RTP Transmission always lose the last packet

I transmit a audio file through rtp by using the JMFStudio(V 2.1.1e), then capture the rtp packets on the sending port, but the last rtp packet is missing every time.
Several developers of my team tried on their own machine and got the same result.
Did anyone try this before or if anybody can tell me how to solve it?
Thanks a lot!

Several thoughts...
If the last "packet" isn't big enough, IE, a full payload worth of data, the underlaying transport mechanism may keep it trapped in the buffer forever. If it sends packets based on a BufferFull event of some sort, then the last packet won't ever be sent because it'll get trapped in the buffer. This is a big problem with TCP sockets, and in that instance, the buffer is flushed automaticlly when a close operation is called on the socket.
I have no idea how you're managing the sending of RTP packets, but that's a possible reason.
Another possible reason would be how you're handling the EndOfMedia event. If you were to, say, stop the entire process down before the final RTP packet got sent out, then you'd also not be getting the last packet sent out. Everything in JMF pretty much spawns a new execution thread, so it's possible the main thread is shutting those other threads down before they're done doing work with calls to whatever.Stop() and whatever.Close()...
Those are just 2 ideas off the top of my head to explain why a last packet may not be sent out...

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    Hi, evnafets:
    You are right. It does print out the same memory address for each records.
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    Vector output = db.selectTransactionByConditionDate(conditions,fromtimestamp,totimestamp,sform.getCondition());
    request.setAttribute("output", output);
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    while (rs.next()) {
    order.setOrderid(new Long(rs.getLong("orderid")));
    Vector transaction = new Vector();
    return result;
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        if (copyTotal >= fileSize)
    System.out.println("Finished copyStream");
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        fileStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
        bytesTotal = bytesTotal + bytesRead;
        System.out.println(bytesRead + "/" + bytesTotal + " / " + resultLength);
        if (bytesTotal >= resultLength)
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    46966/46966 / 46966
    Finished copyStreamOn the client it is like
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    I tried - as already mentioned - closing the bus stream - which closed my connection which I don't want but delivered the last package.
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    jtahlborn wrote:
    yes, you generally cannot mix Readers and InputStreams. you mentioned that you were reading "byte by byte". but you weren't. you were reading "char by char" (with some more buffering). as mentioned by a previous poster, put a DataInputStream on top of your BufferedInputStream and use that exclusively.Thanks, that was the reason - now it works! Thanks a very lot!
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              request                  type rsrequest
              datapackid               type rsdatapid
              monitor                  type rstr_ty_t_monitors
              SOURCE_PACKAGE              type tyt_SC_1
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    One of the most requested features on our first Breeze
    project was a "quit" button. The easiest way to do so in an HTML
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    javascript: window.close();
    Type this into the address bar on your browser, and hit
    return. Isn't that neat?
    Okay, the scripting language in Flash (Actionscript) can
    simulate typing something in the address bar with the command
    getURL ("javascript: window.close();");
    ...all we have to do is add that actionscript to the
    onRelease event handler for a button in Flash. Then, add the button
    to your PowerPoint before you use Presenter, and when the student
    clicks it... voila!
    This same trick can be used to replace that MacroDobe©
    logo in the Breeze player. This time, when the user clicks the
    button, we'll use javascript to pop up an alert box with a clever
    getURL ("javascript: alert('Aren't we clever?');";
    This button has to be small, around 50 x 29 pixels, to
    properly replace the logo. To actually replace it, you need to
    publish your presentation to the hard drive like normal. Next, find
    the folder you published to, and place a copy of your "button.swf"
    file in the "data" subfolder. Then, edit (don't "open") the
    vconfig.xml file in the same subfolder using notepad. Near the top,
    you'll find an entry that says:
    <uireplace name="logo" value= "" />
    place the name of your button file between the quotation
    marks and save:
    <uireplace name="logo" value= "button.swf" />
    When you load up the training next time, the logo will have
    changed to your button.
    You'll have to do this every time you publish the training,
    as Presenter deletes & recreates all those subfolders each time
    you do. BTW, MacroDobe© does offer a small applet to parse
    this xml file for you... but they want 5 grand per copy. I'm
    thinking notepad works just as well :)
    Marc B

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