "OCT";
case 11:
return "NOV";
case 12:
return "DEC";
return "JAN";

I haven't read your code, but can make a guess at what's going wrong. Checkboxes do behave in a weird manner depending upon whether you have selected one or many.
Assuming this is the statement where you are generating the checkbox :
<input type="checkbox" name="checkBoxName" value="<%= someValue %>">
What you could do is read the checked checkBoxes in an array :
String[] values = request.getParameterValues("checkBoxName");
int sizeOfValues = values.length;
Then use the sizeOfValues to perform your delete action :
if (sizeOfValues==1)
     for (int i=0; i<sizeOfValues(); i++)
Hope this technique works.

Similar Messages

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    How could I detect the click on the check box within a Report and then insert a row in a detail table?
    Many thanks for your help

    Hi Yogesh,
    That is all handled by the cloneRows() function described in that thread.
    In that function, we first insert a new row:
    var wNew = t.insertRow(ri + 1);ri + 1 = current row + 1 and tells javascript where to add the new row (that is, underneath the current one)
    Then, we loop through all of the cells on the current row and copy its cells into the new row:
    var c;
    var newCell;
    var oldCells = w.getElementsByTagName("TD");
    for (c = 0; c &lt; oldCells.length; c++)
      newCell = wNew.insertCell(c);
      newCell.className = oldCells[c].className;
      newCell.innerHTML = oldCells[c].innerHTML;
    }Next, we search for all INPUT items on the new row and clear the values:
    var inputs = wNew.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
    var j;
    for (j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++)
      inputs[j].value = "";
    }And, finally, we call the updateInputs() function to rename all of the items on the page. Apex expects all items to have unique "f01_nnnn" etc names, adding in a new row upsets this, so we need to reset them:
    function pad(n)
    var s = '0000' + n;
    return s.substr(s.length-4);
    function updateFields(f)
      var fields = document.getElementsByName(f);
      var j;
      if (fields.length > 0)
        for (j = 0; j < fields.length; j++)
          fields[j].id = f + "_" + pad(j+1);
    function updateInputs()
    }without doing that, the data may get lost when the page is re-rendered.
    This is all called from a new Derived Column on the report. This column's HTML Expression is:
    &lt;a href="#" onclick="javascript:cloneRow(this)"&gt;&lt;img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#FNDADD11.gif"&gt;&lt;/a&gt;which generates the + symbols which, when clicked, run the cloneRow() function

  • Delete the rows if the check box is selected.

    Dear all,
    i have a block (not database block). i added a check box to the same block. now i want to delete the row against which the check box is selected.
    i wrote the following code in when-button-pressed trigger.
    IF Checkbox_Checked('CHK_DEL') THEN
         delete from fa_01_11
         where as_id = :as_id;
    END IF;
    but when i select only one check box it delete the all rows from the table if the condition is satisfied.
    here is the data in my table
    as_id year month
    63     2006     4     0     -1183.92     1
    63     2006     5     0     -1183.92     1
    63     2006     6     0     -1183.92     1
    63     2006     7     0     -1183.92     1
    63     2006     8     0     -1183.92     1
    63     2006     9     0     -1183.92     1
    63     2006     10     0     -1183.92     1
    63     2006     11     0     -1183.92     1
    63     2006     12     0     -1183.92     1
    what's the proble?
    Muhammad Nadeem
    Message was edited by:
    Muhammad Nadeem

    You need to run the code for each record and you need to find something which is unique. as_id is not unique.
      last_rec boolean := false;
      deleted boolean := false;
        deleted := false;
        last_rec := :system.last_record = 'TRUE';
        IF Checkbox_Checked('CHK_DEL') THEN
          delete from fa_01_11
            where as_id = :as_id
            and year = :year
            and month = :month;
          deleted := true;
        END IF;
        exit when last_rec;
        if not deleted then
        end if;
      end loop;

  • All my check boxes and selection circles have disappeared. Uninstalled FF and reinstalled deleting all plug-ins, settings, and etc. IE works fine. What's messing with my boxes?

    With recent update, all my check boxes and selection circles have disappeared. I tried to uninstall FF, reinstall, but nothing fixed it. When I run safe-mode, it's fine, but then no youtube or other internet fun stuff. Tried to update plug-ins but still all jacked up. any ideas? also, my side scroll bar screws up too.

    Do you mean Firefox safe mode or Windows Safe mode?
    If it does work in Safe-mode then disable all extensions and then try to find which is causing it by enabling one at a time until the problem reappears.
    * Use "Disable all add-ons" on the [[Safe mode]] start window to disable all extensions.
    * Close and restart Firefox after each change via "File > Exit" (Mac: "Firefox > Quit"; Linux: "File > Quit")
    If you mean Windows Safe-mode then check your security software.

  • Option ( Radio button  or check box)  on selection - screen , to go to CNR2

    <b>Subject - Option ( Radio button  or check box)  on selection - screen  , to go to Tcode CNR2</b>
    Hi all,
          I have developed  a report   , which  has  a  selection screen  with  one select-option ,  where i enter employee number     and  two radio buttons   ,  one is for all workcentres  and  other one   for active workcentre.   so when i enter  employee number  and  choose  either of the radio button  i wil get the  output  properly.  the output   displays ,  employee no,  employee name ,  work centre  and project  of that employee .   an employee may have  many workcentres   and   a corresponding project  for that work centre.
    Now the  Problem is  ,  from the same   report  i need to add  a option  on the selection -screen ,  ( plz  tell me whether to use  radio button  or check box   and if it is radio button    should  i  use it seperately  or  group it  in the above two buttons.) .
    so that when user selects  the  option   , the control should  go to  transaction code CNR2,  from where  i  can enter workcentre  and   in the next screen i have  HR assigntment tab , after choosing that it will dsplay persons   linked to the workcentre  and there is a delete icon  , from where i can delete the person.
    The only thing is  now to move / Navigate to the screen   or  go to transaction code CNR2   from  the report  or  from the selection screen.
    Your valuable Inputs are awaited, PLz  do lemme know 
    Thanks  in advance ,

    A radio button nor a checkbox should be used for navigation.  I would suggest a COMMAND BUTTON. 
    Something like this:
    Report ZZZZZZ.
    TABLES: sscrfields.
    selection-screen: PUSHBUTTON /10(20) but1 USER-COMMAND cli1.
      but1 = 'Button Text Goes Here'.
      CASE sscrfields.
        WHEN 'CLI1'.
          call transaction 'CNR2'.
    Your code here

  • F1 help for Check Box on Selection-Screen

    Hi Friends,
    I want to attach F1 help for a check box on selection-screen. Though I have checked SDN community for this but did not get any relevant answer.
    so, please give me correct example if someone has done similar.

    I think this fucntion module needs to be used DD_SHLP_CALL_FROM_DYNP.If possibe try to screen debug using /H before pressing f1 for a field.

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    There is no way to prevent those actions. The best you can do is alert the user just before any of those things happen.

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    Simply because I don't think about using this option that takes more time to close... I always close ALL my windows with the X.
    Firefox doesn't hang at exit also...
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    Hopefully there is a solution to this problem in a near update, annoying... else I will simply reverse to firefox 3.6.16

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    Yet, when I close my browser and restart none of the cookies are deleted. If I save my tabs, I stay logged in on the websites that are open on the saved tabs. But even if I close the website, and then quit. And then reopen the website after launching Firefox again, I am still logged in. Whereas Firefox is set not to remember any of my usernames or passwords, so the only way this can happen is via cookies. Therefore, the cookies are not deleted. But I can also see it in the list of cookies: it's full of old stuff.
    So why are cookies not deleted despite this setting?
    Firefox has beeen pretty soft on privacy lately, and frankly I don't understand why. The possibility to have history older than X days automatically deleted has also been gone for a long time, and now this cookie setting doesn't work, either.

    Hi madperson,
    I turned this setting on a long time ago. Basically, it's one of the first things I do after installing my OS and Firefox. So there shouldn't be so many old cookies there.
    But anyways, just now I deleted all the cookies manually via Tools / Options / Privacy / Show Cookies / Remove All Cookies to be sure that all the old stuff is wiped out. And yet it still doesn't work.
    I logged in to my Gmail account (the Remember Me box ain't checked), closed the tab containing my Gmail account and then closed Firefox. After that I verified in the Task Manager that firefox.exe is indeed not running anymore. So Firefox definitely shut down properly. Then, I restarted Firefox and opened a tab, entered, and I was still logged in, therefore the cookies were not deleted.
    I have the version of ZoneAlarm, which as it turns out after googling it is indeed not the latest version (it was released in March 2012). The ZoneAlarm Firefox add-on that automatically comes with the firewall is disabled in Firefox.

  • Why does item in drop down address not delete when selected and right click on delete

    on version 14.1 - to delete an item in dropdown address box, told to put item in address line the right click and select delete - this clears address line but item remains in drop down box and does not go away -why does item not clear when returning to drop down to check on this
    system is XP and ff 14.1

    dud the maintenance add on link you noted - sorry to say problem is the same - when trying to delete an item in the drop down list, i put it in the address line then right click and click delete - it clears from address line but it does not clear from the drop down list ---- please define in detail how to get item cleared from address line to also clear from dropdown list - thank you for your patience - I would simply like to clean up and unclutter the dropdown list without deleting entire history ---thank you

  • Cisco Unity Express 8.6.6 Voice Mail not deleting when e-mail with attachment deleted

    I have a Cisco Unity Communications Manager rel 9.1.2 that supports a remote location with a Unity Express rel 8.6.6 voice mail service module in the voice gateway to insure if WAN goes down the location still has voice mail. We have Voice Mail to E-Mail working. The problem is that when the e-mail with the voice mail is deleted the message stays in the Unity Express Voice Mail Box. All of our local users on the same Call Manager Cluster using a local Unity Connection Cluster rel 9.1.2 have the voicemails deleted when the e-mail is deleted.
    How can I resolve this issue?

    Found another post that referenced Cisco Bug ID CSCti37610.
    CUC plays message is from Unity Connection Messaging system
    Symptom:Before message playback, Unity Connection plays the message is from Unity Connection Messaging System instead sender's ANI
    Conditions:Problem was observed on Unity Connection cluster and appropriate services are not rebooted after changing the SMTP domain name
    Restart the Unity Connection servers
    It should have been fixed in 8.5 but we did change the SMTP domain name on 8.6 and now see the problem. Will schedule a reboot and see if the issue goes away.

  • Deleting Multiple Check Boxes

    I am having a slight small problem
    I have a servlet which call a jsp to display my values.
    the jsp display a list of values which have check boxes like below:
    value one [checkbox]
    value two [checkbox]
    value thre [checkbox]
    how can i pass the values of the only the checked boxes and leave not checked ones?
    big puzzle for me :-)

    yes if all checkboxes have same name then only is passed to the server
    the issue is that user queries for the values to be deleted and the list can come any from one to 10 values and
    user has a choice to check on the values user wishes to delete like out of 10 may be 3 or five
    is question clear?

  • Set the value of items when check box is checked

    My requirement is when we click a check box it should set the value of an item as 111111 and clear the values of two items in an apex page.
    I used java script onClick event to set those items using document.getElementByID('Item_Name')='';
    One of the item which needs to be cleared is a conditonal type.
    When the condional item present, java script works fine. But if it is not present,
    code works but it shows "error on page" for few seconds.
    Is it possible to clear the item, only when the item is present in the page.

    Yes e.g. like
    $s("ITEM_NAME", "");

  • How to update field when check box checked

    Hi All,
    I am using oracle Forms 10g,
    I have a block with 20 fields.So first 10 Fields are not updatable and remaining are Editable. So the user will enter the Data and changes the data.And check the Check box and save the data.
    Inside the save button i have written the update code.
    When the user Edit two or three records and click three Check box and click the save button only one record is getting entred in my custom table.
    This is my code please correct me where i went worng.
    This is my code inside my button
    IF SHOW_ALERT ('UPDATE_ALERT') = alert_button1 THEN
    fnd_message.set_string ('Transaction Saved Successfully');;
    END If;
    END IF;
    I have write a procedure in program unit.
    Assemblies block is my current block that user enter the data and click the check box and save the data.
         Update XXTLX_PO_ASSEMBLIES set CASE_NO=nvl(:assemblies_block.CASE_NO,Null),
              Where ponum=:DETAIL_BLOCK.PO_NUMBER
              AND PO_LINE_NUM=:DETAIL_BLOCK.LINE_NUM          
              AND BOM_NO=:assemblies_block.BOM_NO;
    So when we click the multiple check box and save the data only one data is entering.
    Thanks & Regards

    I guess I don't understand.
    ... my requirement is only the checked fields need to get updated. If in a block there are 10 records means ill update only the 3rd and 4th record and then click the check box.. and then ill click the save button.
    Is this block a database block or a non-database block? If it is a database block then Oracle can handle updates to that block for you because if keeps tabs if a record was updated or not and you wouldn't need to do an UPDATE statement.
    If it is a non-database block, and you are looping through each record and only updating the items that have checkboxes next to them you would still have to go to the first record then step through each record and see if it needs to be updated. I am just guessing here because I don't think I have a good grasp on what you are doing, but you could change your XXTLX_PO_LOGOSTICS.XXTLX_PO_LOGISTICS_UPDATE package to only update the items that have checkboxes next to them, by checking each checkbox:
    -- Check Case No
    if nvl(:assemblies_block.chase_no_check,'N') = 'Y' then
      update xxtlx_po_assemblies
         set case_no = :assemblies_block.case_no
       where ponum = :detail_block.po_number
         and po_line_num = :detail_block.line_num
         and bom_no = :assemblies_block.bom_no;
    end if;
    -- Check Package Type
    if nvl(:assemblies_block.package_type_check,'N') = 'Y' then
      update xxtlx_po_assemblies
         set package_type = :assemblies_block.package_type
       where ponum = :detail_block.po_number
         and po_line_num = :detail_block.line_num
         and bom_no = :assemblies_block.bom_no;
    end if;
    -- Check Package Qty

  • Reset radiobutton list when check box unchecked

    I have a static PDF registration form that I am working on using LiveCycle Designer 8.2. I would like to learn how to have a radiobutton list reset when a particular check box is unchecked.
    When registering for the event, users have the option of attending 1 of the 4 optional afternoon workshop sessions. I have successfully made the workshop radiobuttons hidden until the check box is checked using the following code:
    (check box is named "Reg4" -- this is where they say "yes" I'm going to attend 1 of the 4 workshops,
    radiobutton list of the 4 workshops is named "RadioButtonList3")
          topmostSubform.Page1.Reg4::change - (JavaScript, client)
         if (this.rawValue == "0") {
           this.resolveNode("RadioButtonList3").presence = "hidden";
    When the user unchecks the "Reg4" checkbox after they have selected 1 of the 4 workshops, that radiobutton is still checked.
    What I'm looking for is to have the radiobutton list reset (or again hidden) when the Reg4 button is unchecked (after previously being checked).
    I hope my description is clear. Is this possible?

    Thank you again, Jono, for your reply. I was worried that the Static PDF was the trouble but I just couldn't take no for an answer!
    If you're willing, I'd be happy to send you my file but am unable to post publicly.
    In an earlier version the RadioButtonList3 is hidden when first viewing the file. It was done using FormCalc. (I know you said don't mix the languages but, hey, it worked!) Also, I found a post you had last year in the discussion "Prompt User to click checkbox (radio button)" where you described a message box using Java. I snagged that and put it on the enter event of the Reg4 field.
    When I preview the PDF, this is what I now have:
    Upon first view, RadioButtonList3 is hidden and am unable to select (perfect)
    When I check the Reg4 box, I get the "You will be registered for a..." warning message (perfect)
    I can now make a selection in the RadioButtonList3 (perfect)
    If I uncheck the Reg4 box without making a selection on RadioButtonList3, the RadioButtonList3 again hides (perfect)
    If I check the Reg4, then make a selection on RadioButtonList3, and then uncheck the Reg4 box, the RadioButtonList3 is reset (perfect)
    BUT the RadioButtonList3 is still visible and a selection can now be made (not perfect because the Reg4 box is now unchecked and the user will only be registered for the event if Reg4 is checked)
    #1 RadioButtonList3 will hide only if it has not been selected and reset first.
    #2 The warning message only appears the first time Reg4 is checked.
    These 2 items somehow seem related. Is there something that tells it "use this code when you first open the document but act differently once you've started checking boxes" so it only acts as I intend on the first go-around?
    Here's all of my code:
      topmostSubform.Page1.RadioButtonList3::calculate - (FormCalc, client)
    if (Reg4 == "0") then
              RadioButtonList3.access = "readOnly"
              RadioButtonList3.access = "open"
    topmostSubform.Page1.Reg4::change - (JavaScript, client)
    if (this.rawValue == 1) {
      RadioButtonList3.presence = "visible";
    else {
              RadioButtonList3.rawValue = "";
      RadioButtonList3.presence = "hidden";
    topmostSubform.Page1.Reg4::enter - (JavaScript, client)
    if (RadioButtonList3.rawValue == "") {"You will be registered for an Optional Workshop ONLY if this box is checked. Don't forget to tell us which workshop you will be attending.");
         this.rawValue == null;
    So sorry for the lengthy post. I'm open to any ideas that anyone may have.
    This certainly is a learning experience!

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