Running ATG CRS from Eclipse

I am new to ATG technology. I am learning it currently by self. I have installed ATG10.0.3 and CommerceReferenceStore on my Windows machine. Also I have copied the ATG plugins to my Ecilpse Europa from another machine. I want to import the CommerceReferenceStore as an Eclipse project and be able to make some changes and view the results. I am stuck at this point. I do not know how to import the CRS code into Eclipse. Also how do I run CRS from Eclipse ? Kindly provide your inputs.
R. Babu

To refer the CRS code you can import the CRS project into Eclipse by adding the .project file to that project.
basically the .project file contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
copy this .project file inside CommerceReferenceStore module folder.
if you want to do any changes in CRS application then it is better to create a new module which extends the CRS module then add your extensions inside that new module and you can build and run this new module.

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    What product are you developing for and what is the product version?
    Best regards,
    Hallgrimur Th. Bjornsson | Product Manager | Adobe | Tel: +44 (0) 1314582787

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    It is called a here-document, as in "The Document is Right Here".
    anycommand_that_reads_stdandardin <<UNIQUE_STRING
    stuff to be
    read by the
    command via
    its standard input
    The typical convention is to use EOD for the unique string as in End-of-Data, but any string that will NOT occur in the body of the text starting in column 1 is fine. And keep the string simple, no spaces, tabs, funny characters, etc...
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    The advantage of the here-document is that you do not need to have a separate file, or do a bunch of echo statements into file so you can pass it as input to the command, and then remember to clean up the temp file later.
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    Win64 not supported
    The author of the package you are installing did not include support for this platform.
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    you can try below work around, i recommend not to perform this directly on production, try this in dev machine first.
    force uninstaller to use 32-bit jre:
    1. copy jre to the system 
    2. run >"Uninstall.exe" LAX_VM <path_to_jre>
    Thanks & Regards
    Suman Vasireddy
    Please mark any update as "Correct Answer" or "Helpful Answer" if that update helps/answers your question, so that others can identify the Correct/helpful update between many updates.

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    Hi Konda
    I am not quite sure you can do that and it would even be not supported... Again, what is the purpose? Why do you want to run your openscript code in Eclipse?
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    thanks :)
    eclipse does have it's own console however the class needs user input from the keyboard and this doesn't work in the eclipse console.. here's the complete code (c+p and try it, you'll see what I mean)
    package com.mydomain.userio;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    public class Password {
        public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException {
            Console c = System.console();
            if (c == null) {  //DIES HERE
                System.err.println("No console.");
            String login = c.readLine("Enter your login: ");
            char [] oldPassword = c.readPassword("Enter your old password: ");
            if (verify(login, oldPassword)) {
                boolean noMatch;
                do {
                    char [] newPassword1 =
                        c.readPassword("Enter your new password: ");
                    char [] newPassword2 =
                        c.readPassword("Enter new password again: ");
                    noMatch = ! Arrays.equals(newPassword1, newPassword2);
                    if (noMatch) {
                        c.format("Passwords don't match. Try again.%n");
                    } else {
                        change(login, newPassword1);
                        c.format("Password for %s changed.%n", login);
                    Arrays.fill(newPassword1, ' ');
                    Arrays.fill(newPassword2, ' ');
                } while (noMatch);
            Arrays.fill(oldPassword, ' ');
        //Dummy verify method.
        static boolean verify(String login, char[] password) {
            return true;
        //Dummy change method.
        static void change(String login, char[] password) {}
    }ps: I've googled extensively but can't find an answer OR I'm using the wrong terminology!
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    Am new to ATG,
    I have existing project which i imported using import option. can any one please let me know
    1.Settings for debug in eclipse. to debug ATG application in eclipse with weblogic.
    Am using weblogic 10.3.6 server and IDE is eclipse juno Service Release 1.
    Srinivas A

    Thanks for the replies.
    I have done the following as per the link given:
    1.set a debugFlag =true in setDomainEnv.bat in bin folder of weblogic. JaVa options are
    already set with port no 8453 and based on flag value, the debug java options are set at server startup.
    2.I started weblogic. It started successfully in debug mode. eclipse I have created remote configuration under remote java application for my project. Gave port as8453 and host as localhost and clicked debug.the server started.
    4..added some break points in code and generated ear file.
    Please correct the above steps whether I missed anything....
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    5.started the managed server and tried to access the url localhost:17010/mystore.
    No debugging is performed.
    Please let me know to deploy the ear file in managed serverfrom eclipse and debug the same from eclipse.
    2.should I use the debug port 8453 or the managed server port for debugging? my atg app,they are using out of box debug I require to set any flag to enable application level debug or not required.if required let me know the settings
    Happy new year to all!!!!!!!!!!!
    Edited by: 972474 on 31 Dec, 2012 9:31 PM

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    ***** Error Fri Jan 25 14:21:19 GMT 2013 1359123679337 /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager  at atg.dms.patchbay.Provider.initializeTopicConnection(*
    ***** Error Fri Jan 25 14:21:19 GMT 2013 1359123679337 /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager  at atg.dms.patchbay.PatchBayManager.createAdministeredDestinations(*
    ***** Error Fri Jan 25 14:21:19 GMT 2013 1359123679337 /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager  at atg.dms.patchbay.PatchBayManager.doStartService(*
    ***** Error Fri Jan 25 14:21:19 GMT 2013 1359123679337 /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager  at atg.dms.patchbay.PatchBayRestarter.performScheduledTask(*
    ***** Error Fri Jan 25 14:21:19 GMT 2013 1359123679337 /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager  at atg.service.scheduler.ScheduledJob.runJobs(*
    ***** Error Fri Jan 25 14:21:19 GMT 2013 1359123679337 /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager  at atg.service.scheduler.Scheduler$*
    ***** Error Fri Jan 25 14:21:19 GMT 2013 1359123679337 /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager*
    Could you please help on this.
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Gareth,
    No, the error is not coming during managed server startup time.
    It is coming during the application run and page navigation.
    Thanks and regards,

  • Cannot debug from Eclipse (Mac OS 10.7, Drive 3.01)

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    I recently downloaded the Adobe Drive 3 SDK and am having problems debugging the sample connectors from Eclipse.  I've followed all of the instructions in the documentation, but no matter what I try I cannot get my built connectors (both basicftp and helloworld) to show up when I try to initiate a connection in Drive 3.01.
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    I even tried doing a clean installation of everything on another machine, and had the same problem.
    Please help or suggest something else to try.  Thanks!

    Thanks so much for the suggestions.
    I haven't tried the 32 bit JVM yet, but your comments got me thinking about which bundles I have selected in my run configuration.  When I first tried selecting ALL bundles, I got an error when launching:
    The bundle could not be resolved. Reason: Missing Constraint: Import-Package: com.adobe.versioncue.serialization; version="0.0.0"
    To correct that, I had gone back to the run configuration, cleared all bundles, and pressed the "Add Required Bundles" button.  This only added a small subset of all bundles, but got rid of the validation error.
    I now went back and selected all bundles, despite the validation error, and now I am successfully able to launch the sample.basicftp bundle from Eclipse on one of my two machines.  The other one doesn't work, and when I go type 'ss' I see one of the bundles seems to get stuck in the STARTING state:
    I can probably continue working with my one working machine, but something still doesn't seem right.
    1)  Should I be seeing that "Missing Constraint" error above?  If not, then where do I find the bundle that it is looking for?
    2)  Any idea why the com.adobe.csi.bootstrap is getting stuck in the STARTING state.
    Once again, thanks so much for your help!

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    My simple application uses an 'external' API - JIntelliType - a jar file and a dll belongs to it.
    I can run the project fine from Eclipse, but I can't export it to runnable jar. I am a bit lost among classpath, path, build path, native library location, referenced library,..
    But maybe it doesn't matter because after trying to look this question up on the net, I am not sure if it is possible to do it with Eclipse (not without additional plugin at least).
    Could somebody please help me with this?
    Thank you in advance!

    Your question is that of deployment. In Eclipse you setup your development environment to include native binaries in the projects working directory. As soon as you leave Eclipse you do not have its facilities anymore and you need to make do with what the JDK has to offer you.So your real question is: I have a jar and a DLL, the jar depends on the DLL. How do I run the application such that the DLL can be loaded by it?
    The answer is: you can provide through a system property (java.library.path) which directory Java (and ultimately the operating system) should scan for native binaries, or you can simply put the DLL in the same directory as the jar. The current working directory (the directory where Java is invoked) is always on the binary search pat of the operating system.
    The documentation for the java tool is here:
    To pass a system property as a parameter you would do something like:
    java -Djava.library.path=path/to/libs -jar yourjar.jar

  • Debug the swing application from eclipse

    I had a swing application, to create a exe file i build the application using using build.xml. To run the application we need to open the exe file.
    I want to debug this swing application from eclipse. Can anybody please tell me how to debug this application.
    Note: I can able to debug simple swing application. But i can't able to debug this application.

    If it's an actual .exe--that is, if you've compiled it to a native Windows executable--then you can't debug it using a Java debugger (such as the one in Eclipse).
    If, on the other hand, you just have a .jar file or a bunch of .class files, then you can debug this app the same way you debugged the other one.
    If you don't provide more details about what you actually did and what exact problems you're having ("I can't do it" contains no useful information whatsoever), then it's impossible to provide any more detailed advice than this.

  • Export Project from Eclipse..?

    Hi All,
    How to export a Java Project from Eclipse including CLASSPATH libraries and that are in CONFIGPATH.. without missing..?

    As already suggested, you can export the entire Eclipse project as an archive like zip/tar, copy the archive to other system, extract and import it as an existing project into Eclipse on that system.
    Now to export an entire Eclipse project into an archive file, you can use File -> Export and select "Archive File" (under category "General") from the list of options and select the project you would like to export. It will create the archive of your project's filesystem including classpath and buildpath entries. You would have to ensure that all the classpath and buildpath entries, ATG Root etc. are valid on the system where you import it or you can update them manually if required.

  • Run Crystal Report from URL includes username and password

    I've downloaded CR 2008, and CR Server 2008 demo's.
    I'm trying to use a feature I've used with CR10 enterprise, and XI report server, where I can run a report direct from the URL.
    Something like:
    I've noticed that there were subtle syntax differences between CR10 Enterprise and XI report server in the past, and expect that similar differences exist with CR server 2008.
    Could someone show me the syntax for CR Server 2008 to run a report from a URL, and pass the required username and password, without having to go through the infoview logon screen

    Thanks for the reply.  I admit I did see that thread when I was looking for a solution.
    My hesitance is that for a non programmer it looks very difficult, and a lot of settings.
    I liked the URL reporting because of its simplicity - one line.
    I know that it advertises the username and password, but for our requirement (intranet reporting, LAN separated from IT), its not a big risk.
    My further investigations indicate that for CRS 2008 something like the following should work:
    However I get
    404 - File or Directory not found.
    I'm running on Windows7 with IIS7, so I think it must be an IIS configuration issue
    Any Ideas?

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