Row with max date

Hi guys,
Quick question which I would appreciate some help with. I am currently querying a table with multiple rows but I only want it to return 1 row (the one which was created most recently) ie. the one with the max date_Created field.
I was thinking I could do this:
Select *
from table
where date_created = max(date_created)
but you will probably know I cant do this. I know I can partition etc but since I am calling this as a cursor from oracle forms I cant use partition, can anyone help me out please?

Here's one way:
WITH     got_r_num     AS
     SELECT     t.*
     ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY  date_created  DESC)
              AS r_num
     FROM    table_x  t
SELECT     *   -- or list all columns except r_num
FROM     got_r_num
WHERE     r_num     = 1
786733 wrote:Hi guys,
Quick question which I would appreciate some help with. I am currently querying a table with multiple rows but I only want it to return 1 row (the one which was created most recently) ie. the one with the max date_Created field.
I was thinking I could do this:
Select *
from table
where date_created = max(date_created)
but you will probably know I cant do this. You can do something pretty close:
SELECT     *
FROM     table_x
WHERE     date_created = (
                     SELECT  MAX (date_created)
                  FROM        table_x
;However, if there is a tie (that is, 2 or more rows that have exactly the same date_created, and none later), then this will return all of them, and you said you only want 1 row.
I know I can partition etc but since I am calling this as a cursor from oracle forms I cant use partition, can anyone help me out please?Sorry, I don;t undersand what you're saying about partitions.
If there's something that you can do in, say, SQL*Plus, but not in Forms, then hre's probably a way to "hide" it (in a view, perhaps) so that the part Forms can't hande isn't being done in Forms.

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    I have a table test with ID, ADID, MTMST columns.
    ID     ----ADID----     MTMST
    1     ----100----     24-MAR-12 PM
    1     ----101----     24-MAR-12 PM
    1     ----102----     24-MAR-12 PM
    2     ----103----     24-MAR-12 PM
    2     ----104----     24-MAR-12 PM
    2     ----105----     24-MAR-12 PM
    3     ----99----      22-MAR-12 PM
    I need the rows with max ADID for each ID.
    I used the following query but it provided max ADID of the table but not the distinct ID
    select * from test where ADID in (select max(ADID) from test where id in (select distinct(id) from test where mtmst > sysdate -1))
    ID     ----ADID----     MTMST
    2     ----105----     24-MAR-12 PM
    Expected result:*
    ID     ----ADID----     MTMST
    1     ----102----     24-MAR-12 PM
    2     ----105----     24-MAR-12 PM
    Edited by: Dheepan on Mar 24, 2012 9:53 AM

    select id, adid, mtmst from test where (id, adid) in (select id, max(adid) from test group by id) and MTMST>sysdate-1
    is the answer.

  • Not Getting Rows With No Date Match

    I have SQL 2012 and am trying to use a CTE to get patient meal calendar rows even if the row does not match a given date range. We use a Calendar table that has 1 row for each date in the year so I wanted it to drive the results so that when I ask for a
    week date range I will get rows even if the patient does not have a meal or snack scheduled for that date.  My CTE code is below and it gives me the correct data but only if the patient has a meal or snack scheduled for that date (this is like a weekly
    meal menu). Any help is appreciated.
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[kd_selMealPlannerMatrix]
    @PatientID int,
    @StartDate smalldatetime,
    @EndDate smalldatetime = null
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    IF @EndDate IS NULL
    SET @EndDate = DATEADD(day,6,@StartDate);
    ;WITH client_meals AS (
    SELECT DATEPART(dw, dbo.tblMealCalendar.MealDate) AS PrintDate,
    CASE WHEN dbo.tblMealCalendar.MealID <> 0 THEN dbo.tblActualMeals.MealName + N' - ' + CONVERT(nvarchar, dbo.tblActualMeals.MealNumber)
    WHEN dbo.tblMealCalendar.SnackID <> 0 THEN dbo.tblActualSnacks.SnackName + N' - ' + CONVERT(nvarchar, dbo.tblActualSnacks.SnackNumber)
    END AS PrintMeal,
    FROM dbo.tblMealCalendar LEFT OUTER JOIN
    dbo.tblActualMeals ON dbo.tblMealCalendar.MealID = dbo.tblActualMeals.MealID LEFT OUTER JOIN
    dbo.tblActualSnacks ON dbo.tblMealCalendar.SnackID = dbo.tblActualSnacks.SnackID LEFT OUTER JOIN
    dbo.tlkpMealCodes ON dbo.tblMealCalendar.MealCodeID = dbo.tlkpMealCodes.MealCodeID
    WHERE (dbo.tblActualSnacks.Verified IS NULL OR dbo.tblActualSnacks.Verified <> 0)
    AND (dbo.tblActualMeals.Verified IS NULL OR dbo.tblActualMeals.Verified <> 0)
    AND (dbo.tblMealCalendar.PatientID = @PatientID)
    ), dt_range AS (
    SELECT dt, DW
    FROM dbo.Calendar
    WHERE dt BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
    MAX(M.MealDate) AS MealDate,
    MAX(M.PrintDate) AS PrintDay,
    MAX(D.DW) AS WkDay,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = 'AM Meal' THEN PrintMeal
    END) AS AMMeal,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = 'AM Meal' THEN MealID
    ELSE 0
    END) AS AMMealID,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = 'AM Snack' THEN PrintMeal
    END) AS AMSnack,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = 'AM Snack' THEN SnackID
    ELSE 0
    END) AS AMSnackID,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = 'Mid-Day' THEN PrintMeal
    END) AS MidDay,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = 'Mid-Day' THEN MealID
    ELSE 0
    END) AS MidDayMealID,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = 'PM Snack' THEN PrintMeal
    END) AS PMSnack,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = 'PM Snack' THEN SnackID
    ELSE 0
    END) AS PMSnackID,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = 'PM Meal' THEN PrintMeal
    END) AS PMMeal,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = 'PM Meal' THEN MealID
    ELSE 0
    END) AS PMMealID,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = 'Evening Snack' THEN PrintMeal
    END) AS EveningSnack,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = 'Evening Snack' THEN SnackID
    ELSE 0
    END) AS EveningSnackID,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = '4th Meal' THEN PrintMeal
    END) AS FourthMeal,
    MAX(CASE WHEN MealCode = '4th Meal' THEN MealID
    ELSE 0
    END) AS FourthMealID
    client_meals AS M ON D.dt = M.MealDate
    GROUP BY D.dt
    HAVING (D.dt BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate)
    ORDER BY D.dt;

    I tried to keep this as close to what we know as I could. Here's an example of making it work as you're asking:
    DECLARE @tinyCalendar table (date date)
    DECLARE @i INT = 0
    WHILE @i < 10
    INSERT INTO @tinyCalendar (date)
    SET @i = @i + 1
    DECLARE @patients TABLE (id INT IDENTITY, name VARCHAR(20))
    INSERT INTO @patients (name)
    VALUES ('John'),('Paul'),('George'),('Ringo')
    DECLARE @mealSelections TABLE (patientID INT, mealID INT, mealCode VARCHAR(8), DATE DATE)
    INSERT INTO @mealSelections (patientID, mealID, mealCode, date)
    (1,1,'1st Meal','2014-08-12'),(1,2,'1st Meal','2014-08-13'),(1,3,'1st Meal','2014-08-14'),(1,4,'1st Meal','2014-08-15'),(2,1,'1st Meal','2014-08-12'),(2,2,'1st Meal','2014-08-13'),(2,3,'1st Meal','2014-08-14'),(2,4,'1st Meal','2014-08-15'),(3,1,'1st Meal','2014-08-12'),(3,2,'1st Meal','2014-08-13'),(3,3,'1st Meal','2014-08-14'),(3,4,'1st Meal','2014-08-15'),(4,1,'1st Meal','2014-08-12'),(4,2,'1st Meal','2014-08-13'),(4,3,'1st Meal','2014-08-14'),(4,4,'1st Meal','2014-08-15'),
    (1,1,'1st Meal','2014-08-16'),(1,2,'1st Meal','2014-08-17'),(1,3,'1st Meal','2014-08-18'),(1,4,'1st Meal','2014-08-19'),(2,1,'1st Meal','2014-08-16'),(2,2,'1st Meal','2014-08-17'),(2,3,'1st Meal','2014-08-18'),(2,4,'1st Meal','2014-08-19'),(3,1,'1st Meal','2014-08-16'),(3,2,'1st Meal','2014-08-17'),(3,3,'1st Meal','2014-08-18'),(3,4,'1st Meal','2014-08-19'),(4,1,'1st Meal','2014-08-16'),(4,2,'1st Meal','2014-08-17'),(4,3,'1st Meal','2014-08-18'),(4,4,'1st Meal','2014-08-19'),
    (1,1,'2nd Meal','2014-08-12'),(1,2,'2nd Meal','2014-08-13'),(1,3,'2nd Meal','2014-08-14'),(1,4,'2nd Meal','2014-08-15'),(2,1,'2nd Meal','2014-08-12'),(2,2,'2nd Meal','2014-08-13'),(2,3,'2nd Meal','2014-08-14'),(2,4,'2nd Meal','2014-08-15'),(3,1,'2nd Meal','2014-08-12'),(3,2,'2nd Meal','2014-08-13'),(3,3,'2nd Meal','2014-08-14'),(3,4,'2nd Meal','2014-08-15'),(4,1,'2nd Meal','2014-08-12'),(4,2,'2nd Meal','2014-08-13'),(4,3,'2nd Meal','2014-08-14'),(4,4,'2nd Meal','2014-08-15'),
    (1,1,'2nd Meal','2014-08-16'),(1,2,'2nd Meal','2014-08-17'),(1,3,'2nd Meal','2014-08-18'),(1,4,'2nd Meal','2014-08-19'),(2,1,'2nd Meal','2014-08-16'),(2,2,'2nd Meal','2014-08-17'),(2,3,'2nd Meal','2014-08-18'),(2,4,'2nd Meal','2014-08-19'),(3,1,'2nd Meal','2014-08-16'),(3,2,'2nd Meal','2014-08-17'),(3,3,'2nd Meal','2014-08-18'),(3,4,'2nd Meal','2014-08-19'),(4,1,'2nd Meal','2014-08-16'),(4,2,'2nd Meal','2014-08-17'),(4,3,'2nd Meal','2014-08-18'),(4,4,'2nd Meal','2014-08-19'),
    (1,1,'3rd Meal','2014-08-12'),(1,2,'3rd Meal','2014-08-13'),(1,3,'3rd Meal','2014-08-14'),(1,4,'3rd Meal','2014-08-15'),(2,1,'3rd Meal','2014-08-12'),(2,2,'3rd Meal','2014-08-13'),(2,3,'3rd Meal','2014-08-14'),(2,4,'3rd Meal','2014-08-15'),(3,1,'3rd Meal','2014-08-12'),(3,2,'3rd Meal','2014-08-13'),(3,3,'3rd Meal','2014-08-14'),(3,4,'3rd Meal','2014-08-15'),(4,1,'3rd Meal','2014-08-12'),(4,2,'3rd Meal','2014-08-13'),(4,3,'3rd Meal','2014-08-14'),(4,4,'3rd Meal','2014-08-15'),
    (1,1,'3rd Meal','2014-08-16'),(1,2,'3rd Meal','2014-08-17'),(1,3,'3rd Meal','2014-08-18'),(1,4,'3rd Meal','2014-08-19'),(2,1,'3rd Meal','2014-08-16'),(2,2,'3rd Meal','2014-08-17'),(2,3,'3rd Meal','2014-08-18'),(2,4,'3rd Meal','2014-08-19'),(3,1,'3rd Meal','2014-08-16'),(3,2,'3rd Meal','2014-08-17'),(3,3,'3rd Meal','2014-08-18'),(3,4,'3rd Meal','2014-08-19'),(4,1,'3rd Meal','2014-08-16'),(4,2,'3rd Meal','2014-08-17'),(4,3,'3rd Meal','2014-08-18'),(4,4,'3rd Meal','2014-08-19'),
    (1,1,'4th Meal','2014-08-12'),(1,2,'4th Meal','2014-08-13'),(1,3,'4th Meal','2014-08-14'),(1,4,'4th Meal','2014-08-15'),(2,1,'4th Meal','2014-08-12'),(2,2,'4th Meal','2014-08-13'),(2,3,'4th Meal','2014-08-14'),(2,4,'4th Meal','2014-08-15'),(3,1,'4th Meal','2014-08-12'),(3,2,'4th Meal','2014-08-13'),(3,3,'4th Meal','2014-08-14'),(3,4,'4th Meal','2014-08-15'),(4,1,'4th Meal','2014-08-12'),(4,2,'4th Meal','2014-08-13'),(4,3,'4th Meal','2014-08-14'),(4,4,'4th Meal','2014-08-15'),
    (1,1,'4th Meal','2014-08-16'),(1,2,'4th Meal','2014-08-17'),(1,3,'4th Meal','2014-08-18'),(1,4,'4th Meal','2014-08-19'),(2,1,'4th Meal','2014-08-16'),(2,2,'4th Meal','2014-08-17'),(2,3,'4th Meal','2014-08-18'),(2,4,'4th Meal','2014-08-19'),(3,1,'4th Meal','2014-08-16'),(3,2,'4th Meal','2014-08-17'),(3,3,'4th Meal','2014-08-18'),(3,4,'4th Meal','2014-08-19'),(4,1,'4th Meal','2014-08-16'),(4,2,'4th Meal','2014-08-17'),(4,3,'4th Meal','2014-08-18'),(4,4,'4th Meal','2014-08-19')
    Max(CASE WHEN mealCode = '1st Meal' THEN mealID END) AS FirstMeal,
    Max(CASE WHEN mealCode = '2nd Meal' THEN mealID END) AS SecondMeal,
    Max(CASE WHEN mealCode = '3rd Meal' THEN mealID END) AS ThirdMeal,
    Max(CASE WHEN mealCode = '4th Meal' THEN mealID END) AS FourthMeal
    FROM @patients p
    INNER JOIN @tinyCalendar c
    ON =
    LEFT OUTER JOIN @mealSelections m
    ON = m.patientID
    AND =
    GROUP BY,,

  • Find unique row with max func

    I am really stupid of this right now. Have not tried the regular SQL for long time, so my question is that I have a table- Cost
    A     B     C     D     E     F
    0002     6002     5     55     68.35     6.12
    0003     6003     5     99.26     89.33     8.23
    0004     6004     5     78.85     4.4     7.42
    0004     6004     6     78.85     8.1     1.7
    0004     6004     7     78.85     70.9     6.73
    0005     6005     5     49.88     76.1     68.53
    0005     6005     6     49.88     93.7     18.57
    0005     6005     7     49.88     255.7     63
    How can I get the column E and F, when I want to get the row with highest order in C as result in
    A     B     C     D     E     F
    0002     6002     5     55     68.35     6.12
    0003     6003     5     99.26     89.33     8.23
    0004     6004     7     78.85     70.9     6.73
    0005     6005     7     49.88     255.7     63
    I used the max () and group by in query as
    select A, B, max(C), D
    from cost
    group by A,B,D
    If I added the max(E) and max(F) in the SELECT, I got correct row in E but not the F.
    Please help me out. Thanks.

    an alternative using analytic fiunctions would be:
    select "A","B",max("C"),"D","E","F" from
    (select "A","B","C",last_value("D") over (partition by "A","B" order by
    "A","B","C" rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) "D",
    last_value("E") over (partition by "A","B" order by
    "A","B","C" rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) "E",
    last_value("F") over (partition by "A","B" order by
    "A","B","C" rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) "F"
    from test1)
    group by "A","B","D","E","F"
    order by "A","B"
    this appears to give a better plan on the test data but you would want to test with a larger volume, we have reduced to numbet of buffer gets but added two sorts currently these fit in memory but you may find with a larger dataset these result in disk sorts.
    Autotrace output:
    SQL> select * from test1 where "A"||B||"C" in (select "A"||B||Z from (select "A", B, max("C") Z from test1 group by "A",B));
    A    B             C          D          E          F
    0002 6002          5         55      68.35       6.12
    0003 6003          5      99.26      89.33       8.23
    0004 6004          7      78.85       70.9       6.73
    0005 6005          7      49.88      255.7         63
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 2706139598
    | Id  | Operation             | Name     | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT      |          |     1 |    50 |     8  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  1 |  HASH JOIN            |          |     1 |    50 |     8  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL   | TEST1    |     8 |   192 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |   VIEW                | VW_NSO_1 |     8 |   208 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   4 |    HASH UNIQUE        |          |     8 |   104 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   5 |     HASH GROUP BY     |          |     8 |   104 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   6 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL| TEST1    |     8 |   104 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       1 - access("$nso_col_1"="A"||"B"||TO_CHAR("C"))
              0  recursive calls
              0  db block gets
             64  consistent gets
              0  physical reads
              0  redo size
            795  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            381  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              0  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
              4  rows processed
    SQL> select "A","B",max("C"),"D","E","F" from
      2  (select  "A","B","C",last_value("D") over (partition by "A","B" order by
      3  "A","B","C" rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) "D",
      4  last_value("E") over (partition by "A","B" order by
      5  "A","B","C" rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) "E",
      6  last_value("F") over (partition by "A","B" order by
      7  "A","B","C" rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) "F"
      8  from test1)
      9  group by "A","B","D","E","F"
    10  order by "A","B";
    A    B      MAX("C")          D          E          F
    0002 6002          5         55      68.35       6.12
    0003 6003          5      99.26      89.33       8.23
    0004 6004          7      78.85       70.9       6.73
    0005 6005          7      49.88      255.7         63
    Execution Plan
    Plan hash value: 3359524756
    | Id  | Operation            | Name  | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT     |       |     8 |   496 |     5  (40)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  SORT GROUP BY       |       |     8 |   496 |     5  (40)| 00:00:01 |
    |   2 |   VIEW               |       |     8 |   496 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |    WINDOW SORT       |       |     8 |   192 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   4 |     TABLE ACCESS FULL| TEST1 |     8 |   192 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
              0  recursive calls
              0  db block gets
              7  consistent gets
              0  physical reads
              0  redo size
            802  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            381  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              2  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
              4  rows processed

  • Get articles with max date only

    Hello Everyone
    I've got a little problem with a sql query. I got two tables and a lot of articles. The articles are listed multiple times and got different dates. I want to select the following rows:
    The problem is, that every product only should be listed one time (something like UNIC or DISTINCT). And it should be the product with the highest date. Is there something like MAX(date) that I can use?
    What I already have is...
    FROM op_inventory i
    LEFT JOIN products p
    ON p.ItemID = i.fk_article
    Now, how can I solve my problem above?...
    Greets Dollique

    Hmm, thx but, that didn't solve my problem.
    I've just found a german website with a detailed explantion of the solution that mack gave me.
    I used that one and it seems to work quite fine, expects from I somehow can't use GROUP BY. Every time I use it, it returns a Executing DB error (like before)...
    I'll see if I can solve that problem...
    Thx you anyway!
    My code now is
    FROM op_inventory i
    LEFT JOIN products p
    ON p.ItemID = i.fk_article
    <!---JOIN (
            id id_m,
            MAX(date) maxdate
        FROM op_inventory
        GROUP BY id_m
    ) temp
    ON = temp.id_m AND = temp.maxdate--->
    <cfoutput>#gi_where#</cfoutput> = (
        SELECT MAX(
        FROM op_inventory o
        WHERE o.fk_article = i.fk_article
    <!---GROUP BY>
    And the content of #gi_where# is:
    WHERE p.category = #lb_group# AND

  • XML Query Help row with no data

    declare @address table
    AddressID int,
    AddressType varchar(12),
    Address1 varchar(20),
    Address2 varchar(20),
    City varchar(25),
    AgentID int
    insert into @address 
    select 1, 'Home', 'abc', 'xyz road', 'RJ', 1 union all
    select 2, 'Office', 'temp', 'ppp road', 'RJ', 1 union all
    select 3, 'Home', 'xxx', 'aaa road', 'NY', 2 union all
    select 4, 'Office', 'ccc', 'oli Com', 'CL', 2 union all
    select 5, 'Temp', 'eee', 'olkiu road', 'CL', 2 union all
    select 6, 'Home', 'ttt', 'loik road', 'NY', 3
    SELECT a.* from @address a 
    where a.AddressID = 1
    FOR XML path('Addresses')
    SELECT a.* from @address a 
    where a.AddressID = 9
    FOR XML path('Addresses')
    As you can see for second query where AddressID = 9 is not exists so xml is not generated but
    my expected result is for second query is
    <AddressID />
    <AddressType />
    <Address1 />
    <Address2 />
    <City />
    <AgentID />
    Thanks in advance for all your help. 

    First of all: Your expectation is wrong. Sorry to say that. But your SQL statement for A.AddressID = 9 does not return a row. So no row is converted. I hope you C it: void.
    From the XML viewpoint:
    <AddressID />
    <AddressType />
    <Address1 />
    <Address2 />
    <City />
    <AgentID />
    is equivalent to
    <Addresses />
    which is equivalent to
    You C. Sorry got infeCted some how ;)
    The only meaningful result in XML would be:
    <Addresses ID="1">
    <Address2>xyz road</Address2>
    <Addresses ID="9"/>
    Cause now Addresses (Really? A plural form for a single entity?) transports the meaning, well there is no data (no row) for it. We tried to find it, but we failed. In opposite to
    <AddressType />
    <Address1 />
    <Address2 />
    <City />
    <AgentID />
    <Addresses ID="9">
    <AddressType />
    <Address1 />
    <Address2 />
    <City />
    <AgentID />
    Which says: well, we have a row with the ID 9, but the rest of the columns is empty.
    The problem is mere semantics. But it's an important difference.
    Now for your problem: Why do you expect this? Where do can you work with such a kind of informationless result?
    btw, as you're using already a table variable (+1), you should also use
    table value constructors like
    INSERT INTO @address
    VALUES ( 1, 'Home', 'abc', 'xyz road', 'RJ', 1 ),
    ( 2, 'Office', 'temp', 'ppp road', 'RJ', 1 ),
    ( 3, 'Home', 'xxx', 'aaa road', 'NY', 2 ),
    ( 4, 'Office', 'ccc', 'oli Com', 'CL', 2 ),
    ( 5, 'Temp', 'eee', 'olkiu road', 'CL', 2 ),
    ( 6, 'Home', 'ttt', 'loik road', 'NY', 3 );
    I would use a tally table, when you really need this:
    DECLARE @address TABLE
    AddressID INT ,
    AddressType VARCHAR(12) ,
    Address1 VARCHAR(20) ,
    Address2 VARCHAR(20) ,
    City VARCHAR(25) ,
    AgentID INT
    INSERT INTO @address
    VALUES ( 1, 'Home', 'abc', 'xyz road', 'RJ', 1 ),
    ( 2, 'Office', 'temp', 'ppp road', 'RJ', 1 ),
    ( 3, 'Home', 'xxx', 'aaa road', 'NY', 2 ),
    ( 4, 'Office', 'ccc', 'oli Com', 'CL', 2 ),
    ( 5, 'Temp', 'eee', 'olkiu road', 'CL', 2 ),
    ( 6, 'Home', 'ttt', 'loik road', 'NY', 3 );
    WITH n1
    AS ( SELECT *
    FROM ( VALUES ( 1), ( 1), ( 1), ( 1) ) Q ( n )
    AS ( SELECT a.n
    FROM n1 a ,
    n1 b ,
    n1 c ,
    n1 d
    FROM n2
    SELECT NT.n AS [@ID] ,
    a.AddressType ,
    a.Address1 ,
    a.Address2 ,
    a.City ,
    FROM NumberTally NT
    LEFT JOIN @address a ON a.AddressID = NT.n
    WHERE NT.n IN ( 1, 9 )
    FOR XML PATH('Address');
    or the void version:
    DECLARE @address TABLE
    AddressID INT ,
    AddressType VARCHAR(12) ,
    Address1 VARCHAR(20) ,
    Address2 VARCHAR(20) ,
    City VARCHAR(25) ,
    AgentID INT
    INSERT INTO @address
    VALUES ( 1, 'Home', 'abc', 'xyz road', 'RJ', 1 ),
    ( 2, 'Office', 'temp', 'ppp road', 'RJ', 1 ),
    ( 3, 'Home', 'xxx', 'aaa road', 'NY', 2 ),
    ( 4, 'Office', 'ccc', 'oli Com', 'CL', 2 ),
    ( 5, 'Temp', 'eee', 'olkiu road', 'CL', 2 ),
    ( 6, 'Home', 'ttt', 'loik road', 'NY', 3 );
    WITH n1
    AS ( SELECT *
    FROM ( VALUES ( 1), ( 1), ( 1), ( 1) ) Q ( n )
    AS ( SELECT a.n
    FROM n1 a ,
    n1 b ,
    n1 c ,
    n1 d
    FROM n2
    SELECT a.AddressID AS [@ID] ,
    a.AddressType ,
    a.Address1 ,
    a.Address2 ,
    a.City ,
    FROM NumberTally NT
    LEFT JOIN @address a ON a.AddressID = NT.n
    WHERE NT.n IN ( 1, 9 )
    FOR XML PATH('Address');

  • Update row with more data - JTable with Abstracttablemodel

    I got some problems with my program, im using jtable with abstracttablemodel.
    First I include content into the jtable by pressing &rdquo;New Content&rdquo;, then it will pop up a dialog which I fill with information as you can see in the picture.
    But when its done, I want to borrow it and update that row with more information as you can see if its loaned, if it is their shall be a checkbox, name and phone there. I don&rsquo;t really know how to do this. Suppose I should do a similar metodh as when I&rsquo;m adding and removing content. The question is how do I do that? I&rsquo;ve been looking at some tips and hints on google. It seems to me that should use &ldquo;fireTableRowsUpdated&rdquo; but not really sure if its right and how to. When I&rsquo;m borrowing the specific row I guess I need to check which row is clicked before borrowing and then fill in the information and update the table.The borrow button will also pop up a dialog with 3 fields to fill. Here is the code I wrote for adding and removing. I&rsquo;ve tried with the update but its not right which I&rsquo;m going to use when borrowing objects from the database. Please help!
    Code from the abstracttablemodel
    private ArrayList<Objects> obj = new ArrayList<Objects>();
         public void add(Objects o) {
              fireTableRowsInserted(obj.size()-1, obj.size()-1);
         public void remove(int o) {
              int index = obj.indexOf(o);
              fireTableRowsDeleted(index, index);
         public void update (Objects o){
              // Not sure how to do here
              //int index = obj.indexOf(o);
         }Code for the button in the main program.
    if (arg.getSource() == borrow) {
    // How should I do here? I need to implement the BorrowDialog, check if a row is pressed then update? How do I do that?
                   BorrowDialog newLoan = new BorrowDialog(frame);
                   if(table.getSelectedRow() == -1)
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame,"Select the row before loan");
              }Code for BorrowDialog
    public class BorrowDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener {
            //implements JTextFields, Buttons,Labels and Panels.
         public BorrowDialog(JFrame parent) {
         //Setting buttons to panels and such
         public Objects getLoan(){
              return loan;
         public void setLoan()
                    // Not sure if this is right, as I leave some fields empty, will it be empty when its updating aswell?
                    // I tried with add data then it just will be a new row, when I will update a specific row
                    loan = new Objects("", "" , "" , "" , "" ,"", loanField.getText(),nameField.getText(), phoneField.getText());
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg) {
              if (arg.getActionCommand().equals("Save")) {
    }All help is appreciated!
    Edited by: iTech34 on Feb 22, 2010 3:27 AM
    Edited by: iTech34 on Feb 22, 2010 3:31 AM
    Edited by: iTech34 on Feb 22, 2010 3:58 AM

    Look up for the rest of the code!
    I explained everything on the first post, so please read there so you know the problem I got.
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Database implements ActionListener {
         private final int WIDTH = 800;
         private final int HEIGHT = 800;
         private JTable table = new JTable();
         private JFrame frame = new JFrame("Database");
         private JButton addContent = new JButton("New content");
         private JButton borrow = new JButton("Borrow");
         private JButton returnObject = new JButton("Return");
         private JButton remove = new JButton("Remove");
         private JButton save = new JButton("Save");
         private JButton load = new JButton("Load");
         private JButton exit = new JButton("Exit");
         private Directory dir = new Directory();
         private JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
         private JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
         public Database() {
              // BUTTONS
              // ACTION LISTENERS
              // JTABLE
              table = new JTable(dir);
              JScrollPane JScroll = new JScrollPane(table);
              // PANELS
              mainPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              mainPanel.add("North", buttonPanel);
              mainPanel.add("Center", JScroll);
              // FRAME
              frame.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg) {
              if (arg.getSource() == addContent) {
                   Dialog newDialog = new Dialog(frame);
              if (arg.getSource() == remove) {
                   if (table.getSelectedRow() == -1)
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame,"Select the row before remove");
              if (arg.getSource() == borrow) {
                   // Not sure how to do here! I need to check which row I've clicked and take that row into BorrowDialog as argument i suppose.. please explain
                   BorrowDialog newLoan = new BorrowDialog(frame);
                   if(table.getSelectedRow() == -1)
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame,"Select the row before loan");
              if (arg.getSource() == returnObject) {
              if (arg.getSource() == save) {
              if (arg.getSource() == load) {
                   Objects[] tempObject = dir.readFile("info.txt");
                   for (int i = 0; tempObject[i] != null; i++)
              if (arg.getSource() == exit){
         public static void main(String[] argv) {
              new Database();
    }import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    import javax.swing.JDialog;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JTextField;
    public class BorrowDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener {
         private final int WIDTH = 300;
         private final int HEIGHT = 400;
         private JButton exitDialog = new JButton("Exit");
         private JButton saveDialog = new JButton("Save");
         private JTextField loanField = new JTextField();
         private JTextField nameField = new JTextField();
         private JTextField phoneField = new JTextField();
         private JLabel loanLabel = new JLabel("Loan");
         private JLabel nameLabel = new JLabel("Name");
         private JLabel phoneLabel = new JLabel("Phone");
         private JPanel eastPanel = new JPanel();
         private JPanel southPanel = new JPanel();
         private JPanel westPanel = new JPanel();
         private GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(3, 1);
         private Objects loan;
         public BorrowDialog(JFrame parent) {
              super(parent, "Borrow", true);
              add("West", westPanel);
              add("Center", eastPanel);
              add("South", southPanel);
              setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
         public Objects getLoan(){
              return loan;
         public void setLoan()
              // Can I really do like this? Will the the specific row I've chosen be overwriten entirly with blank elements in the six columns as I left empty(see below, when I send the arguments into the constructor)?
              loan = new Objects("", "" , "" , "" , "" ,"", loanField.getText(),nameField.getText(), phoneField.getText());
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg) {
              if (arg.getActionCommand().equals("Save")) {
              if (arg.getSource() == exitDialog) {
    Edited by: iTech34 on Feb 22, 2010 11:19 AM
    Edited by: iTech34 on Feb 22, 2010 11:20 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • SQL subquery returning too many rows with Max function

    Hello, I hope someone can help me, I been working on this all day. I need to get max value, and the date and id where that max value is associated with between specific date ranges. Here is my code , and I have tried many different version but it still returning
    more than one ID and date
    Thanks in advance
    id RecordDate carProd       MilkProd WaterProd
    47790 2014-10-05   132155   0 225
    47790 2014-10-01   13444    0 0
    47790 2014-08-06   132111    10 100
    47790 2014-09-05   10000    500 145
    47790 2014-09-20   10000    800 500
    47791 2014-09-20   10000    300 500
    47791 2014-09-21   10001    400 500
    47791 2014-08-21   20001    600 500
    And the result should be ( max carprod)
    id RecordDate carProd       MilkProd WaterProd
    47790 2014-10-05   132155  0 225
    47791 2014-08-21   20001    600 500

    Help your readers help you.  Remember that we cannot see your screen, do not know your data, do not understand your schema, and cannot test a query without a complete script.  So - remove the derived table (to which you gave the alias "avs")
    and the associated columns from your query.  Does that generate the correct results?  I have my doubts since you say "too many" and the derived table will generate a single row per ID.  That suggests that your join between the first
    2 tables is the source of the problem.  In addition, the use of DISTINCT is generally a sign that the query logic is incorrect, that there is a schema issue, or that there is a misunderstanding of the schema. 

  • SSRS Matrix Issue. Expression calculating in row with no data.

    I have a matrix with multiple column groups for different sales channels. With in each group there are several columns and some with expressions for calculations. The rows are based on sales reps. Now not every sales rep sells in every channel, so there
    are some columns in which a rep will have no data. I want them be blank or show a 0. I can do both of those. The issue I am having is in the expressions for reps that have no data, it is still showing a calculation. It seems to populate that cell with whatever
    the first result of an actual calculation is. See below. For rep D and E they have no calls or sales in this particular sales channel; however, the closing ratio is showing 30.23% (which is the closing ratio for rep A). I need this to be blank or 0 or N/A,
    anything other that a wrong %. I have tried numerous iif and isnothing statements, e.g. =iif(Fields!count_of_customers.Value = 0,0,Fields!count_of_customers.Value/iif(Fields!Calls.Value = 0,1,Fields!Calls.Value)) plus other i have found on the internet
    but none of them work. Can someone please help? Sorry it is not a picture of the report. They need to confirm my account before I can attach pictures. But this is the set up of the report.
    Figure A
    Phone Field
    Rep Calls
    Sales Closing Ratio
    Premium Rep
    Calls Sales
    A 1000
    323 32.3%
    $100,250 A
    50 5
    B 200
    10 5% $50,000
    B 0
    C 300
    15 5% $25,000
    C 25
    D 0
    0 32.3%
    $0 D
    300 50
    E 0
    0 32.3%
    $0 E
    100 15
    F 500
    100 20%
    $300,000 F
    0 0

    Hi RobTencents,
    After testing the issue in my environment, I can reproduce it. To fix this issue, please try to use the expression below to instead the original one:
    =iif(sum(Fields!count_of_customers.Value) = 0,0,sum(Fields!count_of_customers.Value)/iif(sum(Fields!Calls.Value) = 0,1,sum(Fields!Calls.Value)))
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Using alternate rows with Spry Data Set

    Can anyone provide more information on how to implement alternate row colors with a Spry Data Set?  What I have done is:
    Create spry data set using HTML page as the data set
    The html page that displays the data set is:  <div spry:region="equipment">
    In the default.css page that is linked, I added the info in note #1 below
    When the page displays, no colors appear. Tried changing the colors and still no luck.  Is there another step to do?
    Note #1:
    within the default.css, the following are declared:
    #equipment odd {
    background-color: #CCC;
    #equipment even {
    background-color: “#F2F2F2;
    Note #2:
    Here is a link to see the actual pages referenced above.
    Any ideas? Getting frustrated!!  Thanks in advance for any advice.

    You are going to kick yourself, but, you haven't assigned any page element the ID #equipment. The region is called that but the table or the DIV does not have an idea and your selector matches nothing...

  • Using a table alias to identify row with max timestamp for same ID, syntax?

    Hello experts
    I have created an alias of a table, so now I have table T1 and its alias T2. (T2 is not joined to anything in the universe currently)
    I need to identify the row from T1 with the maximum timestamp for any given ID:
    ID                       Timestamp
    1                         2011-01-24 16:26:00.000
    1                         2011-02-24 14:21:00.000
    1                         2011-02-24 13:49:00.000
    I couldn't find anything on the SAP forums, but elsewhere suggested my approach should be thus:
    1) Create a table alias (leave it free standing i.e. not joined) - DONE
    2) For T1, create a dimension object named Timestamp - DONE
    3) Create a seperate predefined condition icon funnel / filter - in the where clause:
    T1.timestamp = (SELECT max(T2.timestamp) from T2 WHERE
    T1.Key = T2.Key)
    I'm stuck with the BO XI 3.1 syntax on step 3. I can't get it to parse.
    In the where clause, mine starts with @select(T1\Timestamp) = max(@select(T2\Timestamp)
    @where T1.Claim_no = T2.Claim_no)
    Please can someone help me with the syntax so this thing will parse.
    Many thanks in anticipation.

    Hi ,
    Can you try
    SELECT   ID, MAX(datetime) FROM T1 GROUP BY by ID

  • Cross Tab keeps suppressing rows with no data

    I have a Crystal Report that is using a Cross Tab.  I have 2 rows in the cross tab the first row is the Month name and the second row is the Day Number of the month, and the report will print the Month Name on the left followed by all the Calendar Day Numbers in the month.
    The problem is that when there is no data for a Day Number row the entire row is not shown.  So you might have day number 1, 2, 3 and then jumps to maybe 6.  I found that the ones the cross tab was not showing did not contain any data.  I just need the calendar day number to at least print so the days read sequentially instead of jumping to 6 or another number.
    Is there any way to show the rows even if they don't contain any data?
    I have right clicked and gone into the Cross Tab expert and there isn't anything checked to suppress rows.  I don't understand why its still suppressing rows!
    Is there a global report option that I missed that says "suppress rows when there are no records"?
    Thank you all in advance,
    I am using Crystal Reports XIR2 with Service Pack 4

    I am still not getting all rows to show up on the report.   The rows that are not showing up contain no data in the cross tab but the row still needs to show.
    The only reason I got it to work before was because I selected all values for the columns parameter so it brought back everything in the database that was why it was able to show all values.
    I have two tables one is a date database and contains all the dates till 2012.  The other is the product data which contains the product code and qty that the cross tab summarizes.
    I have done a left outer join from the product data to the date database, and I am still not able to get all the dates to list for the selected time range. 
    I was able to get the dates to show up when I right clicked the link and modified the link properties.  I chose Left Outer Join and then under Link Type I selected ">" in the database expert dialog.  This brought back all the dates but the data in the report was all the same.  Probably just the first record repeated all down the page.
    Any ideas how to fix this problem?

  • Removing rows and inserting new rows with new data in JTAble!!! (Plz. help)

    I have a problem, The scenario is that when I click any folder that si in my JTable's first row, the table is update by removing all the rows and showing only the contents of my selected folder. Right now it's not removing the rows and instead throwing exceptions. The code is attached. The methods to look are upDateTabel(...) and clearTableData(....), after clearing all my rows then I proceed on adding my data to the Jtable and inserting rows but it's not being done. May be I have a problem in my DefaultTableModel class. Please see the code below what I am doing wrong and how should I do it. Any help is appreciated.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.*;
    public class SimpleTable extends JPanel{
         /** Formats the date */
         protected SimpleDateFormat           formatter;
    /** variable to hold the date and time in a raw form for the directory*/
    protected long                          dateDirectory;
    /** holds the readable form converted date for the directories*/
    protected String                     dirDate;
    /** holds the readable form converted date for the files*/
    protected String                     fileDate;
    /** variable to hold the date and time in a raw form for the file*/
    protected long                          dateFile;
    /** holds the length of the file in bytes */
    protected long                         totalLen;
    /** convert the length to the wrapper class */
    protected Long                         longe;
    /** Vector to hold the sub directories */
    protected Vector                     subDir;
    /** holds the name of the selected directory */
    protected String                    dirNameHold;
    /** converting vector to an Array and store the values in this */
    protected File                     directoryArray[];
    /** hashtable to store the key-value pair */
    protected static Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable();
    /** refer to the TableModel that is the default*/
    protected MyTableModel               tableModel;
    /** stores the path of the selected file */
    protected static String               fullPath;
    /** stores the currently selected file */
    protected static File selectedFilename;
    /** stores the extension of the selected file */
    protected static String           extension;
    protected int COLUMN_COUNT = 4;
         protected Vector data = new Vector( 0, 1 );
         protected final JTable table;
    /** holds the names of the columns */
    protected final String columnNames[] = {"Name", "Size", "Type", "Modified"};
    public SimpleTable(File directoryArray[])
              this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              this.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
              formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm aaa");
              for(int k = 0; k < directoryArray.length; k++)
                        dateDirectory = directoryArray[k].lastModified();
                        dirDate = formatter.format(new java.util.Date(dateDirectory));
                        data.addElement( new MyObj( directoryArray[k].getName(), "", "File Folder", "" + dirDate ) );
                        (SimpleTable.hashTable).put(directoryArray[k].getName(), directoryArray[k]);                    
                   else if(directoryArray[k].isFile())
                        dateDirectory = directoryArray[k].lastModified();
                        fileDate = formatter.format(new java.util.Date(dateDirectory));
                        totalLen = directoryArray[k].length();
                        longe = new Long(totalLen);
                        data.addElement( new MyObj( directoryArray[k].getName(), longe + " Bytes", "", "" + fileDate ) );
                        (SimpleTable.hashTable).put(directoryArray[k].getName(), directoryArray[k]);
    tableModel = new MyTableModel();
              table = new JTable( tableModel );
              table.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
              table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
         Object eventTarget = e.getSource();
                        if( eventTarget == table )
                             table.tableChanged( new javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent(tableModel) ) ;
              DefaultTableCellRenderer D_headerRenderer = (DefaultTableCellRenderer ) table.getTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer();
              table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setHeaderRenderer(D_headerRenderer );
              ((DefaultTableCellRenderer)D_headerRenderer).setToolTipText("File and Folder in the Current Folder");
    //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it.
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
    //Add the scroll pane to this window.
    this.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    * Searches the Hashtable and returns the path of the folder or the value.
    public File findPath(String value)
         return (File)((SimpleTable.hashTable).get(value));
    * This clears the previous data in the JTable
    public void clearTableData(JTable table)
         for(int row = 0; row < table.getRowCount() ; row++)
                   //for (int col = 0; col < table.getColumnCount() ; col++)
                        tableModel.deleteSelections( row );
              //table.getModel().fireTableChanged(new TableModelEvent(table.getModel()));
    private void upDateTable(JTable table)
    if((table.getSelectedColumn() == 0) && ((table.getColumnName(0)).equals(columnNames[0])))
         dirNameHold =(String) table.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(),table.getSelectedColumn());
                   File argument = findPath(dirNameHold);
                             fullPath = argument.getCanonicalPath();                          
                             selectedFilename = argument.getCanonicalFile();                          
                             extension = fullPath.substring(fullPath.lastIndexOf('.'));
                             CMRDialog.filtersComboBox.addItem("( " + extension + " )" + " File");
                        catch(IOException e)
                             System.out.println("THE ERROR IS " + e);
                   else if(argument.isDirectory())
                        String path = argument.getName();
                             //find the system dependent file separator
                             //String fileSeparator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
                        CMRDialog.driveComboBox.addItem(" " + path);
              subDir = Search.subDirs(argument);
              /**TBD:- needs a method to convert the vector to an array and return the array */
              directoryArray = new File[subDir.size()];
                   int indexCount = 0;
                   /** TBD:- This is inefficient way of converting a vector to an array */               
                   Iterator e = subDir.iterator();               
                   while( e.hasNext() )
                        directoryArray[indexCount] = (File);
              /** now calls this method and clears the previous data */
                   //data = new Object[this.getRowTotal(directoryArray)][this.getColumnTotal()];
                   formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm aaa");
                   for(int k = 0; k < directoryArray.length; k++)
                             dateDirectory = directoryArray[k].lastModified();
                             dirDate = formatter.format(new java.util.Date(dateDirectory));
                             data.addElement( new MyObj( directoryArray[k].getName(), "", "File Folder", "" + dirDate ) );
                             (SimpleTable.hashTable).put(directoryArray[k].getName(), directoryArray[k]);                    
                        else if(directoryArray[k].isFile())
                             dateDirectory = directoryArray[k].lastModified();
                             fileDate = formatter.format(new java.util.Date(dateDirectory));
                             totalLen = directoryArray[k].length();
                             longe = new Long(totalLen);
                             data.addElement( new MyObj( directoryArray[k].getName(), longe + " Bytes", "", "" + fileDate ) );
                             (SimpleTable.hashTable).put(directoryArray[k].getName(), directoryArray[k]);
              // tableModel.fireTableDataChanged();          
              // tableModel.fireTableRowsInserted(0,1);
    class MyTableModel extends DefaultTableModel
              int totalRows;
              int totalCols;
              public MyTableModel()
                   setColumnIdentifiers (columnNames);
                   this.totalRows = data.size();
                   this.totalCols = columnNames.length;
              // this will return the row count of your table
              public int getRowCount()
                   return totalRows;
              // this return the column count of your table
              public int getColumnCount()
                   return totalCols;
              // this return the data for each cell in your table
              public Object getValueAt(int row, int col)
                   MyObj obj = (MyObj)data.elementAt( row );
                   if( obj != null )
                        if( col == 0 ) return( obj.first );
                        else if( col == 1 ) return( obj.last );
                        else if( col == 2 ) return( obj.third );
                        else if( col == 3 ) return( obj.fourth );
                        else return( "" );
                   return "";
              // if you want your table to be editable then return true
              public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col)
                   return false;
              // if your table is editable edit the data vector here and
              // call table.tableChanged(...)
              public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col)
              protected void deleteSelections (int rows)
                   catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
                        System.out.println("The error in the row index " + rows);
                   fireTableDataChanged() ;
    class MyObj
              String first;
              String last;
              String third;
              String fourth;
              public MyObj( String f, String l, String t, String fo )
                   this.first = f;
                   this.last = l;
                   this.third = t;
                   this.fourth = fo;

    The following code works fine but it doesn't show me the new updated date in my JTable. I tried to print the values that I am getting and it does give the values on the prompt but doesn't show me on the JTable only first two are shown and the rest of the table is filled with the same values. I don't know what's going on and am tired of this TableModel thing so pla. take a time to give me some suggestions. Thanks
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.*;
    public class SimpleTable extends JPanel {
         /** Formats the date */
         protected SimpleDateFormat           formatter;
    /** two-dimensional array to hold the information for each column */
    protected Object                     data[][];
    /** variable to hold the date and time in a raw form for the directory*/
    protected long                          dateDirectory;
    /** holds the readable form converted date for the directories*/
    protected String                     dirDate;
    /** holds the readable form converted date for the files*/
    protected String                     fileDate;
    /** variable to hold the date and time in a raw form for the file*/
    protected long                          dateFile;
    /** holds the length of the file in bytes */
    protected long                         totalLen;
    /** convert the length to the wrapper class */
    protected Long                         longe;
    /** Vector to hold the sub directories */
    protected Vector                     subDir;
    /** holds the name of the selected directory */
    protected String                    dirNameHold;
    /** converting vector to an Array and store the values in this */
    protected File                     directoryArray[];
    /** hashtable to store the key-value pair */
    protected static Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable();
    /** refer to the TableModel that is the default*/
    protected DefaultTableModel      model;
    /** stores the path of the selected file */
    protected static String               fullPath;
    /** stores the currently selected file */
    protected static File selectedFilename;
    /** stores the extension of the selected file */
    protected static String           extension;
    protected Vector                     m = new Vector(0,1);
    /** holds the names of the columns */
    protected final String columnNames[] = {"Name", "Size", "Type", "Modified"};
    public SimpleTable(File directoryArray[])
              this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              this.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
              data = new Object[this.getRowTotal(directoryArray)][this.getColumnTotal()];
              formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm aaa");
              for(int k = 0; k < directoryArray.length; k++)
                        data[k][0] = directoryArray[k].getName();
                        data[k][2] = "File Folder";
                        dateDirectory = directoryArray[k].lastModified();
                        dirDate = formatter.format(new java.util.Date(dateDirectory));
                        data[k][3] = dirDate;
                        (SimpleTable.hashTable).put(directoryArray[k].getName(), directoryArray[k]);                    
                   else if(directoryArray[k].isFile())
                        data[k][0] = directoryArray[k].getName();
                        totalLen = directoryArray[k].length();
                        longe = new Long(totalLen);
                        data[k][1] = longe + " Bytes";
                        dateFile = directoryArray[k].lastModified();
                        fileDate = formatter.format(new java.util.Date(dateFile));
                        data[k][3] = fileDate;
                        (SimpleTable.hashTable).put(directoryArray[k].getName(), directoryArray[k]);
    model = new DefaultTableModel();
    model.addTableModelListener( new TableModelListener(){
              public void tableChanged( javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent e )
                   System.out.println("************ I am inside the table changed method ********" );
              final JTable table = new JTable(model);
              table.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
              table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
    /* public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
    //System.out.println("The clicked component is " + table.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint()) + "AND the number of clicks is " + e.getClickCount());
    /* if(e.getClickCount() >= 2 &&
    (table.getSelectedColumn() == 0) &&
         //System.out.println("The clicked component is " + table.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint()) + "AND the number of clicks is " + e.getClickCount());
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
    //System.out.println("The clicked component is " + table.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint()) + "AND the number of clicks is " + e.getClickCount());
    /* if(e.getClickCount() >= 2 &&
    (table.getSelectedColumn() == 0) &&
    ((table.getColumnName(0)).equals(columnNames[0]))) */
         //System.out.println("The clicked component is " + table.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint()) + "AND the number of clicks is " + e.getClickCount());
              /** set the columns */
              for(int c = 0; c < columnNames.length; c++)
              /** set the rows */
              for(int r = 0; r < data.length; r++)
              DefaultTableCellRenderer D_headerRenderer = (DefaultTableCellRenderer ) table.getTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer();
              table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setHeaderRenderer(D_headerRenderer );
              ((DefaultTableCellRenderer)D_headerRenderer).setToolTipText("File and Folder in the Current Folder");
    //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it.
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
    //Add the scroll pane to this window.
    this.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    * Returns the number of columns
    public int getColumnTotal()
         return columnNames.length;
    * Returns the number of rows
    public int getRowTotal(Object directoryArray[])
         return directoryArray.length;
    private void upDateTable(JTable table)
    if((table.getSelectedColumn() == 0) && ((table.getColumnName(0)).equals(columnNames[0])))
         dirNameHold =(String) table.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(),table.getSelectedColumn());
                   File argument = findPath(dirNameHold);
                             fullPath = argument.getCanonicalPath();                          
                             selectedFilename = argument.getCanonicalFile();                          
                             extension = fullPath.substring(fullPath.lastIndexOf('.'));
                             CMRDialog.filtersComboBox.addItem("( " + extension + " )" + " File");
                        catch(IOException e)
                             System.out.println("THE ERROR IS " + e);
                   else if(argument.isDirectory())
                        String path = argument.getName();
                             //find the system dependent file separator
                             //String fileSeparator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
                        CMRDialog.driveComboBox.addItem(" " + path);
              subDir = Search.subDirs(argument);
              /**TBD:- needs a method to convert the vector to an array and return the array */
              directoryArray = new File[subDir.size()];
                   int indexCount = 0;
                   /** TBD:- This is inefficient way of converting a vector to an array */               
                   Iterator e = subDir.iterator();               
                   while( e.hasNext() )
                        directoryArray[indexCount] = (File);
              /** now calls this method and clears the previous data */
                   data = new Object[this.getRowTotal(directoryArray)][this.getColumnTotal()];
                   formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm aaa");
                   data = null;
                   data = new Object[this.getRowTotal(directoryArray)][this.getColumnTotal()];
                   for(int k = 0; k < directoryArray.length; k++)
                        System.out.println("Inside the if part");
                             data[k][0] = directoryArray[k].getName();
                             data[k][2] = "File Folder";
                             table.setValueAt("File Folder",k,2);
                             dateDirectory = directoryArray[k].lastModified();
                             dirDate = formatter.format(new java.util.Date(dateDirectory));
                             data[k][3] = dirDate;
                             (SimpleTable.hashTable).put(directoryArray[k].getName(), directoryArray[k]);
                        else if(directoryArray[k].isFile())
                   System.out.println("******* Inside the else part *******");
                             data[k][0] = directoryArray[k].getName();
                   System.out.println("The Name is == " + data[k][0]);
                   System.out.println("The table cell value of the name is == " + table.getValueAt(k,0));
                             totalLen = directoryArray[k].length();
                             longe = new Long(totalLen);
                             data[k][1] = longe + " Bytes";
                   System.out.println("The length == " + data[k][1]);
                             table.setValueAt(longe + " Bytes",k,1);
                   System.out.println("The table cell value of the length is == " + table.getValueAt(k,1));
                             dateFile = directoryArray[k].lastModified();
                             fileDate = formatter.format(new java.util.Date(dateFile));
                             data[k][3] = fileDate;
                   System.out.println("The modified date == " + data[k][3]);
                   System.out.println("The table cell value of the name is == " + table.getValueAt(k,3));
                             (SimpleTable.hashTable).put(directoryArray[k].getName(), directoryArray[k]);                    }
              // model.fireTableDataChanged();          
              // model.fireTableRowsInserted(0,1);
    * Searches the Hashtable and returns the path of the folder or the value.
    public File findPath(String value)
         return (File)((SimpleTable.hashTable).get(value));
    * This clears the previous data in the JTable
    public void clearTableData(JTable table)
         for(int row = 0; row < table.getRowCount() ; row++)
                   for (int col = 0; col < table.getColumnCount() ; col++)
                        table.setValueAt(null, row , col);

  • Transpose row with multiple data into 3 columns / Excel Macros

    Hi everyone, can you please help me with my manual intervention of transposing column data to row format?
    Value 1
    Value 2
    Value 3
    Value 4
    Value 5
    Value 6
    Value 7
    Value 8
    Value 9
    Value 10
    Value 11
    Expected output
    Value 1
    Value 2
    Value 3
    Value 4
    Value 5
    Value 6
    Value 7
    Value 8
    Value 9
    Value 10
    Value 11

    See my reply in
    Regards, Hans Vogelaar (

  • Fetch the row with latest data,when multiple rows exist for same user

    Hi ,
    Thanks for reading the post.I have table with the follwoing data.
    user requestdate createdate
    jake 02/21/2006 15:33:41 02/25/2006 15:33:41
    jake 04/20/2006 15:33:41 04/21/2006 15:33:41
    jake 04/23/2006 15:33:41 04/24/2006 15:33:41
    jill 02/21/2006 15:33:41 02/25/2006 15:33:41
    jill 04/20/2006 15:33:41 04/21/2006 15:33:41
    The data type of user,reqdate,createdate is varchar2.I want to write a query that
    gives me all the users and his latest information.After running the query I am expecting the result
    user requestdate createdate
    jake 04/23/2006 15:33:41 04/24/2006 15:33:41
    jill 04/20/2006 15:33:41 04/21/2006 15:33:41
    I am not able to write the correct query.Need help , Thanks

    I am sorry Again,Here are the actual tables and the data in them.
    SQL> desc test;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    ID                                        NOT NULL VARCHAR2(22)
    OBJECTNAME                                         VARCHAR2(30)
    SQL> select id,objectname from test order by objectname;
    ID                     OBJECTNAME
    49                     Nani
    43                     Nani
    46                     jack
    41                     jack
    45                     jack
    47                     jill
    42                     jill
    7 rows selected.
    SQL> desc testattr;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    ID                                        NOT NULL VARCHAR2(22)
    ATTRNAME                                           VARCHAR2(22)
    ATTRVALUE                                          VARCHAR2(22)
    SQL> select * from testattr;
    ID                     ATTRNAME               ATTRVALUE
    41                     rdate                  02/21/2006 15:33:41
    41                     cdate                  02/25/2006 15:33:41
    45                     rdate                   04/20/2006 15:33:41
    45                     cdate                  04/21/2006 15:33:41
    46                     rdate                  04/23/2006 15:33:41
    46                     cdate                  04/24/2006 15:33:41
    42                     rdate                  02/21/2006 15:33:41
    42                     cate                   02/25/2006 15:33:41
    47                     rdate                  04/20/2006 15:33:41
    47                     cdate                  04/21/2006 15:33:41
    43                     rdate                  04/04/2006 14:33:41
    43                     cdate                  04/05/2006 16:33:41
    49                     rdate                  05/03/2006 09:32:55
    49                     cdate                  05/05/2006 07:12:55
    14 rows selected.All the attributes have data type varchar2.I want to write a query that gives the following result.
    objectname               (attrvalue)requestdate                  (attrval)createdate
    jack                            04/23/2006 15:33:41                    04/24/2006 15:33:41
    jill                                04/20/2006 15:33:41                   04/21/2006 15:33:41
    Nani                           05/03/2006 09:32:55                    05/05/2006 07:12:55.Thanks,Need help.

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