
I recently installed ruby-wmii after reading about what it adds.
Most everything works. But many things have been broken.
- Modkey-Return no longer brings up urxvt
-- For this I looked in wmiirc-config.rb at the keybindings and wmiirrc (from before I installed ruby-wmii) and everything looks the same (albeit in different syntaxes)
- my transparent urxvt blink whenever I do anything wmii related (change tabs, add another urxvt to the tab, etc)
-- turning off urxvt's transparency, shading, and fading in .Xdefaults fixes the problem but I would really prefer it with them
EDIT: -- I've figured out that even with default wmii it blinks just with default wmii its's bery fast.
EDIT: --- I assume that its just updating and with ruby-wmii it is slower when it updatesc
- Modkey-shift-# (# being a tag I want to send something to) no longer works as it should with some programs (firefox for example)
-- with urxvt it works fine but with firefox all it does is makes it so firefox is seen in both the current and the new tag. I want it so it is moved like what it use to do
- feh no longer will set the background.
All this problems cropped up after installing ruby-wmii and ssid. If worse comes to worst I'll just remove ruby-wmii and ssid and use the sh script again. I think I'm noticing ruby-wmii acting slower then plain wmii but that probably is ny mind waiting for various key codes that are broken to work... the darn key codes have spoiled me.
Also: OpenOffice won't work with ruby-wmii or normal wmii. It says " no suitable windowing system found, exiting." (This is not a biggie. I can just use Abiword but I would prefer OpenOffice and want to know if there is a way to make it work)
Last edited by tadada (2008-07-12 11:02:52)

I'm a newbie, too.
Modkey-Return no longer brings up urxvt
I had to change:
plugin_config["standard"]["x-terminal-emulator"] = "x-terminal-emulator"
plugin_config["standard"]["x-terminal-emulator"] = "urxvt -tr"
Also: OpenOffice won't work with ruby-wmii or normal wmii. It says " no suitable windowing system found, exiting."
Does it work with any other WM/DE?
You could post your wmiirc-config.rb, here is mine:
# {{{ ======== ruby-wmii CONFIGURATION BEGINS HERE ==============
# Set the log level
# It defaults to Logger::INFO.
# Set to Logger::DEBUG for extra verbosity.
#LOGGER.level = Logger::DEBUG
# programs to run when wmiirc starts
# one per line, they're run sequentially right before the main loop begins
eval `cat $HOME/.fehbg`
WMII::Configuration.define do
border 1
font '-*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*'
focuscolors '#FFFFFF #18185A #4c7899'
normcolors '#888888 #000000 #333333'
grabmod 'Mod1'
rules <<EOF
/Kdict.*/ -> dict
/XMMS.*/ -> ~
/Gimp.*/ -> ~
/imagemagick.*/ -> ~
/nxclient.*/ -> ~
/MPlayer.*/ -> ~
/XForm.*/ -> ~
/XSane.*/ -> ~
/fontforge.*/ -> ~
/gtk-chtheme.*/ -> ~
/Firefox.*/ -> Internet
/gimv.*/ -> ~
/w3m.*/ -> Internet
/mutt.*/ -> Mail
/epdfview.*/ -> PDF
/mocp.*/ -> Musik
/streamripper.*/ -> Musik
/.*/ -> !
/.*/ -> 1
# Translate the following names in the on_key and use_binding definitions.
key_subs :MODKEY => :Mod1,
:MODKEY2 => :Mod4,
:LEFT => :h,
:RIGHT => :l,
:UP => :k,
:DOWN => :j
# Constant used by the intellisort tag selection mechanism
# set it to 0.0 <= value <= 1.0
# Lower values make recent choices more likely (modified first order
# markovian process with exponential decay):
# 0.0 means that only the last transition counts (all others forgotten)
# 1.0 means that the probabilities aren't biased to make recent choices more
# likely
view_history_decay 0.8
# Favor the view we came from in intellisort.
# 1.0: that view is the first choice
# 0.0: that view comes after all views with non-zero transition probability,
# but before all views we haven't yet jumped to from the current one
view_history_prev_bias 0.4
dmenu_options %(-b -fn "#{font}" -nf "#{normcolors.split[0]}" -nb "#{normcolors.split[1]}" -sf "#{focuscolors.split[0]}" -sb "#{focuscolors.split[1]}")
# {{{ Plugin config
# Uncomment and change to override default on_click actions for the status
# bar
#plugin_config["standard:status"]["left_click_action"] = lambda{ system "xeyes" }
#plugin_config["standard:status"]["right_click_action"] = lambda{ system "xeyes" }
#plugin_config["standard:status"]["middle_click_action"] = lambda{ system "xeyes" }
plugin_config["standard:status"]["refresh_time"] = 1
# Uncomment and change to override default text
#currload = nil{ loop { currload = `uptime`.chomp.sub(/.*: /,"").gsub(/,/,""); sleep 10 } }
#plugin_config["standard:status"]["text_proc"] = lambda do
# "{"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")} {currload}"
plugin_config["standard"]["x-terminal-emulator"] = "urxvt -tr"
plugin_config["standard:actions"]["history_size"] = 3 # set to 0 to disable
plugin_config["standard:programs"]["history_size"] = 5 # set to 0 to disable
plugin_config["standard:volume"]["mixer"] = "Master"
plugin_config["standard:mode"]["mode_toggle_keys"] = ["MODKEY2-space"]
plugin_config["standard:battery-monitor"]["statefile"] =
plugin_config["standard:battery-monitor"]["infofile"] =
plugin_config["standard:battery-monitor"]["low"] = 5
plugin_config["standard:battery-monitor"]["low_action"] =
'echo "Low battery" | xmessage -center -buttons quit:0 -default quit -file -'
plugin_config["standard:battery-monitor"]["critical"] = 1
plugin_config["standard:battery-monitor"]["critical_action"] =
'echo "Critical battery" | xmessage -center -buttons quit:0 -default quit -file -'
# Allows you to override the default internal actions and define new ones:
# "screenshot" => nil, # remove default screenshot action
# "google" => lambda do |wmii, *selection|
# require 'cgi'
# if selection && !selection.empty?
# selection = CGI.escape(selection.join(" "))
# else
# selection = CGI.escape(%!#{`sselp`.strip}!)
# end
# url = "{selection}"
# case browser = ENV["BROWSER"]
# when nil: system "ssid /etc/alternatives/x-www-browser '#{url}' &"
# else system "ssid #{browser} '#{url}' &"
# end
# end,
# "foo" => lambda do |wmii, *args|
# IO.popen("xmessage -file -", "w"){|f| f.puts "Args: #{args.inspect}"; f.close_write }
# end
# {{{ Import bindings and bar applets
from "standard" do
use_feature "tag-bar"
use_bar_applet "volume", 60
#use_bar_applet "mode", 900
use_bar_applet "status", 100
#use_bar_applet "cpuinfo", 150
use_bar_applet "mpd", 50 #110
#use_bar_applet "battery-monitor"
use_binding "dict-lookup"
use_binding "execute-program-with-tag"
use_binding "execute-action"
use_binding "execute-program"
(0..9).each{|k| use_binding "numeric-jump-#{k}" }
use_binding "detag"
use_binding "tag-jump"
use_binding "retag"
use_binding "retag-jump"
use_binding "namespace-retag"
use_binding "namespace-retag-jump"
(('a'..'z').to_a+('0'..'9').to_a).each{|k| use_binding "letter-jump-#{k}" }
(0..9).each{|k| use_binding "numeric-retag-#{k}" }
(('a'..'z').to_a+('0'..'9').to_a).each{|k| use_binding "letter-retag-#{k}" }
use_binding "move-prev"
use_binding "move-next"
use_binding "namespace-move-prev"
use_binding "namespace-move-next"
use_binding "history-move-forward"
use_binding "history-move-back"
use_binding "bookmark"
use_binding "bookmark-open"
use_feature "bookmark:actions"
# Mail-Plugin
from "temporaer at gmx dot de" do
use_bar_applet "msgs"
# {{{ bookmark import
#plugin_config["standard:bookmark"][""] = 'myusername'
#plugin_config["standard:bookmark"][""] = 'mypass'
## Before setting the sync mode to :bidirectional, make sure
## that your bookmarks.txt file contains all the bookmarks you want to keep,
## because all the bookmarks not listed there will be deleted!
## You can import your bookmarks by setting it to
## :unidirectional and reloading wmiirc ("ALT-a wmiirc" by default).
## Allow some time for the bookmarks to be downloaded (wait until you see
## "Done importing bookmarks from" in
## $HOME/.wmii-3.5/wmiirc.log). You can then change the mode to :bidirectional
## and reload wmiirc. From that point on, the bookmark lists will be
## synchronized, so local modifications will be propagated to,
## and if you remove a bookmark locally it will also be deleted on
#plugin_config["standard:bookmark"][""] = :bidirectional
#plugin_config["standard:bookmark"][""] = true
## Sets the encoding used to:
# * store the bookmark descriptions in bookmarks.txt
# * present choices through dmenu
# Please make sure your bookmarks.txt uses the appropriate encoding before
# setting the next line. If you had already imported bookmarks from
#, they will be stored UTF-8, so you might want to
# recode utf-8..NEW_ENCODING bookmarks.txt
# If left to nil, bookmarks imported from will be in UTF-8, and
# those created locally will be in the encoding specified by your locale.
#plugin_config["standard:bookmark"]["encoding"] = 'KOI8-R'
# Allows you to override the default bookmark protocols and define new ones:
# 'http' => nil, # remove default http protocol
# 'ssh' => {
# :open_urls => lambda do |wmii,bms|
# term = wmii.plugin_config["standard"]["x-terminal-emulator"] || "urxvt"
# bms.each do |bm|
# uri = bm[:uri]
# ssh_host =
# ssh_host = "#{uri.user}@" + ssh_host unless uri.user.nil?
# ssh_port = "-p #{uri.port}" unless uri.port.nil?
# system "ssid #{term} -T '#{bm[:bm].url}' -e 'ssh #{ssh_host} #{ssh_port} || read' &"
# end
# end,
# :get_title => lambda do |wmii,uri|
# title =
# title = "#{uri.user}@" + title unless uri.user.nil?
# title << ":#{uri.port.to_s}" unless uri.port.nil?
# title
# end
# 'pdf' => {
# :open_urls => lambda do |wmii,bms|
# bms.each do |bm|
# path = URI.unescape(bm[:uri].path)
# "Opening #{path} with xpdf."
# system "ssid xpdf '#{path}' &"
# end
# end,
# :get_title => lambda do |wmii,uri|
# fname = File.basename(URI.unescape(uri.to_s)).gsub(/\.\S+$/,"")
# [fname, fname.downcase, fname.capitalize]
# end
# {{{ Tag all browser instances as 'web' in addition to the current tag
browsers = %w[Firefox Konqueror Minefield]
browser_re = /^#{browsers.join("|")}/
on_createclient(condition{|c| browser_re =~ read("/client/#{c}/props")}) do |cid|
write("/client/#{cid}/tags", "+web")
# {{{ Simpler key bindings --- not defined in plugins
on_key("MODKEY-LEFT"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "select left" }
on_key("MODKEY-RIGHT"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "select right" }
on_key("MODKEY-DOWN"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "select down" }
on_key("MODKEY-UP"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "select up" }
on_key("MODKEY-space"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "select toggle" }
on_key("MODKEY-d"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "colmode sel default" }
on_key("MODKEY-s"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "colmode sel stack" }
on_key("MODKEY-m"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "colmode sel max" }
on_key("MODKEY-Return") do
term = plugin_config["standard"]["x-terminal-emulator"] || "urxvt"
system "#{term} &"
on_key("MODKEY-Shift-LEFT"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "send sel left" }
on_key("MODKEY-Shift-RIGHT"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "send sel right" }
on_key("MODKEY-Shift-DOWN"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "send sel down" }
on_key("MODKEY-Shift-UP"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "send sel up" }
on_key("MODKEY-Shift-space"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "send sel toggle" }
on_key("MODKEY-Shift-c"){ write "/client/sel/ctl", "kill" }
on_key("MODKEY-r"){ view prev_view }
on_key("MODKEY-Control-LEFT") { write "/tag/sel/ctl", "swap sel left" }
on_key("MODKEY-Control-RIGHT"){ write "/tag/sel/ctl", "swap sel right" }
on_key("MODKEY2-m") {
system("rm ~/.events")
system("urxvt -tr -e mutt &")
on_key("MODKEY2-w") {
system("urxvt -tr -e w3m &")
# Hack to tag "next" window from shell or elsewhere
@nexttag = ""
register("NextWindowTags", nil, nil) {|tag,| @nexttag = tag }
on_createclient do |cid|
if @nexttag != ""
write("/client/#{cid}/tags", @nexttag )
@nexttag = ""
# {{{ ======== CONFIGURATION ENDS HERE ==============

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    Try to install ssid. It's in AUR.
    If you want to change your terminal to urxvt change:
    plugin_config["standard"]["x-terminal-emulator"] = "urxvt"

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    redge wrote:
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    This is all fair enough; if you don't feel that your efforts would be useful, then by all means don't "waste" time on it (I say this from the point of view that I think you should feel fulfilled by your contributions to this kind of community, not "I didn't like what you said, so I don't want your help" kind of way ) . I think a lot of the feelings expressed in this thread are summed up by the last line of your post, but in a more positive way. That is to say, the Arch Forums are fantastic, and people are willing to answer questions that come up here. As a result, they are maybe unwilling to spend time adding stuff to the wiki that may be too general to cover specific questions anyway. I do think there are a lot of projects and common questions that can be summed up in informative wiki pages (and a lot of things *are* covered there). Perhaps naturally, the wikipages that *do* get written are ones that involve projects people are personally involved or interested in (I put in a wmii wiki page at one point when I got into ruby-wmii, but even that has fallen behind wmii releases at this point).
    There have obviously been documentation efforts, and plenty of people that stop by to say "Hey, I'd like to help". However, I think the stopping point for a lot of people is either a) What needs documenting and b) Gee, I don't know anything about the stuff that needs documenting! I actually think the best wikipages are born of arch forum threads; when a discussion has a lot of great tidbits, somebody usually chimes in and says "Hey, somebody make a wikipage", or better yet, "Hey, I already made a wikipage, check it out and add stuff if you want". This works, because obviously a lot of people reading the threads that end up creating the wikipages *know* about the subject. Also, people are immediately alerted in the thread that there's a new page, and may say "Hey, I can add to that", as opposed to a system where people are just going through adding pages and hoping other people notice and add stuff too.
    So, in summary, I guess I'd say that documentation is great, but due to the nature of Arch, our efforts work the best when the ball is already rolling in the forums. Which really is the best way for a "smaller" distro like Arch, IMO. Maybe to you this still seems like a "deficiency" that Arch users think is a strength; it seems to me to be more of a natural product of a really active user community (where instead of there being a group of people dictating what documentation is needed and such, those things that come up in community end up being codified in the wiki).
    Personally, for me, I think a good documentation effort would be to keep your eye on long or very active threads; if they look like they have juicy info in them, condense it into a wikipage and announce it in the thread. Of course, that's just one Archer's opinion, and not necessarily of one that knows what he's talking about . I do agree that there are steps that could be taken to make tackling documentation easier (and I am aware that Dusty has the "Wiki volunteers wanted" thread for this) for people that "want to lend a hand", and I'm certainly not saying the efforts that have gone on so far have been wasted. I just like the idea of the really active community in the forums being leveraged to help the "static" documentation in the wiki. See a thread that indicates the install guide is lacking info is confusing? Make the wiki edit! See a thread with great new info? Start a new wiki page! See a thread born of BAD INFORMATION in the wiki? DEFINITELY update the wikipage! Embrace the wikiness of the documentation; worry less about "who maintains this page", and more about "what are the actual issues users are having, and can I change something right now to help?". Coming from this angle really reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed when loading up the wiki to edit it with no particular agenda in mind... rather, you have particular pages in mind, and you know they will be immediately useful.
    Cripes, this was a long post. Sorry! Hopefully it will encourage people to contribute, even if it's just a small edit on a single page, without them worrying about becoming documentation maintainers. You don't have to be an expert at everything or anything, but being a part of a community is contributing what you can when you can. Oh, and yeah, this post probably looks funny coming out of the mouth of an "Occasional poster"; I'm actually on the forums daily, looking for spots where I can answer a question, and do so when I can.. my lack of posts is simply an indication of my not knowing enough .
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    Look at the wmii topic in the wiki: At the end you will see a bunch of "See Also" entries. One of them is the wmii user guide, and another is the wmii web site, with a link to their user group.

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    Hope they are fixed in the next update.

    For Apple to see your report, you should use

  • New window manager (with prototype!) [wmii-like] --- looking for help

    I have a prototype for a new window manager in the style of wmii. It is called
    cakewm. I currently have a prototype version implemented in pygame, and would
    like help moving this to use X---making it a real window manager.
    Disclaimer: I have a very limited knowledge of X11 and window manager
    development. The most I've done is add a couple new features to wmfs.
    To get the code
    > git clone git://
    Then run cakewm depends on pygame.
    Upon running, press Alt-Enter to fullscreen cakewm and intercept keybinds, or
    Alt-Space to just intercept keybinds.  Press Alt-Esc to quit. The window
    manager related keybinds are listed in the file binds.conf.
    Config note: <WSCA-x> means Windows-Shift-Control-Alt-x
    Implementation note: is a large and mostly useless dependency. I
    forked a library I made previously rather than coding straight in pygame.
    cakewm's goals are to be similar to wmii, but with more functionality, easier
    configurability, and saner defaults.
    - cakewm is fully functional using the keyboard. Mouse support can come later.
    - cakewm provides 9 workspaces per monitor.
    - cakewm manages each workspace as a group of columns. Each column is like a
      wmii default split, except each window can have other windows "stacked" on
      top of or behind it.
    - cakewm manages column sizes (and window sizes within columns) using a
      master/slave paradigm, with the ability to adjust the size ratios.
    - cakewm's configuration file is simple key=val pairs, with the ability to
      include other files like in C.
    - cakewm has a slightly larger emphasis on window decorations (adjustable
      size---even in tiled mode) and themes (nothing bloated, like pixmaps or
      gradients---it's all still simple colors).
    - cakewm will have proper support for international text (Japanese text in
      window titles or the wmii status bar generally render as boxes) through the
      use of a more advanced text library such as Pango.
    Please let me know if you have comments, questions, or concerns. If you are
    interested in helping, get in touch with me. If you know somewhere better to
    look for volunteers, please let me know.

    m4co wrote:
    Wow is this forum active. Makes me feel welcome here
    The thing about wireless, I actually like command line, but there are a few things that are worth having a applet or something.
    And wireless is one of those. I guess I can take a look on wicd.
    It's a good idea to have compiz as the WM actually. Would it be lightweight to have it like that?
    Is there anybody here that uses compiz as a WM?
    For the xfce4-panel, is it possible to get transparency on it? That's probably the only thing holding me back with xfce4-panel.
    If "able to run compiz" wasn't a requisite, what other WM would you suggest for my "profile" ?
    I would like to hear other users opinions who like to customize everything on a WM.
    I recommend running Compiz by itself. There is a good wiki page on it in the Arch wiki. Some apps you'll want to go with it are:
    LXAppearance --change GTK/icon theme
    Feh or Nitrogen --Set Wallpaper
    Xfce4-panel --The lightest one that works with Compiz properly
    Or, if you don't want a panel: stalonetray
    Compiz-deskmenu --For a customizable right-click main menu
    Gmrun --Run dialog (Alt+F2 in most DEs)
    And this helped me a lot.
    Thank you all for the replies. I appreciate.
    Xfce4-panel can have transparency.  The only problem is that everything become transparent: text, icons, everything.
    I use Compiz as a standalone WM and it is much lighter than DE+Compiz. My Compiz setup uses about 30MB(out of 1GB) more RAM than my Openbox setup (which are both the same except for the WM).

  • Ruby on Rails Concurrent program registration in EBS 11i

    hi everyone
    I'm trying to see if it is possible to register a Ruby on Rails concurrent program in Oracle E-business Suite 11i applications. We have Ruby on the Rail program we are using to create a GL Daily Rates file into one of our Custom top directory. Our intention is to create a request set that includes this Ruby on Rails program and SQL*Loader program that loads the data into staging table before data is uploaded to the GL_Daily_Rates_Interface.
    I have seen that the execution method for Ruby on Rails does not exist in 11i and have tried to use perl but without success.
    Any help will be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    This is Oracle Application Server forum. Oracle Apps (EBS) forums are here:

  • Ruby on rails in archlinux bootstrap instalation

    I have 6 servers that were migrated from CentOS to Archlinux. They run apache with ruby on rails. The installations were done via bootstrap with one exception. In all they had to have them installed via bootstrap error "invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII ". I created a debug to see what is happening because the whole application runs on UTF-8. I noticed that the servers installed with bootstrap changed the environment variables, these changes occurred with the application running.
    before the error
    ENV inspect {"XDG_DATA_HOME"=>"/root/.local/share", "GEM_HOME"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1", "TERM"=>"xterm", "SHELL"=>"/bin/bash", "SSH_CLIENT"=>"***.**.** 45873 22", "OLDPWD"=>"/home/fusion-apps/", "SSH_TTY"=>"/dev/pts/0", "USER"=>"mongrel", "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS"=>"/etc/xdg", "MAIL"=>"/var/mail/root", "PATH"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin/core_perl", "PWD"=>"/home/fusion-apps/", "LANG"=>"pt_BR.UTF-8", "PS3"=>"> ", "SHLVL"=>"3", "PS4"=>"+ ", "HOME"=>"/home/mongrel", "XDG_CONFIG_HOME"=>"/root/.config", "BUNDLE_GEMFILE"=>"/home/fusion-apps/", "XDG_CACHE_HOME"=>"/root/.cache", "LOGNAME"=>"mongrel", "XDG_DATA_DIRS"=>"/usr/share/:/usr/local/share/", "SSH_CONNECTION"=>" 45873 22", "GEM_PATH"=>"", "PROMPT_COMMAND"=>"echo -ne \"\\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/$HOME/~}\\007\"", "RUBYOPT"=>"-I/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bundler-1.0.10/lib -rbundler/setup", "BUNDLE_BIN_PATH"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bundler-1.0.10/bin/bundle", "G_BROKEN_FILENAMES"=>"1", "_"=>"/usr/bin/bundle", "RAILS_ENV"=>"production"}
    $LANG => pt_BR.UTF-8
    after error
    ENV inspect {"GEM_HOME"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1", "SHELL"=>"/bin/bash", "SSH_CLIENT"=>"***.**.** 12975 22", "OLDPWD"=>"/home/fusion-apps/", "USER"=>"mongrel", "MAIL"=>"/var/mail/root", "PATH"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", "PWD"=>"/home/fusion-apps/", "SHLVL"=>"3", "HOME"=>"/home/mongrel", "BUNDLE_GEMFILE"=>"/home/fusion-apps/", "LOGNAME"=>"mongrel", "SSH_CONNECTION"=>" 12975 22", "GEM_PATH"=>"", "RUBYOPT"=>"-I/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bundler-1.0.10/lib -rbundler/setup", "BUNDLE_BIN_PATH"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bundler-1.0.10/bin/bundle", "_"=>"/usr/bin/bundle", "RAILS_ENV"=>"production"}
    $LANG =>
    The frequency of the error is one of the servers is 30 in 30 minutes, which made me disable syslog and crontab, but still not resolved, the others are one time during the day or at night.
    As I said, the facilities with Centos or Arch with CD do not present problems.
    Last edited by ariveira (2011-05-20 13:26:14)

    One topic, bootstrap install usage repo because limit of Centos, after pacman -Suy

  • Launching Edge code thru terminal for Ruby on Rails

    i am studying ruby on rails programming.  i just started and I am new to alot things about it.
    The tutorials im watching say to use sublime text or some other one.  if it makes sense i would like to use edge code because i come from a design background and i trust adobe have the best features by the end of the game.
    so in the tutorials they used this command to conect the terminal work we've been studying to sublime text
    ln -s /Aplplications/Sublime\ Text\ usr/local/bin/subl
    and allowed him the edit his .bash_profile in sublime text simply by typing
    subl .bash_profile
    Im curious to see if there is an equivalent to this for edge code.  or am i trying to use the wrong app for ruby on rails?

    There is not a way to open a file via the command line with Edge Code (or
    Brackets) yet, but you can at least right click on a file and do Open With.
    In terms of 'does it make sense to write Ruby code with Edge Code', I can't
    answer that. I use Brackets for all my front end code, and Node.js stuff on
    the back, but not for any ColdFusion work I do. Best I can suggest is just
    to try it out and let us know how it works.

  • Any Extension for Ruby On Rails on DW

    I am planning to quit PHP and start developing in Ruby on
    Rails. Their MVC model is really great and plus MS has also
    appreciated this model and getting this implemented in new Orcas
    Model ( New 3.5 version ).
    Ruby really beats every one since its totally OOP and plus it
    offers more powerful features than PHP5 and Easily fights with in power.
    Ruby on Rails is the future. I need to practice this on DW8
    can any one prpvide me a working Extension for Ruby.

    Ruby doesn't even come close to the .NET framework. That is
    just wishful thinking.
    Anyways, here is a link:

  • How to execute a ruby command stored in a variable in powershell

    I am executing a command of the form rake
    drive:unit_tests:load_data parameters here'. I get the erroris not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.`
    I used the code in my ps1 file
    $dat1 = one ruby command | Out-String
    # $dat1 will contain the value - rake drive:unit_tests:load_data
    $dat2 = " parameters here"
    $dat3 = $dat1 + $dat2
    & $dat3

    try running this from the directory you installed Ruby into (or set the location to that directory before that step).
    There's no place like
    Thanks. I'll try that link now. But, I 'd like to know why the command works when I copy paste / type it, but not when I store it in a variable and then execute it.
    When you copy/paste or type it into the console command line, the parser is interpreting it in
    Command Parsing Mode.  
    When you read it back from a variable, the parser is interpreting it in
    Expression Parsing Mode.
    This article by Keith Hill explains more about the differences:
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

  • [Solved] Ruby - Gem bundle install no longer works

    I am new to Linux, Arch and Ruby.
    About 3 days ago I installed Arch on my virtualbox.
    After I was happy with my installation (openbox as WM) I installed ruby.
    I was able to install a project (Gemfile) using the command:
    gem bundle install (from the terminal)
    (That was after installing the bundle gem from within ruby: gem install bundle)
    Today, after updating my Arch system, I had to install that project again (for reasons related to the project), and I cannot.
    I write in the terminal:
    gem bundle install
    and get:
    ERROR:  While executing gem ... (RuntimeError)
        Unknown command bundle
    I searched the forums, but there's nothing relevant that I could find.
    Can someone help?
    After more tries and searches I have found:
    1. This has nothing to do with the Arch update as I feared.
    2. The command to run is "bundle install" not as I initially did.
    Apologies for cluttering the forum.
    Last edited by Tronn (2012-07-24 06:07:18)

    bradmccormack wrote:
    Hi mavenik,
    Whilst it is not the best way to do it, the following worked for me
    1) install gcc44 from AUR (you can probably use gcc45 too). If you are not sure how to do that please search the forums for installing from Aur or Aur wrappers (I use packer)
    packer -S gcc44.
    2) After it is installed temporarily rename your current gcc (4.7.x) 
    sudo mv /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/gcc4.7
    3) create a symlink to gcc4.4.x
    sudo ln -s /opt/gcc-4.4/gcc /usr/bin/gcc
    Test gcc version by doing
    gcc --version
    It should say 4.4.6 or similar
    4) install ruby1.8 or ruby-enterprise from Aur (if this is required for redmine)
    packer -S ruby-enterprise
    ruby will now be compiled using an older version of gcc and gems will install correctly.
    5) delete the symlink
    sudo unlink /usr/bin/gcc
    6) rename gcc4.7 back to gcc
    sudo mv /usr/bin/gcc4.7
    Test the version again to make sure it has reverted.
    Please note the proper way to do this would be to set ruby1.8 / ruby-enterprise to compile with the older gcc by setting CC in the pkgbuild.
    I'm not sure how to do that (had no luck) so the hacky solution above worked for me.
    Please check each command above before you use it to make sure it is safe and valid for you.
    Enjoy !
    You should be able to compile with the older gcc by putting CC=/path/to/your/compiler right before "make", like so:
    CC=/opt/gcc-4.4/gcc make
    YEAH! I got it working!  Here's what I did: install "gcc45" from the AUR, then compile ruby-enterprise by downloading the AUR package and running:
    CC=gcc-4.5 makepkg
    ... then install the package.  IT WORKS!
    Last edited by synthead (2012-04-23 13:52:39)

  • New wiki page on Ruby on Rails

    Just wanted to let you know that I created a Ruby on Rails page on the
    wiki. It's not really long but the basis is there to quickly set up a
    rails application.
    As always, please feel free to comment and edit the wiki.

    It is a really nice idea. Maybe the page ought to serve as a hub for other articles.
    A couple of comments on sharing medias:
    * I have not been very happy with upnp. I used it for a while when I had a Synology NAS, but the fact that it seemed to rely on some kind of index made it less attractive. Samba has treated me nice; it always works (as oppose to "real" Windows shares which is a drag to setup).  I use samba for sharing videos and pictures to XMBC4Xbox.
    * For streaming live audio output, i.e. what is playing *right now* on my laptop to my stero, I have found a combo of icecast, pulseaudio and gstream to work nice. For serving static audio files I use squeezeboxserver. Had I used a Sonos sound system I would have used Samba again.
    * For PS3, which is a somewhat limited device, there is a nice java application that takes care of everything.
    * What I really miss is some way to preserve metatags when downloading video podcasts. To me it does not matter much at the moment as xbmc does not support local rss feeds. . . 
    I could add some comments on some of the above if you think it fits into your article.

  • Ruby threads cannot be used in RubyCocoa without patches to the Ruby interp

    We are getting an error message while running the iTunes U work flow. We get this each time ithe work flow runs it seems. The error message is in the Podcast Producer error log. Here is the error message. /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/ge ms/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/../lib/mongrel.rb:285:in `run': Ruby threads cannot be used in RubyCocoa without patches to the Ruby interpreter
    How can I do this update or fix this problem please?
    Thank you,

    Do this:
    You may have to compile ruby...(/usr/local/bin/*) like I did. This worked for me.
    If you already did this, everything will be groovy. Then if you are having trouble with mysql see this:

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