Running Mulitple instances concurrently

I have installed oracle 8.1.7 on windows 2000 Advanced server. I have created two instances and appropriate listener files for these instances. However I cannot run these two instances concurrently. at any point of time only one can run.
I have to switch back and forth between two instances , whereas my requirement is to have both instances running con currently.
Anyone please help to resolve this.
Thanks in Advance.

hey! if you are sure you have install two instances successfully, then you can always have both of them running concurrently.
lets assume the two instane names are oracle1 & oracle2 respectively
Make sure that the databases are registered correctly with the listener.check the "listener.ora" in your 'orahome\network\admin folder. Also verify the connect descriptor for the databases in your "tnsnames.ora file" also in the same directory....
If all check is successful then you can attempt starting up the instances../
C:\>set oracle_sid=oracle1
SQL>conn / as sysdba
If you recieve a reply of connected, then you are connected to oracle1
ELSE ("you recieve connected to an idle instance") then type:
SQL>startup and the instance will be started.
when the instance is started and you are sucessfully connected as a sysdba, then type:
SQL>conn /@oracle2 as sysdba (If you get "connected to an idle instance", then the instance isn't started, Type:
the instance will start and try to mount corresponding database.
Remember, in future whenever you want to connect to database 'oracle2', you will have to type:
SQL> conn /@oracle2 as sysdba
SQL>host set oracle_sid=oracle2
SQL>conn / as sysdba
Now your defoult SID has become oracle2.
If you still have problems, mail me [email protected]

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    Hope this gives some direction !
    Bundling using Function Modules for Updates
    If you call a function module using the statement CALL FUNCTION ... IN UPDATE TASK, the function module is flagged for execution using a special update work process. This means that you can write the Open SQL statements for the database changes in the function module instead of in your program, and call the function module at the point in the program where you would otherwise have included the statements. When you call a function module using the IN UPDATE TASKaddition, it and its interface parameters are stored as a log entry in a special database table called VBLOG.

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    "If there are several database instances running off the same Oracle home, then each will have its own Database Control instance".This is true, and also means each instance will have its separate database (i.e. dbf files etc.) & separate DB Control. Usually in this case you create several instances on the same node.
    Now I assume that this statement implies multiple instances accessing the same physical database (which as per my knowledge can happen only in case of a RAC).You are correct about RAC where several instances (usually running on separate nodes) access the RAC.
    More info:
    1 Oracle Home - 1 Database - 1 SID is possible.
    1 Oracle Home - Many Databases - Many SID is possible.
    1 Oracle HOme - 1 Database - Multiple SID is possible and this is called RAC.

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