Run Yaourt as user inside 32bit chroot?

I have a 64bit system and have a 32chroot setup as per the wiki instructions. Everything works brilliantly except that Yaourt runs as root and I want to build firefox-spookyet. Does anybody know how I would go about doing this?
Come to think of it, Is it safe to run Firefox from a chroot? Htop says firefox is runing as biatchi but also that root executed
/bin/su -p biatchi -c firefox
Is that safe?
Last edited by biatchi (2008-08-22 02:13:24)

I use the dchroot command to run things from chroot, so yaourt, for example, can be run like this:
dchroot -d 'yaourt -Syu --aur'
I actually have this aliased to something more convenient.
The problem is, I just noticed that the dchroot package was removed from the repos and schroot (the package that's supposed to be its replacement) doesn't seem to be in any of the repos, so I'm not sure what's going on there...
EDIT: uhm, I don't think I've read your post carefully enough.  You should be able to do "su [username]" when within chroot, which would then allow you to use makepkg as regular user.  I'm not sure is you need to have your /home --bind mounted withing the chroot for this to work or not.
I actually log into chroot as regular user, I have this alias in my .bashrc:
alias arch32="sudo chroot /opt/arch32/ /bin/su - filip"
You'd need to replace "filip" with your username, of course.
Last edited by fwojciec (2008-08-22 02:30:28)

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    Must not have gotten the auto-notice... sorry for the late response.
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    . /etc/rc.d/functions
    # Add '/var/run /var/lib/dbus' to the list to enable pulseaudio.
    dirs=(/dev /dev/pts /dev/shm /tmp /home)
    case $1 in
    stat_busy "Starting Arch32 chroot"
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    jwhendy wrote:
    Do you think that would affect my Lotus Notes issue? After following the script commands manually, here is the relevant info:
    $ mount
    dev on /opt/arch32/dev type devtmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,size=1986024k,nr_inodes=496506,mode=755)
    devpts on /opt/arch32/dev/pts type devpts (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000)
    devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000)
    tmpfs on /opt/arch32/dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
    tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
    tmpfs on /opt/arch32/tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime)
    /dev/mapper/root on /opt/arch32/home type ext4 (rw,noatime,commit=600,data=ordered)
    none on /opt/arch32/proc type proc (rw,relatime)
    none on /opt/arch32/sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
    It looks like I hit the necessary files?
    The one that stands out is /dev/mapper/root on /opt/arch32/home, but that's what results with:
    $ sudo mount -o bind /home /opt/arch32/home
    I'm a bit puzzled about that one... Doing `ls /opt/arch32/home` after mounting, however, does show my user folder in there, and `ls -l` shows they're my permissions (jwhendy:users).
    I do appreciate the help!
    The mount bind for home is actually the way it is supposed to be.  This is the intended behaviour.  It gives you verbatim access to whatever it is bound to.
    Are you actually in the chroot when you start Lotus Notes?  Even though the host architecture shouldn't matter, running 32-bit applications in the chroot should behave correctly.  In the past 32-bit chroot's there was another bash binary called arch32 that did your chroot /opt/arch32, but you can still do that manually.
    Last edited by nomorewindows (2012-11-02 20:03:54)

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    Last edited by hungerfish (2010-03-25 22:28:57)

    How did you build mesa? I tried it in a chroot and I get this error:
    /xform4.S -o x86-64/xform4.o
    x86-64/xform4.S: Assembler messages:
    x86-64/xform4.S:34: Error: bad register name `%rbx'
    x86-64/xform4.S:35: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:36: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:40: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:41: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:42: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:43: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:44: Error: bad register name `%rbx'
    x86-64/xform4.S:55: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:56: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:58: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:59: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:61: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:64: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:67: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:68: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:70: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:72: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:73: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:75: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:76: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:80: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:81: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:83: Error: bad register name `%xmm8'
    x86-64/xform4.S:84: Error: bad register name `%rax'
    x86-64/xform4.S:85: Error: bad register name `%xmm8'
    x86-64/xform4.S:87: Error: bad register name `%xmm8'
    x86-64/xform4.S:89: Error: bad register name `%xmm8'
    x86-64/xform4.S:94: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:97: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:98: Error: bad register name `%rdi'
    x86-64/xform4.S:130: Error: bad register name `%rip)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:132: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:134: Error: bad register name `%rax)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:135: Error: bad register name `%rax)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:137: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:138: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:140: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:141: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:142: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:147: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:148: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:150: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:152: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:153: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:154: Error: bad register name `%xmm9'
    x86-64/xform4.S:155: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:156: Error: bad register name `%xmm9'
    x86-64/xform4.S:157: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:158: Error: bad register name `%xmm9'
    x86-64/xform4.S:159: Error: bad register name `%xmm9'
    x86-64/xform4.S:161: Error: bad register name `%xmm10'
    x86-64/xform4.S:165: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:166: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:168: Error: bad register name `%xmm8'
    x86-64/xform4.S:169: Error: bad register name `%rax'
    x86-64/xform4.S:170: Error: bad register name `%xmm8'
    x86-64/xform4.S:172: Error: bad register name `%xmm8'
    x86-64/xform4.S:174: Error: bad register name `%xmm8'
    x86-64/xform4.S:179: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:182: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:183: Error: bad register name `%rdi'
    x86-64/xform4.S:197: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:198: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:200: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:201: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:202: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:207: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:208: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:209: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:210: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:214: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `movs'
    x86-64/xform4.S:225: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:226: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:228: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:229: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:231: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:237: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:238: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:240: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:242: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:244: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:246: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:247: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:249: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:253: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:255: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:256: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:257: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:270: Error: bad register name `%rax'
    x86-64/xform4.S:271: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:272: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:274: Error: bad register name `%rdi'
    x86-64/xform4.S:277: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:289: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:290: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:292: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:293: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:294: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:300: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:301: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:303: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:305: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:307: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:308: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:310: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:313: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:318: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:320: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:321: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:322: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:337: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:338: Error: bad register name `%rax'
    x86-64/xform4.S:339: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:341: Error: bad register name `%rdi'
    x86-64/xform4.S:344: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:355: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:356: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:358: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:359: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:360: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:366: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:367: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:369: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:370: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:371: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:373: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:377: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:379: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:380: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:387: Error: bad register name `%rax'
    x86-64/xform4.S:390: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:393: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:394: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:396: Error: bad register name `%rdi'
    x86-64/xform4.S:410: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:411: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:413: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:414: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:416: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:422: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:423: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:425: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:426: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:428: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:430: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:432: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:434: Error: bad register name `%rsi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:438: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:440: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:441: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:451: Error: bad register name `%rax'
    x86-64/xform4.S:455: Error: bad register name `%rdx)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:459: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:460: Error: bad register name `%rdi)'
    x86-64/xform4.S:462: Error: bad register name `%rdi'
    make[2]: *** [x86-64/xform4.o] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/pkgbuilds/libgl-git/src/mesa-build/src/mesa'
    make[1]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/pkgbuilds/libgl-git/src/mesa-build/src'
    make: *** [default] Error 1
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.
    EDIT: Nevermind, I used this repo
    Last edited by FallenWizard (2010-04-05 20:35:11)

  • Problem to run the Crystal report inside from SAP B1 based on SQL views.

    I have a problem to run my Crystal report inside from SAP B1 which is based on SQL views.And the SQL views are stored in a separate database in SQL server.The error which i am getting is saying the the tablename does not exist.What i need to do in order to sort this problem.
    Great if somebody can help me to sort out this so that i can run my report based on SQL views stored on separate database other than SAP databases inside from SAP B1.
    Edited by: rozenagrawal on Apr 19, 2011 11:51 AM

    Try using a SQL synonym in your company database for the views outside the company database. I don't know if SBO will let you get away with it, but its worth a shot.
    If your company database is MyCompany and you have a view called MyView in Views database, assuming the view belongs to schema dbo, and you want the synonym to belong to dbo schema in your company database, run this:
    Use MyCompany
    create synonym dbo.OutsiderView for
    select * from OutsiderView
    The select statement should return the contents of MyView in the Views database while you are connected to your MyCompany database.
    For more info, see the Books Online for MSSQL on topic synonym.
    You will need to change your CR options to include displaying synonyms along with tables, views, etc. You may also need to grant select to B1 users.
    Edited by: Cindy Lange on Apr 21, 2011 4:00 PM

  • Distcc inside a chroot to another machine inside a chroot

    Is this possible?  I have two x86_64 boxes both of which have 32-bit chroots for compiling.  I'm trying to get distcc to work INSIDE the chroots such that they can share processors.  I'm failing :)
    I have distccd running on each and makepkg.conf properly configured.  When I attempt to build, I get some really odd errors:
    CHK include/generated/utsrelease.h
    HOSTCC scripts/pnmtologo
    HOSTCC scripts/conmakehash
    HOSTCC scripts/kallsyms
    HOSTCC scripts/bin2c
    HOSTCC scripts/mod/mk_elfconfig
    CC scripts/mod/empty.o
    CALL scripts/
    MKELF scripts/mod/elfconfig.h
    HOSTCC scripts/mod/file2alias.o
    HOSTCC scripts/mod/modpost.o
    HOSTCC scripts/mod/sumversion.o
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c: In function 'parse_source_files':
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:344:423: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:344:460: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:344:519: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:344:561: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:344:692: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:344:729: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:344:848: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:344:890: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:344:1570: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:344:1612: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:344:1736: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:344:1773: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:358:409: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:358:446: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:358:505: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:358:545: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:358:672: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:358:709: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:358:826: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:358:866: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:358:1538: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:358:1578: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:358:1698: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:358:1735: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c: In function 'get_src_version':
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:442:90: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:442:126: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c: In function 'strip_rcs_crap':
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:486:442: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:486:482: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:486:544: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:486:588: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:486:729: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:486:769: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:486:896: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:486:940: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:486:1643: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:486:1687: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:486:1818: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    scripts/mod/sumversion.c:486:1858: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
    HOSTLD scripts/mod/modpost
    scripts/mod/sumversion.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    distcc[4972] ERROR: compile (null) on localhost failed
    make[2]: *** [scripts/mod/modpost] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [scripts/mod] Error 2
    make: *** [scripts] Error 2
    ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().

    Here what I'm doing now that seems to be working, but it is rather complicated:
    *I have 32-bit chroots on two x86_64 machines (paths mounted, just not chrooted into them).
    *The distccd daemon is running on both x86_64 machines from the normal x86_64 root, and I need to stop it to make this work.
    *I stop distccd on both machines (from normal x86_64 root)
    *I start distccd inside the 32-bit chroot on both machines:
    $ sudo chroot /bin/bash /opt/arch32
    (once inside I start the daemon then exit the chroot)
    Finally, outside of the chroots, I am able to use the schroot command to start the 32-bit builds and it works with distccd!
    $ schroot -p -- makepkg -src
    Is there an easier way, one that wouldn't involve the daemon stopping on the main environment (x86_64) and starting it up inside the chroots (i686) of both machines?
    When I try it without those steps that I have outlined above, it does not work.
    *I have 32-bit chroots on two x86_64 machines (paths mounted, just not chrooted into them).
    *The distccd daemon is running on both x86_64 machines from the normal x86_64 root.
    Note that if I run the makepkg wrapper script at this point, I will successfully compile in the x86_64 using distcc.
    *Outside of the chroots, I run the build script from the schroot command:
    $ schroot -p -- makepkg -src
    It build fails in many errors when the script hits a make step.  In this case it is "make prepare" as I attempt to build a kernel.  All 252 lines of the resulting errors are on pastebin to keep this post as crisp as I can

  • How do you make a program run when any user logs in?

    I have an application which will need to run when any users logs in.
    Such that Joe downloads and installs the application, logs out, then Sally logs in and the application runs for Sally.
    Does anyone know how to do this?

    Hey Steve, thanks for that link. It seems to be what
    I am looking for. What is the meaning of the
    ~/Library vs /Library ? They are definitely
    different folders.
    Yes, they are definitely different folders. The "~" character represents the current users home folder, so "~/Library" represents the Library folder that's located inside a users home folder. Anything placed in there will only affect the one user whose home folder you've accessed.
    The "/Library" folder is the Library folder that exists at to root of the boot volume. Things placed in this Library folder will affect all users of the system. Basically it's sort of a "global" Library.
    Also, from a script, how do I add an item to execute
    for that kind of PList?
    That could be tricky based on the structure of that particular plist file. I haven't really looked at it closely but one place you could start is to read the "man" page for the "defaults" command... enter "man defaults" in Terminal. The "defaults" command allows you to read/write plist files, but defaults is not very good at accessing deeply nested plist items.
    Related to that, how do I tell if the logging item
    for my App is already there? I do not want to keep
    adding to the list if it is there. If someone
    deletes my app and then reinstalls it, I do not want
    it to run twice, three times, etc..
    Again, you could possibly read the plist using the defaults command and determine whether your item was already present or not.
    Do you know of the one in the ~/Library path, what
    user it execute as? Since it is all users, it
    probably is root or something like that.
    No, the one in ~/Library is in each individual user home folder. It will execute with the current user's privileges. This is where Login Items normally go when you go through the GUI... "Sys.Prefs -> Accounts -> Login Items" and add a login item for one user.
    Even items placed in /Library, which should execute for all users, will execute with the current user's privileges.
    In the near
    future we might need root privileges, so I might need
    a program to startup for all users as root instead of
    the user.
    Is your app, that needs to run at login time, a GUI application or is it a faceless shell script (or something similar). Your original post gave me the impression that you needed to launch a GUI application. However, if it's a shell script then you probably want to look at doing a LoginHook instead of using the Login Items procedure at the web page I posted earlier. I believe a LoginHook will also give you the ability to run the script as root.
    Check out this link at the ADC website.
    Take a look at this information and this utility at Mike Bombich's website.

  • Running @Script.sql from inside C#

    I'm trying to include a script file as part of a deployment. I'm able to connect to my Oracle XE database in code and run stored procedures as well as text commands. My deployment will copy a script file into an install directory for later use. When the user activates history recording, I want to run this script file.
    I can run the script manually...@"C:\Program Files\History Setup\TestScript.sql"...without issue. Works just fine.
    Currently I recieve an invalid sql command error. At the moment I'm trying:
    Command.Connection = myconnection;
    Command.CommandText = @"@""C:\Program Files\History Setup\TestScript.sql""";
    Command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    catch (Exception ex)
    error handling
    If anyone has advice for running script files from inside C#, it would be appreciated.

    The other Dennis is correct. You must cleanup the text.
    This should give you a start. I have had good results using the forward slash as a delimiter.
    byte[] ba = GetFileContent("SomeFileName");
    string All_My_Statements = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ba);
    ExecutScript(NetConnectionString, All_My_Statements);
            public void ExecuteScript(string _connectstring, string _final_statements)
                   string[] cmd_seq = _final_statements.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                for (int i = 0; i < cmd_seq.Length; i++)
                    string act_cmd = cmd_seq;
    string tmp = actcmd.Replace("\r\n", "");
    act_cmd = _tmp;
    if (act_cmd.Length > 2)
    int r = ExecuteTextNonQuery(_connectstring, act_cmd);
    if (r == 1) // success
    LogThis("\tSuccess:" + act_cmd);
    LogThis("\tExecuted:" + act_cmd);
    catch (OracleException) { LogThis("\tException:" + act_cmd); }
    catch (System.Exception) { LogThis("\tException:" + act_cmd); }
    public static byte[] GetFileContent(string f)
    byte[] ba = null;
    System.IO.FileStream fs = new FileStream(f, FileMode.Open);
    System.IO.BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
    ba = br.ReadBytes((int)fs.Length);
    catch (System.Exception) { };
    return ba;
    public static int ExecuteTextNonQuery(string connectionString, string exec)
    int rtn_int = -1;
    using (OracleConnection oraconn = new OracleConnection(connectionString))
    string execcmd = exec;
    using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(_execcmd, _oraconn))
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    rtn_int = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
    catch (OracleException _oraEx)
    throw (_oraEx); // Actually rethrow
    catch (System.Exception _sysEx)
    throw (_sysEx); // Actually rethrow
    if (_oraconn.State == ConnectionState.Broken || _oraconn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
    } //using _conn
    return rtn_int;

  • Backup message error -SAP system is running or SAP user is connected to dat

    Hello ..
    when the backup started i got this message error ..before starting the backup, the shell shutdown the sap system but below message was showed
    BR0262I Enter database user name[/password]:
    BR0055I Start of database backup: bedvugxg.aff 2010-08-08 05.31.48
    BR0484I BRBACKUP log file: /oracle/AAA/sapbackup/bedvugxg.aff
    BR0477I Oracle pfile /oracle/AAA/102_64/dbs/initAAA.ora created from spfile /oracle/AAA/102_64/dbs/spfileAAA.ora
    BR0068E SAP system is running or SAP user is connected to database AAA - database cannot be shut down
    BR1025I Please shut down SAP system first or use the 'offline_force' option
    BR0056I End of database backup: bedvugxg.aff 2010-08-08 05.31.48
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2010-08-08 05.31.49
    BR0054I BRBACKUP terminated with errors
    [Major] From:  "OMNISAP" Time: 08/08/10 05:31:49
    BRBACKUP /usr/sap/AAA/SYS/exe/run/brbackup -t offline -d util_file -c -m all -u hpbkup/******* returned 3
    i am new on this, what should i review into the db?
    Regards and thanks in advance

    Hello Daniela,
    you try to perform an offline backup (which is a very uncommon way nowadays) and your SAP system is not down.
    This is also described in the official documentation:
    offline: Database backup in offline mode, in other words, the database is shut down during backup. When you select this parameter, BRBACKUP checks that no SAP system users are connected to the database. If an SAP System is active, the database is not shut down and BRBACKUP terminates the process with an error message (message number BR0068E).

  • Can a mac mini be set up to run two separate users at the same time?

    I work for a middle school and we need to purchase 20 computers that will just be used to run internet apps. Though we have all Macs, we don't have a big budget and for this one use only, we are condsidering purchasing inexpensive HP all-in-ones for about $450 each. However, I was wondering if a Mac Mini can be first set up with 2 partitions, install the OS on both partitions, then run two different users, with two separate monitors and keyboards, at the same time? This way, instead of purchasing 20 Windows computers, we could purchase 10 Mac Mini's (and displays) and save money, and still be supporting just one OS throughout the campus.

    If you setup a server, as in the Mac OS X Server Installation, pages 23ff show configurations, you can have multiple users, but they must all have computers.  Some installations can be done with dumb terminals but that is not what you seem to want.  Unix machines do have a multiple simultaneous user capability but you still have to have a computer for each user, again, not what you seem to want to do.  Right now there are two other users logged in on my Sun workstation on the desk behind me...they are logged in because I permit them to do so.
    And last night for an experiment I connected my iMac and MBP by ethernet wire, logged in on the iMac, then logged in on the MBP and from there on the iMac...but I set up the network to permit that and then disabled it again.  You can create security holes doing things like this.
    As dwb points out switching from Apple to PC equipment is a false economy that lures in administrators.  In our county school system we had a superintendent who hired a good friend...who had PC-industry ties.  Decided to remove all Apple equipment from the elementary schools and switch to PCs.  It wasn't long before they ended up going on a 4-year cycle of "refreshing" the equipment, i.e., completely replacing all hardware in every school on a four year cycle.  Since my wife was a Media Specialist, aka librarian, and responsible for technology in her school, every four years she had to develop a complete school map of where each teacher wanted the computers in their classrooms, complicated by where the technicians predetermined the locations of the network wire drops, of course.  then teachers get shuffled over the summer and all the plans are for naught.
    Anyway, there really isn't a solution to your problem except to buy a large number of computers and let each student use one and have them networked to a server, print server, printers, etc.  This is not inexpensive and cutting corners will only cause headaches for you.

  • Firefox Flash plugin crashes when FF launched with "Run as different user"

    I often start Firefox in Windows 7 (x64) using the "Run as different user" mechanism. After upgrading my Flash plugin to v11 (11.8.800.94), the browser will hang for several minutes when visiting any page that contains Flash content. When Firefox becomes responsive again, scrolling a page with Flash content will cause the app to hang again. Disabling the Flash plugin eliminates the problem.
    It seems the plugin is silently crashing -- I'm not alerted to a plugin crash in any way (no dialog or yellow "Flash player crashed" notice at the top of the window), but after FF hangs I will see a new crash report entry in the FF about:crashes list. An example crash report is available at
    The plugin does not crash when Firefox is running under the same account that is logged onto Windows interactively -- only when running FF as a different user. For example, if I log onto Windows with user account Adam and launch FF normally, the problem does not exist. If I close FF and launch it as user Bob (shift+right-click Firefox Shortcut, choose "Run as different user"), the problem will appear. However, if I log into Windows as user Bob and launch FF normally, the problem does not exist.
    I have tried the following as troubleshooting steps, all to no effect:
    Create new Windows user accounts to rule out potential Windows or Firefox profile issues.
    Use another PC (also Windows 7 x64). The same behavior occurs on both PCs
    Disable AVG antivirus.
    Upgrade Firefox to latest version (23.0.1).
    Disable Flash hardware acceleration.
    Give both user accounts full local admin privileges.
    Can anyone suggest something to try next?
    Update: Per the troubleshooting instructions at < >, I was able to eliminate the problem by adding the line
    to my C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\mms.cfg file to disable Flash Player Protected Mode. There are instructions on that page for submitting a Protected Mode-related bug, and I will follow through with that.

    Maybe you did't understand my previous statement. There are no crashes in FF 3.6, There is no previous evidence FF 14 was ever here, I completely uninstalled all trace of Firefox, no app data, no preferences, no cache. I will upgrade to FF14 so I can send IDs,
    so here ya go.
    Crash ID: bp-fa9da320-92dc-47f7-afff-33e702120718
    AdapterDeviceID: 0x2a02
    AdapterVendorID: 0x8086
    Add-ons: {972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}:14.0.1
    BuildID: 20120713134347
    CrashTime: 1342655269
    EMCheckCompatibility: true
    Email: [email protected]
    FramePoisonBase: 7ffffffff0dea000
    FramePoisonSize: 4096
    InstallTime: 1342655256
    Notes: AdapterVendorID: 0x8086, AdapterDeviceID: 0x2a02GL Context? GL Context+ GL Layers? GL Layers+
    ProductID: {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}
    ProductName: Firefox
    ReleaseChannel: release
    StartupTime: 1342655256
    Theme: classic/1.0
    Throttleable: 1
    Vendor: Mozilla
    Version: 14.0.1
    This report also contains technical information about the state of the application when it crashed.

  • Is it possible to run the Classic Environment INSIDE Rosetta on a MacBook Pro (Early 2008) with Leopard?

    Hi there,
    Rosetta works up until Snow Leopard. The Classic Environment works up until a late version of Tiger. Rosetta makes apps. built for PowerPC Macs work. The Classic Environment make apps. for Mac OS 9 work on Mac OS X for PowerPC Macs.
    Would it consequently be possible to run the Classic Environment INSIDE Rosetta?
    I have read, but I am still unconvinced unless there is a flaw to my logic. At any rate, I subscribe to the Churchillian adage of never giving in unless the forces of common sense and doctrine dictate otherwise.
    If it won't work, then why?
    Best Regards,

    Hi there, Klaus1, BDAqua and a brody,
    Thank you ever so much for your kind replies! (I tried giving you the 10 pts. of 'Correct Answers' to each of you, but unfortunately it was only possible for Klaus1, so the points were distributed between him and BDAqua even though you were all helpful!)
    My next question will naturally be: Is SheepShaver legal? My Google search didn't yield any conslusive proof that it was, nor any that it wasn't, but as the E-Maculation web page seemed quite official and above board I would assume that it is.
    The next logical step would be to ask whether it's safe for both HW and SW to run SheepShaver. HW, it appears, is very rarely, if ever, affected by SW settings, so I would assume that hardwarewise, I'm good to go. Could it ruin the kernel of Mac OS X's Unix-based operating system?
    Kind Regards,

  • Is it possible to check to see if a sequence has been called, or is run by a user?

    I'd like a subsequence to be called, but I'd like the Sequence to run differently if it is called versus run by a user.
    What statement should I use and is this even possible?

    How would the user run the sequence by itself?  Are talking about interactive mode?
    If Runstate.Caller returns NULL, or Nothing in TestStand.  Then you have an interactive execution, i.e. the sequence was not called by anything.
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

  • Why itunes 10.5 64 bit wont install on my 64bit hp probook ? when i run it my user account control asks me that do you want the following program from unknown purblisher to make changes on you on this computer?  program name :itunes 64setup.exe  purblishe

    why itunes 10.5 64 bit wont install on my 64bit hp probook ? when i run it my user account control asks me that do you want the following program from unknown purblisher to make changes on you on this computer?
    program name :itunes 64setup.exe
    file location: hard drive on this computer when i click yes nothing happens
    aditional ateps iv taken, uninstalled all itunes including quick time,banjour mobile updates ,everthing that has to do with apple products.went into window regestry and i dint find anything that has to do with apple in software bar
    restarted my laptop several times, put the setup on a External USB but still nothing happens ,blowsed all most all sites on goggle no where iv seen this problem ,pliz who can help?

    why itunes 10.5 64 bit wont install on my 64bit hp probook ? when i run it my user account control asks me that do you want the following program from unknown purblisher to make changes on you on this computer?
    program name :itunes 64setup.exe
    file location: hard drive on this computer when i click yes nothing happens
    aditional ateps iv taken, uninstalled all itunes including quick time,banjour mobile updates ,everthing that has to do with apple products.went into window regestry and i dint find anything that has to do with apple in software bar
    restarted my laptop several times, put the setup on a External USB but still nothing happens ,blowsed all most all sites on goggle no where iv seen this problem ,pliz who can help?

  • Oracle Java 7 in 32bit chroot

    Is anyone able to launch java applets using Oracle Java 7 and Firefox in a 32bit chroot environment?
    Whenever I browse to any site which opens a Java applet I instantly get the following exception:
        at java.lang.ProcessEnvironment.validateValue(
        at java.lang.ProcessEnvironment.access$400(
        at java.lang.ProcessEnvironment$Value.valueOf(
        at java.lang.ProcessEnvironment$StringEnvironment.put(
        at java.lang.ProcessEnvironment$StringEnvironment.put(
        at sun.plugin2.jvm.JVMLauncher.start(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMInstance.startImpl(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMInstance.start(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMManager.getOrCreateBestJVMInstance(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMManager.startAppletImpl(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMManager.startApplet(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMManager.startApplet(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.MozillaPlugin.maybeStartApplet(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.MozillaPlugin.setWindow(Unknown Source)
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at java.lang.ProcessEnvironment.validateValue(
        at java.lang.ProcessEnvironment.access$400(
        at java.lang.ProcessEnvironment$Value.valueOf(
        at java.lang.ProcessEnvironment$StringEnvironment.put(
        at java.lang.ProcessEnvironment$StringEnvironment.put(
        at sun.plugin2.jvm.JVMLauncher.start(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMInstance.startImpl(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMInstance.start(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMManager.getOrCreateBestJVMInstance(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMManager.startAppletImpl(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMManager.startApplet(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMManager.startApplet(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.MozillaPlugin.maybeStartApplet(Unknown Source)
        at sun.plugin2.main.server.MozillaPlugin.setWindow(Unknown Source)
    I have installed jdk from AUR. I have my 32bit chroot environment set up exactly at described on the wiki.
    This error only happens when I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/java/jre/lib/i386 before launching Firefox. But without this, the libraries aren't found. For example, in the Java console I see errors like: No such file or directory
    I've spent ages searching but I can't find a solution.

    Download the tar.gz installer and untar it to a location like /opt.
    Once you untar the archive, add the bin directory to your PATH variable and your should be all set to use it from the terminal.
    OR use sudo update-alternatives to set the java command to pick up your installed version.

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