Running Automator in the background, on click ?

I made a script that I've told Automator to run, with the "Run Shell Script" Action. That works fine when I click the workflow file, which launches Automator where I can click Run.
What I want, is to click the workflow file without Automator showing up.
Or, I could bypass automator itself, if I could figure out how to open all *.php files with /usr/bin/php ... it seems to not let me navigate to that directory, but limit me to directories like Applications.

Items from various actions such as Ask for Finder Items or Get Selected Finder Items can be passed to the Run Shell Script action. Saving the workflow as an application will run it without launching Automator.
A file with a .php extension would be associated with whatever application created it (or a default application that can handle HTML files). A Unix Executable File isn't seen as an "application" by the system, so you will need to call it directly with your parameters.

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    I am trying to run an Automator App in the background without running in the status bar as it takes the focus from the current application that I am working in.  Is there a way to do this?  Some Google Fu stats that I can make some changes to the info.plist of the package contents of the application by changing the LSUIElement.  However when I follow those instructions, I am still unable to run the application in the background completely.
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    Items from various actions such as Ask for Finder Items or Get Selected Finder Items can be passed to the Run Shell Script action. Saving the workflow as an application will run it without launching Automator.
    A file with a .php extension would be associated with whatever application created it (or a default application that can handle HTML files). A Unix Executable File isn't seen as an "application" by the system, so you will need to call it directly with your parameters.

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    Ummm....Oracle Forms is a foreground runtime kind of thing. What you want is a database procedure (or an OS utility - it depends on what sort of processing you want to do in the background).
    Cheers, APC

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    You can always shut it down manually via the Task Manager
    On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 3:05 PM, frank koethen <[email protected]>

  • Running AppleScript in the background

    Okay, yet another problem I'm having that I'm going to bug the community here with.
    Is it at all possible to run AppleScript while doing other things? For example, if I wanted my AppleScript to hop online every hour and send me back information from my site could I have it do this while I do other things? Or will I have to wait until it's completed?
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    Something like
    tell application "Safari" to activate
    tell application "System events"
    tell process "Safari"
    (enter code here to get post number and send it to me)
    end tell
    end tell
    I've tried doing it like this and it definitely doesn't work at all if I don't have the Safari window selected at all times, so is there any way in which I can run script in the background while I work on other things or does AppleScript require full control of my computer while it's working?

    Save this script just like the others I posted. The script will do exactly as you asked.
    <pre style="width:630px;height:auto;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:hidden;"
    title="Copy this code and paste it into your Script Editor application.">property helloWorld : "Hello World "
    global numChars, charNum, x
    on run
    tell application "System Events" to set isRunning to exists process "TextEdit"
    if not isRunning then tell application "TextEdit" to launch
    tell application "TextEdit"
    if isRunning then make new document
    set name of window 1 to "Hello World"
    set numChars to number of characters in helloWorld
    set charNum to 0
    set x to 0
    end tell
    end run
    on idle
    tell application "TextEdit"
    if x = numChars then
    set x to 1
    set x to x + 1
    end if
    set charNum to charNum + 1
    set theChar to character x of helloWorld
    set character charNum of document 1 to theChar
    end tell
    on error
    end try
    return 0.1
    end idle
    on quit
    continue quit
    end quit</pre>

  • Running program in the background

    Hi everybody!
    I need to run  program in the background.
    So I need only to change the sy-batch status to 'X'?

    if your program is runninn in the Background then the System field SY-BATCH will become 'X' otherwise it will have space ......
    it will not execute the job in the background if you put SY-BATCH = 'X'
    you need to use: Job_open , Job_submit and job_close function modules
    *Submit report as job(i.e. in background) 
    data: jobname like tbtcjob-jobname value
                                 ' TRANSFER TRANSLATION'.
    data: jobcount like tbtcjob-jobcount,
          host like msxxlist-host.
    data: begin of starttime.
            include structure tbtcstrt.
    data: end of starttime.
    data: starttimeimmediate like btch0000-char1.
    Job open
      call function 'JOB_OPEN'
                delanfrep        = ' '
                jobgroup         = ' '
                jobname          = jobname
                sdlstrtdt        = sy-datum
                sdlstrttm        = sy-uzeit
                jobcount         = jobcount
                cant_create_job  = 01
                invalid_job_data = 02
                jobname_missing  = 03.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
                                           "error processing
    Insert process into job
    SUBMIT zreport and return
                    with p_param1 = 'value'
                    with p_param2 = 'value'
                    user sy-uname
                    via job jobname
                    number jobcount.
      if sy-subrc > 0.
                                           "error processing
    Close job
      starttime-sdlstrtdt = sy-datum + 1.
      starttime-sdlstrttm = '220000'.
      call function 'JOB_CLOSE'
                event_id             = starttime-eventid
                event_param          = starttime-eventparm
                event_periodic       = starttime-periodic
                jobcount             = jobcount
                jobname              = jobname
                laststrtdt           = starttime-laststrtdt
                laststrttm           = starttime-laststrttm
                prddays              = 1
                prdhours             = 0
                prdmins              = 0
                prdmonths            = 0
                prdweeks             = 0
                sdlstrtdt            = starttime-sdlstrtdt
                sdlstrttm            = starttime-sdlstrttm
                strtimmed            = starttimeimmediate
                targetsystem         = host
                cant_start_immediate = 01
                invalid_startdate    = 02
                jobname_missing      = 03
                job_close_failed     = 04
                job_nosteps          = 05
                job_notex            = 06
                lock_failed          = 07
                others               = 99.
      if sy-subrc eq 0.
                                           "error processing

  • How to run long running report in the background

    Oracle Application server 10g
    I need to run the long running reports in the background because while the report is running the cursor is loading and the control doesn't return to the user
    this feature exist in oracle 6i by set the following parameter
    How can I accomplish the same in OAS 10g?

    I've done this in 11g. I think it will be the same in 10g as well
    Following are the steps in 11g using run_report_object.
    1. Read metalink note: Using the Reports Server Queue PL/SQL Table and API - RW_SERVER_JOB_QUEUE [ID 72531.1]
    2. Implement RW_SERVER_JOB_QUEUE table as per above notes.
    3. When submitting report run it as background
    4. Display the job_id to user (notification).
    5. Create a new form to view reports base on on RW_SERVER_JOB_QUEUE which provides you the status, etc.... (you may have to create a way to identify the username who submitted the job. This way not all users will see the jobs in RW_SERVER_JOB_QUEUE )
    6. Optionally you can use NOTIFYSUCCESS=email to notify user when the report is finished.

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    Please post a screenshot that shows what you mean. Be careful not to include any private information.
    Start a reply to this message. Drag the image file into the editing window to upload it. You can also include text in the reply.

  • Run Servlet in the background (Daemon)

    Hi all ,
    I am using Apache Tomcat/5.0.25 container.
    Need some advice regarding running servlet at the background or as daemon . Below is the scope of the program :
    The servlet will do a updating in the database in the background every 5 minute.
    Any ideas how to implement such behaviour using servlet ?
    Wee Tat

    Make a thread and initialize in the init method of ur servlet.
    And make another thread so that it wakes up every five minutes and does the database processing..
    so ur servlet always has a thread which invokes the other thread(database accesing thread)..
    here is the code sample ..
    Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    Thread dbHandler = new DBHAndler(..);
    dbHandler .start();
    try {
    catch(IllegalThreadStateException e) { }
    hopefully it works..

  • Run OC4J in the background

    Is there anyway I can run OC4J in the background as an NT service?
    Thanks in advance.

    I took the approach above, and my experience was only partially successful. With some scrounging around newsgroups,, and Sun's website, I came up with the following solution:
    Creating an NT Service for OC4J
    OC4J by default runs as a command shell application, so it is bound to a user's login session and will die if the user who called the start command logs off of the system. Oracle has not provided a version of OC4J that runs as a service on Windows-based servers, so here is a process to create a service using the freeware utility, RunExeSvc ( This utility is more user-friendly and flexible than tools such as srvany.exe and instsrv.exe in the NT Resource Kit.
    1. RunExeSvc is installed
    (Unzip the file to a directory)
    2. Sun's JDK 1.3.1 is installed.
    (JDK 1.3.1 is required because a bug in prior versions of Sun's JVM for Windows killed any JVMs initiated by a user in that login session.)
    Installation Procedure
    1. Run the RunExeSvcAdmin.exe application
    2. Create a new service by copying the example script below into the Script window of RunExeSvcAdmin.exe. Some changes to drives and/or paths may of course be needed.
    3. Save the new entry and exit the application.
    4. The service should now appear in the services control panel. Changes may be required for its startup options.
    Example Script#########################
    # This script runs OC4J
    # RunExeSvc variables
    # if true, RunExeSvc will show internal status
    # the starting dir of the service
    # Running as an http server.
    cmdline=e:\jdk1.3.1\bin\javaw.exe -Xrs -jar orion.jar -out e:\oc4j_out.log -err e:\oc4j_err.log

  • How run OC4J in the background

    How can I run oc4j in the background(without a window open) on a solaris box?
    I have tried 'nohup java -jar oc4j.jar &' but the startup seems to hang when I do this.
    Any ideas?

    Make sure you can write to nohup.out in the current directory.
    Also, I typically start my OC4J in /etc/init.d from my solaris machine and that seems to work nicely.
    Also try putting the 2>&1 at the end instead of in the middle.
    Of you could try using CSH vs. SH, some google hits mention that makes life easier.

  • Running abap reports in the background when clicked on Webdynpro Button

    Hi Experts,
    I have requirement where when clicked on a Button in a Webdynpro application, it needs to run an abap reports in the background and I need to pass some parameters to the report.
    Is it possible to do that? if yes, please guide me though.
    Reward points for useful tips.
    Edited by: Sabbir Ahmed on Oct 17, 2008 8:05 AM
    Edited by: Armin Reichert on Oct 24, 2008 10:05 AM

    you can use rfc's model  for this na?
    pass the parameters to the RFC and through that RFC run the report,
    with regards
    shanto aloor.

  • Trying to run application in the background

    Hello there,
    I have written a small app using Apple Script. From the editor I have saved it as application and would like to run it as a background process. That is, I don't want it to show in the list of active applications I can switch to when I press command-tab. It does not matter if it is displayed in the dock or not. What I want to avoid is that every time that I switch to a different application that windowless application is also listed. By the way, I'm launching the application as a start up application and I have selected to hide the application, but it does not help, so I'm not sure if I'm missing anything. Any advise will be appreciated.

    01. Save the AppleScript code as an 'Application Bundle', via 'Script Editor's 'File, Save As...' menu items' 'File Format:' popup buttons' 'Application Bundle' menu item.
    02. In 'Finder' - '<control>' click (or right click, if using a multiple button mouse) on your just saved 'Application Bundle' application, and select the 'Show Package Contents' menu item. A window containing a folder 'Contents' will appear.
    03. Double click on the 'Contents' folder. A Window, titled 'Contents' will appear.
    04. Using 'Property List Editor' (installed when installing 'Xcode') open the file 'Info.plist'. A window titled 'Info.plist' will appear.
    05. Click on the disclosure triangle (which is pointing to the right) to the left of 'Root'. The disclosure triangle will point down, and the contents of 'Root' displayed.
    06. Click on 'Root'; the 'New Sibling' button will be renamed 'New Child' and will become enabled ... or ... Click on any item below 'Root'; the 'New Sibling' will become enabled.
    07. Click on the 'New Child' or 'New Sibling' button.
    08. Enter 'LSUIElement' (without the single quote marks), and then press either the '<tab>' or '<return>' key. The entry may jump to a new position.
    09. Locate the 'LSUIElement' entry row (listing), and under the 'Value' column click twice, enter '1' (without the single quote marks), and finally press the '<return>' key.
    You should now see (under 'Property' 'Class' 'Value' respectively) ...
    LSUIElement String 1
    10. Close the 'Info.plist' window. A drop down sheet will appear. Click on the 'Save' button.
    11. Quit 'Property List Editor'.

  • Running Skype in the background on iPhone 3Gs

    I was under the impression that the 3Gs could run more than one application at one time. I am trying to figure out how to start Skype and just leave it running as long as I am online (wifi, of course, I understand that Skype won't work over 3G). I want to be able to answer calls via Skype and not have to leave my iphone on Skype all the time.
    Anyone know how to do this?
    (I was really, really disappointed to learn that the iPhone/ATT deal doesn't include an app that allows me to automatically switch from 3G calls to WiFi when I get into WiFi range. My Blackberry did this without as much as a thought...totally automatic... Anytime I was near a WiFi network, anyone who called my cell phone number would be connected to me via VOIP. I'm really bummed the iPhone doesn't do this. )

    What I'm trying to accomplish is to have an app which will accept VOIP calls open and running at all times so that I don't use cell phone minutes while I'm on WiFi. That was the joy of the Blackberry (also ATT): Whenever I was on Wifi, anyone who phoned my normal cell phone number was automatically routed through Wifi and connected to my blackberry, just like a normal cell voice call...but it was using VOIP and I didn't have to use my cell minutes. I was completely dumfounded to learn that this wasn't standard operating procedure for the iPhone. So I figured, OK, the next best thing would be to have the iPhone have Skype running in the background so folks could at LEAST contact me that way without it using my cell minutes.
    So far, not so impressed with way ATT and Apple have this arrangement going. I hope I can find some Apps for the iPhone that impress me perhaps that will help redeam the (pretty lacking) VOIP integration that I've seen so far.
    But I totally admit: I'm new at the iphone (Apple user since 84) and I may yet become convinced that this is a decent product.... Week 1 with the 3Gs, pretty disappointing.

  • Running xscreensaver in the background after resume from hibernate

    I'm using hibernate-script with my tuxonice kernel. One of the things that annoys me about xscreensaver is how when I resume its always running (because the requisite time has passed), so I have to type my password again, having just typed it at BIOS level.
    So I killall xscreensaver in an OnSuspend in /etc/hibernate/common.conf. However, restarting xscreensaver doesn't go to the background. What I'm using is this:-
    OnResume 20 sudo -b -u MYUSERNAME /usr/bin/xscreensaver
    However the terminal that I typed sudo hibernate from never returns, I have to killall xscreensaver from another terminal to get it to release. The problem does not occur when I login to a vt as root and run the same command.
    Any suggestions?

    I just registered for the forum so I could toss in my solution, so I hope this is what you're looking for. I fork the process and use the 'disown' command. I also use Dan Bernstein's 'setuidgid' utility because I couldn't get it to work with su (I didn't try very hard):
    OnResume 70 setuidgid USERNAME xscreensaver > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown
    This works for me even if I execute hibernate and resume from a terminal, despite the fact that II get a "can't find display" error from the terminal.
    Of course, the stdout and stderr redirect to /dev/null is not necessary. The 'disown' command removes the subprocess from the process table, so that the subprocess is no longer a child of the parent. It is cast off, essentially. I also use a similar command for restarting gkrellm because gkrellm sometimes fails to recognize my second battery after resume.
    One quirk I have found is that hibernate will halt if a kill or killall fails. I thought this was happening because the kill command had returned a non-zero exit status. But I just discovered that forking a kill command prevents hibernate from halting when a kill fails, as in:
    OnSuspend 20 killall xscreensaver > /dev/null 2>&1 &

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