Running quickbooks on mac

how do I transfer quickbooks from PC to Mac?

I assume that you want to run the desktop version of QuickBooks on your Mac instead of your PC (rather than the online version).
First, make sure that you have QuickBooks for Mac, version 2007 or newer, installed on your Mac.
Open QuickBooks on your PC.
Open the company file in QuickBooks Pro or Premier for Windows.
Go to the File menu, click Utilities, and then click Copy Company File for QuickBooks Mac.
Choose a name and location for the file. The backup file must have a .qbb extension.
QuickBooks saves your data to a backup file, suitable for opening in QuickBooks for Mac.
Note that all data may not be converted from PC to Mac version. So please note:
You need to check the data integrity after you convert the file.
You should not switch back and forth from PC to Mac to PC versions.
You can upload lists to QuickBooks Pro using spreadsheets.
Let me know if this helps..

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    Thank your for your attention.

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